What if Arceus REALLY WAS All Types? | Gnoggin Pokemon Theory

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this episode of noggin is brought to you by me our chaos creator of the Pokemon universe as check out this golden emblem around my body it's quite nice you may be thinking how does an interdimensional llama deity afford such SiC linkage and that is a secret I'm willing to tell you as in order to earn human currency I need to partake in human things and in this case it's swagbucks it's just so easy you just click the link in the description to sign up and right away you can start earning points by doing extremely simple human tasks such as watching videos playing games shopping around for special offers and of course taking surveys and after you gather together enough points you can exchange them for gift cards or even real cash directly into your PayPal account it's so easy and convenient that even you humans can do it I'd recommend buying this amazing necklace to show your reverence towards yours truly maybe there I'll spare you now where were you oh yes you ordered to watch a video all about me oh well I am quite magnificent so I don't blame you well be sure to check out swag bucks with the link in the description and start earning today our gayness is the all-powerful creator of the pokemon universe in Canon it's all types at once thanks to its plates but in gameplay mechanics this obviously doesn't work under the current pokemon engine so to compromise our KS is able to hold on to plate items there is one plate per type and depending on that plate being held our KS in-game is that type the same now applies with Z crystals - but what if Archaea swirl types at once in the game as well what would that balance out - what would its strengths and what would its weaknesses be would it truly become perfectly well balanced and all-powerful or would there be any the glaring weakness to exploit is there perhaps an easy way to defeat a god let's find out I'll be sure to take notes so let's start of course with our chaos as normal type so the way Eve normally is so right away we have a weakness to fighting type and in immunities a ghost in fact why don't we just get all of the immunities out of the way first so that we don't have to calculate them in as we go along normal is immune to ghost and ghost is immune to normal and fighting Steel is immune to poison and faerie is immune to dragon flying is immune to ground and growly is immune to electric and dark is immune to the psychic so he gets right away our mighty our chaos is immune to seven types well that's good that means that seven types we don't have to quite think too hard about so normal is pretty useless then since our chaos is immune to fighting here and normal isn't super effective against anything so how about we go ahead and just move right ahead and add the fighting type now this gives us a weakness to flying and faerie not psychic though since dark type is immune to it remember Plus this adds a resistance to bug dark and rock and now adding in the ability to fly we gain a weakness to ice and rock but not electric thankfully due to that immunity and bug gets resisted again along with grass and fighting is resisted further though I'm not sure how you can further is it something that you are already immune to before we move on to another type now is a good time to bring up why this is all super interesting the fighting type gave Arceus a resistance to rock but now adding flying it gains a weakness to rock so they cancel each other out and now rks is just normally affected by rock so it will be interesting to see which types balance out and which ones will be super effective and whatnot at the end or Gaius is also poisonous obviously I mean look at it it definitely just screams poison but adding the poison type adds some more resistances bug grass and fairy and it would add two weaknesses but both of poisons weaknesses our great rks is immune to those being of psychic and ground speaking of which let's add groans now new weaknesses are grass ice and water and we can add another resistance to rock and so let's add rock next no other pokemon can rock harder than our gayest rock adds a lot it resists fire flying normal and poison so again our KS cannot be poisoned I've got to stop mentioning the useless ones that it's immune to otherwise this video is just gonna keep getting longer and longer and Arceus now has more weaknesses those being water steel ground grass aquatic it's immune to fighting idiots Yeah right now looking at Arceus it's pretty easy to assume that it's a big metal head its favorite bands including Lamb of God Black Sabbath golgoroth Exodus and tenacious deep and being a metalhead makes rks steel type as well granting it's a huge list of resistances applicable here are its resistances to bug fairy flying grass ice rock and steel and only one added weakness fine all right so that whole Ark is listening to metal joke was pretty bad so I'll make sure not to bug you anymore with jokes like that bug type is an odd one for our case to be it doesn't look like a bug here we add the weakness to fire flying and rock and a resistance to grass our gayest being God at all and theoretically based on the judeo-christian God there are clearly some ghostly elements involved ghost is weak to itself and dark and it resists bug and poison and now we reach the elemental types starting by adding fire rks gains of weakness to water and rock and resistances to bug fairy fire grass ice and steel tank fire is actually pretty good how is that fair and balanced with the other starter types with water it gains a weakness to grass and a resistance to fire ice steel and water with grass there's a weakness to bug fire flying and ice and resistances to grass and water and with electric we don't get much more beyond another resistance to flying and steel it's a bit shocking I know but I'm not funny but don't you let my lack of good humor give you the cold shoulder because we're giving rks the ice type now living primarily in space it tends to get pretty chilly after all ice however is only