What Was Your Most Embarrassing Moment At A Doctors Office? (r/AskReddit)

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rajat what embarrassing moments have you had an adopters office so I'm at the doctor getting the ball check from my late forties doctor and she starts making small talk she asks where I go to school I say the name of my high school she says oh my son goes there but suddenly I realize my doctor has the same last name as one of my best friends from school but my friend's mom is a doctor my friend's mom is rubbing my balls while extremely awkward it was pretty funny at school the next day so I met your mom yesterday she said I had very healthy balls when I was delivering my second child I was determined to not have a bowel movement and did an enema to help prevent this from happening it did clean me out however it caused the worst gas I had ever had in my life I had an epidural so I couldn't really feel anything and by the time I was ready to push I figured the gas had passed I let the doctor know I was ready and he went right down there in the danger zone he timed my contractions and let me know it was time for a good push I pushed with all my baby delivering my tan drip the biggest longest fart right in his face I saw his hair literally blow back didn't help that he was young and attractive I just pictured a young attractive doctor head blowing in the wind the camera pans out to the wind coming from between the butt cheeks of his patient while he delivers her baby I unseen I laughed boy did I laugh it was a little awkward getting my vasectomy when the 60-something nurse told me she needed to shave my balls saw that they were already shaved and complimented me on my balls shaving skills while rubbing betadine all over them dealing the sperm test afterwards is a little on the weird side too you go to the lab desk ask for a specimen container go into the bathroom and then come out and hand them the full container while you both pretend not to know you were just fapping 20 feet away to make it less awkward when getting a sperm sample tell the person at the desk you'll be thinking of them weed & nbsp more when I was pretty young around 12 or 13 I think I had some weird stomach issues going on they found some odd results with an x-ray and told me they wanted to do something called a Berrian enema so I go into this room and they tell me they're going to put a hose in my butt and fill my intestines with a milky liquid I look terrified and my doctor asked me what was wrong I told him it sounded painful but that I was also very ticklish he told me not to worry about it it wasn't that bad so a female doctor starts to shove this thing in 13-year old knees butt and I started giggling and then laughing and then crying I believe it is a barium enema also that sucks also you may be one of the few humans with an overly ticklish Seamus had well have a pill on a ttle cyst that I needed to go get lanced and drained since I wasn't able to sit or wear pants due to the cysts being sensitive gotta the doctor and he was amazed at how large the cyst had gotten and wanted to bring in the nurses students interested parties to show them a prime example of this cyst flash-forward two minutes and I've assumed the position over an examining table with my pants at my ankles and 7/10 people gasping and speaking in hushed voices about her excised cyst right above my butt I just found it amusing luckily otherwise it probably would have been mortifying my dad told me about how when he was in college he had to go to a dermatologist for a serious number of warts on his right foot they were so many and the dermatologist was so impressed by the sheer mass of them that he asked my dad to come in a few days later such that he could have the local medical schools students come in to view him laser them off he was amused as well thankfully while I was in labor with my first child her heartbeat started dropping the doctors begin telling me that I have to try lying in different positions on the bed because the cord may be around her neck and we need to alleviate the pressure they put me on my left side then my right side nothing is helping so they have me get on my hands and knees on the table me and my drugged state declared proudly that this is the same position that my child was conceived in nice to see you had a sense of humor in a state of massive duress I attempted chemical hair removal for the first time the day before my appointment with the gym ecologist her response and that is chemical burn my college roommate had a very superficial girlfriend who wanted his chest to be hair free so one day he decided to use some na while in the shower I kept hearing him shout oh god my nipples they are burning my nipples my doctor is a family friend this is an incredibly awkward relationship one day she's all alike drop your pants let's see that dong the next day she's like pass the peas similar situation here - the degree this happened to a friend's mother she was trying out a new obi Jian post