What are some "why the f**k do you know that" facts?

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our slash ass credit by Reddit and chill what is one fact you know that will make other people respond with and why the FK do you know that MLB umpires are required to wear black underwear in case their pants sweat during a game enriched ok lot so didn't maybe that's why the rule exists it's always one a-hole that ruins it for everyone else if you're trying to destroy a body a strong base will be much more successful in a strong acid acids are difficult to legally acquire due to them being ingredients and explosives it's caustic soda is much more useful and accessible as it's an ingredient in soaps 1 it's done you'll have a liquid that you can then place in barrels and bury somewhere even the bones will be broken down to an extremely brittle calcium deposit which you can easily crush and filter off you can then dispose of the liquid as you wish it makes great fertilizer alternatively use pigs they eat anything and will leave no traces and once again pig [ __ ] is great fertilizer edit Christ what a way to reach 100 K karma you outdone my comment welcome to ranked clay didn't realize these comments had skill based matchmaking after a Louis Alzheimers the first ever speech describing the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease no one in the audience asked him any questions or made any follow-up comments because they were all much more excited to hear the next guy on the list give a speech about compulsive masturbation who knew that masturbation could make you forget all about Alzheimer's oh I don't need masturbation to forget it since frogs have long tongues they can't use it to push food down their throat like humans do so when they have food in their mouths they close their eyes and push a food down their throats with their eyeballs they also vomit by throwing up their entire stomach emptying it with their hands and then swallowing their stomach again so they swallow their stomach with their eyes at that point I just threw up open the guts of a body before disposing in water so they won't inflate and are able to sink all the way to the bottom redacted what can I say I like to research true crime and as he was ditching her corpse in the lake he opened the comments in need of a break he read what they'd written before he began he looked at the body he said Dart change of plan siblings or parents and children that were separated from one another at birth or a very young age are often extremely sexually attracted to one another if they meet later in life at a phenomenon is called genetic attraction didn't think it was weird to know this until I shared with my boyfriend and he was totally weirded out thanks SVU Cumbria gov UK link well Star Wars original trilogy makes sense now and back to the future they only kiss to make on jealous mammals from house cats to elephants take about the same time to urinate 21 seconds on average if I recall correctly I seen an elephant pee at the zoo before it was cold and the ground had a few inches on ice and the elephant pee melted through to the ground thank you for my first silver I appreciate it when I saw an elephant P as the zoo she turned around to make sure people had a good view it was weird it takes more than six standard concrete blocks to hold a human body underwater after death is that with or without cutting the gut open I see you're already learning FBI and mi5 in shambles trying to suppress the information from this thread erections that lasts more than four hours are considered bad because a buildup of the oxygenated blood causes the dong to be disfigured and later caused gangrene it's called priapism and it's also extremely painful in extreme cases the penis is numbed with a local anesthetic and blood is removed from the penis with needles and syringes don't take edie pills if you don't need them as numerous people have pointed out yes the name is V arrived from the Greek God Priapus who was regularly depicted with a massive organ and there are many causes of priapism bites from certain venomous bugs including the Brazilian Wandering Spider side effects of other medications including trazodone spinal cord injuries gut STDs sickle-cell disease cancers of the penis etc also if bloodletting with syringes is not successful more extreme measures must be taken these measures include the use of a scalpel and are even more graphic in nature I'm sure you can use your imagination that will be the worst thing ever you got a rush into the hospital to get needles in your dong but also have to show random people your erection and they know you can't get hard on your own talk about traumatizing if you are having to go to the hospital for priapism there's a good chance you can get hard on your own the people take IDI pills recreationally regarding the Museum of mummies Ferdinand I of Naples governed by a pressure he had zero compassion for his defeated enemies and after falsely promising them amnesty he had them murdered instead after their murders he would have then mummified and added to his Museum of mummies dressed in their clothes if he thought anyone was plotting against him he'd simply take them on a casual tour of the museum which was totally morbid but effective I - I'm hyped about Crusader Kings three male bedbugs try to sexually penetrate everything they come into contact with even people edit row' my first silver Thank You bedbug awareness is incredibly important make sure you guys check yourselves they are very sneaky edit - a gold award - holy moly edit 