What Is The Craziest Diy Medical Treatment You've Seen A Patient Attempt?

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medical professionals have read it what is the craziest diy treatment you've seen a patient attempt we had a guy come in with an abscess on his right thumb when i asked him what happened to his hand he told me about his recent deep sea fishing trip and was given the responsibility of cutting the fish with an open wound in his hand a sliver of fish got in there and became infected as it healed so this guy gets the bright idea of doing a little diy wound drainage by grabbing his pocket knife and cutting it open leading to a greater infection yep i had a crack addict cut her thumb on her broken crack pipe the thumb was incredibly infected she grew tired waiting for the hand surgeon to arrive he was in the operating room with another patient so she bit her finger to release the pass but then she left the hospital cursing the staff the whole time because we are useless etc neighbor came over to borrow a chainsaw i noticed he had a thick bandage around his arm and asked him what happened he said he fell out of a tree last week and cut his arm i asked if he got stitches and he said he just wrapped it and his family is praying over it about four days later i seen his wife and she said he was really sick and may have the flu come to find out he had septicemia and dying he died a week later of kidney failure and sepsis i was getting a kick out of all the stories on here but this one is just sad i am not a medical professional but my father-in-law had severe skin cancer he basically had an open sore on his back for several years that bled and bled we never knew about it until one day we saw a pancake-sized crater through his shirt went to the hospital finally and they basically said he has cancer throughout his whole body at this point his response was he thought it was a cut that wouldn't heal and put gauze and neosporin on it yes he is still alive but they didn't give him much time left they managed to treat the wound but the cancer spread into his organs and bones the sad part is it could have been avoided if he just went to the doctor years prior but that is unfortunately the common mindset in a lot of older folks god that's terrible i've found that sort of attitude is common among older people though where they sort of shrug and get on with it when my grandad was young he fell and dislocated his shoulder he decided to just pop it back in himself and forget about it it's never properly healed and still causes him pain so many years later when i worked in a my colleague had to see a guy with an ear problem he had something stuck in his ear and had been trying to get it out this wasn't a new thing he'd been trying for some time turned out he had completely removed his time panic membrane and the bits that were stuck in his ear and that he was trying to pick out with cotton buds and hair clips were his ossicles enjoy i have consistent skin irritation in my ears and try and limit myself to sticking cotton buds in my ears to four times a week for relief thank you you've cured me of this vice and i'm setting myself on fire good day had a patient come into the air with a makeshift bandage on his shin he had fallen on rocks while hiking and left a three-inch long half-inch deep gash in his leg i go to pull the bandage off and as i'm peeling it away i notice the skin is completely black and there's dark chunks of fungus falling out of the wound it looked necrotic like it had been left alone for a week i look at this guy like he's crazy as he tells me the wound is only a few hours old he's pretty proud as he explains that he created a makeshift poultice by chewing up leaves and moss mixing it with river mud and stuffing it into his leg that's what all the black mossy stuff was hint don't do this posted this before but i think it applies to the thread when i was an internal medicine resident i came across a very nice 50 year old dominican lady she was well mannered but one could tell she was not the sharpest tool in the shed as i was prepping her chart for our first visit i noticed that she'd been seen by every single digestive disease md in our hospital system not only that she'd had every single procedure in the book ranging from endoscopies up both holes and culminating in an exploratory laparotomy you open up to basically look inside you when we have no clue what's going on all of this because for years she had one single complaint she reported severe gnawing pain in her stomach at this point i should mention that she was spanish speaking only not only that she had a very heavy dominican accent and i was the first hispanic doctor to ever see her my first language is spanish and even i had difficulty understanding her so she comes in and after exchanging some first time pleasantries i politely ask her how she's doing sure enough although she was smiling and said she felt well she pointed at her belly and said it was biting again and asked for the cream to kill it at this point i got intrigued her medication list only mentioned a cream used for herpes breakthroughs the previous fellow only mentioned in his note that in every single visit she only asked for the cream and nothing else when i asked what she meant by the biting and what she intended to do with the cream she very calmly tells me she intended to stick the cream up a bus in order to kill the bird living inside her after delving more deeply into her story it turns out she didn't have a medical condition ever since she was a little girl she believed tahajud after eating whole quail egg the bird had spawned inside her in order away in her insides whenever she was very hungry after a short visit to psych she was diagnosed with a somatic type delusional disorder no amount of medication or psychotherapy will cure her but she was still a