What is Meltan? The LAST Pokemon!? | Gnoggin - Pokemon Theory

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Meltan, The most recent Pokemon, leaked a while back, but likely not really. Suppossed “leaks” are just another means of marketing these days. Everyone thought it was a leak that it was added to Pokemon go without a word. Like they accidentally put it there too early. But no. when the “announcement” trailer dropped, professor willow says “we’ve already been getting reports about it!” The “leak” was marketing. But thats not what were here for. We’re here to analyze this blob of nut… with a nut on it. And let me tell you! I started this thinking it was going to be like a 2 minute video, and maybe it will be, because I’m terrible at timing things. But as the research kept going… oh boy…. This runs pretty deep. Remember that massive pokemon reset theory from a few years back? And how Let’s Go in a way confirmed it? At least most of it. Well I think this new pokemon may play apart as well! Seriously! It gets crazy deep! And there will be a theory about the Plot of Let’s Go here too. I mean this pokemon changing the story would be fine, It is mythical after all. Anyway! Etymology, origin, inspiration, type explanation, and how it supports a classic Pokemon theory! BUT ALSO RAISES SO MANY QUESTIONS! AND POSSIBLY DEBUNKS ANOTHER EVEN MORE CLASSIC AND QUITE POPULAR POKEMON THEORY! And also how it may relate to the ol Alchemy theory. So what is this little guy? An 8 inch tall steel type that appears to be a ball of metallic slime with a cord sticking out, a hex nut head, and an eye made out of a ball of some sort. If perhaps the nut were magnetized, it would be able to float this eye sphere in there. Magnets are crazy, and there already plenty of pokemon who can manipulate parts of themselves in similar ways with Magneto powers. So Meltan, melt, tan. Melt as its liquid metal, metal is usually solid, so to get to this point it would have to have melted. Tan then has a few possibilities, one is that it may come from the Japanese honorific title, tan. Which is a variant of chan, which comes from san. Chan is usually used to refer to children, female family members, close friends, and lovers. It came from a sort of “baby talk” you know, when woo sowt ov tawk wike dis in English, but I Japanese, the SH sound is changed to CH, which is pretty interesting. But over time of course this chan baby talk became the norm, thus tan then is even more baby talk. But it can also refer to a cute, often female character that is the embodiment of something, you’ve probably heard of console-tans. Japanese personifications of game consoles. Another possibility, tan may come from tandem, when something is in tandem, it’s typically two things working together, one in front of or on top of the other. Liquid metal and hex-nut. Notably Mercury is a metal that's liquid at room temperature, and it loves to amalgamate or work in tandem with other metals. It thus may be mercury. And the deepest, and all around coolest possibility, will lead us into conspiracy theory mode a bit. So I apologize in advance if I go all over the place. But as many know, Pokemon has been slowly becoming more and more inspired by the ancient science of alchemy and metaphysics. They are magical creatures after all. And thats separated from the whole “THE END” “reboot” thing. It’s somewhat well known now, pokemons connecting to alchemy. Anyway. Before the disclaimers get too big. L-tan in Meltan may also come from coltan, a metallic ore that is used to make tantalum, which may also be where the tan comes from. Tantalum has a variety of uses, its main use is in capacitors for electronics such as mobile phones, game consoles, computers, etc. It’s also a metal that works really well in conjunction with our own fleshy bodies, as such, most metal hip and knee replacements are made out of it, it doesnt irritate our flesh as much as most other metals. Now here’s where the crazy starts. In modern alchemy, meta-physics, psudeo-science really, every element has a power or meaning of some sort. The power of Tantalum is this: Security and Protection, specifically of the mind, protection from spells and psychic attack. “as it creates a strong barrier to protect you from harm caused by any being that is not of the light, and it can prevent new attachments from forming.” Interesting. So if in gen 8, because in lets go pokemon dont have abilities, they give meltan a new ability that grants extra defense or even immunity from Psychic, then yes, Tantalum inspiration confirmed. But heres another fun bit, so Meltan is the only pokemon to have been revealed in Pokemon Go, which obviously has a direct relationship with Pokemon Let’s Go. The reveal trailer even further emphasized that by having professor oak in the Lets go style talking with