Parents, what has shocked you after meeting your child's partner?

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our slash asked readied by reddit and chill parents what is the most shocking thing you've heard witness experienced upon beating your child's new boyfriend/girlfriend so I am at my gf parents house waiting to eat breakfast for the first time the food smelled amazing my GF asks me to help her take a box upstairs I decided to man up and help out tell me why when I get to my GF room she drops a robe in front of me smh my GF mom yells out if I want some hardwood bacon and I thought to myself there is too much hardwood in this house are N honestly your GF is a little messed up playing games with you like that at her parents house but I guess it adds to the suspense ugh poor people meta already I never thought I would strike a teenager until I saw a boy smack my daughter's a dollar sign dollar sign in front of me with impunity well what do you do pops I struck him you smacked his behind didn't you not a parent but when I brought my first girlfriend home I was too embarrassed to say anything to my parents and so we went directly to my room and started fooling around here's what transpired my mom opens the door to my bedroom and stopped mid-sentence hey I was thinking we could have Turkey for I awkwardly removed my hand from the front of my girlfriend's unbuttoned jeans oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you had company yeah this is Kaitlin hi Kaitlin did he want to join us for supper Silveri then we all had a super awkward dinner together fun times oh you / Shauna's Maximus I'm respecting your privacy by knocking got bandit in my authority as your mother by coming in any way Fairly OddParents that was my [ __ ] it was just on this morning my son's girlfriend just will just not stop singing let it go and it is really starting to wear on my son I should mention they are five five and he has a girlfriend that kid is going places not college or college when I first met my ex's dad I thought in my young naive 17 year old brain that it would be a great idea to go in for a big manly handshake he'd broken his wrist in a cycling accident the week before I can still hear the crack it's made in my nightmares I also may or may not have let him drive himself to the hospital while I had disappointing teenage sucks with his daughter to be fair I did offer to call him an uber hey though you broke the man's hand and his daughter's hymen in one afternoon good show and then he broke up with her and broke her heart and then went home and played some video games and books and records when I was 16 I met this girl who went to high school across town through a buddy who was dating her friend our parents who are pretty liberal and we spent most of our weekend getting high and drunk in the pool house and swimming when we wanted to cool off needless to say it took about three days before I lost my B card to this girl and it was the awesomest here's the thing when you're 16 and you find a girl who is DTF you never let that go I was immediately her boyfriend despite the fact that I didn't know that much about her I knew everything that I needed to know she had a V and she let me put my celery in it week 2 of this torrid romance and something isn't quite right and the land down under it was really burning when I pissed like every time I went to Catholic school so I knew all about how Satan invades extramarital sex and fills your lust poll with STDs I knew I had one the only question was which one a lot of people would ask this chick just gave you pickle rot you dumped her right let me just refer you to the previous statement I was 16 and she was letting me have sex with her we only got more serious like getting close to meet the parents serious everything seemed to be great the pureness problem cleared up in this girl and I kept seeing each other after a few months she invite kid meter her family dinner her mom was nice and pretty hot her dad was my doctor perfect story that ending you win this was only the fourth comment I read and I know that there sure is up is no way anyone can beat this I'm intrigued by what happened and then what eventually became of you - first time my mother made my high school girlfriend was walking into my bedroom with my girlfriend completely naked on the bed and me fully clothed on the computer attaboy edit [ __ ] guys I always wanted my top rated comments to be something insightful and thought-provoking elaborate please she worked up the street and during the summer I was working nights so during the day after she got out there was a few hours before I had to go to work she would come over every day come to my bedroom and I was able to seduce her into taking off her clothes and letting me do unspeakable things she would not take off my clothes and would not let me occur after a while I got a little bored so I'd fool around a little then let her just lay there on my bed while I went on the Internet one day when my mom was supposed to be at work she just came waltzing into my room as mothers so often do and saw her just sitting there I like to imagine that she only saw my girlfriend naked and was confused as my computer desk was around a bend in the room she never brought it up ever either never mentioned that nude