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what if every non legendary and non mythic Pokemon were dropped onto an island in a battle royale fortnight's style who would win now what if we also were to make it just a bit more scientifically accurate than Pokemon tends to be and take everything the Pokedex says literally after all it's the Pokemon encyclopedia of the Pokemon world so being pokedex accurate is essentially the same thing as being scientifically accurate it's not like the Pokedex was written by kids or anything and that is exactly the question we asked we as in myself as well as terminal montage who made this amazing animation that we're going to be analyzing today so if you haven't seen this click here to check it out it's basically a hilarious animation depicting our findings on who would actually win fancy transition and now that you've seen it hopefully let's get into explaining it all but by bit what pokedex entries and facts inspired each individual scene so the first thing we figured out when starting this whole project was which Pokemon would actually survive until the end seems odd to start with the end but that's what we did after all there are like eight million pokemon so we figured out the ones that are the most likely to win and worked our way sort of backwards basically all of the fighting you see before the massive purple explosion is to make the video more interesting and hilarious meaning of course all the pokemon who survived it are the ones that actually have a high chance of winning all depending on other circumstances but let's go ahead and cover this from the beginning now that that's explained and out of the way so the first interesting pokedex tidbit is with absol which has the ability to foretell the coming of disasters with its horn so of course it's here freaking out about the soon to be battle to the death the death of itself and all the Pokemon we then see it get hit by the champ and flung off the island followed by several others so hands down all four of them Machamp is one of the most overpowered pokemon in existence not only is it stated to have mastered every fighting style but it can punch any victim clear across the horizon according to the Pokedex given the curvature of the earth for an average six-foot person The Horizon is about three miles away though of course the higher up you go the further you can see but this means that Machamp can launch things past that and that's just the minimum horizon and that's not even all on top of this insane strength it can punch 500 times a second no wonder it's so strong and has so much force behind its punches to be that fast already implies a ridiculous amount of strength and a insane amount of G's being applied from the sheer speed alone let alone the strength that's behind it so obviously Machamp skill the death ratio is insane and of course any Pokemon upon witnessing the sheer power of a Machamp with a literal pokedex it be intimidated clearly especially a poor little pokémon like Magikarp so this Magikarp of course gets scared and leaps incredibly high people often make fun of Magikarp as it's garbage but according to the Pokedex they can actually leap over mountains what the heck though it doesn't specify any specific mountain but considering the ridiculous nature of Pokemon let's just go ahead and say Mount Everest that means Magikarp can leap at least 29,000 feet into the air then in the next scene we see whale Lord the biggest Pokemon there is and fun fact if Wailord were real it would be the sixth largest animal to walk or swim the earth it's a blue whale after all but get this according to the Pokedex it is 47 feet long and weighs 877 pounds now I'll spare you the mathematical details I'll have a video all about those here later but we figured out the volume and the density of a whale and long story short it's not only impossible to submerge a Wailord but it's lighter than air it's a big boy and would rise up and up and up in a scientifically accurate world all the way up to the higher atmosphere which is probably out of bounds disqualifying it not that it's disqualification matters though because it gets taken out by what is hands-down very likely to be the most overpowered electric-type pokémon there is the Pokedex states that electivire can send twenty thousand volts of electricity into its foes though that information is completely meaningless bolts don't really measure power so much it's complicated but I did do this video explaining all of the complexities of electro fire but basically the number sounds high but without the watts or amps it could be anywhere from actually insanely kind of traffic to ow that hurt a little bit but then another pokedex entry clear some things up it states that a single electivire can provide enough electricity for all of the buildings in a big city for a year god it's so so how big is a big city it probably doesn't mean Tokyo a mega metropolis maybe not even like New York City or maybe not even like San Francisco or Seattle if you ask me a Pacific Northwest pride jerk like the rest of all of us here I feel like Portland Oregon would be a good minimum City to look at it's the biggest city in Oregon and definitely a big city but not a huge one so Portland Oregon uses about 12,000 kilowatt hours a year or 38.8 a day I'll spare you the complicated details but again they're here but this basically means that electivire is a small lightning storm as one lightning bolt can contain 1,400 kilowatt hours worth of electricity but electivire can choose where the lightning goes giving an insane power and summoning that much power in one place would only attract a real lightning storm to occur of which electivire can probably control note again this is on the very very low end if you go to the opposite extreme of a big city like Tokyo which is traditional big city for those living in Japan like pokemons developers we're now looking at instead of 12,000 14 billion so that's the range we're dealing with here the electivire is insane if Portland Oregon a small big city is a small lightning storm just just try to guess what Tokyo so if electivire got mad enough it could also get an insane KD just by summoning a lightning storm of insane power and basically taking out every water type in the