What is a family secret you only got told after you got older? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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ah / ah screw it what's a family secret who didn't get told until you were older that made things finally make sense that my sister she was 16 when I was born and kicked out is my mother her mother my grandma raised me as her daughter it doesn't end there I was a product of abuse from a family friend to this day I don't know who my real dad is my grandma was in her 40s when she had me and my sister was sent to a boarding school when she was pregnant with me my sister has no idea that I know one of my most beloved mom's recipe recipes was actually Hamburger Helper she was a from scratch cooking literally everything else we ate she made herself she never told us because it made her so mad that her kids would love a box meal so much she did it once out of sheer desperation because she didn't have time to cook one night we ended up loving it I only found out in college because I begged for the recipe I love giving her crap for it to this day my dad never called his stepmom anything but her real name Margaret he has seven brothers and sisters and they all called him almost inform of that when I got older it turns out my grandpa was actually cheating on my real grandma my dad's mom with Margaret while she was dying for colon cancer my dad was five when she dies and if she was dying my dad had to call my grandpa to tell him to come home because she was dying after that Margaret and her three kids moved in and my dad was forced to live with his sister who was 18 and married this was late seventies back country so not abnormal for the time from then until he turned 16 when he decided to move in with his best friend and his mom so I learned that he probably has always had resentments towards Margaret because of everything that happened when he was so young and never wanted to call her anything that resembled a mother because that's not what she was tell him that my aunt's close friend that she lives with is actually her girlfriend was about 22 when they told me never even thought about it until it was said weird how I was completely oblivious to this for so many years not all that extreme but it was emotional for me my grandfather was the typical tough rugged mountain man he never expressed emotion and in fact rarely ever even spoke at family gatherings he would just sit in the corner drinking beer I never felt that he and I had a very good relationship considering I was a weird artsy kid in the family we didn't have much to talk about because we couldn't relate to each other well he died of lung cancer two years ago a couple of months after he died I was visiting my parents and my mom pulled out a shoebox that belonged to him filled with sentimental photographs that he kept hidden in his closet but nobody knew about it until after he died and they were cleaning his things out almost every single photograph was of me it broke my heart I wish I would have been closer to him he clearly loved me a lot more than I thought he did my grandma and grandpa have been separated since we were all young kids my grandpa would always fall asleep on the couch before we went to bed on holidays and when we'd wake up in the morning he was out getting coffee we never thought anything of it because there were still always together however looking back I don't remember them ever being in the same room or ever really interacting beyond the age of about five they're very Catholic and don't believe in divorce yet they both have new significant others who are pushing them for marriage holidays are very weird now my pet rabbit got attacked by something a couple years after I got it my parents found it dead and replaced it before I found out I just thought my rabbit Lib super-long but it was actually two rabbits this happened over 10 years ago and I found out last year my parents were swingers that my grandparents didn't talk to each other 20 years before my grandfather finally kicked the bucket they lived in the same house the entire time - and no one knows why they weren't on speaking terms my mom was in the hospital so I flew home me and my dad were hanging out getting drunk and he started telling me family secrets almost like he was trying to get a reaction out of me an uncle was molested and a strange aunt might actually have a different father than we thought it cetera the one that really got me was when he revealed that he used to do coke I was imagining he meant like in his 20s I said when did you stop and he said I think he were about 19 like [ __ ] what man my entire childhood and he said yup did mom know yes how much about a gram a week at first it was completely insane to me but looking back it made a ton of stuff make way more sense crazy mood swings explosive fights one minute he would be fine and then suddenly he would be raving about something I knew he drank so I always blamed the instability in the house on that but finding out he was regularly doing coke all my life was both astounding and it made complete sense I didn't know one of my cousins existed until I was about 10 years old turns out he was diagnosed with leukemia as a child and I was a very sensitive kid it sir my family decided not tell me until