People Share Darkest SECRETS In The HISTORY Of Their FAMILY (r/AskReddit)

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ah slashes credit what dark family secret slash family history have you uncovered my great-great-grandfather road gambling dead to his former best friend apparently after a night of gambling in which my ancestor somehow [ __ ] over his best friend a firefight erupted at my grandfather's house his best friend pulled a shotgun on him but missed and hit his own wife who was at my grandfather's house visiting with my grandfather's wife my grandfather was hit in the neck by a single buckshot pellet that forever stayed lodged in the side of the neck several months later my great-great-grandfather disappeared after a manhunt a body was found cut in three on the railroad tracks the head was missing but whoever found the body brought back the six gun and whiskey flask off of the body and my great-great-grandmother confirmed them to be her husband's now for the big twist apparently it was rumored that my grandfather had another family in a different state that he would disappear too often for long periods of time the head of the body on the tracks was never found family legend has it that my ancestor killed a man and planted his own personal items on the body and did away with the head of the body now his debts and blood feud were covered and he could forever live with his other family r.i.p great-great grandpa Charles you should bag I have been looking into my ancestry a bit recently and got quite confused when I stumbled across one of my grandmother's birth certificates since it listed a female in the father section turns out my great-grandmother who was living in a big port city in her youth got knocked up by a foreign sailor who was never heard of again however at the time a mother could not register a newborn with the authorities it had to be her husband or another patron so her on whom she lived with at the time had to go to the authorities to do the paperwork putting her name in the father box edit I also remember that I asked about this story before when I had to do an ancestry chart for school and my family told me that the great-grandfather was lost see which I in my head led to a tragic story of love and loss well maybe it was the fact that there was no name shield tipped me off though PS since I'm from the eastern part of Germany there is also all the Nazi and Stasi family history a lot of people happen to have around here and don't like to talk about about makes filling out an ancestry chart rather challenging but also interesting grandfather may have been a war criminal he was born in the UK to a German family and spent half his childhood in Germany for the rest of his life he would be able to fool Germans that he was one of them and then snap back into York sheer English she coolly convincingly he wouldn't tell us too much about the war we knew he was a special weapons expert and was regularly recalled by the army to consult well into the 1980s but some of the stories he told read like excerpts from the film inglorious basterds pretty sure he spent several days as part of an Africa Corps Support Battalion sabotaging it from the inside before leaving at night in a half track with the last of their working weapons we know on at least one occasion he drove a lorry into a were matched arms dumped to make a delivery of shells and bullets that weld and work having ensured the truck that was full of the real ones and expected would never be found or arrived he was a member of a British Army right through the war not sure what was going on but it seems it was all illegal Geneva Convention is fairly direct about never wearing enemy uniforms in the field of battle I have a few about 80% of my family members are cokeheads I found out after falling into the family habit right after high school and having a breakdown where I told my brother gets some habits are genetic my mothers aren't passed a few years ago we went to Arizona for the funeral which is where I met my mother's side of the family for the first time I learned two things that day I'm Irish the family has IRA ties and apparently my aunt had been murdered a few hours after the funeral we were all in the hotel room catching up when one of my as cousins who hadn't showed up called from a pay phone he asked to be put on speaker and to have the kids leave the room since I had recently turned 18 they asked for me to stay turns out he found out that mine are deceased and Stila had cut a coke with some kind of potion he got a confession from the guy before he offed him and dumped him in the desert he said he was sorry he couldn't be there but also said they wouldn't see him for a few years he said he loved us apologized he never got to meet my brothers and I and hung up no one has heard from him since my mother tried to abort me she confessed this after an argument we had and said her life is better without me in it and that she doesn't love me apparently my drunken father had found out showed up to the clinic dragged her out by her hair and told her that if she ever tried to abort me again he would kill her once I was born needless to say I won't cry we she finally ODS and gets put in the ground Edit I never thought I'd get this much feedback I appreciate all the kind words it really does make me feel better knowing that there are people out there who have been through tough situations who were able to come out clean on the other side it's depressing to say that that's only a few stories out of all the crap that's happened to me over the course of my life maybe one day I'll find a way to write it out and have it published like some of you guys have recommended but for now I'll just