What is something that you used to do that you realized is inappropriate?

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our slash asked readied by reddit and chill what is something that you used to do as a kid and only realized years later to be extremely inappropriate NSFW I always said good riddance to people because I thought it was a classy goodbye all right honey say goodbye to Grandma she's going on vacation for a long time now good riddance uncle Paul has cancer it might be the last time you say goodbye good riddance it's what grandma would have wanted my brother learned that sexy was a bad word but didn't know what had met bad meaning and appropriate he was like six once he got mad at me at a family gathering threw a fit and screamed and I was sexy it was incredibly uh King awkward edit for those asking I am a guy also this isn't the first time my brother has confused words he thought scrape and raped were the same thing this reminds me of the phase my sister went through where she had learned a vocab word haughty in school and wanted to show off she would get mad at my brother and storm off saying you're such a hottie he kept telling her she wasn't using it white but she was too stubborn to listen to him my little brother used to say oh so buxom whenever he saw a pretty girl when he was about four seven ish Diddley then try to get a better look through his monocle being a girl I got a lot of baby dolls when I was young this being the late 80s and early 90s a lot of them were pretty irking hideous so I did what any girl would do in that situation I scribbled over their faces with a red marker then hosted a public execution for them for the crime of being ugly I'd hang them with yarn and scrunchies around their necks then buried them in the back of my closet to be forgotten about I had my cutest stuffed animals and dolls watch so they'd know what happened to ugly people I was bullied a lot Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry I used to make my ugly toys face the wall because only beautiful toys deserve love I was also heavily bullied all came to an end when we went on a family vacation and we went to a bird feeding park and nobody was feeding this one bird with a twisted beak my herd broke I spent hours with the little guy my mother kept trying to convince me to look at the other birds too he'll go to comment was come feed these birds sweetie look how pretty they are I snapped back that just because they're pretty doesn't mean they deserve my food I know now she was just trying to get me to stop following around one single at this point mildly freaked out bird but at the time I felt like the pretty birds were being treated better for being pretty somewhat similar but not really about 11 years ago I was at a Lu convention thing there was a company there that you could sponsor children and developing nations you look at their picture read a small bio and decide if you wanted to spend $30 a month on this kid I noticed that everyone was only picking the cute kids to sponsor I saw this one kid that had a pretty significant birthmark on his face and everyone would just brush past him it broke my heart so I have now been sponsoring him for 11 years during the night rather than get up and get a tissue I would put my boogers on the wall behind my bed apparently boogers turned into cement over time and my mom was none too pleased well she moved the bed to paint the wall and found my masterpiece this was my crime to the wall looked like the inside of a cave by the time I'd finished today we are observing the natural habitat of youth slash Curtis Aris wall in his room this period of time for him can be related to the 1849 California Gold a mine cuz he was always digging for gold it is amazing though how creatures so young and primitive can create out of such many many different colors however the mother is quoted to be generally teed off by such art and the kid replies you do not understand mother stay tuned next week where we explore our mom's V what a wide Calvin batter's edit obligatory highest-rated comment is this aunt obligatory statement saying how crazy it is I kid you not but my sister had a phase where she used to scratch her head so that the dandruff in her head would accumulate under her nails which she would then proceed to dig it out and scrape it neatly on a wall to where she was studying it was kinda Whitley obsessive but I was a kid and I just thought it was cool now it makes me gag the flower game I would push my own inside off my body and laugh hysterically as it grew out of me again I showed everyone this usually with guerrilla tactics and ambush methods that would make Sun Tzu proud I used to fill my foreskin up with water when I showered and then shoot it out like a water gun only person I showed was an external friend who found it hilarious man now I want some foreskin foreskin master-race I used to sneak into my elderly neighbor's house and hide behind the couch she would call my mom and tell her whenever I was over there so that my mom wouldn't freak out wondering where the hell I was I also had a habit of just barging into my best friend's house whenever I felt like no one taught me about knocking or doorbells apparently you were apparently a 1980s sitcom character there are reasons why there are no southern based TV sitcoms except for Andy Griffith Show designing women and lovers I took one of those disposable cameras and