What's Your Dark Family SECRET?

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our slashes credit what family secret has been kept away from only you and how did you find out about it my brother and I learned as young kids that our mom was married before meeting our dad her husband died in Vietnam or something military related she was only 21 it blew our minds that we may not have existed I now see why we were not told about this it also explains the mysterious birthday cards we received from Grandma's neighbor who was actually the mother of the deceased that poor mom sending cards to you just struck me so sad and sweet I burned down the backyard and everyone knew it was me I was seven to eight no babysitter experimenting with matches and cotton it's flammable bTW started a backyard grass fire now house called mom crying that her boughs through lit matches over the fence and I tried to extinguish it for 22 years they let me believe I'd gotten away with it they believed me mom faked a babysitter neighbors whispered but it all died down turns out this whole asterisk time they've known I burnt down the yard the farmer knew it neighbors parents they just let me believe it and kept it's a hilarious inside joke amongst themselves until one night I go to admit it my most important confession decades-old confession they cackled divert laughter whoa cotton flammable whoo I was about to experiment with that too got a birthday card on my 17th birthday from Christine asked my adoptive mom who crostinis oh that's your sister only living biological relative didn't know she existed law is your adoptive mum that woman from the road who tells her daughter the test results are back I definitely had breast cancer and doesn't talk about it for the rest of the movie like it's no big deal I don't know if it quite counts as a family secret but here goes we had a cockroach problem when I was a kid we kept putting down traps spraying asterisk around the house never could figure out where they were coming from time rolls around they decide I need a new mattress for my waterbed we drain it my dad goes to pull up the mattress and starts loudly freaking out now I was in a separate room so they thought I didn't hear but the roach nest was under my waterbed mattress it had a pinhole leak which created the perfect environment apparently since I wasn't in the room all I was told is that something went wrong when he was draining it and water sprayed everywhere that I heard them talking quietly about how that must be why I had so many sleeping problems having cockroaches crawling on me while I was asleep I try not to think about it often edit it occurs to me you guys are probably picturing those giant kind of cockroaches you always see in movies and warp net I'm an amoral area and the roaches here are significantly smaller maybe 1/4 to 1/2 inch at the most might make it slightly less Aiki I always wanted a waterbed when I was a kid this has cured me of that obsession my dad was the one to find out that my grandpa was in the Holocaust my grandpa was from the Czech Republic and after World War 2 moved to the US and raised my dad and his siblings Christian my dad had no idea my grandpa was Jewish let alone a survivor in the Holocaust until one day in his mid-20s he was walking on his college campus and a friend of my grandpa's recognized him and told him about it my grandpa he did it because he wanted to protect his family and become successful in the States yeah we found out my great-grandma was Jewish after she got dementia also found out she had a set of twins before she ever married my great grandpa found all of this out through letters she wrote him while they were dating that was a wild ride the real reason my dad moved back to my hometown will she was briefly kidnapped by some bad guy she displeased in her work as a judge this guy held her a gunpoint and told her she could either leave town in the next 24 hours or be taken back in I was like eight at the time so everyone just told me she moved back because she missed us all I found out about it when my brother and I worried hashing old stuff ten years later I never expected such a thing could happen thought this scenario is usually from a movie or TV series guess anything could happen nowadays did it affect her work as a judge in the future though I had my best friend died when I was 10 it was my very first experience of death it changed me I didn't make friends easily after that anyways my parents told me she had accidentally hung herself while pretend playing dog with a leash around her neck then when I was 17 I was participating in a church youth group less and that was about rape the lady teaching told the story of a 10 year old girl she once knew whose father beat and raped her then she later committed suicide turns out it was my friend and I ran away crying when the lady confronted my parents about lying to me they said they were never planning on telling me the truth edit I wish my parents had told me the truth while the idea of keeping a child sheltered and safe from the everyday reality of life is a nice thing it also gives them a false sense of reality in hindsight after discovering the truth I could see that everybody was walking on eggshells at the funeral and the situation wasn't at all what I thought it was there were too many signs