Doctors, What Are Some of Your Worst Experiences With Anti-Vaxxers?

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doctors of reddit what are some of your worst experiences with anti-vaxxers not a doctor but i work for a vaccine manufacturer and my title is raw material engineer aka i work with vaccine ingredients for a living when a naver asks me on social media or in public if i know what's in a vaccine i basically cackle and crack my knuckles they also don't seem to have an answer for why i give my children the same vaccines if big farmer is trying to poison people people keep asking to do an ama and i think that's a great idea i'll make sure i do it very soon but i want to wait for a time when i have enough time to dedicate to read it and for those asking what's in them that's a more complicated question depending on which vaccine both the type and the brand there are upwards of 100 different components that go in from start to finish i am big farmer i'm not a doctor but i have a story that i'm pretty sure that fits here we had neighbors that have become lifelong family friends they have a daughter the same age as my sister and she got diagnosed with autism shortly after getting her mmr a couple months after her diagnosis the paper came out saying vaccines caused autism and the mom believed it it was new information no one really was sure what to believe anyway fast forward four years and the mom is pregnant again she and ozid getting her new baby vaccinated with the mmr she did because in her words i'd rather have another autistic child than one in the aiku the new baby is completely typical and she now doesn't believe in the anti-vaxx crap my point is that even the height of the autism being caused by vaccine scare she was smart enough to get her kids vaccinated and i will never understand why people don't protect their kids as well as herd immunity finally summit 5 hang i can get behind i'm so sick of hearing about parents who would rather have a dead child than one with autism if the myth were true to begin with currently in my first trimester and this baby is getting every freaking vaccine they'll give it i ended up with scarlet fever as a kid because people are so obtuse just breaks my heart pediatrician here as a medical student i watched her baby die from rotavirus bc mom thought vaccines cause alzheimer's yeah not autism alzheimer's and she didn't think he needed to go to the hospital when he hadn't kept down the feeding for 12 hours because sometimes kids just do that my current winner is a mom who refuses vaccines for her kids because they cause autoimmune disorders her two sisters have chronic lyme and her brother has scoliosis all due to those nasty vaccines oh and her grandpa and dad both died from heart attacks because they had had the flu vaccine the previous season all these autoimmune disorders in one family i just don't know what to do she likes to bring me articles from mercury and health nut news to prove her point yep vaccines cause lyme disease now not ticks vaccines had a patient come to the hospital for possible heart attack i asked if they had gotten a flu shot of the pneumonia vaccine they went into a long rant about how vaccines are poison and they don't take any medication because they swim in the ocean and it purifies all the toxins that they acquire then they started having chest pain so i gave them a nitroglycerine pill they spat it out because they hated it well you don't stake your meds for high blood pressure and high cholesterol you will have a heart attack so not just anti-vaxx but fully anti-medicine and science yes the pneumonia vaccine is a thing technically called the pneumococcal vaccines which protects from the bacteria streptococcus pneumoniae they use can prevent some cases of pneumonia meningitis and sepsis the hospital asks everyone over 65 if they have had one also this person did leave ama the next morning and yes nitroglycerine is an explosive but smaller and less concentrated is of a sodulator that helps with chest pain related to heart blockages did you ask them why did they even bother coming to the hospital they could have just gone to the ocean and swam until their hair attacked went away veterinarian here had a client years ago who bred salukis and who fed raw refused most medication because chemicals bad and didn't believe in vaccination one of her dogs was exposed to parvo and she brought it back to the kennel she tried to treat it homeopathically herself at first so by the time we saw it the dog was already pretty far gone then the next day she brought in another sick dog then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day then another the next day all in all after 6k and bill's 12 beautiful dogs died of a disease she could have prevented for 120 dollars also a veterinarian got verbally abused the other day for recommending that a puppy be vaccinated because veterinarians are dirty pieces of crap who just lie to make money client was asked to never come back immediately after i sent out invites to my kids birthday party i found out one of her friends from dance was unvaccinated my daughter's best friend is in remission from leukemia and is immunocompromised an unvaxxed kid could kill her iron invited the dance kid and very nicely explained the situation her mother loses her crap and tries to get us kicked out of the dance school they attend the dance school owner is an older lady and had no idea there were idiots these days that didn't vac so she implemented a new rule that students had to be up to date and the unvaxxed kid had to find a new dance school i felt bad for the kid but her mother is a sociopath her immunity saves lives when it comes to kids fighting cancer this is the thing about anti-vaxxers that really drives me nuts i feel terrible for their kids getting put at risk but it's even worse than that they are putting at risk anyone who is immune compromised elderly sick pregnant people newborn babies it's selfish and irresponsible had a kid on a ventilator with a preventable illness at a major research hospital in california the mom