the treatment was successful and he recovered it would have been okay if they told me as soon as he was healthy again but I guess they forgot so the first time I met him I was wondering how exactly I managed to forget the existence of a whole person my uncle came to visit us when I was little and before he came mum sat me down and told me not to be alone with my uncle and that if he made me feel uncomfortable to let her know found out last year that when my mum was 9 she was raped by my uncle edit accidentally wrote her uncle instead of my uncle in the last sentence that my dad was a paedophile had no clue even through a decade of abuse I was told to keep a secret by him and my family kept the secret from me because they had thoughts of him being better or reformed so when I was 15 I realised it was wrong or it all started to make sense who knew as a child you can't trust your own father my aunt and uncle who passed away when I was 11 we're drug addicts I adored them but as I got older I started seeing less and less of them and never understood my parents briefly told me when I was 16 and that my uncle didn't die of a brain tumor actually had one though but instead he shot himself while my aunt was in the other room which lead to my aunt's drug-related death on New Year's Day they finally told me the whole story when I was 21 I was a last person to know even my little brother knew before me because I was extremely close to them and looked so highly of them I still do I wish I would have known sooner but I understand why they didn't tell me my grandparents forced my aunt to get an abortion before my family moved to America rendering her permanently sterile it finally makes sense why none of the adults talk about having children around her my father always talked about how his brother lied to a doctor so he could get on disability I thought it was so easy to for anyone to get a disability check all you had to do was tell your doctor you were abducted by aliens years later my father had a mental breakdown he started telling stories about the government implanting a chip in his brain he went out and got a cat scan as proof and he would point to things that weren't there my dad was diagnosed as a schizophrenic and years later he started collecting a disability check because he couldn't hold a job kind of hard to perform any job when every conversation including interviews veers into the government trying to [ __ ] me in the ass as an adult it dawned on me when my aunt mentioned mental illness runs in the family my uncle had never lied to his doctor he told that doctor what he believed to be the absolute truth he had been abducted by aliens I have an uncle who is a hardcore alcoholic and lived with my grandparents until they passed we always thought he was just an unmotivated loser I have another uncle that passed away well before I was born got hit by a car coming back from the store getting something from my grandparents after both grandparents passed my mom told me that the alcoholic uncle was asked to go to the store but bribed his little brother to go instead which led to his death my grandmother who I have always held in very very high regard my alcoholic uncle afterward about his brother would still be alive if he had gone to the store like she asked I cannot imagine the guilt that would have laid on him and completely understand why he ended up that way as a result in my adult life I found that my uncle is actually a pretty good man just Geralt a shitty hand that my granny attempted suicide when my mom was in high school my mom was the one that found her luckily she did find her because if she hadn't she wouldn't have survived it explains why my mom panics the way she doesn't jumps to conclusions all the time if she can't get a hold of me or my brother on the phone she automatically assumes we are dead and she panics recently she couldn't get ahold of my brother for a few hours and she lost all composure and had a nervous breakdown we just are starting to realize after all these years that she probably has undiagnosed PTSD my dad met my mom in a strip club when I was really young I never got why my dad wouldn't allow drinks like kool-aid in the house especially if it was grape later in life I found out he was part of a cleanup crew for Jonas Town edit I didn't think it would get this much attention I just thought it was weird that dad was so against all the drinks you mixed up from a powder not even the country time stuff I could have done at a friend's place though my brothers and I all share very distinctive teeth with my dad but no one else in the family has it after my grand ID I found some letters between her and my granddad while he was on national service going by the dates granddad was in Malaya when my dad was conceived edit the four of us all have severely crossed front teeth right oh the left and the bottom front row are crowded all in the same way I have no idea if dad knows we don't really talk gran is visibly pregnant in the wedding photos just about and my granddad wasn't the brightest spark to it maybe he didn't realize he absolutely doted on my dad and they didn't have any more children that place you visited dad and got to eat potato chips and one of them was like an extra big potato chip yeah that was jail and it was because he