but as a lie to innocent child I couldn't put the pieces together it pained me more to learn and understand what really happened as a young adult also the lie made me distrust my parents more and to figure it out when I was 17 made all the years leading up to then seemed like a lie too yes I understand why they lied but to this day it is difficult to talk to them now I'm 24 to be fair I wouldn't have told my child that either my mum and dad split up when I was about 4 from 4 until about 12 I had conversations with him over the phone wanted to go visit that wasn't allowed because I was too young but my brother had been to visit when he was my age turns out that dad was found getting asterisk inappropriate with me which is why I was never allowed to visit I don't remember it but it explains a lot of personal quirks and all of my family know but no one would talk about it until I was 12 and I directly asked my mum questions she couldn't avoid the thing that pisses me off about it most is that they let me spend more time exposed to him without making sure I knew he was dangerous also super asterisk up that they still sent your brother to visit him Jesus this is one of those situations where you go no contact yeah I get that the brother may be safe and that you want your son to have a father figure in his life but map that's a hard pass for me NC no interaction we are done my son can meet plenty of good man solid role models that never tried to diddle any kids nothing too crazy that I found out my mom cheated on my dad before marriage in a second time when I was 3 years old took her about 15 years to confess to my dad dad is now filing for divorce I can relate my parents just got divorced a couple years ago because my mom cheated found out she had cheated before when I was around 6 funny thing is I remember seeing her with the first guy holding hands thought it was weird when I was little but never hit me why until my dad drunkenly ranted about it recently very often parents do things around their young kids thinking that children are too young to comprehend them while that's true what they don't realize is that children still those memories away and at some point they'll replay the memories when they are old enough to fully understand what they witnessed when I was 8 my mom took me on vacation and we stayed at a motel in Florida my dad stayed home to work the owner of the motel was a friendly man and every evening my mom would leave me alone in the room watching cartoons while she hung out with a nice man he drove us back to the airport and she gave him a very warm and prolonged goodbye hug I didn't think anything of it until it hit me at around 15 my cousin is adopted but for years we were told not to mention it because she didn't know I was talking about it with my dad one day because I couldn't believe she didn't know during the conversation he let it slip that my older sister was conceived using donor sperm after a moment he added that I was also conceived using donor sperm our two younger siblings however were not and were completely unexpected it turns out that mild assist on you but that my mom made both my sister and dad promise not to tell me I am not entirely sure why I wasn't supposed to know but they managed to keep it a secret until I was 22 I'm 23 now at this point it sounds like your whole family is just unrelated people held together by shared conspiracies this is also a brief summary of The Fast and Furious franchise I have two adopted cousins one male and the other female my aunt and uncle could miss have kids so there'd opted I was told not to mention it because as far as my mom knew they didn't know here in MX we had a TV ad for some salted crackers that had a whole Mexican family eating and among them was a little Chinese boy who asks if he was adopted every one of the table stared awkwardly and changed the topic by asking to pass the crackers and commenting on how good they tasted etcetera and even the adopted kid got distracted well on Saturdays we used to get together for family meals just like the ad and one day my eighth cousin just blurts out with the straightest face okay so tell me the truth am i adopted silence then my own cousin just started to laugh and asked for the crackers like in the ad and everyone bursts in laughter and continue with the ad script turns out they knew the entire time in retrospective they totally look adopted my f cousins hair nose height eyes and other trays a unique and no one in my family has them same with my and his skin colour is dark brown nose eyes and other tracer like your stereotypical Mexican and no one in the family is that way now it's a running joke every time we get together my mother wanted to have an abortion when she got pregnant with me but my father persuaded her only to start cheating on her a year after I was born my mother told me about this while we were fighting one time during my teenage years they got divorced when I was about four years old and I haven't had any contact with him for most of my life the irony of my existence edit while people I did not expect this thank you all for the nice words sorry if I don't get to reply to all happy thoughts all hug it's ironic for sure but I'm glad you're here I hope you and your mom are doing okay dad didn't have a heart attack he committed suicide I