What's The Worst Damage You Have Ever Caused? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the worst damage you've caused trip to Spain with my high school beer and dishwasher soap and giant fountain in the middle of the town equals chaos they closed the four main roads the next day they brought in fire trucks from a neighboring town just to clean up the bubbles local newspaper blamed American tourists we were Canadian so Americans want to be Canadian so people will like them and Canadians get called American when they do something American Sun over B there was a house for sale in my neighborhood that was empty for about three months during that period a group of friends and I push a huge freaking boulder into the deep end of the swimming pool to be clear it was poised right on the edge begging to be pushed fast forward another few months and a friend not involved in the incident tells me his dad just bought a new house only downside to the new house is a boulder in the pool oops your friend's dad has terrible taste in real estate if he lives in a goddang boulder in a pool I rented a tower crane with a base that was improperly engineered two months later it fell collapsing one building damaging two others killing one man injuring the operator and shutting down the job I think that the ballpark financial end was around twenty million dollars in damage but it's all undisclosed I wasn't the reason back there was a failure but the damage was ridiculous I posted this in another thread but it fits here as well when I was 11 or 12 I went to visit my sister in Germany we were getting ready for a dinner party she was throwing later that night so we were busily getting the final items we needed at the local market it was a bit hectic as it was a little market they only had these tiny baskets for all your stuff and no carts so she asked me to hold the bottle of champagne as we were waiting in line I was being a stupid kid and trying to balance the bottle by the punt little divot on the bottom on one finger but naturally I freaked it up and dropped the bottle anyone who's ever dropped a champagne bottle knows those suckers explode with force and a lot of noise this in a foreign country is embarrassing fezzes but then this guy next to me cries out and collapses on the ground clutching his knee the blood is squirting out all over the floor making a big pool this lady starts screaming and I just stand there not knowing what the heck happened turns out a shard of glass had gone under his kneecap and severed an artery and some ligament he ended up having to go to the hospital that day and have surgery the cherry on top dude was a mountain climber and he was leaving to climb the MARTA home the next day one of his ropes was frayed and you saved the guy's life well according to the RIAA and MPAA I may have caused trillions of dollars in damages at this point my little brother and I saw someone make him use a Molotov cocktail in some action movie we thought it was the coolest thing ever and determined we could do the same thing and be little badasses our first attempt yielded disappointing results somehow we neglected to realize the bottles had to be made of glass once that was sorted out we tested our new creations on a big oak tree in a clearing about a mile into the forest behind our house the bottle full of gasoline exploded just like we expected and burned that 100 featuring old-growth oak down in less than an hour we were amazed could soon become terrified when flaming limbs began falling off the tree and setting fire to the tall dry summer grass nearby the far quickly spread to nearby trees and did the only thing we could think to do ran like heck that inferno burned for about the next 48 hours until the fire department could finally put it out it destroyed about 40 acres of forest land an abandoned house and part of a horse farm resulting in some freaked out horses and lots of charged fences naturally we never came forward because we were cowardly little buttholes but we both went on to volunteer with fire departments wherever we've lived to atone for our stupidity and carelessness in high school we used to go out to my friend's farm and attempt totally awesome fire based destruction every weekend our experiment with Molotov began with my friend setting his jacket on fire by pouring the fuel down his back while trying to throw one incorrectly being set on fire helps Pete learn facts identity blew up a 6,000 gallon tanker truck and demolished the workshop we were in about 120 K dollars achievement unlocked when I was in the sixth grade I caught a dried-up tobacco field on fire I had a knock off off one of those Rambo knives and for a few days was high on the thought of being a badass with nothing but my knife and all the crap stuffed inside the handle I was trying to show my sister how I could create a fire using two sticks when she wasn't looking I struck a match started a small fire blew the match out and tossed it behind me of course while we were staring at my small deliberate fire flames were rapidly spreading all around us this was right off a busy highway and suddenly there were folks all over the place swatting the fire with their throw mats in the end a huge chunk of the field was completely charred and to this day my entire family believed I was able