What was the most shocking thing you heard the "quiet kid" say?

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our slash asked readied by reddit and chill what was the most shocking thing you heard the quiet kid say nothing let me explain I took a class with seung-hui Cho the Virginia Tech shooter one semester before the shooting the class was called contemporary horror it was a one time elective offered by my favorite professor weary horror novels and watched horror films and discussed the craft of creating scary stories but also how they reflected or represented their errors fears it was a great class there were only about 15 students and it was discussion heavy show was one of them I honestly never noticed him even in that small class until halfway into the semester he wasn't quiet he was silent so on the day we all finally noticed him our professor asked him something directly and Cho just stared at him I can't remember the question but the nature of it meant silence was potentially unacceptable and funny response so we all laughed except sure he just kept staring at our professor our laughter awkwardly died and after a few moments of uncomfortable silence our professor just said hoooo GAE and moved on it was so strange but I forgot about that weird moment until after his rampage that Professor later told me that Cho's papers had been disturbing but the nature of our course meant the envelope was being pushed a bit and it had never been bad enough to suggest he'd do what he did that professor was a good man and he admitted he struggled with not blaming himself on some level for one not identifying how severe Cho's mental health problems were unto for the graphic and terrible nature of some of what we watched in that class which may have inspired show he knew that was [ __ ] but a part of him couldn't help but feel some blame it was terribly sad edit added the second para well this changes the tone of the thread we didn't know the rage of youth we didn't see the signs we didn't look to spy the truth or read between the lines we didn't think to feel the threat the storm of pain and pride the masked misguided silhouette that crept corrupt inside we didn't hear the things we should becoming closing call but then I wonder how we got there were no words at all I think this type of answers is what Opie was looking for edit by the way my username is about farts not sho I was best friends with the choir kid in middle school it wasn't so much shocking as the stupidest thing I've heard him say he got this thousand-yard stare all of a sudden and just said I can't remember what color my dog is I don't know why but I am crying I am laughing so hard at that thank you no problem I guess that's just where he was when the acid kicked him someone needs to Truman show this kid in high school there was this really quiet girl named Grace she was a pleasant person but wouldn't say anything more than hi all sorry unless you asked her something even then she'd appear terrified it was at prom and I was in the parking lot of the venue we had from that I lost her contact and had to run to my car to grab my glasses in the parking lot grace was smiling and walking from her car she looked at me laughed and said while her prom date just fingered the yuck out of me I still laugh about it to this day or I saw this comment before Krusty's and thought maybe it'll be a heartwarming story no but it did warm up some fingers I don't know I'm always happy to hear about someone having a normal teenage experience without getting hurt 72 virgins is nowhere near enough virgins for eternity that's like a week's worth of virgins the quiet ones get older the meek shall inherit the puss but not its mineral rights playing rugby hooker fails completely at lineout someone shouts jokingly does anyone know any good hookers to replace patrick quietest guy on the team never hear him say anything maybe Patrick's mom can help proceed to fall on floor line out line in it's all the same as an American who knows nothing about rugby I thought you were talking about a prostitute and was throughly confused as to why a hooker was playing rugby they're people too all right it's $80 an hour what do you want to do with me wink we need even teams for rugby so this one kid who barely ever said two words one day asks the teacher for the time it was at some after-school thing and there was no clock the teacher says the classic time for you to get a watch which for some reason was funny to everyone else the quiet kid doesn't laugh he looks the teacher dead in the eyes and once everyone quieted down he says so are you gonna tell me the uckin time or what we were in like seventh grade can't blame him can't tell you how many times I've heard that stupid joke whenever that happens just say I'd get a watch if I had the time that's kind of awesome edit it makes me sad that this is my most upvoted comment one of my students hardly said a word all year until a couple weeks ago I was trying to get a group of talkative ones under control and she had enough she girls out shut the akka I am trying to work Hugh King a s awkward silence followed because I didn't know how to handle the normally studious and quiet one losing it I was like this in middle school not exactly quiet but I never really socialized except with people right beside me in the form of asking for a pencil one day the classroom douche happened to be more douche why than I could stand for and I stood up out of my seat and yelled at him and sat back down the entire class fell silent but