fully functional mother of two who paid her taxes and had to part-time jobs i reached out to every digestive disease doctor in out hospital system once more to make sure she never receives an inappropriate invasive intervention i've been following her now for three years and she's happy as one can be considering she has a bird living inside her tldr lady complains of pain in her belly worst case of lost in translation ensues gets very invasive medical procedures turns out she's just cuckoo i work in the air at a trauma center this guy comes in with his little girl and says that she was bit in the face by the family german shepherd i immediately take her back assuming that i need to control bleeding what i encounter is a little girl with a laceration going all the way from over her left eye crossing her nose and mouth it is not bleeding whatsoever and it seems to have an odd looking substance inside so i obviously ask the dad what she got inside it he responds very proudly with ah yes i pack the wound with tobacco from my cigarettes and super glue poor thing tobacco certainly has antibacterial properties but pure tobacco not a cigarette mix during third year med school i was on a neonatology rotation lots of premature babies or high risk births we'd get code green page to us for please come to delivery room as able and code pink page for please come to delivery room stat there was a pager that was the standard one that got paged for this and usually it was whichever of us met students who was on call carrying it our job is then to get one of the nurse practitioners and possibly a second nurse and head over with the incubator etc to take the baby and get him her to the niku about 6 p.m one evening as we're doing handover rounds that pager goes off with a code pink and then the np's personal pager then the neonatologist's personal pager the next 10 minutes are a bit of a scramble and not particularly interesting from the point of view i had as i was assigned to send pages to additional people and fetch things but in short a teenage lady of local aboriginal descent had come in suffering from very premature labor i want to say 20 weeks but could have been 22 or so she and her ex-boyfriend had recently gotten back together he had discovered she was pregnant believing that the baby was not his he attempted to abort the baby by inserting a bamboo stick and trying to fish it out she did not want said abortion so he attempted while she was asleep baby and mother survived relationship did not later testing showed the baby was indeed his for those wondering one time when i was in nursing school i was doing a clinical and a guy came in with pain in his man part long story short several days prior he decided he wanted a dong texture implants to help enhance pleasure during intercourse for his lady friend he and his buddy got drunk of course and decided to do it themselves so they went in his garage and took a box cutter to slice open the skin on the dorsal top side of his dong made some room between the skin and underlying muscle and put a small porcelain heart underneath then he super glued it shut to make matters worse the guy didn't wait for it to heal and decided to take it for a test run he ended up with a major infection and presented several days later i unfortunately don't know the outcome i was just there for the porcelain heart extraction i can't make this crap up i've now worked in a surgical trauma iq as an rn for two years and people never cease to amaze me oh the stories i have even as a student one particular one that stuck with me was a lady who came into the hospital with back pain seeing as a and he is usually packed back pain isn't considered too high on the list when she was finally seen to we discovered the source of the pain she had tried to remove the carcinoma from her back that spanned from her neck to the bottom of the ribs it had gotten infected and to top that off she had decided to use homeopathy to treat her cancer how she had neglected to mention that or have survived so long still surprises me not a doctor but this seems to fit the question i recently had an attempted vasectomy where i learned i'm allergic to litter cane and had to spend some time in the year as a result i was talking with the adoc older doc probably in his 60s and close to retirement he relayed a story from one of his mentors who was a doctor in a small rural hospital this hospital or clinic closed down at night for the most part as there wasn't much need for it and this doc decided that he and his wife had enough kids and decided to give himself a vasectomy by himself in the middle of the procedure he passed out came to a few minutes later and finished the procedure not at all diy but one of my friend's dad back home was in a doctor and he had a patient come in with five plus snake bites mostly on his hands and arms the patient said he got bit by a snake and tried to catch the snake so he could bring it in for the doctor to identify it luckily the snake wasn't venomous right idea bad execution the actual right idea is to not catch the snake medical staff doesn't really need to know the specific species of snake that bit you saw the young child about age six seven with a bruised swollen crooked forearm he had fallen on the playground three days earlier and another parent there was a vet and had horse x-ray equipment in his track that parent took x-rays and told mom he was probably fine so that was apparently good enough for mum and she didn't do anything for three days while he was up all night screaming in pain finally she took him into my office and brought me the fuzzy copies of the x-rays which were useless and impossible to accurately interpret i got him real x-rays and a nice cast for his broken arm this patient wasn't one i saw but my brother worked for a pcp in our hometown there was a guy who had a rare