was caught drunk driving while also having a bunch of cocaine so I guess that don't do more than one illegal thing at a time advice he later gave me made sense also why we moved and then he wasn't around for a while edit for those of you wondering about the extra big potato chip it was like three times the size of a normal chip I saved it for last coupled with the fact that I didn't normally get to eat chips I'm pretty sure that chip is the only reason I remember that day something felt strange about my grandfather's funeral just by way they were emphasizing his place in heaven later found out that he shot himself in the heart with a 357 same side of the family also had seemingly random people show up at family gatherings throughout my life that ended up being illegitimate children of my grandma I just started gaining uncles and cousins confused the [ __ ] out of me as a child my brother and I are only half siblings we didn't know that my dad isn't his dad until I was 10 and he was 15 the only reason he was told was because my mom was trying to manipulate him into choosing her side in the divorce uncle killed a guy during a fight but that uncle died when I was nine I was told about it later it explained a lot it was a small town in people were scared of him growing up I was told that my grandfather had five siblings but I had only ever met one of them as I got older I was told that one brother had died from AIDS another brother had gone crazy from Agent Orange exposure yet another brother was living two blocks away but had been shunned because he was gay and sister was developmentally delayed and had basically become a ward of the state after their mother died it made me understand why my grandfather was so into those cheesy hallmark movie moments he wanted to make some happy family memories fortunately my grandfather and his shunned brother were able to reconcile before the brothers death that my mom was born from an affair my grandma first got pregnant at 16 and then again 17 with my two aunts she actually got married like a week after turning 16 well when she was 21 she had an affair with a really rich dude and thus my mom was conceived it was always weird to me that my aunt's were tall blond and quite sensible meanwhile my mom is short bunet and batshit crazy my grandma ended up getting a divorce like a year later because of this also the rich guy was also married and had a child with his equally batchat wife so I have an aunt Stevie no one told me about kind of related but after my grandma got the divorce and my mom was like 7 the rich guy's wife burst through the front window demanding that she buy my mom off my grandma like she went through a sheet of glass explains why I am so different from my aunts and supposed grandpa my youngest uncle is actually my oldest cousin my dad used to grow weed at the plant nursery he used to run when I was a kid that explains why there was an opaque tarp covering the back half of greenhouse five and why my parents told my brother and I never to go back there and why some real scruffy looking young guys were always coming around glass ting music all the time even though the only people I ever saw buying the regular plants were older men covered in dirt and driving trucks apparently my brother got into it and sold it to some of his friends at school in exchange for candy he was in the fifth grade at the time only like ten my parents naturally freaked out and scrapped the whole crop the back half of green house five went back to growing regular plants and dad sold the expensive UV lights he was using to grow them uncle bob was actually an FBI wanted person of interest for working on biological weapons and ties to white supremacy groups my mom aunts and uncle always called my Pat by his first name not dad or anything when I was a kid I thought maybe he just wanted them to call him by his name then one day my mum mentioned something about her dad I think she means my PAP nope my mum was the product of an affair and both men my grams first husband and my mum's biological dad thought of her as their own and basically co-parent 'add this was in the early 1960s both men raised my mum as their daughter until my grams first husband passed away and before my anyone says anything about my gram she was married off when she was 16 to an older man to save face for the family it was not a marriage of love but convenience she fell in love with my grandparents add permission from her first husband to peruse the relationship saw this above as well I was 13 years old when I learned that my father was not my biological father I confronted my mother and she denied it until I gave his name it was my grandmother who told me drunkenly everyone in my family knew extended and all I ended up finding him on my own though Facebook and other avenues I ended up meeting him at 14 and gained a whole family after that aunts uncles a brother and sister grandmother everything I was able to spend four years with him before he passed away from cancer I visit that side of my family every chance I get they are some of the most genuine and loving people I have in life but I wouldn't have change it I had an adoptive father didn't know he wasn't biological until the secret was let out that raised me since birth I'm his only child and I could not ask for