What did you opt out of that went horribly wrong?

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our slash ass credit by Reddit and chill what is something you opted out of that went horribly wrong for those that went through with it the Cave Creek disaster 14 people died when a viewing platform collapsed it took two hours for the first responders to get there which was no fault of theirs it was simply rough terrain and isolated two of my mates died there and I was meant to go but was hungover as hell I worked with the engineer who designed the platform about three years later and the poor guy still believed it was his fault which it wasn't he designed it perfectly the workers who constructed it used the wrong sized bolts holy [ __ ] I feel so damn bad for that guy as an engineer that's the scariest thing about what I do for a living that I'll make the smallest of mistakes and then find out years later that people died because of this one little thing I did wrong it has literally kept me awake at night before just going over things in my head wondering if I didn't forget it so that you sound like you're one of the good engineers keep it up I live in Aurora CO and I was planning on going to the showing of The Dark Knight not that I opted out but my car battery died that's night and I couldn't drive there I thank my lucky stars that I was not involved and I'm terrified that I could have possibly died edit spelling this is very eerie thankfully nobody I know was killed except a few of your puppies I left my friends eighteenth birthday party where everyone was already smashed at approximately 7:00 p.m. came back around 10:00 and pulled into the alley right in front of the police everyone went to jail but me and a very intoxicated friend who was passed out behind a shed in the police didn't see him editing to inform everyone who wondered why they were arrested that this took place in the u.s. where the legal drinking age is 21 lol your buddy was an exemption to those that went through with it exemption exception why would everyone be arrested shouldn't they just be cited on a road trip everyone stopped at a sonic and got burgers I didn't get anything because I didn't want to be too gassy in the car everyone got terrible food poisoning except me good choice you didn't get food poisoning and they got Sonic I'm really interested in what kind of responses you get to your username any good stories lots I wouldn't share them without permission though and a lot of them are too personal to ask I'd recommend a slash life and a post if you're really entrusted not me but back in the early 80s my dad was diagnosed with leukemia I don't have all details correct but the gist of it is him along with several other people with the same affliction were given the choice to undergo the traditional method of treatment involving bone marrow transplants and whatnot or go through with some kind of newer experimental version of chemotherapy out of the group of around 10 people him and a Catholic priest chose chemo while the others chose the bone marrow transplants my father and the priest were the only ones to survive not everyone who has a bone marrow transplant survives but for those that do the recovery can be complete my dad had one in 2012 and he's doing great at the time he had his transplant survival rates were a little better than 50% at the two years post transplant mark it all depends on the type of leukemia and then the prognosis I have at AML with a good prognosis the prognosis levels are best good and bad with a good prognosis I had a 50% chance of traditional chemo giving me a survival of five years post-treatment one year post-treatment i relapsed and had to get a transplant a ten out of ten HLA unrelated donor was found anyways I was talking to my nurses and were hearing stories of how different things were just ten years ago I had my transplant in 2012 ten years ago at MD Anderson the floor was a completely isolated floor isolated rooms and generally a terrible place to be it was a prison to help you and even then the infection rate and complications were high the way bone marrow was harvested and handled was completely different from today I can only imagine what it was like in the 80s cutting-edge medicine that is proven but still learning how it all worked knowing that HLA tissue type is important in matching but not knowing that for matched markers is not good enough - enough studies have been done I am happy your father is around I will say you are the first person to make me actually think about those before me if it wasn't for those who came before me who were the brave to take the risk I wouldn't be here thanks to the progress made by their lives I am here my life is built upon the sorrows and pain that other families and patients have gone through every sample of blood that they have given every bone marrow barsy every complication every reaction that has happened before me has helped me company I worked for large multinational we located the Division Headquarters from where they had moved me five years before to a [ __ ] City they called it a lateral move so there would be no pay increase I took the severance package and negotiated six additional months off work to train my replacements during the six months I also got to attend a major user conference on the company expense bonus with two months left in my tenure the announced they were dissolving the division and selling off the resources most