Thank God I Looked at the Contract Moments

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serious hey reddit what was your thank god i looked at the contract moment put a 20k dollars deposit on a house when we went to meet with the kitchen subcontractor to pick or appliances he told us he couldn't order them until he got paid by the contractor for back dollar sign dollar sign owed but turns out the contractor couldn't pay his bills when i went to the real estate agency that we bought through looking for my deposit back they told me the contractor had the cash there was nothing i could do i was not happy so i started digging a bit and watching the house in the listings within a week they had another deposit on the house what i learned from my digging was this it's extremely illegal to take and hold two deposits on the same property armed with this knowledge i paid another visit to the real estate agency and told them they just violated the law and their choice was get me my money or deal with the cops and every legal agency involved in real estate regulations in the state had my money back two days later but only after telling the contractor no to her personal check recently i just started a new job and the employee agreement said i wasn't eligible for overtime but it was something i 100 confirmed i was eligible for and it was in my job offer letter i pointed it out on the spot and hr crossed it out and initialed it she claimed she must have grabbed the wrong agreement by mistake i hope there wasn't anything else in the agreement that didn't pertain to me it did have a forced arbitration clause that i'm still unhappy about but this job is just a stepping stone for me i went to sign up at snap fitness and it said they'd charge a 50 gym enhancements fee every year they said it would go to equipment upgrades i told them that's what my monthly fees should be going to they refused to remove the fee so i bailed and went to anytime fitness they immediately proceeded to pull the same crap plus the key fob to get in was going to cost me 70 you can buy a pack of 100 of them for like 20 on amazon they too refused to budge so i backed out eventually i moved to an apartment with an on-site gym so that worked out for the better my current gym does that maintenance fee twice a year but each time we all get to vote on what we want and they purchase it with that fee so at least the people are getting some say i got a job offer from a company that i had never heard of but had a decent salary i was reading the contract and if i ended up quitting before my two year anniversary of the company i would need to pay them back for every cent i earned and pay them a fee for the training they would give me i am so glad that i look more into that contract other than the salary i paid a lawyer to draw up and contract to make an offer on a house dumbass forgot to change some information from the last contract he'd printed out and gave me one with an offering price almost sixty thousand dollars more than what the seller and i had agreed upon yeah he'd have paid for that not you they have insurance for frick ups like that my work right now is trying to make us not take our ten o'clock break and just work through it a few months ago i signed a contract that said i get a break every two hours they haven't made me sign any new contracts so whenever they tell me to work through brexit i ignore them as i keep copies of everything i sign we were young my friend signed for a pre-owned audi and came over to my house said it was like 300 ish a month and in his glove box i read the paperwork and tell him you know this says 550 a month right he was clueless but thankfully it was over a weekend so monday morning he went back and caused a scene to give the car back without penalty you can almost get a new one for that much a month my wife and i were three days away from signing paperwork to buy a condo and they sent us the latest and we noticed that they changed the interest rate by a tiny amount like 0.2 percent but they said the change was because they ray ran our credit so they altered the interest to reflect our current credit rating that left a bad taste in our mouth so we said no thanks and walked away the next week my company got bought out and they moved us out of state if we would have signed we would have had to either immediately sell or quit my job that's called a floating rate you are pre-approved for a mortgage at a certain rate that it's not locked in until you actually get the mortgage joined the army national guard right out of hs and was eligible for a 20k bonus lump sum for the job i picked as it was stated in my contract recruiter told me that wasn't the case i would receive the first half after completing all initial entry training and the other after three years of service i double checked and verified and brought the sum b to him to his surprise he didn't believe anyone an 18 year old would read their contracts also these bonus rules change all the time being a little biased as i came from the recruiting and retention community i can say he may simply have missed that particular bonus message that went out regardless the recruiters have nothing to do with paying out anything and as long as it was in your contract your admin section would process it out to you had a non-compete in a radio contract that said i would have to sit out 90 days if i left for any reason wouldn't sign it until it was revised to be non-compete only if i quit when they asked why i told them if i sucked so bad that they fired me wouldn't it be to their advantage to have me work for their competition they had no answer for that when i was going to buy the sprint iphone 4s it said if phone gets lost the client shall have to pay sprint lmt 100 to replace the sim card