What Are The Craziest Fun Facts To Say When Asked? - (r/AskReddit)

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ah /oscar innit what has always been your fun fact when asks a woman once jumped off the 86th floor of the Empire State Building but the wind pushed her back and she fell on a Ledge on the 85th floor he survived woman goodbye cruel world I'm taking things into my own hands God no God looking down accept it jump to it destiny denies you all the same or should I say I do claydol was originally designed to remove soot from wallpaper the only reason it became a toy was that vinyl wallpaper became a thing making his product obsolete the Creator needed to save the company and accidentally found that kids love the stuff after making it safe to play with it was then marketed for kids in a similar vein silly putty was invented as an attempt at a synthetic rubber substitute as the natural material had become scarce during World War two however the new substance did not have the properties necessary for that purpose and was only picked up as a potential toy concept by chance also the reusable low-tech glue on post-it notes originated as a failed creation in experiments attempting to develop a super strong adhesive and its inventor was initially so disappointed in the result that he nearly threw out the formula didn't the post-it guy only realize the potential when someone complained about bookmarks falling out or something I think I heard that from an old 3-meter employee but not sure if it's a true story or just added to the mythology almost exactly 90 years ago Pluto was discovered February 18th 1930 since its discovery it has not completed a single orbit around the Sun in fact it's only gone about 1/3 of the way around in all that time Pluto really crap a bed on this one it's just taking its time during World War two when the Nazis took over France the French government had the elevator in the evil tower destroyed so if Hitler wanted to plant a flag on top of the tower he would have to take the stairs to the top that is the most French thing I have ever heard masters of passive-aggressive et G Ross are the only animals born with horns other animals grow horns when they are older and they have the weirdest or kinkiest mating habits to know when to mate a male giraffe will continuously Hedford the female and the bladder until she urinates the male then tastes the pee and that helps it determine whether the female is ovulating kinky dragonflies have the highest successful kill rate of any creature on earth some fishing stores in New Brunswick sell you boxes of dragonflies thst you release in your area to literally delete the mosquitoes that are bothering you while you fish all work was super interesting to see when I went there to work the first time and the old boy just lets loose the winged bug-eyed dogs of Hell when the black flies and mosquitoes were bothering us that's awesome completely pointless but Lego produces more tyres than any manufacturer in the world Lego was named after Danish words leg not play well and then it turned out Lego means I collect and I assemble in Latin it was a coincidence because they knew nothing about Latin number God's plan the reason why it is the top 40 years that Jukka boxes could fit 40 Records and the owners would use the top 40 list as a way to know which records to buy as the more popular ones would get played more and thus get more money also fun fact Billboard magazine used to be a trade magazine for advertising which in those days was most often literal billboards since sales in the new recording industry were heavily influenced by advertising they created metrics for monitoring it they split off the music section as a separate publication when it got huge and today that's all they do billboard also used to have a category called hot black singles ants can enslave their neighboring ants and once the slave ants get fed up with their bullcrap they rebel against their masters in a bloody winner-takes-all deathmatch in the survivors were popular the colony with help of their Queens I just saved this the gas ant in battle with smaller ants in my backyard I'd been sitting there watching it valiantly fighting but outnumbered so I played the role of the deus ex machina and relocated the foreign ants to a different spot farther away it came back for round two and i didn't intervene in its free will that time you prevented an honorable battle two glorious death and her entry into the burrows of an fella you monster the chainsaw was invented as a tool to assist in giving birth you've heard of stillborn now get ready for stillborn this is the worst thing I've ever heard and I hate that it's so amusing a palindrome is a word that can be read the same both ways like level or a scar the fear of palindromes is called a bar phobia which itself is a palindrome is this a sick joke it would be if there were people that are scared of palindromes but I doubt that there is a single person with that phobia for a short time during the 80s Pepsi was the sixth world military power Russia didn't have money to pay for a massive order so Pepsi accepted of the gas sea fleet as a payment warships submarines the works they were eventually scrapped for parts that sounds about right explains the harrier contest if everyone lived at the