People Share Their 'We Need To Leave Right Now!' Experiences

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serious what was your biggest we need to leave no moment at a party when i was about 19 i was on the top floor with my friend and he mentioned to me that he and the guy in the corner had been in a pretty nasty fight about a year ago that guy is giving us some eyes and staring us down my friend said not to worry but i did not like the vibe this guy was giving i saw the guy talk to his friend and send him out of the room i told my buddy nope we are leaving now much to his protest as there was a girl he liked at this party i practically ran down the stairs grabbed our other friend by the hood of his sweatshirt and ran to the car as we are backing out of this long country driveway i see the guy his buddy and four or five more of them run out of the house with baseball bats and they chased us down the driveway so dang glad we got out of there when we did about a decade ago i was driving my miata with a friend to her track about four hours from home we left after dinner the night before so we could wake up there and get an early start about an hour from our destination 11 p.m a crazy summer storm hit heavy rain high wind gusts lots of debris i told my buddy that the early 90s windshield wipers couldn't keep up i couldn't see crap and i just felt like i was white knuckling the steering wheel i decided to hit the exit we'd get some late night food at a waffle house and wait out the storm we sat down and i had a tv in sight and i was casually watching almost immediately a weather map came up and showed a tornado pass right over where we would have been a few minutes later had i not exited in college there was a big rock cliff at the top of a hill that everybody used to climb it had lights pointing at it to light it up at night some friends and i decided to climb up to the top at night it was a nice evening but there was a chance of rain so we get to the top and i see lightning in the distance i count the time between lightning and thunder 15 seconds i tell my friends hey that storm is coming our way and i'm guessing we have 15-20 minutes before it gets here it took some convincing for them to agree that even though i was being a negative nancy we would head back down getting down took about 15 minutes just before we got to the cars lightning hit the rock and blew out all the lights my father's story 1999 three adult males entered our family store in july wearing heavy trench coats they spread out through the store and my father caught a glimpse of a gun under their coats he called the police and while waiting for a call back my mother grabbed the children and ran out the back door once we got a call back an employee answered the phone and asked who called the police the men ran out of the store went down two doors robbed the laundromat and killed the clerk driving to disney with hubs and two little kids four and five stopped at a gas station in tifton gar at about 10 pm wander in a little bleary eyed with the two kids looking for the bathroom clark looks at me funny and points while i'm in there i hear she's got two babies with her man just let them pee and go i grab both kids and walk straight back to the car with only a small head nod to the clerk hubs was done pumping gas and about to go in himself i yelled for everyone to get in the car i would explain later as soon as we pulled out i called on route and to 911 the scene took my info and wished us a fun trip walked into a gas station robbery with two little kids peed and left with no issues bad guy wasn't that bad of a guy and let us go i live in new orleans l.a and years ago my brother wanted to adopt a dog from a small rural town about two-ish hours away from nola it was an easy enough drive but as we got close to the town clinton la i started noticing a ton of police driving around no sirens nobody speeding by but i think i probably saw 15 20 patrol cars in the span of about 10 minutes we get to the house meet the foster mom and the dog who is the sweetest thing in the world decide to adopt her and head home about two hours later everything seems fine tayli the dog climbs up into the front seat while i'm driving and falls asleep leaving my brother to sit in the back by himself which was hilarious we keep driving and notice that there are even more cops driving around but still no sirens they're just everywhere though as we're leaving clinton maybe about three miles to the exit or so i noticed this old white sedan come flying up on our rear flashing their lights honking etc i didn't really think about it but i figured maybe these people were hurt and needed help or something it definitely wasn't a cop car but it was unusual for sure i started to pull over to the shoulder and they pulled over as well about 10-15 yards behind us where they stopped i stopped the car and when i turned around i looked at my brother for some reason as soon as our eyes met the hair on the back of my neck stood up and i realized that there was something very wrong about this i still hesitated wanting to see if somebody needed help but as soon as the door of the car behind us opened a voice inside my head said get the frick out of their ride this second i peeled out and sped for the exit making sure nobody had followed us we got back to new orleans safe and sound but the entire time i was watching for that car to ensure they didn't follow i never learned what happened with all of the police cars or the white sedan but something was really wrong i should have listened to my gas way sooner stopping even temporarily was really dumb of me i hypothesized that there was a drug raid or something and the cops were looking for somebody while we were driving through the white sedan was trying to get us to pull over so they could carjack us and dodge the cops further i don't know though and