3 what platinum what I'm stunned to go along with this female bedbugs don't have a sex organ so the male's have to literally stab them with their dongs the traumatic insemination is the name of the game sounds like a Cannibal Corpse song if you want to skin a human alive you have to do it in a warm room otherwise he will die of the cold because his skin doesn't isolate him anymore ahem excuse me water dark ahem excuse me the correct answer isn't why the FK do you know that won't they die when they lose about one stroke three of skin anyway or do I remember something wrong the largest walnut robe in the world is located outside the small village of Arslan bog in mountainous southern Kyrgyzstan local oral legend has it the Grove was planted by a migrants Wiseman nicknamed Arslan the wanderer DNA analysis of the trees have confirmed they are not native to the region and the local population came to the area from a related batch of seeds about 1,000 years ago sometimes when horses are bored they slap their dong to their underside to masturbate same tbh edit there you slap horse dongs you don't the most babies born to one women is 69 in the 1700s nice many species of sea cucumbers have evolved to have teeth in their anus to ward off potential inhabitants can they through their anus or is it just for protection purposes most cruise ships are equipped with a malt to account for any passengers who died during the voyage I thought they'd eat them into the ocean captain what should we do with this body size I don't care Johnson eat the son of a beach off the water slide into the ocean very good sir I read somewhere that men at old people are actually starting to use cruise ships as assisted living facilities when they can no longer get by on their own but the tickets for a month of cruises are about the same as a month's stay in a facility there is plenty to do on boat Dicky them active cooking and cleaning is taken care off and the weather is usually beautiful vibrators were the fifth domestic electrical device invented edit saw it in a documentary called original sin sex on hot star if you want to check it out because doctors were tired of masturbating women for them to relax from hysteria if I recall correctly this can't be real dude edit I stand corrected edit - I have been bombarded by comments quoting articles saying that this is a myth I'm relieved knowing my great-grandma wasn't getting finger-banged by the town's doctor and paying for it thanks guys this was back in the days when alcohol has one of the least fun things you would find in a doctor's bag cannabis tinctures cocaine heroin laudanum and all kinds of other [ __ ] I think medical theory of the time focused on distraction and hoping the problem fixed itself this is something my bio teacher taught me last year basically male barnacles have the longest penis to body ratio and the penis actually extends out of the barnacle and goes searching around for female barnacles to have sex with stop calling Danny DeVito a barnacle male giraffes will headbutt a female in the bladder until she urinates then it tastes the pee to help it determine whether or not the female is ovulating be right back gonna try that with my wife do you still have a wife he is currently in Kurtis mode why is goose geese but moose is not Meese well I'm glad you asked goose has Germanic origins and thus follows the Germanic pluralization in the same manner as foot defeat tooth to teeth etc however the word moose was incorporated into the English language some 200 years later and has Native American origins look at all those duck eye nice edit row' this is my first comment that have that much attention thanks only about 1.4 percent of the uranium and the atom bomb dropped in Hiroshima are actually fishermen meaning that bomb was only about two percent as strong as it could have be was all knotted supposed to fish inori's adjusts the nature of the way it's made that only a small part will actually fission it is next to completely impossible to get all the material to fission as when the fish and first starts the resulting explosion scatters of nuclear material in all directions it's just the nature of the design the uranium blasted itself apart before much of it could fishermen just as they predicted the Hiroshima bomb design was never tested before you because it was so simple they were extremely confident it would work they did small-scale tests by assembling a critical mass of uranium and very quickly disassembling it the human body can literally expel fesses out of your mouth instead of your ass several terminal illnesses and late stages have fecal vomiting it boggles my mind that you are not allowed to have a lethal dose of morphine at your own leisure if you find yourself in that horrible state late in life I remember this poor young woman had terminal cancer she uploaded a video to YouTube about being a proponent for Death with Dignity one of her great fears was that she would die by choking on her own fecal matter and horribly she died in just that way horrific edit here is her video I just found on dailymotion her name was Angelique flowers dailymotion comlink I used to know a nurse who had to deal with that once the guy was constipated so badly that he was [ __ ] out of his mouth I guess anyway she said it's the worst thing she's ever smelled way worse that just straight poop apparently instead of a penis mail sharks have two classmates they're made of the same cartilage as their skeleton and also attached to their pelvis edit thanks for the gold I can't believe my highest-rated comment is about