What's The Dumbest Thing That Set You Off At Work? (r/AskReddit)

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I quit my job after telling off a four-year-old for shaking his cap at me what's the dumbest thing that has set you off at work I was a lifeguard for an uppity condo association when I was in college every day I had to deal with this typically rich spoiled entitled brat of a 12 year old boy in the last stroke er during finals I had had very little sleep my car was freakin up and I had two tough tests that day that drained me even further I was sitting in my chair watching the pool and the brat walked up to me carrying my keys with a pair of barbecue tongs hey I found your keys now my keys were attached to a metal two fingers tequila rectangle thingie so not thinking things through I opened my hand and he drops the keys into them it took about two seconds before I realized they were red-hot the little sucker had let them sit in the hot coals of a grill for a while before picking them up with the tongs and bringing them to me the smirk on his face was begging me to throttle him I came very very close to knocking the crap out of him but at least had the clarity to know what would happen if I did I closed the pool and went to the condo Association office to let em know I would not work if this kid was allowed in the pool from then on I was fired on the spot s hould have filed a police report my girlfriend worked at a grocery store in the produce section for a few years she was stocking the bananas and a customer came up to her grabbed a bunch of bananas held it up and said rather sharply these bananas are green to which she claps her hands and said very good got fired I am the only male worker in my workforce in retail it was a very busy busy day in the store was moving and I had to keep on top of things I get this very annoyed woman coming up to me yelling at me to hurry when I asked how her day was she had returned a crapload of things our return policy as we can only give money back in the form it was paid for I told her I just couldn't give her cash back I am a poun and not a manger so I could not override the system to give cash back she kept saying she wanted cash back and nothing else I explained to her our whole return policy without ever losing my temper she vendôme on to see my manager who is female my manager says the exact same thing I said the woman was like oh okay I understand so then my manager was giving her money back on her card she paid with then the woman was like that's what you get for hiring unintelligent men I had been there nine months my boss suddenly stopped doing the transaction cancelled it and said have a nice day the woman was like what about my money my boss was like too bad this man was doing everything right now get out of my store what a boss I am a manager and had a guy refused to talk to me because I am female and he didn't want a woman assisting him I told him he could sit his butt in the lobby until a man showed up which was a few days later then all my male co-workers refused to help him I've gotten something similar I am a male employee at Hallmark and we sell Vera Bradley so men a woman come in and unlike you of a guy you don't know anything about Vera Bradley grabbed me one of the girls be I have the entire Vera Bradley catalog memorized I'm an Asian guy working in the electronics department of a retail store one day some kids 13 - 14 year-olds walked by me and said hey what's up Jackie Chan I told them to go freak themselves and that they were white cracker pieces of crap they ran and told their parents who then reported it to my manager luckily the manager just laughed at the situation and told me to carry on good move by your manager I wouldn't fire Jackie Chan either he could Frick crap up he'd use an LCD TV as a weapon or something so I used to work full-time for an electronics retailer spoiler alert it was Best Buy where I sold TVs I honestly didn't mind most people even when customers would get pee off I would find myself just kind of smiling inside that house seriously people take such little things the one thing that did pee me off was when a guy came in with his own janky bought tube TV from the early nineties in a cart he demanded that he test out various antennas that we sold because the last one didn't work a guy who worked me and also happen to be a pretty good friend can lightly and patiently explained to the man that what he needed was a digital converter box he even took one out of the packaging and set it up for the crazy bastard this whole while the butt hole with the TV was calling my coworker an idiot telling him that he didn't know what he was talking about and demanding that he set up just the antenna that's all I need see my buddy was being a good sport about it chuckling a little bit and repeating himself but when I overheard that fricking mouth breather calling my coworker an idiot I flipped crap I didn't do anything too crazy but I walked up to the pair of em and kick the guy out of the store which I had no real authority to do it was very satisfying though I feel that associates should hold the small but whole cacao tree or thority my friend was a kindergarten teacher until she called one of her students Abbey after the kid squirted a bunch of glue in her face and then threw glitter we had an old lady pay for four cans of coke then grabbed five and try to leave she then refused to open her handbag and return it because we charge too much one dollar and fifty cents per cold can and now we're a small business and we regularly lose hundreds of dollars every year to theft of these cans alone my boss six-plus firmly takes her by the arm and walks her around the block bottle shop next door two dollars and 20 cents