What is extremely rare, but people think it's common? - (r/AskReddit)

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what is extremely rare but people think it's very common to read swift coprolalia involuntary swearing only about 10% of Tourette's patients have a symptom because of this misconception I would also say that having Tourette's is more common than you would think one in every 160 children between 5 and 17 all 1 in 100 children if including all tic disorders according to Tourette Association of America Tourette old link successfully saving someone trapped by a fire via Ray entering a burning building the mortality rate for this is really high and Fire Department's have petitioned to stop showing this in movies because it usually results in another life being lost had a kitchen fire when I was a teenager and after some moderate panicking trying to put it out with the sink my mom and sister went outside and called the fire department and I was like oh yeah there's an outside and went in got the hose and put the fire out the firefighters showed up and were like who put out the fire nice job dude but never go back inside ever but nice job putting that fire out not even once you understand Emmy it was a little weird I didn't really know how to feel about it at the time because it makes sense safety being more important than damaged property but in this particular instance I never felt like I was in danger but presumably other people who went back into burning buildings also felt like they weren't gonna die but they did even when the fire hasn't grown too big and isn't dangerous to you it can produce a lot of smoke and that's the [ __ ] that will get you in a confined space also if you spend significant time in the building or have to go in far from an exit the fire can spread to block the path you came in by burglary in the middle of the night burglary happens most often during the day when nobody is home no burglar wants to break in and try to sneak around your place while you're sleeping his biggest concern is to evade detection it makes more sense to work in the daytime in all likelihood that noise you heard outside was a car or raccoon of your imagination go to sleep edit gold thanks but I was gonna break in and steal all your gold anyway that's exactly what a burglar would say don't trust this person they will however not hesitate to break into or steal your car source too many times to count in multiple neighborhoods in multiple cities unfortunately people giving away drugs to kids at Halloween why would they give away product they could sell my 12 year old daughter told me that literally none of the kids in her grade will eat from the pizza place right by our house because the people making the pizza put weed in IT I figure 12 is old enough to learn that nobody is giving away weed that [ __ ] ain't free where is this pizza place I should most certainly avoid because of the weed in the pizza you almost never see two guys walking across the street carrying a big pane of glass I was on a college visit once and I saw two guys walking holding a big pane of glass I took a good look because I know it will never happen again I once slipped on a banana peel I took a moment to really absorb it because I couldn't believe it had actually just happened dropping out of college and becoming a millionaire billionaire most of those people drop out of Harvard MIT Oxford and Cambridge in how they don't drop out of Community College survivor's bias and they don't drop out because they couldn't hack it they drop out because it's a waste of time for them edit focus it stays red hair it only occurs in about 2% of the population hello ladies ever been with a man covered in burns he got from a cloudy day dissociative identity disorder multiple personalities what is common on the other hand is the mistaken belief that this is synonymous with schizophrenia as well as most misconceptions about all mental illnesses and disorders my favorite to point out is the difference between OCD and OCPD two people who constantly talk about how ICD they are because they like their closet organized in a reasonable way a potential mate who is successful smart funny attractive mentally stable ready for commitment and single and attracted to you and attracted to you willing to settle for you becoming a successful youtuber my co-worker told me he was quitting his job to focus on his video gaming and streaming I just wished him a hearty good luck please give us an update in a few months rent-controlled apartments in New York City if TV is accurate they're all occupied by part-time coffee shop employees who work approximately 10 minutes a day writing code that executes saan first compiled well in my experience it almost always executes but it rarely works run time is the real beach my code would work perfectly if it weren't for people wanting to actually run it being able to make it as a musician or actor or many other creative jobs and by making it I mean being able to earn some serious money or even just to make a living by just performing and not doing anything else a most of the time you will have to have multiple side projects that only roughly are related to actually performing or so I've heard if there are people with personal experience in these fields I'd love to read your comments I have a friend that's an amazing songwriter he has written with and for many famous fans and artists lots of people you've heard on the radio he has been nominated for a Grammy twice once in the last year or two he has to work side jobs to make ends meet in between royalty checks there is just no money in music anymore unless you are Taylor Swift or Lady Gaga even someone like that proves my point more than I would have thought thanks for sharing broadband internet and rural areas of us there are only thirteen advertising blimps and use around the world yet it's so common to see them when there's a football game edit for those asking for a source and n wikipedia org link under use there's also a blog post by one of the companies that owns a lot of these blimps van VAR airship that says so is there more than one Goodyear blimp BC I've seen that