What's The Worst Way Someone Has Screwed You Over? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the worst anyone has ever freaked you over not too terrible but it sucked at a time my college roommate took care of all the bills so I just wrote him a check each month of my half and he paid the rent electricity etc then one day some of his friends from out of town visited for the weekend I come home on Sunday nights to find him half packed he says he is going with them this kinda leaves me in the lurch since I don't have another roommate lined up or anything and I can't afford the place on my own but Frick I can't stop him from leaving I suppose I could insist that he pays for another month of rent or something but it didn't occur to me so I said whatever and started looking for another roommate the next day then later that week I get the first overdue notice then I get a call from the landlord the sucker hadn't paid any bills in 2-3 months so he was taking my checks cashing them and using the money for himself luckily I was able to get most everything straightened out but it was super stressful for a while and I still resent him that's one nasty roommate dang when my dad committed suicide his house was put up for sale at a public auction the auction was set up by a notary I was present at the auction bit apart from two other couples no one else was because of the exceptionally low turnout and me being underaged him not in the know about this kind of thing the price was about a quarter of what the house was worth it was sold I now have to pay off a 20 year loan to be able to afford a house while I could have had one for free afterwards we found out that the notary had set up a deal with the bidding couple and forgot to schedule the sale in the official channels basically no one showed up because all of five people knew there would be a binding sale that evening my advice if you're dealing with a notary lawyer and you're not very knowledgeable in the particular field they're working in get a second opinion heck get a third if you want to be sure because there are people out there who won't think twice about taking advantage of a 15 year old who just became a half orphan this seems like something you could sue for a letter you could send to the No provide evidence of your announcement in the official channels act the house was for sale or give me dollar sign xxx as damages against what the house was worth there's a reason notaries have to be licensed worst thing I can think of at the moment is while I was deployed in Iraq my brother's wife offered to do my taxes fill me I said cool thanks a couple of weeks go by and I asked her how much I'm getting back and she said she couldn't do it there was some form she needed I didn't think much of it as a deployed soldier you are given an automatic extension on your taxes so it wasn't that big of a deal I get back and say for a couple of days that I need to go do my taxes she asked me for a ride so I drop her off and tell her that I'm gonna go to my taxes so we'll swing by to get her when I'm done while I'm filling out the paperwork to get my tax return at H&R I get a text from her she had gotten my tax return and spent it while I was deployed she still hasn't paid me back I had my best friend's 14 year old stepsister accused me of having physical relations with her she told all of her friends and then when her parents found out instead of telling the truth she told a bigger lie it's been almost two years now and I am still fighting the court case freak that crap writer hack internet hug dude , my no ex-girlfriend went to study abroad two months and she started cheating on me but he still called me up and convinced me to visit her for the winter break where she introduced me to the guy she was freaking where I slept in the bed they were freaking in talked to the whole floor and they knew what happened I was the chump of the year I suppose I found out about the cheating after I got back home my at the time girlfriend mom offered me a job worth double what I was making now but she had to give me an interview to make it look official for HR I applied but HR didn't like that I already had a job so she told me to quit and apply again so I quit my job and applied again went in for the interview and everything was great my application was processing and I was totally going to get the job I didn't get the job after her and I broke up like two years later she just admitted she was jealous I didn't have any debt and she wanted me to lose my job so I'd be forced to get a loan so I could be in debt like her and see how it feels anyone else hear alarm bells that HR didn't like that I already had a job being claimed as a deduction for being in college while I was in the Persian Gulf circa 1991 and end up being audited by the IRS having multiple utilities gas electric phone opened up in my name while I was in the Persian Gulf and none of them being paid for and they were in a totally different state more than once having countless credit cards open up in my name none of the bills paid and having a totally destroyed credit rating for six years while I was in the Persian Gulf thanks mom I purchased a car from a buddy its engine was bad bill it had a bunch of custom parts on it I was going to use on my car which was the same model I did not have the time to get the parts off and it sat around for a couple weeks his dad got impatient and had the car junked no one told me this was going to happen or there was a timetable I asked for my money back and the dude laughed in my face freak that guy that's what small claims caught his for I had been dating a girl for around 9 - 10 months we were great together no fights no drama just kept it chill and had the time of our life she got a promotion two hours away from where we lived and needed to move she was nervous about the distance but I only had a year left in school and I would join her well moving day came she was busy working and had been living in the new spot for a week or two I grabbed my dad's truck and my band's trailer and with help from her parents we got all of her stuff loaded up and made the journey once we got everything moved out and put into the new apartment I gave her a call to see what she want to do for dinner