People whose non disclosure agreements are broken, what can you now disclose?

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our slash ass credit by reddit and chill people no longer bound by their non-disclosure agreements what can you now disclose funny story moments after I was unceremoniously fired because my tech skills were found to be insufficient the bosses who fired me demanded to know the whereabouts of a hugely important computer file I had worked on I refused to help them I even cited the exact language on the NDA I was compelled to sign I am prohibited from disclosing details of my employment with anyone including past and current employees of the company I expounded adding so ask someone who works here because I don't it was a great ducky moment that I still cherish five years later but now I think I can disclose the truth I only hid behind the NDA language because I had no clue where to find their damn computer file or even where to look I suck with computers Fahd because my tech skills were found to be insufficient I suck with computers this checks out how do you even get in this situation DeMeo we need someone to manage these financial portfolios your good CPA so we're hiring you thank you I can't wait to get started here's the asite database we use on here is the online portal we use to communicate with clients ducking what the cake cupcake shop I used to work for claimed everything was homemade but used Pillsbury cake mix as a base I read a thread I think it was a confessions thread on ask reddit where a woman who ran a super successful home bakery business was literally just using Pillsbury cake mix and this is how I learned what Pillsbury was as we don't have it in England full stop she had the odd hack or two and was seriously good at decorating apparently but she was essentially just using cake mix she even talked about how she felt like a fraud got nauseous about going to the grocery store and hated the sight or taste of cake I remember this she would log in once every few years and give updates last I read she stopped doing cakes because it became too much for her my mom does cakes as a side gig and while she makes her own frosting from scratch she uses boxed cake mix that she too passes off as her own probably way more common than anyone lets on there's a local fast food chain in my area with a super popular chocolate cakes widely known is that they use mayonnaise not widely known is that other than that it's 100% Betty Crocker cake mix with Duncan Hines frosting my graphic designer best friend one my towns designed the Centennial logo contest despite having never set foot in the town I worked for the radio station and just did an interview with one of the organizers where he lamented that there weren't very many entries so I called my friend and said want in on this he said sure as he lived on the other side of the country at the time I spent the next day texting him photos of the town for inspiration anyway when he won and they found out he was a professional graphic designer who lived on the other side of the country but they made him and me sign NDA's because the town was afraid people would think they brought in a ringer edit row' this kind of blew up so let me answer some of the more common questions being brought up how did they make you they threatened to withhold the prize and you threatened to tell the public which would be way worse PR wise than what they alone wanted the NBA for presumably if they didn't sign the NDA they wouldn't have picked the design did you hear they whispered keenly so clandestine so obscenely so unseemly so maligning so extremely violent climbing wicked crimes will hear enacted here portrayed and hear protracted hear achieved with evil pleasure far beyond the scope to measure what perhaps you ask with wonder tore this very town asunder split and rent the peace and order of this place from bound to border what I hear your consternation dread and fear in trepidation little spark on such a candle twas a scandal don't twas a scandal I dug up some ancient bones gold and Mycenae in tombs I couldn't discuss the fines until the institution who ran the archaeological dig could publish the data you can read about it here edit that I'm a classic student not the one running the whole dig but my role in it was very much legal and official lol we knew to dig there because there was another tomb next to it and it's located near a big Mycenae and bronze-age palace i only dug there for one summer but it was a blast if you're interested in archaeology you should see if there are any local groups that you can volunteer with this might be the coolest and least shady response dirt alright alright deleted I was a contractor for NASA I still fully support the agency but I was extremely bugged when I learned that each separate NASA Center for example JPL Kennedy Ames Goddard hides many of its inventions and two breakthroughs from the other centers so that when HQ is ready to assign a big mission and a lot of dollars to one Center they have a better chance to compete over the others look what we invent it Ames can't do this over there give us the next moon orbiter the downside is that there is a ton of reinvention and duplicated efforts going on sometimes years of work go down the drain when another Center does the same thing faster of my perspective was you all work for NASA share knowledge collaborate I was frequently ordered to tone down anything revealing when speaking to other sensors that's not at all different from how the big National Labs used to work the rivalry