nearby sea and all of the flying types in the air and that's what it does God just think of the smell oh now just imagine being a being with a nose 100 million times better than that of a human that's slurp up for you for context dogs have 300 million scent receptors in their noses while humans only have 6 million but slurp ups difference Pokemon are insane and stupid this would mean that slurp up has around 600 trillion scent receptors compared to humans 6 million it's really no wonder that it dies upon just smelling garbodor melting into muck both smell so bad that they can cause fainting also the Pokedex points out that muck is the natural enemy to garbodor so that's why it's attacking it also states that muck is so toxic that a single touch is all it takes to kill plants instantly and to the path that walks becomes barren of plant life for 3 years also notice spoink here stops bouncing and dies apparently this is accurate to the Pokedex because this creature if it ever stops bouncing dies also Alakazam just blows the minds of the hit mom's brain over brawn to the max now then fuel ice type Pokemon can match the insane freezing power of a Glalie which as the Pokedex explains can't instantly freeze moisture in the atmosphere fear and then it uses that power to freeze its foes solid to do this in a reasonable amount of time you would need some intense wind chill at less than 879 negative 879 degrees Fahrenheit which is these in the other temperatures but you know America to the end and of course anything organic upon becoming frozen solid becomes brittle hence squirtle and mug shattering here's a fun one according to the Pokedex when Eagle II buff starts bouncing nothing can stop it it's impossible imagine such an existence just constantly cowering in fear of whatever bounces you always trying to avoid everything that moves because if they happen to bump into you this your life is over also this satellite falls into matang who doesn't even care because according to the Pokedex Mateen can withstand a jet crashing into it and you don't even get a scratch holy but also how do they know that also it loves to pursue nosepass because they love magnetism it gets them off did you know that anyone who grabs the hilt of a Honda jus will have their soul removed from their body now you do also deli birds bag is actually its tail and gross chestnut with its shielded arms can withstand bombs and I want to know who tested that out but interestingly tert inators turds are also explosive like a landmine but no amount of shielded arms or back could protect you from the blast toys cannon which can pierce right through concrete walls and thick sheets of steel making them like the water jets used to cut steel which are typically put under thirty to ninety thousand psi insane and very capable of destroying a building at any good time but did you know that apparently Charizard fire breath according to the Pokedex is hot enough to melt literally anything that's what it says even Blastoise would be no match for flames of that temperature so here's a fun tool Infernape Samurai and decidua three of the most skilled starter Pokemon there are decidua is accurate enough to pierce a pebble over a hundred yards away with its arrows and it's cool enough to actually pull off dabbing that's basically what archery is it's dabbing before you kill someone you know also decision I can knock and fire an arrow in one tenth of a second so its battles are decided in the blink of an eye so clearly it's the victor in this duel right know as it's dueling against the wrong Pokemon samurai can draw attack and Qi that swords in less than a blink of an eye as well so what's just as fast also Infernape has insane agility and martial arts skills using every whim according to the Pokedex no Pokemon can match its quickness meaning it's also quicker than samurais and so Tiger avatar is insane and could very easily win this battle royale given the right circumstances after all according to the Pokedex it just knocks over mountains and it just can't be harmed by any sort of a tech just no pain its Armour is good enough so that no damage can happen to it whatsoever but that doesn't mean it can't be launched far away off the island disqualified oh but here comes Arcanine according to the Pokedex anyone that hears its bark can't help but grovel at it Bork attack biff attack it's quite the winning strategy but sound can't travel past a black hole and Gardevoir can make those apparently it just unleashes its psychokinetic energy at full power and just twists to some dimensions and boom black holes black holes everywhere oh god we've got a video detailing all that science coming soon also if Esper's ears ever opened it creates a massive explosion of psychic power so that happens but black holes don't matter to a ghost like dusclops whose inner body is said to be Hollow and like a black hole it can suck things up and they never ever ever come out and theoretically upon eating all of the black holy mass it would get bigger so that happens Oren guru is a very smart Pokemon it even knows how to throw pokeballs and give Pokemon commands so it does just that it helps out a folk of all that didn't open out Pop's magcargo now the reason we had med cargo saved for later was to add all of the extra fun stuff we've already covered because the first question at the very beginning of this was of course which Pokemon could actually survive the magcargo explosion since those would be the only ones with any chance to win it all so here's a scientific bit mad cargo is said to be 18,000 degrees nearly twice as hot as the surface of the Sun which is insane but not as crazy as many people think it is we did a video I keep pointing the wrong direction we did a video here that explains all of this in more detail but basically because of the way thermodynamics actually works and taking into account the Pokedex listening of man cargoes height and weight it wouldn't actually be all that bad to be relatively close to you but you would get burns and cook alive if you were standing like right next to it but 100 feet you'd be fine kind of uncomfortable but what is especially interesting is if this Pokemon were accurate to science it would be a light purplish color like shiny magcargo but if magcargo isn't