and leave nning in general she essentially replied with I can't do the distance sorry I was completely stunned and to add insult to injury her stepdad gave me about 30 bucks for gas after hauling all her crap two hours away took care of a very sick girl for eight one stroke two years she had no responsibilities whatsoever except to do things that helped keep her healthy she had everything she wanted and I was happy to provide it when we broke up she packed up all my things I was out of town and then proceeded to tell horrible lies about me in a thinly veiled attempt to bully me away from fighting for my belongings ironically I would have given her anything she wanted all she had to do was ask over three years later I am still stunned by what happened I was so blind not looking for sympathy with posting this but was seeing sleeping with this guy always protected one day he couldn't find a condom and convinced me he had just been tested and was clean and wasn't sleeping with anyone else et Cie and convinced me that we didn't need a condom then he infected me with him lesson learned trust no one ever if he knew that he had HIV that's a felony where he would be going to jail for a long long time parents got divorced dad kicked my mom out I was still a senior in high school I graduate and take a job to try and save up he decides to get a new girlfriend despite my mom talks crap about my mom and lets this new woman abuse me she likes to freak with me by smacking a hammer on my bedroom wall really early in the morning sneaks into my room while I am at work and steals things from me come to my dad begging and crying to help me he calls me crazy tells me to lock my doors every day in my own house and accuses my sister on doing it I catch her stealing from me on the last day of work I tell my dad he kicks me out the very next day I haven't talked to him in over two years and I have nightmares about him I made him pay me back over $1,300 that she stole from me or I'd sue her I never understood people choosing the random person they're nailing over their children no shame in never speaking to him again GF tells me she can't leave with me when I am moving but wants to come in 1-2 months when the semester is over during this time we talk every day I continue to help pay her bills etc two months pass and she says she is ready to move come get me I rent a truck drive from Colorado to var and upon my arrival find a note on the door that she had an anxiety attack and is no longer sure she can move no call saying hey we need to talk no face-to-face a note on a door for your information four weeks later she calls saying she was wronged and loves me blablabla I wished her well and never looked back that would hurt like heck but you did the right thing life's too short getting asked by my mother whether or not I wanted to commit suicide with her to be with Daddy in heaven at the age of 10 er I lived with my father mother lied and said she had a steady job and a house so I was sent to live with her because she had ruined my dad's credit by running up huge debts in his name without his knowledge causing our house to get foreclosed on she lived in a van behind a strip club when all of my things arrived she simply dumped them on the side of the road and I never saw them again spent the next year living like a homeless person 10 years old she threatened me with violence not to tell anyone finally I did and my dad came and got me but God dang that screwed me up I was a year behind in school at all and I lost all my staff just started college and was living with my grandmother of my father side first time staying with this side of the family father never care of me and was incarcerated for his whole life needed place to stay till I got my crap together within a month living there father was released from prison and came to live there as well I didn't know how he was going to stay there as my grandmother didn't say anything as she knew I didn't wanted anything to do with him anyway after about another month of awkwardly living under the roof my father comes home in a car that he got from an auction he wasn't working at the time and I assumed he was selling drugs or stolen the car he got arrested again friend joined call it same time I did and he got his refund I didn't after some investigation work found out my father took the refund and cashed it and that's how he got the money for the car he off I pressed charges and eventually my grandmother found out about it and kicked me out I was homeless for a few days best friend found out about it and his parents gave me a room TL DR scumbag father took my refund from the grant I received for college and cashed it to buy a car my ex ceases our physical relationship citing how it goes against her faith and she feels guilty about it I am fine with us and we date for three more months everything seemed great until at the end where she tells me she is six weeks pregnant I am not very good at math but I do know three months six weeks I don't see the problem here someone else got her pregnant that's you're out of jail free card from a crazy I had a brand-new yamaha r6 let my friend try it he's experienced and wanted a new bike so he tested my bike did like a wheelie and of course dropped it basically totaled the bike blamed me for not having full insurance and he didn't pay a cent have not talked to him since but now I have a brand new r1 never let anyone ride your motorcycle if you break it you pay it is what I always tell when friends family want to ride my motorcycle or car quit my job so I can watch my kids while my wife was deployed to Afghanistan she falls for a contractor over there and dumps me now I'm jobless wifeless I'd be freaking homeless too if I wasn't living back at my dad's house oh and when she returns from Afghan she wants full custody of the boys and I just turned 30 today happy freakin birthday to me happy birthday and don't let that be take your kids away from you you have looked after them for so long hugs my brother is a contractor and after offering to handle our whole home renovation he started demolition then decided he was too busy to finish and abandoned the project he just didn't show up for two weeks and when I contacted him he showed zero remorse for freaking