Make-A-Wish Workers, What Are Some Wishes You HAD To Say No To? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)

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make-a-wish recipients and workers what were some wishes you had to say no to make a wish wish granter here and I have to say it is the ultimate sadness when we have to stop the process because a noncustodial parent won't sign the paperwork it's happened far too often what's the interaction like with that parent do you get to give them a piece of your mind or try to shame them or is it just like her well as a wish granter I do the part where we meet the child and the parents and then as long as no one is a douche we get to actually grant the wish our central office staff are the lucky folks who have to track down the non-custodial parent and ask for their permission to grant the wish for the child I'm just a volunteer so the paid people do the extra challenging stuff like that I would hope they'd at least say something to make them reevaluate their life for denying their child a wish when that child not only has a life-threatening illness but also clearly are not so happy family life on top of it all every single time I have had a noncustodial parent refuse it's been because of spite towards the other parent they don't want that parent getting a free trip or any benefit from the wish not to say they're errant other people who have had other reasons to decline but that's sadly been the reason in my experience usually the wishes we had to say no to were from the kids family members there was always some uncle grandma cousin sibling or parent who wanted to hijack the kid's wish a classmate of mine now passed got a meet-and-greet with sammy sosa the understanding from the make-a-wish people was that Sammy would sign autographs and sit with the family for a while now this kid was all about Sammy he had his jerseys loved son is little leaps after homeruns and I even was begin to pet see because of Sammy - when the day came Sammy showed up late he didn't respond when the family greeted him it was described as a sullen silence signed a glove and then walked away my classmates started crying once it was clear Sammy was not going to come back right when the parents were about to leave another baseball player named Corey Patterson saw my classmates a mob signed everything they had and talked and joked around with the family for over a half hour curry became my classmates favorite player that day and I think he lived perhaps a year after that moment at his funeral my classmates picture with curry was one of the prominent pictures that moment in day truly truly meant the world to him he was around 10 to 11 I like to this day I'm unsure if someone from Make A Wish found or if the moment was as spontaneous as it was described to me but no matter what Cobre will always have a special place in my heart because of that story edit I of course was not there and I'm not a primary source for Sam his interactions with my classmate but I know and trust the family edit - Wow I did not expect this post to take off like this nor did I expect the silver shoutout to Kobe Paterson being amazing one thing that a couple of Ananse have pointed out that I think is worth mentioning is that it seems unlikely that make-a-wish would organize a meet and greet with Sammy Sosa gently suggesting I was miss remembering the context the anons argued that it's more likely their meet-and-greet would be with the Cubs team as a whole and that this changes the context of Sammy's actions if the meet-and-greet wasn't directly with him what I do remember is that this story really rocked our tight-knit community but made us that much more appreciative of Curry Patterson my little brother has had two heart transplants so far and will probably get another before it's all said and done his wish was to go to Nintendo well Nintendo Japan doesn't grant wishes but Nintendo of America does he stayed in Seattle for a few days and had a day long tour of Nintendo unfortunately Ricky wasn't in the office that day but the treehouse staff led him around all day this was right before the switch came out so he got to play breath of the world before anyone they gave him a sweet goodie bag and let him go on a shopping spree in the employee store I received a wish when I was 15 at that time I was madly in love with Harry Styles and of course wanted to use my wish you toe meet him and spend the day with him after telling the wish coordinate of she broke the news to me that if I were to meet him it would be a year from then with about 15 other kids for a very brief moment a hello and a photo upon hearing that disappointing news I changed my wish and instead went to Australia for 10 days with my family and swam in the Great Barrier Reef just for some background both my sister and I are pretty damn sick and so we had the rare occasion where we both got wishes my family suggested that we just do one but make-a-wish was adamant that we each got our own my sister's make-a-wish was to meet Taylor Swift we flew to Nebraska for two days got in the same meet-and-greet liners people who won radio contests took a picture with Taylor Swift and that was that I on the other hand asked to meet Kristoff in Arlen he had never been requested for a wish so we were flown to LA where we got a tour of the Warner Brothers lot and then had a private lunch with Nollan and Emma Thomas's wife we hung out for two hours where they finally left because they had some film related thing to do we found out later that had only agreed to an hour but during the lunch insisted that he stayed longer it was quite interesting how we both had celebrity wishes and they both turned out so differently I asked for a shotgun because I was into clay shooting they said no went for a rally driving day they picked my family and I up in a limo drove us two hours to the place and then I had the whole place to myself and lots of time behind the wheel it was great they paid for pro pictures and a meal after for my family and my godparents family even just gave me some spending money I had a great time 10 years later still alive this isin't my personal story but of my uncle who passed away shortly after I was born he loved the Terminator so much that he wanted nothing more than to meet on old Schwarzenegger due to having a busy schedule on olds agent had to deny him of his wish a couple of times was filming for