a better dad even after him and my mom split he was the best father I could have ever asked for I really wouldn't change it for the world my father was a capo from the Neapolitan Kimura was wanted by the Interpol and couldn't set a foot back in Italy without being immediately apprehended he was also living under a stolen identity he used when he fled a high-security prison in Italy my last name never was my family name that and much more I used to like telling this story when I found out since everyone thought I was lying or joking anyway was 12 and only found out because my mum broke down after father was detained in Spain while we lived in Argentina which meant he might never come back to us he escaped prison again a year later grandpa is a pedo with a track record in my family that's why I never got left alone with him unfortunately my cousins did the expected happened and then the unexpected after 47 years he finally got reported and is now rotting in a County Jail when I was 7 years old I remember my mum was really excited and telling me I was gonna have a little sibling then one day she suddenly stopped talking about it I kind of just assumed she made a mistake and really wasn't pregnant fast forward to last month and she told me that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage probably should have expected that but it was still kind of shocking fo hear that my grandfather raped my grandmother and thats how she conceived my dad he used to beat my dad unconscious when my dad was as young as five years old and my grandmother did nothing about it my grandmother then finally left my grandfather only to be with an alcoholic pedophile who sexually abused young boys in church she has great taste in men explains why my grandmother and father had a strained relationship and why one Christmas my step grandfather was covered in bruises he said he had a fall but when everything came out about his past it was actually because a young boy he'd abuse tracked him down years later and beat the living [ __ ] out of him my cousin that is a year younger than my what we thought was the youngest sibling is our brother his mom is my dad's niece it's what finally made my mom file for divorce the drugs alcohol beatings cheating she could overlook a bit having an affair with his niece and then having a baby was the last straw we grew up thinking he was our cousin I guess that's true he called my dad dad and we never questioned did cause we thought he was just copying his older cousins only my mom and siblings know about it when it all came out when my dad died I found out when I was 15 but never said anything to anyone dad sits us down sometime before Christmas and says I am a woman ha and I thought he was gay to clarify this wasn't quite a family secret but my mom knew several months before and was really stressing about what would happen when my siblings and I were told a more accurate response to the question would be regarding my aunt who had been transgender all my life without me knowing it's funny in retrospect these things seem obvious but you only see what we want to see I love my aunt she's one of the most interesting crazy people on the planet I harbor no sore feelings for my dad regarding her gender transition but she sorry this is still fresh for me is a pretty shitty person for other reasons not explicitly at our family but a family that were our friends all of sudden shuts us out and I didn't really know why turns out the mom that adopted all the kids was having sex with the oldest 16 at a time by 18 before he went to college and cooled my mom whining about how the kids confessing screwed her over great stuff my parents would never talk about my grandpa my mom's dad and I would always ask what happened to him since he died and more info about him my parents would always just say he died of a heart attack and was accountant and always gets a look in their face little did I know he was an alcoholic who killed himself it was just hard for my mom to talk about him I posted this before but my parents met at the beginning of an eighth day long coke bender for some mutual friends they had eight days of partying later my father flew back out west he was on the East Coast visiting family my mom visited him three months later he proposed when she got off the plane I am the firstborn I showed up three years later I was told they met in college well some of the people at the party were in college so I guess that counts my mother was molested by her four brothers used as a target for a BB gun and so on she had a horrid childhood which in turn is why mine was so [ __ ] awful so it really does make a lot more sense now I thought she was just evil turns out she is just really really [ __ ] up emotionally and mentally found out when I was 11 that the older girl who lived down the street from me who was like a sister to me was actually my older sister we have a great relationship as adults we took a dozen times a year or so and visit each other sometimes but it is a very meaningful relationship and we really did a lot of growing up together I'm glad our parents let us play together so much when we were children through my childhood I always remembered my dad throwing my favorite elder sister out of a moving car my dad was arrested and was gone for some time my