was anti-vaccine the kid began to deteriorate and the mom spent a lot of time reaching out to her anti-vaxx community one visited her in the hospital and said honey there was nothing you could do i lost it at that point but i lost it i mean that i had to physically leave the unit before saying or doing something unprofessional i didn't say anything to the mom at the time the kid recovered before they left the aiku had a long talk with the mom about vaccines and she agreed to do more research god i hope that woman and those like her come to their senses nothing you could do except vaccinate your child which would have completely prevented it well we do have a measles epidemic around here every few years or so children die it's getting worse but i do believe the worst was my mother pediatrician coming home worried one day because child protective services are looking into her why she diagnosed an unvaccinated child with pertussis turned pale told the mother she is to immediately to go an infectious ward called it in like you do with most of these disease just procedure and then the mother was never registered at a hospital she just sang back into a minority part of town i don't think my mother has still seen those patients again it's likely the child survived or there would have been some sort of murmur but yeah student nurse here the most heartbreaking case i ever saw was a two or three year old who was facing all four limb amputations because he had meningitis and it entered his bloodstream all because mom didn't vaccinate him his limbs were completely necrotic he couldn't eat had an ng tube and stopped speaking you could tell he felt lonely and scared as heck he got new visitors that i saw even though he had eight siblings and couldn't play with the other kids on the unit because he didn't know how to play without his hands crushed my heart anyone commenting that the meningitis vaccine isn't given until you're 11 plus routine vaccination helps prevent it as well the hip and mmr vaccines both offer some protection from meningitis as well as not living with eight other unvaccinated children i work in aniku and occasionally float out to the term nursery our neonatologists also work as pediatricians in the hospital and see the well newborns on top of the niko kids the neonatologist went to see a mom who was refusing the initial vaccines when the doc told the mom the vaccines were recommended by the aap and asked for reasons of refusal the mom laughed and told her to do your research do you research she told this to a doctor who is both a neonatologist and pediatrician double board certified she also is our medical director as a phd in biochemical engineering and as a mother herself my eyes nearly rolled out of my head it's amazing that these people seem to think that because they read it online they somehow know more than doctors or nurses who have devoted their lives to medicine it's just mind-boggling obligatory not a doctor but my dad is an anti-vaxxer i'm 18. he always tries to convince me not to get vaccines when i was a kid my mom would have to take me in secret my dad doesn't know i've gotten vaccines it's always a secret wish i could convince him otherwise but he doesn't trust any official research to anyone who cares and to address some questions one yes my parents are still together my mom wants to divorce him though but she doesn't make much money and he does 2. he wasn't always like this he became a weird conspiracy theorist after 9 11 a year after i was born three i have no siblings four i appreciate all the love for my mom she is the best all of my friends call her mom and she's a tough five feet tall cookie five my dad isn't a terrible abusive guy he's coming from a good place he just lost his way at some point and won't come back down just took a wrong turn and i'm trying to get him to rethink some stuff six i'm an adult and he knows i've gotten vaccines because last time i got them i was very adamant about how they are helpful and not a government conspiracy good for you that your mother is sensible in this matter and i hope she is just as protecting are your siblings if you have any don't waste energy on converting your father if he isn't open for it it warms my heart a little to know that this anti-vaxxer your father didn't get to harm any children not a doctor but a medic had a kid fall down onto hot radiator heater at home second to third degree degree burns all over his back kid is screaming in agony but i managed to place the line in and sedate him we are off to the burn center pd escort in place and i start asking mom about medical history vaccinations etc etc she says that they don't do vaccines because that would kill the baby so we get to the burn center and i'm getting one-on-one with a doc and give him history and whatever else he needs he lost his crap when he heard that kid hasn't been vaccinated he said that the mother successfully just gave her son every contagious disease in that place you can't just not tell us what the mom said kid comes in after a fall and gets scraped by some rusty nails surprisingly is okay after the fall we want to give the tetanus vaccine since that's common to do after high-risk exposure to make sure she doesn't get it learned she's never been vaccinated mom refuses call cps but mom is connected to some big shot gov official kid goes home without vaccine three weeks later kid comes back in with tetanus unable to breathe suffers a reversible brain damage now she is wheelchair bound and needs to be fed through a tube this was not in the u.s i'd imagine cps in the us wouldn't care if you were connected to some high-level government official and would have let us vaccinate it bet the mom still be not my fault i worker a consultant in a palliative care practice we help families navigate complex and often difficult decisions in acute illness my worst anti-vaxxer experience was in the critical care unit woman in her early 60s and otherwise healthy she got the flu from grandchild not vaccinated neither was anyone in the family faith is strong she was on a ventilator for arts