the second Terminator my uncle was so determined to meet Arnold that he then changed his wish Utah meeting Mariah Shriver Arnold's because of his determination he was allowed on set of Terminator 2 Judgment Day he got to meet Arnold Moriah and Arnold stunt-double my mom still has the pictures and it makes my heart soar make-a-wish is fantastic and I'm so glad my uncle got to live out his dream update thank you for everyone who read this and left a reply my uncle was a great guy and I wish I called gotten to know him personally I called my mom and let her know about this comment and all your responses she loved her brother more than anything and hearing so many people got to know one of his stories made her so happy thank you everyone in glad his legacy gets to live on in such a positive way my condition prevented international travel so even though my top wishes were to go to Japan or to the UK to meet Jay K Rowling those were the night I ended up doing a shopping spree at Mall of America which sounds kind of lamay but I grew up poor and had a lot of fun being able to just buy things for myself without worrying first thing I bought was a new pair of glasses since my old ones were scratched to shoot and too weak anyway when I was in college I had a good friend named John we were both in automotive eight hours a day for two years one day we grabbed sushi on lunch and he casually mentioned at 12 years old current age 20 he was a recipient of make-a-wish he asked for sushi and just sushi you could see his eyes light up just telling the story they set him up with a private lunch at a local sushi bar where he had the entire selection of sushi rolls laid out in front of him with each and every possible condiment / roll / side not an expensive or grandeur request but make-a-wish went above and beyond I've been the recipient and later on after my health improved I volunteered as a wish coordinator my original wish was to attend the Oscars that got denied by the Academy as they do not grant wishes I wound up going to the People's Choice Awards as a VIP make-a-wish flew my family to LA for a week all expenses paid they got us a limo for the show paid for my dress hair and makeup we walked the red carpet and were seated very close to the stage it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience the generosity of the volunteers is remarkable they even had someone greet us at the airport on arrival it was extremely important to me that my brother and sister were included in my wish because mildness had robbed them of part of their childhoods I'm forever indebted to everyone who made my wish possible when I turned 18 I decided to volunteer as a wish coordinator to give back to an organization that did so much for me I met with wish kids and their families we would always arrive with a gift for all the children and the family based on a little survey they filled out we'd talk with the child and help define their wish it's important to determine the child's true wish and make sure that it isn't influenced by parents the most common wishes to go to the Smee celebrity meet and greets are the ones that often can be turned down first because it is undefined what a meet and greet is it could be the child literally waving at someone and no one wants that and second because not all celebrities grant wishes or can shed you'll time to meet which kids the coolest wish I worked on was a shopping spree for a boy who was confined to his room he got 7 K to go buy videogames TV's a tricked-out lazy boy etc' for the ultimate gaming setup when I was a baby until I was 5 I had cancer and got some wishes my first wish was for a computer I only wanted a computer because it came with a mouse yes I thought it came with a real Mouse so obviously it was rejected because you can't have pets when you basically live in a hospital and my family was brokers Frick anyway so they called to give us a pet I ended up getting some dope-ass googly eye glasses and an epic trip to Disney World it was the only family vacation we ever got to go on I worked for make-a-wish Junior genie as I like to say we had to say no to wishes all the time either the person the kid wanted to meet didn't grant wishes the place they wanted to go didn't grant wishes their wish was ridiculously expensive / prohibitive doctor didn't sign off on the wishes it wasn't a good idea for their health and so on for the most part our volunteers were pretty good at helping kids zero in on that perfect wish I've helped coordinate some wishes that I was surprised to see were approved usually it strips too far distances with a lot of stops and long stays it's one thing to go to Japan it's another to go to Japan for two weeks its backslash backslash another backslash backslash to go to Japan for two weeks and go to ten different attractions not all of them give us free tickets many don't even give discounts most kids had cookie cutter wishes Disney World Paris meet the president etc those were my bread-and-butter I hate to call them cookie cutter because I know it's such a precious memory for the kid in their family working there was a precious memory for me too and I enjoyed coordinating every owns trips unusual frequent high medical needs lots of family what-have-you it was such an amazing thing to be a part of I knew a friend who had cancer and overcame it and he talked about make-a-wish if it's not accepted you apparently get a first-class trip to Disney World most people can't afford he said he went to Disney World course he wanted to meet a skater that was in Europe on some tour I was really lucky to have my make-a-wish granted and I just want to say they really go above and beyond my mom has always talked about going to Hawaii and we knew it was pretty unrealistic for our family of four I was pretty young when I made my wish so I didn't even know all that Hawaii had to offer but I chose to go there for my wish they put us up in a penthouse suite on Waikiki Beach and I've never experienced anything more special in my life everything and everyone they wanted to make sure my family had an unforgettable time and we showed it we were able to forget about the cancer for a little while and feel like a normal family again thank you so much make-a-wish and all that contribute I have experience with make-a-wish in the last year due to my son's condition this was a question I asked and the response I was given was they will do anything they