What's The Weirdest Thing You Saw At Someones Home?

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what's the weirdest thing that you've seen at someone's house that they thought was completely normal i dated a guy whose family was just odd they just did things so differently sometimes i wondered if they might be aliens no one the house knew how to use a stove they used the microwave or rate out every cabinet and drawer in the house was always wide open like they had no idea you could close them the rest of the house was clean and organized which made it all the stranger his mother walked around naked pretty much constantly and took about 10 baths a day his parents would go to mcdonald's to watch tv despite having a very nice tv with satellite tivo etc his family had a lot of grandiose tales things like they save two men from a plane crash and how the mother outran a pack of wolves in suburban arizona there is a lot more but these were what stuck out in my mind comma his mother walked around naked pretty much constantly and took about 10 baths a day granted it's weird if you're not that person but if you were naked 90 of the time and spent most of your day in a bath you'd probably be one happy mother spent the night at a friend's house in sixth grade he lived with just his mom dad wasn't in the picture and he was an only child so they had a close relationship we were having a great time until his mom called him for bath time with her like together they even left the door open like it was nothing no she was not hot they could have been polite and offered you a scrub down as well girl from my previous work invited some of us over for dinner as it turns out she had removed the toilet seating from her toilet because it doesn't look good enough with it on you actually had to sit on the thin ceramic rim since people have said this isn't uncommon in certain countries this took place in germany where toilets always have seats [Music] when i was eight years old my friend told me she had super mario so of course we went to her house her parents thought it was okay to let her mentally handicapped older brother probably around fifteen wander around the house naked with a gigantic correction casually masturbating from room to room the room with the nintendo was just a mattress no sheets and the tv so at one point he went into the other room and grabbed a chair set it right down next to the tv facing us and went to town her mother walked into the room and let us know it was time for dinner food stamp breakfast cereal and the kid barely touched his food just constant jerking off while they all ignored it like it was no big deal paramedic here 102 liter soda bottles filled with urine because the toilet is broken but where was he pooping where was he pooping thought it was obvious but apparently not this was in he course of my job duties hence mentioning i'm a paramedic context no yard three-story walk-up apartment slash flop house no work the guy was very much unemployed and it took a police committal to get him to leave his apartment which was immediately condemned there was also sadly a cat and animal control involved also bed bugs but those are a given sadly mental health issues can make the weirdest behavior seem normal i had a friend who did this he'd crap in a pizza box then take the box outside and put it in the bin for his building it was a couple of months before he realized the pizza boxes had his name and flat number written on them i had a friend named david and he invited me to his house once little did i know that his family were horrific orders you couldn't see the floor of his house and i was literally stepping in bowls filled with cereal at one point i saw a snake just slither through the refuse and immediately made up an excuse that i was sick so i could go home what a nightmare the snake bit makes it sound like the garbage compactor seen in star wars i would have gotten out of there too before it pulled me underneath all the trash my parents were in a bowling league and would bring me with them i made friends with a girl who hung out at the bowling alley because she lived in a home on an acre next to it she invited me to come to her house while my parents bowled i asked my parents and they said i could we walk to her house and when i walk in there is a lion cub chained to a coffee table in the front room she asks me if i want to pet the lion of course i do i pet the lion we hang out and i go back to the bowling alley like nothing happened i tell my parents and they are like sure you pet a lion years later when i am reading the paper the girl and her family are arrested for illegally having exotic cats i show my parents and have the best told you so moments in my life tldr i went to someone's home and there were hundreds of pictures of themself and no one else everywhere one of my wife's co-workers invited us to a dinner party he's a very accomplished doctor who is supposedly considered the foremost authority in his specialty i knew the man had a huge ego but nothing prepared me for what i saw when we went to his home as soon as we walked in the door there was a life-size painting of himself that one of his patients had given him as a gift nothing strange about that he saved a patient's life and they were very grateful so they gave him a painting his wife takes our jackets hangs them up then walks us to his massive living room where the rest of the guests are mingling as i looked around the room to take in what a magnificent home this man has i noticed that there are hundreds of pictures lining his shelves and walls every single one of those pictures was of him not of his wife not of his four children not of his siblings parents or someone he admires even the pictures that looked like they may have been