resistant to ice but weak to fire rock and steel and while our Cass is up there in space doing its everyday thing of creating more and more universes for its multiverse it clearly needs psychic abilities to do those things and psychic type adds further witnesses from bud ghost and dark and adds no resistances due to Arceus being immune already to all of psychics resistances it's really odd to think of our chaos as dark after all in Japanese the dark type is known as the evil type and it's kind of weird to think of an Almighty Creator as being evil but I guess knowing all means that you know how to be evil to Plus have you've seen that RK is movie Arceus is like Shadow the Hedgehog level of edge anyway the dark type weaknesses that apply to our chaos our bug and fairy and it adds a resistance to dark things now we reach the final stretch and arguably the more powerful and magical of the types Dragon and fairy fairy will add a weakness to steel under resistance to dark end bug and dragon gets a weakness to Dragon Fairy and ice and resistance to water grass and fire so now that we have everything written down what are we left with well one thing is for sure besides fighting our case with Pokemon it's immune to you also would not want to fight Arceus with a grass bug Pokemon as rks resists both of those types three times over and as for the other types Park is still resists dark steal as well but breaks even with water fire flying and ice type Pokemon so they are a fair deal but if you intend to beat Arceus to defeat god you would want to bring a pokemon team consisting of rock and fairy pokemon as those are the only weaknesses it has and only one time over so basically bring a mega diancie that would be mortifying to Arceus I can picture it now just rks the all-powerful gods standing atop spear pillar being Almighty and powerful as he is and you send out a pink pretty princess thing and Arceus kneels in fear that fairy pokemon ruins the meta though something to think about is that some type immunities can go away for example moves like foresight and odor sleuth removes ghosts immunity from normal and fighting type attacks however in this case even if you removed those resistances Arceus resists normal twice over but fighting breaks even dealing traditional damage so it wouldn't quite be worth the time miracle I however would remove the immunity from psychic which also breaks even however with gravity Arceus loses the immunity from ground type for 5 turns and holy butts are KS is weak to ground three times over but only for those 5 turns but still he get this brings me back to Gen 1 all over again you just spam earthquake repeatedly never use another move ever because why would you that's how you win in Gen 1 Jan 1 is a garbage seriously though gravity is a psychic-type move which our case would also be immune to do - it's dark typing so you would have to use miracle eye to allow you to hit it with psychic moves and then use gravity to ground it I guess that's the strategy then so theoretically speaking if I wanted to kill our KS what would I have to do well I'm not an expert when it comes to the more competitive side of Pokemon but I would assume make a D&C for sure and maybe a carving just for that extra rock fairy-type diancie would no gravity and then you would want to your other Pokemon to be faster than Arceus so that you can at least hit it before it kills you and at least one of them should know miracle I after using miracle I then gravity you'll want to just wail on it with earthquake again and again probably use a grout z move I'd probably also send out a Salah so first and use toxic r KS is normally immune to poison but Salah soul's ability to poison steel type Pokemon over rights that immunity with toxic you get about six turns to survive before r KS is gone another idea would be to use foresight or odor sleuth to allow normal type moves to hit ghost Pokemon and then use perish song boom for ish turns later you win just gotta survive those four turns and something to think about regarding that survivability is that Arceus can use judgment a move that changes types based on whatever type r KS is and considering that r KS is all types I assume it can choose whichever type it wants to hit you with most likely your current pokemons number one weakness and it would hit with a very strong attack that cannot miss with a stat bonus so no matter what your team is going to get rekt it's all about wrecking our KS before it can wreck you just gotta set up those strategies and then tank it out to survive and then you're good or come to think of it you could just use 100% I guard because when hunter ever since I card could totally reckon its signature move thousand arrows is a very powerful ground type move that is already capable of hitting flying things and you could power it up with a Z crystal to immense power levels leave it to the Z Pokemon to bring an end to the beginning the Alpha Pokemon it's pretty poetic I wonder if that's just a coincidence or if Game Freak actually knew about all this and decided to make the Z Pokemon ground because they just knew the ground was RK as his biggest weakness that'd be pretty cool hahaha that's time to kill a god yep I'll stay here with my figures thank you so much for watching this little adventure into Pokemon type advantages and figuring stuff out it's super cool super fun I hope you enjoyed this video and until next time be sure to never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 992,810
Rating: 4.8537755 out of 5
Keywords: Game Theory, Video Games, Nintendo, theory, the game theorists, treesicle, pokemon, pokemon theory, arceus, arceus theory, arceus and the jewel of life, pokemon movie, legendary pokemon, pokemon alchemy, pokemon types, pokemon go, type, type advantages, pokemon type advantages explained, pokemon type advantages, pokemon weaknesses, pokemon science, competetive pokemon, fairy type, dark type, best pokemon, top 10 pokemon, pokemon timeline, pokemon evolution
Id: rbwX6Qq6PyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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