me over I've paid him almost $20,000 up front as a deposit for work to be completed the Riina's started in June right now the master bedroom has no fixtures there's no doors anywhere the back wall of the second floor is missing it's October and getting cold the bathroom is gutted to the studs the kitchen has missing walls and there are massive holes in practically every remaining wall before just walking off he'd just not show up for days at a time or only work a couple of hours then complain he was underpaid the rest of the time on top of that due to him having poor credit I let him use an extension of my credit card with his name on it to purchase materials which he then proceeded to use to buy gas food and booze for himself when I asked him to stop he agreed and then continued to do so I'm now out fifty thousand dollars in labor and materials and now I have to find another contractor let me point out this important fact this is my brother who has done this I accidentally broke the small glass door of my closet dad came in saw the shattered glasses on the floor I told him it was an accident he pointed his finger at me and yelled your accident I was 11 just remember in what he said is depressing my dad once told me he wished he'd named me after him rather than making my older brother his namesake legacy I moved in with my mother and her alcoholic husband which should have been a red flag and it was but not enough to avoid the situation long story short she told everyone we mutually know that I am addicted to crack dropped out of school and was about to lose my job none of this is true or even close to being true I was living in her house with my three one-stroke two-year-old daughter she called my daughter's dad and told him all of this then she writes a letter to friend-of-the-court I lost custody of my daughter because of this I didn't know any of it was coming so I had no way to defend myself and I don't have the money to hire a lawyer to fight it out oh yeah and she kicked me out of her house not that I could even look at her after all of this happened I am now homeless beat that good lord I wouldn't wish this on anyone pens close to 10 years working for a guy who I considered to be like family for less than minimum wage helped him build his business up into a very successful entity he had promised I would get a raise and my own store to manage I trusted him because I had known him since I was a child and he had never steered me wrong before I did everything he said and each time I did something new that he asked for reached a new goal he said it wasn't done right and I would have to do it again I brought in a good amount of his clients and kept them there yet he said no when I said I needed more money to survive I told him I was quitting my hours back because I had to go get another job he said I was being selfish when I took time off to spend with my family and girlfriend he said I was neglecting my duties told me I needed to quit or start over with reduced pay and no title I quit soon after a number of clients left as well his wife who ran the books is now leaving him and his other employees have left clients continue to leave on a regular basis that place was my life for a long time it was my dream to have my own location he promised it to me but flipped me over I lost 10 years of my life best thing that ever happened to me though xgf was living with me had a vacation plan to Playa del Carmen Huracan Dean hits two days before we were supposed to get there so we had to cancel meanwhile my dad suddenly has to go in for heart surgery she really pushes me to just switch our vacation to go somewhere else instead of rescheduling for later in the year because we already had it planned and it might be hard to take another vacation once her semester starts etc I have to buy new plane tickets but go to cabo instead I'm worried about my dad the entire time the day after we get home she announces that she's moving out and because she met someone new who she'd apparently been seeing for at least a month or two while living with me I asked why the Frick didn't you just tell me this last week when the hurricane hit and everything was canceled I could have stayed here with my dad and not been out for kay her answer was you hadn't had a vacation in a long time and I wanted you to get to take one selfish B she's apparently being married twice since then and that was only three years ago she also used the ticket credit from the canceled flight to Kazu malai had paid Thor to take a trip with her new boyfriend for New Year's she also adopted a dog when she started dating me and left it all though the dog has made my life better long story so I've left out many many details dated for six years started in high school then marry two years after we get married she graduates college convinces me to move into a large expensive duplex drop my health insurance to get picked up on hers buy a truck take on a few other expenses my job takes a turn most of the employees are left go and rehired as contractors making around half as much with no benefits we go to dinner one night and she bails early due to not feeling well I catch a ride home with our dinner guests and walk in with her sitting in the middle of the bed waiting for me she proceeds to neut my world she's having an affair with a married man who's six feet five inches 250 pounds and a cop and she's packing her crap and leaving me so now my job sucks my health spirals downhill due to crushing depression and anxiety but I have no insurance and I'm buried under a mountain of debt I can't afford on my own I do my best to salvage the relationship and she Springs me along for a few months before I just can't take it anymore breaking point was she said it was over between them and I found out otherwise what did I do that make her decide to leave nothing I had been such a good boyfriend and husband she had no reason to ever leave and she resented me because she didn't get the date much in high school or college and felt she missed out on that part of life my ex-girlfriend left me while pregnant with my baby found another guy and either miscarried or aborted the child in the second trimester I didn't hear from her for eight months at which point we reconciled under