to accomplish all of that by rubbing two sticks together quit horsing around or somebody will get hurt when my brother and I were 5 and 4 respectively we were being little devils and refusing to go to bed when we were put there my parents eventually gave up and just went to bed they were exhausted as they'd had a dinner party that evening I promptly went into the lounge and go out my parents entire cassette tape collection including the memoirs of my grandmother's escaped from Germany in 1939 and proceeded to pull out all the tape from the cassettes and play with it my brother in the meantime decided that he was hungry in that he would like a fried egg in his five-year-old wisdom he got out an egg and a frying pan and put them on the stove and turned on an element nothing happened with the element that he was looking at so he turned another one this time the heat turned on and once the pan was hot enough he started frying his egg unfortunately the first element he'd turned on had a wooden chopping board which smelled it until the heat reached my mum's food processor which promptly started burning and melting and resulted in lots of dark black smoke and fire my brother totaled down to my parents bedroom and said daddy why sis there smoke in the kitchen and apparently my dad went from horizontal in bed to vertical and halfway down the car in about two seconds flat the fire was quite easily put out at the expense of my parents nice crockery that was soaking in a bucket nearby my dad just picked it up and threw it plates water and all on the fire in photos of the damage that we had to take for insurance purposes there's a sort of twisted black mess of the stove and bench area and then right and the middle of it all is a perfectly cooked fried egg greatest story end I love the image of the little perfection of the egg which started everything surrounded just by chaos I drove my car through my front door my front end was in my living room it put quite a damper on my morning did anyone else have the full house memory where Michel drove Joe's car through the wall into the kitchen and she tried to tell DJ there's a car in the kitchen DJ responded yay and there's a bus in the bathroom but there was no bus in the bathroom once while in college there was this cute girl I used to talk to on the day results came out I saw her sitting crying she had failed her papers and would probably be sent back I went and checked the results but it seems she has passed I ran back to her with the good news she was very happy we went back to the results together to my horror I realized I had made a mistake earlier and she had really failed I was speechless when she boarded the bus and tears awesome while in college I spent several summers working in a salmon cannery in Alaska and for a few seasons worked on the overnight cleaning crew I cleaned fears these huge industrial revolution looking behemoths and cuss salmon into pieces and put it in cans the final stage of cleaning these involved climbing into a cavity under the machine where the blade assembly normally sat it was removed nightly for sharpening we used thin wire picks about 12 inches long to get any last fish parts out of the machine inside the cavity was a big drive arm that drove the part of the machine that fed fish to the blades this arm sat right across your chest as you worked in the cavity and made for a handy shelf if you needed to set down your pick for a minute of course one day I left the pic on the drive arm the line mechanics came in and installed the blade assembly which consisted of about 16 circular blades about three times the diameter of a basketball and which rotated at ridiculously high rpms as the machine ran so the mechanic turns on the machine only to hear a god-awful screeching sound as the pitch was fed up into the blades it wiped out about half the blades on the assembly and with no suitable backup I took out a quarter of the plant's production capacity for the day and this was a plant that processed 2 million pounds of very perishable fish per day the head mechanic who heroically got this thing repaired by the next day pitched me a lot of crap but never ratted me out holy crap this might take the cake for most monetary damage caused if the fish that were going to be processed expired overnight homemade bomb 9 years old my grandfather's black powder he used for refilling shotgun shells battery-powered clock drilled out light bulb also battery-powered with a short fuse attached to the element and duct-taped to a three foot wide local tree a huge explosion destroying tree and setting afar to a field behind a nursing home tried to put the fire out with my jacket which resulted in me Fanning the flames then I ran home state police helicopters and fire trucks arrived at the scene grandfather smelled fire on my clothes and dragged my butt out there to fess up to what I had done ain't doing that crap again lessened freaking learned once I wore a pretty revealing top and an earthquake happened not me but three kids went up on a hill near where I lived and decided to play with fire they ended up burning down about 40 houses including mine most of the houses were leveled to the ground with nothing left but ashes the evacuation was quick and many people lost pets and dozens of cars and other vehicles were also