What's Your Small Towns Dark Secret? (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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what's a small-town dark secret you know an extremely wealthy grandma had an affair with a pool boy he called it quits and she accidentally ran him over and hild him I don't remember if she actually caught a charge for it but she didn't do any time the family knows it was deliberate talks about it nonchalantly like don't piss grandma off she ran over the last man that crossed her edit Grammer when I was a firefighter we had an arsonist in the city they would walk around at night until they found a garage door that was left open and then they'd start a fire in the garage it did not matter if the residents were home or not we had no leads other than it was a college student as there was a discernible pattern of the fire stopping during winter and summer breaks the police fire department and the highest levels of local government work to keep the nature of fires a secret as they were worried about how it would impact the town's image so instead of telling people to close their ducting garage doors at night nearly 20 families lost their homes the arsonist was never caught and presumably is still lighting fires in some other town growing up our mayor had two teenaged children and a baby it was common knowledge the baby was the offspring of his two kids it was just one of those things people didn't talk about after he left office his daughter gave birth to a kid by him as well and no I did not grow up in Alabama small UK town man taken to hospital dies on arrival local news had announced that police were looking to speak to witnesses then announced police have upgraded it to a murder investigation a few days later some guys are arrested in connection to the case a couple of months pass and they are sentenced to prison for murder thats all that was made public heard through some friends who have family working at the local hospital that the victim had power drill inflicted injuries to every joint in his body grapevine says he'd sexually assaulted the underage daughter of one of the guys who then murdered him a key bab shop in my hometown has an underground casino and sells food at the backdoor after closing hours there's an unexploded nuclear warhead a hydrogen bomb in a swamp 30 miles from here and it's been here since the 1960s always a crazy rumor until the DAAD confirmed it in 2012 apparently every now and again they come and look for it it's in Goldsboro North Carolina they recovered most of it only one new core remains it's 200 foot deep my hometown has a famous drug addict that is everyone knows who he is he's lived there for 70 years and his crimes are town gossip most of the time it's small stuff stolen bikes and once a canoe that he just leaves somewhere living in a park when he doesn't feel like going home for a few days sheet like that he's mostly seen as a harmless funny character his brain is seriously damaged after hard drug use since his early teens what is rarely mentioned is that when he still had a house he used to steal dogs and beat them to death in his basement there are these old abandoned mines as in mineral mines think man-made caves in the side of a mountain near my hometown we're kids used to go to smoke weed I would make out before they put metal gates over them when I was in high school there was this huge thing where a cop went missing car and all while he was on duty he just didn't show up at shift change this was before GPS and smart phones etc people thought he'd been held by gang members or something there were no gangs in the town but everyone was convinced that they came down from the nearest big city to do crimes eventually then oust they found him an accidental death very sad wife and young kids etc what wasn't in the news but everyone knew through word of mouth he and another cops wife were having an affair and they were found in his patrol car in one of the makeu admirers dead of carbon monoxide poisoning our local cinema rona would cut out dirty scenes back when movers came on film roles for decades all those butter jokes about Last Tango in Paris went over my head we didn't catch on until Phoebe Cates patooties were conspicuously missing from our cut of Fast Times at Ridgemont High my small-town priests moved parishes from my church a few years ago seemed normally they're not until a few months ago when we found out he was sleeping with a married woman from the new parish he was at the woman had kids that attend the school and her husband eventually found out called the church and he was basically vanished found out recently he moved from his first parish because he was sleeping around with parishioners there as well but they wanted to keep it low-key so they just switched his parish a few months ago there was a brief media kerfuffle in the local papers about someone breaking into a barn and attacking a pony the account that made it to the papers tactfully omitted the fact that by attack they mean sexually assault I learned this virus ace book boasts shared by a classmate of mine who was friends with the owners of the horse edit I'm not specifying exactly where this took place beyond somewhere in the East Midlands England popular pediatric orthodontist is in jail now for having sex with his high school young college aged employees in exchange for painkillers and nitrous and when it came out he admitted to being high while doing surgery most of the time so the sky was taking turns on the nitrous tank while taking out my four impacted wisdom teeth but he knows some people so that story went away