he never got that douche wagon I yelled over a class of 30 great lines playing instruments pretty much as loud as try good and I'm pretty sure I scared anyone as normally I barely speak above a whisper this makes sense the quiet ones that includes me usually have an unreal level of patience and ability to mute feelings they're all bottled up in there so eventually there will be a snapping point like the popping of a balloon and it happens real quick then it's gone nothing else in the tank others are afraid they'll blow up again so they're scared but they won't blow up again because it took months or years to build up all that energy but no one else has to know that semicolon an annoying friend Dylan quiet kid you're so arcing stupid sometimes Dylan at least I don't suck massive d all the time my name is Dylan and I used to be quiet I honestly could have said this edit hey this is the first time my name has been relevant uh yes quite what oops I meant quiet this was when I was in my first semester on college two years ago there was this girl who never said a word the teacher would ask her questions she would just not say a word I can honestly never remember her even making a noise one day the teacher got upset he felt like she was ignoring him and that she was being disrespectful so he like Anora said did no one teach you how to speak she stood up walked up to the whiteboard grabbed his marker and wrote I am mute you foolish sucker apparently no one ever told the teacher that she had a disability but she was one bad behind mother akka for taking his marker out of his hand and writing that lol she should have told him she had a disability well yep actually the teacher kept asking her questions over and over for some period of time but she never did anything but sit there she's in college it's not like it's impossible for her to communicate write a note and take it to the teacher at the end of class or if she's too embarrassed to do that send a message through the college's disability office the teacher should have been informed but bureaucratic oversight happens when you're dealing with a class of college freshmen and someone refuses to speak up the fact that they might literally be mute is probably not the goat of thought she should have said it loud and clear in julia hive the mid-eighties the game Trivial Pursuit was all the rage we played it in math class one day in this kid Gary who never said anything at all totally spanked everyone else by answering every single sports related trivia question he got a lot of attention for it and I believe he walked a little taller after that day I don't think I ever heard him say anything else but I did see him sitting on the bleachers at a few sports events it was the moves at school having just shown me the scope for her supposedly his sniper rifle if the fire alarm ever goes off and you can't find me don't use the doors as an exit well he was nice enough to warn you better to be his friend than his target practice : or see he's a nice guy giving you a heads up like that what if we killed everyone with cancer to stop it from spreading you finally decide to speak and that is what you go with Jesus ucking Christ what good are you um you doc are / should i ask since there was one girl in my school who i've only ever heard speak once the entire time i knew her it was during lunch and two black kids got into a fight i heard her say under her breath a king negus i am her i was banging you at the time oh you're into that we were chilling at a bar in Prague and someone rolled up some hash oil and tobacco and passed him around the quiet kid hit it and got even quieter 20 minutes later some aggressive growling black metal comes on and out of nowhere he yells kill your parents we aachen lost it he was pretty happy with himself I think quiet kid just told you why he was quiet they thought I was joking I must never smoke anything again the quiet kid from migrate stood up one day grabbed a broom stood on a chair and began trying to swat bees that got inside one bee landed on the window where quiet kid proceeded to yell guy bee die and then swatted and shattered the window he screeched when it happened and then sat back down never heard him speak again that man is going to Valhalla after Italy related incident Wow literally this question came at a perfect time I was just thinking about this and it was by far in sophomore year of high school this kid was so odd that honestly no one ever really noticed him but one day he's sitting across from me at a table and he sees this one girl in really tight shorts and goes goddamn I could have my head up her behind for months it was pretty shocking this could be weird or really weird depending on which kind of head he meant dude could have warned her like a heart I'm disappointed you guys didn't fall in love and get married I didn't want to say this but we did kiss when I had to move away because of my parents divorcing that was a year later and I didn't really think much of it until I started high school that's the farthest we ever got though and she never said anything around me besides that one event though wipes say you guys didn't say anything just kissed a sweet story bTW I'm happy I'm not black because I would be loud and annoying she got suspended for two days however one day I cut in line at lunch in front of the quiet shy kid he's all like hey I'm all like what are you gonna do about it he's all like I'm gonna rape your daughter I'm all like I don't have a daughter he's all like I can wait I'm all like