torched my neighbors were about 12 Mexicans living in one house and they didn't believe in banks and lost all their money about $7000 that was in a jar in their basement it wasn't a rich neighborhood and many didn't have insurance so most people became homeless the kids in question came from a rich neighborhood and what I hear had no remorse whatsoever but neither them or their parents had to pay a single penny kids didn't even get a slap on the wrist for what they did I was just a kid and my family had to live in a car for a few days before the Red Cross puts us up in a motel for a couple months before we could find another place to live it wasn't a huge town and with 40 families looking for places to live it took a while to find a place if you're ever looking to give money Red Cross is always a good place to give that's and community action well revenge should be cold enough to serve up by now I almost choked a family friend to death when I was a kid we were playing around wrestling and roughhousing and I locked my arm around his neck pretending to put him in a sleeper hold I thought he was just acting when he went all limp so I kept clinging to his back with my arm across his throat I had no idea that I'd actually choked him unconscious only my mom freaking the Frick out alerted me to the fact that no he wasn't pretending and yes he was unconscious coma I'm sure he lost a few brain cells because of me it seems like you should have went into wrestling that sounds like one heck of a sleeper hold mine is a friend and I accidentally sent a Park on fire which spread to an elementary school and a forest we were too freaked out to call nine-one-one ended up doing a tremendous amount of damage worst I've seen a colleague pushed out the wrong image update to every server and desktop at Merrill Lynch taking every single one out for a span of two three days he was fired and sued I think our company's insurance policy was hit really really hard the first time I was drunk with my friends I stacked one side of a bench press bar with all of the weight I could the bar flipped over like a freaking banshee broke through the wall and smashed through a mirror in the bathroom on the other side of the wall my friend his house punched me in the nose and I started bleeding profusely I thought it was awesome so I proceeded to collect the blood in my cut hand and use it as finger pain to draw penises all over the walls needless to say we aren't friends anymore bro you're an [ __ ] when I was a kid I went to my cousin's house one weekend we were playing outside when a neighborhood kid approached us telling us that the trailer parked in the adjacent property was being thrown away by the owners and that we could do whatever we wanted to it after realizing it was locked up we proceeded to find whatever we could hammers crowbars et Cie to smash the locks and get inside after multiple futile attempts to smash the locks we started to try our way and by just ripping a giant hole in the door we ended up fricking this trailer up pretty badly before my aunt came outside in a storm of rage and stopped us after being caught in questioned the kid that convinced us to do it claimed he was only doing what we told him and had no idea what was going on it was his parents trailer I bet that kid has some great stories these days if he lived a friend of mine lived across the street from a courthouse one night we went on the roof and started launching bananas at the courthouse with a water balloon launcher they were all landing on the courthouse steps then the most glorious shot I have ever seen it started as a normal shot but at the halfway mark then banana hittin up grass or something but instead of going down it went up up to the glass dome high-velocity bananas and glass domes don't mix the banana shattered a glass panel of the dome all those years of teenage shenanigans that was the greatest material damage not so much but psychological damage humm since I'm a girl probably more than I'll ever know come back to me II back when I was a dumb kid living in Italy a bunch of friends and I decided to play hide-and-go-seek inside one of the MT villas in our park Oh since the front door was locked and there were bars on the windows we decided to break a hole in the side of the wall once inside we discovered that the laborers who worked for the landlord kept their power tools in there and we went full [ __ ] and completely destroyed everything inside that house one of us came up with the idea if we hits a big water tank outside with a pickaxe it would explode after being disappointed cracking the tank in half with no explosion we decided the only way to cause an explosion was to pour gasoline all over the furnace before we had a chance to throw those sparkling sticks at it the ESPYs and Kara Buneary showed up and ruined our fun TL DR my mom gave me $5 for ice cream and I ripped it in half making it into an airplane you and your friends are psychotic doubter bags I accidentally set fire to the living room rug when I was eight years old surprisingly my parents went easy on me nice try time traveler less than a month after my 16th birthday I totaled my dad's boss's car my dad had gotten a promotion and as a reward his boss lent him his BMW 740il for a week as a replacements for his usual work van the