Pokemon Sword & Shield: *NEW* Types I Want

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I use the Oh godoh stream deck constantly for my streams and video editing if you want to pick one up from my amazing sponsor el gato head to the link down in the description below go ratings prevents Michael here and twice before brand new Pokemon types were added to the main series Pokemon games at the start of a new generation dark and steel in Gen 2 and Fairy in Gen 6 since the upcoming Pokemon games pokemon sword and shield are at the start of a new generation it is theoretically possible that we could get one or more new types added to those games now whether or not new types should be added is a completely different discussion while I am an expert in game balancing I am NOT an expert in balancing the intricate mechanics of a video game battle system so this video is just gonna be a fun what if type video that shouldn't be taken too seriously discussing some possible brand new Pokemon types that could be added in sword and shield the first type is one that you've probably heard discussed somewhere before that being the sound type when I was a very young kid I actually made a book coming up with my own Pokemon and no it's not the one that I discussed in a video several years ago this book predated that book and the Pokemon in it were way worse but in that book I actually designed several Pokemon that were sound type Pokemon some that specifically come to mind our speaker Pokemon with arms and boxing gloves that were sound fighting-type pokémon but the bottom line is that I've been thinking about the sound type since I was very young and I know I'm not the only one sound is such a prevalent aspect of life in our universe that it makes sense to be a Pokemon type in fact it's probably the most possible of all of the types that we'll discuss in this video because there are so many things already in Pokemon that would make sense as sound type for one there's a ton of sound type possible moves like growl howl boom burst hyper voice perish song roar and pretty much every single move that soundproof protects from the large majority of those moves are normal type moves so it would be nice for those sound based moves to get a more interesting type additionally if sound type was added than the soundproof ability could become an immunity ability like levitate there are also several Pokemon that could very logically become sound type Whismur loud red and Exploud are probably the most obvious but there are quite a few more like chatot meloetta tympole Jigglypuff noibat Moira and several others as for type effectiveness the mechanical engineer in me really wants the sound types matchups to be based on how well sound way travel through certain materials they have set a precedent for this before making electric strong against water due to how quickly electricity can travel through impure water if you didn't know sound is vibrations it's waves of particles hitting each other traveling through a certain medium sound travels fastest through rigid solid materials and it is muffled and travels slower through softer materials or liquids or gases therefore I think it makes the most sense for sound to be strong against solid types like steel rock or ice and then it should be weak against softer types like water ground and flying since flying is the representative type of air that's actually a nice segue into our next type that being wind or air if that's what you prefer now I will admit this is never going to happen but I still wanted to discuss it to bring attention to just how weird the flying type is whenever someone thinks about the elements of the world they're pretty much always thinking about water earth fire air everyone who's watched avatar not the blue people I'm talking about the cartoon television series which also happens to be the greatest TV show ever created knows that and all of those elements have one or more associated Pokemon type water and fire obviously earth is rock ground and steel and air is flying the type intended for creatures that fly that's the weird thing about the Flying type it simultaneously represents the physical act of flying but also the element air there are flying type attacks that deal with the activity or anatomy of flying like fly or wing attack or sometimes some bird specific ones like peck but then there are flying type attacks that deal with a control over the element air like arrow blast air slash or gust while they are clearly related they are still two distinct things I don't think it'd be far-fetched pun very much intended to have flying be the anatomical active behavior focused type much like fighting bug or dragon and then have a wind type which is the more elemental type like water or fire as for which current pokemon could become wind type that's admittedly tricky pretty much all existing flying-type pokémon actually can fly so therefore the flying type makes sense for them however there's quite a few Pokemon where both could make sense simultaneously since they can both fly and control the wind like tornadoes and maybe some of the normal flying-type pokémon as well I think there's a lot more potential for a brand new Pokemon that would be wind type though such as ones that have control over the air but maybe don't fly in the traditional method of using wings the moves that could change from flying to win type are like I mentioned before the ones that deal with a control of the air rather than the physical act of flying as for tight matchups I actually think the wind type would have very different matchups than flying since all of the flying types matchups are based on bird behavior or factors that limit flight if you want those explained to you I recommend checking out this video of mine right here but the wind type matchup would be based on what the wind itself can do to things so maybe it'd be weak to steel and rock since hard structures usually block wind but maybe it's strong against water since wind can churn up waves ground due to wind erosion or fire since wind blows out fire but also can cause it to spread and oxygen is a fuel for fire this one could go either way like I said there's no way this ever happens since they're too similar to justify a large split but it's still fun to think about the next type is another one that I came up with as a kid that many other people also came up with independently that being the space type however while I called it the space type as a kid I wouldn't call it that now since space could refer to just the area between two objects instead I would call it well actually I'm not really sure it's hard to pick since there's a lot of really