Childcare workers, what family secret was revealed by a kid?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit daycare workers have read it what is the most shocking family secret you have been told by a three-year-old I dated a girl with two kids I was watching them while she went to the doctor she had a serious medical problem and she wanted the kids to not be there and see her all stress out was watching toy story with her three-year-old daughter I guess the daughter started understanding that her mom and I are more than friends she said would you hit mama I was shocked and I said of course not what put that idea in your head and sheeted up and said my daddy used to hit her and she started crying I just did my best I explained to her that I would never hurt any of them and how people who love each other should behave and that a dad had a sickness that caused him to act strangely he was an addict I got her a popsicle and she calmed down as Buzz Lightyear and woody were flying into the car I was aware that their dad hit their mom but I didn't know the daughter witnessed it all would even remember you're a good man hey I'm okay sometimes when my son was three I bought my wife Titanic on video yes it was a long time ago for her birthday he asked if he could watch ships after nursery-school we said that it wasn't really a film for children it was a film for grownups like mummy and daddy when I picked him up later his nursery teacher was stifling her laughter as he had been telling everyone all day that it was his mommy's birthday that day and that Daddy had bought mommy a special video that only mommies and daddies could watch ha this reminds me of my daughter five at a time yelling at my in the car one time because I was drinking and driving and she heard that you can hurt people and go to jail for that I was drinking a bottle of iced tea this thread making me terrified to have kids I teach two-year-olds and we were asking the kids what their parents names were just to see if they knew I asked a little boy what's mommy's name he says Michel then I asked what's daddy's name and he looks confused as if he's trying to figure out the answer but Conn's so I asked what does mommy call daddy assuming he would say John instead he looked up at me and says big papa I couldn't help but bust out laughing I love it when you call me big papa throw your hands in the air if you's a true player not really a shocking secret that had got a laugh out of me I had my preschoolers rounded up for circle time going off their interests of the day I decided to ask who was a boy and who was a girl since that's what happened to be the one thing every three-year-old cared about that day through the sea of children I hear a couple responses I'm a boy I'm a girl etc then out of nowhere all the way in the back I hear I'm black he sure was god I miss that class good times what is your gender , male caller female X black for some reason this is the funniest one my grandma owns a home daycare and a female total of a she babysat decided to try and pull down a male toddlers pants and kiss his peepee my grandma immediately asked her where she learned that and she said my daddy my grandma reported it and an investigation was done and her family was actually very grateful that she did it even her dad an investigation was done and they found nothing wrong in the parents 100% cooperated kids sometimes just say odd things but they were glad to know that my grandma takes those sorts of things seriously so I guess it's not a family secret but my grandma certainly thought it could have been at the time she probably just walked in on her parents at some point our / Nenana noise little kid just kind of babbling age she couldn't talk properly but could say a few words she was playing in the little Playhouse and I heard her yell very clearly get out of my house rat bastard I wonder where she picked that up my cousin said he knew he and his wife had been fighting too much when he heard the kids playing house and his daughter yelled at his son who was playing husband and you always leave in the middle of an argument I have to go to work you always have to go to work it was word-for-word their most common argument to have one of my parents parental flaw was to tell me and my brothers to stop being noisy every time we made a noise in other words every time we were being kids my dad recently told me about that one time I was playing with LEGOs I'd made a little tear Annette took a little Lego character and made it walk to the top while another character stood by the base of the pyramid I had apparently made one character say are you at the top yet and the other one said quit nagging I had them made the first one cry at which point the second one said stop crying I once had a little girl tell me she saw daddy licking mommy like a doggie that was hilarious and awkward there were a handful of really sad cases where children would disclose neglect or abuse one girl in particular had a meltdown one day when she had an accident in her underwear turned out that her mom would slap her around just gently enough to not leave a mark and lock her in a closet when she misbehaved which included accidents needless to say we reported the mother to CPS and did a rush job washing the girls clothing so she could go home in the same clothes she wore to school without her mom knowing about the accident lots of kids spilling the beans of new pregnancies or divorces arguments between parents or infidelity kids see and hear a lot and they tend to have incredibly good memory for that kind of stuff they tend to have incredibly good memory for that kind of stuff I'm just going to add that they seem to have a pretty good memory in general I now just ask my almost three-year-old daughter where I put whatever I'm trying to find and she always knows where it is whether it's my keys wallet or the remote those Bluetooth