very quickly in my town everyone thought that the elementary school music teacher was a pedophile and a few years ago he got arrested the school never told us what he got arrested for but everyone knew what it was for turns out he was looking up child porn on the school computers a guy jumped off a really tall building in my hometown ruled a suicide but rumor has it that he was forced to jump or physically thrown off the building due to his dealings with organized crime that's how mafia work in my hometown a girl in her mid-twenties were seeing an older man most of the town bully her so much that she eventually held herself only a few people showed up to the funeral most of her family didn't even turn up due to either shame or ignorance village next to my town as stable is found with a dozen dead cows and more barely alive standing in a literal meter of their own excrement neighbors claimed that they didn't notice anything that the farmer didn't seem unusual but I heard that they all knew that he was completely neglecting these animals that he was an alcoholic and that he threatened his neighbor's to set their farms on fire if they dared to report anything the surviving cows are okay now and were taken away from him I was dating this girl from rural Maine I mean really duck in rural western Maine near the Appalachian Trail I'm hanging out with her family one summer shooting gums shotgun and shitty beer and sharing hunting stories one of the guys there starts talking about how he likes to hunt hikers on the trail he'll even take potshots with his rifle ducking up their campsites at night that kind of sheet he also claimed he came across this older woman camping a bit off the trail grater made her write some fake note about how she stopped then hild her the other guys were laughing and back-slapping him while I sat there drunk as duck and in total disbelief I hope he was just for letting but at the time I was glad I had a shotgun in my lap never hike alone in rural Maine in my best Robert Stack voice update I've contacted the Maine State Police and gave them all the info I had they sad they'd look into it if anyone lives in Maine keep an eye on the news and you might see something in the coming weeks when I was in middle school there were a series of arson fires near my very small Pennsylvania town the last one burned up a mother and her daughter the mother was considered promiscuous the daughter was the kid that all the other kids made fun of needless to say the little dumb duck teenagers responsible were never found in my small town there's a former priest who had articles written about his abuses of children written about that were dealt with by the church and never handled by law enforcement so he's not on any offender list he lives really close to a school - everyone knows but he keeps to himself and is very old grocery store clerks have said he's very rude in my mother's ex town there is a box full of automatic weapon and grenade buried somewhere my grandfather had been a partisan in literally during ww2 and at the end of the war his unit instead of handing arms to the government forces decided to hide them in case the Soviets had invaded the country now he is dead and with him also the position of the box the only other person besides me and my mother who knows about the box is the last men alive of his unit I live in Bab new inner Germany and Rex Tillerson once stayed here for a g7 conference he resided in a local hotel which was directly above the series of tunnels that were dug there before ww1 in search of new geysers and well springs my town is a therapeutic baths town and people knew that you could basically move throughout the town undetected and they are not mapped anywhere since the plans got lost in a ww2 bombing raid I believe so tunnels basically I live in a super small town see all the same people constantly and back in the 80s there was a group of guys my mum went to high school with who were rumored to have Hilde this poor old man in town and robbed his house blind of drew cuss and nice belongings they got away clean except for one of the idiots decided to sheet in the sink the police collected the sample but at the time there wasn't the technology to find out who the sheet belong to well around 10-15 years later they finally had the technology and they tested that sample they found out who it belonged to when the guy ended up in prison after getting away with it for so long one of the local utility companies around me had some mysterious fires a while back a bunch of paperwork and engineering plans went up in this fire while the company was being investigated for mismanagement of funds and some of their newer facilities not being to the correct specs it was ruled an accident and they got an insurance payout there was a male copy now town who got fired for having sex with a woman in his patrol car the secret was it wasn't a woman it was a man the only reason I know of it is because the former cop is my fee and Kay's uncle there was a young lady with the last name Husein who was murdered at the laundromat it was many years ago and went and solved but there's a guy who everyone says has bragged about doing it disgusting but with a town that is full of rednecks and has only two semi-retired cops who's going to do anything back in the 80s they've closed down the old middle school in my town and built a new one fairly close to it because the building wasn't that rundown they let the Little League grades 2-6 teams practice in the old school and leave big kids alone at the new school I'm not really sure how but a rumor started that there was a Satanist Club