the pretense that she hadn't rebounded with this random guy and then after we hooked up one last time she took her life I can't father misery the Neyman over her it's even worse than that but for the sake of brevity and not sharing my personal life with a bunch of strangers on the Internet I'll leave it at this suffice to say she was my first girlfriend and physical partner so it makes the wounds all the more incisive my ex-girlfriend and I had been having a long-distance relationship for a few months I decided to move closer to be with her as our relationship was becoming strained this required me to quit my job and move 1,000 miles she broke up with me within a week after I got there fretted gifts some useless no-good freak from Tampa got me an envelope with seven paper clips last year not indicative of our Tampa redditors PM me your address and we'll get that crap fixed right up here's another my grandmother did very well in life and in death left a sizable amount of money to the family including me that's what I thought because she showed me a copy of her will about a year before she passed away I get a copy of the will mailed to me by my uncle's lawyer and it has her handwriting on a new amendment giving all her estate her outstanding CDs and investments over to him and him alone to do as he pleases she was in hospice care for six months and I'm betting money she was high on painkillers when he convinced her to sign the amendment I still have nothing from her a-and he is a Catholic priest Frick first relationship ever I was 19 and he was 24 he was the most manipulative man in the world he lost his job shortly after we started dating I later found out he didn't even had a job so he ended up staying with me for a very long time while he did nothing but sit on his butt one that he didn't even bother to clean most the time left all my couch is literally smelling like crap and play Wow all day while I work two part-time jobs and went to college full-time to support this grown man now living with me while also paying for his MMO subscriptions he also managed to push everyone in my life away because there was only room for him in my life not to mention the constant bitching whining of how we didn't go on dates anymore when obviously he wasn't going to be the one paying for it and I was broke because of him but he'd say just enough to make me feel like crap for it also emotionally cheating on me with his well buddy and how they had agreed to Frick whenever they saw each other or never again when I was 18 my mother decided to move from Philly to Chicago to live with her internet boyfriend and didn't tell me until 10 days before the movers came and she was flying out because she admitted she didn't want to give me enough time to make other plans so I'd be forced to go with her work and help support her I moved in with my grandmother 10 years later after we'd reconciled I let her live with me she's disabled and she did it again gave me a week notice she was moving when I couldn't afford the apartment on my own which she knew because she would open all my bills and financial statements when the mail came while I was at work that was four years ago and I haven't talked to her since I had two good friends from high school friend a who stayed home and friend B who went away with me to college we had been in a band together we lived down the block from each other and we had been good friends for years I wound up getting kicked out of school and losing most of the friends I had made there about two years later I meet this girl and were texting while she's away at school for the semester she comes home and we start dating almost instantly friend a was very jealous and after some awkward tension he winds up hooking up with her behind my back but friend B tells me and I drop him I gave her a second chance please for the love of God don't make this mistake after another month of dating she ends it with me then we find out she's pregnant a few days before we go to get this taken care of I find out she actually flicked both friends a and B while she was pregnant after that I lost most of my remaining friends refusing to be around anyone who would be around those two guys my depression and social anxiety got worse and I spent the rest of my schooling making barely any friends needless to say I am friends with none of these people anymore in fact I have very few friends in general sometimes I call up my parents and say thank you for not opening up credit cards and my name and then maxing them out or thank you for paying the mortgage when I was growing up so that I was able to grow up in the same house without constantly moving or thank you for not dumping your emotional problems only when I was a child and instead finding other qualified adults with whom you consulted about life problems usually my parents are confused by these random calls but they usually come after reading posts like this yeah I'm very grateful to my parents probably when I was in college and I got physically assaulted despite mounds of physical evidence intimidation and violence and past weapons charges my school did not bring the school hearing for six months and then even after they found him guilty they have him a month to move out and he was allowed back the next semester meanwhile I had to live in the same building with him a guy I was cool with in college came into my room on the last day when I was napping and stole my copy of Goldeneye 0:07 with all the cheats unlocked the frickin facility level took me forever ouch just ouch the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of high school the girl I was dating Courtney started telling me about her older sister her sister Jackie looked just like her and was six years older as the summer goes on Jackie starts making some very bad choices her family is fundamentalist Christian so they can't deal with Jackie drinking doing recreational drugs or living with her boyfriend Courtney has been sworn to secrecy and being threatened with physical harm by Jackie's boyfriend if she tells their parents Jackie continues to ruin her life doing drugs like Si and ecstasy by this time football season had started and during one game I collapsed my lung I was in the hospital for five days straight ray