thing several times through my life all throughout the country I believe Goodyear operates to successfully resuscitating someone who has drowned edit for clarification drowned is the key word I mean died from submersion in water you slash dafaq has opened a great discussion with me on this and this chart is very telling on the different success rates based on drowned vs. drowning edit at request health Harvard edu links slash press releases heed CPR if your heart stops there is a one in 20 chance you will survive with CPR any doubles your chances but that's only to one in ten point nine zero to ninety five percent of hearts that stop do not restart the movies tell me all I have to do is scream at them to wake up and it works don't forget to pound on their chest if the BBC has taught me anything it would be murders in small British villages my mum watched a show about two gardeners rosemary and thyme who travelled about gardening and going to flower shows and there was always a murder they solved and they'd always know more than the police Beach if two gardeners keep showing up around murders they're the prime suspects American here rosemary and time was so over the top and ridiculous when it was on Netflix my friends and I would have viewing parties what could be more British than to Sassie ladies roaming around the UK restoring gardens and solving murders epilepsy being full to the floor spazz uncontrollably froth and all that due to flashing lights epilepsy is recurring seizures and there are lots and lots of seizure types and often they aren't noticeable even immediately so for the sufferer triggers for these seizures are more likely to be hyperventilation space alcohol or sleep deprivation or stuff like that than strobe lights epilepsy is also pretty common and it's likely you go to school or work with someone who has it in a reverse of the title ironically for this post though the kind of epilepsy I have does have the stereotype go figure my dad has severe epilepsy and I've seen him have seizures once we were at the movies got out of the movie and the sudden brightness of daylight overloaded his senses and was too much he froze in place with a thousand-yard stare on his face and dropped his expensive camera we were on vacation and I knew what was happening I sat him down on a bench and in a few minutes he was okay but tired and confused I used to have seizures when I was younger I remember the second time I had it it was on the highway which was ducking brutal I was just looking outside my window and saw a bunch of flashing images which was ducking odd to see then it hit me that I was about to have my second seizure it's actually a weird feeling once you have a seizure I remember that I was kind of unaware of my surroundings when it was happening and wasn't really paying attention to how my family reacted then after my seizure went away I was kind of confused and had difficulty answering basic questions to the medics like what is your name or when is your birthday instead of instant responses it took me an extra 15 30 seconds to try and figure out how to answer these simple questions which is odd thankfully I've outgrown my seizures and haven't had one in seven years pleading insanity to escape punishment for a crime there was even a pretty so-so movie about it a while ago in reality it is very rare that insanity is used as a criminal defense strategy fewer than 1% of criminal cases in the u.s. involve the insanity defense here's a PDF source filled perusal if you are not the type to trust some guy on the Internet even then it is only successful in 1 out of 4 attempts and that involves convincing a psychiatrist that you're insane so don't hang your hat on it if you're thinking about killing someone also pleasing insanity doesn't get you off scot-free it means you get placed in a psychiatric facility for an indefinite amount of time until your DRS are satisfied that you are able to manage your condition without harming yourself or others for many people that could mean they never get out for others it means only a couple of years of therapy and finding the right medication and most are released under conditions such as remaining in outpatient care living with a caregiver etc eater yes it's supposed to be scot-free when not guilty is a life sentence it's long so here's a podcast version if you are found to be guilty of murder and sane you could spend 25 years in prison but if you are found not guilty by reason of insanity you could be confined to an institution for 587 years involuntary confinement in a state psychiatric hospital sometimes becomes a life sentence meteorologists getting the forecasts wrong people only notice when it happens and ignore the other dozens of days that are right on or at least very close having green eyes only 1-2 percent of humans on earth have green eyes when in Turkey many years ago never seen so many people with black as the night hair and green emerald eyes 1-2 percent means 70 - 140 million people a woman's water breaking during pregnancy it only happens outside of the hospital like 15 percent of the time but in the movies it's always the dramatic telling of when a baby is coming Rowe I did not know this when my boy was born they had to manually break the waters that was like six hours after getting to the hospital and about 20 hours after the first mild contractions edit clarification I'm the husband in this scenario big dongs at work right now so I'm not googling the stats but if you've ever had the pleasure of perusing through the Craigslist personals you should it's gold there are a ton of women wanting a guy with at least a nine schlong 9 inches must be larger than 90% of porn stirs that's your bottom limit you have no idea how rare a dong over 9 inches long as two former co-workers women once claimed that they believed 8 inches was the average dong size they are setting themselves up for a life of disappointment it's ok all the average guys are gonna call themselves 8 inches to them anyway hitting a jackpot that's why casinos exist and are hugely profitable hell late last year in my city a woman won 1.2 million dollars just on a VLT at a local bar great for her but