The Craziest Untold Secrets Of r/AskReddit (1 Hour Reddit Compilation)

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what secret are you hiding from everyone but okay to share with us here that I'm leaving my job in a few weeks I keep having people try and schedule things with me months in advance where I'm sort of forced to smile and degree it's always weird to be in that space off too early to give notice I was just in the same situation it's super awkward this is my last week cheers to us both I'm really lonely and sad but I don't know how to fix it I just end up feeling like a burden so I pretend it's all okay I was abused by a neighbor from 11 to around 14 I didn't tell anybody because I was a boy and embarrassed by at all the thought of my dad or brothers finding out was too much just packed it away he died when I was away at college good riddance I'm sorry this happened to you consider talking to a therapist I spend all my time at work on reddit same I operate heavy machinery I am pretty much a mess about getting older if I go by my family history I have less than 15 years left I have found myself thinking well I won't be around for that on quite a few decisions with my so so I smile and say sounds good when I was 20 plus I always told everyone I won't live to thirty my 30th birthday my friends looked at me for that now I almost forty and stopped worrying about age we all die at some point eventually I recently found out that I have an extra 10 K in student debt I've already finished watching season four of Lucifer I binge watch it when our daughter was sick and slept the entire day me and my wife were still on season three when it happened and I just pretend to be shocked whenever we watch a new episode I will be taking this secret to the grave I couldn't do this even though my sir wouldn't really care I just have me Chozen does if she's not about then I watch one of the former and just keep the as ones for when she's back seems silly but I really enjoy watching new shows with her feels more fun of an experience than if I've already seen it it's a pretty big secret I failed high school twice and I'm faking going to college but instead taking high-school final exams I feel sad and disappointed looking at my parents faces but I can't do anything instead just give my best in the exams my exams are from the 2nd of July please wish me luck I really need it taking a big exam for the 3rd time here let's do our best I'm planning on getting some pet ducks when they get together they sound like old men laughing I'm going to grad school in the fall and leaving my company I've known since I was interviewing and I've always known this was just a quick stint for some money they would not have hired me if I had told them that though I did the same thing I feel terrible about it because my co-workers and managers are all really great I actually tried to tell my manager the truth today but I chickened out because he is going to be disappointed I am a pathological liar I don't even mean to but I just do at this point and it scares me a bit I am fixing it though kamar aside from a few family members my close friends don't know that I was kicked out 7 months ago and sleeping on an air mattress sometimes they'll ask me why I wearing things repeatedly or just curious questions on how my mother is doing she kicked me out I'm still in high school and managing as much as I can with a sore back and limited space for the few things I have but I'm living better than I was with my mother the family computer didn't break because of downloading music it was me and my adolescent internet browsing it seems stupid but after three kids and divorce I can't figure out my freakin life neither where I'm going I carry around regrets and mom guilt and am completely lost not at all stupid I'm a mom of two divorced 31 and lost his Frigg everyone kinder is you are not alone the kiddos don't need a superhero just you my wife cheated on me and we are going through the start of the divorce process my family doesn't even know I'm in agony every day I had some surgery that went very wrong and I am struggling to keep motivated to keep going I'm a grown man and I love winnie-the-pooh I don't own any memorabilia or anything but I watch youtube vids and if I see it on TV I have to watch it I like having crushes but not actually doing anything about them partially because I enjoy the blissful feeling of liking someone and partially because that gets ruined whenever I actually do anything about it I get crushes on people I don't even think I'm attracted to I just like picturing myself in a relationship in my head and cycle through people every couple of months based on the last decently good-looking person who's been nice to me I regret deeply not bonding more with my college class I just now realized that I was liked by them and I kind of pushed them away all these years dang go to make sure I am NOT doing that I want to tell my boyfriend I love him but I think he needs to get help for his mental health issues before this relationship moves forward you should talk to him about it it'll help him and might help your relationship just be nice and non-judgmental I think about suicide too 20 times a day this has been going on for about 15 years now only my doctor knows I'm afraid of my neighbor I don't know why but he just creeps me out he's always staring at me occasional he makes comments on my body oh is that you I thought for sure someone sent a model over you have a great body for a teenage of those shorts look awfully short on you I'm 14 he and my dad are friends and is always over at my house when he comes over I'll always hide in my room my mom doesn't like him either because of the time he came during my baby sister's sleepover and just sat in silence at the fire pit while my dad went inside to get drinks I'm afraid to say anything to my dad because I know he isn't able to get out with his friends a lot and he really likes my neighbor but I can't shake the feeling that something is just off with him I'm dad to a14 year-old I'd BP if I found out some grown-ass man was creeping on my daughter and no one told me especially if it was some guy I knew so there's that side of it as well I'm really big one honesty because of growing up with a narcissistic parent however I never tell people that I am bitola I am a PTA mom in the suburbs the judgment and stigma that would come along with that knowledge would likely affect my entire family sorry my good friend where I live is on the PTA board and his pretty vocal about her struggles with nibbler and her fight to not self-harm we have embraced her and provide to whatever kind of support we can I hope you can find more supportive people my dad hits me when I was six I said it to a kindergarten teacher and she reported it to Child Protective Services my dad told me to say nothing and what he managed to convince them that I was just making stuff up and they left he began hitting me several times he kept saying that I was the reason that the family is falling apart he kept threatening me with saying that he would send me to an orphanage or leave me in the streets what could I do I was six years old for God's sake he has always made fun of me and talking crap to me while bragging to others about my achievements he has socially isolated me and my siblings the only times we could go outside was to and from school if we came later than expected he would try to find us and hits us in the car now I am seeing as