and 399 which is overpriced for a replacement 64gb iphone with order and shipment fees i am glad i didn't buy it was starting a new job and expected a pretty straightforward contract of employment however i knew that with these things i have to read it with a fine tooth comb now for context most jobs in the uk where i am offer 25 days of annual leave per year my contract however said just 20 as i'd never had a job that didn't offer 25 days i pushed back on it by asking if this was legal not to my new employer but to the recruiter got a response back 10 minutes later that the company is offering me 25 days holiday and i took it some time later when i'm at this new firm i was discussing holidays with another guy who joined roughly the same time as me and he only had 20 days of holiday despite us being at a very similar level in terms of seniority and experience he was kicking himself for not pushing back on this point i wish this was the norm in the us was about to rent an apartment contract read fairly normal on the first five pages so i just started skimming the paragraphs when i got stuck on the word elevator but the building doesn't have one turns out they included a clause granting permission to retrofit an elevator on the outside of the building waving my right for noise complaints agreeing to have my rent increased by 12.5 percent eight apartments in the building four floors from the day the construction starts plus the same share of communal electricity to cover cost of operation oh and that having the elevator increases the property value and thereby my baseline rent would go up by five percent annually as default note the frick out of there real quick there's this website where everything was free just pay shipping all high-end looking crap i went to the terms and conditions and read it no matter how much you put in your cart they pick one item at random and that's what you get they also can't guarantee that what the picture shows is what it is they can also decide not to send you anything i knocked right out if it's too good to be true it is sounds like wish i'm a professional actor last summer i auditioned for the local ren faire not realizing that it wasn't a paid gig but found out a week into the rehearsal process oh well i thought to myself i agreed to this i should have done better research so about a month and a half later the contracts come out their standard stuff for the most part we won't hold the fare accountable if we get injured we acknowledge we represent the company and thus won't do x y and z unprofessional things during fair hours etc etc but buried in the middle of the contract is a non-compete clause which basically forbade the signer from working for any other renfair or halloween event within 100 miles for a full year the other folks at the fair were a lot less concerned about it but i was absolutely not okay with that they weren't paying me and i wasn't going to sign off to not make money in a part of the industry for a solid year i bailed basically as soon as the contracts were given to us my hr told me that i did not get paid for jury duty i talked to my dad and took his advice to review my contract i replied to hr with a screenshot of my contracting saying i get paid once got an offer to live close to campus but not too close right after turning 21 was about to sign and noticed the claw that said no alcoholic drinks on the premise so i could get hammered down the street but not drink there no thanks spectrum like most big telecom sent me an email saying that they are increasing by bill by ten dollars now when i called in they tried to convince me i was on a promotional period which i was not since i was already a customer of three years and read to them my bill and customer agreement with dates after explaining to them that they are indeed lying to me and being transferred around to three people within cancellations they miraculously found a way to reduce my bill by 15 going forward even though they backed down it makes me sad to think about those who aren't tapped enough like my grandparents to notice these money grabs and how much money these companies make by pulling this crap my employers tried to get all of us to sign a non-compete that geographically encompassed the entire globe as well as any profession even closely related negotiated a house rental contract to keep rent fixed for three years with no increase while reading the fine print found out that they sneaked in a penalty clause of nine months rent if i decide to leave before the three years were up i closed on a house and saw the interest rate was listed as 7.5 percent it was supposed to be four percent my lawyer said oh that's just a typo go ahead and sign now and we'll correct it next week nope a program that my son is a part of for deaf and hope puts on field trips every now and then we are down with our kid going on field trips but the waiver that you have to sign states that the program is not responsible for any harm that comes to the child even if they are found negligent depending on where you are that might not be legally binding two years ago i went to get a new phone and planned that required a contract the guy was like hey this plan comes with a free tablet you just need to add the data coverage for it i thought awesome free stuff then excused myself to look at the tablet in question they were selling them for 100 without the plan i came back and asked how much the coverage was per month 10 dollars per month for a year then i could drop the coverage with no penalty note the frick out of that deal data coverage was just for one gig per month i was buying my first apartment the ad said 350 k for three bedrooms and free body corporate for a year called a guy and he says it's actually two bedrooms and a study