finder tags are going to go belly up once people find out about child finders I will be rich oh wait no they cost so much we're broke dark idk if this counts but a three-year-old told me he had belly aches every day because mommy gave him too much sleepy juice I said what's what he didn't know I brought it up to her and she said like it was all normal fine even with a little laugh ah yes sometimes I give him a little bit too much nyquil because a little [ __ ] doesn't sleep and I was like I'm no child that age should have any nyquil she laughed it off and said oh he's been getting it since he was a year old nothing bad has happened and on top of that the kids always came in smelling like strong weed CPS was called liver damage though yeah but he looked okay so it's fine right not a daycare worker but I used to have a tax practice a client came into my office to drop off his tax paperwork with his five kids ages three ten in tow he said he needed to go run an errand and left leaving the kids in my office for me to babysit while I worked on his taxes the kids were shy quiet and well behaved but the youngest finally started a conversation with me my daddy hits my mommy the fact that he dumped his children on you was good for shadowing on his awfulness seriously though five kids I can't imagine what the office looked like if he was gone more than about a minute on his errand this isn't exactly scandalous the shocking things I have heard usually involve abuse we had a family from Texas move to the daycare I worked at in Illinois the boy would try and tell us stories but we never could fully get all the details for it to make sense it would usually go like this boy you know who's bad me who is bad boy the black man me who boy the black man is bad he hurts people me what man why does he hurt people boy the black man he's scary after a few weeks of this the boy was the one to always bring the black man topic up I finally was able to discover that the black man was Darth Vader I had assumed that perhaps this southern family had a streak of racism bitter just turned out I was prejudiced against southerners that reminds of my daughter asking to watch the movie with the black man the white man and the green man it took me a while to realize she was talking about Star Wars for Halloween my son wanted to be the green guy from Star Wars that we're like Yoda and he gets all mad as yelling no the green guy turns out he meant Luke with the green lightsaber when my daughter was two I had her little brother sometimes when he was around nine months old she got pretty sick of him and she was also in her daddy as king phase so she would go around saying daddy is my daddy but he's not little brothers daddy I always wondered if she spread that rumor at daycare as well my oldest son aged 2 then used to tell me mama I'm your baby new brother is daddy's baby probably lol my son once told his class and teacher that daddy drinks beer every morning it was Pepsi he did not know the difference I used to tell people about how my dad would drink and drive it was water I swear every kid under a certain age believed at some point that their parents were going to get in trouble for drinking water tea coffee coke whatever while they drove the weird thing is drunk driving commercials play on children's TV networks and radio stations and I remember getting coloring sheets or what to have a are against drinking and driving as young as kindergarten but it took forever for an adult to specify to me that they meant don't drink alcohol before operating a vehicle I remember being terrified that my mom was going to get arrested for drinking Snapple in the car and when I mentioned don't drink and drive all she tell me is that isn't what that means it's still very weird to me that we get the don't operate a vehicle intoxicated lesson before we get the alcohol makes you drunk less I'm not even sure what the point of teaching kids don't drink and drive ease kids don't drive oh my I can't believe this isn't one of the first ones that popped into my head there was a little girl and boy about three and one they were in foster care and had a great foster parent while they would get picked up about once a week by social worker and taken to their parents for visits well one time when they came back from the first unsupervised visit the little one-year-old started breathing really heavy and raspy and then all the sudden golly breathing at all we think maybe you're allergic reaction to something of course we call an ambulance then not even ten minuets after he's off to the hospital it happens to the little three-year-old but he starts throwing up too and then not being able to breath so we're all like WTF is going on the owner goes to the hospital with the kids and calls later the let us know what is going on turns out the real parents poisoned both of the kids they turned out okay the little boy had a lot more in his system and was in the hospital for a few months but overall everything went back to normal needless to say the parents went to prison their reason for doing it was because if they couldn't have them then no one else was raising them which made no sense because they were fairly close to getting them back you never know how shitty some parents can be until you work in child care edit because so many people have asked me this I mean the owners of the daycare none of the children what the dark row that's awful so glad those kids are safe I used to work out a church during the summer and one time and little boy just up and told me as we were walking to Chapel that his daddy spanks his mommy with a wooden spoon after they go to bed obviously nothing illegal here but it was a funny story and the parents were informed by their little angel knew of their shenanigans and to have a talk with him you should have a talk with your son what why what's wrong it's for church honey next oh wow