sister never lived with us after that I only saw her once more I remember having nightmares about this and that it all went down on my sixth birthday when I was 22 my mom and aunt told me that my dad had raped my sister he was taken away and put into rehab she was taken away and put into foster care they swept it all under the rug and went on with life I'm 46 and I'm still not over it protect all children my grandpa burned to death I found out he died when I was a kid but was not allowed to go to his funeral and they told me he had a heart attack I was so confused because everyone around me would clam up when I asked about him turns out that he had a heart attack while trying to put out a field fire collapsed and burned I still have no idea how long it took for people to find him but I'm assuming it was ours my mom planned me I always believed was until I was 24 I learned my father didn't and that's why my father [ __ ] hates me I'm a little late to the party and it's kinda a 2-stage situation here when I was five my parents informed me I was adopted cool I was a tough young but I coped and got over that I'd rather have herded them than when I was like 20 but at the time they never told me why turns out there were several things play here mother is a carrier of muscular dystrophy her brother had the active version and didn't live a fun or long life and she didn't want to pass that on mother also had a hysterectomy as a very young age somewhere in her late teens early twenties does not like to talk about it so I'm not quite sure when it was parents are first cousins didn't find that one out right away either bit of does make a whole bunch of sense my parents are the black sheep of the family turns out that's the primary reason why no one in the family approved had a creepy uncle that everybody felt uncomfortable near he was more annoying than creepy anyway never liked the guy one day when I was about 17 he asked for a handshake locked his hand over mine and said aren't you going to kiss your uncle's hand and tried to call his hand near to my head I freaked out and said that I was going to beat the [ __ ] out of him if he didn't let me go that instant it sounded way cooler and Portuguese and when he refused to let me go I overpowered him and managed to land a couple kicks until my father arrived I stopped thinking that maybe I went too far but dad started to beat the crap out of him when I told that he asked for a kiss later I was informed that my uncle was indeed a sex harasser I grew up never knowing my paternal grandpa the last time I saw him in person was when I was five and he was in prison turns out my aunt made some particularly shitty teenage decisions that ended in my grandpa getting framed for drug trafficking he got hit with a 20-year sentence no amount of Appeals would get his case reopened and he was deported as soon as he was let out my grandpa's one of the strongest kindest people I've known but since he's in his 80s now and I don't have the money to see him he'll probably pass away before I get the chance to see him in person again my father had another child years before he was with my mother my dad's mother tried to kill my mum with a knife right after my parents got married because she didn't want anyone taking her baby away she was yelling that if she can't have her son then no one can then when she couldn't stab my mother she tried to kill my father instead my uncle cheated on my aunt when he'd go away on weekends for events related to a hobby a little over a decade into their marriage and apparently everyone at those weekend's knew my aunt would be home with three young kids while he was openly running around with another woman but finally understood why my dad was always a little weird about him why one of his kids has had a hot and cold relationship with him and also why he and my aunt are so into this marriage group thing they do to the point of always going to conferences even when money is super tight found out I'm likely autistic but my parents didn't take me for any further doctor's visits to confirm once it was posited as a potential diagnosis parents didn't want me on any psychological meds so they just stopped still undiagnosed but it would explain a lot of the emotional issues I had as a kid as well as the unconventional social skills I have now but maybe I'm not autistic dunno I like my life as it is edit it's fascinating that so many people are in the same boat I am curious to get diagnosed but I'm also pushing 35 and I've got my [ __ ] together it would be validating to know for sure but it's not high priority I'll check out some resources and see what I have access to thanks everyone both my brothers and I are really half brothers and we were all conceived through artificial insemination from different donors thanks 23andme I was an only child and my mother was 40 and father 50 when they had me they had gotten together rather late in life my mother always told me that my father didn't want her to get pregnant because he was afraid she was too old and didn't want anything happening to her or the baby after my father passed away at the age of 95 I took my mother to the Social Security office to take care of paperwork one of the questions they asked was whether there were any other potential beneficiaries of my father's