respiratory failure then the vent was not enough and she was placed on ecmo heart lung bypass her kidneys shut down and continuous dialysis was started she developed a gi bleed from the acute distress eventually got off ecmo but needed permanent ventilation visitors could not comprehend that this was the flu her father became an iq patient after a week of declining to wear a mask not sure if his exposure was extended family or the patient his sister pt aunt also got admitted but stayed out of the iq they were two of six patients in the aiku because of the flu as i met with extended family and discussed permanent ventilation feeding tube long-term dialysis vent facility placement lack of consciousness they kept asking how could we have prevented this one adam and google doc daughter kept spouting debunked autism claims relating to vaccination i finally looked at her and said your mother is not dying from autism dad was old and went into heart failure and died two days later patients struggled for a month before becoming septic and dying in full life support plant survived as far as i know not sure if that meeting was a come to jesus moment for the family yikes 80 000 dead last year from the flu and now a chickenpox outbreak in nc darwin has an evidence-based practice from the grave i'm a doctor but don't work in the nicu hubby does every time there's a crying mom behind the niku doors who fell for the vaccines and vitamin k shots are evil crap on social media before giving birth and her newborn gets the intracerebral hemorrhage bleeding inside the brain that vitamin k prevents he says it's just heartbreaking because it's something so horrible that could potentially be avoided with one little sting once the parents actually realize what they've done or rather not done it's just such a heartbreaking picture to look at on the one hand you kind of want to think that hey you actually believe that these looms on your baby group or whatever fb quackery group that brainwashed you know more than doctors and scientists purely based on bad googling and inability to differentiate between a decent research and just crap they put online and call evidence on the other hand you have this deep sense of sadness for the family and what they're now going through especially the baby since none of it is the baby's fault or decided by the baby hubby says the image of these crying moms is something you never want to see and can never forget i have one about homeopathy wife and i had a baby a month ago we had a doula that was anti-vaxxer essential oil person when they removed my wife's placenta she began to hemorrhage instantly they bring a bag of pitocine and hook it up to her i look over and the doula has angry eyes and is poking me to tell them to stop putting those chemicals in my wife frick that i tell the doctor she does whatever she can to save her eventually they call in a surgeon and they take emergency measures to stop the him are hijin he ended up losing three liters of blood but the amazing professionals were able to save her after the doula told me the reason my wife her morage was because she couldn't rub some bullcrap essential oil on her legs what a freaking idiot pediatric nurse here this patient left a mark on me 18 month old admitted to her community hospital's pediatric unit respiratory symptoms i notice right away this kid is working hard to breath she starts getting worse i'm starting to worry kids don't give warning when they crash they crash fast i'm talking with the other nurse on and i mentioned she's unvaccinated as soon as i say it i realize it could be epiglottitis i remembered in nursing school learning about how dangerous epiglottitis was and the professor saying they used to see it all the time kids would drop dead but how we would never see it because kids are vaccinated against what causes it i call the doc i say what's on my mind and that she needs to put in for transfer she thinks i'm overreacting i don't wait i called the children's hospital go through the situation i end with send the helicopter now doc finds out i've done this calls the helicopter overkill the mom asks if this is her fault now i had told her when we started escalating care that because she was unvaccinated it meant we were ruling out more serious things the other nurse i was working with looked this woman in the eye and said yes this is your fault i sincerely hope that led to this kid getting vaccinated she did live incubated upon arrival to the children's hospital spent two weeks in the piku in respect to hippa i should clarify i started the call the receiving facility decided to send the helicopter i put the dock on the phone with the hospital moving her along to transfer she was a moonlighter so i didn't have another way to impress upon her this kid was on her way to respiratory failure and would be super difficult to interpret correct a nurse can't make that call honestly i do make it sound like i'm the hero i should be clear the nurse i was working with had a lot to do with us getting her figured out and getting her out fast i want to edit out it looking like i'm some hero i helped but i wasn't alone also autocorrect got me intubated not incubated and i fixed epiglottis to what i mean epiglottitis i went and took my low to get her flu shot the other day and somehow me and my family doctor got on the topic of anti-vaxxers she's been my doctor since i was born and now is my daughter's doctor so i know her well and on top of that she's very candid she told me that every child in her practice is vaccinated and if a parent refuses after she tries to clear up their misguidance to do so she advises them to seek another doctor because she doesn't work with child abusers she says they usually don't come back after that lol i mean i agree though i personally think there should be a list of mandatory vaccines that if not met the guardian can be charged with child neglect it actually kind of blows my mind this isn't the law already there was a young female student at university who was very outspoken opinionated and and know it all no one liked