What science experiment would you run if ethics weren't an issue?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what scientific experiment would you run if money and ethics weren't an issue the Gilligan's Island experiment shipwreck 100 people with vastly different backgrounds wealth disparity and personalities on a remote island see what kind of civilization grows from it then do it 50 more times to check results against each other someone wrote a book about this basically there are a number of case studies you might find it interesting look it up they're called shipwreck societies edit now this blew up during Thanksgiving the name of the book is blueprint by Nick Chris darkus the link is here enjoy all Happy Thanksgiving there's also an island in the South Pacific Pitcairn Island whose inhabitants around 50 are the descendants of the mutineers of HMS Bounty the society basically lots of child rape which when brought to trial included their lawyers arguing that they didn't know rape was illegal the British government had to build a prison especially for them I trained guerrillas in weightlifting really see how tanked they can get boost them with steroids along the way after that I take my army of beasts pump them full of cocaine and let them loose in an empty shopping mall wanna see which stores they like and which ones they don't you know for science and [ __ ] edit I've had some fantastic input from you geniuses tonight the gorillas will be trained in all these far exercises even though science is against me on this one we're gonna throw some PCP in with the cocaine cybernetic hearts to handle the load of coke yeah janna thought I had more on this oh and the mall is empty because I'm not a freaking murderer you guys quit trying to kill everyone not all science is about death geez Jamie pull that up edit for the uninitiated those things they'll rip your dong off see if a monkey tribe could become dominant over the rest by training them to make them use weapons and other primitive technology also interested in seeing if they would take their newfound knowledge and begin to expand an empire so one thing they did learn about chimps is that they don't teach each other they often they're observers a monkey-see monkey-do situation humans to each other but we also have an inherit trust in others when we are young so we trust what we are being taught is true humans as adults will teach each other and form ideally mutually beneficial relationships it is what gave us a huge advantage in developing material cultures like stone tools being made in a similar pattern by different groups of people we learn from each other more than other great apes than just when we are young if one individual is taught to make a spear it won't go back to its troop and it won't proactively teach others to make a spear for the benefit of the group with the others who see it make a spear will make their own after watching the first two chimp do it I also read yesterday that they will never be able to learn to speak edit for those interested in a great read here as the Eli five post I was referencing reddit comlink and UTM medium equals iOS app and UTM named e equals IR s I've always wanted to try to breathe a winter blooming rose ethics are fine but the cost of having that many roses in a hothouse in the decades of selective breeding most likely required to accomplish it would cost an astronomical amount so I'm sticking with it this is one of the most interesting replies I have read that isn't cruel or obscure it seems so simple and achievable yet I fully understand the ridiculous amount of money and work involved as you describe it to achieve the desired outcome winter blooming rose I don't understand this at all can you please explain it to me why would it take so much money and what is the goal of this breeding have an Olympics where every single athlete is drugged to an insane level I think it would raise what is possible by today's standards drastically and then have an average person compete alongside them to show the disparity imagine lane one Usain Bolt juice top lane two Jim from accounting don't you dare underestimate Jim I've seen him jog every Saturday morning how long a decapitated head stays conscious all we have are anecdotes that might have been exaggerated I've always wanted a definitive answer but you know ethics it's been done seven ten seconds so you gotta start planning on your last words now you won't have time then my current is I'm going to head out you won't have lungs boss how athletes from different sports react to fight-or-flight even further would they fight differently than others UFC fighters just walking around killing all of the other athletes until a biathlon guy pull out his gun and start shooting how would the world react to a mountain of 100 billion pennies for free in the middle of a major area this sounds so dumb but is really ducking interesting for you think about it I thought that said penis is at first either way I'd show up with a bucket and fill it to the goddamn brim about 500 times over the course of 24 hours I'd want to see what a society of children would do on their own if they were alone from birth of course adjustments would have to be made for when there were infants they beyond that how would they develop language ethics mythology culture and as they got older how would they handle coming of age without tad alter role models though an ethical I think an experiment like that would answer a lot of questions about sociology psychology anthropology and philosophy it will be like watching the beginning of human society from scratch with no external influence edit yes I have read Lord of the Flies however that is a work of fiction edit - you guys have a lot of brilliant ideas on how to improve this experiment and a lot of true stories to make hypotheses on I'm really enjoying reading this thread kill the pig cut his throat kill the pig bash him in kill the Beast cut his throat spill his blood near-death experiences and what people see so basically I'd want to kill a bunch of people then bring them back to life I'm