for a can fish and chips shop across the road two dollars and fifty cents cafe next to that two dollars and fifty cents news agency next as derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives derivatives to mister that Avista that oh that she never did come back much love Opie I had a table of six all gouge bags basically treated me like a douche the whole time acted like highly entitled American teenagers same sad story but then they tried to dine and dash on me in a former life I was an all-state linebacker and I cambered dog like a mother sucker so after running a 4.4 for T in full waiter gear I catch them in the parking lot guy says what do something and pushes me so I boxed his freaking ears hard really hard as much as I hated this guy don't do this to people it freakin dropped him anyway cops get called he agreed to not press charges for my hurting his ears in exchange for the restaurant not pressing charges for the third-degree shoplifting and the cops made him pay the tab of course I got stiffed on the tip but it was still the most awesome violent win of my life I got fired but I am still friends with my former manager from this instance I bet you cured the son of a B of that little habit I was working at a canteen at my local Football Club when some guy bought a hotdog with a $5 note when I brought him his change he looked at me and said he gave me a 20 he had done this before at a busier time and I hadn't noticed till after so I was certain this time I refused to give him the extra change and he threatened me I was around 14 and none of the other butthole customers did anything my manager then made me give him the extra money never have I been more P of a twerk trick that crap used to work out Starbucks and if atill came up short I'd have to make up the difference out of my own pocket would have laid it in to my manager if that happened I just did my last day at a certain pharmacy chain recently well it happens that my first customer starts my shift out screaming at me about Mayo now we always try to order things but since my store was low-budget the destroy Center always gave us the shaft own add items we couldn't substitute anything for this item either my hands were tied I explained all of this to her and told her that a store very close by had the Mayo this set her off it was my fault gas was $5 a gallon 3.35 really that I probably pee off the distro people since I was such an butthole and she wanted to talk to the manager I was the manager on duty and told her this while still being incredibly courteous about it at this point she goes no frickin I want to talk to your manager again this was my last day so the heck with it I hand her the 1800 number card for customer service and tell her to talk to them too few snatches it out of my hand and goes I am gonna get you fired I am gonna get what I want from this company one way or another at this point I just lost it and said you do that go ahead maybe they'll tickle your bum a little too if you ask nicely and walked off I come back to the counter after I know the woman has left the cashier Matt had only been there three days was witness to all of this and was in tears laughing so I had a little Freddie moment too I worked at an oilfield company for about a year and a half I started off with no experience in the oilfield no experience on operating and fixing heavy machinery no experience pulling goose necks through downtown traffic and also no experience driving 18 wheelers I moved up very quickly for someone who had no experience I handed for a raise and a position upgrade because I had the records to prove I was worth it and the people I worked with wanting me moved up as well so the position I had could be available one week after my boss told me this position was mine and to enjoy the new salary benefits company truck et Cie the boss comes in and calls a meeting he hired his brother on the spot that day some 20 year old kid who smokes that legal crap so much his brain is fried also the kid has no experience here and was introducing him to everyone two weeks after I got my new position one week after the CEO hired his brother the head Cyr promoted his brother up about five levels as far as promotions go guess whose job you took my new job please tell me you went ape crap was working at a Pizza s and I was 18 worst day of my life up to that point busy bus schooled a busy bus Friday night dinner rush found now that day parents were getting divorced all I wanted to do was stay in the corner doing bushes all night and not be bothered it was fine I was content angry but content finally one of the chef Leeds who had started the same time as me it was only permeated the week before came up and asked me to wash the silverware I said sure and went off to find the certain tray we used to wash the silverware and find it up front full of clean silverware that the waitstaff had not yet wrapped yet so I said Frick it and went back to doing my dishes about 20 minutes later shift lead girl comes back and said I thought I told you to wash the silverware I responded I saw they hadn't wrapped the clean ones yet even said the last thing I wanted anyone to say to me you have to do what I tell you I'm a manager I lost it trick you freak this job I don't need this crap I've been here over a goddamn freaking year and you don't think I know how to wash goddamn silverware Frick this threw down my shirt and walked out the entire store heard me when I got out back my buddy who had just gotten off the clock and knew I was on my last nerve started cheering after he had realized I was walking out best feeling ever upvote for pizza yes ex bartender here was working an extremely busy Saturday night solo when i generally have a second guy helping me out