encounter ex-girlfriends mom greeted me with did you convince my daughter to go on birth control so you could feel care I was shocked to say the least because we had only been dating for a few weeks and she was a virgin I wasn't pushing the issue because I really liked her in my confused state the GF at the time explained to me that she told her mom she wanted to have sex with me and needed birth control first encounter with her mom and I never recovered from that she hated me how dare you plan to fuel my daughter well mom I was planning on taking things slow however to be honest I can now think of nothing else I think I've had my daily dose of irony lol yay pretty much LOL she straight-up didn't believe that i didn't pressure her and thought i would back down the prospect of sitting at the doctor with her while she got the BC couldn't stand me funny in the long run but man that was a row [ __ ] moment more there's this guy I really like I'm thinking about starting birth control because I'm very attracted to him and I'd like to be ready if something happens I want to do the responsible thing and talk to you about it instead of making some huge mistakes and what is his name I will hate up his skull and burn the remains when my mother was 14 she wanted to date this boy who was 17 but my grandparents wouldn't let her because they just don't trust him my mom argues with her parents but they stand firm on their decision flash-forward about eight years my mom is happily married her parents show her the newspaper and that boy grown up now made the paper drug deal gone wrong armed robbery EE and too long didn't read a spree of crimes ending with and sometimes you just gotta trust a parent's instincts maybe he did that because people never trusted him based off gut reaction and he fell into a deep crumbling depression [ __ ] ups grandparents are terrible look what they caused Oh P a self-fulfilling prophecy [ __ ] I was the girlfriend in question I had come over to my long-distance relationship boyfriend's apartment on the way out of town I had dressed in a plaid skirt fishnets combat boots and a low-cut black tank because I wanted to leave him with a good memory so he's got me pinned face-first against the wall with my skirt flipped up Andy's fingering me when his dad walks in apparently he'd come by early to take him to lunch and drop him at his job I was absolutely mortified during the entire lunch with his dad dad's girlfriend and my boyfriend I had dressed in a plaid skirt fishnets combat boots and a low-cut black tank because I wanted to leave him with a good memory ah the late 90s how I miss you I miss that outfit so did all many remember the late 90s I was over at my boyfriend's family's house for Easter where we all got together for an Easter egg hunt dinner and party games my boyfriend's middle sister had recently started seeing a guy she met on a hominid who apparently lived in Toronto she spent the afternoon telling us about him that he owned the delivery business and a flower shop was originally from somewhere in Africa but moved to in London then here etc my boyfriend's brother joked that he was a drug dealer for his delivery business and we laughed if she tried to defend him so he finally drives up in a very expensive car wearing a t-shirt with arrows pointing to the shoulders and the caption place legs here written across the chest everyone started interrogating him but he was avoidant of everything I worked in a flower shop for seven years and he couldn't name any flowers granted his English wasn't perfect and he was very awkward but the drug dealer possibility became more likely as time went on afterwards he went full-blown creepy stalker she broke up with him since he couldn't explain anything and he sent her 40-plus text messages trying to get her back wrote poems about how much it hurt to miss her and said he dropped by her work she blocked his number reported him on a harmonii and everyone in the family has sworn a pact to immediately call police if we see him anywhere it was like standing next to a train wreck as it happened kinda cruel of you guys to treat him that way when he went out of his way to dress up in his nice shirt well did she put her legs there asking the important questions should have sighed hugged when I was an angsty youth I used her finger blast my girlfriend in the back seat of her car while her parents sat in the front and driving us around I would beat the [ __ ] out of fifteen-year-old me finger bust fixed it for you all so I did this too I was a terrible teenager I want to finger bang bang you into my life girl you like to finger bang and that's alright I've never felt so lucky to be homeschooled that sounds awkward as hell so my GF had this brilliant idea to have her parents and us do this fitness challenge and join a fitness app where we could cheer for each other as we hit our milestones mind you we had to wear these Fitness watches to track our calorie burn in progress long story short my girlfriend and I were getting it on in my room and she was wearing that awesome watch that notify the group of her workout at 2:00 a.m. smh her parents asked her why she was working out so late it'll let you thnk about how it ended edit he was not Asian edit again apparently for mechanics are a point of contention on reddit