keep pushing forward my family tree is almost non-existent on both my parents sides what little information I could find implied that they were simply poor and nothing was well documented what was documented was often only in the churches where birth marriage and death records were kept so short of flying to home towns and perusing boxes of archival documents there wasn't gonna be [ __ ] especially true from my mother's side of the family where their last name doesn't appear to exist prior to the 1970s at one part maybe ten years ago I was in Ireland in vacation in Dublin I found a tiny storefront in an alley guy apparently made a living of researching documents and finding family histories the base level stuff was finding your family crest and mounting it in blacks for display I figured I'd give him a short gave him the number for my hotel to let me know what he found he said it would take a few hours to find the crests and her follow-up to see if I wanted anything more the next day I finally get a call from him he found the crests all right but asked me if I'd stopped into his shop the day before I left because something was bothering him and he wanted to dig deeper I figured it was fine and I've stopped it to buy the mounted crests as a gift to my parents who also don't know anything about family history aside from were all farmers [ __ ] else is there to do in bundler [ __ ] Portugal I so I go there and get the crests very nice my dad's side if the family is simply blue and white waves very simple turns out my dad's family originates from Spain and there's history of them being Smith's and the like nothing crazy my mum's side well [ __ ] strap and for some [ __ ] turns out there's a reason there's no easily findable documents for them they were all destroyed by the Catholic Church because my mum's family had all titles and properties stripped from them and they were all excommunicated why apparently the Knights Templar weren't fondly viewed by the church after the Crusades it seems my family was one of the Knights that refused to give up their loot to the church instead of bending the knee and living as minor Lords they threw the blazing fingers at the Pope and John had their way into oblivion edit weren't fondly viewed not were so that's a [ __ ] thing that happened I was the one who discovered my father was having prodigious amounts of unprotected sex with men during my whole childhood and while married to my mother I was 12 when I first found out and they got divorced when I was 18 that was fun edit I found out because I saw his gay porn on the computer that he wasn't even trying to hide it was just there on the screen when I walked in I called my mother in and when she saw it she called out to my father that he left his stuff on the computer again she has later claimed she never saw it and doesn't remember this moment but it's clear in my memory I looked a little deeper in the computer and found that he had saved him conversations between himself and various men in which he discussed his fetishes and planned liaisons when I confronted him about it he told me that he was in marketing which was true and that he had to look at that stuff and have those conversations so as to learn what people wanted this mollified me a bit remember I was 12 until I saw more conversations where he talked about how good a time he'd had with someone when I showed him what I'd found he tried to convince me I was crazy and seeing things I'd go back later and find that all this stuff I'd found was deleted I went through a long period of time where I was very depressed and suicidal and it took my therapist sitting my mother down and explaining the whole thing to her to make her see I was telling the truth because she didn't want to see it we actually have a very good relationship now her and I this whole issue was made more complicated by the fact that I myself am a gay man who realized during this period of time in my life that I liked guys pretty normal situation so my dad's dad was a cop at a prison guard this is around 1976 they came upon some hard times and money was tight there were four kids at the time with my dad as the oldest son there were a lot of mouths to feed well a few months pass and the kids come home from school and the police are there their mom my grandma is crying but calm she tells the kids the dad is gone that's all that said end of story my dad was eight at the time soon after she started abusing him and one of his younger sisters he would avoid going home and instead to his grandmother's house my great-grandmother she would always take care of him sometimes he would show up at 11:00 p.m. or later and she'd take him in and fee as time went on his mother would make them take their clothes off and each lay on the bed to get beat with a belt and anything she had handy well after a few years my grandmother met a man and they dated and got married we all call him Steve she didn't beat them around him while they dated but after marriage she showed it Steve then would tell my dad and his sister in private that he would try and calm down my grandmother when she had a fit of rage that led to him being very friendly with the sister in particular he played the white knight that would rescue them starting when she was about 11 to 12 Steve started raping her after she would get beat by my grandmother this led my arms to basically start bringing men home to sleep with for money this continued until my dad was about 15 to 16 years old my grandmother eventually divorced Steve after having four kids with him it wasn't until later on that the family found out that my dad's dad was killed robbing a bank in fact he had robbed several banks in their area over the past