of my co-workers were left unemployed in a new city with no connections or prospects I on the other hand stopped working on my designated day a Friday and started working my next job for more money the next Monday with a nice fat severance check arriving four weeks later a similar situation on a large network operations center in the Washington DC area after our director passed away suddenly and was replaced by someone who managed us from halfway across the country had its work reassigned to two centers one in Ohio and one in the Philippines we were offered a small relocation pack but no bump in pay as the cost of living in this area of Ohio was quite a bit less than in the DC suburbs some of my colleagues decided to go to Ohio I found a different position within the company at the same location within a year of my co-workers moving to Ohio they were told the entire operation was moving to the Philippines and there was no relocation opportunity for any of them there I swear large multinational corporations treat their employees like cattle it's repulsive but it's a living I suppose when I was a kid my family was supposed to take a bus trip to visit my aunt my dad had a bad feeling the morning we were supposed to leave so we cancelled the trip the bus was on a bridge that got hit by a ship and it went off into the water I don't remember how many people died but thank goodness my dad listened to his instinct now that scene sounds like something straight out of a movie final destination you'll all die eventually yep not me but my parents they had planned a trip to Virginia Beach with a close friend of theirs they were to take a small plane down spend a few days then fly back my uncle DJed for a local radio station at the time and was given a few tickets to see the hood he offered his spares to my mom and dad who accepted even though it was the same weekend as the plan beach trip their friend ended up going but the flight back never made it the pilot was advised not to depart as there was severe weather along his flight path but he went for it anyways the plane crashed with no survivors if it weren't for them deciding to go see the hope I wouldn't be here I'm named after the friend that died and was coincidentally born a year after the day they found out who told the pilot not to fly was it ATC if so why the awkward they let him go anyways a flight service station they tell people about weather traffic and a host of other things depending on the station but they cannot issue commands or grant clearances ATC cannot stop you from taking off because of bad weather along your route a group of my friends were smoking synthetic marijuana at a party in the days where it was a new thing and hadn't made the news for the adverse effects it causes I turned it down because I had college the next day and had to go home and rest up I heard the next day that two of my buddies had ended up in hospital having suffered seizures and the third had suffered temporary heart problems law enforcement here synthetic cannabinoids get outlawed regularly that the problem is they're outlawed by chemical composition ones one formula gets banned they alter the composition just a little and legally it's a new substance and the ban process has to start anew they're on something like the sixth generation of reformulation and they're putting some really god-awful stuff in there this is a bad scene too long didn't read you're not crazy cush k2 is getting worse ROH if only there was something people could smoke that wouldn't kill them salmon I was doing one of those really famous obstacle course mud races got to an obstacle that involved jumping off a 15-foot platform into muddy water I climbed to the top took one look down and freaked out there was no way to tell how deep the water was because it was so muddy and here were people smiling and doing flips off the platform into the water I had tears running down my face from the panic so I climbed down and ran around it a few hours after my heat a guide died on that obstacle due to accidental drowning he went down and didn't come back up and just simply went unnoticed in the excitement of energy of the crowd which was my fear to begin with link journal news net link fixed a word I work as a medic at that race I know the exact obstacle you're talking about I worked at events in November and they didn't even mention that this had happened to us all the lifeguards were even talking about what they might do and I don't remember a consensus being reached my roommate and another very good friend competed in that race as well they had similar feelings to yours and were worried about their clothes and shoes weighing them down in the water so also decided to skip the obstacle I'm really thankful that they and you made that choice thankfully this wasn't me but my friend was involved in it a family was out making their first tandem skydive together at my home drop zone the girl I'll call her lucky had just turned 18 and she wanted to do a skydive that didn't want to go first once she arrived at the drop zone in addition to lucky her grandmother the 75 year old Claudette wanted to skydive to check it off her bucket list I skydive out of this small drop zone north of Las Vegas it had one session at 182 and one tandem instructor at times because of this only one person could go on a tandem jump that day lucky was too scared to go at first so Claudette opted to go in her granddaughters place to show her that