learned this from one of his oldest friends my mom looked like a deer in the headlights when I asked her about it similar thing with my grandfather he was a rifle instructor in the Marine Corps and then got a job with the state troopers as an instructor when he got out according to my mom and grandmother he was very safety conscious so according to my mom he was cleaning his gun one day and accidentally shot himself in the head despite having safety drilled into him his entire life he somehow put his head in the way of the muzzle of a loaded gun and accidentally pulled the trigger the only reason I know the truth is because my great-uncle his brother talked to me when I was going through depression he said he saw a lot of similarities between me and my grandfather and he didn't want me to end up the same way I hate to cast aspersions on anyone in particular but a prominent political figure in assertion province of Canada recently died of a hunting injury he went out in the woods rabbit hunting and the official story is he somehow got his head in the way of his 22 rifle and shot himself through the bottom of his jaw he didn't die some time passes and he comes to has to now make his way out of the forest and find medical assistance in a very rural location heesoo come to these injuries a few days later in hospital but anyone with firearms knowledge can read between the lines it's extremely sad that even someone with all the opportunities to get help and all the resources seems to have been wrapped up in the shame of needing it when I was a kid I remember my dad reading me back quote the Grinch after I begged him to and he fell asleep in bed next to me anyways the next day my mom said he was in the hospital and he'd be there for a little while I remember visiting him and asking why he wasn't home I didn't realize till I was in my teens that he had taken sleeping pills that night and had almost died in bed beside me when my mom found him unresponsive he survived but the knowledge that I could have woken up to my dead father has always kind of stuck with me I'm glad he survived you may have saved his life by making him read that book if he had fallen asleep in his own bed your mom might not have gone looking for him all noticed he was unresponsive I hope you're all doing okay my father siblings and their families don't talk to us anymore since my grandmother's their mom passing in 2009 I was told that they were just too busy working and doing their own thing to hang out like we all used to but on the off chance I would see them I would always be the first and only one to say hi and try and catch up about the time I was 18 in 2014 I'm currently 22 I was told that the reason they didn't talk to us anymore is that they turned their backs on my grandmother when she was dying and about to lose her house so my father stepped up and tried to convince his siblings to help save the house and help with the medical bills they turned their backs on her and my father so my father ended up buying the house and restored it when my grandmother passed my father's siblings tried to claim their piece of mom's money even though they didn't do anything for her when she was dying they refused to associate with my father mother sister and me to this day edit one holy asterisk asterisk asterisk I never expected to see so many similar stories like mine if I have any advice for anyone reading this who is going through something similar or think they may go through something similar it's to get everything in writing bank statements medical bills receipts even a written statement of the family member you are helping stating they are ok with the terms of the situation you find yourself in good riddance to them I had two the first was that my grandfather I grew up with was not my biological grandfather I learned this in my early thirties after he had passed my grandmother told me the night of his wake that he never got over his anger at the Catholic Church for refusing to marry them since she had already been married once when I responded wait what she replied oh you didn't know that Papa wasn't your biological grandfather I guess you just learned something about yourself today the second secret I learned just two months ago that grandma's first husband also was not my biological grandfather my mother was actually the product of an affair I learned that one via an ancestry point com DNA test my biological grandfather and uncle coincidentally took the test as well and popped up as closely related my new uncle then contacted me thinking he had solved a different family mystery of his own another story altogether and I asked my mom if she knew anything about the family when my mom asked my grandma my mom didn't know this either my grandma spilled the beans my biological grandfather also didn't know he's an interesting guy my biological uncle is very nice and everyone is my mother and uncle took an ancestry test because their mother my grandmother was adopted and they were looking for possible relatives the tests came back saying they weren't related to each other which caused some consternation my grandparents are not around to ask but they both had original birth certificates they grew up together and they look like siblings they took another two and it turned out the first test was wrong they are in fact