shark dongs so legs only a matter of time before they evolve into land sharks this is the real cost of climate change boys land sharks that walk on their penises when the pilgrims first landed in America they found these weird dirt mounds in a field so they dug them up and discovered they were Native American graves oops they returned everything but then came back later to take the cooking pots and utensils that had been buried with the corpses they apparently packed really light on the way over and didn't bring basic household essentials which would be really useful in oh I don't know starting a ducking colony Boston is roughly on the same latitude as Barcelona the pilgrims thought they were getting a Mediterranean climate not a freezing winter babies don't have kneecaps edit this is for people whining in the comments that I'm wrong not after I'm done with them at least yo can I get that baby Bo ne le SS M concerned most of the dolphin population is the result of rape guilty r slash holler yeah I read about that to add to this dolphins in the Amazon River like to engage in homosexual intercourse is by penetrating each of us blowhole the Nazis led Soviet children try to provide blood transfusions for injured troops Wow after scrolling this far down this is the one that really got me ducked up Islands rail gauge is slightly wider than the international standard yet its tram system uses the international standard are yes a fellow rail enthusiasts please stop with the shitty herder rail people it's not funny most birds don't have intermittent reproductive organs like a penis or vagina and they share their genes through a hole called a cloaca that leads to their inner organs the act is called a cloaca l-- kiss and is over super fast most duck species however do have intermittent organized the penis is shaped like a corkscrew and can be 50% or more of the length of the duck in some species this is because the vagina is an elaborate maze of twists and turns creating an evolutionary arms race between the sexes the longest Duk dong award goes to the Argentine Lake duck though here's a mere 15 inches long his dangling screw is up to 16 inches erect now that's gotta produce some drag edit should be intermittent thanks u /m fastest for pointing that out edit - people seem to struggle with the why females resist mating much like humans female ducks like to choose the best male to reproduce with they will make themselves available to the males they prefer in this mechanism allows them to resist advances from the males they don't deem worthy thank you for that amazing info all that duck dongs - the list of things that make me insecure on my penis size human [ __ ] has a distinct smell Maps different from other commonly encountered poops you ever smelled pig [ __ ] pig [ __ ] smells very similar to human [ __ ] I work on a farm and have developed an uncanny ability to identify different types of [ __ ] by smell if only there was a way to use my powers for good don't buy rabbit already skinned and gutted could well be cat they look really similar if it's already skinned you need to see the kidneys to tell they're installed in a different config second don't make risky meat purchases from a sunday market trailer in a shady part of town you can definitely tell by the teeth protip always get ones with the head still attached Australian box jellyfish have 64 anuses finally enough holes the slitting of the front of the throat is much more improbable than most people realize given a bone is actually blocking the spots at most see in movies TV shows if in fact a movie wanted to be more realistic they would instead have the sides of the throat slit because of the main artery that sits in that spot go to try this out someday thanks for the tips about one girl out of 100.000 will have the vaginal and anal tracts fused together meaning that they can in fact get pregnant doing anal do women know when they have this condition or is it not very obvious usually people can tell if it's bad enough because their vagina will smell bad or it is sometimes predisposed to recurrent infection it's called a reto vaginal fistula it can be surgically corrected you can hang yourself in three ways rope really short suffocation medium length rope break neck really long rope decapitation yep the British Empire in the 1800's had hangings down to a perfect system they knew exactly how long to set the rope based off off size and weight of the condemned to achieve the perfect neck break every time they were also incredibly efficient in the actual process of hanging someone it took them very little time to do it all these skills lost to time male moths can vibrate their testicles that look to throw off bats edit oh wow my first gold thanks guys did not expect this comment to get me one but here I am the longest recorded piece of poop is 26 feet long a typical ejaculation consists on one calorie edit if you swallow the semen it will give you one calorie you do not burn one calorie the longest recorded piece of poop is 26 feet long and how many Couric's is that rubbing alcohol is a great way to get the smell of smeared poop out of skin Jeffrey Dahmer tried to make sex zombies out of some of his victims by drilling holes in their heads while they were still alive and pouring acid into the holes I was listening to a podcast yesterday that mentioned that his last victim escaped but had had this procedure done and when he tried to tell police he couldn't physically communicate that he had been abducted and tortured Dharma caught up with him and convinced the police that the