everything would be alright everything went fine on the freefall portion of the skydive but when the parachute opened there was some sort of malfunction the main canopy got tangled up somehow with the reserve and sent Claudette and her tandem skydiving instructor my friend James finesse bag plummeting towards Earth at a high rate of speed James was unable to get the parachute opened and they impacted the ground James the hero that he was put his back towards the ground to receive the full impact of the blow he was trying to save Claudette sadly she would pass away shortly thereafter as sad as this is I always think that fate luck or whatever you want to call it put Claudette in a plane that day to save the life for lucky so was that the last thing on her grandmother's bucket list edit thank you for the gold fellow horrible human being holy [ __ ] at my current age I'm not interested in skydiving but frankly dying in a skydiving accident at 70-plus would probably be okay last year was my first year as a northeastern students the Boston Marathon was going on about a mile away and my friend messaged me asking if I was still planning on going to see the finish line with them because it was Patriots day and we had no class unfortunately I was a lazy Ock and decided I'd rather take a nap than follow through on my plans with friends turns out my friends ended up not going when I decided not to meet up with them I woke up to the sound of dozens of emergency vehicle sirens driving past a couple of friends from college wanted to go camping one weekend it sounded fun so I asked my folks if I could borrow a tent and some supplies as we were big campers when I was young and my friend didn't have a tent it gets closer to the time and the situation changes to a hike before camping and doing it late in the evening after work to a campground that none of us had ever been to I knew that the forest gets dark at least an hour earlier than open sky because of all the trees I ended up deciding not to go as it just didn't sound like a good idea to me come to find out later they went anyways and my friends dog who has a problem stomach got sick and have diarrhea in the tent that night that would have been my tent totally expected some ghost story [ __ ] to go down in this one but nope a crapping dog even better M night Shyamalan presents the tent in Boy Scouts I was supposed to be the acting senior patrol leader for the week-long summer camp I was going for my eager little time and this trip was meant to prove my leadership skills beyond my project I got pneumonia a couple weeks before the trip and had to pull out on that trip there were two very serious incidents that I would not have been able to prevent that would have been blamed on me first one of the scouts threw an aerosol can into the fire no one there was brave enough to fish it out with a stick so they all ran and head it turns out that the Scoutmaster was driving into camp about that time he pulled up to the campsite stepped out of his Jeep and as he walked over to the fire the can exploded a few days after that a couple Scouts both older than me decided to use a spare tent to practice knife throwing they completely ruined a big canvas tent it's the only time that coughing so hard that it makes me vomit has ever felt like dodging a bullet holy crap I remember we had to institute strict no aerosols rules because of stupid Scouts edit just FTR I'm an eagle as well and yes pretty sure every troop has problems with idiots whether it's a BSA troop overseas or middle of the US there's some awesome Scouts and Scouters and some real delts a kid in my troop drew a n on the scoutmasters tent with aerosol sunscreen bug spray maybe I can't remember and lit it on fire with the Scoutmaster in the UH contempt needless to say the kid went to juvie for attempted murder by arson or something like that lol trustworthy loyal helpful Dwight reading this threat makes me never want to leave my house again edit dammit you guys I'm sleeping under the bed today opted out of cooking a communal curry while camping brought noodles for myself everyone called me noodle boy but then someone accidentally dropped hexamine fuel tablets in the communal curry insta spoil luckily we were in a campsite near a town rather than wilderness they were able to pick up new supplies what did they come back with noodles ha this lady was once handing out a few letters at my high-school graduation and I happen to get one it was a letter for a job opportunity at vector marketing and I thought it would be a pretty cool thing to try it offered eighteen dollars HR after work that summer and since I didn't have a job I thought I'd sign up for an interview but after doing some research online I found out that the job is a complete scam basically they hire you as a door-to-door salesman who sells massively overpriced knives like $1,000 for a set they train you for 18 hours and paid six hours a day three days of training to show you how to use the knives and how to sell them you go door-to-door and offer to share your product in an hour-long sales presentation thing you get your $18 HR if the person signs a form saying you've presented them the knives for an hour you may think this system is really easy to beat just tell your friends to sign forms and then collect your $18 HR however if you don't sell any knives then it reflects on your performance they'll call you a bad salesman they'll require you to do more training