brother and sister apparently my great aunt or something like that ran away with an American soldier back in the days she was engaged and on a pre-marriage trip with her fee and K and while in Germany she met an American soldier and ran away with him left her Finn K in Germany to travel back home alone and tell her family that she had eloped my family cut her off and never spoke to her again then when she was old as she came back home panelists with her children staying in the US and wanted to live with her widowed mother who was living on a very small pension don't know what happened to her after her mother died I found out about this last summer at a family gathering not sure why they decided to talk about it I couldn't imagine my film K running away during a trip and abandoning me in another country sounds awful I know me neither from what I was told the fem k was a really nice guy in a way it might have been good since I don't think she deserved him she got calmer instead didn't really have a good life in the end my grandmother was the alleged him a daughter of a state assemblyman I thought that was almost kind of cool until I found out that he marked her as dead on her birth certificate and likely never acknowledged her until her mother and sisters were killed probably in a flu epidemic then he took her into his home where she worked as a maid for he his cruel wife and their children until she met my grandfather at a bar dance and could finally leave the house she was the sweetest most generous small-town lady out there I would never have known she had a difficult life in her youth she never talked about it and I don't think even her own children knew the whole story until she was in her nineties and geneology became a hobby for someone in the extended family I sure do miss her sounds like Cinderella I remember one afternoon I went to have a chat with my mom I asked if she had any funny stories to tell me she says no not really oh there is one thing you were supposed to be a twin but your sister didn't make it she told me to ask my sister grandma or brother if I didn't believe her I did and they all confirmed I was 17 at the time and had no clue I think your mother has a different idea to me about what constitutes a funny story I found out that the people I thought were my parents were actually my grandparents my actual birth mother the person I was raised to believe was my eldest sister got pregnant at 14 and had me she basically wasn't ready slashed prepared for raising me apparently and my grandparents adopted me and literally raised me as one of their own there my mom and dad and always will be I was around ten when I found out the way I found out about was during a fight between my parents drinks were involved and there was a lot of shouting I was trying to get them to calm down and stop screaming at each other and I'd let slip well why don't you go ask your real mother in town where she lives not gonna lie the way he said it filled with venom hurt he asked to risk Edie often and just left me and mom to talk about it my mom told the whole deal then she mentioned that my side too wanted so little to do with me one night that she literally left me on the doorstep and walked over me to go on a night out apparently the rest of my mom's family didn't approve of her taking me in and for that and a few other reasons we moved across the country for a fresh start we don't really talk to the many more for unrelated reasons they are not nice people my sister also has another kid someone I thought was my nephew but was actually my half-brother we were basically raised like brothers we used to play with my action figures and make elaborate plots and characters that would go on for days something I still miss to be honest but I don't get to see him much more since our family doesn't really talk to each other much I know my birth father's name but I don't really have any desire to meet him I'm told that he was a bit of a player and that I probably have a few more half-brothers all around the country well that's my family secret thanks to anyone who read it feels better to get that off my chest a bit when my health started doing poorly I asked my mom if we had anything going on in the family related to uterus and she snapped at me saying I don't know anyone that has any major pain because of periods maybe it's just you I was forced to move out not long after despite not being able to attend work regularly enough and having trouble with money because of it a year later I learned from my arms that she has in Demetrios as' one of their sisters had fib ramas she also informed me about about an aunt on my dad's side that also had a lot of problems of assists and endo the aunt I was talking to his very disliked by my dad because of her health problems he's always seen her as pathetic and weak that's why nobody helped me out I confronted my parents about it I was told that if I needed help so badly I could go see my arms I was later forbidden to talk about my health in the family home because it would make my dad super angry I'm still in a blind rage about it I can't even explain why they didn't tell me and how the asterisk could they have been so selfish and gross edit Wow thanks so much for the support it feels good to feel I wasn't wrong to think my parents actions were a little off