my older sister becomes like him crazy delusional not wanting to see why they are on violent and manipulative I'm lucky to have my mom who kept me sane through all this we still live with that butthole that he's less violent if I didn't have my mom I think I wouldn't even be here today horn Escalade I have luckily not become like him I vow to never be like him I'm glad that I haven't gotten any serious mental disorders from all this I'm an optimistic person you can always talk to me if you want you see me most of the time with a smile despite this I have met great friends in school and my little sister and my mom who's with me sorry for ranting I haven't told anyone this before wish you all the best of luck I am physically falling apart my health is a chain of unfortunate events I quit smoking I barely drink I stay physically fit enough to remain and the military at I fight every day just to pretend I am okay I'm tired of being in physical pain with every little thing but I will continue the charade until something finally gives permanently it actually scares me I hate that I am 45 years old and feel as if I am 80 my maternal grandfather was a hitman who killed several politicians and activists in his country during a very corrupt time he moved to the US and remarried my paternal grandfather was a corrupt politician who hired hitmen on his political opponents and embezzled right before stepping down from office and avoiding indictment not sure if they ever met BC this is all like no and found this all out by chance I don't think even my own parents know this much would be crazy if your paternal GF once hired your maternal GF for a hit and then they met at your parents wedding I secretly recorded my fiancee yesterday I got him to talk about his B & D character and I didn't want to forget anything because I am going to commission an art piece of it for his birthday it's killing me to keep it a secret because I tell him everything I hope he likes it this is adorable what a thoughtful gift best of luck about 15 years ago I slept with my high school teacher literally never spoke about it out loud to anyone ever this is actually the first time I wrote it down even guess 15 years is long enough for it to feel like it just doesn't matter anymore I sometimes hope my grandma passes away soon she has severe dementia and Alzheimer's and my mom is the only person my grandma will allow to help her which means she's basically on call 24 stroked 7 she's aggressive a runner and basically has the mind of a toddler I feel like an butthole for thinking it but we've mourned losing who she used to be losing her physically would mean she could be at peace and my mom could finally take a break I lost contact to all my friends months ago I still try to be happy and smile trough everything I am a pretty positive person I think there will come at times but especially now in summertime when I see everyone on social media or outside going swimming or having a cookout it's kind of sad to be at home all the time or go for a walk by yourself all the time why is it so hard to find new friends damn haha one of my best friend's dad cheated on his wife with a secretary or something and she got pregnant they kept her baby that was around the time my friend was born fast forward 19 years later and on work I met this guy who looks lots like my friend when he figures out that I know him he tells me his story my friend to this day doesn't know he has a half-brother living in the same city as him and I can tell him because the half-brother promised me not to because his dad won't allow it yep freaked up crap right there I'm a digital artist who made a bunch of paid commissions already however it's all cheated I use a software for the anatomy and just trace over it I've become that good in Leonard and coloring where the obvious trace of red flags don't work anymore I've never wanted this to come that far it's as soon as I made my first trace drawing I got sucked into an abyss that is impossible to leave all my friends know me as the artist there are many I wouldn't ever been able to talk with without my art but most importantly my parents are proud of my work and call me talented for the fact that I live in constant fear that my parents are disappointed of me hearing them compliment my drawings is everything to me but it hurts so much seeing them love a work I've no right to present especially when I try to fit in and complain about traceurs while I'm just one of them this is going on for three years by now bloody heck don't Trace either you get caught or you'll suffer because you weren't hit to your senses if you have a good eye for lighting and a good line then start practicing figures and do some life drawing put in the work to feel good presenting pieces even though I have a master's degree I don't know if I'll ever figure out what I want to do with my life nothing really pulls me - tea experiences that I don't want to talk to my shrink about because it disturbs me even after all this time hey I'm almost a shrink if you don't feel comfortable enough to share anything with your therapist don't feel obligated - whatever you both are doing seems to be working for you to realize that that I'm in love with Lauren doesn't mean a crap to you but for me it does I wish a couple of my exes would talk to me again even just as friends I miss them a lot parents Alfred it what his most freaked up secret you are hiding from your children I'm the child but my dad waited till I'm grown up to tell me that my mom gave me a lot of sleeping pills when I was a little child so she could leave me alone at home to maintain her relationship with her lover while my dad was working in another country that cleared up many things people are brutal well sorry man that I've been changing every clock in the house of New Year's Eve to three hours early at 9:00 p.m. we celebrate a new year then hang out for a hour he thinks he breaking every rule and has a great time now that he's turning 11 this will never happen again with phones and being somewhat smarter law that we weren't actually visiting daddy at his work it's a secure psychiatric ward where he's been since she was three months old I'm curious how your relationship started with the father sounds like an interesting story my parents told me my sister is adopted they didn't tell her she's 34 bTW help what do I do buy the whole family DNA test kits for Christmas and watch the world burn that I don't actually enjoy watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse my two-year-old would be devastated because that's our show I was so relieved when my kid started watching Spongebob my daughter knows that her grandparents are getting a divorce she doesn't know that it's because grandpa 72 decided to knock up a 23 year old we will talk about it once she's older but I don't want to normalize that relationship for a pre adolescent that we don't go to bed the same time as they do I never actually took his nose it stayed on his face the whole time in fact it has never once left his face even though I have told him that I took it countless times I even showed him the tip of my thumb as evidence of the theft sorry you had to read that but it feels really good to come clean this was such a refreshing change of pace from all the molester family relatives they know daddy works with money but they don't know it's in the cannabis industry eta legally estimated time of arrival legally it's not really flicked up but still a big secret