What is your favorite weird fact?

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what is your favorite weird fact i saw a news story on a woman with a rare type of epilepsy that causes her to see everything like a slideshow or video game that gets 10 fps she described watching cars drive by and saying they freeze in place for a moment and then snap into position further down the road over and over her entire life is played out in front of her eyes in still frames and because of that she wears blinders or earmuffs because her senses are constantly contradicting one another and it overwhelms her about 3 000 people disappear every year in the us and are never found again abraham lincoln's personal guard went out for a drink a few hours before his assassination he met a man that was extremely jittery the man was famed actor john wilkes booth eyewitnesses said that booth was tense and was not sure he could quote do it nobody knew what he was going to do but because he was such a famous actor people wanted to help him calm his nerves the personal garden booth had a few drinks together and soon left for the theater later that same night booth assassinated abraham lincoln while the personal guard was there on duty cotard's delusion is a rare psychiatric condition severe cases of which caused the sufferer to wholeheartedly believe they're dead putrifying or simply do not exist some codard's patients refuse to eat as they do not believe they need to with one notable patient dying of starvation another woman once asked to be taken out to a morgue to be with the other dead people i literally have a neighbor that has this and i never knew what it was called she constantly explains how she is dead and how her husband denies her from being buried or sent to the morgue she sincerely believes she is dead even if proved otherwise indian followers of the zoroasterianism do not bury or burn their dead instead they leave the bodies in special towers exposed to the elements to be eaten by vultures unfortunately the vultures are now endangered leaving the bodies to slowly rot [Music] when a person is electrocuted in the electric chair they feel everything they are fully aware of their bodies being fried as it happens in real time one inmate who survived the first round of electrocution said it tasted like cold peanut butter if given access to it butterflies will happily drink blood they'll also drink my pint of beer if unguarded the us is still missing at least six nuclear bombs somewhere on the continent from broken arrow incidents one is known to be near a goldsboro nc b-52 crash site it is estimated to be buried in 55 m of swamp muck the arming switch was armed but had detached from the bomb a second bomb was recovered with three of four switches armed the children's story of the pied piper of hamlin was based on a real event hamlin town records start with this event the earliest written record is from the town chronicles in an entry from 1384 which states it is a hundred years since our children left no one knows what or who took the children but there is records of the entire town's children being taken i actually did some research into this historians believe the children were not taken as in kidnapped no mysterious man grabbed all the children and took off instead an illness probably spread which mostly impacted children who have a weaker immune system and are not as strong the illness probably killed most if not all of the children another theory is that the rat catcher did not kidnap them instead the parents gave them to him as payment instead of money scafism it's the worst way of execution i've ever heard of the word comes from greek which stands for hollowed out the victim is trapped between two boats bed and covered with milk and honey which then attracts all kinds of insects and vermin that fester and devour you over a couple of days i once visited warwick castle and i remember looking at a nubliet in the corner of the dungeon it was nicknamed the forgotten chamber if i recall right they would open the grate push the person inside the small l-shaped space that was so small you would basically always be sitting down with your shoulders and arms scraping against the walls either side then they would close the grate and leave you there you'd literally be forgotten about and left there until you eventually went insane and died from malnutrition in this tiny claustrophobic silent space in the dark the thought of it scared me to death the idea of being left to starve to death in this tiny space under the ground [Music] when you happen to be murdered there is only an about 40 percent chance that your murderer will be found and punished in 1844 there was a case of hysteria in the french convent of nuns one started meowing and after a week all the nuns were meowing harmoniously in the afternoons it didn't stop until neighbors called soldiers there was a similar happening in germany the entire population of the village danced and partied themselves to death that was likely more due to mold in the grain they used to make bread they were literally tripping their faces off constantly the island of okinoshima in the inland sea of japan is known for two reputable things number one it's named rabbit island because of the overabundance of wild rabbits and number two the island has world war ii ruins of a chemical weapons factory creating poison-like mustard gas in its attacks on china so vital was its secrecy to the japanese government that they tried to wipe its location off the maps there is a rare genetic disease called fatal familial insomnia where over the course of months you literally cannot go or be put to sleep no matter what you take or what you do the symptoms get progressively worse until finally you stay awake watching yourself go insane until you die from exhaustion there is a guy by the name of ricard siegien who documented this genetic disease on youtube and with each video you can tell his mental state gets worse and worse it eventually gets so bad that his last videos are just weird conspiracy theories and as expected with a disease with no cure he sadly passed away before he started suffering from it since it can sit in your genetic code for years without you noticing he was an artist may he rest in peace after getting stung by a cone snail you don't feel the sting for a little bit there is no anti-venom and it can be lethal treatment is basically keeping the victim alive until the venom wears off the bodies of the