examination she was given a cup and directed to supply the office with a urine sample upon arriving at the bathroom she saw that it had no door friends mum just assumed that this new freewheeling Obi Jin office didn't have bathroom doors and all the patients did their business in the light so nervously she proceeded to create collect the sample as people walked by in the hallway outside I imagine they pretended not to notice or gave her strange looks but it wasn't until she was leaving the bathroom that she noticed the fully retracted sliding door freewheeling Obi Jin we play it fast and loose I was at the doctor's office for a physical before my freshman year of college the doctor was this assertive and intimidating female and it came time for the hernia check now for my whole life this procedure involved the doctor cupping a testicle and asking me to cough however I guess they only need to feel just above the genitals where my ovaries would be if I was female these days but I was not aware so I am sitting on the exam table and the doctor asked me to unbutton my pants for the hernia exam I was ignorant that they didn't need to come down then she turned away to go get a glove at this point I pulled my pants down to my knees she walks over with a perfect poker face and calmly places her hand on my lower stomach and asks me to cough she checked both sides twice the entire time my genitals needlessly exposed as a surgeon who's done these exams routinely she did it wrong not uncommon with a few primary care doctors a real exam does require you to expose your genitals so the doctor can feel where your spermatic cord leaves your abdomen so what you did was right when I was studying to become a dentist I was following a doctor in the air a couple of weekends as part of my education and general Medicine well one late Saturday a young girl around 18 I think comes in with her parents because of severe stomach pains the doctor asks a few questions and then asks the girl to take off her pants and lay down on her side the doc then puts on a glove and shoves her finger up the girls but I had seen this before standard procedure but never with a cute girl as the receiver but so I was already a bit embarrassed when the father turns to me and asks me how many years I've got left until I'm a doctor well um I'm actually studying to become a dentist really made me feel I was at the wrong end of things if I remember correctly the girl was constipated finger in the book to check for blood in your intestines to rule out internal bleeding she was anxious her parents followed her because of that the father set of the patients had to calm her down the doc was a woman I promptly left the room when the father shot me a weird look after telling him I was studying to become a dentist couldn't handle the awkwardness sadly I had no pizza I just came here to deliver a pizza when I had my first pap smear the doctor performing it an elderly woman told me the speculum was no bigger than a man's dong I said I haven't freaked she said Oh first time for everything then she slapped me on the butt I had a pizza delivery guy walkin on me while I was getting a pelvic exam at the OB gym my feet were up in the stirrups my doctor's hand was in my bag yeah the whole bit apparently the nurses had ordered a pizza and directed the guy to bring it to the break room but he opened the wrong door you'll think at an OB jinyu at least knock before entering any closed rooms right yet no he couldn't have seen anything the and I'm pretty sure he was more embarrassed than I was still sounds like the plot to a bad porno well I heard you ordered some sausage double quote my doctor tapped my need to check reflexes and I kicked her in the cooter this is the funniest this one made me laugh out loud I went to the hospital when I was as teenager and my doctor was rather attractive she had to check me for testicular cancer the room was Kurt and often my parents were waiting right on the other side in a short she was looking away when I pulled my pants down and she said oh my god in an annoyed voice when she turned to find my junk out I thought I had done something wrong and said sorry as it turned out my pork and beans hadn't been what had annoyed her it was that a beeper had gone off I guess she had been extremely busy the story isn't too embarrassing at face value until you realize my parents could hear but not see this short exchange I don't want to imagine what they thought cause the pubescent teenager to have to apologize to a hot doctor examining his testicles upvote for the use of short exchange while talking about your dong this is why I do nothing until the doctor gives me specific instructions please place your colon in the upright and forward position as I plan my descent thankfully this was only slightly insulting not horrifying when I was maybe 18 I went into the doctor because I was experiencing some extreme nausea among other things he kept asking me if I could be pregnant over and over so I could you possibly be pregnant maybe we