oh oh don't cut in limes a lesson learned well that day as an ax kid I had a similar experience grabbed a pencil off his desk give that back or what I'll rape your sister I don't have a sister then I guess I'll have to rape your mother first I stopped being an Italian meir is this big while making a circle with her fingers edit lots have asked how big it was it was probably the size of a euro not too big not too small just like Goldilocks is er I'm sure it was jus what who was trite and no unfortunately I did not check the OL a turd cutter out I've failed you reddit I'm sorry I feel like an ER about this big how big was the circle this big that big are locking rape you he said it under his breed when a cute girl walked by apparently he had a crush on her that's so act up did she hear it that's how he met your mother quiet kid sneezes boy behind her god bless you huh God isn't real did she tip her Fedora and fly away in a cloud of euphoria in kindergarten there was this kid donnatal and he never said a word he was nice enough played games and everything but completely silent one day we were looking out the classroom window as a cop drove by Donatello opens his mouth and says police car at the time we were all excited to hear him speak but looking back that kid must have had some real dark history living in a sewer with three brothers and a talking rat who forces you to do karate all day does that to you just sounds like he was a quiet kindergarten student who saw a police car to me this douchebag kid who constantly ought to hit people was in line with the quiet kid in the quiet kids friend the quiet kid is a bit overweight so when he gets up to the lunch lady and gets his chicken nuggets the douchebag says you don't want extra nuggets big guy the quiet kid out of nowhere just starts ranting no I am all set but what are you up to this weekend you wanna hang out grab some food maybe yuck a bit I like to be on top and you look like a bottom what do you say one look tonight the entire line is dead silent the douchebag starts getting all pissed off and acting like he's gonna start to fight and the choir kid says okay fine you can be top baby to the dauch bag kid leaves to the entire line laughing the Barons off at his expense no idea of the quiet kid was gay or he just knew that even jokingly suggesting the douche kid was a homosexual would upset him more than anything but I do know he left the line with his delicious chicken nuggets and a huge smile on his face [ __ ] Trevor Phillips right there in middle school the quiet kid Stephen had an archrival Robbie in class Robbie always seemed to come out on top of their little scuffles mostly because Stephen couldn't really formulate or execute a burn or a comeback he just rolled over unless Robbie get his insults in until the teacher stepped in one day I was walking behind Robbie after that class and Stephen quietly crept up behind him before Robbie could even turn around he got as close as possible and said if I was to come into your house and kill you while you were sleeping I doubt anyone would even notice then he disappeared into the darkness of the science hallway I don't remember the exact words but that was pretty damn close I was about 55% shocked 30% laughing hysterically on the inside and 15% terrified Robbie never made fun of ill stevia game OMG I know a Robbie into Stephen and this is exactly how things would go down are you from wi USA don't tell reddit they'll kill your family for reposts in class we were studying genetics and one guy was being a real douche and the teacher couldn't get him to shut up and then after discussing inbreeding and dogs one quiet kid raises his hand and says so is this likely how Peter ditch became so uh King [ __ ] I've got a friend like this I relate him to a sniper rifle he doesn't make comments like that often maybe once every month or two but every one of them is goddamn glorious it's an art most people would then try to cough it form the conversation with forced jokes trying to get the same response I bet your grandmother got raped at Nanking Jesus I was the quiet kid I go to a private school so there's a fair share of spoiled privileged kids in any case while most people are pretty nice there's a lot of complaining anyways I was in English class which is one of my favorites except that I don't really have any friends in the class I had trained myself to not say anything because when I did thy was usually met with groans and a chorus of you / reclaiming for breweries doing it again the teacher was a nice young pretty English major who had also gone to a private school so she was used to well-behaved kids to her delight my class is that the only negative quality about most of the students is like I said complaining about completely inane things somewhat early in the year when she was still under the impression that we were all well behaved uniformed young men and women during a quiz a random girl decided to start whining about analogies understand this is the kind of class we're talking during quizzes is socially acceptable because it's understood that no one's cheating or dumb enough to cheat by straight-up asking people the answer I had gotten pretty sick of the complaining so after she finished her rant about analogies I pulled out an old line from Dave Barry thus ruining my classes state of grace forever and that's why I started doing heroin at the time I thought that would be pretty hilarious but instead the class just stared at me and the shop teacher couldn't seem to find the words to