few months before his death the period of time when money was tight my dad remembers a fight between his mom and dad where she told him I don't give a [ __ ] what you do just get the money it turns out the way she talked to him and treated him led to him robbing those banks in fact a guy from their church who donated blood to my grandfather after he was shot in an effort to save him they attended the same Bible study wound up marrying my grandmother and they are still together to this day today it turns out the beatings might have sustained led to his collarbone and other bones not properly being connected to his sternum my mother went to a chiropractor for some back pain and he went along with her he decided to get the x-rays to begin the process and the doctor bewildered asked him what traumatic accident he sustained due to the blunt force trauma damage then had altered his spine vertebrae and other bones it was at this point when his repressed memories were reopened it's been a stressful and healing these last few months for him for my family when he called his sister to make sure that his mind wasn't making these memories up she burst into tears she hadn't spoken of the events to anyone she confided in him she's been through five marriages now that the reason she can never stay with someone is because she can't feel love unless she's being hit the difficulty is that all eight of the kids are really close and get along never had issues there has never been talk of half-siblings as far as they are concerned they have always been one big family well since everyone always got together for holidays and such Steve has frequently been a part of family events he got ill about four years ago and passed away this year my dad doesn't want to tell his four brothers about it especially in light of him just passing away it's very tough for them still and so he bears the burden of his past without the ability to bring it to light and for the sake of the family very very few know of this my mom did not even know until this year other than her my grandmother and my arms no one knows just myself my wife and my sister no well except for his therapist thank God he has been going to see someone excellent about all this my dad has been blessed beyond belief and myself as well he never passed on those abusive Trey's he hid my mother once when I was a year old they separated for a week so he could get his crap together he knew that his family was worth too much to him than to carry on what had been modeled for him he never ever did that again my dad has been very successful rising through the ranks of a fortune 500 company from the mailroom to literally regional manager in the span of four years he has always been a hard worker and I respect no other person on this planet more than he he has continually impressed on to me that the only thing that controls you is you self determination self responsibility and he is living proof he is the most gentle kind humble person you would ever meet as cheesy as it sounds it is by the grace of God that my family has turned out the way it has his therapists toulour jizz him to consider turning the story into a movie we shall see I live in the United States my mother brought me here from Mexico when I was three months old growing up in the United States I have never known what Mexico is like or what my family there is like I'm now 21 years old and one day when I was in high school my mom was on our desktop computer reading news from some big news outlet in Mexico I can't recall exactly the source but anyway she asked me to come over and look at this news article it was a picture of a man surrounded by a bunch of crime tape what is it mom I asked she went on to tell me that the person who was murdered was my uncle being ignorant of my family I was immediately curious what had happened I had often heard of shooting of normal civilians or out-of-the-blue heists that happen throughout the streets of major cities but that wasn't the case my uncle was part of a cartel and was shot approximate I later found out that the reason my father didn't come with us to the US was because my mom left him for similar reasons he ran drugs across Mexico in a merchandise semi-truck when my mother and he were married she didn't know there were ever drugs in the trailer until one day he pulled over in a rural area and began distributing ever since that day she hasn't seen him and I've never met my father due to this another thing about my father is that he has had multiple families not just at once but a lot throughout his lifetime quite the womanizer I once received a friend request on Faso book from a little girl that lived in Mexico I asked my mother if she knew her and she said no when to add her anyway ironically after accepting the request the girl messaged me and declared she was my sister apparently he had abandoned her and her mother according to my little sister I have 11 siblings including my full-blooded brother Samar in the United States and some are still in Mexico I always think about how cool would be to meet all of them but seems virtually impossible edit added more about my life law so my mother passed when I was only one year old she and my father never married and I lost literally all contact to the family on my mother's side it is only in the last few years that I found out how cursed my family on my mother's side really is so these are all things I found out later after reuniting with my sister who grew up in foster care after our mother's passing when my mother passed my father wrote a letter to my grandfather who was the patriarch of the family and had legal care of all of her three children my father wanted to take care of all three