Have You Ever Clearly Witnessed Supernatural Forces?

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have you ever clearly witnessed supernatural forces when i was about nine years old in 1995 in the middle of a bright summer day i went to the refrigerator to get a popsicle suddenly a roughly teenage looking guy with long brown hair wearing a beige turtleneck and red played bell bottoms turned around the corner into the hallway to my left then vanished from toe to head as i looked at him told no one about it for years until after my mother mentioned meeting the now grown kids who lived in the house before us who asked her if she'd seen the bell-bottom ghost when i was between the ages of four to six i used to see a little blonde boy through this mirrored armoire in my parents bedroom the armoire was big and wooden but had mirrored accents and mirrors running all the way around the base if i laid on the carpet in front of it and looked into the mirrors on the bottom sometimes i'd see a little blonde boy in a red sweater in the corner of the room far away and a little distorted but still very clear he would sit with his back to me looking out the windows to the backyard i don't remember ever seeing his face i don't think i saw him many times but i do remember his image very clearly in my little kid mind i thought i invented the super neat mirror trick by myself so i tried to get my parents to see it too they always refused and my mom especially would get super mad at me for asking i stopped seeing the boy when i stopped playing in their bedroom as much and knew mirrors shouldn't work like that when i got older i chalked it up to my overactive kid brain didn't think much of it to be honest years and years later when i was an adult and long after my parents had sold that house my mom asked me about the armoire out of the blue then told me that she used to see the little boy too not in the mirrors but sometimes just out the corners of her eyes like she'd be cooking and catch a glimpse of blonde hair passed by her hips at a kid's height and occasionally in dreams it didn't happen too often but just enough to deeply freak them out so when i mentioned seeing the same little boy my mom was just terrified herself there were other strange stuff in that house but this was a hundred percent the most vivid i remember i have a fairly similar story one night i must have been about five or six i woke up in the middle of the night and felt uneasy i was never a good sleeper and would call for my mom if i felt sick so that's what i did i called for her and then noticed someone in the corner in a white nightgown and holding what looked like a mug i genuinely thought it was my mother and asked mom what are you doing in the corner the figure did not move i asked it again and when i had no response i just went straight back to bed you'd think such a thing would scare a little kid but i felt a sense of peace about it all then years later i must have been about 19 years old i saw a psychic i know i know cold readers are a thing i remembered that night but thought it was just sleepy imaginative kid brain until the psychic woman repeated the events of the night back to me you woke up in the middle of the night someone dressed in white was in your room in the corner you thought it was your mother and tried to speak to it then peacefully went back to sleep she then said it was your grandmother the one you are named after yup and she was there to let you know she's looking after you when i was a kid i spent a lot of time at my grandma's house both of my parents worked long hours so her place became like a second home she was a tough old woman real thin but strong sometimes i'd watch her going about her routine and wonder if she was some kind of a witch she just had a witchy way about her but of course that might just be what resourcefulness looks like to a kid anyway her house didn't help it was old everything in it was old and it was dark i don't know how best to describe it other than say i always felt that being inside of my grandma's house wasn't much different from being outside of it in any season the windows in the house would stay jammed open with old bent screens which had to be shimmed into place with old slats from some discarded louvre door grandma has this rusty pot belly stove right smack in the middle of her bedroom i remember constantly dodging it as i ran through the house playing at night she'd load the stove with one great big chunk of hickory and you could see the flames looking through the cracks i'd lay on the floor with my sleeping bag positioning myself so that the stove was in between me and grandma's bed facing this direction meant that i could easily see the window at the foot of her bed it was like a night light for me everything in that house was black at night unless there was a window nearby so there i lay one night it was chilly and i remember having trouble sleeping because the moonlight coming through the window was so bright it was late which meant the stove wasn't roaring anymore besides my grandma's breathing the whole house was dead silent it was just the two of us no one else was in the house without any warning a tall black figure calmly walks from the shadows at the far side of the room he passed between the stove and the bed across the floor just a foot from my head and out through the doorway into the kitchen i was petrified couldn't move an inch this may sound crazy but had i felt like a burglar was in the house i'd like to think i would have moved or shouted or something i didn't think it was a burglar though no specific reason why it just felt wrong i don't think i fell asleep that night all i remember is staring at the kitchen doorway for a long long time when my grandma woke up she rolled out of bed and grabbed the fire poker i set up and began to tell her what i saw like i said i always felt like my grandma was a little bit witchy after i finished telling her about the tall man she just poked at the coals in the stove and said huh haven't seen him in a long time this happened to me same thing tall figure came into my room dipped below my bunk bed where i couldn't see and started whispering in a weird language to what i thought was my brother in the lower bunk bed i just covered my head with the blanket and