this mean it has aged like a fine wine they tell me everything if you light your daycare worker your child will spill the beans I have lots of three-year-olds struggling with potty training every single parent will tell me they're working with the child at home your kid will tell me if that's true or if you're just putting them and diaper as soon as you get home biggest thing I've been told one little girl mentioned how her grandma tries to breastfeed her her grandma picked her up every day from daycare and had her just about all afternoon with her alone we called parents and CPS an investigation was done and grandma admitted to holding her like she was nursing but claimed they were just cuddling from my conversation with the little one it sounded like it was definitely going on she was really really detailed for an almost three-year-old grandma walked away unscathed and still picked little girl up from daycare regularly if you liked your daycare worker your child will spill the beans man to true I worked as a martial arts instructor for years and one of our programs was for young kids like three five years old those little shits lived to knock on their parents to us my mommy threw trash out of the car window on the way here it was awesome I just shared this in our slash parenting a week ago but just how aggressively willing our little one was to share was too funny she saw that daddy and I left the room and without skipping a beat took one look at grandma and goes completely unprompted daddy's mean to me he yells at me and I don't like him at all all wide-eyed and completely sincere grandma gets to the bottom of it and it turns out it's because he told her to calm down after a tantrum about not getting McDonald's french fries three days ago this four-year-old held a three-day grudge about french fries and tried to report daddy to Grandma I could not believe it lol join our community discord link in description not a secret and not a daycare worker but I do work with young children at a private tutoring company it's a little girl just turned six at my workplace once turned to another girl who was being disruptive and calmly said go and see a therapist darling you sound like you need one it was hilarious at the time but also kinda sad that the girl had heard that phrase often enough to be able to parrot it during an argument this is why six-year-old shouldn't be allowed to watch RuPaul's Drag Race shady little beaches not super shocking but I worked at it daycare for a couple of years and the two stories I remember the most was when a little girl said to me when daddy takes a bath mommy shaves his back and another little girl that admitted when her dad watches her in the tub sometimes he will drop a turd in the toilet that latter one her dad came to pick her up that day and I could not look him in the eye when her dad watches her in the tub sometimes he will drop a turd in the toilet efficent did this yesterday we're also knee-deep in potty training sOooo I was setting a good example right not sure if this counts wife runs one had a day off from work and a six-year-old sits at the table next to me and we start talking about different fish in the world his parents were divorced and they have split custody he and his sister only come part-time so I grabbed my phone and we look up a different tropical fish and whatnot after a bit he tells me he only likes his mom and sister hates his dad stepmom and stepbrother talks about how he is going to light his dad's house on fire with the people he hates still in it I told his stepmom about it when she came to pick him up he went to therapy for a while his real mom gets a new living boyfriend every month or so apparently one has given him swirlies a few times and another was a convicted child molester the dad reports this [ __ ] to CPS but they never do anything about it a dude I work with just had his second kid his woman's mother is dating a guy she met through her church's program Jesus for prisoners or some [ __ ] like that dude was doing 10 years for child molestation and grandma doesn't see anything wrong now that he's accepted Jesus into his life it just boils my blood that people with kids are okay with [ __ ] like that I once had CPS called on my parents because I told my daycare worker there was nothing to eat and I was starving true story was my mom hadn't had time to get groceries and asked my dad to go before I left for daycare saying something like could you pick up the groceries I don't want her to starve for another day tomorrow we had breakfast that morning but not a usual and refused to eat at all I never saw my mom so embarrassed ever again my husband and I went on vacation for a week and left my than kindergartener with my mill the small widow was caught eating dog food out off a sandwich baggie on the playground during recess literally twelve hours after we left he's excused to the teachers grandma won't feed me he's excused to Grandma the dogs liked it a lot so I wanted to try it thank everything holy the teachers knew as aunt grandma no scary CPS calls were made and everyone saved for Grandma had a good laugh grandma locked up the dog food until we came back I had a three-year-old come to class with little red circles on his arms legs and back after spending the week with his dad he told me that daddy burns him with his hot smelly sticks when he was mad dad was burning the kid with cigarettes definitely got CPS involved oh that's utterly heartbreaking poor little boy not a daycare worker but something rather similar I helped with foster children for a long time and one who was in the process of being taken from for her mother three years old tailed me giggling that male was sucking mommy's boob Mel was her grandmother she also told me that when she was a little tiny her mom put her and a crib and a scary man came into the room and grabbed mummy and jumped all over her while