you know it lead to an increase in people burning through their paychecks on those machines the epitome of this logic for me was in 2015 when some genius came up with the idea of making the Power Ball harder to win because it would result in much larger jackpots granted your odds became even more abysmal but look at that giant number on the Billboard and someone's got to win it right and that was a resounding success if I remember correctly cal tipping everyone knows some kid who claims to have gone out into the countryside and pushed a cow over for a laugh know how many people have actually tipped a cow none it's a bloody great big beast and it isn't going to let you shunt it with the amount of counting stories that exist you'd think the rare be more video evidence of it occurring but it's just a lie city kids tell their mates quicksand using stop drop and roll exactly but when you were in grade school the amount of times that you had a fire safety demonstration that brought this up you'd think catching on fire was like a normal thing if only that idiot with a skateboard who soaked his pants and gasoline and then lit them on fire hadn't missed those 25 separate demonstrations in grade school wasa B you can only really find the real stuff in Japan and even there it's really rare edit the stuff you eat here is just colored horseradish I had a friend who thought wasa B was just the Japanese word for horseradish the Japanese word for horseradishes or western wasabi shark attacks I live in Perth supposedly one of the shark attack capitals of the world sure we see them occasionally but actual attacks are very rare I live in the other person shark attacks are even rarer which other Perth there are nine places named Perth in America there are two places named Perth in Canada there are two places named Perth in Australia there is one place named Perth in South Africa there is one place named Perth in Jamaica there is one place named Perth in Guyana there is one place named Perth in United Kingdom being in an airplane crash it's one in a million but a lot of people I know are still more scared to travel on a plane than in a car Australian here know a guy so petrified of flying he elected to drive from the north and most point of Australia to the southernmost point then drive his car onto a boat which shipped them to Tasmania then all the way back again all told this was about a 10,000 kilometer trip they had other stops up the East Coast I'm not an expert but I figure weighing up the 10,000 kilometer through outback Australia combined with major city CBDs on the weight of the destination and the risk of death or serious injury I can imagine would be much much higher than just flying for a few hours while I'd say death of boredom is greatly increased as well I used to make the trip from Victoria to Queensland by car every year and going through country NSW has to be the most boring thing I have ever done ROSC return of spontaneous circulation after CPR I believe the actual success rate is 3% and those people are very likely to have brain damaged media would have you thinking it's a great catch-all for any unconscious person here's the thing though a lot of times the CPR isn't what gets them circulating on their own again what it does however is maintain blood flow so that by the time they get the treatment that will get them pumping again they are less likely to have brain damage yes the success rate is low even lower if it's performed poorly but even 3% is better than 0% this the MBTA cop that got shot and the gunfight with the Boston bombers supposedly went through a ton of blood as the MTS kept him on IV and constant CPR till they got him to the hospital somehow he woke up with remarkably little issues besides some nerve damage in his leg and total memory loss from that night I never heard if he had any lingering effects though I'm gonna go with t-rex fossils I at least thought they were rather common since my local museum had like three there are something like only two four doesn't ever found in the world and only about 12 skull did it guess it is about 50 was going on memory still a bit low if you ask me considering how much we talk about dinos edits - since everyone keeps thinking they are replicas casts it is the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles which has at least three t-rex when I was little I also didn't realize how lucky I was to have such a huge and wonderful museum nearby now we have the end of a right next to it interesting it always seemed like there was a good amount discovered well I mean on an archeological level a dozen compete skeletons is quite a lot amusement ride incidents you are more safe on the ride and driving to the park itself the vast majority of incidents that occur are because of rider misconduct follow the rules trust the operators and you'll be fine edit I don't know how to use case-in-point law edit - a lot of people are asking about carnival rides and I'd like to differentiate them from permanent amusement rides while carnival rides are built and inspected to certain standards the temporary nature of the rides put them in a separate league from permanent amusement rides former carny here this is absolutely only true for parks that stay in one place our rides broke down all the time low like at least once a weekend granted the only time anyone actually got hurt on my watch was my damn self as I tried to grab one of the tea cups ours were shaped like bears - give it a good speedy spin to hopefully impress some girls and I ended up just getting knocked on my ass xD but things stolen in midair was pretty common at one point our zipper think Ferris wheel but much faster and the cabins do flips broken someone puked and it hit someone below them all of our riders were used once bought from other parks or shows some had even been built in the 50s if I had kids I would nude let them on the rides I used to build and operate every week long thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Id: Ye4W1N3ttnE
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Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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