I've been living five one-stroke two hours away from my wife and daughter for the past 11 months every time I talk to my daughter she asks when am i coming home well little does she know that next Friday when her and her mom come for what she thinks is just a weekend visit they are actually coming to pick me up for good that's as amazing I hope she'll never have to ask that again I don't have kids but here's a family secret my mom and I left the straightener on for two days while we took a family trip to Canada it doesn't have an automatic off we haven't told my dad kind of the opposite but on my 18th birthday my father walked into my room with a bag of weed and a bunch of rolling papers and showed me the entire hidden portion of our house not on blueprints accessed through hidden door that he used to grow weed I had gotten grounded for smoking weed several times by that point in my life this was in Florida in the 90s I secretly adopted bought my son after my wife lost our own child during birth it's quite easy in my country considering there's a lot of poor parents willing to give away their children my wife regained consciousness after four days I know my son notice my three-year-old is an absolute miracle her birth mum my wife's sister didn't want her basically tried for an intentional miscarriage via massive drinking and drug use born eleven weeks premature and with five different drugs in her system she shouldn't even be alive by most medical estimations yet here she is slight developmental setbacks but she is solidly inside the bell curve her socialization is on point and she should start school on time she will know none of this until she is in her teens most likely I am so grateful for this impossible little person adoptive parent of three kids two of which are biological siblings and cousins found out a year after the adoption that the biological parents were half siblings who share the same dad the bio parents found out after they had the first child and proceeded to have another the kids are now 16 and 13 respectively and have zero clue that they are a product of incest unfortunately their biological grandpa just passed away so there very well could be a big reveal coming in the near future a colleague of mine has a friend who had from her ATO daughter that she the ATO would die within a few years because of a terminal illness she got I'm working out how to explain that the chicken we eat is the same as the kind of chickens that live on a farm my whole family thinks I'm awful with money because I'm super broke despite having a good job but I'm actually socking away every spare penny to put my niece through college and to take care of my parents when they can't work anymore my wife and I each have a child from a previous marriage both of our ex spouses were abusive cheaters both children still adore and idolize their other parent and we just keep smiling and nodding this probably isn't the type of thing Opie was asking but it is a secret that we will maintain for yours my father molested my daughter she suppressed the heck out of it we are still trying to figure out how to break this to her we cut off all contact with them but my mother feels that this is something that shouldn't affect their relationship if my daughter doesn't actually remember the incident I don't agree at all but that doesn't stop my mother from trying to contact us she comes from an age when women just suffered and said nothing about it and so feels that we should just accept my father's apology and move on it's overall a very confusing situation that we my husband and I have trouble understanding how to handle there's tuner in the fridge but no matter how much he meows he can't have it because I know he'll just sniff it and meow for something else my son was planned but after separating from his father when my son was 8 months old and having basically nowhere to go no way to actually take care of us on our own many many times I thought about the possibility of dropping him off at the hospital and skipping town I never did and he is 8 now and we are very happy my mom kept it a secret that the woman I was named after her mom my grandma was stabbed to death by my uncle when my mom was 18 I always suspected my grandma had a tragic death because of how my mom would avoid talking about it but I didn't know it was that tragic my son is still very young but I'm not planning to tell him his dad left us for meth and another woman he's clean now and they actually split he's at least involved the gang pretty sure they know but my second cousins are technically twins two years apart their parents did in vitro and two of the eggs were fertilized they weren't ready for twins so they froze one of the eggs and had their second kid two years later it's actually pretty cool not a parent but my parents held this secret away from me for a long time when I was 3-4 my dad volunteered at a baseball park to shuttle people back and forth on a golf cart well one night he didn't come home till really late and I went to high but stopped to see that he looked scared and distraught he is normally a rough and tough kind of guy and has a big heart so I asked him what was wrong but he said nothing in that he was fine I believed him and went to bed I woke up the next morning to see that our cousin who dabbles has our babysitter was at our house but neither of my parents were I asked where they went and she said they went to the morning service of church and not afternoon service again I believed her and never questioned any of it flash-forward 10 years my mom told me what really happened he was shuttling some guy back to the parking lot when the guy put a knife to my dad's neck he then proceeded to take my dad behind a dumpster and molested him so when he got home he waited for everyone to go to sleep and then tried to kill himself by overdosing on painkillers my mom woke up in the middle of the night realizing that he wasn't in bed she found him in the bathroom on the floor motionless and called 911 where was sent to the hospital where was treated he is thankfully still doing strong I don't know where I would have been without him holy crap glad he survived after all the acid we did we thought you kids would be flipper babies after reading a bunch of these I feel pretty good that my most flicked up secret is that I eat most of their Halloween Easter Parade candy when they are at school not a parent bit a child this last Christmas I found out that not only was my mom had already been previously married and divorced but my dad had a kid before he married my mom also I have a half brother or sister that I have never met the real kicker was I found it out from my new sister-in-law who had someone did some digging found out assumed that I must already know and brought it up out of the blue on Christmas Eve while we were baking cookies before I found out I was pregnant with my first child I took a crap ton of pills but I think it's the closest I've ever come to suicide I had always dealt with anxiety and depression I feel like the extra hormones put me over the edge I found out about a week later that I was pregnant surprise I was terrified the entire pregnancy that something would be wrong with him lochley he was completely healthy and is an incredibly smart child I've never told anyone I feel so guilty serious what secret could destroy your life of it got out I hit a smallish lottery few mil a little while back and told absolutely no one family and friends included