good words for having to do with outer space cosmic celestial galactic stellar astral alien and probably several others I didn't think up let me know down in the comments below what you would call the space type weather it's one of those words or something else but for the rest of this video I'm just gonna keep calling it the space type for simplicity sake this is another type that people have discussed for a pretty long time due to the large amount of Pokemon that could feasibly be space type because they're from outer space or another dimension there's deoxys cleffa Clefairy cafe bol LG and BM star U star me and all of the ultra beasts probably some others that I missed as well oh of course Palkia it's the space Pokemon it would make a lot more sense for a tad the space type from the freakin water type I think having a specific type attributed to Pokemon not of this world makes a lot of sense since it's a very prominent feature of their Anatomy we already have Pokemon types that are given a typeface just on what type of animal they are those being bug and dragon so having a specific type for alien Pokemon would be very logical some moves that could be space type are ones that mention or have something to do with outer space cosmic power meteor mash or wish because you're wishing upon a star type matchups are tricky for the space type if the sound type existed then space would most certainly be immune to it since in space no one can hear you scream sorry if you focus on the alien aspect of the space type then it's really hard to pick what it would be strong or weak against since we don't really know the attributes of aliens because we don't know any real aliens at least as far as I'm aware if you focus on the outer space aspect of it more then I could see it resisting water and being strong against ice since space is so cold that any water floating out in space would freeze and any ice would like it more because it's really cold so ice is gonna get stronger in the cold fire would also be resisted since fire needs fuel to burn and maybe space would be weak to steel since metal spacecrafts tend to fare pretty well in space if they're designed properly before we go over the final type I wanted to have a quick discussion of a type that didn't make the cut for this video since it doesn't make enough sense and that type is the light type prior to generation sinks a lot of people wanted there to be a light type to be the counterpart of dark type which makes perfect sense light and dark are opposites the light type could have to do with bright good-heartedness as opposed to the dark types cruelty and evilness but then we got the fairy type which was primarily created to balance out the opie dragon type and since that type is balancing out a type based on a mythological creature and makes sense for the new type to also be based on a mythological creature hence the name the fairy type but this new fairy type also filled the role of the light type it focuses on bright good-heartedness has several attacks that have to do directly with light like dazzling gleam moonlight and light of Rouen and it's even super effective against dark type in short we're not gonna get a light type and it doesn't make sense for us to get a light type because that's what fairy is the final type we'll be covering today is the digital type as the name implies this type would have to do with software or computers or technological interactions and I really want this type because if we got it then we could finally have a digi Pokemon and first it may seem like the digital type is too similar to the electric type but it's really not since having electrical powers is not the same as having technological powers just think about said strike it it is a zebra that generates lightning it has no control over technology whatsoever so it's an electric type and would not be a digital type in fact most of the Pokemon that I think could become digital type are not even electric types to begin with the porygon line would be by far the most obvious set of Pokemon to receive the digital type because they're made of computer code and have upgrades and discs and stuff like that I honestly think the porygon line was the main inspiration for anybody who thought that hey maybe there should be a digital type but there are others that work to genesect could definitely be a digital type since it's covered in very fancy technology and even accepts drives into its gun it's a computer bug it's a computer bug so Val I also accepts literal CD discs that change its type and Rotom can possess appliances they're both perfect fits as well moves that could become digital type would be lock on conversion conversion to reflect type and recycle and maybe flash cannon too since everybody knows what a flash drive is as for tight matchups the currently in development pokemon offshoot called Tim Tim has a digital type for their creatures which was a big reason why I wanted to discuss it in this video their type chart shows that digital is weak to water and electric because water electricity can damage appliances but it's also weak to digital itself likely as a representation of computer viruses or malware digital is strong against digital obviously I just said that but it's also strong against there melee and mental types which are their equivalents of the fighting and psychic types the justification for this is probably that if you have a lot of powerful tech on your side then punches are mind tricks aren't really gonna matter your gonna kill them I just really loved the idea for this type because I think it has a lot of potential for some really cool Pokemon designs a digital poison-type computer virus Pokemon a digital fire type firewall Pokemon or a digital flying carrier Pidgeon / email Pokemon I don't know I think there's a lot of really cool options and I'd honestly really like to see it so there we have it those are some new types that could possibly show up in sword and shield thank you so much for watching this video if you want to watch some more of my Pokemon content I recommend this video here alright that's all I have for now so don't next time be thanks gotta catch the mom
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,714,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, Pokemon switch, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, New Pokemon, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, Top Pokemon, Top 10 Pokemon, Top 5 Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, generation 8, galar region, nintendo switch, type
Id: qWQrP8CWlxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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