same density as New York City we could all fit into New Zealand Edit - apparently it's specifically Manhattan not just New York City in general edit one you slash dragnet below said you are wrong New Zealand area is 260 8021 km2 population density of New York City is ten thousand seven hundred and fifteen / km2 total population should be approximately three billion which is why less than current world population of seven seven billion you need population density of mumbay twenty-eight thousand five hundred and eight km2 to fit entire population in New Zealand so there's that and if everyone lived in the same density as Manila we could all fit in Tunisia and if nothing changed at all we could all fit in you're more if ancient Egyptians got divorced they would throw a massive party and invite everyone they knew to celebrate how close they all were to each other wholesome a giraffe has the same number of bones in their neck as humans I knew giraffes had seven bones in their neck but I didn't realize they managed to fit seven humans in there - okay dad a shotguns barrel will break if it's fired partially underwater at least with buckshot it will break wherever the water liners it's the compression of gases so it wouldn't matter if it was buckshot or even a blank so to any of you out there never ever fire a firearm partially submerged because what you have made is a bomb shotguns are actually low pressure weapons with Finke barrels so that probably makes them not as dangerous as say a rifle if you want to see what happens to a shotgun go to demolition ranch on it keep in mind less dangerous still means capable of blowing a gun barrel apart like a banana peel cheetahs can sprint for about 17 seconds straight after that they have to stop because they generate so much heat from the exertion that if they continued running they would literally cook their own brains this is why humans are the best runners in the animal kingdom we are nowhere near the fastest but we have ability to dissipate body heat efficiently so whereas most animals can only run for a few minutes to maybe a few of hours a human in peak physical condition can run for days shoutout 4s jump a second is called a second because it is the second division of the hour by 60 the first division being a minute this is also one of my favorite tidbits because I enjoy linguistics to those confused let me expand the first small part in Latin is pause menu to prema hence minutes the second small part and latinus Paz minuta secunda hence second I might have conjugated that wrong but you get the idea my favourite bit of linguistic fact is the word bishop though in greek EP equals over and Scopus equals look so if this kept us was an overseer of sorts drop the e at the start and biast at the end and you get pissed up look familiar fiddle with a PN decay a little bit and you can easily turn them into a B and an H episkopos piss Cup biscuit bishop so a bishop is just an overseer edit to the dutch snatch german / south africans I'm now fully aware that piss Cup means for said you don't need to keep telling me Episcopalian makes much more sense with this etymology the four bears hibernate bate a bunch of twigs and grass to plug up their butts so that they don't have to wake up in the middle of the winter to crap then when they do wake up in the spring they have these really rough massive craps and the plug is called a tavern tap on that ass William Henry Harrison gave the longest US presidential inauguration speech but the shortest term of one month before dying in office he also refused to wear an overcoat and died of pneumonia so these two facts are no doubt linked there's been some relatively recent analysis 2014 that concludes that the president probably died from septic shock instead of being out in the rain the White House water supply was from the same body of water that was the public sewage outlet the reason Kansas and Arkansas are pronounced differently is because Kansas has Native American roots where Arkansas has French roots edit so I was a little off apparently both states have the same Native American root word for the core slash cancer people Kansas just has an English variation while Arkansas has a French one someone needs to tell this to that girl in vines r.i.p I am confusion it would take one to hundred zero zero zero mosquito each sucking wants to completely drain the average human of blood I'm not sure this is fun to me I need more mosquitos in my death trap if aliens that were 65 million light years away looked at our planet through a very powerful telescope they would see dinosaurs theoretically so is that why they don't visit us giant scary lizards we only started broadcasting radio 114 years ago that means our first radio has just reached the 800 s nearest star to everyone else in the gazillion planets out there our planet is dead quiet without any sign of life clownfish will change slabbed if their partners die to mate with their children to survive Nemo and his dad are clownfish no wonder Malin chose Dory as his companion no officer I don't remember Marlon doing any of these things Nemo is saying oh no despite being a Class B substance the UK is the world's largest exporter of legal cannabis the former drug ministers Victoria Atkins husband owns the world's largest legal indoor cannabis