mommy screamed no my baby is watching stop stop that's horrible so I worked in a day nursery for about four or so years and I will never forget the day they a three-year-old out at her mom and dad for having a sex swing in their bedroom by drawing a pretty graphic picture of the swing and her mummy laying back in it and Daddy kneeling down in front of her we reported it to management because of policies and procedures but my lord I had to leave the room and laughed before i imploded the same child maybe three or four days later pipes up during a conversation about religion it was around Christmas time so we were covering what religions have what festival gods et Cie she announces that her mummy loves God very much and prays to him a lot at night without even thinking we asked how does she pray she responded with the making sex moans and saying oh my god oh god oh god oh god yes I am so close and that she thought it was sweet she felt so close to God I miss this kid I had a kid tell me I was looking in mommy's dresser and she has a dog bone and a dog collar and we don't even have a dog kidoh found monks toy stash I had a kid call me a beach before and slapped me on the face that one was fun he was in the foster system so he had already been through some things I'm sure it wasn't a secret but having a pair of four five-year-old sisters revealed to me the details of their father's motorcycle accident that led to his death was heartbreaking it all starts with my daddy is dead and ends with he wasn't wearing a helmet spoiler alert the story is terribly tragic and lengthy Oh a girl who has a questionable home life pointed to a cop car and said it's the Popo they took mommy away once and now I don't have a mommy anymore used to work at a daycare and the cutest little redheaded boy said I have to go drain my snake he told us that's how his uncle announces he has to go to the washroom that was 25 years ago and I'll never forget it we had a kid who would say ow my beans when he hit his crotch on something it made me laugh so hard I worked at a gym childcare center in high school and a pair of four-year-old twins one who appeared to be mentally disabled with an older sister came in not three-year-olds but not very old the little boy had these weird scars all over his arms and legs like old cut marks healed over he the older girl maybe five or six noticed me looking and calmly explained that it was from when his twin sister had gone after him with a knife and rolled up her sleeves to show me the same marks all over her arms apparently the younger girl had serious issues and her parents apologized for not warning me when they came to pick her up never saw them again creepiest little girl I've ever seen that's terrifying really honestly terrifying two-year-old girl to my mother a nursery teacher my mother says you're black my mother yes I am - yo my mother says she doesn't like black people my mother is obviously black and a nursery teacher in a country where most other black african-american Europeans people are temporary residents only sir most locals have never really interacted directly with black people bonus this little girl is light brown skinned Arab and apparently was also told by her mother that she is white DTA DEET about little girls physical appearance also I won't go into a debate about the whole Arabs classified as Caucasian or white on censuses in the u.s. thing but essentially my point was that regardless of if we believe that girl was white or not her conversation with my mother reflects that she absorbed what her mother told race that's her introduction to race relations that her mother doesn't like black people it was shady on her mother's part at best and irresponsible and potentially damaging at worst that's sad I hope that tuyo grows up loving her nursery teacher and isn't as bigoted and mislead as her mom my mom was a teacher and one time the fire department came in to educate the kindergarten kids they asked the kids to name different things in the house at art the stove the fireplace etc then one kid raises his hand and says the weed is hot I don't think anything ever came of it it was not the nicest neighborhood and this kind of thing wasn't all that surprising I had to give a fire safety presentation to a school of kindergartners to grade 6 we asked the kids to put up their hands if they had ever heard a smoke alarm go off in their house one kid yelled out your but only when mom is cooking the daycare people knew we were trying for baby number two because an ovulation test sticker got stuck on soon-to-be older brothers you my kindergarten class had parent volunteers come and sometimes to help with projects my mom signed up and came one day but the other mother who was supposed to also come in called out sick at recess my mom saw the mothers son and said something like hi kid name I heard your mommy was sick and I hope she feels better is she okay the boy said yeah she's okay but the balloon in her boobie popped and she had to go to the doctor to get it fixed basically she called out because her breast implant leaked or had some issue not really shocking just kind of funny thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 933,233
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Keywords: reddit family secret, family secret, askreddit, r/askreddit, parents what do you regret finding out about your kid, reddit, ask reddit, what do you regret finding out about your kid? (r/askreddit), askreddit funny, best of reddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, daycare workers, reddit daycare workers, reddit top posts, family secrets, subreddit, askreddit top posts, best of r/askreddit, best reddit posts, reddit cringe, planet reddit
Id: N-M6sMLL54I
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Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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