between Lawrence live more and Los Alamos is almost legendary supposedly they got better about sharing but it wouldn't shock me if they were still up to the same hijinks not just true for NASA true for many government agencies the issue is that money is zero-sum and if one program is getting money it is getting cut from another program so everyone is fighting to get their share and avoid having to make staffing cuts fixing this would probably require a fundamental change in the executive branch as well as the appropriations process we would have to move from a leadership system in which you have new political appointees coming in every few years who aren't familiar with the program's to permanent leadership who are focused on making all the difference of agency departments work synergistically appropriations would have to change to have predictable funding levels for each program for several years as a lawyer I've viewed a lot of these in torts settlements the most common use of the NVA is to keep the award amount quiet so everyone won't sue the company hoping to get that sweet sweet settlement money edit several people have p.m. me about their NDA's and if they can talk about this or that I am NOT your lawyer I don't give legal advice to non clients you shouldn't take legal advice from strangers on reddit but it's called a settlement because you settled the matter let it go you got the hush money now do the hush s mhm as a lawyer who represents plaintiffs that sign these settlements I say over and over do not go post this on Facebook don't tell your friends just say that it's resolved and you were happy with the outcome inevitably a week later I'll get an email from defense counsel with my clients to Facebook link on some group we did IT guys just got dollar sign xxxxxx man fat affirming edit LOL Wow biggest karma post off my life to answer the question then what in a general answer it entirely depends on the settlement agreement maybe in the corporate world the settlement has to be returned at the release of claims stands there's a lot examples of losing a settlement agreement but for our agreements it would just nullify the agreement and put everyone back to square one would then likely settle again so I just had to reach out my client chew them out to remove everything and then send a follow-up to defense counsel assuring them that it's not going to happen again I like the lad your friends and family will all start asking you for money people will bring up old debts you owe them that you won't remember if they're real or not just keep it to yourself or you're going to hate it this seems to work better than the threat of legal consequences for breaking an NDA my dad brings up old debts any chance he gets all through high school up to now your sister owes me money for my car they sold ask her your brother owes me money from when I paid for his college ask him this should be higher up the list it's scary how incompetent people just go for their way into positions of power and really have no idea how to run a business I mean to be fair I'm talking some really big companies here one of our clients was coca-cola for example I'm not afraid to mention them as they were one of the few clients that really had their [ __ ] together their data was usually pretty on points and they were extremely thorough these big name companies make Bank but many of them had absolutely no clue where that bank was coming from but the key account managers just cared that their totals were good individual revenue streams didn't matter as long as in the end the sum total was fine same in some big insurance company several millions of euros that are asked to be ignored when it comes to analysis and reporting you know NDA's are only good if you have the money to see you worked with a company that didn't pay me so I told them their NDA didn't apply they threatened to sue my response you can't even afford to pay me you sure as hell can't afford to sue they also don't extend to keeping you from reporting illegal activity to the justice system some places may try to make people believe that and may even try to imply it in the NDA but it has no legal standing doesn't illegal content and legal contracts immediately void the entire contract while this is already public knowledge and they forgot to have me sign an NDA anyway but Savannah College of Art and Design Zalman Sofia McNally the independent person who's supposed to represent students in cases of unfair treatment by the school married one of the school's vice presidents - and is now Sofia a letter it's definitely a conflict of interest but she's still serving as independent Ombudsman and currently refusing to help students get any kind of refund now that all their classes are online and they don't have access to the expensive equipment their expensive tuition is supposed to be paying for edit row' this blew up for anyone affected by SCAD whether it was the abrupt closure of the hong kong campus financial burden lack of access to facilities poor e-learning quality etc you do still have recourse even if the Ombudsman may be working against you scats accreditation is up for a view with sax Kok this year sax cop will accept written complaints mailed to their office link below make sure to include documentation things advertised by admissions emails financial statements etc that unfortunately seems to be the only way to make them improve sax Kok org link and type e course policies edit - sorry I almost forgot there were a large number of Chinese students who were accepted and given the standard due