What Is The Creepiest Thing That Has Ever Happened to You?

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what is the creepiest thing that has ever happened to you when i was in my early 20s i was fresh out of closet and lived in the french quarter i started getting hang-up calls from someone presumably a hookup after a few months of sporadic calls someone showed up outside of my window at around 2am and started blasting a tape recording of me saying hello hello then drove off didn't happen to me but a few stories from where i work i work in a medium-sized city hotel for some reason we seem to attract the weirdos first story happened to the late duty manager as she was doing her nightly walk around before handling over to the night porter as she's walking around checking all the doors that should be closed and locked she finds the door to one of the function rooms is unlocked she walks into the room the lights are off and as it's dark out she flicks on the light to check the area stood in the middle of the room in the pitch dark is an old woman slightly disheveled and crazy hair think bag lady just staring at her now this woman has obviously come into the hotel much earlier in the day or she would have been noticed as she walked past reception and down the hall to the function room turned out she'd been stood in there in the dark for a good few hours dm tells her to leave she just stares daggers at her and walks out without saying a word the second story happened to the night porter the same hotel following a report that something had gone missing from the staff room one night we reviewed the cctv tapes the next day it turned out that some bloke had managed to get in through an unsecured delivery entrance downstairs and nicked some belongings from the staff room one night the creepy thing is having done this instead of leaving the way he came he went upstairs through the kitchen and into the bar now the bar is separated from reception where the mp spends most of his shift by a curtain the intruder then proceeds to spend a good four hours just peering through a gap in the curtain at the porter when the night porter comes into the bar area to set up for breakfast this bloke just dugs behind the bar and continues to stare at him eventually as the sun comes up and the mp goes to the toilet or whatever the guy just walks out the front door even just watching the tapes creep me out you could see the np felt uncomfortable just by the way he looked around all night after we showed him the tapes he said he had felt uneasy that night but didn't know why whenever caught the creepy thief the creepy lady however does make an appearance every now and again generally trying some odd stuff but most of the time we catch her before she manages to scare anyone else half to death walking home from 7-eleven in san diego a guy parks across the street and starts walking behind me asking me incoherent questions i apologize i'm new here keep walking guy slaps beer out of my hands puts one arm under my right armpit uses the right boob as a kind of handle and the other between my legs and gropes the lady zone and starts dragging me into bushes i'm awkward and shocked so i start forcefully scolding him sir no no sir no not loudly enough until i realize he's successfully kidnapping me and likely for nefarious purposes i yell louder no thankfully an off-duty cop was jogging and came running at the guy who dropped me grabbed my purse ran then dropped it and kept running they found him a few months later i testified and he went to federal prison i think he's out as of last year a few years back i woke up in the middle of the night we had a two month newborn sleeping in the room next door i had a video monitor on my bedside table so that my wife and i could easily check on him so i clicked the button that turns on the video image and what i saw scared me like nothing ever before my baby boy was gone now i know that instinct should have made me run into the baby's room instead i froze i looked over and my wife was sleeping next to me finally i moved but not to run into the other room like i should have done instead i turned up the volume on the baby monitor i heard another woman's voice singing a lullaby i'm not kidding another woman was singing to my baby in a very soft gentle and melodic voice i don't remember what song it was something like go to sleep little baby finally my freeze broke i jumped up ran through the hallway and burst into my boy's room he was sound asleep in his crib no woman no singing turns out the monitor was picking my next-door neighbor's monitor they had just bought the video monitor for their own newborn nothing supernatural here but i don't know if i've ever experienced something scarier when i was 11 my mother and i lived with her boyfriend who i hated who was occasionally physically abusive to me and was always intimidating anyway when it got super creepy was one rainy saturday morning my mom was at work so it was just me and quote unquote rick home the phone rang at about 8 am and they jumped out of bed and went to the kitchen to answer it it was my little league coach calling to confirm that my baseball game had been rained out i headed back toward my bedroom but had to pass rick's bedroom to get there as i did here he stood six foot two and buck naked not wanting to chat with any grown naked man i averted my gaze and tried to shoot into my bedroom as i tried to shut the door i felt something blocked open rick had followed me to my room and stuck his foot out to keep me from shutting the door he stood right by me towering over me and asked what the call was i told him but he just stood there two feet away naked and glaring at me for what was probably 30 seconds but felt more like 5 minutes he said nothing but stared angrily at me i was already terrified of him from some violence he had committed against me before but this was different this felt like a strange sexual intimidation very scary for a young boy very creepy he finally turned around and walked away nothing like that ever happened again but i did later learn he had some strange sexual issues i was left with the feeling that he was sizing me up in a very creepy and unhealthy way it has stuck with me almost 35 years now someone attempted to kidnap my friend in front of me i was about 8 and walking home from the school bus stop in a scattered group with various neighborhood kids and parents i was walking with my mom and my friend had fallen a few feet behind us this