inflating my lung during this time I was told that Jackie was living on the streets and doing drugs heavily Courtney repeatedly told me she was going to go look for her sister in the midst of the night a week or so after I get out of the hospital Jackie is found by police in an alley barely living and in a draw induced coma my mom tries to call Courtney's mom to set up a time for a visit in the hospital but the time is too stressful so I can't go give any support fast-forward a few weeks after long midnight conversations including me crying on the phone with Courtney and I find out that Jackie is not sick at all because Jackie does not exist Courtney had answered her mother's phone and told my mom that I couldn't visit she created two fictional people and killed one of them off just for attention and sympathy that was three years ago the past two times that I have talked to her she has one asked me to meet her for physical intimacy and two accused me of hacking her Facebook account the one that hadn't been touched in over two years and told me she was calling the police TL DR crazy girl makes up an older sister manipulates me while I have a collapsed lung tells me sister is dying sister doesn't exist dated a girl for four years since high school moved to the same city together for college moved back home together when things weren't working for me best relationship I could ask for started saving money for a ring and suddenly her new friends start telling her I'm using her and other bulls and she cheats on me I hate when the friends start encroaching I sympathize greatly not sure if this counts but it did hurt B F's birth there was a month away and I asked him numerous times what we were going to do he said nothing I asked him if we were going to his friend's place three hours drive away to celebrate he said nope don't think so I think I asked him six times what was planned nothing each time since there was nothing going on I didn't book the time off work he told me two days before his birth too that his friend mentioned above was having a party for him I told him there was no way I'd get a time off with only two days notice he said it's okay I understand he came back and dumped me for not going to his birthday party saying I didn't care enough about him to bother going I dropped a banana on the track and ran right into it on the next lap I am my own worst enemy my dad my mother had died and I got the house my brother had moved back in so we were sharing the house cost upwards of 100 K from her insurance money and I was 20 had a house and new vehicle paid off my dad got a shitload of money as well bought himself a new truck and a couple of places his wife was very mad at my brother and I got any share of the money she saw it as his they had been divorced for ten years at this point and honestly she didn't know he was the beneficiary on any of her policies but moving on my stepmother ran through my dad's money and in a year or so he had sold one of his houses lost his truck and was losing his other car to a title loan he then asked if he could put a loan against our house we live there and he pays it off my credit sucked so to get a better rate we signed it over to him so he could get the loan in his name next day my brother and I woke up with an eviction notice taped on our door I say that because that is what the note said turns out in real estate there is no deal at all unless it is in writing so him telling us we could stay there held no water at all legally it was his while his notice wasn't legal the corrected one was they sold our house this was 2003 and I still have not financially recovered we lived with friends and wherever we could find to stay until we could afford to get to a new place Oh both of us had our pregnant women living with us there at the time - with his grandchildren real dong move mine wasn't all for my boyfriend in high school got my best friend pregnant then married her they got divorced shortly after and he pays a lots of charm support so I suppose I dodged a bullet I put in my two weeks of my job and my boss who absolutely loved me and considered me one of her favorites wouldn't let me go she tried hard to manipulate me into saying we work retail so she's very good at it as we were discussing my leaving she leaves the office and brings in two co-workers on our private discussion one of whom is my best friend and accuses them as the reason I'm leaving real long story I had no idea my boss would stoop so low and I felt humiliated and on top of that my friend thought I totally threw her under the bus my friend never spoke to me again after that I left work for good days after the incident have been extremely depressed since my ex-boyfriend was a con artist he manipulated me into believing he loved me then about 2 1 stroke two months into our relationship he began getting very violent with me he was horribly frightening and I was off and marked with bruises and cuts he lied to me every time he opened his mouth he lied about graduating from college he lied about going to the hospital he lied to me about attending anger-management classes he lied to me about having a license he lied to me about all the ladies he was cheating on me with he lied to me pretty much about everything he also stole my money and stomped on my car key invented at a 90 degree angle so I wouldn't be able to escape from him after one particularly enraged argument he would physically assault me as well to hurt me during these fights I've been strangled hit punched grabbed thrown groped and spit on finally one night I was thinking clearly and I was able to get away and go to the cops the nightmare hasn't ended but at least I know the truth and I'm on the road to recovery things I have learned from this thread never ever ever ever get married when nine condoms at a time at all times like this video and this good boy will play you a nice song if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 79,832
Rating: 4.8450947 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, played, worst way someone has played you, worst way, hustle, hustlers, worst people, con artist, con artist tricks
Id: cVdubcpYySQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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