on the weekend butthole had called in sick after staying out too late people are coming up to my bar non-stop we had two different ones and the other one was far less busy with extra bartenders just because it was the cool one I'm barely managing to keep up when some guy shoulders his way through the crowd and slaps the bar I'm in the middle of mixing a drink and ignore him as I work on it and then he has the balls to snap at me no really this sucker snapped at me I glared at him from behind the bottle I was pouring from and he says bro I need six modulus but five minutes ago get on it or I'm not leaving you anything I snapped reaching to the side I grabbed the wet bucket that held the mint in it all over him I followed this by grabbing the bottle of rum and shaking it all over his face while simultaneously spraying him with club soda from the soda gun I got fired WH shows a mijito now B I had broken my toe and was up all night doing sound for at local promoter and then had to go work at food world some old ancient guy in my line is bitching because it is taking me too long to check him out even though I'm pretty quick and most of his stuff was canned which I just slide across real fast not sure what he was griping at so one of the cans rolled back as I was trying to go faster so he'd shut up and double scans he gets mad and throws a Knopf cabbage a big can on the conveyor it bounces off and lands right on my broken foot I picked up a cabbage and hit him with it and walked out I knew I was going to be fired for that but the crap hurt I was about 17 or so at the time I too am a server I have dozens of similar stories but one in particular sticks out super busy Sunday morning breakfast rush I barely have time to bring people their food let alone anything else father of two girls comes in girls are about 8 and 10 father asks me to remove all preset silverware coffee cups sugar salt pepper et Cie from the table because he doesn't want his kids messing with it and breaking it I move everything to tables over to a vacant table this guy yells at me tells me I need to bring it back to the kitchen duh since when can you not control your 8 and 10 year olds if you can't take them out in public and have them not break crap you've got bigger problems than coffee cups buddy I left his butt sit there forever I put his food ticket and last I generally made it take as long as humanly possible for this guy to get his food when I dropped it off at his table he had the nerve to ask me for silverware and condiments so he could eat WTF I worked at a Toys R Us in the past few months I'm not there anymore and on a day where I was helping move a bunch of boxes are thought one shelf and onto another a group of drum kits and small electronic pianos which included moving different price tags around a woman came in and stood around the section I was in before zeroing in on a drum kit I was kneeling down in front of having just taken it down from the very top shelf I had gathered up the price tags in my fist at that point and so set them down on the box before helping this woman kind of a mistake after asking how she was doing this woman bent down to the price tags that I had momentarily placed on top of the box I was just carrying saw the $24.99 price tag designated for the piano kits placed at the very top of the pile and used her almighty powers of reason and logic to deduce our tag of all tags determined the cost over 100 100 100 100 100 won Hayek's planed to her that that's not how it worked that the drum kit was actually not the price of a small electronic piano that the tags weren't even affixed to where they would need to be in order for us to have made a mistake in the first place and she absolutely lost her crap she started yelling at me about how when I was younger I did things competently and knew how to price things right and how if a price tag is sitting on a product on the floor clearly in the process of being moved around however loose and unattached it may be it automatic it automatic it automatic or tamati I refused to get mad at her and instead asked her what she would like me to do for her she says she wants me to hand in my uniform and learn how to deal with people I asked her to stay still and I call the store director to come deal with her when he gets there she starts yelling at him with everything she's got from do you know who I am - I'm going to report you to head office and he just stands there and smiles and nods serenely the Calma he was the matter she got after repeatedly denying her demands to walk away with the drum kit for free the lady just gave up and left director comes to me and gives me a high-five for not blowing up in her face the place had its problems hence my quitting but that was a cool boss moment it's true the camera person is especially in customer service the more irate the other person usually becomes it's glorious I had this guy go off on me and call me an idiot because the cafe I worked at was out of Hal from the house it was a Starbucks like setting so I had to just sit there and listen to this butthole it turns out we had just ran out and the manager was at the local supermarket buying some more this guy went on for like five minutes while the line got longer so I eventually told to go get his coffee elsewhere that we weren't interested in his business and that he was being a pain in the butt I didn't get fired my manager actually backed me up but I got a corporates write-up bla bla bla my friend was complaining that I was taking too long to pick him up to go to school because I had to go get gas which he never gives me money for even though I take him to and from school he asked me with a serious face why did you need to get gas to which I calm he replied that my car