there goes your possible resume resource too long didn't we'd all must work for a company whose business plan was to prey on its own workers and went to a college job fair where this lady had a stand for that she was also really really hot she also had big OS and she was wearing a really low-cut shirt so my paranoid mind starts thinking that the low-cut shirt is part of the interview and I'm not supposed to look down so I stare lasers into her eyes eventually I crack and literally turned around and ran away I probably were going to take that job too too long didn't read my social awkwardness saved me from knife job scam pyramid schemes are illegal where I live but I got the vector calls to I remember specifically that the call said I was specifically selected based on my qualifications blah blah blah I had literally just graduated from school and never given my information out I honestly think the school used some sort of an agency to send our information out to colleges and that agency sold our information anyway I got the calls and letters for a couple of years when I was around 13 or 14 I used to walk a couple of dogs around my village on the afternoons there was a cycle path to a neighboring village that I often took as it ended in a park but on this one specific day the dogs refused to go past the bridge halfway down when I was younger my father warned me not to stand underneath this bridge as a car had crashed through the barrier in the pasture all the whiff stuff he could warn me about but hey and I therefore wanted to get out of the crash zone as it were instead of fighting with the dogs I turned round and went the other way a man shot himself just around the corner from the bridge around the time we were there i 100% believe dogs have an extra sense their senses of hearing and smell are hundreds of times better than ours so who knows what they picked up on the smell of gunpowder the suicidal man's sweat the sound of his heart pounding not me but my dad he grew up in a rough area of town basically his childhood reads like a Nessie Hinton book well him and his best friend are at a party and my dad decides to leave to hang out with this girl never sees his best friend again all winter his friend is missing and Beth entombed a runaway until spring comes and they find his body in a stack of tires in a storage yard apparently my dad and his friend had pissed these two dudes off coincidentally the two suspects died within a year of the body being discovered one bar house fire and the other carbon monoxide poisoning karma is a BCH edit I just want to make it clear that my dad did not go on a revenge fueled missional a Liam Neeson these guys died in different parts of the country and I love my dad but no he is not a criminal mastermind I think he didn't find out about one of them dying until years after I know the reddit happy ending is what you all were hoping for but the reality of it is that these tourists probably died at their own hands karma is a B CH or your dad is a badass with a particular set of skills I don't know who you are but we'll find you and I will Rea tire you a few years ago when I was just starting out at my first job out of high school part-time minutes wage the works my friend came to me with a great idea he had for a living situation a nearby five bedroom house with lots of space that would be great for parties and it would be super affordable since rent would be swiss six ways I opted out because I didn't have a car and there were no buses in the area my friend really wanted this house so he kept asking around to any friends of friends that were looking to move he thought he had gotten a pretty good group of people together and he only didn't know two of the people so it seemed okay at first I went over there for parties every now and then and every time I went there I heard about something new going wrong first one of the guys living there was the quiet solitary type who wanted out as soon as he realized that he basically moved into a frat house with people he didn't know the other room mate that was kind of outside of our friend group had a string of emergencies that prevented her from paying rent which meant that everyone else they had to throw down even more to make ends meet one of my friends already starting to get into debt moved back in with his parents and kept trying to get his money back from everyone else who was in the same situation and didn't have any money to give after their second set of roommates ended up being total the Wrestle having medical issues that forced them to move out the year-long lease was finally up and even after spending a week of solid cleaning and fixing things themselves they still didn't get any of their security deposit back because parts of the house had gotten so jacked up as I was helping my friends clean the house they asked me want to move in with us into a four-bedroom house in the next town over I said no politely and again watched things get worse for them all over at their new house ducking like and subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Reddit & Chill
Views: 112,245
Rating: 4.8649592 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, What did you opt out of that went horribly wrong?, what did you opt out for?, reddit and chill, opt out, horribly wrong, r/askreddit, final destination, safe
Id: NETv0kk3hVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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