took pictures of me nude at like five years old and buried them like time capsules while your poor former neighbor is going to have some explaining to do Jared idk he was always inside doing weird stuff exposed undeveloped film goes bad I was so proud of not having a gag reflex I told everyone I met 12-year old me would tie cherry stems and knots with my tongue I'd proclaimed that I was very talented with my mouth at a big family dinner honest that is actually talented guys like me are built for the girls who do have gag reflexes I used to call black people chocolate people I did that to my brother and I only knew one black person when we were little we couldn't remember his name so we called him the chocolate stranger he was super nice and thought it was funny the chocolate stranger sounds like a child serial killer with a white panel bath depending on how old you were that is adorable I literally head-butted men in their crotch though it wasn't very forcefully you can imagine their reactions when a five-year-old little asian girl greeted them that way head on apply directly to the forehead lalla cash seems like it pays well when I was a kid I was a super tomboy so all of my friends were boys I think they kind of accepted me as one of their own and Genma never really became a consideration at least that is my theory as to why this happened I was hanging out with my bestie Eli in my bedroom back when I was like six he told me he wanted to play a game that all the boys in the class had played and I couldn't tell anyone they called it the end game before I could even react he whipped it out apparently the point was just to show it I told him I didn't want it a couple weeks later I really wanted a sleepover with him my parents said no and I thought I wasn't allowed because he was a boy which is actually plausible so in my brilliance I told them it's fine I can sleep over because I've already seen his heir that didn't go over well can't they imagine why not I told them it's fine I can sleep over because I've already seen his F and I couldn't tell anyone one job when I was 11 my family got cable and we sat down to watch good morning Vietnam when Robin Williams said you're in more daddy love a blow job than any white man in history I turned to my mother unsaid more what's a blow job I had never seen her cringe in my life until that moment but in a rare show my dad came to her rescue and said she doesn't know that is a great dad joke brutal I used to hunt my bed people would come over and come say hi to me in my bedroom and there I was six years old taking my twin bed for a vigorous ride through pound town choo-choo when we were about six or seven my friend and I both female used to play house for some reason it was decided that I was the house I would lie on the floor and she would cover me with a blanket my limbs were different rooms my head was the bathroom edit it figures my most popular comment on reddit is about a girl sitting on my face also no bodily functions ever happen she would literally just sit on my blanket covered head girls have poor fought skills so they do what they can WTF how how did she did she pee in your mouth do that hilarious so when I was around six seven someone kept tagging all the signposts around our area with black stickers with orgy written on them in near Noren journée agree after I kept seeing them I asked in front of the whole family what an orgy my sisters seventeen stroke eighteen at a time looked very uneasily at my parents and they managed to come up with the answer it's a party I replied I want to go to an orgy oh damn I remember orgy they covered a new water song ding-dong-ditch I did it so much and I didn't understand why people got mad but I would get so mad now if some little [ __ ] did that at my house I had some kids do this at my house a few weeks ago at 4 a.m. thing is I have insomnia and I happen to be awakened on the couch near the door i wrenched it open and yelled at them while they were still right on my porch you should have seen their faces they should have been commended for not [ __ ] pissing their pants edit an important word some kids in my neighborhood were tagging [ __ ] and so being the sleep deprived person I am I waited and waited til I saw some movement on the wall across the street I looked out the window and saw two kids tagging a wall I crept outside and then bolted towards there I managed to grab one by his jacket and lift him up against the wall while his friend left his behind behind he was crying that it was fake snow in a spray can so I let him down and checked out the wall and it was I look back and the kid had pissed himself that will teach that occur to spread holiday cheer not me but my eldest sister background I have a very racist grandpa we've been trying to correct him for years and he's finally gotten to the point where he thinks there are a few good blacks horrible but still a major improvement anyway one time the window of his truck got broken and he complained about how it was the goddamn NRS in front of my sister as two-year-old so often do she modeled his behavior apparently it took a long time for my sister to stop yelling you got em Hagar's at any black people she saw thank gosh she mispronounced it her me way Haggar are / unexpected Hogwarts hosts food Bobby I'm tired of ya [ __ ] gonna go in with very soon or the whole gender thing confused me when I was a kid I went to everyone I met and asked