was on the instance it doesn't run or fog the power of friendship I had to put gas in it then I cast him out and called his girlfriend and W hope you're not a doormat anymore I don't mind giving the occasional friend a ride but if it's going to be a long-term thing they need to pony up for it especially if they're going to be bought hats like that working in event planning solidifies how any kind of celebration can bring out the worst in people on this particular day everything seemed to drag on go wrong you name it it happened it didn't help that I went to bed at 4 a.m. right before my shift was over I received a phone call from a lady requesting the following Saturday in a crime Laden part of the city for the record we have had equipment damage there plus we take the safety of our employees very seriously unfortunately we are sold out for that to all of a sudden she begins screaming at me you just don't want to come out here well she was right I couldn't get a word in edgewise over her yelling nor could I understand her and yes I should have hung up but I held out hope that I could still salvage the call so I cut her off and tried sounding as professional as possible to wreck another company until you just don't want to deal with blacks mom I explained that the date is sold out we cannot manufacture equipment we don't have I have the name of another Kong I'm calling the news on you I was done then frickin do IT and I slammed down the phone I was shaking from the anger my eyes were blurred out I remember planting myself in my chair and staring at the phone secretly daring the betta call back I couldn't believe what I had just done slamming down the phone is the thing I miss most about non mobile telephones as a preschool teacher I had a rather large woman I'm small standing over me and my face yelling at me because I told her daughter she wasn't a real princess she could pretend to be anything she was making the other girls cry that is the moment I decided preschoolers parents are nuts and I'm getting out and age doesn't make the parents better funny you should ask as I got set off today I'll try to be brief a mentally handicapped guy came in today and was somehow ruder than any of the customers we've helped in the past year easily we were both really kind of when helping him will he stayed on the phone through an earpiece while we tried to help him yelling at the person he was on the phone with every time we tried to answer his questions he got upset when we couldn't offer him one of our services because of some fine print in a commercial he had seen and he began to get belligerent with one of my younger co-workers I turned his attention towards me instead and he tried to pull the same thing he started going on and on about how we were asking stupid questions and then focused on how stupid we were using as many irrelevant insults as possible I took half a dozen of them in stride and gave him my sincerest apologies will he kept going being more and more condescending to being a big guy six feet four inches 280 lbs I stood up abruptly from my workstation and advanced a few steps towards him he immediately stepped back and started mumbling about how he wasn't a fighter and didn't want any trouble my peacefully stood my ground in the short him that there would be no trouble as long as he left right away I feel absolutely terrible that I had to intimidate someone with spell NEADS though that female co-worker told me she had felt scared with some of the things he had said and I wouldn't have tolerated that kind of behavior from anyone handicapped or not TL DR I snapped on a mentally handicapped customer for getting belligerent with me and a younger coworker as a guy who takes care of mentally handicapped people for a living I can attest that some mister people are the biggest buttholes on the planet mainly the autistic ones a lot of people spend so much time feeling bad for them just because their special needs that it makes the situation worse because they never see any consequences for their actions it was this Christmas Eve that just passed was working a seven hour shift with another two hours of and paid overtime as well I work at a pizza place and was on cut for those who haven't worked at busy pizza places the cutter never moves from his place if I lose cut than the ovens back up and everything goes to crap I am a good cutter and a lower member of the stores management we have a three-tiered oven and all ovens pumping out pizza then this middle-aged man comes in he walks through and past the thick of customers waiting to place or pick up their orders and just stands there staring at me now our servers are smart they will ignore men like him and do their job properly and serve people in order thank God we have good staff anyhow he sounds there and keeps tearing trying to get my eye contact it just ticks me right off here we are busy as all Frick working Christmas freaking Eve no public holiday pay and paid overtime and this prick is leaning over the counter being an impatient bitter lonely old man I turn around speaking clearly and loudly over the din hey mate how can I help you when he replies what do you think you are a major in the army with his nasty little commie accent I am just like what the Frick in the my head he then proceeds to have a go at me so I just turned around and start cutting pizzas again after a few orders I stopped again turn around and ask him which name he's waiting for he says Steve and I turn around and pick up the order I had just cut with his name on it he then complains I mutilated it says I've been rude to him and asks for someone else to serve Him he also said I am NOT your mate I just stopped dead turn around and walk out of the kitchen I was about to either quit