A 17 Year Old Pokemon Mystery FINALLY SOLVED! | Gnoggin - UnOwN Theory

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Pokemon has been very mysterious lately…. Or rather we are only just now uncovering a lot of the secrets it’s been hiding over the generations. One of these secrets involves the book in the third pokemon movie, the mystery of these unknown. Today, Let’s see what we can do to solve this mystery. This video is brought to you by the amazing Displate. If regular posters are pretty neat, Displates are COSMICALLY COOL! The way light bounces off of them, the way they seamlessly hang with a magnetic panel you stick to the wall so you can swap out plates whenever. The way the colors pop and the printing is quality. It’s all so gorgeous. To be honest when they approached me my expectations wern’t all that high, but they blew me away when I got them in the mail, these are fantastic. And they have art of all kinds from loads of fantastic artists. And by using the link in the description, you not only support your home decor, but also this channel! So a massive thanks to you, and a massive thanks to Displate for the support. And you can use this coupon code to get 20% off! Hello, and welcome to this corner of the universe. In the Third Pokemon movie we are shown the true power of the unown. Just like in the games, individually these pokemon are weak, some of the weakest and most worthless pokemon there are, besides wishiwasi… which also gets good when in large groups, huh. I smell a theory there. But when in large groups the unown become the MOST powerful, being able to literally change reality. It is revealed that they exist in another dimension of reality, a “4th” dimension so to speak. And in this dimension they hold together the fabric of time and space for our 3rd dimension. This is further evident when Palkia and Dialga, the pokemon of Time and Space, are fighting, and when their attacks hit each other they rip open the fabric of time and space, the fabric of reality, and as a result, unown fly everywhere. *weee* Hit by this transdimensional blast. But back to the third movie, in it we are also shown a special book, and old book too, it’s a book containing various artworks. And it is stated that these artworks are the artists interpretations of what some never before seen legendary pokemon may look like. The first page we are shown is the page with the unown, then a page with the second generation legendary beast, Entei. Then a page of spiking Crystal towers, then a fairy, and then a Sun legendary over a tropical island filled with hibiscus flowers…. Curious… because that's what Pokemon Sun is, The Alola region is based on Hawaii, which is famous for its large number of hibiscus flowers, and it’s where the Legendary pokemon of the sun lives. Though this looks nothing like Solgaleo, remember, this book is an artist's interpretations of never before seen pokemon. And now get this, Before gen 7, the generation with Sun and Moon, we had Generation 6, the generation that gave us the Fairy Typing…. The page before the sun legendary in that book was the page with the fairy…. ...of course before that page is the crystal growth, which puts us pretty far back, to gen 2, pokemon crystal, the first pokemon game in color. Before that it’s entei, a gen 2 legendary revealed in Gold and Silver, which were out before Crystal… and before that it’s the Unown. But what are these unown doing? Well that's part of the mystery we are solving today but that’s not all, it's going to get even more interesting as we go along. So first let’s jot down some notes here. The unown are in the shape of an Atom, or rather how artists depict atoms. There is this old robed man here, and there are greek pillars in the background. And beyond holding the fabric of reality together, unown are also famous for each one of them depicting a letter of the English Alphabet, Which is based on the Latin alphabet. And this is actually the first thing we can look at when trying to figure out what this image means. So here is a diagram of this art piece, and here is the official decrypter from a pokemon strategy guide. Going back and fourth, we wind up with these letters here. So does it say anything? … … *eye motions and dramatic music*… … … … no. no. going through ther rings, going left to right, right to left, up or down, spelling azoth, drawing the arceus symbol. Its nothing…. though! if you look at each ring as a line though you start to get some alphabet chunks. Like here, PQRS, here is a NOPQR, there is an XYZ, followed by an A, as if the Alphabet ended and then began again. Hmm. All in all though its just chunks of the alphabet strewn around, there are some stray letters not around any of their alphabetically adjacent counterparts, and there are also some duplicate letters. But I doubt this is trying to spell anything. But here is an interesting tidbit, note how of all the letters, the only missing letter is G. why G? There are duplicates of others, and plenty of blank spaces, they could easily have fit a G in there. The reason this is especially strange is because at the time, the G unown was the most important. It was the mascot unown. Official unown artwork would always feature the G unown until late Gen 3 when it switched to the F unown. But this movie was made in the middle of gen 2, so at the time G has no reason to be left out, and EVERY reason to be one of the first ones they consider putting in! So what's up that? Well maybe there is a G, after all we cant see whatever is behind this robed man. So it’s there its just blocked off. But then why that? Well before I answer that question I need to leave a logic trail for you to follow, so lets also look at those other notes we took at the beginning. Greek or roman pillars, and the unown are in the shape of an atom. Well first, in all of pokemon where do we see pillars in this style? Two places come to mind, one is the pokemon league in the Unova region. But