like how my boyfriend can't hold a knife and fork correctly because he has a fine motor skill deficiency his writing looks like a six-year-old wrote it - this is how I end most I've seen hold a fork I am good commlink this is how he held you time comm link that just seems uncomfortable to hold a fork like that the handsome little akka sang a song about screwing my hot daughter and my hot daughter this is how you get strippers without stripers driving on our roads would be a rockin nightmare edit it set stripers cheeky monkey is that a modern family reference not me but a friend's new girlfriend upon meeting his dad Eric and old a in her defense she was a new fake what the duck is a new fake ah Newfoundland edit duck my boyfriend in high school was a senior at a different school I was a sophomore at their school homecoming game it was a tradition for all seniors to dress up in camouflage so my mom first met him when he was dressed head to toe in black and white camouflage yang wasn't aware of the tradition as he was walking toward us she said Oh God number and didn't realize I'd hurt her to be fair he was pure scum to be fair he was pure scum the IE III's as he was walking toward us she said Oh God number honey our daughter is dating one of those Alex Jones nutjobs do something it's okay honey up dinner tonight I'll I'll start cleaning my antique gun propaganda that'll scare him off he recounted the story of when he drove home so drunk he lost her tire hitting something then drove on the rim for at least four miles down the interstate thankfully he's sober now but is that something you want to talk about the first time you meet me hey I'm the best drunk driver I know a quote from my dad I didn't expect her to be black nothing negative both of my parents just didn't see it coming one of the first times I met her my Irish American mother-in-law said we are so happy you're Irish but really we're just glad you're not black also I'm not Irish either she's black or me neither are the only responses that come to mind I'm just sitting here waiting for a story that might sound like me my daughter brought her new boyfriend home for the first time and he was rocking world's not even a smart one either he just stayed silent the whole time we ate dinner and stared out into space then he went and took a steaming [ __ ] in the living room that filled the house with some rancid smell my daughter looked like she definitely was interested in him though I just have no idea what she sees in him do me do me my daughter brought her new boyfriend home for the first time and he was just not good I mean he wasn't absolutely terrible but he wasn't normal either everything he did seemed subpar apparently she thought so too because she dumped him after they first had sex I was working at a pizza place in my teenage years and started talking to this girl she came over one night when my parents were asleep my mother is hard of hearing and my father is a rock when he's asleep she comes over and we start fooling around and we pass out I was thinking that since the next day was a workday she could leave after they left for work we wake up and were both naked so being 17 and looking at a naked girl we start to fool around the game then I go for the money shot and get some in her eye she starts crying and saying it hurts a lot we leave my room to go to the bathroom so she could watch her face now you have to pass the computer room to get to the bathroom and guess who's sitting there my mom she took the day off to pick up my cousin from the airport and was on killing time her reaction was quite priceless and humiliating if she turned to say good morning and saw me and this girl she never met before both naked and that was the last time she came over my house work was pretty awkward after that day too too long didn't we'd girl comes up with a fun time and I go for the money shot and get some in her eye mom sees both of us but naked and kicks her out my grandpa told me about a neighbor family that had a bit of a spat of she called it out in their front lawn the daughter was all in tears and trying to get away from the boyfriend I guess they were probably in their late teens early twenties and this was in the 1950s the father came out to run the boyfriend off the father was known as the meekest kindest guy on the street when the father comes out the door the young man got really mad and said something to the effect of this is what you get for dragging your parents into our problem and flat punched her grandma said he hit her really hard the dad went postal he was a veteran as many men of his age weber and grandma said it showed as he unleashed upon him she never witnessed such savagery in her life he begged the boyfriend for 15 solid minuets and her sirens were heard in the distance approached and he went inside and re-emerged with a large knife and cut both the boyfriends hands off about midway between the wrists and elbows but then sat sobbing for an hour on the sidewalk with his daughter she said he was never arrested and that the boyfriend turned out to be a wanted man Edit upon further inquiry to another family member the daughter was pregnant the punch the boyfriend landed on the daughter was to her stomach the sirens were the ambulances after she started to bleed and the big knife