boy was just tired and needed some rest agreed and let's Dhamma take him back scary stuff edit couldn't not good edit for those wondering the podcast was full-body chills episode an open letter to my best friend the reference was made in passing it wasn't specifically about Dharma but it was made by the same team that does crime junkie so I have no reason to doubt its validity if I recall correctly the officers thought it was just a homosexual lover's quarrel and let Dharma take the kid back to the apartment I would imagine the cops then spent at least some of their shift cracking jokes about the situation while the kid was being tortured raped experimented upon by Dharma terrifying stuff oh duck can't imagine the feeling that you escaped and was taken back again did he survive butterflies taste with their hind feet imagine walking around NYC like that before kale became a popular health food the largest consumer of kale was Pizza heart they bought it to ring the salad bar if you are stranded on a desert island with only the bodies of other people as a source of food you will want to only eat the legs arms and but as they are the most easily prepared parts of the human body all other parts are either too close to Vicor bacteria-infested organs or are just and safe to eat in general for example the brain the legs arms and but can be easily cooked over a small fire to make it safe to eat even though the actual caloric intake of human flesh is nutritionally less viable than most other animals edit people keep asking why eating the brain and other parts might be terrible here is a link for a video about it youtube link edit to my first silver Tilly the ass first a corpse can have an erection it is called angel lust or death erection die hard it takes two three days to cremate a body on a standard bonfire edit so I've never had a comment get such an insane number of up votes and replies before not even close Wow a lot of people are asking how I know this so I figured I'd explain I studied for a rather specific master's degree around psychological trauma it was particularly pertinent to the army so within our small class were a few officers from the Army being sent to touch up their learning one of them was an army doctor who had been with them for more than 30 years can't remember exactly how the conversation got to this point but he made some quip about having to burn a body and if taking two or three days to burn on a bonfire we asked him why he was burning a body and his only response was we weren't allowed to bury it we never could convince him to elaborate further it turned out that one of his deployments was to Rwanda as part of operation Gabriel immediately after the genocide if I had to guess it might have been something to do with that when dealing with more than a million dead bodies many were likely never identified or claimed by next of kin and perhaps for some reason this one couldn't be buried with the others again this is purely speculation so take it with a pinch of salt so you're telling me funeral pyres would have taken days to look after broccoli and cauliflower are man-made it was carefully bred by Italian farmers more than 2,000 years ago carefully breeding different types of wild cabbage to create it Brassica that wild cabbage was bred into broccoli cauliflower kale bok choy Brussels sprouts kohlrabi collard greens mustard rapeseed turnips rutabaga pigs with a prolapsed anus are at risk of being eaten by other pigs same with chickens they see red and they peck at it till the chicken dies and then usually eat it male echidnas have a four-headed penis well duh how else can knuckles fly Costco has spent hundreds of millions developing factories just so they can continue to offer their hotdogs and soda combo for one dollar and fifty cents and their rotisserie chicken for $4.99 in 2006 a coca-cola employers tried to sell secrets to Pepsi Pepsi told coca-cola about it Pepsi went to the FBI about it Pepsi doesn't need or want a copy Coke Pepsi sells because it's not coke the stripper pole spins so they don't rub the skin off of their hands and legs there's static and rotating poles some tricks are done on a static pole some on a rotating one many pole dancing competitions will have both set up on stage so a routine can consist on both the world's youngest mom was five edit she was impregnated at four , it takes about five six hours in a boiling like bath to fully dissolve the body less if the pot you're using has a pressure cooker attachment all you'll be left with is bone shadows little undissolved bits of calcium that can be crushed and a pinkish gray slurry that can be neutralized with vinegar so it can be safely down edit I learned about this from disposing of deer carcasses after harvesting the usable mate we take the offal and bones pop the joints and chuck them in the pot let it go outside for a few hours then discreetly dispose of the slurry ducting like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 1,415,121
Rating: 4.928143 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, reddit and chill, What are some why the f*ck do you know that facts?, reddit and chill why do you know that, why do you know that, why do you know that facts, why do you know those facts, scary why do you know that facts, reddit & chill, facts you want to know, facts you did not know, NSFW facts, nsfw facts reddit and chill, askreddit funny, askreddit top posts, facts, r/askreddit, interesting fun facts, did you know
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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