can within reason one kid wanted a swimming pool in his backyard and they did that because of how the process goes with make-a-wish they asked the kid a lot of questions to determine what the child wants and to ensure their ice and any influence from the parents my wife and I sat with my son while they asked him a lot of questions over about a one hour period to determine what he wanted to do they asked my wife and I to sit there silently while he answered honestly we are going to go to Legoland and meet Darth Vader sometime in 2019 I was a make-a-wish kid around 20 years ago I was 5 I asked to be turned into a dinosaur they said no couple years ago I went to Disney Orlando and there was a little boy running around wearing a shirt that said in a make-a-wish kid my friend had to comfort me when I cried because the tates mom and aunt told the pretzel vendor his make-a-wish was originally make mommy happy the moment I met the workers I asked to go to the moon but was turned down tried to compromise the space in general ended up going to Italy not as cool I was too young to remember but my mom told me how make-a-wish gave us a camcorder really nice one at that to record the time we had left with my little sister she had leukemia my shooty father pawned it one of my niece's is a make-a-wish recipient she had stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma they flew her her sisters her dad and her grandma to Disney World and they had the time of their lives she's six years cancer-free and still talks about how grateful she was for that trip she just turned 14 and her younger sister talks about how it was her only airplane ride ever that organization is amazing and will forever have all of our support edit I would like to add that there on old McDonald House Charities is another amazing organization that put my family up for housing in Manhattan during her treatment over two years in the hospital at a minimal cost before that we were driving three hours each way every time she needed chimo also shout-out to the sloan-kettering oncology ward for taking care of her and making her feel like a kid she was going through treatments according to my fiancee who has coordinated a zillion wishes travel wishes often get tonight when their doctor says that they are not fit to travel edit also they will ask you for wishes a B and C in case one can be fulfilled want to meet John Cena granted some celebrities are harder to pin down for wishes though and some travel wishes they will find the next best thing Tahiti doesn't have any contracts with make-a-wish according to the fiance but there will be similar island experiences that they can make have on top of this apparently your experience will differ depending on the chapter thats working with you I'm A Wish kid and for a summer I interned at make-a-wish my very last day there there was a little girl who really wanted to go to Sea World they had been trying all summer to make it work and finally her doctor said that she didn't have enough strength to get on a plane to go make a wish workers volunteers and SeaWorld bent over backwards to make something happen for this little girl they put on a private show before SeaWorld open to the public for her I had her name in lights the trainer's talked to her over Skype it was amazing she died later that day my son chose a Disney cruise he didn't even hesitate in his pick probably because we were on day one of the Disney Cruise we had been planning for over a year when he took a small tumble in our stateroom and wound up breaking his femur because unbeknownst to us his leg was filled with Ewing's sarcoma this trip he had been looking forward to for so long was destroyed before it even really started so when it was wish' time he asked for a redo of our cruise we waited until he had been off of chemo for a couple of months and we had a wonderful time we even added days on a disney world from our dvc time sure after the cruise both the make-a-wish folks and the Disney Cruise employees told my son to make sure he wore his Make A Wish sure to the parks when we were there he did one of the days and even though that wasn't part of his wish the Disney cast members all treated him great it was so nice to see him have such a wonderful trip after a ruined dream vacation and a year of stop hospital stays BTW he is doing great now he had two years off chemo this past September I had a wish when I was five I asked for a winning lottery ticket and a pound of twenties they sent me to the Snee law when I was in high school I had a classmate who was diagnosed with cancer she was on the softball team I think it was softball though might have been soccer or something else her wish was for her along with her team to meet the US Olympic team it was too much for maker with Sciuto cover travel expenses for either team but they were able to fly in one of the main players on the Olympic team to meet her team she ended up making a complete recovery and in fact by then I think she was completely cancer-free still she wanted to do something for her team and not just her I got a wish as a kid then survived the biggest best thing I could think of was to go to chuck-e-cheeses I have no idea why I was fixated on that to the credit of some good peeps to Chucky Cheese as I went I couldn't be around other people so they opened it up at night people deep cleaned it sterilizing each ball in ball pit there was dedication there then someone who was cleared medically worked it don't remember most of it was pretty young mostly just remember the bits I found exciting but that damn rat casino still makes me smile whenever I see one Morales story never bet against make-a-wish when dealing with logistics every ball in pits kid I know got cancer in elementary school he was always into history and US presidents so he asked to meet him they flew his whole family out to DC to meet George W Bush also he actually spent more time with them than was allotted in his daily planner according to the dad the kid beat cancer and is still doing okay at it year after reading a few replies I type this out forgetting what the original question was my bad [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Cubed
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Id: NvtfHKORflQ
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Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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