I took a bunch of steps to secure my kids futures and we live a very comfortable but not lavish life I'm pretty generous with the people around me I think that they just think I'm doing very well career-wise or something illegal under the table I justify it by thinking that if this was general knowledge amongst friends and family it would ruin relationships my priority needed to be my kids I have not paid income taxes in a decade I don't get any with Olding I don't know how it got away from me like that at this point I'm afraid to ask I am employed by a company that allows people to work remotely they only hire in specific states in the u.s. not only do I not live in one of those states I don't even live in the u.s. I am a US citizen but I'm currently not in the US and it's because of this job and the crappy economy in the country I'm and I get to live a pretty damned lavish life for every one US dollar it's worth about six hundred percent more here because the currency as weak getting weaker and it's just cheap as crap to live here anyways I've been working for months and I've had some close calls I screwed up a couple of times and they questioned me about it I had to lie the fact that my brother my father and I know that my mom has been cheating on my dad for the past three years it's a complicated situation I occasionally as in pretty much daily go on omegle and do roller plays as a 25 year old woman who's into being tied up I'm an otherwise straight 22 year old man and I have no idea what's wrong with me I almost killed my sister years ago she was about three and I was maybe nine 11 years old I carried her to the terrace five stories high including the ground floor and like some dumb Frick I placed her at the edge of the terrace above a barricade of sorts there was nothing to protect her from falling and directly below five stories down is a cemented path I don't remember what was so important I had to do that I left her dangling there at death's edge all I remember is she was starting to sway backwards towards the ground alarm bells started ringing in my head so I ran and somehow managed to grab onto her just as she was about to fall I felt my heart racing against my I hugged her for a really long time too afraid to let go to this day I haven't told her she's 25 now nor my mom even typing this still makes me nervous that height how a baby's body would have ended up splattered all over the hard cemented pathway how I could be institutionalized how my family would have disowned me how I would have missed watching her grow up still haunts me it developed an irrational fear in me of carrying babies around even if I'm not the one carrying them or even if there is no height involved this might not ruin my life but it could ruin someone else's well here it goes I was in an abusive relationship with my girlfriend when I was in high school everybody just thinks we were a bad couple but it was far worse it started off with little stuff like when someone made a joke about me she would laugh and it was no big deal but pretty soon she found out that she could torment me as a way to make people laugh and like her we were both semi unpopular and it just kept escalating to the point that at lunch I would just sit there with my hair down on the table while she and her friends mocked me she broke up with me a few times but I always took her back then came the first time that I tried to break up with her she laughed and asked me why and when I couldn't look her in the eye she hit me and told me to talk to her I told her I didn't mean it and we just kept going on every once in a while maybe once or twice a month I would start to work up the balls to end it and she would hit me and ask where I would go and tell me that she was the hottest girl I could ever get one time I told her we were done and she started shaking and crying so I tried to give her a hug and she stabbed me in the arm with a pair of scissors and wouldn't stop crying and threatening me and herself until I agreed to wait eventually I hit puberty lates in my junior year and became tall and strong enough to hold her down and stop her from hitting me this really helped me mentally get out from under her thumb and I finally broke it off we didn't talk and now I'm in college and life is grand but I always wonder if my view of women was messed up by this when I was about 11 stroked 12 the guy in the flat next door was a computer nerd type and I got interested in learning a little 1980 ish to cut a long story he groomed me over a period of time I found he had showed pornography magazines and videos he gots as far as hugs and kisses and then he tried to fill me up that's the point at which my brain kicked into action and I leg night I was intensely scared ashamed and somewhat retreated into myself I realized my parents and specifically my mother knew something wasn't right in this odd child adult relationship and didn't act on their suspicions that totally freaked with my mind and led to many many years of confusion and introspection and if I'm honest some flicked up attitudes to people from myself I told one girlfriend many years back and she basically blanked it out didn't want to discuss it and made it fairly plain she wasn't sympathetic or could be of any help I've managed to get past most of the issues around it but I sometimes find myself watching TV films or documentaries where the grooming subject comes up and up hits me again watching the ray Donovan series brought it up specifically where bunchy has problems dealing with his past abuse one scene I had to get up and leave the room before I went off and burst into tears in front of my wife she paused it too so I wouldn't miss anything I have gained some good things I am quietly proud that I am assured of my sexuality straight without any difficulties in having gay friends that could have gone very differently I have a family and have learned to be sociable and have managed to create some level of trust with people it still burns inside though at times I have sort of accepted that it's something I will take with me to the grave while I am from India and I have evidence to a 720 6.8 crore rupee scan that my former company did not basically robbed millions of students a chance at a good livelihood I was put in the scam by the company and when I said I will not and I resigned the company told me that they will destroy my life if I made it public I was 22 at that time and was scared the owner of the company is related with police officers and literally they can screw my life easily but not a single day goes by when I don't think about it I can't stop myself from lying half the time I lie about things that don't matter and should have just told that but I can't stop myself from doing it all the lies I've told big and small all catch up to at one point or another and are seriously damaging my life my parents and brother don't trust me at all anymore because I've done some incredibly stupid things and lied about them I've also had to do things or tell bigger lies to cover what started out as a little white lie other people around me that fer caught me in a lie don't know how to act around me anymore I know I need to stop and I am trying but the more I try to stop doing it the more I do it this is slowly destroying my life and my relationship with my family and there is nothing I can about it a really good lifelong buddy of mine dropped out of college after 9/11 and joined the army he completed three tours in Iraq