whether they had her in auravie most found it funny but some people were amused edit today I learned I am Goku edit - today I learned I am also Professor Oak my mom likes to tell anyone who will listen about the time I proudly told her that mine was growing I'm a girl with older brothers and thought I was growing again how's it coming along have you grown your condom yet breathing by using my V try it in the bathtub you can shoot out water and pretend you're squid it's so amazing edit you / should be working thou hast pluck mine golden cherry WTF your kid now I did all these weird sexual things with my next-door neighbor when we were six we'd kiss and touch each others butts thing more than that but we're both girls and now she's a super Christian churchgoer who posts and shares Bible quotes and stories about waiting for a man with the right values I did those things with a neighbor to accept it continued until we were around nine or so we also used to play out for ten sex I had gotten my hands on a children's biology book that described the mechanics of sex and while playing house we would basically hump each other with our clothes on and kiss and basically Pat each other's bodies well we were told we weren't supposed to touch each other our parents never found out and just thought we were super close because we would request sleepovers all the time and then we had a huge fight in fourth grade and never talked to each other again I think I discovered masturbation with a detachable shower head soon after that sticked my finger up my butt then make my mom smell it I don't remember why but it seemed like a good idea at the time I had a friend who got mad at his mom so he stuck her pen and his behind in front of her we were like 12 or so I just said wow you sure showed her rect hump a bed while watching trashy people on daytime talk shows not knowing why it felt good I still do it but at least now I know why it's called prone masturbation and it can cause problems if you still do it had a pee corner in my bedroom for a few months when I was 6 edit so apparently I'm not alone in this must be something about the rush of being where you are not supposed to that intrigues a lot of us why not a pee box thought no one could see how my hand in my pocket gripped my erections glorious haiku it's snowing on Mt Fuji let me tell you my Barbie dolls got around little kid life pretty if you use a rubber band you can make your Barbie's hump forever luckily I wasn't the only one I actually created elaborated stories from my Barbie dolls that could easily belong to a soap opera sex cheating murder followed by a trip abroad and gay relationships I was like 10 me too it wasn't just Barbie either all the toys were in sexy relationships Barbie even got a sex change ones if you use a rubber band you can make your Barbies hump forever I don't know if I want to ask but I cannot imagine how this works I called fat people fat I just see a fat person and say monologue that person is fat or just like on reddit shut it fatty McFadden I still remember the time my brother shouted that sa fat man and pointed at some poor guy passing us on the street not me but at the DMV the other day this five year old kid kept slapping his mama behind I'm picturing this overconfident a five-year-old with Ray Bans Ray Bans thinking he's all top [ __ ] just because he won the jackpots in Vegas one time I slapped my grandma in the face while she was sleeping because I watched too many Spanish telenovelas and wanted to know how it feels like to slap someone my female cousin was an early bloomer around 10 the both of us so when we were together we used to wrestle each other like on WWE strange looks from parents ensued and I realized how weird that was if you are female and you have brothers this is just normal everyday life even when you're adults when I was in like fourth grade I would take the typical on my mom's camera your username just reminded me of when I typed it but calm into my home computer when I was like 10 a picture of a girl wearing American flag boots jean shorts and American flag peepee tassels popped up I got so scared that my mom would find out that I unplugged the monitor and hidden in a basement but later that day my mom asked where the monitor went and I said I didn't know they found it in the laundry room where I hid it under some dirty clothes and never said anything else about it I also thought - he was called a bar Chyna childhood was weird wait did you only unplug the monitor because if you did then your parents still got to see what you were looking at when they turned the monitor back on he has already been humiliated enough rub myself every day after school in the living room until I got the body tingles I had a bed frame that had wooden beams over the top of my bed when you're lying down there was an age pattern when you look straight up I had a favorite blanket that I would hang over the middle beam of the H and swing from it one day I decided to do it naked and while gripping the blanket tightly with my thighs I squished my little guy down there against the blanket in a way that felt nice so I continued to clap my thighs together until I suddenly had those body tingles for the first time ever I continued to do this so much that my upper body was so strong from holding myself up that I could do unassisted pull-ups at the age of 10 and since me swinging on my bed was kind of a regular occurrence