Hotel Staff, Did You Catch a Guest in a "Strange" Situation?

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motel hotel workers have read it what is the strangest thing you've caught a guest doing a few weeks ago a woman called down to the front desk to say she couldn't find her husband and that she thought he might be wandering around naked since his clothes were still in the room sure enough that's exactly what he was doing plastered drunk and totally naked we eventually found him passed out in a vacant room that wasn't his how he got in there i still don't know i am a very firm believer in drunk magic killing themselves my sister worked guest services and got called up to her room after midnight because the next room had called in a complaint about the tv and noises she had an awful feeling when no one answered her knock or verbal announcement and radioed she was entering the room the guest had things laid out perfectly on the bed but was in the bathtub slitting one wrist they made eye contact he yelled for help and she wrapped every towel she could find around his arm and screamed for the next room to call nine one one which they did guy ended up being just fine thank god the other room complained there was a guest who was dealing drugs out of her room to the locals in our community i got a strange feeling about her when i was going up the elevator just to make a nightly rounds and just as the elevator was about to close she came running down the hallway wait for me so i opened the elevator back up she boarded and she saw that i already had the top floor button pressed her room was also on the top floor as context to do my rounds i go up the elevator to the top floor and then go from staircase to staircase down each floor passing each room until i get to the bottom floor she sees the top floor button already pressed and goes into panic mode what room are you going and she demands i'm not just doing rounds don't go into my room she said okay wasn't planning on it as the elevator continued up see lamented again you really aren't going into my room are you okay now this is suspicious and weird so i say just as the elevator was about to land is there a reason why i would need to just then the elevator opened up and she bolted into her room and slammed the door shut okay that was weird i notified the manager of our strange conversation so he went into the room and found all sorts of drugs and paraphernalia she was kicked out for that and eonard traylor park story there was a man that had a tiny square of fake grass with plastic dinosaurs on it in various states of raw above it hung a yellow sign that said caution diagnose or crossing concurrently our new manager was a bit of a general about things and his wife was the cleaning person suddenly there began a night crap paint situation someone was going into the men's bathroom at night and smearing excrement all over the walls and even throwing it at the ceiling just gigantic messes every few days bewildered our manager set up a stakeout he stayed up all night long in a tree watching everyone entering the bath house it was dinosaur crossing guy turns out he was upset at the change in management and enjoyed knowing the wife had to clean all that poop our guest requested rooms of us to bring her some food when the room door opened she was wearing a full body bunny pajama costume ears and all she asked to wait a little went to the other side of the room came hoping and took the plate with both hands together like a bunny would do she said thanks hoped around to leave the plate in the room and back to close the door i never worked at a hotel but i worked in 100 travel job in consulting a few years out of college so i stayed in a hotel four days out of the week every week for about three years i was in my mid-twenties so i stayed up late partied hard and met a lot of people lots of crazy encounters specifically i was at a hotel that had her alpha delta pi american sorority convention once and i walked in on a really hot chick taking a crap in the ice machine i locked eyes with her i asked are you peeing and there she goes at first yes no i am pooping can you get my friends i need help she started crying she was super drunk apparently in a drunken stupor she tried to pee the eyes machine but she uncontrollably started pooping i got the first girl i saw in the hall she walked over with me and she didn't know her but helped her the more girls came they made sure no one walked in there and someone got the hotel staff immediately to shut down the area and get it cleaned the girls did lie and say they saw some teenage boys come running out though this rum and coke tastes like crap no that's the ice security guard at an upscale condo complex had a saudi guy who had a proclivity for drinking balers naked in the public hot tub jogging on the treadmill in his boxers and sitting naked smeared with ointment in the public steam room also encountered a girl tripping balls hard who was lost in the hallways at 3am who kept repeating nonsensical numbers to me when i tried to help her i eventually managed to scan her fob and return her to her unit where her friends assured me they'd keep a closer watch on her had an old drunken irish guy try to solicit me for paid freaking in his truck in the parkade for context i'm a six feet to 245 pounds man was in full uniform and didn't think i was putting out that vibe i declined the numbers mason someone has managed to throw out a 2m2 large painting out of one m2 window without breaking the frame the painting was intact when some bystanders outside brought it in while complaining that they almost got hit by it a drunk guest figured he didn't know where his room was so the obvious solution was to strip naked in the hallway and cover himself with a chair when security confronted him he ran and hid his clothes recently