farm in the UK why it will never be legal in the UK a politician will lose too much money why that they wouldn't need to export it there and could sell it in their own country after brexit this sounds really good Tim Burton's inspiration for The Nightmare Before Christmas was seeing retail stores setting up their Christmas displays before Halloween had finished to get looking onto this The Nightmare Before Christmas was not directed by Tim Burton it was directed by Henry Selick I know you didn't claim it was at any point but it's a pretty common misconception in general I always thought James and the Giant Peach was by Tim Burton as a kid but it's actually by Henry Selick I think Tim Burton served as a producer or consultant on it though why only only has two escalators I find this hard to believe can you elaborate how can you be sure shuffle several escalators into a bag and prepares for a road trip now that I think about it escalators are pretty rare aren't they I mean at least as far as the settings you've realistically see one you've got multi-story mouths some government buildings large airports subways and maybe the odd multi-story hotel lobby I guess I could imagine a small low-density state not having many places that actually require one the reason why you flip the first cigarette in the packet upside down and leave it until you finish the packet is because it's lucky but it's not the cig that's lucky the custom came during ww2 and if you live long enough to smoke the cigarette you were lucky another ww2 smoking superstition is that you never take the third light on a cigarette any sniper will spot the first flick of a lighter and train that direction the second guy he's lined up third guy is dead that's ww1 not to trench survival tactics first light spot the smokers second take aim third fire so don't be number three inches shows up both in early trench letters home and in the trench journalism that survives I mean it will have carried through to WWII but it comes from 1914 here's my favorite since I live in Ohio there are roughly 40 million kangaroos worldwide and there are 8 million people in a higher so if there was an instance that kangaroos invaded Ohio each individual would have to fight off a minimum of 5 kangaroos might need to update that fact I think the number of kangaroos worldwide just significantly drops we have always been at war with Ohio albatrosses can sleep when they fly car drivers - I want to die in my sleep peacefully like my grandfather not screaming in terror like his passengers Jack Handey the oldest your mom joke was discovered on a 3 500 year-old Babylonian tablet don't leave us hanging here obviously the original text wasn't written in English so this is a translation and the joke is incomplete because we can't find the rest but here it is anyway of your mother is by the one who has intercourse with her who / what is it no answer the cross some of the numbers of a roulette wheel is 666 the devil is in the details you could put all the planets in our solar system between Earth and the moon and still have room to spare so you are saying the moon is further away than Jupiter's diameter this really surprises me good fact not only that but also Saturn's Neptune's Uranus and all the other diameters combined if you add all the average diameters of the planets you get about 380 0 0 0 km/h dist:1 m be earth is about four hundred and six zero zero zero kilometers so yeah you really good and this is only the earth-moon system that's how big this is imagine how huge our solar system YZ and the imagine that it is in fact really tiny the universe is really mind-boggling ly big just like del garsa adam said due to color being linked with the X chromosome in cats tor toy social Tom's male cats are extremely rare Marie so if they're fertile this is due to most torti Tom's beings sigh males which tends to also render them infertile Tom's get their colors from mom and Molly's females get their colors from both parents a ginger mum can only have ginger or the dilute cream sons for example which a black Tom and ginger Mollie can make ginger sons and torti daughters either that orange caps are almost exclusively male this is due to the fact that while there's orange / cream there's also a chance for fathers to be black / blue chocolate Lila cinnamon and form since females get color from both parents mom and dad would both have to be orange / cream or thottie mom and orange / cream dad meanwhile sons only need forty or orange / cream mom to be orange / cream jet engines operate at temperatures well above the melting points of the materials that they are constructed from can you explain why they don't just melt they are being cooled the combustion temperatures are higher than the melting point but the material doesn't actually reach that seven percent of American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows yes - / daddy it's everybody knows brown cows don't exist like Finland Cleopatra left place of the invention of the iPhone than she did - the building of the pyramids of giza the pyramids were already considered ancient ruins by the time she was crowned one symptom of scurvy is that old scars reopen and form wounds again as scar tissue degrades from the vitamin C deficiency that's terrifying Walmart's business model favors