my parents would write it off as me playing Tarzan I miss that bed I'm a female and I used to masturbate at school when I was quite young I remember being 6 and 7 and dropping down touching myself and carrying on my merry way I had literally no idea this was a problem no one told me till my mom talked to me about it years later just kind of brought it up in passing in grade 6 didn't give me a talking turn or anything too long didn't read I used to get down and full-on masturbate in class on the field at recess had no idea it was a thing or an issue just felt good GF is a teacher she tells me these things happen every day they would mostly rub themselves on the chair and stop breathing heavily not me but still relevant I was at my uncle's 50th birthday party this summer the morning after about 40 people came back over for breakfast we were all hungover outside and my 10 year old cousin started yelling happily we all looked over and he was peeing on the fence cheering happily because his pee was split into two streams leaving wet marks on the wood my uncle told him to stop that he didn't he kept obnoxiously cheering and telling everybody to look so my uncle walks over and whispers something to him the pee slowly stopped like when you put a kink in a hose my uncle explained to him that he was basically announcing to almost 50 people that he masturbated the night before he stayed in his room until everybody left it was so cringy Ural just here he sweat into could just mean that he hadn't paid for a long time all that he had just woken up it doesn't necessarily mean that he facto had sex I've had split streams without masturbating rarely but I've had em asking my boy neighbours to flash me their NS we were like 7 edit for clarification when I was 2 I used to think the word er was a term of endearment edit what makes the story funny as opposed to what many have pointed out my parents are happily married they just celebrated their 30 years last week as a child I thought tourist senesce were the same thing and couldn't for the life of me understand why we'd allow so many in our country why aren't you at the Republican debate oh god I remember this and cringe just thinking how awkward it was for my parents to watch when I was little about age six through nine I was obviously out of the loop on anything sexual especially masturbating we had one of those electric brushes used to massage your scalp I used it while watching TV with my parents right in the crotch area I used to cover myself with a pillowcase or something I guess I always knew it was kind of wrong the worst totally everyone could hear the loud buzzing coming between my legs not really inappropriate but more extremely dangerous my dad had this old station wagon from the late 1970s throughout most of my childhood that I thought was amazing it was big and there was so much to play in the back sometimes I would put on puppet shows for the cars behind us in traffic when we stopped at a red light as dangerous as it was for a small child to be loosen the back off station wagon without a seat belt I used to play an even more dangerous game sometime i would lay across the top of the backseat and try to remain as stiff as possible when my dad would brake accelerate the momentum would cause my body to fall either on the cushioned seat in front of me or on the old couch cushions my dad had put in the back I thought it was so much fun - Rowland fall one way then get back up and fall the other and I would play this game a lot it wasn't until years later that I realized how dangerous that was I was a kid just openly playing a falling game in the back of a station wagon luckily my dad is a great driver and we never got into any accidents but if we did I would have gone flying out the front or back windows and probably killed instantly here is a picture of my dad in that station wagon we used to call that space a very back or back back the butt parade my older sister and I a dude used to come downstairs get naked get on all fours put our butts together and waddle around the house announcing that the butt parade was coming to town not me but my nephew who will realize it's massively inappropriate because I keep recording it because it's sucking hilarious he humps the floor like straight up pushes his little three-year-old crotch into the ground and gyrates doesn't matter where he is or who is watching he cannot resist not sexy for it's got to the point now where his parents have to reward him from not humping the floor my cousin and I used to tie each other up when we were around seven nine years old very sexual and awkward for the brief moment I was into the WWF and WCW I would run around and do the suck it symbol while screaming suck it in an angry voice my mom wasn't too happy when she got a phone call from my school ducking like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 585,953
Rating: 4.922986 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, What is something that you used to do that you realized is inappropriate?, reddit and chill, kid, what is something that you used to do as kid that is wrong?, inappropriate, what is something that you used to do as a kid?, used as a kid, school, childhood inappropriate, reddit and chill inappropriate, askreddit inappropriate, r/askreddit, wrong, funny moments
Id: J9nn1KVdjqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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