got married had a kid all was great for him his mom was the type that was close to his friends because they reminded her of him while he was away so us guys would take her out and keep her company as a group one day she called me up and asked to go out and have a drink she found some pictures or whatever of her son and I from childhood and she couldn't wait to share we meet up at a local watering hole for a couple drinks and a few laughs she kept feeding me drinks and before I could say that it was time for me to head out she had her hands on me and was very forward I admitted wasn't a decision that I was capable of making at that time so I went with what felt good but we went back to my house and had some of the craziest eye-popping tantric drunk SX my buddy died in Iraq a few months later and I am a horrible person I failed out of college and didn't tell anyone I lied about still being in school and pretended to go to classes my parents still thought they were paying for my college that is the worst part of this whole thing I wasted six months and a good $5,000 if not more how much I don't care about a lot of people in my life that like me co-workers friends family there are a ton of of them I just don't care for really and I'm just civil with them for convenience some of them have done pretty nice things for me and I am thankful but there are still some I just don't really like that much I used to not be like this I used to try and maintain all the relationships now mehnat old friends people that live far away I don't even make an effort and I wonder if I ever cared at all the weirdest part is in social situations I'm really good at being friendly and feigning interest in people's life I've been complimented on being a nice and genuine guy but there's this resentment I have for many people in my life that I keep hidden the only people I really care for are a few close friends my immediate family and my girlfriend other than that I'd rather just be alone I am emotionally numb I always have to fake being happy or excited about things I guess it kind of sucks because I'm not happy or unhappy and the only time I'm considerate is when I'm doing something because I know something bad will happen and not because of guilt or a negative emotion of any kind I sometimes wonder why I exist but I don't delve too deeply because I just don't care I have a cross-dressing fetish but I am completely straight I have an incredibly supportive girlfriend who knows but I don't think I could ever handle telling anyone else and Lord only knows what would happen my small social life when I was about nine my eldest sister died aged 32 and her two kids came to live with us I'm a surprise child so all of my siblings are much older than me my nephew and I shared a room he was just a year younger than me and around when I was 11 and he was 10 we started doing sexual things over the years we started out dry humping with clothes on then clothes off then eventually I started performing oral on him around age 13 or 14 we started doing anal I was always the bottom nearly every night when I went away for college at 18 we never did it again and haven't spoken of it since in facts I don't remember ever talking about it one of us would just give our gesture to the other that we wanted to Frick and went at it I'm 21 now and I'm in the process of coming out as gay he identifies as straight and is in a relationship but I wonder all the time if it's just for a cover-up anyways we're the only two that know about it and I wouldn't dare tell anyone not even my closest most trustworthy best friend sometimes I fear he might tell someone one day every single day I fantasize about getting on a plane going far far away and starting over I'm just too afraid to do it been banging the babba sitter for years I know you think this is the best thing in the world right now but consider this they've been banging you for years and getting paid for it I failed out of college after two years because I was lazy and I was drunk all the time I then joined the airforce and was kicked out because of a heart disease I didn't know about I think about killing myself at least once a week my fiance or four years broke up with me and I was so apathetic it didn't bother me I just calmly collected my stuff and moved out I can't sleep for more than three hours a day anymore I'm not sure if I'm depressed or not I just get up and go to work then come home I don't drink anymore but I smoked almost a pack a day I just turned 22 and according to a few doctors that I'll be lucky to see 3040 will be a miracle not explainable by science I'm going back to college in the fall so at least before I go my family won't think I'm a total failure writing this actually made me cry this is the first emotion I've had in almost a year thank you reddit for letting me know I can still feel something I've been living in my head for more than 30 years as a child I made some kind of fantasy world to escape from my miserable childhood and I never fully returned to the real world I never got a proper education since I can't concentrate more than a couple of hours before I get distracted and return to my other reality and I have lost several jobs because I'm not paying attention I don't have any kind of social life and generally prefer to just sit in the dark and dream my life away my sister was sexually assaulted by my cousin when we were a young that came out and it took years to get to the riddle and now we are on a level ground again the thing that nobody knows is that he sexually assaulted me as well nobody can know as it will tear apart my family every single day I think about killing myself how great it would be all my problems gone in an instant now I am in therapy for depression but I don't share those thoughts for fear of being institutionalized even briefly as a danger to myself I don't think I'm a danger to myself I've had those thoughts for quite a while without swallowing pills or a shotgun so okay so I cry just about every night because of my financial standings I feel like a failure I work as a line cook making minimum wage and hardly have any money for groceries or for anything personal in my life I've gone hungry I've gone without power water I most of the times feel like my life is worthless but they say money can't buy happiness but I can fricking guarantee that if I had some I wouldn't feel the way I do most nights when I lay down I used to crap my pants until I was like 13 I had no control of my bowels my mother knew but that was about it I don't even want to imagine what would've happened if my fellow students found out my first girlfriend was really the love of my life she was the only person that was ever able to finish my sentences and we bonded over sort of a mutual disdain for the world we lived in I knew her psyche was fragile and I literally gave her a reason to live while she was institutionalized we broke up and she committed suicide or at least that's what I tell people in reality I'd sheet it on her and she destroyed herself she burned holes through her skin hundreds of times sliced dozens of cuts through her body and face and threw herself off a bridge I can't even imagine what someone will think if I ever said those things I've only told a couple people that it even happened but as far as the details I probably should do so but I just can't face that when I was about 13 I was discovering my sexuality and jacking off every dated twice a day I was so curious about having my