children but my grandfather decided that each of us had to go to their respective fathers wait didn't I mention this yes we were three children by three different fathers well actually four but let's start at the beginning my grandfather was a German officer during ww2 not the bailout to the front and do heroic deeds kind but more the have a filthy rich cushy life while being 100% safe kind he must have been pretty high up also like every self-respecting Nazi he dislikes everyone not Aryan during the late 70s my mother had a boyfriend who was Italian even though allied during the war that was unacceptable for my grandfather which is why it was great for himself not to know but then my mother got pregnant with my sister she had to come clean my grandfather was furious a child out of wedlock and from a non German man he left my mother with only one choice break off contact immediately and listen to everything my grandfather says or he would disown her my mother went to her boyfriend and he basically said I'll provide for you and the kid but I don't want to marry as security was kinda important to my mom who basically lived on my grandfather's buckle her life she broke off contact with her boyfriend and came back home my grandfather didn't waste time he immediately found a match for marriage for her my mum was pretty hot and that guy felt totally in love with her she managed to somehow convince that guy even though there were a few months discrepancy that the child was his child and they lived happily not ever after but at least for two years that is when my mom couldn't take the general unhappiness and divorced him finishing with a classic oh and bTW don't even expect to see the child in the future because she is actually not your daughter the guy was understandably devastated my grandfather always being busy immediately found another match for my mom of course she had to somehow hold that guy so she got pregnant again with my brother they were married for a total of two years which again were not very happy might be the whole arranged marriage not love thing so my mom met my dad she got divorced pregnant again this time with me planned to marry my dad but had a fatal asthma attack two days before Christmas so we kids get separated but of course instead of two her real dad my sister goes to the guy who raised her for the first two years of her life but already knew that she wasn't his daughter needless to say it didn't work out my sister develops childhood kleptomania as a way to deal with her mother's passing in all the changes a few months later he sends her to foster care and my grandparents who Oded I mentioned despite having three children really don't like kids make a deal with the Children's Home that my sister stays at the home during the week and with my grandparents during the weekend so that's how she grows up but hey you say that's not really a curse it's just a tragic story about irresponsibility and whatever the opposite of open-mindedness is well but this is just the beginning so everything happening from here on out has no bearing on my life really my father understand the bleep list with my grandfather for breaking us children up and putting my sister Radha in foster care than giving her to him did I mention that my father and grandfather mother side really truly and deeply hated each other be my dad broke off all contact with my grandparents so my grandfather was pretty rich as it seems they had a large estate with several buildings and tons of land my uncle opened a multi-story dental clinic in Hamburg suddenly events happen quit fast my uncle takes his own life well he sent a fax to my grandfather saying he is gonna kill himself and Gramps drives out 500 kilometers to knock on his door my uncle opens the door like nothing happens and claims the fax was sent by his ex-wife who he supposedly beat and abused regularly as revenge grandpa drives back home when he arrives the police already called informing about my uncle's suicide my grandfather took that really hard much harder than my mother's death I think so a few weeks later he falls from a scaffold and dies wait what yeah let's back up a bit my grandfather owned quite a successful construction business he had one partner after my uncle's death my grandfather a changed man wanting to retire I guess had a meeting with his partner and his partner's son for some reason also kind of strange they had the meeting on the construction site on a holiday so they were the only people there instead of say an office like any normal person well anyways nothing can be proven the only two witnesses claimed that my grandfather slipped and fell from the scaffolding of course it is kind of strange that after grandpa died tons of money disappeared and my grandmother never saw a payout from the multi-million dollar company we thought that happens if as a patriarch you handle all the finances and your wife knows absolute Nadder about anything money related well that and the bank comes over and tells you that your whole estate belongs to them now because that's what happened next year turns out that uncle who opened a five-story dental clinic in Hamburg well he also had a severe gambling addiction when my grandfather gave him 500 K deutsche mark a lot of money back then as investment instead of paying off his debts he kinda just gambled it away so my grandfather had to borrow money from the bank give a state of security yadda yadda yadda until well uncle continues to gamble basically he was running from the Hamburg mob before he took his own life so go figure so grandma loses everything but my arms wife of my second uncle who did I mention died of cancer years before takes her in that ant is also where I got