should run a pregnancy test pretty positive I'm not when was the last time you had an intercourse up never never at this point he's suddenly whipped around to face me from his clipboard ohh ha Wow that simplifies things a lot second child on the way my wife wakes up with contractions happens to be the same day that she had a scheduled appointment with the doctor to check progress so we just kept that appointment we meet the female doctor in the clinic across the parking lot from the hospital I'm in the exam room doctor is checking my wife who's up in stirrups oh yeah you're pretty dilated and effaced today is definitely the day I'm sitting nearby politely averting my gaze when the doctor says your bag of water is bulging - I bet I could hello my wife starts laughing nervously I look up to see the doctor two fingers deep in my extremely pregnant wife trying desperately to prevent the now broken water from flooding the exam room she stretches to reach a bottom drawer and some an erotic fluid kind off sprays out in odd directions but the doctor has me get some absorbent pads out of the drawer and lay them down before removing her fingers and jumping out of the way man although is not what you want to hear out of the doctor's mouth I have a very bad sense of direction at the hospital I went to the bathroom to give a urine sample and quickly realized I couldn't remember how to get back to my doctor's room I don't know how many waiting rooms and crowded corridors I wandered through holding a cardboard cut off my own pee oh gosh I remember I had one where I had to pee in what looked like a giant glass vars and then I had to awkwardly carry it around after I was done with the exam I confusedly took it back to the bathroom where I found used it and tried to empty clean it awhile back in high school I had to get surgery on my scrotum I had this condition with some frilly scientific name that basically means a clump of veins in one of my testicles was restricting the flow of my mighty swimmers well I of course had to go to a pre-check up with the doctor I also didn't have a driver's license so my dad drove me there I meet the doctor and he gets straight to business he pulls out a large ring with wooden balls of different sizes and says my balls have to be measured for disparity to see how serious this is he then looks to my dad and says if you want to step out you can at this time hahaha number I think I'm good right here my dad decided to make my penis surgery just that much more exciting so a minute later there I stand Curious George out in the open while my doctor is face level with the Beast putting balls next to my testicle and airing the entire time my dad watches and laughs and I shudder TL DR doctor measured my balls while my dad watched upvoted four mighty swimmers and Curious George when I was a kid like eight or nine I had to get a routine physical to participate in sports at school my dad took me everything went great until the doctor told my dad he needed to get a urine sample my dad hands me the cup and tells me to go to the bathroom and the cup and bring it back to him I being a bit naive did not know what urine was so I went into the bathroom and promptly crap in the cup my dad was waiting for me near the front desk of the DA's office since we were leaving after turning in the cab I proudly walked up handed the cut of my dad and said is this enough or should I go back and scoop up some more from the barrel the nurse at the desk looks up and nearly spit her coffee all over my dad he set the cup on the desk and said we are leaving now I didn't understand what was wrong until that night when my mom came in to explain my mistake Oh God ha ha ha ha just imagine how many times that nurse told that story where's that guy who ejaculated during his prostate exam probably getting another prostate exam probably not the most embarrassing but happened recently the last time I was at my doctor's office I was kept waiting in the exam room for a really long time like long enough to go through all three magazines in the room eventually severe boredom set in and I started looking for other things to do there was a scale in the corner so I thought what the heck let's weigh some crap I started with my shoes and eventually moved on to the magazines and my clothes when I ran out of personal stuff I surveyed the room and decided that I would like to know how much a chair weighs so on the scale it went this is the exact moment the doctor and her resident decide to enter the room there I am wearing nothing but a hospital gown and socks balancing a chair on the scale TLDR a doctor's office chair weighs 8 pounds when I was 7 my doctor told me to drop my pants you know the OEL a hernia check I ran out and screamed to my mom that the doctor was crazy and wanted to see my dong I specifically remember screaming mom get your coat this guy's is crazy had a routine smear Pap test as a student I hadn't slept the night before as I'd been partying hard and was still not quite with it with the male doctor