dong being touched by someone else that one day I asked my little brother who was nine years old it was kinda awkward he didn't understand what was going on I didn't know it was so wrong and so creepy I remember every little detail of the shameful moment my cm dripping on my little brother's hand I wasn't attracted by my little brother I was just curious about getting a handy by someone else and he was the only person which could accept to do it it happened only one time we never spoke about it now I'm 21 Andy's 17 we have a wonderful relationship he's my best friend we laugh every time we see each other I think maybe it would be good to get it off my chest and maybe his too and tell him but I don't want to ruin what we have now I don't want him to see me as her abusive big brother or even think I might be it was a child mistake I didn't know I sincerely hope he doesn't remember a thing I'm in middle of a divorce and the only way I've survived taking care of myself and my daughter is prostituting myself this last year my family would completely disowned me if they knew my ex barely helps as it is if he knew I had any sort of money he would use it as a reason to help me even less that I enjoy peeing in the sink when I am home alone because it feels sort of taboo well here goes well when I was younger I had a friend let's call her Amanda while we were at a park and across the street there was a building planed for demolition anyway the genius and me had a great idea to go in it and check it out as we were exploring the floor cave then she fell down two stories and landed on some debris and was injured while I caught myself on the first floor she didn't make it past the first day in the hospital I'm still haunted by the screams and the begging every year I have a little memorial to myself I still blame myself for killing her it doesn't get any easier as more time passes by after this I slowly started to dull out feelings now I can't seem to care at all it's caused me to try and kill myself multiple times and every time I tell my friends they don't act he believed that I tried they all ignore that and say to stop joking about that stuff but they'll never know the truth one day I hope she will forgive me in SW what are some dirty secrets you have seen at a batch of a bachelorette party that could ruin the marriage a two of the three bachelor parties I've been to were pretty vanilla drinks grill video games of course one of those emitted the drinks because Jesus but the third however was more fun so turns out the groom and one of the groom's men were lovers at one point completely unbeknownst to the rest of the world the groomsman Chris decides that tonight was the optimal time to tell the groom Harris that he loved him that he's always loved him since the first time they kissed however long ago the rest of us just sat there in stunned silence right there in my living room they have this huge argument about how Harris wasn't gay and how Chris said he was okay with just being occasional flick bras for the last five years but they both knew it had to end when he got engaged finally it devolved into an actual fistfight and they both ended up with some nasty bruises we broke it up eventually but sometimes you just have to let out your physical frustration with your gay lover the night before he gets married it's one of those weird things though after it was over and they both calmed down they just gave a big hug and that was that next morning Harris dad is obviously curious why he has a black eye we've agreed to say paintball to everyone and that was the official story Chris had a bruise too but he's really black so you couldn't tell that much Harris sister used some concealer or something on his eye and the wedding went off without edge Harris is still married to his wife and Chris is still his best friend so all's well that ends well I suppose the bit about gay fisticuffs made me think this was going in a completely different direction than it did not a party but the rehearsal dinner groom's father reaches out into grabs a handful of bride-to-be's but she turns around and he sticks his hand up her skirt and up her crotch she quickly jumps back surprised and upset then she responds with stop it you are going to make me blush his son came over and both his dad and film say acted as if nothing how did we find out about we watched the video the photographer took off that night yep update you all are wondering what happened after the wedding went on as planned the couple made it past a year not much before calling it quits there is no indication they saw the video the guy and his dad have a great relationship so I am guessing no they did not see the video they are just that weird like a lot of you I to wonder why none officer friends who say the video spoke up I put my money on the affair camp I will not be surprised in anything was going on between the guys father and the bride that is what makes sense to me well from this thread I learned that if I'm cheated on nobody will tell me I worked in a photo lab normally it was cats and houses in the pics but then a woman dropping of a few rolls of film was acting oddly this is usually a clear sign that the pictures were going to be interesting it was a bachelorette party normal stuff at first the women were all fairly pretty then a safari themed stripper was being featured the pictures show most of the women at the party blowing the stripper then the stripper got the bride's practically naked in a circle of them and dry Hunter in several ways rubbing his junk all over her then the pics were in a bedroom the bride and another girl made love to the stripper my guess was they were alternating who was taking pictures the last photo was a cup shot on the ring the last photo was a cup shot on the ring of that slow what a freakin psychotic crap bloom of a bride in New Orleans our bachelor group good found a bachelorette group and started talking dancing etc it was late in the night at this time and our bachelor was dancing with their Bachelorette mostly at the urging of the bridesmaids because they thought it would be cute not too long into it he gets belligerently handsy and heads a bit up the skirt I didn't see the Act but spun around when one of the bridesmaids hollered your bachelor just fingered our Bachelorette we bounced immediately in New Orleans nuff said not a traditional bachelor party they took on going out for drinks with him the groom spent an uncomfortable amount of time voicing very real foundational concerns about the Union then fiancée they're terrible money situation it was about two months prior to the wedding and in his own words he didn't wouldn't call it off because people had already bought their tickets and stuff it was all-around depressing because on the actual day she seemed pretty happy and he just looked kinda flat a look that seems to be a permanent fixture in his demeanor these days I think he was just too polite to initially call it off when he realized he wasn't 100% into it and then it progressed into cohabitation engagement marriage my bachelor party was a complete [ __ ] ow bye poetic coincidence my best man was going through a divorce while things were ramping up toward my wedding when I arrived at his place for the party I found him sitting on the living-room floor on the floor because you see there wasn't any furniture his wife had come while he was at work and cleaned out the house like thoroughly cleaned it out no furniture no glasses in the