hiring any and everyone with disabilities for the huge tax breaks same for elderly people the proportion of the flag of Nigeria 6 : 7 and the flag of Nepal is the only one in the world that is not rectangular edit I know that the Swiss flag is square a square is a rectangle with the same length on each side in my language that's the definition at least and yes we can specify it to only national flag which is what I was talking about anyway a blue whale's fart bubble is large enough to encase an entire horse I wonder if it would be enough to sink a small boat like the bubble appears beneath your boats and displaces all the water so your boat drops into the fart bubble void and then the water collapses back on top of you what a way to go a to I story full coupled with a horrendous stench followed by drowning II event sequencing is not my forte dogs never get insomnia lucky bastards on average mercury is the closest planet to every other planet in the solar system mas best closest planet CGP grey gang when dogs are acting in movies and they have to be tough / scary / scared et Cie a lot of the time their tails have to be considered because they're real tails are wagging they are so happy to be doing a good job and getting big treats that their tails wag even when they are supposed to be tucked in from fear or still etc so when you see a real dog go in a movie doing a big emotion like fear or anger their tail is more than likely fake so you're saying dogs are terrible actors / r / dogs with jobs triggered babies are born without kneecaps it's just cartilage that turns into bone when they are around four years old they're also born with four kidneys when they grow up they have two kidneys and two a dog knees the Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal is west of the Pacific entrance and Panama City is the only capital city in the world where you can watch the Sun Rise over the Pacific Ocean and sit over the Atlantic they took the W from one and hid it in the - we are all accountable though she was only able to because we a letter letter B animal shelters can't give out black caps around Halloween for fear that caps may be tortured and/or sacrificed have a nice day edit I just realized they said fun my fact doesn't belong here set black caps are brothers if you cut broccoli and leave it for 45 minutes before cooking it it will retain the same nutritional value as if eaten raw / uncooked nature really is magic sometimes I'm confused at what point are you cooking it and sauce for this you chop and wait 45 minutes before cooking however you want there is a strategy to get the benefits of raw and cooked form in raw broccoli the sauce for a faint precursor called glucoraphanin mixes with the enzyme myrosinase when you chew or chop it if given enough time such as when sitting in your upper stomach waiting to get digested for a feign is born the precursor and sulforaphane are resistant to heat and air for cooking but the enzyme is destroyed no enzyme equals no sulforaphane that's why I described the hack and hold technique if we chop the broccoli Brussels sprouts kale collards or cauliflower first and then wait 40 minutes we can cook them all we want the saw for a faint is already made the enzyme has already done its job so we don't need it anymore excerpt from how not to die by dr. Michael Greger because of the design of the electoral system in the United States a president can get elected with less than 25 percent of the popular votes edit spelling eje cted equals elected technically it can be something like 0.0 0.1 percent however that is essentially impossible the way to do it would be if only one person in each of the smallest states voted one way say red with no other voters in that state and 100 percent of the population in blue states voted the other way hell one doesn't even need any popular votes to actually win since it's decided by the Electoral College ie faithless electors you can out walk sunset on Venus if you could survive on the surface current record is two hours survived on the surface of course it was a giant metal probe made by Soviet Russia but how hard could it be barnacles are closely related to crabs but evolved to stick onto rocks they also have giant peeves that they can insert into the nearby girl barnacles barnacles in facts have the longest peed relative to body size and the entire animal kingdom it would be the equivalent of you having a pin the length of a school bus they need such a gargantuan Lea Long's clown so that they are able to prove about with it to search for female barnacles attached to rock some distance away then mate with them imagine having such a preposterous Lea protracted prehensile probing being that alliteration though when smoking went out of fashion and was diamond smoking ads Disney had a major issue on their hands in the fact that there was never a photo of Walt Disney without a cigarette in his fingers he was a heavy smoker so they resolved it by a brushing all the cigarettes out of every picture of Walt Disney so the question arose of why was Walt pointing with two fingers and they disguised it as Walt would point with two fingers because it isn't rude to point with two fingers as opposed to pointing with one and on top of that they made their staff point with two fingers because they are all