sure a lot of them wouldn't make it back ever seen the Oh a know what is it CRI SP are the absolute duck out of some kids and make some next-level humans that can run stupid fast and jump crazy high then make the superhuman Olympics trademark sign and figure out what humans are really capable of edit oh [ __ ] first gold you and your offspring will be exempt from my CRI SPR trials this is very different from what I just read about winter blooming roses we could give them roses for hair dinosaur clothing what else is there to do humans have quite a few movies that tell you that dinosaur cloning is a bad idea on earth so you're saying we need to go to the Moon or Mars oh man I love this question there are a ton of geoengineering experiments that I'd love to run if there weren't both one illegal two insanely expensive three nonzero possibility of death and destruction and fertilization basically dumping tons of iron dust into the ocean to cause an algae bloom which should sequester a bunch of carbon and help mitigate global warming cloud seeding space mirrors dropping a nuke into a volcano you know normal stuff what are the downsides of iron fertilization a big-ass algae bloom would block sunlight and kill tons of water vegetation and the animals that don't eat algae teach a kid the wrong words for everything and see how long it takes for them to adapt to another edit thanks for the gold also it seems a fair number of people have done this to kids on a very small basis seriously do not do this to anyone on any scale this post is based on the concept of setting morals aside this is a massively horrible thing to do edit a few people have commented that this is the same as learning a second language and I want to address why that is not the case when you learn a second language you was assigning a new word that has no previous meaning to you to the concepts that you already know so you know what an apple is and you stack poem on top of that when you learn it in French but you aren't learning a new word you're taking a word that already is assigned to another concept and trying to apply it somewhere else while forgetting the original connection your brain isn't good at breaking neural connections so you have to start thinking that you take a bite out of a car Apple and you get in your roof car to drive to blue work this is much more difficult because your brain automatically tries to learn new things but has no good mechanism for forgetting based on comments it seems that some have experienced this with single word swaps and it has been very difficult to overcome I'm inclined to think that this would actually break someone experiment deemed on accessory I read a short story where a man did this to his daughter and she ended up killing him inadvertently because she was asked if there was anyone in the burning house he was trapped in and she said no well meaning yes I'll see if I can dig up the source for you that's interesting genetic altering of humans I don't currently have an issue with anyone that wants to do it on themselves however to do it to an embryo or through the parents DNA to see what we could do to advance humans would be amazing alterations to intelligence memory physical attributes gills to swim underwater visual alterations to see the full light spectrum and hearing for the full sound spectrum immunity to all diseases and harmful bacteria ability to eat almost anything for sustenance catgirls can you imagine the existential crisis you'd have if you found out you and your whole subspecies were created to satisfy horny weeps I will make five subjects off sane and healthy mind placed in a facility with five psychopaths insane murderers they will have group activities and a pair of two from each group and the activities will be of two types and immoral then I will conduct results about how much these activities affect the subjects in both groups edit they are not in a prison they are just being volunteers prison is totally different scenario and the Stanford Prison Experiment has totally different outcomes these group of two will go through a murder activity but psychopaths are not allowed to murder their partner or anyone other in the experiment this would be very interesting I think it would make a big difference how the psychopaths became that way nature or nurture in nature I think they'd have a higher chance of meeting somewhere in the middle if its genetic we might not see much movement on that side for your information nature is genetics nurture is environment experience think you mix them up here raise a child without ever punishing or rewarding them just let them do whatever they want and then see what happens to their behavior when they age they will still be punished and rewarded by their environment this will only answer the question - what environment was the kid born in rather than perhaps breaking down in here and genetic aspects of behavior remove their amygdala and their pain receptors and somehow prevent them from receiving dopamine then they can't have any reward or consequence I've actually thought a ton about this I would put two people through the exact same conditions the entire life now I'm not talking just similar scenarios but everything from the weather inside the womb to the humans they interact with to the wind every day and I would see if they are the same essentially if humans are born with personalities or if we develop them through little things all our life essentially the butterfly effect a TBH this probably wouldn't even be possible with infinite money but it would be cool I would really love to read a paper about this experiment tbh I would like to listen to summarize that paper have a baby human raised by Apes basically to see if Tarzan scenario would occur in the human is able to communicate fully with the Apes there have actually been a lot of cases of wild children who were raised with animals most often dog they're the most likely to bond with humans but I believe there may have been one with monkeys look up feral children and you'll find plenty of articles and stories 72 news.com linked