trying to keep up with the comments my app is blowing up law are yes the good old you're not sick you're just difficult and trying to ruin the family finances argument good times my parents forged my birth certificate and lied to me about my actual birth date until I was a teen when I was close to kindergarten age my parents found out that I was born two weeks too late to be able to attend kindergarten I was born on September 15th and the cutoff was September to them this was unacceptable because they thought I was ready and another year of preschool and entering kindergarten that almost six was too late they photocopied my birth certificate covered the number-5 from fifteen with whiteout made a copy of the now fake birth certificate and took to a family friend who notarized it for a good sum of money the elementary school had no clue it was a fake so I got to start school early and from then on they celebrated my birthday with me on the first in order to keep me from spilling the secret as a kid I didn't find out until turning fifteen and applying for my driver's license permit obviously it's a crime to forge documents like this especially for something like a driver's license so on our way to the DMV my mom rather anticlimactically hand me my paperwork and real birth certificate and waited for my reaction it was kind of a shock and 16 years later I still say a little happy birthday to myself on my mouth fake birthday as far as school goes no one ever found out and I ended up being homeschooled in high school anyway and getting my jet and that's my big fat felony secret the secret kept from me was that my biological father is really truly an amazing and upstanding guy my mom always told me horrible things about him things like he tried to kill us and her brothers then wanted to take him into the woods she also said that he left because he couldn't handle me and would get pissed off at me when I was learning to pull myself up on stuff she made him out to be a monster for not paying child support and for suddenly breaking contact when he remarried and had more children meanwhile I bawled my eyes out every night for years because I wanted a dad and not the horrible person she married years later I constantly asks why my letters to my dad were never answered she probably never sent them I grew up with a huge complex about not being wanted which was made worse by my abusive mother she made it very clear that she thought I was the biggest mistake of her life and she still says that to this day she is the definition of a toxic parent I always wanted to reach out to my dad but was too scared I finally did about two years ago I'm so thrilled I did too my mom kept crying trying to find out what we were talking about because she knew she lost control and was being exposed I had to ask my maternal grandmother a few things to verify the accuracy since they were wildly different than what I was told growing up it was only then that she laid it all out for me my dad desperately wanted to stay in my life the man offered to pay my mom's rent so he could live next door he tried many times over to contact me he sent me gifts that were never received my paternal grandmother was key in all of this for whatever reason my mother allowed me to stay in contact with her and fly out and visit her there must have been some sort of agreement about keeping my father at a distance because he was never mentioned yet in her will she passed last year she wrote in that I get X dollars of my father's portion of inheritance she didn't write anything for any other grandchildren the Saint that she was made one final attempt to reunite us so I fly out for my paternal grandmother's funeral and meet my dad for the first time that I can remember his current wife and my aunt told me at every opportunity about how much she felt lost without me and desperately had wanted me in his life and how he said repeatedly that there was a giant hole in his heart without me they were able to say what we were too emotional to tell each other my mom should have known that the sudden stop in child support and contact meant that something was going seriously wrong she should have reached out to learn what was happening she probably did know though he was stuck in a really rough situation when his then wife was really struggling mentally and wanted him to have nothing to do with me he literally used a secret account in payphones to be able to send what he did he tried he went above and beyond my maternal grandmother knew the situation all this came to light when I was 27 over 28 now I know it all it changes how I view some things unfortunately my complex about being unwanted is very deeply rooted and I still cannot function socially very well as it turns out I consider my dad's family to be where I belong I wish I could erase my mother and keep the rest of her side of the family I really do feel loved by everyone but my mother now and it's really amazing thank you so much for watching the entire video I would be so grateful if you could like this video and subscribe to the channel new videos every day
Channel: Slime King
Views: 43,041
Rating: 4.8186274 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit, family
Id: Dv8GZ9icNfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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