professor willow in the Go style. And considering Oak knew what this was, I’ve got a feeling this little guy is going to have something to do with the story, after all Game Freak and Nintendo did make a big deal about the supposed ALL NEW Pokemon in Let’s go. Now consider this. The official appearance of Meltan happened almost at the same time as MewTwo becoming available in pokemon go for the first time outside of EX Raids. MEWTWO! The all powerful man made psychic type pokemon! Being recently cloned from mew, one of Arceus’s first creations and ancestor to all pokemon on earth. This much brand new psychic power in one place would disturb some sort of natural balance for sure. And Meltan’s possibly inspiration being 100% about PROTECTION from Psychic powers, it would be perfect for bringing back balance. Mewtwo played a decently sizable role in the gen 1 anime and games, I mean its the big main legendary! and considering that its popularity has only grown as time has gone on, it would make sense to make MewTwo play an even bigger role in this ‘yellow remake with a twist’ this time around. And considering how much hand-holding Lets Go has, what better way to combat mewtwo, than with something perfectly designed for it. How they’ll program that without abilities… who knows. It’s easy enough to program exceptions to rules. But this theoretical connection to mewtwo is even more interesting considering Meltans supposed connection to Ditto. One of the oldest and most popular theories about pokemon, is that Ditto is a failed mew clone. I mean mew is the ancestor to all pokemon and can learn almost every move. When trying to clone it and you fail, just making a pile of cells that can transform to look into every pokemon is an easy connection to make. Plus they AND their shinies are the same color, they are found near team rocket bases and places relating to mew and mewtwo, etc. etc. theres way more evidence too, but moving on... PLUS! With the gen 2 beta “LEAK” that we got a while back, Which im pretty certain also wasn't a “LEAK” at all, fully planned marketing. We learned that back in gen 2 Game Freak was planning on having a ditto evolution, that evolved with a metal powder hold item, into an amorphous steel-type blob. Now wait a sec, what is ditto? A mass of cells? So flesh? What metal are most implants made of due to it not irritating flesh more than any other metal? TANtalum? Neat. But still, is this an evolution of ditto? That just doesn't feel right. Oak confirmed it’s a mythical pokemon… we only JUST had gen 7 break the trope of Legendary pokemon not evolving with Solgaleo and Lunala, but their whole evolutionary line was legendary. So I think, IF the connection to ditto is real, i dont think it’s in an evolutionary sort of way this time around. perhaps all the Meltans in Pokemon Go just turning out to be Dittos, is because they are transforming into it because they recently saw it because it just came out. Could be. Or maybe it’s a Diance and Carbink situation! Diance is another mythical pokemon that is said to be born from a Carbink that undergoes a mutation! Likewise, Meltan may be a Ditto thats undergone some mutation… but… that doesnt work too well… at least not with the old “failed clone of mew” theory… Professor Oak said that Meltan is an ancient mythical pokemon, attempting to clone mew is a very recent thing. . . . . .but then again, how ancient can it really be!? It has a hex nut for a face! How old are hex nuts? Apparently metal hex nuts were first used in the 15th century to hold armor together…. That's also a time period where alchemy and mysticism was massive. Golly gee, coincidences. But also it has what I assume is a cable sticking out of its butt. So… who knows what “ancient” means really, ITS NOT ANCIENT PROFESSOR OAK! YOU’RE ANCIENT! Now I want to cover its other metallic possibility, Mercury, but first lets cover one last bit with Tantalum. A reminder Tantalum is this in modern alchemy and metaphysics: Security and Protection, specifically of the mind, protection from spells and psychic attack. “as it creates a strong barrier to protect you from harm caused by any being that is NOT OF THE LIGHT, and it can PREVENT NEW ATTACHMENTS FROM FORMING.” Now I dont know about you, but that makes me think about Ultra sun and Ultra moon, the most recent pokemon games. The big legendary pokemon was Necrozma, a pokemon who’s name literally means corpse of light, or death to color, color being light. And its pure psychic type too! And its whole thing is that it wants to make a new attachment to either solgaleo or lunala, take them over, become its true form and suck all the light away with its dark anti-light powers. So if this “ancient” pokemon Meltan has these powers of Tantalum, it would be able to protect the earth from Necrozma as well. Perhaps that threat