group photos were cropped so that only he could be seen i'm terrible at hiding my true feelings my face usually gives me away every time but i spend the next hour desperately trying to pretend like this wasn't remotely strange after a few drinks i decided to head to the bathroom i had to take a dump and i'm not shy about doing so at another person's home i walked into their guest bathroom closed the door lifted up the lid sat down and grabbed one of a dozen books that were sitting next to the toilet the first book i picked up is written by our host so i picked up another book and it is also written by our host i looked at the book ends and all of them are written by our host part amused and part disgusted i looked up and noticed there is a picture on a small table across from the toilet it's our host again staring at me in the picture while i'm taking a dump because it was asked so often no one mentioned the pictures to him also i'm 100 certain it wasn't a troll or a practical joke that is either extreme dedication to a joke or really creepy i like to believe it is dedication so i know there are other people out there who would go that far for a joke i was visiting a friend one time and we were about to go buy a 30 rack at the nearby liquor store i tell him we need to stop by an atm so i can pick up some cash to pay he just turns and looks at me and goes don't worry about it we can just go to the money drawer this kid's family literally kept a drawl full of 20 bills in the kitchen that you could just walk up to and grab whenever you needed something it was pretty surreal i need a money drawer i have a change jar but that doesn't seem like it compares to a money drawer when i was in college i played the drums in a band and we would often practice at the guitar player's house because his parents didn't care about the noise the family was weird and the house smelled but the thing that got me was the filth there was always dog somewhere and i don't think they ever flushed or cleaned a toilet all of this was considered normal to them then one day the guy that played guitar walked over to the corner of the room and pee on the floor i was stunned he wasn't drunk or anything like that this was normal to him his parents didn't care either it was just how they did things i met this kid in third grade and he seemed normal cool kid funny anyway i go to his house to work on a school project and his mother was a hoarder worst of the worst she could have a marathon of the hoarders in her own home i guess the kid thought it was normal because he had been loving in it since he was born he was kinda disheartened when he came to my house and didn't have to climb over mounds of trash to take a pee a good high school friend's mom was a hoarder we had to navigate narrow corridors through all the piled junk to get to his room his tidy spartan immaculately clean room dog crap old crusty along with fresh and smelly pit bull crap all over the living room while he'd just sit and watch tv in the room as if it wasn't even there yeah this was my house yeah this was my roommate i'd pick it up let the dog out try to house break it he did nothing as i packed up my stuff to move out i stopped picking up the dough thinking he'd man up nope i had to step around those massive land mines as i moved out this is like my third post to this thread it has become clear to me that i know some pretty dysfunctional people i'd say allowing somebody to allow their pet to crap on your floor constantly is pretty dysfunctional yeah my direct response to a roommate's dog crapping on my floor was to bag it up and drop it in his lap your responsibilities are in my way clean up your dog's crap [Music] quick story i grew up in an irish catholic family my parents were constantly fighting as soon as you would set foot inside our home the tension would just wrap itself around you and squeeze you one wrong move and all that tension would just explode so for my brothers and sisters and me we would do our best to avoid that basic family interaction so you weren't the one who would potentially cause the next tension explosion fast forward many years so i was set to meet my now ex-girlfriend's family great people kind of your typical midwestern parents extremely nice and amazing people so anyways i meet them and everything is great her mother makes an amazing dinner and we feasted afterwards we sat down upon the couch and we all just talked no tv no cell phones no bickering no fighting no talking shatty about other family members even her nephews sat on the floor and listened to the stories being told by everyone and then it hit me that whole scene of us just sitting there with all systems normal that moment was so strange to me but it was really a life-changing event for me to know that families like that do exist a weird experience for me a great experience i once looked at an apartment in columbus and when i went into the building manager's apartment to sign the lease the walls of his entire living room were covered in machetes and severed mannequin breasts with hand-painted nipples i immediately realized i had forgotten my wallet and driver's license in the car and beat a hasty retreat i ended up renting a room in a house about a block away about a year later the guy was killed when a booby trap he had created with a live grenade blew up did a couple of tours in iraq and went in hundreds of houses common thing was if they had a dvd player or some other kind if electronic device they would always keep the styrofoam packing on the device i don't know if they thought it was part of the dvd player or if it prevent dust from entering also saw a great number of what i call barn people pretty much kids that are too dysfunctional and mentally challenged to live with the rest of the