say but no one in the class really knew me well so they had no reason to believe I was joking I probably would have left my behind off at that your humor has not gone unappreciated my younger brother is so perfect that my family always jokes that he's probably a drug dealer sometimes when we make references to this in places other than the house people take us seriously once while my brother was hanging out with some friends I made an offhand remark about how he had a bad heroin problem when my brother left the room for a second one of his friends confronted me very worried about my brother's supposed heroin problem I had to explain that the reason I said that it because he's almost definitely not on heroin my brother is a straight-a Mormon student who is the president of the state FBLA and has scholarships to just about everywhere you would not believe how men are kids just like that go nuts when they get to college we sat in the classroom and I think 5th grade my friend had done a PowerPoint presentation about Eminem he talked about that he lived in a trailer as a young boy and the quiet straight A student stands up and said just like you and asks to use the toilet no one understood anything of what just happened we live in North Europe it's practically no one that lives in a trailer here my friend didn't mom's sphaghetti knees weak armed spaghetti but on the surface he has calmed spaghetti our quiet kid was Tommy Tommy never said anything ever out of all the lunches we ate at our table senior year I think Tommy was the only one who never told a story or even added anything to the conversation he just always sat in the same spot along the wall eating his lunch and laughing occasionally at our jokes one day we were sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch and sharing stories like we always do my friend Raymond had spent the previous night with a girl named hailey she was a 2 years younger but already had a reputation of hooking up with a lot of different guns so he was telling us everything that went down kind of bragging even though nobody was really impressed as we were aware of Hailey's reputation anyways Raymond gets done telling his story then proceeds to pull out his sandwich I think it was some sort of fish it didn't look very appealing to Raymond or us so he says this looks disgusting but I'll give it a try anyways and proceeds to take a bite in pipes Tommy is that what you said about hailey last night everyone explodes into laughter drawing the attention of the entire cafeteria Raymond is just sitting back mid-bite stunned I'm bent over in pain from laughing others are on the floor one guy ran to the bathroom because he thought he was going to puke from laughing even ray had to laugh I never noticed him laugh but Tommy had this slight grin on his face the rest of the lunch our perfect setup prefect execution ten points kid I've never heard you say anything loudly you need to shout something out quiet kid what kid shouts something in the middle of a classroom a full blow high-pitched roar is heard quiet kid Christmas it was a Muslim kid who didn't even celebrate Christmas what a dude in class he asked the woman teacher if he could go to the toilet she sternly replied you've got two minutes Richard and Richard says two minutes it takes me that long to unravel it teacher goes red and everyone loses it we were having a [ __ ] elective course and we ran out of stuff to do so we wound up having story time my friend walks up to the front and starts telling us about how he once got pretty badly injured basically he was walking into his friend's house slipped on some black ice faso planted on it and his front teeth tore off most off his front lip and broke off he ran into the house babbling and bleeding he was like 11 and was missing part of his face so he wasn't 100% coherent at the time and his friend's mom takes one look runs into her bedroom locks the door and doesn't do anything until my friend dad arrives and starts screaming at her my friend says he still has no idea why the grown adult woman couldn't handle the situation any better and we all start making guesses and [ __ ] psychoanalysis cue the quiet kid raising his magnificent head and blessing us with enlightenment maybe she just needed to finger herself real quick he started to attack someone in my class with a table when the teacher got a cup of coffee that was quite something whitey attacked another guy with a table that's like a whole new level of pissed off right there edit apparently tables were are the weapon of choice for a lot of people headed to our IP my inbox also tables seem to be the weapon of choice for like half fog reddit one thing I always say as a quiet guy is whenever people are talking about me within earshot they usually say something like that Mix Master burn he just never talks then I say no but I hear everything they all just kind of laugh awkwardly and slither away I think it's weird how my lack of conversation is such a huge conversation starter edit spelled my name right ducking like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 124,848
Rating: 4.9231563 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, What was the most shocking thing you heard the quiet kid, reddit and chill, quiet kid social behavior, quiet kid, quiet kid shocks, quiet kid actions, quiet kid norms, r/askreddit, shocking, teacher, school, online school, say?, online class
Id: 3K4hdNpkROE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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