hadn't performed a smear before and for some reason a nurse was called in to witness the procedure predictably the doc had trouble finding my cervix and the nurse told me to roll my hips up the doctor was getting more and more nervous so to break the ice I started singing rolling rolling rolling keep those doggies moving rawhide it made sense at the time then I started to laugh uncontrollably at my own joke which caused the speculum to shoot out of my hula and knock his glasses off the lab results were inconclusive and then there's the time a few years ago when I suddenly went blind in one hour lost all facial control on one side and staggered into a and dealed dramatic shouting that I was having a stroke turned out it was a migraine and was gone within 30 minutes of me walking in tea I made the mistake of moving over the holidays last year I was emptying out my bedside dresser of clothes and whatnot my top drawer had two large open boxes of condoms inside I stuffed ribbons of protection into my pockets and left low w and behold I'm in a major car accident on my way to the new house one short ambulance ride later I'm in a private a room with just a nurse my girlfriend and myself my girlfriend had to remove my pants and first remove everything from them so there she is glaring at me as she pulls 30-plus condoms from my pocket in front of the nurse I swear it looked like a magic trick they just wouldn't stop coming TL DR removed condoms from pockets before car accidents and after the condoms came a bunch of handkerchiefs tied together first physical of my life I dropped my pants and the doctor says turn your head and cough I hear turn your head and crawl I cannot explain the levels of confusion and awkwardness that followed happened to my dad in fact he told this story again yesterday he was going in for a vasectomy after I was conceived just made it they shoot him with the numbing medication and the doctor didn't wait long enough for it to take full effect did the first pinch and snip and the pain was so bad that he puked on the nurse in the room the doctor decided to wait 10 minutes until he did the other one since this doctor wasn't high regular physician he told him that if he saw him out in a bar that he would beat the Frick out of him TL DR my dad got his testicle snipped before it was numb so he puked on a nurse when I had my vasectomy the anesthetic wasn't quite strong enough and I was feeling a fair bit of discomfort I told them pretty pront and they gave me another shot a few years ago I had a ball cancer scare the doctor was pretty sure it was nothing to worry about - I had to get an ultrasound of my nut at the hospital to be sure I'm laying there with my sack exposed while a nurse uses an ultrasound wand to check things out twice during the procedure another nurse opens the door to ask a question of the tech that's performing the ultrasound and stands in it providing a full view of my sac two passers-by in the hallway she wasn't inquiring about my procedure she was asking stupid questions about the work schedule needless to say I was embarrassed and shocked when I heard the door open a third time I told the nurse that if it opened a game during my procedure I would be reporting it to the hospital admins she did not return good for you that really unprofessional of her it wasn't embarrassing for me but when I was a little kid like six seven I used to bruise really easily so one day my dad took me to the doctor I forget why and I had to take my shirt off and my chest and arms were covered with bruises from top to bottom I had been play fighting with my brother the day before and he got the upper hand a man the doctor shot my dad the nastiest look I've ever seen my parents have gotten that look - I was jumping on the bed despite having been told not to and had hit my head on the corner of the bookcase they took me to the ER to get stitches and the entire staff treated them with suspicion until they were satisfied that I'd done it to myself so I went to the doctor because I was noticing an odor on my undies when I would change having a normally healthy [ __ ] this kind of alarmed me so I went to the walk-in clinic to see what was up in retrospect I should have gone to a gin oh but I actually thought I had some sort of UT not a tea problem anyways I described the symptoms to the doctor and she decides to do a tea exam okay fine well she sticks the thing up me and realizes that there is a tampon stuck up me it takes a bit of moving around she ends up getting the retained tampon I don't want to gross you out but I'm not exaggerating when I say that the entire room smelled when she took that out of me I was horrified I was nearly gagging I can only imagine how she felt she put it in the trash and immediately took the trash out it gets worse so then she decides to take a look to make sure everything looked okay well it didn't I hear her say there is something else up there may be another tampon I was absolutely frickin horrified after further crying around she was able to