trained to present themselves as Walt would edit hey guys just wanted to say a quick thank you for all the up votes it's only fitting my most upvoted comment is on something about Disney / Walt Disney law this was the best fun fact to me because I used to explain to people why staff pointed with two fingers my whole life has been a lie wombats poop cubes on a bad day so do i until 2019 the death penalty hadn't been officially abolished in the state of Hesse in Germany however since federal law trumps state law it still was effectively abolished this guy knows fun I don't get to use it much but Nicholas Cage bought a pet octopus once because he sincerely thought it might help with his acting such a waste of a tape recording the sign on your calculator is called a factorial in very simple language it determines the number of ways you can arrange or shuffle a certain set in different orders for example 3 equals 6 it means that you can arrange a set of 3 in 6 different ways to demonstrate this let's take a set of 3 letters a B and C 3 equals 6 means I can arrange them in six ways ABC ACB BCA back CBA cap now here's the mind-blowing fact there are 52 cards in one deck right so how many times can we arrange or shuffle them in different orders let's see 52 equals eight zero six five eight one seven five zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero we can shuffle or arrange a deck of cards in eight zero six five eight one seven five zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero different ways it is possible that a deck of cards have never been shuffled in the same way before since it was invented how ridiculous is this number let's say you have a deck of cards and you plan to rearrange it in different ways every second without repeating the same arrangement there are 31 536 0 0 0 seconds in 1 year that means it will take you to 5 5 7 6 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 years before you finish doing it in comparison imagine there's a person who can make water disappear if he decides to make one drop of water disappear every second it will take him eight four four seven four eight eight six zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero years before he can drain every sea and ocean on earth add one drop per second so let's say both of you start at the same time for your respective tasks at one drop of water per second that guy has to drain and refill the Earth's oceans one five one three eight five four six six zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero times before you're finished with your deck of cards I only know of this because if you are scallops or what is 70 factorial she will rattle off big numbers for about five minutes walk around the neighborhood up to various windows at night and shout Alex a full volume Alex Awad 70 factorial people walk up to seemingly random numbers being shouted back there's an area of land between Egypt and Sudan that could technically be regarded as belonging to either country but both claim belongs to the other the genitalia on a female hyenas almost like the male's researchers thought heinous were hermaphrodites for quite a long time before realizing otherwise the female hyenas penis actually an elongated clitoris it's referred to as a pseudo peen female Helen sp mate and give birth through it also even though the female hyenas penis and an actual peen it's longer than the male's I just wrestled over whether or not I should lose my job by googling this I'm staying at least for the rest of the day rabbits grind their teeth in Happiness similar to how cats purr when they're content I'm late but when Europe first found coffee during the Crusades it was brought to the Pope because people were worried if they drank a heathen Muslim drink they would go to hell the Pope tried it and was like yo this is freaking livin baptized it that's why Europe has coffee and why Italy has such a strong culture built around it because the Pope thought the bean juice that made him go fast was great and dunked a bag of it in holy water I really hope that's a direct quote from the Pope what he actually said was this Satan's drink is so delicious that it would be a pity - let the infidels have exclusive use of it but that's basically the 1600's Catholic equivalent thanks Pope Clement eighth thanks for that and literally nothing else a mantis shrimp has 12 16 cones in its eyes when compared to our three cones basically it can see a world that we can't even dream of including of light and polarization they can also punch with the speed of up to 51 miles per hour that's fast enough to create a vortex of bubbles that can stun prey even if the punch misses that's also why you don't see certain species mantis shrimp in aquariums they can punch through glass mantis shrimps are so neat edit changed acceleration to speed thanks for the correction edit - you'll know more than I do about mantis shrimps apparently thanks for the clarifications and information I always appreciate learning more about these little guys one punch man tits did you know that penguins can fly if they are thrown hard enough just like children lead [Music] [Music]
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Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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