her because she would always have something to say about everything and would speak over other students in class and make classes drag on over the allocated time anyway one day we had the university's medical nurses informing us of the vaccines we needed to prove we had had so that we can work in certain areas hospitals etc and that if we had not had the vaccinations we could get it sorted out through the university this girl pipes up and asks what do i do because i've never had any vaccinations the whole lecture theater went quiet for a second then people started laughing the nurse's answer was an obvious you need to get all the shots then she ended up dropping out after the first year thank frick ha orientation for radiology program a girl says she refuses to vaccinate herself for her toddler the speaker said well cool you can leave them because it's required the girl said she was filing a complaint with the program director the speaker was the program director not my story but a family friends she was a nurse who'd go around and give shots around in walmart and other large super chains so one day she was doing her job as normal when a woman rushes in with a child and hurries over to her open station since the line was empty and asks her to quickly vaccinate her nephew for school and she made sure they were really related then gave him the shot after this the mother bursts into the store and begins yelling and screaming about how her son was doomed now along with trashing the table she was using as you can probably guess she was removed by security but not after screeching of her son about how he was going to be [ __ ] and autistic too bad we can't follow up a few years later with psycho mom and ask sarcastically how she's coping with her son's autism retardation not a doctor but have a story nonetheless i was raised as a po dunk super mormon town with many anti-vaxxers we aren't religious i was vaccinated against pertussis i got it anyways when i was 16 or so i went to the local doctor who properly diagnosed me and since my case was mild he sent me home with some meds and an order to stay away from others and to call immediately if things got worse i was good so i stay in quarantine as best i could and none of my family came down with any symptoms three weeks later i hear about a bunch of other people in town coming down with the same thing including the doctor who was presumably vaccinated i never got the whole story down but i was apparently patient zero for a community of unvaccinated families and one poor doctor happy ending since no one died physician here it's not nearly as dramatic as you'd think i tell mom what vaccines are due and if she declines or delays them i ask why whatever answer she gives i tell her that her conclusion is not evidence-based and vaccines are beyond safe if she still says no i move on i encourage her to return any time to complete the vaccine series if she changes her mind i try not to be judgey because that only reinforces the resistance i live in california so declining vaccines is sadly become more common i know several who ban people from the office if they won't get certain vaccines for their kids this keeps them from infecting kids too young to get the vaccines due to the parents being pieces of crap also california has laws about vaccinations and the ability to go to school frick anyone who won't vaccinate when they can frick anyone who says it's okay 2. not saying you are actress guinta's daughter was permanently disabled due to prenatal rubella she caught the german measles during a world war ii uzo tour and because she was pregnant at the time the consequences were devastating gene carries permanently the scars of the day more than four years later when she placed her daughter daria in a school for the mentally [ __ ] the emptiness inside me was like a cave she says she was a sweet little girl with golden curls and soft skin physically she looked just like any other four-year-old i cried for daria and i cried for me until i didn't know where the tears came from now 35 daria still has the mind of an infant and is confined to an institution in new jersey more than a year after the little girl was born jean was approached at a party by a former woman marine who said they had met her to uzo canteen two years earlier the woman added that she had been quarantined at the time with the measles but had sneaked out to see tiene anyway i just had to go the woman gushed innocently you were always my favorite stunned the actress said nothing as part of my training a few years back i had to do a gp plasmat in hippie dippy alternative medicine central of the uk most of the time wasn't any issues other than the occasional person insisting on the benefits of crystals etf but most would also follow along with what we would advise also i did see my first and so far only case of rubella german measles in a three-year-old however the incident that came to mind was a lady who had encountered a few time ls before she was up a middle-class university-educated english degree been convinced of the evils of modern medicine vaccinations said they had monkey brains in it anyway one day she came in complaining of severe nausea larticularly in the morning and associated with certain smells and foods asked her if there was any chance she could be pregnant she says no she did have a post of pregnancy test a few weeks ago but that she had dealt with it intrigued i inquired further she stated she did it the natural way on further question this natural method consisted of putting a bunch of herbs up her fanny for a few days she seemed extremely annoyed when i suggested we perform another pregnancy test just to make sure and won't you know still freaking preggers crazy if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: doctor, nurses, anti-vaxxers, vaccination, hospital, helicopter patients, patients, medical, emergency, ambulance, treatment, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 96_cvyWDHA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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