family so they keep them in the barn or shed pretty sad most likely that they were trying to keep it in good condition stuff like that is fairly common in parts of the world where things like dvd players are a big deal they keep a sewing needle pin stuck into their hand towel i found it by reaching to use the hand towel to dry my hands and putting the pin through my finger i was like wtf guys and they just shrugged as in you don't have sharp objects hiding in towels they then went on to explain that it was used for draining pimples kids in the home going to the fridge grabbing a stick of butter unwrapping it taking a big bite re-wrapping and putting it back my daughter eats butter i can't keep it on the table because she'll find a way to get her hands all up in its business it's freaking weird my friend todd and i were both 10 years old i spent a lot of time at his house but always had the feeling that things were just off in some way i didn't know what his mom did for a living but i didn't know she slept until 2pm daily todd told me that the overwhelming urine smell in the basement was from his cat but i couldn't understand how one cat was capable of that stench his mom and stepdad eventually were caught and did prison time for manufacturing crystal m my ex-friend his dog peed in the house so much parts of the floor was warped he would stand on the first floor and pee down the basement stairs because going upstairs took too long he didn't want to grab a garbage can so he grabbed a hammer and knocked a hole in the wall proceeded to stuff chicken bones inside of it there is more but this is the worst he lived with his dad they have a giant painting of a spider on the wall creepy as heck all of the bush trimming in their yard was done with katanas they rarely mowed out of fear of hitting a cuny or piece of broken blade they had three neighbors next door to them in four years i blame that when a machine stopped working they took it in the backyard and beat on it with sledger hammers and pipes 3am their microwave broke once and the cops were called after they beat tea for an hour they had an area rug in the middle of the living room if there was flat pop in a can they poured it on the carpet and tossed the can in a bin for recycling they didn't want to get the bin full of stale pop all of the furniture was from street corners just because he drug a futon home three miles to put in his room nothing wrong with reusing things but this futon was barely functional and covered in garbage the sun showered once or every two weeks he somehow had girlfriends attractive and smart all the time in high school and got laid daily none of us could understand it since they too would go back to his place he tossed sandwich parts he didn't want tomatoes onions certain meats behind his tv dresser he would leave the window open and told me it was so animals could get the food thought he was joking till i saw a squirrel running out with some bread he tore off first time i went over to a friend house i was walking into his room and he says don't stand here the carpet's crusty for eight years he's been jacking it in the same spot never washing it this one is true but really disgusting when i was little i used to sleep over at my dad's house he rented a room inside of a house owned by other people with only one bathroom for the family that owned the house and my dad so instead of walking out to the bathroom he would pee inside of soda cans that he had finished earlier i was not aware of this so one night i was really thirsty in this dark room with everyone sleeping i found a soda can that felt half full and just took a gulp out of it it was cold from sitting around for a while but tasted really sour and just god awful i had no choice but to swallow this huge mouthful of pee because i couldn't just spit it onto the bed i still wasn't 100 sure what had happened until the next day i asked my dad did you take a pee in a soda can last night and he said while laughing there why did you drink it well i was too embarrassed to tell him so i said no i just smelt it and it smelled like pee and just went about my day tl dr i drank a mouthful of my dad's old and cold pee i will add in another about my dumb butt dad my dad always had another nasty habit he really liked pretzels but instead of just eating the freaking things like a normal human he would just lick the salt off of them the worst part about this habit is that instead of throwing each pretzel out he would just put them right back in the packaging these are the rod pretzels not the standard shaped ones still to this day i have no clue why he does this so randomly when i was little i would go to eat some pretzels only to take a bite out of a soggy salt less stick so of course i made a habit out of checking every pretzel to make sure none of the salt was missing before even touching it unfortunately for our visitors they were unaware of this habit my dad had so recently at my dad's house i see my aunt eating some pretzels she found sitting next to the couch i didn't really think anything of it until she asks me why we buy unsalted pretzels i guess my dad spit dried up on these pretzels making them seem like they weren't sorted to begin with i freaking gagged tl dr don't eat the pretzels if you ever come to my house an old drug dealer had a couple thousand little green army men claimed that none of them were the same and that if they were he had altered them in some way cut off their hand painted on tiny eyes etc he also only bought green light bulbs drug dealer so the entire thing was extremely creepy crap literally my wife and i responded to an ad for a kitten when we got to the apartment it became a rescue to get the kitten out of there as soon as possible there was one litter tray for about 10 