date for their enrolment fee of a few months but then after the outbreak of covered 90 received another email from your admissions rep demanding payment of the enrollment fee within three days that is not okay whether you paid the fee or not please take the time to file a complaint with sax Kok and send them that material both the acceptance documents in the later email demanding payment in three days I may be remembering incorrectly but doesn't SCAD have a lot of issues with student health including abnormal attempted suicide rates with students wouldn't that fall under unfair treatment by the school this seems really problematic sure does here's a read for you link at Stefanie Franklin was stress suicided the Savannah College of Art and Design to e02 197 DDD 65 row sincerely thank you for this my youngest cousin attends Skadden this really explains a lot since the quarantine I've noticed she's been doing much better mentally I just assumed that was regular collegiate stress when I was fired from Auntie Anne's in 2010 I signed a 10-year non-compete NDA contract promising not to detail the baking secrets of work for another pretzel establishment well that ended this year so now I can run out and start a pretzel store because the secret I was keeping those making pretzels literally requires two products one of them being water and the other a large bag of pretzel meal dust powder quite literally anyone with 2,500 dollars can start a pretzel stand and make perfectly fine pretzels it's not difficult whatsoever edit I signed the letter when I was hired but I got a copy with my termination letter well you forgot to say what the secret browning agent is that all the pretzels get dipped into before they go on the sheet and into the oven it's baking soda and water mystery solved also lemonade two four eight refrigerate I think I'm finally ready to let the world know my secret if you've ever used very sight the loading spinners you see when the report loads and waiting for anything people kept complaining that reports were coming back too fast so it must not be working right it doesn't take long to complete a few hundred Google searches simultaneously so the loading spinner just makes you wait a few seconds longer so it feels like more is happening it's so glad to finally get that off my chest bonus fact edit I also added applying flip bottom reticulating splines and looking for cat memes as random loading messages but they wouldn't let me do harassing at Ted Cruz on Twitter this is a good one now we just need an elevator engineer to admit that the closed door button doesn't actually do anything to be blackballed by big elevator you'll never see that this reminded me of adding an egg to instant pancakes cakes brownies it's better are not actually necessary when Betty Crocker's instant baked goods brand first went on the market her sales were poor the team surveyed people and they were suspicious of baking from a powder adding the egg makes people feel that they're actually contributing to her baking process edit you / which ways up thinks I'm missing a detail and they seem to be right the originally introduced cake mix did not need egg or water for that matter it was then revised to now require water and egg oh you can still make it without and it will be edible but not for the best final product actually kind of better Fitz offs example a step was added to make a process less convenient but somehow reassured the user here's a Psychology Today article with more detail I worked at a small bakery in New York City when I was younger every morning the bakery would take their day-old cupcakes and deliver them to a tour company that did sex in the city tours the tour company would pass our cupcakes office cupcakes from Magnolia and significantly much more popular bakery I went on that tour with my ex-wife and ate one of those cupcakes edit the cupcake was pretty disappointing definitely tasted stale after the cupcake the tour took us to some swanky little underground bar where they fed us cosmopolitan Martinez and then it ended at a dildo store they set us up for a good time is that why she's an ex-wife she left in search for a real Mongolian cupcake edit well thanks for the silver I misread the comment didn't know about Magnolia or South Park reference till now lol the owner of the company is an absolute psycho they have been trying to hide developers for years now and despite paying really well they can't keep them I quit after three days I was trying to help out on a high-priority bug on my third day when I said all the requests to X endpoint are failing to which he replied I see one out of 500 requests exceeding does that sound like all to you he then called a company-wide All Hands meeting and proceeded to tell everyone how important it is that we all speak carefully and that we don't need ducking retards like me lying to the company making it harder to diagnose issues I told him to go duck himself and quit on the spot turns out the company has a big history of this my boss who had been there for two weeks had tried to quit the week prior but was convinced to stay on to meet me he left a few days after me apparently a few people got together and tried to tell the owner that he needs to watch how he talks to people and he blew up on them about it too I later heard that I was something like the tenth person to quit within their first month in a row this is juicy I like this one oh I forgot one other part of this story that makes it really funny they offered a quitting bonus thing since they were having so much trouble even