underneath the gym people claimed they could hear chanting and loud banging noises from under the floor and it freaked everyone TF out so the school mostly stopped using it I found out the truth recently from my friend's mom apparently some locals ran a swingers club down there and she knew because went once just to see what it was like they stopped after people started catching HIV this was about 15 years ago in my pretty large country hometown me and my friends would always mess around in the woods that was near some fields just shooting off fireworks we stole from our parents or just playing with cans of accent lighters one day luckily when I wasn't there things got out of hand and all the fields caught on fire this is a farming town so a lot of these fields were connected and it soon rapidly spread to 50 acres of woods on the upside the fire actually helped clear out some old brush and made the land more fertile to grow on Canada when the government opens Crown land to cattle grazing landowners have about a week to make sure their fences are good before the ranchers move their cattle one wheat father in this small town didn't get to his fences in time while fixing a fence he got into an argument with a rancher whose cattle were on crown land and on his property eating his wheat turned violent I'm sure ended up with a broken leg and was left in the woods by the farmer he drags himself to his vehicle and calls for help on his CB radio gets rescued in the interim the farmer confesses to his priest Church decides to intervene church members convince the Rancher and his family not to press charges the church members become slave labor to the rancher while his leg heals me heals house cleaning repairs garlic et Cie this goes on for three or four months until the Rancher is back on his feet freaks me out how far they will go to protect one of their own a kid in my grave tried to rob an old lady I think she was 98 years old and living by herself after school one day he went to her house and broken through the back door apparently she was going to be robbed without a fight and had a gun with her as he went to disarm her the gun went off and broke a window he got the gun away from her and strangled her to death he started to panic and shoved her into a closet so no one would find her a week or two later the neighbors called the police because something smelled horrible and the police arrived and found her body I guess the kid went back and tried to make it easier to hide the body by cutting it up and placing the pieces all over the house when the police finally recovered all the remains the autopsy showed that she might have been graped the kid just got a life sentence with no chance for parole it's not exactly a dark secret in the same sense as most of these because it's not a crazy scandal but my town is one of those stereotypical yuppie suburban little Massachusetts towns expensive homes upper-middle-class pretty much 100% white the usual for the area and people are just starting to realize that it's full of heroin every single person I know knows at least two people who have overdosed and died that's not an exaggeration I know to myself who were close family friends plus another who died but was revived it's sad as hell my town started a campaign a while back to try to bring awareness to the epidemic it seems like it's only getting worse my town is not unique there are so many of the same stories small towns with a dark secret the opioid crisis in New England is a scary depressing thing edit I was always aware that hero win was everywhere I guess the emphasis on New England was more to say that around here it seems like nobody thinks it could be so bad in such an idyllic and classy read mostly suburban affluent and white area for those asking where I'm at we'll just say Norfolk close enough not a dark secret but this thread is getting too dark my grandpa's favorite story was that he and a friend accidentally burnt down the town's ice house when they were seven he always said that the town never knew I was talking to one of his friends that grew up with him at my grandpa's funeral when I told him the story he laughed and told me how it actually went down the entire town knew what happened however due to their rage in the fact that that my grandparent his friend put out the fire they weren't held accountable many years later my family found a newspaper detailing the event TDLR my grandpa thought that no one knew he burnt down an ice house but the entire town knew and let him live with the guilt high school teacher in a smallish southern town was known to be very friendly with the students she was rumored to have six with the older voice but nothing ever happened until a couple years ago when a snapchat video surfaced of the entire football team running a train on her family was burned alive when a house caught fire rumor has it their daughter's boyfriend was jealous and set the house on fire neighbors heard their screams but couldn't help Newt guy moved to town isolated on a small island he raped a local girl everyone knew but there wasn't any hard evidence for the police to act on the girl tried to heal herself bit failed so some of the town got together and brought the guy to the ferry pier they pushed him off and kept pushing him off until he drowned no one was charged and justice was served disclaimer I was not involved in this it happened when I was young we have a scenic cliffside really close to town where a lot of dog walkers go it has established paths and fences as well as a road running 10m away from the edge it's a hotspot for suicide but I only found out about it