with Elon Musk's neuro-link thing the first thing I thought of was an unethical experiment if you attached a whole bunch of wires to the speech Center and audio center of the brain of a bunch of children and networked them together I wonder what kind of language they would develop and how they would communicate with what is essentially telepathy we are the Borg you will be assimilated your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own resistance is futile double quote I'd study the long-term effects of low G on humans by sending a habitat to the moon and then sending supplies and volunteers and I'd send a lunar bulldozer to cover the habitats with regolith because I'm not particularly interested in contaminating my results with radiation exposure I'd especially love to see them on someone born in such an environment if possible throw two groups of toddlers one boys and the other girls on two separate islands provide them food via robots and not teach them anything regarding gender sexuality race language etc and see how they develop and never mentioned to them the opposite sex and have them be racially diverse - it would answer so many questions regarding psychology that is if sexual orientation a product of nature or nurture are humans born with innate gender roles are humans naturally tribal and/or xenophobic etc edit thanks for the silver and gold it's a couple of people confusing attraction towards the opposite sex with desire to procreate some gay people want to have kids - growing up never encountering the opposite gender is an interesting thought if we're biologically wired to seek out the opposite sex for reproduction that we don't actually know that the opposite sex even exists what then what then but stuff is what how children develop when occasionally micro dosing LSD or how they develop when the mom takes sell esteemed mass psychoactive drugs while pregnant full MDMA doses would mess up the mom sir rotten in and dopamine so I assume that would affect the child as well micro dosing acid and shrooms that I would like to know I'd run a serial killer contest first person to successfully kidnap and kill 50 people receives ten million dollars one year after the last kill if they are not caught by authorities and if they can prove the collects how many persons would undertake this how many victims would their baby can I just say if they created a show series with this plot I definitely watch it but what could the title be join our community discord link in description brain transplants from humans to animals and vice versa I'm thinking that the physical biology is too different for that specific cross species surgery to work maybe start between humans do a swap and see if they fur you better imagine watching a dolphin in a human body figuring out how to move and did that I'd like to clone several sets of baby Hitler's and see how they grow up in different environments some can include a loving family the kind that you barf at because they're so perfect a Jewish family an artistic family that encourages his talent an abusive family similar to the one he grew up with a family of scientists and finally the most in ethical environment a family of politicians and also a second set off cloned baby Hitler's so we can finally solve which percentage of people would kill baby Hitler also a third set off cloned baby Hitler's except they're not actually baby Hitler's and they're just raccoons I'd love to pit elite Madden gamers vs. NFL play callers and see who was better at game management and play calling hail-mary every ducting time they'll never see you coming this is ethical though and as long as you get a play caller and player up for it it could be done no not necessarily a scientific experiment but a series of experiments to see how you can control nerve sensations from the brain and whether it can create vr that can perfectly mimic the sensation of touch walls being motionless as if you're moving and touching something in a virtual world but not in the real world is that even possible calm down a kipnuk okay uber I want to send someone to space without a spacesuit I've read about everything that can happen I just want to see it on film to measure the effect on development of humankind by eliminating the least intelligent 5% of the human population every year based on monthly standardized testing damn this film sounded great till I found out Logan Paul was in it maybe he is an evil genius and his whole YouTube persona is a facade for his real plan gathering a database of names through subscribers for the 5% force compliance on specific diets with a diverse sample of people and a well regulated control group to follow for 10 plus years is vision is Umrah ly healthy how about paleo should we never be eating gluten or dairy edit that this has definitely not been done before because there are several problems with this kind of study you can't force people to comply to a diet which is the first hurdle you could have people voluntarily report what they eat but this isn't a randomized trial and hazard zone issues recall issues compliance self-selection bias etc you're also missing a good control group to compare results to then if there is a population that follows a certain diet say people from the Mediterranean following the Mediterranean diet you run into the problem of correlation versus causation there could be something different about their lifestyle that is explaining the health differences besides diet same issue as above no control group there's also the huge issue of not having a longitude study most short-term trials examining dives are just that short-term it's hard to ascertain if there are Health's effects show up 10 or 20 years down the road second at it you can't experiment on prisoners this seems to be a common question even an experiment you feel as benign as unethical prisoners are unable to properly consent because they rightly feel their liberty is at stake for consenting they are therefore not able to consent to an experiment which means you can't run it most of the laws and norms that were passed stating