or beat the crap out of this see in the meantime with no one on cast so it backs up slightly I yell for a maker to hop on cut and Marshall runs to the front to cut he's faster than me but not as neat so this middle-aged prick standler and realizes I am actually a good cutter and his pizzas are cut perfectly I get my head again walk over and say as you can see things are a little busy so I am going to have to serve take his money give him his change and have a good night mate I then walk over and pick up a ringing phone and all I hear is man your pizzas are so crap go Frick you and your pizzas Frick you see I hang the phone up walk outside and started laying into the industrial skip bin broke my hand came inside and finished my shift 8 hours later TL DR they went my career as a hand model when I was like 12 or so I once shook my glass at a waitress as she was clearing plates I smiled when she took my glass but when I got it back full of soda I was confused I just wanted her to take it with the dishes so she didn't have to make two trips yes later I learnt how rude that was and I had one of those oh god why moments I used to work for a cell cable company in face-to-face sales and customer service sometimes if someone was signing up for a bunch of services it could take 10 15 minutes if the network decided to be slow that day it could take 30 or more mins I understood people's frustration at waiting in line but it was still a thankless job one time this lady came while I was working alone and started freaking out after waiting maybe five minutes she caused a huge scene demanded to speak to the manager bla bla bla' stomp stomp stomp anyone who's ever worked retail knows this routine I calmly told her to relax and that she would get the same service the people in front of her were getting when it was her turn she never relaxed so she waits probably 25 minutes get to the front of line says finally and slaps her bill on the counter she's in the wrong store I say you can't pay that here she looks like she about to explode on me I explained to her that my company's theme is red and that everything around her is red the whole store is red while her company's theme is blue everything blue any Canadian will know how stupid you would have to be to mix this up anyway she claims that her company directed her to my store's address and once a me to call their customer service to get an explanation I say I don't think they did and I'm not going to do that she begins to protest but then decides to just scurry out instead I quit eventually the company didn't treat employees any better than customers treated employees getting it at both ends no thanks I once had a customer that wouldn't tell me what item he needed several times at a boating store only for him to get pee at me for not helping him under pressure I just held up my hands and yelled dude I don't know what the Frick you want you wouldn't tell me so I didn't help you now get the Frick out of my store he stared at me blankly and said well crap then left I hate to when people expect to be waited on at every story imaginable my sister was a waiter at a Chili's for almost two years she had been feeling for a while like it was time to quit given how stressed she was all the time I don't know how anyone can do that job one Sunday night a group of churchgoers came in from evening services and they set em in her section the group told her at the very beginning of the meal we just want you to know that we won't be tipping you this evening because wait for it we don't believe in people working on Sundays my sister was taken aback and to her credit for the most part kept her cool she did reply well i woldn't have to work on Sundays if there were-- and so many people coming in after church she went and told her manager stuck up for her and told the family we had Chili's don't believe in our waitresses working for free and so I will be serving you this evening she quit shortly afterward I went off on this woman for putting packages of meat on the floor ain't my job to raise you right during a morning show Radio shift my co-host and I were called up and berated by some angry dude who didn't like the music we were playing this boiled my blood for no reason when it was time for the sports report our sports guy started talking about NASCAR and I cut him off man who cares what those rednecks are doing it's just left turn after left turn if it weren't for the fatalities it wouldn't even be a sport the tirade went on for way too long and surely P a lot of people off but no one called the studio probably in fear of getting verbally sodomized on the air and not one of my greatest moments on the radio I used to work at a movie theater and was always getting into arguments with people I don't remember the situation but I do remember that someone started fussing and I snapped at them realizing I might have gone overboard I apologized they however continued bitching it was then I decided I'd had enough and said you know what I'm actually not sorry and you need to leave sure enough they left another night I was assaulted by a customer manager had provoked her she punched a sign at him and it hit me instead I was super irritated already in these redneck teenagers came in they started antagonizing me a little bit until I started off at then the leader called me a dong and then I about lost it internally externally I kept my composure and told him that they needed to leave because I wasn't going to deal with that harassment and if they didn't leave I would get the security guards involved they left I have so many more stories like this should have just spilled a drink on em I've done it a few times I worked at a Chili's for about three weeks before I snapped and quit one day after