from a Coast Guard friend while she was drunk that they are always on the lookout for bodies at the foot she said about 10 on average were found a year which is massive for our small town it was surreal b/c I had lived there my whole life and none were ever reported or anything there were Samaritan organizations that did patrols every now and then but they were fairly quiet about it I had a friend who used to be very caring for everyone around in his life he had a guy who used to be his classmate they were kind of best friends once the guy was upset and didn't came to the class for more than a week my friend called him up and asked him where the hell he is the guy mentioned he was on the bank of river which flows through our city and was trying to commit suicide my friend asked him to hold on he took my bike keys and went to the guy to save his life that he never returned after two days of constantly searching for him the police found his dead body on the bank of the same river the case was closed as a suicide case but I will tell you the truth this was a foolproof plan the guy and my friend we're in love with the same girl so the guy planned to call him up to the place and pushed him into the river unfortunately my friend didn't knew how to swim so he drowned we have proofs for what exactly happened and reopened a case but we are just receiving the dates from the court no judgment and the guy is walking in the city like nothing ever happened it's a true story and my friend was very close to me even I do miss him a lot but helpless we are with the system and government hope is soul rest in peace praying not really a small town Venice Beach CA Henry hopper Dennis hoppers son grapes teenagers it's known by everyone who knows him or of him his friends look out for him and protect him when he's out partying and they cover for him as best they can some believe they take part in their ring he's been accused many times many calls to the police been arrested he brags about it when he's drunk and brags about how he can't be stopped it's LA and he's a d-list celebrity child of an a-lister the law is no match for his legal team and bottomless trust fund one of our city council woman's kids are not her husband's he has no idea my parents live next door to the family for years they had two kids around the same age as my brother and I they also had major marital problems but kept a good public facade husband was 30 years older than the wife and had kids from a prior marriage I guess one night over way too much wine Councilwoman got some loose lips she confessed to my mom that her husband didn't want kids but she really wanted them she didn't want to wait and get divorced married again so she went to a sperm bank picked a donor that physically matched her husband ANDed artificial insemination twice got pregnant both times told her husband that her pill must have failed and claimed she didn't realize until it was too late to get an abortion at the time she told this to my mom the kids were 21 and 19 my mom didn't really know what to do so she kinda kept her mouth shut until she blabbed to me several years later not mine but my grandmother used to weed coffee grinds for neighbors and friends a former fortune telling she didn't believe in it but it was a way to pass the time when she was a young mother back in the 50s 60s one day she was reading a neighbour's Grimes and said Oh strange it says you have a baby the neighbor who was a single female in the same conservative immigrant community as my grandmother god skittish and said my grandmother was wrong my grandmother was like honey no look at this car that's a baby symbol and her neighbor starts sobbing turns out she had gotten pregnant as an older teenager but sent a way to have the kid and ended up giving the baby away to married friend who lived across the country and now my grandmother was the only one in town who knew she stopped reading cups for years after that one way to awkward high school boy held his sister while driving drunk out on farm roads he became essentially the town pariah but wouldn't leave the area worked at the local grocery store as a beggar never did move up nobody ever acknowledged him other than to give him dirty looks even years later I don't remember anyone ever actually discussing why everyone hated him but we all seemed to know anyway even the newcomers not much of a secrets as it hit the news but probably not known outside nova scotia about ten years ago a little girl went missing and her mother reported it even going on the news asking for her daughter to return a week or so later her body was found in the hold unmourned leaving teddy bears where her body was found it was discovered that the mother murdered her because she didn't want a new BF to leave her as he didn't want kids I was living in a different province during the time but when I came back that was old people were talking about I remember the cover of the local paper having an article about it saying the girl pleaded with her mother to stop before she was smothered with a pillow edit I just googled and she was actually strangled and the Mong was back in court just last year [Music]
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
Views: 631,071
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, people, toadfilms, updoot, cowbelly, memes, funny stories, secrets, secret, adults, teenager, friends, local, dark, scary, creepy, real life, life, advice, women, gossip
Id: lcbM4ZLtwYg
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Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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