figure out it wasn't a tampon but it was something blue and it was hard she sent me over for an x-ray to confirm sure enough I had something else in me she tried to get it out with the pliers again but it hurt too much for me to bear she ended up having to sedate me and had a male doctor come in and try eventually they were able to get it out it looked like a little blue cap and they obviously asked me what it was and at the time I was dumbfounded for what it could be I look like a frickin [ __ ] I had to call in to work because I had been sedated and I had to call my dad and have him pick me up from the walk-in it was honestly the most embarrassing experience of my life I realized a few days later what blue cap was one night when I was drunk at my friend's house I had thought I had a yeast infection I remember using mana our state and having never used it before I didn't know you were supposed to take the cap off go figure I still get embarrassed to this day thinking about the looks that I was getting on my way into the x-ray room the doctor had obviously told the staff what was going on and they were all staring at me like I had a tea full of various items like oh I wonder what we will pull out of her next it's actually quite easy if the string gets pushed up there you cannot feel it at all I was a virgin at the time so there wasn't really a guy in my life to be like are you have something stuffed up there I'm imagining the doctor pulling a string of handkerchiefs out of your glory hole now so I needed a physical needless to say this is definitely one of the most awkward moments of any incoming freshman 'he's first high school experiences I walk into the office do all the routine work pee in a cup weight high TTC then the doctor comes in to check for a hernia normal so I pull down my pants and the doctor is massaging my testicles and then he looks up at me and says you know you have extremely large balls I don't think I have seen any this big in a very long time that he continued to check for a hernia for the next like two minutes nothing in my life is awkward now because that takes the cake TL DR creepy doctor tells me I have huge balls and checks for a hernia for too long he was probably checking to make sure there wasn't some abnormality that would cause your balls to swell up or maybe he just liked feeling your balls but probably not happened to a co-worker he wanted to get a vasectomy two guys in the office had recommended a doctor they had used to have some fun they tell him that during the first consultation you'll have to jizz into a cup for testing purposes upon his arrival that the doctor's office he speaks to the front desk nurse after the paperwork she hands him a cup tells him to fill to the line cap it and leave it on the sink the cup was the size of tumbler glass and line was way at the top this guy goes in thinking he needs to Jews sees no inspirational material but figures he can just wing it from memory after about 10 minutes nurse knocks on the door asks if everything is ok embarrassed about his output compared to the goal he shows her the cup with the meager contribution and asks how the other guys filled to the line the nurse bursts out laughing and in between trying to catch her breath tells him he was supposed to pee in the cup after cleaning up he had to go white out into the waiting room with a large glass of water he sat there about 30 minutes before doing a proper test and seeing the doctor he said it was the longest 30 minutes of his life because within 5 minutes not a single nurse could keep a straight face I wonder how amazed they would have been if he had in fact fill up the cup hilarious story I went to my OB Jen to have a my ARIMA put in last week it's that little t-shaped plastic birth control thing there was a male med student with the doctor observing for the day which I was totally fine with the doctor is quizzing the student about his genealogical knowledge and he's desperately trying not to look at my tea the doctor gets the device in and is almost done when the med student flails grasps at the wall falls backward and passes out slamming his head against the door TL DR my tea will knock you the Frick out that is seriously the best TL DR ever thank you for that laughs I was getting a checkup I go and pee in the cup put it on the little counter thing they had went back in the room and waited and waited she came in like 30 minutes later and tells me you have protein in your urine I immediately blurted out I had fricked last night he said I'll mark that down in your chart Congrats whoo ha ha ha I figured somehow that made a difference this happened at the pharmacy at my doctor's office I had just have a wisdom tooth removed a stubborn one at that I had it removed in the morning and I was good not sick or anything most of the day good by the time the next day rolled around I was the sickest I had ever been everything made me vomit even moving more than a few feet made me vomit the dentist didn't think to prescribe me any antibiotics or