benefits such as other children or ex-wives being an only child I immediately answered no my mother looked at me sheepishly and answered that's not exactly correct it was then at the age of 45 in the Social Security building that I learned that my father had previously been married in his 20s and had had a child mother and baby died during childbirth it explained why my parents never had children until late at life and why he had not wanted to my sister and I both got you teased at the same time when our family was staying at our grandparents house one day my grandma took both of us aside and started what felt like an interrogation about whether any adults had touched us like if something happened you have to tell me right now at the time I felt gross confused and guilty even though nothing had happened it was just too intense I later learned that my grandma had been sexually abused by her brother for years and her mother refused to believe her my grandfather was one of six children from a Jewish family that escaped Europe at the start of the Holocaust all five of his siblings committed suicide my husband 50 and his three siblings 48 54 55 just found out a few months ago that their mother 80 was adopted I have done my own research at I'm too afraid to ask my aunt or Grandma but as far as I can tell grandpa wasn't forced into early retirement because he stole someone's teapot he was stocking up on guns about a year ago my mother revealed to me that my younger cousin is also my brother my late father donated sperm to my mother's sister as she'd had several miscarriages in the past so technically my younger cousin is also my younger brother I couldn't care less and I loved him more than anything my mother has had a rough past she was kicked out of her house at 16 and got pregnant at 18 and decided to keep the baby my half-brother after having several abortions before his father hung himself my mom found him and so my mom had to take care of my brother alone for three months my brother was forced to live with his grandparents his dad's parents while my mum tried to pull her life together when she finally did she met my dad and later had my sisters and I my grandma mom's mom moved in with us she was only supposed to stay with us for three months but ended up staying for 10 years and I always wondered why she lived with us turns out my mother didn't want to throw her out on the streets like my grandma did to her and so she let her stay with us I later found out my brother moved out when she moved in with us because he resents her for not supporting him into my mom edition story I just recently found out my dad watched his stepdad and uncle died in a motorcycle accident which is why my parents never let us ride on own motorcycles my dad once tried to murder someone attacked him with a knife in a fit of rage I found out when he told the story rather nonchalantly in a Bible study I attended with him as an adult at the time I was struggling to come to terms with the violence in my home and worrying that I was somehow to blame or that if people knew things that happen to me they'd think I somehow deserve it knowing that my dad straight-up tried to murder a guy helped me come to terms with the idea that really he can be a cruel person and that victims shouldn't feel blamed for that had to make a throw away for this since some family might recognize my mane about six years ago I found out that my older brother and his mom different moms but I lived with them and our grandparents have been having sex for years they shared a bedroom for a while when I was a kid but it never occurred to me that there was a reason for it even more alarming is that my grandmother told me a little before this that the same brother had admitted to being in love with me which explains why they never left us alone together I guess my dad had a first marriage my sisters and I knew nothing about till we were in our mid-30s he married my mom when he was 34 and she was 21 I always thought he was just a super late bloomer but he forbade my from telling us he spent his 20s married to a different woman only after his Alzheimer's was real bad did she reveal his big secret that my dad wasn't my dad finally explained how come I got beat and had to go to bed when my younger sister was up and happy while I laid in bed and cried my grandmother has always been mean to her oldest daughter my mom's sister she was always belittling her and criticizing her I remember even when I was a kid I thought she was just being so mean to her for no reason whatsoever I just assumed she played favorites with her children to an extreme degree when I was about 20 I learned that my grandmother conceived my aunt out of wedlock before she had met and married my grandfather and was mean to her because she doesn't like being reminded about that part of her past I had previously lost respect for her when I thought she was being mean to my aunt for no reason when I found out the real reason I just lost even more respect for her when I was around 6 - 8 years old my uncle passed away I thought it was something sudden and medically tragic as I remember him having lung problems of some sort when I got older I found out he committed suicide because his girlfriend broke up with him I remember visiting my dad and hanging out in my