of necrozma… the second most recent thing that happened in pokemon, is causing it to come out and restore balance, thus revealing itself, the most recent thing happening in pokemon. Those gen 7 games did have a LOAD of Kanto references, perhaps these kanto games will have a fair bit of Gen 7 references? Lastly, tantalum would be especially interesting given its connection to platinum. So in alchemy platinum is the holiest, the purest of metals, it signifies the power of god. And tantalum in the modern day, is used in laboratories as substitute platinum because it acts extremely similar, and is much cheaper. But lets move to the Mercury possibility, While there are loads of reasons for Meltan to be Tantalum, the more obvious popular knowledge answer is Mercury, after all what other metals are liquid? Plus Meltan apparently eats or absorbs other metals it finds, which….is basically what an amalgam is. Mercury loves just sucking up and bonding with other metals, look at all this gold this guy is adding to a drop of mercury. Notably doing this also make the mercury thicker, more dense, so rather than liquid, it becomes like putty, or like clay. Which is what we see with Meltan, if its mercury, it may be a mercury amalgamation! Curiously Mercury gan amalgamate with nearly every single metal there is, some exceptions being iron… which is weird cause its like the most reactive anything… Platinum, the purest of all, and…. Tantalum! I guess just because its budget platinum. So what the heck, i guess its either or then right? Since those two important to it metals cant possibly amalgamate, there’s no way for it to just be a solution! Though notably! If you have tantalum and mercury all touching, they wont combine, but as soon as you pass an electric current through it… the two metals love each other... Remember Meltans cut cord? That cut cord does lead me to believe Meltan will have another form, but we’ll see. Also whats the nut made of? We dont have enough knowledge yet, but right now my guess is carbon-steel with a zinc coating, which is common of nuts, and is magnetic, and quite conductive, power moves through it well. Cable in the butt, electricity has to be involved at some point. Also notably, to eastern alchemists, Zinc relates to the planet mercury, just like the metal mercury, so they have that in TANdem. So what does Mercury mean in alchemy? Well im glad you asked! Because its just one of the most important elements in the universe! So first of all, sulfur mercury and salt are the 3 essentials, the trinity in creation, the 3 parts to the elixir of life or the philosophers stone, the power over azoth, which is everything including spirit and the power of god, creation. Though out of these three mercury is the most important and yet most confusing of them all, it is the power of god itself, but it is also of the devil. It is fire, it is water, its human spirit. But more specifically, mercury came to become the physical symbol for Azoth. A power that would grant eternal life through the elixir of life which cures all diseases and ailments, including old age. Its the ultimate physical protection! … like tantalum with psychic or spiritual attacks, but for the body rather than the mind or soul, which are the three parts of life in alchemy. . . I know they said one new pokemon for Let’s go, but what is a nut without its bolt? And then typically you would also use a washer…. Thats three, body mind and soul,... hmm, ….perhaps Meltan is a tease for whats to come in gen 8, where it may have a partner pokemon or two that it connects with on many levels, physically with the nut bolt and washer, and spiritual or mentally through amalgamation around its cabling that gets a current passed through it. It’s possible. . . but that would be a lot to ask of game freak… It could just be mercury and thats all. . . . *face* But hey! I hope you liked all that crazy speculation about a pokemon we know barely anything about. As more info comes I’ll let you know! So Subscribe and bellify me! I’ve also got socials! Links all down below! Thanks for watching! And until next time, never stop using your gnoggin!
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 610,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meltan, pokemon, pokemon go, meltan pokemon go, pokemon go meltan, how to catch meltan, meltan is a ditto, ditto, mew, mewtwo, necrozma, pokemon alchemy, alchemy, pokemon theory, pokemon anime, pokemon let's go eevee, pokemon let's go pikachu, pokemon switch, gen 8 pokemon, what is meltan, what is meltan made out of, is meltan mercury, meltan origins, meltan theory, pokemon go theory, the end of pokemon, pokemon ultra sun, pokemon ultra moon, USUM, New pokemon, leaked pokemon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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