kitchen no curtains she left his clothes still folded in the place where the dresser used to be in the closet his clothes were on the floor she'd taken the hangers the booze he'd stocked up for the party all gone except for one empty bottle left in the otherwise barren fridge she took the mustard even barrel he sat on the floor shell shocked and stunned occasionally he'd answer a question in monotone grunts the other guys arrived and some of them brought a couple six-packs of beer we all sat on the floor in the living room occasionally tossing bottle caps at an empty bottle in the center of the room if it hit it had make a ting noise and we'd all give a Monty Python Yahweh at one point one of us found a deck of cards in a pile of random stuff she decided she didn't want and had thrown into a corner of the dining room we threw cards at the target bottle for a while until another friend made a discovery she'd taken all the hearts leaving only the spades clubs and diamonds bestman started weeping I'd managed to drink two beers we'd told a few half-hearted stories and largely spent the night trying to convince the best man he was better off this way the guys left and I stayed until the wee hours of the morning with a best man wailing don't do it man it isn't worth it good times she taken all the hearts leaving only the spades clubs and diamonds that's cold I was on a bachelor party that ended horribly when his fiance learned he had been cheating on her for the entire first half of their relationship as she called off the marriage over the phone with him while we were all getting drunk at a bar mood went from light-hearted to catastrophic in an instant and none of his friends knew about it so consoling him was really hard since he was so clearly in the wrong I've been to one bachelor party my brother's it was three guys the groom the best man and me sitting around a campfire shooting the crap and drinking whiskey of course the wedding was put together in less than a week so obviously there wasn't time to plan anything extravagant before you ask no it wasn't a shotgun wedding the bride was diagnosed with terminal cancer not only did she want to experience a wedding while she could they wanted to make sure he was her next of kin before the inevitable good thing they did to her parents tried to go against her wishes in pretty much every way possible for instance she insisted on no viewing and being cremated because she wanted people to remember her how she was when she was healthy her parents demanded an open casket my brother told them in no uncertain terms to freak themselves row that's amazing and props to your brother I sincerely hope he's doing well went to a friend's bachelor party as a DD everyone was very drunk groom decided to make love to the best man in the middle of a public parking lot this was when we realized he liked men needless to say his now wife still doesn't know he likes to make love to men one time at a bachelorette party I found out that the bride was a lesbian and didn't want to get married but she was doing it because her parents liked her fiance and they were really good friends so she thought the marriage would be okay I don't know if she ever told her husband about that but they did end up divorcing later right around the time my brother-in-law to be was drunk enough to get maudlin his friends and I duct-taped him to a tree specifically the tree he'd be getting married under about 16 hours later I will definitely not be having my bachelor party the night before the wedding my friend screwed a stripper at his bachelor party we bought him a lap dance and he disappeared for about an hour apparently he paid a little extra and had some more fun my ex-girlfriend said she flicked a whole bachelor party in Vegas a few years ago she also said that there was video somewhere that one of the guys took she is half Japanese and half Filipino about five feet tall and skinny yet fit and was wearing a blue dress for you red did detectives that want to try to find it I attended an old college friends bachelor party worst that happened that's night was he got a lap dance his fiancée knew about that allegedly couple of weeks later I am out getting a few drinks with another group of friends we have too many drinks and think it's a great idea to go to the scummy dive bar think the kind of place the always sunny gang would find homely but lo and behold he was there in a shady Bo's inspecting the tonsils of the vintage Walmart ham beast he is clearly wasted and doesn't see me I get another drink figuring I will get up the nerve to do something spoiler alert I do jack crap he leaves with a girl after performing a digital cervical inspection of his prize for the evening no idea what happened that night he lived with his fancy but a couple of weeks later I get an email saying the wedding is off still friends with both of them on Facebook but yeah they are not together anymore your descriptions are magical bachelor drunk texted his ex when the party started winding down got back to where we were staying and he ended up sending obsessing texts to her for hours sending pictures and all that crap apparently it happened a few more times after the wedding too I know of a couple that are together because the girl got pregnant I also know who the father is and not the person she married the guy who was the father was there at her version of a bachelorette party he was her best friend so he threw her a private party like five of us I was there for the first little bit as a close friend but things heated up so I got the hint and bounced the one good thing you can do now is telling the husband so he can have the chance of an honest life dang I really never get woman who can let her husband raise another man's child without him knowing the child's not his one of the craziest nights of my life there was nine of us five of us were all buddies since elementary school high school ink groom and the other four were are more friends of the groom but we all know each other at least a little bit we go to the strip club and everyone is having a great time nothing out of the ordinary or over-the-top until this chick we knew from high school gets on the stage I partied with her a few times and HS and didn't really know her all that well she totally digs the fact that we are there so she gives us a little extra attention and once she was done on stage she took a few of the boys to the private showing room not me sometime as the night is going on one of the boys convinced her to come back to the house we were going to afterwards little did I know at the time that one of the groom's friends had some blow so it wasn't very hard to convince her we get back to the house and everyone is pretty drunk the guy with the blue and the stripper are in a room for a while and after she comes out she is ready to give every guy out turn we found out after that mr. blow told her she could have his bag if he hooked up with everyone at the party the groom passed one of my HS buddies went next and I was third unfortunately I don't remember everything as great detail because I was drunk and high herb not blow but the stripper gave me a wicked lap dance and then I just got a bj not long after that I passed out for the night but every guy except for the groom and one other married guy got something from the stripper - guys tag-teamed her and got it on video haven't seen it and she left with mr. blow at like 5:00 a.m. be still my herb after I passed out but for