was a Calvary saber when the dad swung the sword the boy put his arms up in defense and that was that edit - I have no clue why he was wanted this was a story I was told when I was 10 decades ago I asked my aunt about the rest of the details after I posted my first time my rendition was how I remembered being told of it as a child my aunt didn't witness at first hand she was shoved inside as where all the young kids she was told what happened later on cut his hands off whadya midway through his wrist and elbow so through the bone whadya the uck what the [ __ ] I just don't believe this but I want to believe Mulder I really do just met my girlfriend's parents over the weekend I can tell you they were surprised at just how devastatingly handsome I am I'm not a parent but I clogged my girlfriend's toilet after pooping and flooded the entire bathroom with poop water destroying all their bathroom rugs not a parent but I met my high school girlfriends parents when they returned early from a long walk to find a 69 9 on their family room couch I was calmly and sternly asked to leave her house then I proceeded to back my dad's car over at random to lying in the middle of their driveway popping a tire and causing a loud clunking noise with every tire rotation I had already act up with her parents I wasn't going to ruin my dad's car and have him kill me too so I attempted a speedy tire change in the driveway praying her parents were busy elsewhere I couldn't find which tie had blown or what caused it one of the front tires seemed flatter so I started changing it as I did her garage door opens her father is in his car or tempting to leave for work and I have now blocked his driveway he stayed in his running car the entire time I changed the tire and as I finished started the car and began backing out of the driveway again I heard clunk and realized I had in fact changed the wrong tire so I pulled to the side of the driveway to let him leave and allow me to change the correct tire instead he stayed in his running car watching me the entire time he wasn't going to leave until the dumpers who defiled his daughter on his family room couch and spent 20 minutes changing a wrong tire left his property too long didn't we'd met gs parents while 69 I her dad then inadvertently paid for my next few weekends of drinking yikes definitely a dinner to remember my son's best friend for yours since they were in elementary school this dinner occurred towards the end of their senior year in high school came over for what I believe to be a run-of-the-mill evening the kids would always hang out together usually spending the night at my place a few times a week playing video games or whatever it is they do anyway as we all sat down we made a toast when our son unravels of a fact that him and his buddy have some news for us my wife and I I figured they had got into some trouble at school or something along those lines but then I saw the hand-holding they both started holding hands and it hit me like a ton of bricks that my sneaky suspicions of their relationship was starting to look a lot less like mere suspicions my son came out to reveal that him and his buddy have been dating for the past two years but they're not gay they then reveal that his buddy may indeed look like a young man but in fact does not have male genitalia and is indeed some kind of female keep in mind I just got home from a long a day at work looking forward to a simple night offs taken the Broncos game unfortunately I got a little more than I had expected the sons girlfriend then proceeds to reach over the table and whisper into my ear eebee be once on the [ __ ] at a loss for words actions or even thought I simply said yes today we are all happily married and loving life okay I laughed the first time my dad met one of my girlfriends from college was when he just walks into my room and found us in the middle of sex doggystyle facing the door those two seconds of eye contact it felt like a lifetime he never mentioned it again though I like to think he felt on soft pride and he got to see some 19 year old OS before I started dating we had a kind of friends with benefits and going on and my soul has the tendency to tell everything to her more so she told her how much we banged about my recreational drug use our drinking till we both passed out type of [ __ ] this was all good and well because I never met the mom but now I have to sit across her have dinner tables knowing good and well she knows I drunkenly and cooked up ups her daughter in a bar after closing time fun times ducking like and subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 120,042
Rating: 4.9074073 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, reddit and chill, reddit and chill Parents what has shocked you after meeting your child's partner?, childs partner, reddit and chill parents tell stories of shocking news of child's partner, Parents what has shocked you after meeting your child's partner?, shocking news regarding children's partner, met child's partner, parents meet partner, parents, ugly truth childs partner, akward situation children's dating life, akward situations parents, relationship goals, dating, is
Id: wam-8RwkEiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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