and they'd get me to come to his office instead of seeing the place i insist on seeing the apartment show up with my father the next week it's one bedroom the study wasn't its own room but a piece of particle board he glued to the wall every time i asked where the remaining bedroom was he dodged the question it was actually 100 k more than he said it was and my father got him to admit that the body corporate wouldn't be free either the entire thing was a con job built to trick first home buyers into purchasing overpriced new apartments because the developers couldn't sell them normally and needed to at least make their money back last i checked they're still trying to sell then two years later and haven't changed the incorrect ad it was a pretty obvious con but we don't get a lot of actual i'm going to screw up your entire life on purpose con artists around here that my kindergartener could be questioned by the police without the presence of a notification of parent or guardian kt isd handbook while the isd is correct miners still have miranda rights i would tell your kids to talk to an officer after they have spoken to you first miners still have every right to not have to talk to the police same as you and me suicide girls model contract my ex was offered to come on board not just as a hopeful but a model read the contract and said frick no they only pay one model daily based on album of the day a measly few hundred last i recall they force nudity non-nude isn't good enough the last part says we reserve the right to use your thoughts with technology that has not been invented yet your full company legit sell your soul no reminds me of that suicide girl ama what a disaster that was because people called them out on bs just like this herbalife i didn't look at the contract because there wasn't one as soon as the phone interview got to now canvassing is not the easiest part but if you have others in your downline that helps i hung up they desperately called back for two days until i finally told them to frick themselves good job dodging a pyramid scheme most people that do mlms lose money workplace changed their contract when i renewed original ip clause was we own what you make on our premises or on our equipment no matter when or why you do it i'm paraphrasing new one was we own what you make no matter when where why or on whose equipment you make it my enlistment papers i was promised in writing to be incorporated into certain programs that this branch of military could not provide when i tried to save 15 by switching to the lizards insurance company they had me on the phone for over an hour figures changes so many times and they convinced me i was saving i agreed to switch received an email almost immediately with everything i needed to do to make it official i reviewed the numbers once again my good neighbor insurance beat them solidly i cancelled all changes i should have listened a little more closely i came back from studying abroad for my last semester of uni and my roommate told me i had to go to the office and sign to get out of the lease i went and asked them about the paperwork took a quick glance and asked wait this is to sign out of the lease no mom this is to sign for another year i left and asked if my roommate knew she was signing on another year thank god i asked because now she's stuck in another year in the apartment with no one to share the lease how can you sign a piece of paper without reading what you're signing for they listed both me and my husband on the loan from my house but put the title only in his name no one but a notary showed up at the signing of our house he wanted us to quickly sign and move on i read everything which took hours when i found that problem the notary said that he was sure it was okay and people would assume that i own half the house because i was on the loan i didn't listen to him and insisted on being listed on the title i trust my husband but if i'm paying for a house my name better be on the title quite a while ago i bought an extended warranty for something from walmart when i got home i found out they put in an act of god clause that basically made sure they'd never have to pay up lmao what is that like we are not liable for any damage caused by the act of god where the act of god is defined as literally anything ever i once had to sign a contract for a job saying if i met anyone famous i couldn't write about them i met david gilmore jokes on them because your girl has like six fanfics on him that i've been written since i was 13 but i lied and said i won't he hasn't sued me yet so was looking around at animal shelters for a dog two years ago one shelter's application for adoption stated it was a legally binding contract that said the shelter would be listed first on the animals microchip if we ever needed to rehome the dog for any reason we'd return it to the shelter we'd inform the shelter within 10 days of moving and we give permission for law enforcement to enter our home to retrieve the dog if the shelter feels it necessary violation of any of these conditions was grounds for them taking the dog back we went to the humane society across town where the vetting process goes got a need money for adoption here's your dog back when solar city was at peak popularity we talked with a representative about their rooftop solar plan essentially rent to own over 20 30 years don't recall now and sc collects the gov rebate check it's exciting to be part of the future and all that but i was concerned about the long-term ramifications example if you want to sell your house later the prospective buyer has to agree to take on the solar contract yeah like selling a house isn't already a hassle right but then i looked into the paperwork as to exactly how much solarcity would be