I see no other connection to that one, but the other location is Spear Pillar in pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum. Do you know the origin story of the pokemon world? How it was formed? How it was created? Or at least how the legends say it was created? According to Myth, Arceus, The God of the pokemon world first created spear pillar, and then formed the rest of the pokemon world around it. From spear pillar out. It is also stated that Arceus used it’s thousand arms to create the world, but Arceus is not a squid, so perhaps thousands arms isnt in the literal sense but rather it means the other definition of arms, arms being short for armaments. And thus it may have used a thousand unown as armaments to create reality, to create the pokemon world, from spear pillar. And how do you start creating a world? By creating the first atom. Remember that missing G? Well Arceus is the GOD of the pokemon world, perhaps the G is behind this old robed man as a means of signifying that he is God, after all he looks much like how roman paintings depict the judeo christian god. and Remember, this book is the artist's interpretation of what some never before seen pokemon may look like. The artist may have thought that God must be pretty smart, so god is most likely a human. So here, God or Arceus is creating the pokemon world with the power of the unown at spear pillar. “But how would the creators of pokemon have known about all this gen 4 stuff if they were only in the gen 2 games?” I hear some of you typing in the comments, completely forgetting about the sun legendary over a tropical island with hibiscus flowers which is right after a fairy. Here’s a fun fact for you, there were even a few Gen 4 pokemon designed before the FIRST pokemon game came out. Carracosta comes to mind. Companies often plan things WAY in advance, tech companies like Apple and microsoft famously have the next 20-50 years planned out. And in Game Freaks case, it’s easy to say that they planned out the very basics of the next many many games, and just filled in the details later. Of course sharing their design notes with the anime studios, as they do. Anyway, so if these unown are in the shape of an atom, could we perhaps figure out which one it is? There are a few different ways we can go about this. Of course theres the idea of counting the unown, and then maybe also including these extra dots. Then comes the question, do we estimate the number of unown and dots behind the center of the atom? I’d say not. Usually when an artist is making a diagram, they make sure everything is visible, especially in the case of alchemic illustrations, or hieroglyphs. So in all likelihood, no unown are back behind here, they are all up front, though I’m still inclined to believe in that G back there. Averaging out the distances and everything, there is definitely one back there. But then how do we treat these unown and dots? As electrons? Do we then treat these inner ones as neutrons and protons? Or do we just treat them as more electrons? There are way to many possibilities, so we went ahead and figured out an element on the periodic table for each possibility, and in most cases the element is meaningless in terms of alchemy. Things like barium, and rubidium. Another possibility leads us to copper though! Which is one of the seven planetary metals in alchemy, but it has nothing to do with creation or Arceus. However, of course saving the big one for last, if you look at the atomic mass, you get phosphorus. Which is very interesting in terms of alchemy. Light was often used by alchemists to represent spirit, aether, the power of god. Phosphorus's ability to glow in the dark with phosphorescence, Along with the elements ability to ignite spontaneously when in higher purities, as well as it being highly reactive with the hydrogen molecules in the air. Led many to believe that it was distilled and concentrated spirit. Hennig Brand was the famous alchemist who discovered it. He was attempting to make the philosopher's stone, and learn how to turn lead into gold. Instead he discovered how to distill and purify phosphorus, but that didn't stop him from thinking and of course writing down that he was close! He had found purified spirit, or rather, he found out how to craft the creation power of GOD! He was so close to the philosopher's stone! Or so he thought. But in this case, phosphorus came to symbolize the power of creation in alchemy. Which just so happens to be what this god figure in place of Arceus is doing here. But was that the intent with this picture? Or is it just a coincidence? I’d argue that based on all the other alchemy related things in pokemon that happen to just perfectly line up….hehe…. y’know, when there are hundreds of ‘coincidences’ that all point to the same thing….. there's a good chance that it was intentional, but that is just theoretical still. And I do think that this was a pretty fun exercise for sure, getting all into conspiracy theorist mode. So thanks for watching! And let me know your thoughts down below, and until next time, dont forget to click the bell icon, because thats using your gnoggin. And dont forget to check out Displate! there are way more on the website that are super cool!
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 998,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Theory, Video Games, Nintendo, theory, the game theorists, treesicle, pokemon, pokemon go, pokemon theory, pokemon the 3rd mobie, pokemon movie 3, pokemon third movie, mystery of the unown, unown, unown pokemon, unown pokemon movie, entei, entei pokemon movie, unown theory, pokemon alchemy, alchemy, arceus, pokemon creation, origin of pokemon, pokemon timeline, pokemon creation myth, pokemon creation trio, pokemon history, pokemon sun and moon, 8th gen pokemon, switch, code
Id: KkcyKAiifbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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