getting people in the door for interviews due to a ton of bad company reviews they had in the contract that you would be able to get a few thousand if you left and weren't fired within the first 90 days apparently it was the owners idea well when I told the owner to duck off I quickly sent an email announcing my resignation to which he replied all saying let's have a phone conversation about this it would be highly premature for you to leave on your third day I declined the quitting bonus was contingent on signing a non-dispersive tirar left I get an email from the owners right-hand man sending me a link to an ex company Facebook group where past employees go to network or something I had no interest in that so I declined but I'm convinced that it was an attempt to get me to break my non-disparagement agreement if I joined the group and talked [ __ ] about the company he would try to sue for the quitting bonus back I don't know for sure that's what it was but it just stinks so did not jump trying to be clever also that quitting bonus is no longer offered on their recruiting page why the duck would you incentivize quitting Star Wars Battlefront 2 EA will have microtransactions the NDA was signed in 2016 I was getting more and more worried as the release date kept getting closer and then it happened the backlash was so strong that ei went down in the history books as most downvoted comment and read its history any more details you can dish out about this I remember when this all came to a head like back that the build of the game I saw wasn't even a game everything was in PDF and in the planning stage of development so I can confirm that the star cards and the whole BS progression system was planned for day one also Fernand phasma were fully developed and playable as early as June 2017 microtransactions and DLC are such the norm now that I feel companies aren't even trying to hide behind the idea that the DLC is developed after the game's initial release I remember a time when the fact Finan phasma were done and playable before release would have been a big scandal in itself McDonald's made me sign of NDA regarding a robbery that took place during a graveyard shift they made me take a ducking polygraph test because they thought my ex and I were involved due to the simple fact that I had stopped by that day to pick up some documents I was a manager I had business to do duck you mcmurdo edit thanks for the silver 3 edit 2 there are many questions some wonder if I made this up request details or explanations I'll give some extra context and I'll head out I was around 19 20 years old this was almost a decade ago I was pretty long even by the time I realized this might have been illegal I mentioned to a co manager and she advised me to not bring it up again as to not involve myself in trouble or damage my future job prospects I worked at a franchise located in a rural area with an almost entire Latino population where everyone knows each other I took home some the weekly schedules and production projections for highlighting they would make me do this highlighting [ __ ] weekly the store manager in charge would allow me to do this on a weekly basis the police showed up to the restaurant picked me up held me at the investigation building for around 8 hours and then they sent me home when I passed the polygraph test the area supervisor called a game to mention that he appreciated that I took the polygraph glad to hear I passed and that he would always have my back I roll I left the job at mid loads in 2014 at least it makes for a story to tell hell the first day of my first job was at a Hardee's we were robbed it was really obvious my manager had set it up and there was over a grand in my register and she wouldn't swap out the tail then when the robber was running off she yells out wait you forgot this and gets a $50 and $100 bills from under the dryer then pretended to faint after the police interviewed us they just left she expected me to finish my shift and I just laughed and walked out never to return I want the dark that seems almost surreal to me no way she got away with that did she I had to sign an NDA to work at his tech company and I'm still waiting to accidentally overhear something cool so I can feel special for knowing something important but being legally barred from disclosing it protip 99% of the other people there are in the same boat start talking loudly on the phone or in a state whisper with a colleague after overtly double-checking hey you signed the NDA right and you can at least make everyone else feel special well the data screw-up was just another package library issue they've reverted it now but you can't rollback what Evers in the wind already so did the NSA say anything about the strange numbers you were seeing what do you mean cleave the fish sure it runs faster now but unto you a little worried about the radiation the ducting like can subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 173,942
Rating: 4.8226709 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit and chill, People no longer bound by an NDA, what can you now disclose?, stories of nda, people no longer bound by an nda what can you now disclose?, nda, non disclosure agreement, what is a non disclosure agreeent, planet reddit, what to avoid in a non disclosure agreement, law, criteria of nondisclosure agreement, nasa, legally binding, People whose non disclosure agreements are broken what can you now disclose?
Id: szscBRi6HYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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