What's Creepy Thing Did You Accidently Discover About Your Close Friend?

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what's the creepiest things you've accidentally discovered about your close friends i went on my friend's computer to go on reddit as i do at home i typed ray down and enter instead of the familiar layout of top radit i was greeted with a big o lord jesus there was a fire the website was dedicated to recreational prosthetics i had not clue what that was and began to read the site content why was he on a website for people who like to dress up as injured people hum website connected people who like to get off on the injured amputeed and casted i realized i was not to be caught browsing this i looked up the stairs and didn't see any sign of him coming down soon as my eyes wandered back to the screen i caught sight of a wheelchair next to me my eyes widened at my realization i closed out of the window repositioned myself on the couch and tried to forget what i saw [Music] searched my grandparents browser history when i was visiting them in cali found about 15 different foot fetish videos viewed each day but just for one month turns out it was the month my 13 year old autistic cousin was living with them he loves giving people foot massages i have a friend who cam chats with girls he does this while people are over and it isn't just talking they are naked and fingering themselves on screen and he taped up his webcam so they can't see him i've been playing xbox on his tv and turned to say something to him only to see some 17 year old chick finger banging the crap out of herself on a cam for him other friends have seen the same thing so he does this often and shamelessly i guess thing is if he's aware you're looking at him he'll minimize the chat or hide it tbh i don't see how our story is that creepy he has probably used that pin since he was young when we all did slightly strange things for love and sees no reason to change it after all who would guess it some people might think the fact you dug deeper is just as creepy i had a friend who accidentally opened my gym locker then proceeded to stalk an old flame of mine and then he stole my pin a friend told me that he discovered his gf's younger brother in the bedroom with his dog and a jar of peanut butter before anyone asks no it wasn't colby poor colby not really creepy but i found out this year that my best friend's brother have physically shamed and abused her and her two younger sisters the creepier part was when he used to joke about our breasts when we were 12ish i never knew he was abusing her and thought it was funny he was comparing my then a cup to her b cup poor girl she is trying to work up the courage to report him to the nz police i will support her no matter what i'll be honest i think you going on facebook and looking for people who might fit his pin is a lot creepier than him continuing to use one that he probably picked years ago but will still remember today his friend learned that he's a serious facebook stalker a former friend of mine is into dismemberment not just chicks missing limbs but the act of removing limbs he has a fantasy of cutting a girl's limbs off mid coatus that boy is going to do something very illegal someday so i was good friends with this dude when i was in middle school around the time i discovered p on the internet this one day we were having a conversation over msn messenger about what every 12-year-old boy was talking about naked girls he started talking about p sites and he started sending me links i remember one particular link he sent me led to a page titled amputee of the month which contained different pictures of partially nude girls all which had missing limbs it weirded me out but i assumed it was a joke as this guy was known for having a weird sense of humor flash forward to a year and a half later i had forgotten all about the weird legless naked chicks we were sitting in class and we were having a discussion about forrest gump he had been reading the book and was telling me all about how it was different from the movie he handed it to me off his desk and i started flipping through the pages when i did his bookmark fell out which was a printout of a legless armless naked anime girl and some exaggerated pose he snatches it from my hand all angry like i still know the dude we haven't spoken about it since tl dr find out my friend was into amputee hint ap as an adolescent i think it's a joke turns out it isn't top posts are talking passwords but some truly creepy crap i discovered about my friend john he and his buddy carlin hit a back road seniors in high school and drinking heavily carlin was driving speeding and hit a ditch at roughly 65 miles per hour he was not wearing a seat belt and was thrown through the windshield broken neck died john however was wearing his seat belt and somehow through the impact was impaled by a road sign through his abdomen he climbed away from the truck through the broken windshield although while carrying with him a steel pole through his midsection and went to seek help upon seeing his dead friend he apparently grabbed some scalp hair skull from the windshield where carlin had gone through and put it in his pocket fast forward about three years i find a jar in his room ask wtf is inside of it and he tells me the aforementioned story holy freaking freak previously on dexter this isn't exactly about a friend but her parents instead her parents had gone to the store and like the sneaky 13 year olds we were we started looking through some stuff on the computer ended up opening some file can't remember the name and found disney followed by some rather provocative photos of mom and dad to this day i can't look at them the same way they left their laptop unattended in college so naturally people had a look on it within seconds their peak election was revealed including debatory anime father