after a while i screamed for my mom and that was that i was probably seven or eight years old its head looked football shaped vertically not horizontal like stewie from family guy very tall and slender no discernable features except i would say alien looking i remember it like it was yesterday and i am in my late 30s my brother even mentioned it in his speech at my wedding clarify i could still move as i pulled the blanket over my head and i was eyes closed tight typical kid stuck in fear mode i listened to the talking and it sounded like light clicks and words that seemed underwater sounding no words in any language i have heard also my brother only became aware of the incident as once a few minutes of listening had passed i immediately screamed mom at the top of my lungs the whole house woke up and ran into my room and my brother thanked me for saving him from the alien he did not see it he believed me though my remote once jumped off the tv by itself the old school box type of television when i was watching with my girlfriend didn't fall or slide off we actually saw it take a leap as if somebody threw it we both just sat there being really confused before even questioning it out loud i used to do pest control went to a customer's business for the first time as i walked in the office i noticed some pictures that were supposed to be hanging on the wall were on the ground and then saw some papers which looked like they had been thrown and scattered off a desk i picked everything up so i could apply treatment to the floorboards and surrounding rooms i then went to treat the only restroom in the office and they simply knocked in the door as a courtesy as i always do before entering any restroom there was no reply for nobody was in there so i went and applied treatment to the restroom and i closed the door behind me as i walked away from the door i know i heard somebody grab the door handle twisted open and opened the door i turned around and looked to see nobody behind me but a door swinging open the hair on my neck instantly stood up and i put two and two together i grabbed my [ __ ] and ran downstairs the receptionist saw me and started laughing she asked me if i had met their little friend upstairs my grandfather loved my grandmother a lot he would constantly tell her she was beautiful and would always do embarrassing things to make her laugh unfortunately she died a few months after being diagnosed with cancer this affected him a lot but as the time went on he came to terms with it my grandfather lived on for another 18 years in his final years he developed really bad alzheimer's that led him to forget that his wife had passed away and would often call for her or ask us where she went would explain to him that she had passed away but it always made him depressed and upset so he decided to tell him she'll be back soon every time he asked where she was a month or so before my grandfather passed away i was at his house with my mother and we were all sitting in the living room my grandfather who was seated on his chair all of a sudden starts frantically asking us where my grandmother was we calmly explained to him that she'll be back soon and she was just out doing some chores unlike most times he was being persistent on wanting to see her we explained to him again that she'll be back soon but he kept getting more persistent he started to frantically call for her he screamed her name as loud as he could over and over again until out of nowhere every single door and window in the room flung open all at once now we could say that it was just wind but all the doors and windows in the house had secure locks and would stay locked at all times since my grandfather would wander off or forget to lock his doors all the doors and windows burst open and at that same second my grandfather who was facing the front door says what took you so long i've been waiting for you with a smile my mother and i didn't see the person my grandfather talked to but i'm sure that he saw his wife my best friend's dad who was a second father to me came to me in a dream and told me to tell my best friend that he loved her and that he was sorry i woke up to my cell phone ringing to find it was my best friend absolutely hysterical telling me that he finally passed away from sclerosis i sobbed all day he was a drunk our whole lives but it still hurt about a year ago my coworker and i went to get coffee at a new coffee shop that opened up by our work i was dealing with a lot of anxiety over my future anyways while in line there was a woman in front of me she was giving her order when she stopped mid-sentence and looks behind to see me she turns back around gives the birds to her order after i give my order she comes up to me and says hey i know this is going to sound weird but do you know a man named jim her words took me off guard because jim was my grandpa he died of cancer he didn't live in the same state as i did so i doubt he and this woman would have ever met him i told her yes he was my grandpa and she told me that he wanted me to know that i needed to stop worrying because everything was going to be okay cue me crying in the middle of the coffee store in front of my bewildered co-worker and a couple of strangers when i was 16 an uncle of mine passed away unexpectedly weeks later i had a dream about him and he told me to quit smoking cigarettes a month or so later i mentioned the dream to my parents and dad started crying got up and walked away apparently he'd dreamed of talking to his brother too and he told my dad that he needed to talk to me thanks for supporting ask planet [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 11,249
Rating: 4.9133334 out of 5
Keywords: Ask Planet, Ask planet have you ever witnessed supernatural forces, Ask planet supernatural, ghosts, dark stories, paranormal, stories, ask planet weird and scary moments, radio tts, updoot, toad films, strangest moments, ask planet scary stories, horrifying moments, horrifying moments ask planet, haunted, haunted house, ghost stories, ghost, apparition, creepy, creepy story, ask planet scariest stories, scary true stories, best scary story, toadfilms, scary, beyond, help, aliens, monsters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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