had a captain of a ship run in being ready to fight some party people in a room because they were throwing bottles at his boat he ended up in an ambulance when he started fighting some randoms outside the hotel also turned out that it was plastic bottles and mtb air cans and once on an oversold night i had the pleasure of being threatened with a bag of poop by a guest i had to walk i am choosing a dvd for tonight not really strange but last night there was a sweet 16 in the party room i work in the restaurant and literally every 10 minutes a group of 16 year old boys would come out for a vape break thinking they were the crap they had the whole bar yelling everyone get out of the way they're back for a vape i hope the boys parents show up to drive them home and see them out there i used to work as a lifeguard at a hotel though relatively tame compared to some of these posts i have two stories that come to mind one three people in their early twenties come to the pool white woman black man and white man in wheelchair they spend a while swimming in the pool then they all take a break and sit on the ledge of the pool they are sitting where the woman is in between the two men the woman starts making out with the white man like full-fledged make-out session in public she then turns and does the same with a black man she goes back and forth between them for a while before they pack up and head back up to their room the two-way mother and her two young children come into the pool after a while of swimming one of the kids steps out of the pool and stands right in front of the pool's stairs next thing i know the kid screams for his mom and is standing in a pool of diary mum picks him up and carries him in the longest most convoluted way to get to the locker room to clean him up all while he is spewing poo she carried him from one end of the pool to the other to grab their towels then comes back on the opposite side of the pool to get to the locker room effectively leaving a ring of poo completely around the pool unfortunately the pool was kind of a separate entity where the pool staff akame was responsible for all cleaning the mother cleans up her son and brings him back to the pool to swim i am scrubbing the deck gagging all the way while they're swimming to make matters worse the tile floor was very slippery so the floor was covered in slotted anti-slip mats that required physically disassembling so i had to essentially clean the deck manually on my hands and knees she didn't offer to help clean or even apologize just carried on like it was normal for someone else to clean her child's poo that's when you close the pool mom the pool needs to be properly disinfected it's going to take at least 15 hours with clean up and proper treatment of the water so can you please leave now thanks and bye i worked over nights at the hotel that baseball players stayed for the hall of fame i directed a woman at the player's request to his room she was absolutely not his wife also modest mouse stayed there after a show one of the band members went outside and started smoking a joint as the rest of the band checked in one of the other band members went outside and pointed to the camera he was standing in front of and he ran out of the view of it kind of funny i don't work in a hotel i'm in insurance but probably the strangest incident report that was notified to us went roughly as follows around 2 am security was sent up to her room due to a noise complaint loud music being blasted that could be heard in other rooms and was disturbing people after pounding on the door several times security used their master key to unlock the door and into the room but what that found was two men and a woman naked and passed out in the room if i recall correctly the two men were on the bed the woman was on the couch security turned the music off and covered the woman with a blanket before waking her up to make sure she was okay given how long it took to rouse her she was either extremely drunk or on drugs once everyone was conscious again they were asked if everything was okay advised of security's reason for being in the room the noise complaint and security went on their way once they were sure no one was in danger the reason it was reported to us was for the potential lawsuit apparently when she sobered up the next morning the woman said she felt violated by security barging into their room while she was asleep and naked implied that more might have happened while she was passed out and accused security of taking pictures of her with their phones which was easily dismissed as security do not carry personal phones on duty ultimately nothing ever came of it it's funny when i ran a security division i made everyone lock their phones up before each shift and everyone said i was in butthole for it apparently this never came to mind to anyone else [Music] the amount of bdsm was shocking but the one i remember the most was a little different i knew there was three people in the room but i've never seen them they never let me clean the room one day they didn't have a do not disturb sign on the door so i assumed they wanted me to clean i heard the tv on in the room so i knocked to see if they were in no answer so i opened the door turns out they were filming a porno what's shocking was who the stars were two 80-something year old women wearing lingerie and they had toys i have never ran out of a room so fast in my life hey they are old not dead a man checked into a room with his 9 10 years old son this man was very obese extremely large anyway the man kept getting towels he'd call and ask for extra towels until we had to cut him off so he started sending his son out to ask housekeeping for more towels it was a little weird one day this large man and his skinny son went out to the pool he waddled out in a giant shirt took a patio