daughter anime gay and horse p photos of me over 50 all in a folder didn't find out personally still pretty weird makes sense she used to send me letters in school and i never really put two and two together it took a police standoff to find out that an old roommate had murdered his father and sister over a year earlier evidently he was having an incestuous relationship with his sister and when that went awry he beat her to death with a jack handle she was found dismembered in an igloo cooler in the trunk of a car parked at his dad's auto shop where he worked his dad was found in the recliner where he had been shot the mobile home was littered with air fresheners to keel up appearances he had been keeping up with all of the bills and even mowing the lawn before giving himself up to the police he held up in his ex-wife's apartment with her and her two children he shot them all before surrendering for the record everyone's pretty freaking weird if all you do is think about is freaking in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation you're in the minority not my friend my brother he hated my best friend for a long time and she went through his facebook once when he left it open at her house he was having a conversation with a girl about how he broke his leg on his mountain biking trip in colorado and his upcoming trip to india with the peace corps this is interesting because my brother has never broken a bone been to colorado or india nor is he in the peace corps even weirder is that the girl he was chatting with was one of his previous campers he was a camp counselor at a summer adventure camp so he was not only lying about everything in his life but he was doing it to impress a 16-year-old girl when he was a 20 year old with a girlfriend she never told him she saw it and i never told him i know about it i think it's extremely creepy i also wonder what other crazy stories he's made up to impress strangers and friends this was a girl i worked with for about five years one day someone at the office sent me a link asking is this steph and indeed it was she was a foot model dominatrix person the girl i worked next to for years was selling videos of men licking her feet some were actually hot where she would masturbate and put the bottom of her feet as a focus i never said a word to anyone but it was impossible for me to look at her the same after that she is starting to make her name as a film actress now a buddy of mine worked for a nursing home one of the people he worked with was pretty cool apparently they used to smoke trees together and whatnot mind you she was in her early 80s and he is 22 the night she died they found semen in her glory hole it was his apparently there was an investigation he got fired and kicked out of his mom's house his wife was the one that told me during one of her fits i felt weird bringing it up to him but did anyways the look on his face i knew the night i asked him we were out on his porch smoking some bud last time i ever smoked with him and my racing thoughts got the better of me so whatever happened to your old patient i said he turned away and said dude why the frick would you kill my buzz like that then i asked about the investigation very vague did not give details abby was talking about he gave this look that just screamed what the frick did you just say and then he changed the subject by rambling about how i can't even hold a job because i'm a spoiled p this is not information you go snooping around to figure out everyone has a dark secret that cannot be openly shared with anyone even a good friend especially something of this sort do i think it was postmortem no i knew him better than that then again i'm in no position to rule out possibilities my theory is that they were freaking and she slipped away during but like i said there's always a possibility this one wins creepiest story i used to have a roommate who was socially awkward and sometimes very annoying but still more or less a regular guy he was a proud christian and he was never completely fine with me being an atheist but he was still making no problems however once when i was away for two weeks i came back a day earlier than i said i would and figured out that he was sleeping in my bed all of the time and working only on my desk so that he would clean them from the evil spirits later i found out that he put a huge cross below my mattress and splashed the holy water he got from a friend priest on my bed he even brought some friends priests with him in the room to pray for my soul but the creepy thing only started the next morning police crashed in our room and picked him up for questioning it turned out that the good guy christian was accused for violating and killing an old guy knowing that i was gay he tried to blame me for all of that anyway he was released and i had to live with him for another few months before the semester was over the worst few months of my life this is creepy as in scary not weird i found out my best friend used to kill people for the serbian government i knew she was a tough bee and i never wanted to be on her bad side but when i found that out i almost crap my pants i've gone shooting with her multiple times and she is very good with firearms when i mentioned it after the second time we went she just shrugged and said that her dad used to take her shooting a lot one time she disappeared for four days and no one knew where she had went her husband was very calm about it and just kept saying i have no idea where she is but she'll be back don't worry she came back with a massive black eye and insisted she fell if things like this kept happening and i started joking around that she's got to be an assassin two years later i found out she actually was she had quit the year before because something traumatic happened she still hasn't told me and i will never ask her and now every year there is one day