anything so I had to call him to let him know how sick I was he told me he would call in the order and I could pick it up at the pharmacy in the hospital down the street the kicker was that they closed in 10 minutes I rushed to get there and made it with two minutes to spare however as they were getting my prescription ready that sick feeling happened I ended up vomiting three times on their counter right before they closed the women were shocked and I kept apologizing but I couldn't stop I left with my prescription feeling ashamed and embarrassed and also terrible that they had to clean it up before going home oh I just got all of my wisdom teeth out a few hours ago I hope that is not how my tomorrow goes not embarrassing for me but for the nurse I was around 16 and have developed an interest in medicine currently working for a hospital interviewing for medical so I was very eager to learn everything the nurse assigned to take blood from me could not have been older than 21 or 22 very pretty she was clearly upset about something and I asked what was wrong she kept saying nothing nothing good thanks so not to press further I let her take my blood only problem is she was so upset she couldn't properly hit my vein even though it was quite superficial she gets more flustered after more failed attempts and then starts to flat-out cry I asked her it's okay really what is wrong she explains she just got dumped by her boyfriend of three years and goes on an emotional rant of how she is going to lose her job because she doesn't feel she is good enough at it etc etc so I decided to tell her listen this will be our secret and I grab the needle find my vein and drawl approximately 20 CC of my own blood watching your own blood leave your body is weird but if I passed out I would have surely have lost all bad bust points gained if any I hand her the syringe dispose off the needle and put a bandaid on myself her tears dry eyes wide open and jaw to the floor just stares at me I said to her thanks and I hope you feel better went back three years later to shadow that doctor to prepare for medical school and she was still working there she remembered me instantly and we engaged in coitus that can only be compared to that of Zeus and Hera just kidding she asked how I was and said that was the funniest thing she has ever seen in the clinic cig mine was actually in an emergency room and there were a lot of witnesses I was nude let's continue so I was like 11 or 12 I had a hundred acres of woods behind my house and loved to play in them unfortunately I am also very allergic to poison ivy while I go out and roam the forest gaily for a few hours nothing weird come home go to bed I wake up in the middle of the night with an itchy leg I mean frickin itchy you know pull the blankets down and what the Frick my leg looks like how I imagined the final stages of leprosy s be huge raised patches of red disgusting bleeding pushing atrocities needless to say I start screaming in horror that escalated quickly well time to go to the ER decides mom after a wait I'm shown to a room connected to the waiting room after a quick look nurse comes back with a needle the size of a baby's arm good news it's for my but I did not want that needle in my butt I don't care what angle which cheek or for how long I did not want that needle in my butt butt butt Frick it I'm brave man so I dropped trow well soon as she bent down to shove the sucker in I panicked I immediately went for the door and ran straight into the populated awaiting room two nurses one with Excalibur in her hand and my mom chasing me like Troy Polamalu pants lonely back on the floor of the examination room Berra said with my junk flailing like a pendulum I managed to outlast them for a few minutes it was eventually pinned down pricks screaming and crying with all the world to see poison ivy went away though TL DR got poison ivy needed shot in but ran away from shot naked in hospital when I was in my late teens I went to a doctor to have a checkup I had never been to this doctor before but I was sure she was going to be great because her name was doctor friend she was an older woman and plenty nice but halfway through the visit she begins violently farting I had no idea what to do it was funny gross and loud as heck she walked out of the room several times and the only moments it would cease whether split seconds between her steps even as she returned to the room her trumpet was sounding I never went back to that dr. TL DR tried a new doctor and they farted for the whole time non-stop upvotes for the excitement that her name was doctor friend I gave myself a concussion skiing the park at cotrona in New Zealand I caught an edge speed checking a jump not my finest moment it was a pretty serious concussion and I was knocked out for a couple of minutes coming to once Patrol arrived to speak the wonderful phrase my neck hurts I slipped back into unconsciousness while they threw a collar on me and got me on the backboard took me down to the Patrol clinic and waited