cats to share but most had given up and resorted to crapping wherever they wanted the kitten we took had a severe eye infection and was severely malnourished we got in the car and called the rspca immediately thanks for the gold went to her party in college and the kid living there had boxes of cat fancy magazine catalogued by month and year all over his room when i asked about it the dude just shrugged and said i'm into cats i was too nervous to ask more once when i was a kid i was invited to stay over for dinner at a friend's house my friend's mother poured a large quantity of ketchup into a cereal bowl which the entire family all casually dipped their fingers into and licked throughout the meal maybe they didn't want you to ever come back over this was when i was a kid i was at my friend's house and her mom got us some orange juice with our lunch when we finished eating she took the remaining juice from the cups and poured it back into the container even as a kid i thought it was disgusting the last glass of juice in that container would probably be mostly backwash just awful my friend would let his dog lick his feet for at least 20 minutes at a time while people were over the whole place would smell like dog saliva and feet when things got quiet all you could hear was the slurping of the dog's tongue between his toes the mother of a friend of mine is a little nuts for years she went on about her cat that she loves after not seeing the cat ever i finally asked the guy where the frick this cat was he looked around and said follow me okay so we go downstairs into the basement and he opens up the freezer he says grab that pointing to her plastic bag inside was fluffy for the last few years the little bell around his neck still jingled when you turned the rock hard kitty over the cat had died in the house but the mother didn't want to bury it or burn it or throw it away you get the idea he couldn't say anything to his mother about it so yeah that was weird i was invited over to a friend's house for dinner for the first time now for staging purposes they all sit around the living room to eat as a family they have these two large dogs so i ask beforehand as i always do what the rules are with the dogs and food coma am i supposed to ignore begging can i give them a bite what kind of stuff can i feed them do they have to do a trick to get some they tell me that not only can i feed them whatever i want but that all the plates are given to the dogs after the meal and that the dogs would hassle you if you took the plate straight to the kitchen so i finish my meal which was decent and i lay my plate down for the dogs they clean it up quite nicely i pick it up to take to the kitchen and i ask if it goes in the sink or the dishwasher they said to put it back in the cabinet because the dogs clean it good enough to eat off of i laughed at the joke and then kinda reiterated my question it wasn't a joke my friend walked into the kitchen and put her plate her boyfriend's plate and her mom and dad's plate all in the cabinet with the other clean dishes i could have been sick i dropped all contact with them that was just too much tl dr their dishwashing was done exclusively by the dogs i have a backwards version of this story i grew up in south texas and missouri before moving to the chicago area in high school when i was in my 20s my girlfriend invited me over to house to meet her parents they were having a backyard barbecue party and the typical summer fair was being served including corn on the cob well the stick of butter was on the plate right in front of me so i did what i always had done i took my corn cob and rolled it across the stick of butter the look on her mom's face was priceless albeit somewhat frightening at the time and the hard pinch on my leg and the grim tone of my girlfriend's expression taught me that this was not normal behavior up here in these parts but hey they all got over it been married to that woman for 18 years now in the top of one of my friend's pantry i saw a coffee container i wondered why a folger's coffee container was up there and not with the other coffee containers in the kitchen i opened it and saw like 20 dead scorpions i wonder if they really hated scorpions but were against the death penalty i sentence you to life without the possibility of parole into the can with you my brother dated a girl whose mother kept a pet tortoise in the bathroom he had no idea until he went to use a bathroom and what he thought was a stone statue started walking towards him growing up my one friend's family used box tissues for everything dinner napkins paper towels toilet paper dish drying everything and they really weren't all that stressed on throwing them out right away everywhere you'd look there were these little piles of used tissues i remember her asking my friend about it he told me that they left them lying around to dry out in case they needed to use them again and also because the cat liked to play with them another family i knew licked the tops of all their condiments in order to keep them clean i'd be over for dinner or something and the mom would squirt some mustard lick the top clean and pass it to her son one time i was over while they were having steak the dad practically gave that a1 bottle a rim job before passing it to me i passed a six-year-old boy carrying around a framed picture of vanna white kissing it and hugging it he supposedly took it everywhere and slept with it too if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: AskReddit Is Fun
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, weird people, weirdest things, someones house, weird house, weird family
Id: 0Z8V2thvDmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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