that she just completely shuts down i know it's the anniversary of whatever it was that made her quit she's told me a few stories and the fact that she started when she was 17 but we don't talk about it much i just take it upon myself to try and control her anger when we go out drinking bulls that is way too badass to be freaking true upvote anyways okay to be fair this didn't happen to me but i'll still tell it i have a good friend who once had this friend back when he was younger i use that term friend loosely as he was one of those people you don't really like and actually annoy the frick out of you but you still have to pretend to like them we all know one of those anyway one time this kid was at my friend's house hanging out in his room my friend goes off to the bathroom leaving the kid in his room when he gets back from the bathroom the door is locked and this kid refuses to answer my friends please to open his door soon my friend is able to unlock the door through other means i can't actually remember how at the moment it's not really important he enters the room with his dad because they thought something might have happened to him because he was not answering them instead they find him sitting on the floor sniffing my friend's underwear i'd say that that was when things got awkward with that kid billy was pretty freaking strange to begin with so i guess it's not much of a surprise my friend jax after pictures of his facebook friends then i found out that apparently is a common thing kinda creeps me out really this one is pretty crazy i had a roommate in college called john john was a computer buff pretty much knew how to run computer crap anyway jon had a huge problem with drugs which was exacerbated because our other roommates sold drugs john's behavior slowly was getting worse and worse over the course of time due to heavy drug use at one point he drank three bottles of roboticin to reach what he called the sigma plateau of tripping but that is a story for another day as he slowly got worse into drugs his behavior became more erratic and he at some point owed the other run mate a substantial amount of money towards the end of our association with him all the other roommates paid his portion of the rent for the last two months because he had no money left at some point he stopped going to all of his classes and eventually failed out one day he was gone and we didn't see or hear from him again but he did leave all of his belongings in his room which my drug-dealing friend claimed as collateral at this point he was owed one thousands his computer was the only thing of any real value and he sold it to someone who was also pretty good with computers later in the week we get a call from said kid who tells us that john's computer was filled with tons of sick and twisted p and freaking child pee he said they were of little kids and he was forced to throw away the hard drive for fear of getting arrested we heavily considered calling the cops we never heard from john again tldr found child p in ex roommate's computer was talking to some of my friends that are girls and they mentioned that eric is a creep asked why and said that he seemed nice and okay they wouldn't talk later found out he gave one of them a letter asking if he could frick her in the butt god damn is it a nice butt but restrain yourself son a love letter how romantic the laptop i borrowed of a friend until mine is fixed had a download folder full of 15 second clips of really weird p asian ladies tied up and being peed on women in red [ __ ] suits i caught my brother fapping to beastiality in the bathroom once and it wasn't regular internet bestiality it was a series of pics of our two british bulldogs going at it i mean normal animal freaking together don't know the category for that a friend of mine takes photos of all the girls who he came close to but failed to freak a book of shame per se bit awkward when i turned up in one of the albums about two years ago i found myself with two very good friends a guy and a girl the guy was my housemate and the girl i love to death i'm a gay dude it was that kind of relationship we did her everything together and things were good then one night i got drunk with the girl sally and she told me that she'd slept with oliver my housemate i'm pretty open about my private life so i said that's cool are you guys an item now or was it just a once off she then proceeded to tell me about how she'd gotten very very drunk at our house and fallen asleep on the couch i remember this night i put her on her side and woke up in oliver's bed with broken memories of being carried upstairs and then fricked at this point i went very quiet i was totally fine with them freaking but that's not what happened he had fricked her while she was unconscious i wandered outside and very calmly punched a hole though my neighbor's iron fence and then wandered back inside hand covered in blood telling sally that i would kill him the next time i saw him sally saw how angry i was and made me swear that i'd never speak to oliver about it or anyone else the three of us were sort of the nucleus of a larger group of friends and she knew that if this got out all chaos would break out in our little gang and was worried that she'd be blamed for it after much reminding her that what he'd done was debauchery and he should be in jail she basically told me that if i uttered a word to anyone she'd never speak to me again i love this girl like any gay girl loves his fh so i couldn't bear to lose her so for the next month i had to deal with living in the same house and this horrible human being this departure eventually i moved out and shifted to an entirely different country because it was the only solution i could see to my problem i still keep in touch with sally god that was long this is the first time i've ever told anyone this story thanks riddit also names have been changed