condition that required bloodletting but he didn't have the money to afford the treatment as often as he would need it like any rational human being he decided to build an apparatus at home using a shop vac mason jars an iv needle and surgical tubing so he had no issues for a few weeks just set the vacuum to pull the blood through the tubing via the needle and drain into the mason jars no big deal one day he isn't paying attention and sets the back to blow instead of pull dude switched it off after a few seconds but he still had a massive air embolism he's very lucky he didn't die he just had a major stroke he goes in for treatment now the last i heard holy heck i had a heart attack when i read he said it to blow i remember i was rolling in stomach pain and went to the doctor because my mom could not stop giving me chamomile tea all the time instead of actual medicine it was not my stomach i went directly to her since one of my ovaries was full of cysts and some of them exploded update i took the plan b pill and according to the doctor those cysts were caused by the pill i don't know what to think about that update 2 this year it was my second time taking this pill my body recognized the medication and did not have other reaction than my period coming three days before the estimated date from now on since i am chill free i will save money in order to go to a clinic and having spay neuter surgery oh man i am so sorry i have cysts on my ovaries and one burst i woke up my roommates and my then boyfriend now husband came over middle of the night picked me up off the floor and rushed me to the er in comparison to the contractions before i had my kid the burst cyst was worse i'm a doctor but didn't see this firsthand unfortunately however my friend and edie saw a young 17-year-old boy that came in with personal trauma and mild blood loss she trigged him taking him to a room with his parents and asked what he'd come in with his mom turned around and said go on tell the lady what you did he then proceeded to tell her that he tried to circumcise himself with scissors for religious reasons as he hadn't been circumcised when he was younger but had to stop halfway due to pain eventually the shame had grown enough that he had to tell his parents who immediately took him to ed some antibiotics and a revision by urology later and he was able to be sent home another one i know slightly unrelated was an older man that came in with swelling on his dong he'd used an elastic band as a makeshift on ring but neglected to take it off i have no idea why he was a little odd to say the least a week goes by and his dong starts to look literally like an aubergine he then comes into the surgical assessment unit and we see him there and is booked for surgery the next day after we eventually picked our jaws off of the floor he had literally killed all of the tissue in his dong to the point it was almost falling off one full epinectomy later and he now only sits to pee i'm not sure how he tolerated the first day it must have hurt so much before the tissue died revision surgery means they completed the job his mom was jewish his dad was not if i recall he was brought up secularly but wanted to take up his mom's religion woman i know has a dog that is epileptic but was not willing to medicate the dog for some time she kept trying holistic remedies one of which he informed me about was giving the dog all natural vanilla ice cream during a seizure to stop it you know because you should always try to put stuff in the mouth of a seizing animal it didn't work the dog is on meds seizures are controlled now imagine that there are some weird conditions that cause low blood sugars occasionally in growing dogs my brother's bulldog would get this weird little seizure tremor activity but when you gave him a little ice cream it cleared up incredibly quickly that's probably what they meant to rule out i guess not me but my mom had a gentleman walk himself into the edie one day after he tried to give himself a vasectomy with an animal neutering kitty bought on the internet when she asked him why he told her that his wife wanted to have a sixth kid and it was too expensive to pay a doctor to do it and how hard could it be to diy i now know that it's relatively cheap to get a vasectomy which makes this guy even dumber i also now know there's more than one way to neuter an animal thanks guys i feel i should share he tried to cut his testicles out essentially and yes they did indeed put them back in the sack and he could still make babies that is a man dedicated to not having another kid guy had abdominal pain drank a bunch of beer and tried to give himself an appendectomy with a steak knife on his front porch his wife calls 9-1-1 after she see him performing sapuco we roll on on scene and ask him if he want treatment right to the emergency department he looks up at us looks down on the mess he has made says hang on let me see if i can fix this first he then tries to cauterize the wound he made with his cigarette realizing that that isn't working and goes well crap let's go i guess i fixed the coffee machine martha i can fix myself too i work in a pharmacy and one of the pharmacists that was there filling in that day told me that during his morning shift he had a woman call and tell them she pulled out her own iud and wanted a painkiller recommendation i cringed so much when he told me as i had just gotten mine switched out that same day coincidentally and was still in quite a bit of pain from it turns out there are diy instructions on pinterest on how to do this this should go without saying but please don't do this go to a professional if you want it removed in canada so it's not like she couldn't afford a good doctor as it's literally free a friend of mine said her insurance pays to put it in but not take it out so she used pinterest videos and removed it