this were conceived after World War 2 when researchers were quite literally concerned about preventing the crimes of the Nazis from taking place again I'd like to know what people would really do for a Klondike bar eat a Klondike bar Doug get two for the price of one edit why is my most upvoted comment a [ __ ] post I've always been really curious what the results of the Holocaust twin experiments would be if they were run by a sane person if I didn't have to worry about the fact that I was slaughtering a bunch of children which very much goes against my morals I'd recreate those do you have some particular experiment in mind basically all of Mendel's twin experiments I heard of aside from being of course horrible made no sense whatsoever the only one I know of that seems like it would give borderline meaningful data is the one about carefully measuring the bodies of twins to find out which traits are hereditary and which ones aren't perhaps not coincidentally it is also pretty much the only one that does not seem pointless cruelty for cruelty's sake which prescription drugs aren't really dangerous to mix with alcohol and to what dosage can you be closest to death without dying so I can get littie I mean that's generally out there already be informed and be careful around or blink problem is it can be a different experience for each person I'd love to see heavy research done around recreational drug use of all kinds the human body lives to get high and will never be able to fix that until we know more about what why how everything really works between the body brain and genuine drug experiences we're getting there slowly but surely I would breed and engineer dogs to become more intelligent until they can understand the concept of I am coming back soon don't worry they deserve it for helping us get this far as a species I'd raise a group of children from birth to adulthood kinda a Truman Show thing without any contact with music and see how it affects their lives and personalities I'd make sure everything else would be normal but music would be edited out of their lives soft target schools to see whether a school where people are trained and have guns is safer or less targeted than a school that does not allow firearms I don't know how it would be done but someone had mentioned it to me and I've always wondered how you would test it pretty much an evil tech experiment put a baby in a pure white room at room temperature and find a way keep them alive with no human interference what would they do for their whole life the Doctor Who episode wearing they bred artificially grown humans infect them each with all known diseases so that they can develop antibodies cures a legitimate eugenics experiment not rooted in racism and actually rooted in breeding superior humans I'd use CRI SPR and all kinds of gene doping techniques after all the poo whoo-hooing is done humanity will thank me for solving modern healthcare problems through genomic manipulation and ushering in the next era of human evolution I'd also use those artificial wounds to clone mass-produce and mass developed genetically modified embryos I'd simultaneously pump billions into one he researched so that the day-to-day responsibilities of running a society would be taken over by intelligent machines which will free up precious time and energy that will go towards the eugenics cause Iron Man suit ethics don't even need to be ignored I just really want a complete Iron Man suit with all the weapons flight an Fri da Y edit you guys seem to be worried about how I'm going to power the suit all Iron Man suits have an arc reactor built into the chest even the mk1 I asked for a suit so I'm probably gonna make something similar to the arc reactor built into the chest poke around in people's brains and see what I can and can't done from altering the brain imagine being able to stop allergies allergies are a function of the immune system which isn't really controlled by the brain put a hundred babies from different countries on an island with a bunch of mute caretakers then see what their language would sound like I want to see of the same franchise of a restaurant chain and demographically similar areas would have differing amounts of profit based on whether they let the employees be mean to customers if they want this is one that I have thought of extensively the one key however is that in addition to a lack of ethics and infinite money it would also require a few technologies to advance further than they have solve the age-old question of nature versus nurture it would require a large number of cloned infants of at least 20 gene lines each gene line would have half of the clones raised as recommended by the leading child care experts of the time - the other half would be raised in a way designed to create individuals with as many negative personality traits as possible in order to ensure all clones were raised identically their care and human interactions would be done by human facsimile robots controlled via advanced are able to deal with unexpected situations on the fly doing this is pretty much the only way that question could be solved but I hope no one does I'd give varying doses of Salah Sabine to people suffering from treatment-resistant depression I'd then use this information to see how their depression symptoms improved if at all but there's much more to this but this sums it up nicely edit woohoo thank you for the award kind stranger since this comment is getting some attention I thought I'd add a few things I'm aware there's some amazing research currently being done with psychedelics I just wish there were fewer barriers to this kind of research if anyone is interested in this topic please check out these wonderful researchers who are currently doing great work roland griffiths Matthew Johnson Robin Carhartt Harris David Nutt David Nicholls Erica Dyke Rafael dos Santos thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
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Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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