i hope that it wasn't innocent and somebody needed help and i bailed but i don't think so i think something freaky was going on i was 15 at the time i took about 10 of my little cousins with me to the park three of my older cousins but still younger than me or the same age came with me to help as i approached the park there was a man and two other kids there he came up to me and started talking to me i tried to give him the hint that i didn't want to talk but he kept going i asked him oh did you bring your kids with you he nodded and kept talking then ask me weird questions like are you married are those your kids how old are you i lied about my name and age and tried to walk away then he said i like you wanna sit with me and talk i said i had something important to tell my family first and i'd join him after i smiled and went up to one of my older cousins and said pretend everything is okay but we need to leave now she nodded and i watched as the two kids left without the man so we started walking home again and i made sure he didn't follow a watch where we went i later found out that he had picked up one of my little cousins and put him down again and one of my cousins saw but she froze and didn't say anything to me luckily one of us saw him walk into a house and so we called the police showed up to her party some people were outside fighting my gf at the time and i decided to leave not long after that some guys that were a part of the first fight came back with more and a shooting occurred i 19f was on a greek island last may with my cousin 22f as a part of a trip we like to go on aimless walks out of the towns we stayed in to see what was around on our way back from one of these walks we were on a long narrow road that dropped off on each side to beaches a small green car passes by us in the same direction we're walking and stops 5 100 yards in front of us just sitting on the road we say maybe they are just taking in the view we continue to walk and when we finally get to the car the passenger our side window is down and the man is staring at us through the mirror as soon as we pass the car pulls forward past us again immediately after the green car drives past us again large truck drives past again in the same direction and pulls alongside the green car they both stop for a moment and are clearly talking to each other the green car speeds off the black truck drives forward a bit more and then stops on the same side of the road again keep in mind we're on a narrow road we can't turn around because town is the other way behind us is just beaches and a couple houses the black truck is stopped on our side of the road as we get closer the driver opens the front and back door to the cab but does nothing else just stands there outside of the truck mostly looking back towards us we decide that this is way too sketchy both cars were clearly keeping an eye on us and watching and communicating when we get closer to the truck we nope off of the road and drop into the beach we get as far away from the road as the beach will allow us and start speed walking the man from the truck crosses the road and watches us with binoculars from the side of the beach we ran until we caught up with another couple and followed them back into town i saw the same green car drive back past us multiple times as we ran parallel to the road down the beach we made it back to our hotel apartment thing safely and locked and tied up our doors to the balcony and hall in a nutshell potentially almost experience taken on a gap year trip in greece i was at a club and a guy pulled up and parked next to us as we were getting out to head in the guy then proceeded to reach in the back of his suv and pull out a shotgun he looked over at us and told us it's finna go down we got back in our vehicle and noped out homeboy did you a solid lol woodstock 99 felt the energy of the grossly overpacked crowd the building rage and looked my friends and said we need to go they stayed i left shortly after fires and riots started and my friends lost everything they had with them tents clothes food everything when you have 300k people shoulder to shoulder in 104 degree humidity and charge four dollars for a bottle of water and have half as many bathrooms as needed you're gonna have a bad time i was there i'm wondering where you found water as cheap as four dollars a bottle visiting kowloon in hong kong i ended up walking all day until my feet were killing me it got dark outside and i was tired so i decided to drop by a decent looking bar for a drink and a moment to rest my feet it was all empty except a group of serious looking local men in suits they kept leering at me the whole time the most awkward beer i ever had none of them said a word but i got the message you're not supposed to be here gwelo girls camp my last year me and a small group of girls wanted to climb to the top of this big hill that has a beautiful lookout above the trees and clear view of the sky it was a new moon and zero light pollution we grabbed our flashlights and got on the trail about three stroke four of the way up the two girls leading us stopped dead in their tracks at the same time one whisper to the other do you feel that i was right behind them and heard what they said i looked up and around i didn't see anything but something in the air made the hair on my neck stand on end it was just too quiet i started to feel very vulnerable and scared one of the girls in front turned and said we need to go back don't run one girl asked why not run and they said so you don't trip valid reason but i don't believe it was the real reason she said it that girl who told you not to run grew up in mountain lion territory that's my guess on what it was we have very primal instincts when it comes to big predators like that and this sounds exactly like it i was home from college for a holiday weekend a college friend