charging for electricity pulled a utility bill from our electric company and was stunned to find that sc electricity cost more i confronted the rep asked why on earth would we want to install solar panels only to pay more for our electricity he had no answer and i showed him the door so glad i didn't follow a lot of my neighbors into that stinker of a deal was preparing to make an offer on a condo buried in the document containing their whole rules and fees was a cute little sentence saying that jews were going to nearly triple in two years no whenever i sign liability waivers like say for a 5k race or a boat tour i glance through and cross out all the parts that say that i won't hold them responsible for negligence the person taking the waiver either never notices or never cares i've done that too although i have no idea if it's legally binding once i do it i had a work with crappy salary so searched for a new job got an interview phone interview no irl interview later got the contract that i required to sign it was a bunch of papers to read thought and somewhere in the contract it said something along these lines before you start working you need to pay us a fee of five thousand dollars that you will get back over time was supposed to be renting to own a house it needed quite a bit of work and was quite frankly disgusting and borderline uninhabitable before we moved in literally filled to my chest with stuff throughout the entire house i'm 5'4 it was agreed we would pay the remainder of the note on the house about 20k for a four-bedroom 2.5 bath on two acres lived there about three months before they even drew up the contract with their lawyer and cleaned out most of the rooms and burned probably 100 bags of trash they had throughout the yard they show up at my job at nine at night and want me to sign it right there basically told them i needed time to read it and i'd get back with them the next day get home and go over this contract with my husband and it is literally just something basic printed off the internet nothing filled in and it said that at the end of the contract the house went back to them i don't freaking think so a friend of mine was approached by a law firm who was representing a woman that was suing a former executive for harassment and they wanted him to join the case as he had made his past dealings of being harassed and abused by this executive fairly public thank goodness he had someone review the contract it basically said that if they didn't win the case he was on the hook to pay for all of their services and legal fees and if they won and their legal fees exceeded the settlement he was also on the hook to pay the difference it wasn't really something i caught so much as something i lucked out on a co-worker of mine went through a breakup and needed a roomie he lived in a one-bedroom so i slept on the sofa for a month until the lease was up we signed a new lease for a two-bedroom and moved the monthly amount seemed cheaper than what i had expected i double checked the amount versus what was listed on their website and we were paying about 200 less a month than what we were supposed to we paid the first month's rent and i got a call from the landlord asking us to come to her office she had a new lease drawn up and asked us to sign it since she put the wrong amount down i looked at my roomie looked at her and said no mom i think we'll stick with our current lease she looked shocked but she didn't try to force the matter i love that cheap apartment the realtor we chose to help us purchase a home who is a family friend wrote up the initial paperwork for the deal on a house i read through everything since i worked with a lot of legal documents in my job at the time there was a clause that the seller and her realtor had added that basically said something along the lines of accepting the house in as his condition after however many days has expired without them hearing from us and our realtor i kept bringing this up to our realtor that we needed to respond and he assured me everything would be fine then at the last minute before the deal would have gone through as is he realized i was in fact right and we needed to hurry back with a response with our requests i was so annoyed and honestly it all devolved from there should have been an indication to me how much of a pain this transaction was going to be i was applying for an apprenticeship at a large church that involved controlling the lighting and sound systems seemed all good nice pay and even transport benefits when i started to apply i got the full copy of the terms and it read applicant must be member of church of england and baptized as such now i'm all for religious freedom but i wasn't going to convert for an audio and lighting job it didn't even make sense to me that just because you're working on a church is lighting and audio that you also have to be the same religion as your workplace noped out of that application pretty fast got a check in the mail for one thousand dollars it said just deposit into your bank account and pay for school supplies on the back it said i would need to pay 1 450 back over the course of 10 months 1 450 later for 1 000 today no thank you i went to first grade looking for a rental suite in vancouver the landlord wanted me to be responsible for ensuring his place in case of natural disaster or damage to property from pipe bursts and appliance failure wtf if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 300,726
Rating: 4.9220781 out of 5
Keywords: thank god i looked at the contract, terms of service, rules, reading the contract, contract, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: v-fq9qtpiso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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