a mom yelled at me for not putting ketchup on her fattest brats burger the kid was about 12 and there was a bottle of ketchup literally three inches from his fat little hand he was a little crap the whole time I was taking his order his mom was a see his dad was a spineless a shat I kindly told the kid the ketchup was on the table after he demanded I take the plate to the kitchen his mother yelled at I should put it on her son's burger for him and that I wasn't getting a tip yada yada I just walked off and told someone I don't even remember who that I was taking my tips and going I'm so glad I don't have to deal with children now we have a regular drive-thru customer at my job he expects us to know his order sell he always orders though his name and Weis name special it's got to be some sort of social and psychological thing with him to make him feel special since he's the only person who does it I didn't know what it was and when I apologized and told him he freaked the Frick out I don't remember a lot since I fell into this sort of a pathetic state but I do definitely remember the words I don't mean to be and but but I'm having a bad day I have no idea my manager really did this but I guess he was warned to not do that again or we would refuse service to him a month later my coworker was dealing with him and said she was new didn't know his order and asked politely if he could please tell her he replied with this paint if I must about a week after that he was acting as sweet as pie and after he ordered he told me hey can you do me a favor can you have a great day I bit my tongue because I like my job a swipe I don't give a crap if you're rich we aren't your servants you're useless business coupons and going to frost over the fact that your slimy dalchi bag I can't help but wonder if he treats his wife and kids like that this will probably get buried but anyways working as a cashier in a busy supermarket served a customer as normal except while I was scanning he decided to put a 20 on the conveyer belt which I moved I hadn't finished scanning and that stuff just goes underneath it but his wife picked up the 20 when I moved it which I didn't see finished scanning totals just under 50 bucks wife hands me a 50 so I give her her three or so dollars of change next thing the husband is saying no I gave you a 20 you've taken my 20 I said no you paid with a 50 this is your change he loses his crap at me saying I've got his 20 there is no way he would say that if wasn't sure it was true his wife says she took the 20 but he insists he had to one of which he hadn't one that I did so my supervisor has come along take my till and count it and it balances whole time I'm arguing with this guy getting angrier and angrier because he is basically accusing me of theft he repeats the same stuff over and over and even bets $1000 that he is right he finally leaves after my supervisors get his number promising to check the cameras week later I asked about checking the cameras this guy did not have two 20s and I did not ever have one of them his wife took it they rang to inform him of this and he said oh okay and hung up no apology nothing luckily I haven't seen him in the store since everything if it weren't for my lack of a degree I'd have quit in a grand fashion months ago working the stock room that has store like Sonoma Williams Restoration Hardware Pottery Barn is like working in a crap house there isn't a single semblance of organization so it's taken something as small as not being able to find a rug because our last one was sold a week ago but somehow the database was never updated which happens thrice weekly to make me wish I could quit tech support for the Internet I was really burned out but the last call I took was with a guy whose problems were his motherboard battery this old guy knew that he needed a new battery he expected me to write a script so that he wouldn't have to enter date information at startup again he wasn't going to let me go until I did and I couldn't hang up on him 45 minutes into the call and 30 late for my break I started into a Frick you butt hole lecture that over a thousand callers deserved tech supports for the internet would definitely burn you out I worked the redemption counter offer Family Fun Center chuck-e-cheese David Buster's et Cie and the little shoots would constantly demand my attention while I was helping another one it have five kids screaming they want such and such it was worse when the parents would start in on it also I work laser tag now so I deal with the parents more than the kids in terms of who I talk to more some of the adults understand how list works they sign up last they get on the bottom of the list bring in a big group and at the bottom of the list sure I'll let the group of two kids in that signed up after you but only because I can fit them in with the group of seven and eight that signed up before you I have to hold back from punching some of these dump shoots the kids at laser tag P me off so much they can get their vest on just fine but when they take them off they just bring them over their heads and drop them because they don't care five hundred dollars pieces of equipment that they just dropped I've got four that are having issues I am not far yet but I will be soon because I am almost at the level of not giving a Frick I know that feel I worked at a laser tag joint for nearly five years the horrors the horrors I worked at a beach club in the snack bar making salads and sandwiches for the people who went there I was making a sandwich for a lady during the three hour long lunch rush she asked for tomato so I casually took two tomato slices and put them on her sandwich only to hear her say those slices not round enough I proceeded to pick up