was from the same town and he was home too we were looking for something to do on saturday night and heard that an old friend was having a party so we decided to stop by this old friend had developed new friends while we were gone neo-nazi skinheads they had visible tattoos of nazi symbols did i mention that the friend i brought is definitely not a white guy we got the heck out of there pretty quick in china on a school trip wandering around night market stalls of fried bugs and bull testicles in a group of 10 or so high school age kids a 50 60ish yo chinese man engages us in conversation claiming to be the curator of a local art gallery do we want to check out some paintings sure we were bored and had lost our appetite pretty quickly anyhow while we get to the gallery which was a semi-run down five by five meters building the chinese man talks to us from the doorway inviting us in to see the paintings which are downstairs the building is in the middle of a large paved courtyard right next to a popular tourist destination it's safe right peering through the doorway no artwork or obvious function to the building is visible an entrance lamp is broken with its glass scattered over the doorway and inside shoddy steps led to a dank unlike basement one of us interrupts chinese man's sweet talking come down see painting to grill him on the broken glass don't worry many paintings beautiful no tell me why there's broken glass at this point we're all exchanging glances when i get the urge to break our collective stupor by yelling cheese itt ttt as a group we turn tail into a sprint covering a hundred yards or so before we slow down to laugh and crack jokes about kidnapping and organ black markets glad it was the best memory from my trip and not the last one when me 11 and my mom were feeding some cows we had bought with some other people there was supposed to be eight but when we walked into the field they were being hurled at there was only seven suddenly a massive black heifer emerged from some bushes about 50 meters away from us and just started bolting towards us swinging its head wildly i literally said to my mom i think we need to leave now but the bewildered bovine would easily have sprinted us down and trampled us to death so my mom stepped towards it spreading her arms out wide and screaming bloody murder it sounded like somebody had kicked a bull in the nuts and it luckily was intimidating enough to make the cow stop and lumber away late afternoon in the summer i'm waiting in the bus station near my house most businesses are closed not a lot of cars in the street guy passes in front of me he passes again two minutes later watching me suspiciously alarms start to go in my head screaming to me that i need to leave and get the frick off here but i ignore it since the bus will come in 10 minutes third time he passes he charges to me pushing me to the wall with his dong out i freeze for some seconds then start punching and kicking him i managed to get away and the rest is history yeah trust your guts guys i lived really close to my school when i was a kid and there was this big thing for us to play and so naturally i always went to play there in the evening before supper or just any time i was bored it was surrounded by a lot of houses and a busy street so it was a safe enough place one day i went with a friend of mine who was about a year older than me we had two school yards one for the older kids and one for the younger ones the big plastic thing was in the younger kids yard there was a small corridor that let us go between yards though and as we're playing i see this guy wearing a hoodie with the hood up start slowly walking into the yard we were in we stayed there for about 20 minutes with a guy but i felt that something was very off i was too young to really know what to do and imagined he would leave at some point the problem was that he was slowly walking around a wall blocking all the houses from seeing him and was much closer to the exit than we were i will always remember watching him nonchalantly kick a pizza box around as he made his way closer to us as i turned to my friend to tell her that we had to leave because i felt like something really bad was going to happen i heard my father bellow my name and saw him running the length of the schoolyard towards the door with my neighbor in tow my father was in his 60s and took his car everywhere and that's the first time i ever saw him really run but the guy bolted and my father trailed after him my neighbor brought us to my friend's house as they all knew each other and we stayed there until pretty late i remember her mother trying to explain to us what a child predator was i was nine at most and i just knew that i was terrified my father my neighbor and my friend's father both tried to find the guy i can't imagine how scared he must have been my father was very tall and intimidating and so were my neighbors the scariest part of this is that i still have no idea how my father had known as the guy wasn't visible and i lived a few houses down from where we were i'm sure that he saved mine and my friends lives that day my friends and i stopped at a 7-eleven around midnight in a sketchy neighborhood we'd taken a wrong turn and were trying to find our way back to the highway two police officers were getting coffee and doughnuts a group of local youth came in kind of roughly messing with each other the police officers looked at them looked at us looked at each other and power walked out of the store my friends and i decided not to complete our snack food purchases and made to leave and then one of the youths yelled to his friends that we'd called him a racial epithet when we hadn't even spoken to them i'm glad my car started on the first try and glad no one was coming the other way as i ran a couple stop signs so i was waiting at the train station to pick up a friend