uncle's room where we got to play video games and listen to cool music with him that was the start of me learning about mental illness running in the family and connected a lot of dots for me my grandma used to give my dad Valiant something like it when he was a small child and tell him it was his vitamins that part of my family is seriously missed happened now I understand some of my grandma's behavior was not early dementia Alzheimer's but in fact just who she was as a kid I always wondered why my dad and his sister were raised by their grandparents I was later told by my mother that his biological mom was killed by his biological dad and then he committed suicide his grandparents adopted them and his dad's side of the family was basically forgotten about I know absolutely nothing about that side of my dad's family my grandma married her first cousin it was a second marriage for both and in their late 50s not sure how it even was legal was described as more of a friendship to me after I put the pieces together it was very confusing as a kid why your grandparents talked about having the same grandmother though my grandmother died when I was 16 while we were cleaning out our house I found a large stash of family photos including my dad's wedding picture - not my mom turns out my dad was married before he married my mom explains why my dad was always Dean old by my friends standards I asked my mom if she knew and she said of course in the least convincing tone my dad is and always has been a gay man he and my mom have been married for 35 years and she knew he was gay when they got married their plan was for him to live a normal life as a straight religious family man that worked pretty well for the first decade then he cheated on my mom over the next 15 years he cheated on her with men on four separate occasions including a full-blown seven-month on-again off-again affair she's forgiven him every time but it's getting to the point where it's just sad for both of them mom it's time to lead that you love him he loves you but it's not worth the pain and paranoia you've been dealing with forget AIDS dad you're gay you want to be with a man so go be gay that's completely fine but stop hurting mom they're still together my uncle's gay explains why his friend stayed with my parents house with him when he visited how my mom's side of the family escaped Communist China in the 1970s lived in the Kowloon walled city for about four years and became refugees in the US explains why my mom is so frugal and doesn't trust the government dad was adopted half of my family history is a lie I was never close to those [ __ ] anyways I wish he had told me sooner as I'm sure you're aware I was adopted no I was not aware Oh nobody told you you didn't tell me I love that guy we're kindred spirits I wish he had told me sooner my brother knew for years mum too and they never told me out of four girls I'm the only one who can biologically have kids I didn't find out until I was 24 and then only because my mom wanted me to shut the [ __ ] up asking my recently married sister when they were going to have kids I now understand why my parents were so grossly under prepared to explain menstruation to me the third daughter they'd never had to do it before edit I'm not going to go into detail but the reason is chromosomal they basically don't have the necessary internal parts and had to take hormone therapy edit - don't ask people when if we're going to have kids I had to learn this lesson the hard way but you don't have to it's none of your goddamn business I kind of figured it out thanks to science class but I was told that someone else was my father for my whole life who I now refer to as my stepdad apparently the adults in my life felt that I was fairly mature and were going to tell me when I was about 10 but my stepfather died so that made it weird hey kid don't worry he's not really your dad so the secret was kept until my teen years was told my aunt and uncle died because of a carbon monoxide leak in their house when I was 16 I was told the truth my uncle was having serious money problems he shot my arms and then hung himself that my grandfather is bald kotas say he was hella good at hiding it that my grandmother's husband was a pedophile all of a sudden I knew why my uncle was so weird and would pick me up and carry me away rather than let me stay alone in a room with him for the longest time I thought my uncle was a real prude my male cousins could all swim naked or run around in just their swim trunks but my uncle made me always wear a swimsuit and put on a cover up when I came out of the pool he later admitted if God forbid he touched you I was making sure no one could try to blame you they blamed all his other victims for being too tempting my uncle bless his heart wanted to kill that man so bad for that matter so did my dad finding out the pedo was well a pedo made all of their muttering to each other at family gatherings make so much more sense if you want to get nothing in 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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: DpN5rAg3ZYs
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Length: 40min 18sec (2418 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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