herself she's fine and said it didn't hurt but i cringed when she told me plus insurance is fricked up if they weren't willing to pay for removal they shouldn't pay to put it in iuds don't last forever not a doctor but my grandfather was in decreasing health over the course of a few weeks he got to where he was having trouble breathing occasionally so he gets the idea that he will go get an o2 tank to help him does he go to the doctor number he goes to tractor supply and buys an acetylene torch brings it home and hooks it up whenever he would get short of breath he would go in his office and only turn on the o2 before sticking the hose up his nose i'm not a medical pro but here's a story my friend's dad got skin cancer on his right bicep and at the time he was a large muscular man who ran a horse farm huge arms and so instead of going through all the normal bs of one getting skin cancer he caught it early and thought he could stop it at the source so he heated up a railroad thai stake with a massive torch he had on his farm till past red hot and shoved it into his arm where the skin cancer began he did this twice to himself and wrapped up his insane burn hole in his arm a while later he went to the dock who said the burn he inflicted was the craziest crap he's ever seen but all signs of the cancer were gone he freaking killed that crap and it never returned his arm and burn healed months later and he remains cancer free to this day so sugar can be used to help heal certain types of wounds a patient i saw had missed an appointment with part of their care team where they get their bandage changed i noticed what appeared to be using around the edges of the bandage asked my patient about it offered to change it for them we didn't typically do that in our clinic they said yes i go get fresh bandages and whatnot take the old one off and it's just sticky and stringy picture the slo-mo shots of caramel being pulled apart and it smelled to be fair most wounds smell but this was different i finally asked them what they used to change their bandage since i knew it wasn't discharge maple syrup they used maple syrup yes honey certain varieties can be used with wound healing so it's possible they confused it with this but i don't believe that's what happened here can't disclose more because hipaa the thing that doesn't seem to exist on shows like greys no i'm not sure it was pure maple they said it was the good stuff in a glass jar but who knows either way it wasn't sterile and this wasn't a simple wound proper sugar dressings can be used on various types of wounds but it's not just pouring some table sugar on it so don't go trying this at home folks necessary disclaimer no it wasn't thousand island dressing there is medical grade honey studies show that it and medical grade sugar can actually be better for some wounds than antibiotics no i could not eat pancakes for a while honey dressings typically are less painful to administer than sugar because of the lack of crystallization but that also means the sugar is better at cleansing your wound care specialist can determine which is a better route since this seems to be an issue now no hipaa isn't just saying the patient's name it can also be saying enough that could then cause them to be identified up to this point i have not revealed anything that would link this story to this patient revealing more to the backstory would in my opinion considering i do not want out this person as a human being or cause a willful hipaa violation as a now former professional i won't go into the backstory even with details changed as some have requested had to find the exact wording but this is directly from hipaa the term individually identifiable health information means any information including demographic information collected from an individual that three with respect to which there is a reasonable basis to believe that the information can be used to identify the individual i prefer to err on the side of caution with that when i was a kid like 12 i dropped boiling water on my stomach microwave accident babysitter had me put toothpaste on it even as a 12 year old i understood that this made zero sense in short order the burn started burning worse i got it off and just left the wood to the air later on in a doctor's office i was told i did the right thing people are nuts i wouldn't call it a treatment percent but the patient did i work in a home health care system patients have long term i've accesses placed and are able to infuse sterile medications intravenously at home well this patient kept getting really bad blood eyeline infections almost weekly and having his line replaced no one could figure out why and line infections aren't very common he also was running out of saline flushes a little quicker than he should with no explanation so the line was being maintained appropriately at least finally while a nurse was there to get labs change his dressing and check for infection things finally clicked he had been crushing pain pills mixing with saline and injecting it directly into his line when asked directly he didn't deny it the response was well no one told me not to yes yes we did we told not to put anything we didn't provide in there and the pharmacy providing the pain meds put take by mouth on the little bottle he got repeated painful infections mrsa and thousands of dollars in unnecessary hospital bills idiot tl dr if you put things directly into your bloodstream that are not aseptic you're gonna have a bad time if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 21,709
Rating: 4.9188766 out of 5
Keywords: medical, doctors, hospital, treatment, self medicate, self medication, nurses, treating, health, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 8JNVh5z81no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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