for an ambulance now concussions very often give you nausea I had nausea I remember vomiting in the clinic several times while waiting for the ambulance to arrive cotrona is also about an hour away from Queenstown where we were staying the nearest hospital was in exactly the wrong direction one akov Queenstown and only a little closer so they sent me to Queenstown an hour class off riding down sketchy New Zealand mountain roads led me to being wheeled into the emergency entrance of the hospital in Queenstown as I was being wheeled in the attending physician greeted me and asked me how I was feeling upon being wheeled in my brain took note of a few things that the hospital was not busy at all the floors had just been cleaned and this doctor had just under freshly ironed white coat everything looked recently cleaned and spit-shined he asks me how I'm doing and when he reaches my gurney my only response is to lean over towards him still in a collar not on a backboard or tied down and projectile vomit the most vomit I have ever projectiled upon this man's poor chest and lap area I then promptly slit back into unconsciousness the only embarrassing thing that happened to me was when I was going through puberty and the doctor who was a female was checking my balls I was nervous didn't want to pop a boner and asked her if she thought my balls were okay she chuckled and went on with her business also I remember looking at the report she wrote she apparently counted how many pubes I had that was also weird I was 12 years old I never got physical ed so I didn't notice anything was wrong one day the lady doctor noticed I only had one testicle she had me cough a lot she didn't even shut the shades so one of my nuts didn't descend into my sac at birth I had to get surgery now I have two balls when I was 13 I went to the doctor's office for a checkup I had been sick for some time before that and was coughing constantly for the past month for some reason my doctor had to touch my testes her hand went in under my pants during the checkup even though her hand was there for only a couple of seconds it felt ticklish and I got an erection and then I came at first I didn't realize what happened I know I felt really good like I never felt before but then she pulled out her hand and started screaming there it was my cm on her hand I don't know what the worst part of it all was the fact that I came on her hand at the scene she caused afterward the fact that that was my first orgasm or that my mother was also in the room with me because I was underage surprisingly we didn't change doctors after that episode my mom didn't want to explain what happened to my dad good man that was the most Awkward ride home and I could never look my doctor in the eye since then TL DR I went for a physical my doctor touched my Crouch I came on her hand and my mom was in the room with me I told the doctor my stomach was all bloated and swollen she said I just needed to lose weight my foot had been hurting for two weeks so I went to Urgent Care after 30 seconds doctor tells me my ligaments are sore and I need whose way to fix it week later I went to a podiatrist who did an x-ray broken bone while the doctor was shaving my balls just before of the secta me we realized we had grown up together and now live in the same neighborhood it was awkward but I couldn't resist asking so did you dream about shaving my balls for money while we were growing up my poor poor ob/gyn he's a younger very awesome male OBGYN and as a result of this is very calm and soothing to his patients making sure to over explain anytime he comes in contact with a patient it's very adorable actually I had totally forgotten that I had an annual exam with him and had a pretty rough fricking session a day or two before I get into the room and the nurse instructs me to undress and put on the paper gown as usual as I was undressing I looked down and remembered that my boobs were black and blue be cup here and that part of the exam is the breast exam the look of horror on his face when he pulled my gown away was unparalleled he asked me in a concerned voice if it was going to hurt me to do the exam and I had to fight back the laugh he then did a very fast and light breast exam before getting really fascinated with one of the bite marks he started to comment on it and then quickly replaced my top and moved on with the exam TL DR do not have rough frickin sessions days before your annual exam OBGYN will be really really worried about the bruises and make you laugh I went to the doctor for constipation troubles and after he had been all up in my private business he just throws at me I have a daughter your age if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 43,490
Rating: 4.7177033 out of 5
Keywords: most embarrassing moments, most embarrassing, embarrassing doctor visits, doctor, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, medical
Id: QiFlcxQYCuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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