tl dr housemate debuted my best friend while she was unconscious i found out but was forbidden from telling anyone so i left the country there was a school buddy of mine that i shared an affinity for weapons with this led to many a hunting trip and we had a lot of fun drinking beers and doing general manly stuff one day we stumbled across the local tip where we saw a couple really mangy looking dogs that had clearly been dealt a hard hand in life and were in a really sad state he suggested we put them out of their misery and i reluctantly agreed that these poor dogs would be better off i didn't think much of this it seemed like a fairly humane thing to do until i came over to his place a while later and he showed something he was particularly proud of he had a calendar with markings all over it he said something along the lines of this being his trophy calendar so i assumed he meant that it was what he marked all his hunting trips on i was right but not quite like i expected this calendar contained confirmation of all his kills hunting trip or not chipmunks and random vermin yep local cattle and farm stock yep neighborhood dogs and cats yep i cut off contact with him after this i really didn't like this side of it and i was just a sport hunter nothing more after a while though i caught up with him in a different county and he invited me to a local gun show although i wasn't really happy with his calendar he said he'd stopped and he always had some great weapons and was fairly fun to be around he was great with a crossbow and really good with a variety of rifles after a while his scary side came back though and he'd sometimes boast about his conquests or start talking about how easy it would be to get away with murder once you know what killers do wrong because he read a lot of material on serial killers ashamedly i turned a blind eye to this a couple years later while i was reading a newspaper i came across an article about several unsolved murders in the area a few days later a report came on the news i was really torn up inside i didn't know what to do because i've always been loyal but there's a point that loyalty doesn't reach i contacted authorities who put him on surveillance and got me to gather a few pieces of incriminating evidence i was sick to my stomach that i'd ever known such a person thankfully he was sentenced for five consecutive sentences of 30 years to life although i heard he was possibly linked to 11 total murders he died in prison from cancer tl dr school buddy turned out to be serial killer who hunted people like he would dear so people who are doubting the validity of this and i kept names and links out of it for myself but i guess since this is a throwaway anyway i'll share the guy's name is thomas lee dylan anyone curious enough i'm sure we'll find a mountain of evidence apparently he must have missed out on the episodes where serial killers got caught because they said showed someone incriminating hints that might lead to their arrest beyond friend's computer spot conspicuously named folder discover album of photos all of girls we know all our pictures with their boyfriends all the boyfriends are quarter ass ed fotter shopped out with ms paint forgot to mention when we confronted him about it he said i couldn't fap to it with insert boyfriend's name looking at me he thought this was a satisfactory reason i'm pretty close with my boyfriend's brother due to boring reasons my boyfriend and i had to pack up his stuff stupidly i did his closet you think i would have learned my lesson the time my friend's dad found her celeb but nope i found six blow up dolls six i mean sure not all that creepy in the scheme of things but i still know my socially awkward friend has six blow up dolls that were probably all asian woman i get fleshlights and tengus bit floppy poorly done blow up dolls that don't even look like women i'm not so cool with that i tried not to look but those boxes are not subtle since the other options for packing his closet were his brother his mother one of his sisters and his niece i figured i was the best person to keep that secret seeing him is now awkward and i'm sure he wonders who knows about the blow up dolls i put them in the bottom of a large box and covered them all with towels crap he's totally going to unpack that one publicly isn't he stayed late drinking at a friend's house almost had a threesome with her and her boyfriend but she got uncomfortable he didn't take it well and eventually cut his arm up and smeared blood on her legs and stormed out to sleep at his mom's house creepiest thing was just how calm she acted like it wasn't out of the ordinary or anything they now have a one-year-old son together by far the most disturbing is that my closest friends families used to go down to rocky point together when they were about 14 they still had to share a bed one day my friend accidentally misspoke and revealed the summer before he had been fapping one night and that he accidentally came on my other friend's back and never told him my 19 year old friend that i lived with was in an online relationship with a 14 year old kid that lived in ireland that she was in love with she had no real life contact at all with anyone but her mom sister brother and myself so she was really awkward and clingy i found out that she had been sending naked pictures if it matters she's very very fat with very flat pancake boobs and huge nipples to the kid he was traumatized she also asked him for naked pictures bro a fat chick with small boobs is called a flat so if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 53,235
Rating: 4.880682 out of 5
Keywords: close friends, creepy, creepiest, accidently discover, crappy friends, crazy friends, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: iEVhB5Fg1xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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