most information as she witnessed all of it this is so late that it'll probably never be read but whatever only a few people in my life I've ever been let in on this preface twin brother and I are born in xx xx year my parents divorced five years after that for reasons unknown and age eight we meet an older half-brother who my dad had secretly given up for adoption 35 years before and who'd found the family through a PI this guy is accepted into the paternal family and becomes incredibly attached to us I also have another half-brother from my dad's previous marriage who is 16 years older and helped raise us anyway twin brother and I spend weekends with my dad as per child custody roles and my dad molests me for the next six years he's also openly racist and sexist and psychologically abusive I never tell anyone about the molestation and feel ashamed about it by age 15 passively distance in myself and receiving the growing anger of my brothers who think I'm just a really terrible person for avoiding him I kept quiet for fear of tearing the family apart the main story I'm really into genetics and decide to take a DNA test from 23andme sort of for fun I had already tested with another service and wanted to compare them ended up being connected to an unknown paternal biological uncle on the website my father however is an only child there were lots of possible explanations here but I ended up calling my mom and getting the truth it turns out that my father isn't my biological father in fact cancer treatments that he had for testicular cancer before my birth had left him nearly sterile two years of failed IVF or something similar attempts later the doctors gave them an option to use a sperm donor however the proposition they chose was unusual this was in the pioneering days of sperm donation little more than a decade and a half after the opening of the first sperm bank the doctor gave them the option of taking some of my father's sperm and an anonymous donors and mixing the map essentially therefore allowing for the vague possibility that we would be my father's children even if very unlikely the idea was to make things easier psychologically for my father my mom looked at an anonymized list of 10 or so men with bare-bones info and no photos height hair color and texture I color occupation and self-reported ethnicity that's it she picked the one that sounded good to her and who would most resemble them in terms of coloration it worked and my brother and I were conceived flash-forward in about 24 hours the ground has fallen away from beneath my feet so to speak it feels like everything I knew about Who I am about the major foundations of my identity and about the world is wrong I'm in complete shock I can barely look at myself because my own face half of it coming from some random guy looks almost grotesque to me I'm still in college at this time and finding it hard to function my twin brother is having an emotional breakdown I am a all the biological uncle through the site and briefly and politely explained Who I am expecting him not to respond he does respond and over the course of a month we build up a discussion about the situation and about his brother who he confirms world done something like this he immediately spits out a full name which I find odd I almost suspect that he must be dead or something the relationship grows but he seems to avoid a lot of discussion about his brother and I get a bad feeling from it it's confusing because uncle and family seem to be unusually successful and respectable people and he has also told me that his brother my birth father now in his 50s has no wife never has had one nor does he have children very unusual to make a long and complicated story short my birth father is the ultimate black sheep of their long pedigreed ivy-league family after college he failed as an investment banker and became addicted to cocaine and then crack then becoming homeless and dropping off the face of the planet for more than a decade before being arrested and forced to get clean in exchange for lesser sentencing this guy's clean now but scared to death of the fact that my twin brother and I exist and that the rest of the family will judge him he now lives out on his own in the middle of the desert and struggles everyday to stay clean meanwhile we meet the uncle for the first time it's incredible in the dynamic between all of us is pretty mind-blowing as if we'd all known each other for much longer the uncle his brother loves us and desperately wants to introduce us to the family we have cousins our age living ten minutes away from us unbeknownst to us our paternal grandfather died in their home a mile or so away from our family home ten years ago our paternal grandmother who shared our birthday did as well for all I know i cold walked past them on the street or in the market we have aunts and uncles likewise living a short drive away it's so hard not to be able to connect with them the chances that we would all live in the same vicinity are pretty slim and yet we do anyway my dad who molested / abused me and who raised us doesn't know though I suspect that he treated me the way he did because some part of him thought I might not be his biological child he never had a way of confirming it he's now in the early stages of early onset Alzheimers our older brothers don't know either no one but my twin my mom and my stepdad know life is [ __ ] weird and crazy and who knows how this will all turn out thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 23,242
Rating: 4.8497109 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: 5aJaJGMUDpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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