beat to crab brown car pulled up and stopped by my friend i turned around just in time to see her shake her head no and run toward my mom and me the driver was a former employee her parents had just fired he saw her walking pulled up and yelled get in he did all of this with multiple witnesses i don't know what his long-term plan was but at least he wanted to frighten her parents for firing him when i was in third grade i remember getting called to the front office to be dismissed i always knew when i would be getting dismissed beforehand so this caught me off guard maybe my mom was going to surprise me with the day off maybe anyway i get about halfway to the office and my teacher comes up behind me screaming at the top of her lungs to get back into the classroom now and grabbed my arm super hard which i understand now as an adult and drug me back into the classroom i thought i was in trouble she immediately slammed the door shut behind me and locked it then flipped the lights off i'm so very very confused the classroom phone was lying on her desk instead of being hung up on the wall she whispers into the phone that i'm officially back in the room and then locked down then an announcement over the school's intercom informs the entire school that they need to be in lockdown and that all students need to run back to the classrooms cue silent panic long story short some random guy tried to dismiss me from school to kidnap me we don't know who he was or anything about him my mother was immediately called to dismiss me after being phoned about the incident she had to show her license and walk all the way to the classroom to physically walk with me three days after this event happened on a friday we had full photo name tags for any non-student aka an adult who wanted to walk through the office doors you had to give your license number scan a copy of your license take a current pick to be printed on a temp badge then be clear to enter the actual building by scanning the photo id 10 badge makes me sick to think about i now have a three-year-old daughter who i am slightly nervous about sending to school in a few years fortunately school security is way more amped up than when i was in school back in the 90s when my kid was about two and a half years old he was a champion sleeper put him to bed he was out pretty quick and would sleep through the night until morning one week night he wakes up around 11 pm crying about his grandmother his dad's mom saying he wants to call her i tell him we can't call her because she's sleeping just like he should be it took a while and i had to let him stay in my bed but got him back to sleep by promising we would call her at 7am when we wake up for school my alarm goes off at 7 00 am he immediately gets up and asks to call grandma we do and answers the phone apparently grandma was in a work-related accident at about 11pm the night before and had only just gotten home from the hospital about an hour before so she was sleeping easily the creepiest moment of my life my kid and his grandma have some seriously deep connection i'm unable to explain i used to have a job at a casino that got me working some pretty weird hours some days i would work a normal 9 to 5. others i would go in at 6 00 pm and not leave until 2 or 3 am not a big deal except by that time in the morning all the parking spaces around my apartment building would be taken so i had to park a few blocks away and walk to get to my building i would park get my pepper spray and keys in hand lock my car and walk the block or two to my building i never felt like i was in any way unsafe until one night when i found a parking space across the street from my building that happened to be in front of a bar i pulled into the space and got my keys ready i noticed a guy smoking in the doorway of the bar around five cars down but he was looking in the other direction and didn't seem to care that i was there i got out of the car and was about halfway across the street before he noticed i was a girl and i heard him yell hi sweetie i ignored him and that must have pissed him off because he yelled bit i started sprinting to my building when i heard the sound of him running up behind me the building i lived in at the time had been built a long time ago and everything was outdated including the security system after 10 pm the doors would lock automatically and you would have to put in a key in the lock and turn it for the doors to open and it would take forever i finally got the door opened and had just shut it before he got there and was yanking on the handle and screaming at me my skin was crawling for a few days after that i was seeing a girl occasionally friends with benefits setup about two months into our fling i have a ridiculously vivid dream of the girl having a c-section and giving birth to my son i can remember holding my son the feel of his warm smooth fragile skin in this dream i remember dreaming about looking into his milky blue eyes smelling his milky breath as i bent down to kiss him the dream was powerful realistic i told her about it she laughed she has an iud in she tells me and cannot get pregnant phew just a silly all bite realistic dream we have a good laugh at my expense fast forward three months she's gained some weight and is having strange bouts of nausea so goes to the doctor she was pregnant with an iud and the use of condoms 99.8 percent of the time at the time of my dream the doctor says at one point too bad he didn't play the lottery that day 99 isn't 100 they remove the iud four months later she has a baby boy in the delivery room she jokes at least we don't need a c-section 16 hours of labor later emergency c-section he turns one on april 5th just a few days from now pretty awesome but still creepy [Music] thanks for supporting ask planet [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 10,168
Rating: 4.9172416 out of 5
Keywords: ask planet, ask planet creepiest moments, What is the creepiest thing that has ever happened to you?, ask planet weird and scary moments, weirdest or scariest moments, radio tts, updoot, toad films, weirdest moments, strange coincidence, so scared, ask planet creeped out, ask planet scary stories, horrifying moments, horrifying moments ask planet, where is the creepiest place you have been?, ask planet creepiest places, ask planet scared, ask planet horrifying, creepy, creep, r/
Id: CZUaoucaz14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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