chair in with him and sat in the shallow end for hours when he left the pool it was dirty and clouded i worked maintenance and balance the pool chains that morning it would take more filth than i care to imagine for a single human being to cloud up a 10 000 gallon pool like that flash forward to check out as the guy was checking out he said something to the effect of there may be some issues with my room i have a medical condition when we got in the room he wouldn't let us and during his stay we found crap crap everywhere on the walls sheets mattresses pillows and a large pile of crap-covered towels he couldn't reach it was obvious by the smears we threw out the mattress and sheets bleached the walls and everything else i've always felt for that kid though maybe i should make a list jump out of the third floor window set up her in lab in the room but injections we found out because someone almost died obvious prostitution it's so obvious when a john comes into the hotel two escorts working with the cops got two rooms and got adjoining rooms and they were setting up stings all night they were promptly asked to leave the next day and never come back cut up all the walls furniture carpet last but not least checked in a friend's dad he lived in the city never told my friend not a hotel worker but have a friend that used to work at a pretty nice hotel in a major city that told me the oddities of fur con furries check into the hotel with cages that they want to sleep in she would have to tell them no they can't sleep in cages due to risk of a fire or something and needing to evacuate they also fear the room apart and use it like a litter box in many instances the convention must bring in a lot of money because apparently they turn over a lot of their cleaning staff at that time too just due to how gross the rooms are and the workers refusing to clean them one time a few buddies and i snuck into the convention there was some weird crap going on in that place we had a family from the uae who owned some sort of huge construction company and they brought their entire family to stay at our hotel i think at the peak of their three-week stay they had probably rented out our 12 largest suites the youngest boy was a freaking nightmare literally the epitome of a spoiled rotting child i think he was about eight and had to weigh at least 160 pounds he threw his ipad new in the box into the swimming pool in the midst of a tantrum and the next day he came back with the family three bell carts of shopping bags and a new ipad i've never seen people just spend money like that not even the actors or championship athletes who came to our property this one has made me so angry i'm not a fan of kids at the best of times but when they're just that spoiled it makes my blood boil and it's not the kids fault it's the crappy parents who can't be bothered to discipline their child guy walked out just naked as he could be drunk af obviously was late everyone had gone to bed so i just gave him a towel and told him to go back to his room had another guy try to rob me with a wooden stake also drunk after a cowboys game was insane because the lobby was super packed and we had like podiums not a whole desk just got tough and ran him out never had anyone call down to hook up though was my secret dream worked overnight at holiday in a cross highway from cowboys stadium terrible pay interesting job worked at a property that accepted cash deposits in order to refund the deposit we had to inspect the room when the guest checked out one day a guy comes to the desk and says he's checking out and wants to get his deposit back i say okay and grab my keys and ask him if the room is vacant and he says yes i go up to the room and knock and say front desk twice this is standard practice to ensure we don't want into occupied rooms unannounced i walk into the room and hear a splashing noise and said hello but no answer i walked further in and there in the main room where the in-room hot tub is there is a heavy-set mexican woman with her pants off washing her never region in the hot tub so that was fun i'm fresh tortilla soup obligatory not me but my brother used to work in a hotel and told me a horror story of one night when they had to call an ambulance for a guest after the guy got carted off on a gurney the staff got a look at the room apparently a couple of gabris had been going at it with a spiked dong ring ring went in ring didn't come out dude started bleeding profusely from the butt they tried to get it out but it was stuck pretty good the struggle to remove it seemed to have ranged all over the room and the bathroom there was blood and fesses all over the place the custodial staff noped out and refused to clean it it was still all biohazard level 3 when he went off shift so no idea what ultimately happened with the room but i bet those dudes got a whopper of a bill from the hotel to go with the one from the hospital remember kids punk fashion and adult toys equals a bad time oh dear god i cringed at this one not me but a cousin was a maid i always used to call him once a week to ask for his best stories most interesting one was when he went in to clean a room and there was a bong three skateboards business suits neatly laid out feathers and a pile of egg yolks laying on the writing desk my only theory is that a bunch of skateboarding businessmen got involved by a cult and sacrificed some chickens in the room on a different occasion he found a single turn meticulously placed dead center in the middle of the room it wasn't our guest for me for record i am on day shift and i stay in the hotel by night with every door locked and just one that can be open with a password and i am just here in case of emergency so it was a saturday night and my mobile rang it's usually drunk people trying to ask for a room but that time it was a customer