actually all that dangerous then why does it create a huge shock wave of death that wipes out the island well because realistically releasing a pokemon from a pokeball is converting energy into mass and heat pot energy has a lot to do with that releasing any pokemon from a pokeball would realistically create a shockwave but when all the pokemon are coming down at the same time they'd likely be fine the shock waves just going all over the place the Pokemon are still just being converted so you know also if they all just blew each other away it'd be like a two-second video that's no fun but magcargo shock waves specifically would be crazy because of its insane heat that's completely throughout its whole body ridiculous this shockwave takes out basically the last bit of HP both Pokemon have and any that survived are still blasted off of the island all besides a few Gengar can ghost itself into the ground alakazam can teleport to safety dusknoir can curl in on itself and travel to the spirit dimension and Dugtrio can pull its head into the ground at the freaking speed of light so of course it's fine jinhwan pokemon are dumb the shock wave would of course carry heat with it turning pelos and into glass and camerupt just doesn't care it's said to be also 18,000 degrees internally anyway also it's really heavy also look is it cute the Duskull it has a little noggin face huh cute cloister shell can withstand anything and is impossible to open but it's not holding on to anything so it gets blasted spiritomb is made up of 108 evil souls bound to a key stone and the key stone upon being destroyed releases them all the evilest of souls wobbuffet is able to counter anything so it reflects the massive shock wave right back at Meg cargo but it still takes the damage and doesn't make it as you can see the tail just left now we're just down to the Pokemon that could withstand the hot shock wave mr. mime is capable of making barriers by minutely vibrating its fingertips to stop molecules in the air yeah you heard that right and because it's not just zero Kelvin ice powers that just means that mr. mime has some ridiculous psychic ability anyway it does so and Alakazam and Metagross are both intelligent and fast enough to know that getting behind this barrier is the only way they have a chance of surviving bronzong is he proof and heavy and now camerupt is ready to show its true power showering haas magma out of a volcano nearly as hot as met cargo but having just survived a big hot blast to the other Pokemon are having none of that and gang up on it no it's the ghosts turn Gengar and dusknoir the ghost lists of the ghosts they begin to consume the remains of the psychic-type pokémon the intelligent Alakazam know is that it has no chance of winning if it doesn't retreat so it goes to meditate in the sky mister mimes barrier doesn't matter to a ghost like Gengar which just consumes souls willy-nilly lurking in the shadows and causing its victims to shake but Gengar is also poison-type weak to ground and Dugtrio comes in popping out of the ground at the speed of light which is all it takes a really defeat Gengar dusknoir then finishes them off and takes them to the spirit realm inside of his body much like a previous evolution of it it's just filled with the point death to all was Moore's insane but none of this matters as Magikarp is now falling back down from its crazy leap earlier this is the funny part we were talking about taking out Alakazam and dusknoir because after all a fall from that sort of height would be landing at 400 G's of force and typically it only takes maybe 60 G's to kill a person so death by Magikarp and then death by Magikarp again oh wait it's Dino Dino may have won this particular instance of our Pokemon fortnight battle royale keyword buzzword but like any simulation there are bound to be several scenarios and combinations of things that lead to different way while winning after all if Machamp gets defeated before punching Tyranitar away Tyranitar then has an insane chance of victory being completely immune to attack and all I was thinking well maybe he just means physical attack so you could attack it with like psychic moves but no it's dark type it's immune to psychic egad the only other thing I could see defeating a Tyranitar would be a flying-type pokémon just to bring it away jumping into the ocean rounding it that's about it Gengar and dusknoir are the ultimate Ghost type Pokemon which are already at a huge advantage as they are completely devoid of science and given the right circumstances Alakazam has an insanely high chance of victory as well it's capable of outsmarting the rest but in this particular simulation we decided to show ditto one likely just because its ability to use abilities of any of the surrounding Pokemon at will it can create a mr. mime level barrier it can move with Infernape quickness or in this instance fling itself into the air like Magikarp odd choice but whatever works and like I said there are loads of Pokemon that have a high chance of winning which Pokemon do you think have the highest chance of winning a battle royale style fight like this non legendaries non mythix let me know down in the comments and let me know why you think that way that's my awkward ending again if you missed this animation check it out why aren't you watching it you watch this whole explanation of it but didn't get back to see it I'm not including the sounds in it so like that plays a big part it's amazing check it do it and thanks so much for watching never stop using your noggin [Music] you you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 3,877,958
Rating: 4.8781214 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon battle royale, pokemon fortnite, pokemon, pokemon theory, game theory pokemon, pokemon game theory, pokemon go, pokemon animation, pokemon parody, pokemon battle royale animation, terminalmontage, terminal montage pokemon, scientifically accurate pokemon, pokemon battle, pokemon science, pokemon fortnite explained, pokemon battle royale explained, pokemon battle royale science, literal pokedex, pokemon literal pokedex, pokedex entries, rediculous pokedex entries
Id: sLkS7L9EtOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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