two handfuls of slices and say find me some round ones god I wanted to punch her my best friend walked out on a job and left me stranded because someone ate his lunch the thing that pisses me off the most is that it sounds like that little sucker was trained to do what he did maybe mommy allows him to do that at home though not necessarily to her I can appreciate that much of the tirade you went into was directed at the mum rather than just if the boy - however much of what you said probably went right over his head I work with three and four-year-olds trust me when I say that he likely wasn't able to understand much beyond the initial comment that waiters don't like it when you shake your carpet then edit I forgot Hugh das - you for standing up to the little tyrant I work in restaurants and a few years back I had this B of a co-worker who would just attempt to make my life a living heck from the second I walked in the door we did not see eye to eye but most days I could tolerate her just fine one day I was stressed from some issues with my family when a couple of my regulars come in she had gotten them as I wasn't there when they sat down and I went to say hi when I came in they asked me why I hadn't waited on them and I said next time you come in just ask for me and I'll take care of you we chat for a bit and I walk back into the kitchen feeling pretty good about myself for about two seconds until my manager yells in a crappy sarcastic voice great idea telling someone else's tables specifically to request you I lost my crap I knew it was that girl and the manager was on her side solely because he didn't want another employee complaint I yelled down the server aisle well you can tell her to go freak herself the entire server aisle stops and stares at me the grill line my buddies who hate this girl about equally and had heard everything bursts out into laughter in this idiot manager just stares at me he drops what he's plating in the window and pulls me into the office immediately I'm sent home with a slap on the wrist and long story short it was completely worth it kind of serious [ __ ] my dad almost dying of an aneurysm made me really ate my life situation last year and it was a big reason I quit my job little upset about letting emotion make that ruling now though haven't been able to land employment since and living with my parents again cool that I get to spend time with my dad after almost losing him feeling super guilty and super lame for having to depend on him and my mom for financial support never quit the first gig until you've got the next one I was 18 and working for a large movie theater as a concession assistant ooh hold but all of the newbies start there and attempt to work their way up to better positions it was a very slow midweek morning shift and I'm the only one working the stands we had four registers and stations for customers to line up I was clearly standing at my register when this mom and daughter teen woke up to the concession stand at an empty register it's clearly on the opposite ends that I am standing no big deal I figure they were just looking at the sign with the prices and options I'm not doing anything else but standing at my freaking register waiting for them to decide what they want of you moments later the mom snaps her fingers at me and says hello in the most condescending tone I have ever heard I walk all the way to end off the stand to her and she begins berating me for making her way to order I attempted to explain that I was standing at my register in that I cannot take her order on another empty register I also explained that it is fairly common for people to browse the sign and then come to me and order once they know what they want which is what I thought they were doing she begins to call me an idiot and incompetent and demand to speak to the manager I called my manager over and then begin to start making her order she is still waiting for my manager and still standing as the wrong goddang register when I hand her and her brother food at the register they were standing at and she then proceeds to curse at me and call me an idiot because you just said you couldn't help us at this register serious rage I then explained to her that I was trying to make her happy by serving her where she stood all the while having to walk all the way to my own register and back for her at that point my manager comes up and starts to talk to her and I can hear her call me a [ __ ] and an idiot all the while her stupid daughter is chiming in - I was in tears at this point and another man whom I assume saw the whole thing go down walks right up to my manager and says mom I saw the whole thing these idiots came up to an empty register and your employee asked them if they needed help and they ignored her until they realized how stupid they were for standing as the wrong register they called her names and this poor girl still tried to help them out the whole time being considerate and sweet if I were you I would tell them to sue and get out they looked stunned into my manager told them to take their business elsewhere and then the guy came up to me and hugged me and told me to never take crap from any see again law while working at Walgreens this old fat woman came to the counter and rudely asked for a pack of cigarettes so I asked for her and just to be a douche and she yelled at me and left and I just sat there freaking smiling if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: AskReddit Is Fun
Views: 38,784
Rating: 4.3783784 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, quit job, i quit job, quitting job, work stories, work meltdowns
Id: aEgyGXY-ZU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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