of mine i was early so i decided to stand in the sun right outside of the station a guy with a bicycle walked up to me asking in broken english if i knew how late the train would arrive after i answered the question he stayed around and starting talking to me now i know that's not weird at all but the things he asked and the way he acted and look just gave me a creepy vibe eventually he asked if i would walk with him while he dropped his bicycle off i didn't want to because a place to store bicycles at this station is very secluded and to be honest i didn't want to be alone with this guy so i noped out and walked into the station he started yelling at me calling me names but at that moment the train came in and it got very busy so he left a few months later i read this article in the local paper about a girl being upheld at the station they had put a drawing of a guy next to the article as he was not yet caught it was the same guy to this day i'm very happy i didn't go with him i was hiking with two friends and we were crossing through some big farms one of the fenced off areas had a herd of cows in it they had like 20 calves and 150 cows as we were walking through they slowly ganged up on us from behind and literally encircled us facing inwards while standing next to each other i think they surrounded us by like 300 degrees before we realized what was happening and fricking ran like heck the last 50 meters to the edge of the fenced area i think the opening between the two ends of the open circle was like 20 meters and they were like 20 meters away from us that was pretty insane tbh i will never forget it i learned to differentiate between the behavior of one creature opposed to a herd it blew my mind how they all work together in silence i have never experienced fear physically like in that moment when we hop the fence they followed us to the edge there was one black bull in particular who didn't seem to like we got away i always assumed he was the leader when i was about 16 i went to visit my grandmother at her place the smell of natural gas was intense even though nana didn't seem to notice it much she was groggy sort of half asleep not her usual responsive self so i made her get out of the house at once and opened the windows and doors i called dad and he reported it to the gas company who sent inspectors right away they shut off the gas valve in the street immediately and sent a repair crew to fix a leaking joint in the gas supply pipe the inspector said that if i hadn't acted then and there the probability was great that there would soon have been an explosion i was in a school play when i was about 12 stroke 13. this was one of the rare opportunities i got to be in the school after it had closed so i took the chance to have a walk around the empty rooms while the other kids and teachers were all in the main hall it was about 7pm at the back of the school was a bunch of temporary classrooms oil and darkness so i wandered in the temp classrooms had a store and that joined the classrooms together it was only small with nothing but the usual classroom equipment in from out of this storeroom came my english teacher now the class and storm are in darkness i know i shouldn't be there and i'm pretty sure he shouldn't either strangely he doesn't act at all surprised and in fact beckons me over and tells me he has something he wants to show me in the storeroom it all just felt wrong as soon as he disappeared back into the storeroom i ran as fast as my legs could go my friend and i both females met up our first time back home from college it was a surprisingly nice day outside in the middle of winter so we decided to get lunch and eat outside we found a park that had no one there and was sitting at a picnic table catching up when i see a scruffy looking guy in a large work van with no rear windows pull into the parking lot i didn't pay a whole lot of attention to him at first but i noticed he was moving around the outside of the van for a bit and he kept looking our way he finally walked down the sidewalk toward us and passed by our picnic table and walked around the back side of the restroom building to look down the hill on the other side of it very obviously casing out the place he walked back to his van and me and my friend were discussing what we were going to do while i watched him open up the back of the van and start digging around it he made a call on his cell phone and a few minutes later another male pulled up in a different car he got out and started talking to the first guy who not very discreetly pointed our direction they immediately started walking toward us and my friend and i scooped what was left of lunch and fast walked out of the place while keeping an eye on them one of the times in my life i could literally feel the hair on the back of my neck standing on end it could have been nothing but even now i feel pretty certain that they had something planned and i am glad we left met this cute girl at a party spent the whole night dancing and flirting offered to drive her home and she agreed we were making out in the car in front of her house when another car pulls up with their headlights beaming at us i ask if that's a neighbor and if we're blocking their driveway she replies no that's my husband husband's car door opens and i nope the frick out of there dropped her straight back at the party and never saw her again her excuse was that they were separated and he shouldn't have a problem with it i sure wasn't sticking around to find out if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 111,184
Rating: 4.9283509 out of 5
Keywords: we need to leave now, we need to leave now reddit, scary, scariest, the moment you realize, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2020
Id: yZcDKVaM0v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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