he told me that someone was knocking on his door for 10 minutes so i went up to check some random drunk guy find his way inside and was actually knocking at the door i call him and try to approach he instantly put his keys out of his pocket and pointing them at me as some weapon i try for five minutes to ask him what he was doing i barely understand few words and since i was a bit p i took him by his arm and pull him to the exit and surprise cops were inside as well telling me another customer called them so i gave them our dude and while the cops were taking few data on me the drunk guy were insulting the cops by telling them they are bad at math and asking them to solve some math problems the police took him out with a we'll give you a better room for tonight not english native sorry for grammar and stuff been working as a volunteer in a hostel for free accommodation and food one week a group of chinese tourists booked a whole room around 10 beds and stayed around to visit the city every morning we found a crap in one of the showers while treating them very well despite their crappy attitude towards our other guests as they wouldn't make the one who was doing so to stop or tell us who it was they all got blacklisted after four days not caught directly but cousin cleaned after unassumed orgy with the following items present in the room one bugle's chips two some crappy movie three horse masks sounds like teenagers actually my best story was when i was working as a room service server these two giggly girls ordered dinner and margaritas my boss said i had to check their ids when i got to the room so i get everything ready and push my cart to their room when they answer the door they are naked and wrapped up in a bedsheet together i just turned around and told them i would come back in a few minutes once they put some clothes on i couldn't just leave the food because i needed them to sign and i needed to see their ids when i came back only one lady answered the door she said her partner was so embarrassed so she went out for a smoke they were both obviously over 21 so i'll let it slide that time obligatory not a hotel worker but i often wonder what the receptionist thought when this happened my sir used to play in a band and one night they were playing a gig and we were staying overnight at the same hotel as the bases from the band i'd left the gig early and my sew and the bases came home later both completely wasted a few hours later i was woken up by the sound of the door opening not something you expect in a hotel and in walks the base is still drunk and with only his hands covering his modesty he'd sleep walked out of his room and had been trying to find us waking several other guests in the process myself hadn't shut the door properly and the bassist just wandered in i had to get dressed myself under the duvet and convince him to put my sos jeans on temporarily then he decided he wanted to come down to the front desk with me so i had to convince him to stay in the room while i got another key all of this i had to explain to the receptionist to get another key once i got him back into his room i had to get my sews jeans back before he pretty much passed out on the bed needless to say it wasn't the best night's sleep i've ever had but it does make for a pretty amusing story in hindsight we have a lady who is regularly checked into the hotel by her parents it's difficult to guess her age because her voice is very whispery and childlike but she wears super white makeup caked onto her face with heavy heavy black eyeshadow and she has very unkempt gray hair her hands and feet are bandaged and she will stay in one room for about a week with her do not disturb sign on constantly then get check out and into a new room the girls who have had to clean her room after she has vacated it have said that basically every surface door handle is covered in toilet paper and there are bits of flaked off skin covering the bed and carpet as well as the room just being generally musty and dusty from not having been cleaned for a week she can sometimes go for little walkabouts and be behind you when you're least expecting it usually she will ask for more toilet paper in her little whispery voice she's obviously got some problems and we think her parents check her inner so they can have a little break but all the housekeeping girls are scared when she's around because when you're trying to get through your 21 rooms per day without dying of physical exhaustion you don't really expect to be spooked by bathsheba from the conjuring i worked at an upper scale resort as security i worked third shift all kinds of shenanigans happened are we allowed to jump into the pool this late it's my birthday there is a camera over there but i don't see anything one of the greatest things we were in charge of delivering room service late at night salad and sandwiches i got a call over the radio that someone needed an order delivered no problem i'll stop joy riding in the golf cart i bring the order to the guy and he's wearing a g-string that had to be at least three sizes too small he smiled waved took his order shook his butt and closed his door i didn't even get a tip another night i enjoy riding or patrolling whatever around the parking lot in my golf cart i see this tiny car with a rather big samoan guy and a skinny white chick in it i went over and asked if they needed help finding anything i then directed the working girl to the room and told the samoan guy he had to be off the property in 45 minutes and i wanted no complaints he looked at me smiled and said no problem boss if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 15,293
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, hotel staff, hotel secrets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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