the amount I hadn't getting a free bj it wasn't too bad of a trade-off all the groom passed every guy except for the groom and one other married guy those two bits made me really like this story I'm all for a party but hate the idea of married dudes or the groom using stag parties as an excuse to cheat it stripper frickin a lot of stripper frickin but also a surprising amount of groom actually likes men this happened a couple of years ago cousin was having his bachelor's party but the guys got stuck with the kids so that the ladies could go crazy with their bachelorette party so it was just Pizza and Marvel movie marathon for the party next day I get a message saying that there will be a real bachelor party tonight to make up for getting stuck babysitting kids this turns into a typical drink fest gambling gfy fronting etc the cousins friend and announces that he hired a stripper just as the doorbell rang turns out the stripper was my cousin's xgf of three years so she starts doing her stripper routine which was not that great mo clearly not a professional she spends most of the time dancing for my cousin which I could tell was a clear bet you wish you kept me so she's finally done with her performance and goes to leave but offers a more private performance for the groom and since the groom had a few too many shots he agrees and both head to the bathroom all the while all the guys are hooting them on for years later I see his ex at the grocery store with a little girl that looked to be 3 or 4 years old I just turn around to avoid her seeing me head to the cashier grabbed my stuff and just ran I never dare tell him since he and his wife are in a happy relationship and trying to have a child together first bachelor party when I was 18 and worked in a summer role at a petroleum engineering company my colleagues were all young engineers in their twenties earning the big bucks we went to the house where the party was and was handed a drink and a door prize number we went down the stairs into the basement and the first room had the groom tied to a chair with a drip of some rum drink going into his mouth the TV had the HSP on it this was back then in came strippers which proceeded to use their breasts too fast paint all the participants after a while some of the girls left while the others did the traditional groom tied to a chair and having a lap dance process turns out the door price was one of the strippers I assume that all bachelor parties would be similar I can say now 35 years later no that's not when things get wild it's more likely to be an after work gathering with other employees and alcohol ah holiday office parties nothing stop the one where someone got stabbed another got physically abused our CEO was nearly arrested and two marriages ended all in one night fun times I was part of a bachelor party that was strip club hopping in Vegas the bachelor went back for a private dance the club has these little rooms with really small beds for privates dances we suddenly see the stripper holding her outfit pressed against her chest running to the behind the stage area while a large bouncer is escorting the bachelor out at the same time another club employee informed us that the bachelor had to leave we could stay if we wanted to but he had to leave of course we all left but he would not tell us any details that what happened I still talk to the guy into this day he won't say a word on what went on back there we all have our theories was invited to a bachelor party once we played so much smash brought and ate so much pizza I don't know how he made it to the wedding in the morning my god I don't know if the marriage would survive if the bride found out how much we drank it must have been at least half a gallon of soda the stripper got his dong sucked by the bride-to-be actually aside from the bachelorette party I'm surprised he hasn't cheated on him her glory hole is a free spirit a good friend of mine made out with a groom on his stag party in the nickel away from Island he wanted to come all the way back with us I feel bad for his bride she didn't know he was on his stag party until about 15 minutes into the making out I had a bachelor party in Las Vegas it was amazing everyone had a great time except I was never engaged my buddy made up the story so he could go to Vegas and bang H I was filled in about ten minutes before we sat down to a his wife was attending I got really drunk with the groom and I was the best man we slept together that night no lovemaking we just cuddled nothing like a broke at all no homo justice our that a bachelor bachelorette party can lie somewhere between the extremes of bowling alley Plus Wendy's versus hooking up with strippers believe it or not you can have an appropriate amount of fun and crazy without ruining the marriage my now wife and I had our respective bachelor bachelorette parties in Vegas and we both had a great time she went to a couple day clubs with her girls and also went to Chippendales got blackout drunk with her best friend taking care of her and they have some hilarious stories from their adventures my groomsmen and I pulled out one of my close friends is rich and gotta stables I got a couple of my groomsmen laid and someone almost got arrested for public urination the great fun but nothing I wouldn't joke about with my better half obviously if you don't trust the other person to party without cheating on you don't let them do that but then at that point maybe reevaluate your decision to marry them just trying to provide some prospective here for anyone panicking after reading some of the stories I heard from my wife at at my sister-in-law's bachelorette party the male stripper did this move where he flipped her over and she landed really hard on her back between the drinking and loose environment everybody just sort of laughed it off she was actually a few months pregnant at the time and when she had my nephew he was born with some pretty serious learning disabilities I don't think my brother even knew there was a stripper there let alone that that happened , drinking , pregnant , born with learning disabilities think that has more to do with it than anything not a bachelor party but a golf tournament weekend with a bunch of people from our office a girl I worked with just went wild got drunk and was giving lap dances flashing letting guys put money in her panties etc she later disappeared into the woods with two separate guys and was making out in a bar with another later in the evening had known her for a few years and had never seen any inclination for that type of behavior out of her Monday at work I talked with her and she was beside herself with guilt I didn't tell her husband or anyone else about the weekend pretty sure her marriage would have been over if he had found out about it at a time but this was at least 13 - 14 years ago I think the only thing that saved her was that this was before the time of snapchat Twitter etc no way her behavior wouldn't have been documented today you have been visited by the romantic jogger comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: secrets, reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, best secrets, untold secrets, secrets that would ruin your life, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: qNoT-CRquEY
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Length: 61min 27sec (3687 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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