sailors who died on the edmund fitzgerald are still down there almost perfectly preserved due to the water at that depth being just barely above freezing divers who have explored the wreckage have seen their bodies frozen in place to parts of the ship and have come back reporting that they feel as if they were being followed during their time underwater photos were taken but per the request of the crew's family they have never been released to the public a human corpse decomposes four times faster in water than in the ground and eight times faster in open air than in the ground sky burial is such a crazy cool concept when i'm dead just throw me in the trash and then burn the trash so it gives the bar that nice smoky smell and it goes up in the air and turns into stars that doesn't sound right but i don't know enough about stars to dispute it [Music] angler fish when angler fish mates the male literally deforms its body and fuses with the female then they live together for the rest of their lives [Music] the falmar is a bird that defensively spits an orange oily substance at attackers when the attacker tries to go wash the oil off its wings it often drowns because it is no longer buoyant also that quote-unquote stomach oil is a nutrient-rich food source so feel free to make a full mars spit it in your mouth there was a man from france named torreira 1772 to 1798 who couldn't stop eating by the time he was 17 his parents kicked him out he was eating his own body weight and food daily at the time when he enlisted in the army the army rations could not satisfy him often he would sneak out at night and search for food in the garbage and the gutters he was hospitalized and doctors were trying to find a cure but at night he would raid the morgue scientists were unable to stop him so they studied him more they fed him random things like eels that hid swallow hole as well as lizards a kitten and puppies all of which he ate alive when a 14 month old baby disappeared he was chased from the hospital by an angry mob he later died of tuberculosis he traveled france in the company of a band of thieves and prostitutes before becoming the warm-up act to a traveling charlatan in this act he would swallow corks stones live animals and a whole basket full of apples he then took this act to paris where he worked as a street performer among other things he ate a meal intended for 15 people in a single sitting eight live cats snakes lizards and puppies and swallowed eels whole without chewing despite his unusual diet he was underweight and with the exception of his eating habits he showed no signs of mental illness other than what was described as an apathetic temperament general alexander de bourne decided to put terraria's abilities to military use and deployed him as a courier for the french army with the intention that he would swallow documents pass through enemy lines and recover them from his stool once safely at his destination he would sneak out of the hospital to scavenge for food in gutters rubbish heaps and outside butcher's shops he attempted to drink the blood of other patients in the hospital and also to eat the corpses in the hospital morgue at the autopsy tarer's gullet was found to be abnormally wide and when his jaws were opened surgeons could see down a broad canal into the stomach his liver and gallbladder were abnormally large and his stomach was enormous covered in ulcers and filling most of his abdominal cavity it takes approximately 359 humans to have enough iron to forge a sword from their blood when your organs are taken out of your body for abdominal surgery they don't get placed back in carefully or specifically you just put all the organs back in and the body sorts itself out on top of that some people are born with a condition called citizen versus in which all their organs are a mirror image of what is normal having this automatically disqualifies you from being in the military while most parents do what they can to prevent or stop their babies from crying that's not always the case in japan that's because it's 400 year old japanese tradition that if a sumo wrestler can make your baby cry it means he or she will live a healthy life during a special ceremony parents hand over their infants to sumo wrestlers who bounce their precious tots up and down and sometimes even roar in their little faces to get the tears flowing is not a baby that cries much but today he cried a lot for us and we're very happy about it mother mae shige said at a 2014 event dogs like squeaky toys because it sounds like a small animal being crushed my son told me this fact just the other day our dog's squeaky toys don't seem so cute anymore female mummies in ancient egypt were always more decomposed than their male counterparts they discovered that this was because male bodies were embalmed a lot sooner than female bodies female bodies were kept at the family home until they started to decompose in order to avoid necrophilia at the embalmers if heat death of the universe turns out to be correct then trillions of trillions of years from now the universe will reach a point of absolute entropy time as we understand it will have no meaning on a long enough timeline stars stop forming because gas and dust particles become too rare to form a sufficient mass to produce fusion the existing stars will slowly gradually exit their main sequence and become red giants then collapse the dwarf stars eventually even the dwarfs the faintest light in the universe will blink out their matter will be consumed by black holes many trillions of years of hawking radiation will bleed away black holes until everything reaches a state of unending changelessness no physical processes will exist to mark the difference between one moment to the next no biological or chemical reactions no atoms and no movement and no light time is a linear concept will not exist because nothing will exist that could justify the presence or effects of time sir this is a guitar center thanks for supporting ask planet [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 11,149
Rating: 4.9041095 out of 5
Keywords: ask planet, radio tts, updoot, toad films, What's your favorite creepy fact?, creepy fact, What is your favorite weird fact?, gossip stories, weird stories, weird stories ask planet, ask planet weird facts, fun weird stories, ask planet fun weird stories
Id: gYI4YC8MwdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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