weekend before he was to return the car he went on a trip with my stepmother to see her family and they decided to take her car I wanted to drive that car so badly so I ended up just taking it out for a cruise to the local mall to meet up with some of my friends after showing off for a while I picked up my brother at the movies and we left to head home I was following a guy I knew from school and as we approached a left-hand turn onto a highway on-ramp I just blindly followed him through without checking the light and boom within an instant I was staring at a cloud of their bagged dust and could hear dings and beats from the dashboard and smell the distinct aroma of antifreeze at the end of the day the man in the car I hit was in an older car and wasn't wearing a seat belt he ended up spending six weeks in the hospital and a year in physical therapy the 740 was a total write-off it was covered by insurance my dad framed a copy of the claim and hung it up in the garage in front of the car total cost fifty nine thousand five hundred and forty-nine dollars my brother ended up looking like he's sparred with Mike Tyson for the next week nice people say I missed a few things that caused international damage but it doesn't affect me at first I was confused then I read your user name a couple years ago I was living at my mother's house and my sister left her neurotic rat terrier with me for a week while she and our mother went on a business trip the dog was used to going for four walks a day and being coddled and spoiled beyond all description I was going to school and working nights so his needs were far beyond my ability to provide I walked him before school fed him and left then would walk him between school and work after a couple days of this treatment the dog expressed his displeasure with me by crapping all over the house I was frantically trying to clean it up before being late to school and I just spread borax paste wherever he'd left a mess figuring a dog like a cat or a small child is smart enough not to eat borax I was wrong when my sister came home from her business trip I was at school and her dog was almost dead I got the Reem out of my life where she rushed him to the vet the dog lived but by then I was so freaked out by almost killing my sisters for a child and the subsequent dreaming I packed up and moved out when her back was turned a couple days later so not only did I almost kill a dog I then caused more havoc when my family interpreted me moving out as me committing suicide like a boss I've downloaded a car once American automobile business has yet to recover from the damage you wouldn't download a car my friend's sister forgot to put her car in park when she pulled into the driveway it's a pretty steep incline and she walked in and started to get dinner ready and heard a crash across the street the car had rolled out of the driveway cross the street jumped the curb and stopped in the neighbor's living room probably not exactly what you're looking for but I worked at Sears in high school one day in May a woman came in and tried to return a CD player that she purchased during a Christmas sale that's five months after the fact and it's got no packaging no receipt and no charger I politely told her that there was nothing I could for her at which point she calls me little crap and starts yelling at me my manager comes over to see who's screaming and we stand there and listen to her berate me for a little while longer the manager freaking caves in and gives her a refund she hands me her Sears card and I process the refund while she smiles at me now before we proceed there are are two important things that you need to know about the Sears I worked at all details including full credit card info of a transaction could be printed out via the pose after the fact manager override codes were not secret fast-forward about 30 minutes she's left the store and my manager is AWOL I hop onto our fancy internal ordering system and look up the most expensive item I can find or three thousand nine hundred and ninety nine dollars lawn tractor from John Deere I change the quantity to ten and punch in her address and Sia's card number the system comes back and complains about the amount of the order and says it needs a manager override code which I know so I overrode it place the order and chuckled at the thought of $40,000 worth of lawn mowers showing up at the BS house I once worked in the gaming machine room of a very busy hotel I say once because I only worked one eight-hour shift and was promptly fired my job for the shift was at the cashier's desk exchanging coin winnings from pokey slot machines into cash notes or take people's cash and converted to coins I was in charge of a little machine that weighed the coins and told you how much cash to return to the customer it had two settings calibrated to the weight of Australian one and two dollar coins I was told to select red for one dollar coins blue for two dollars coins about five minutes into the shift I pressed red freaked out and pushed blue which was what I was aiming for in the first place the screen started blinking so I pressed blue again and it stopped I continued my shift working through the line of people that was rarely less than three people deep towards the end of my shift another employee Dave came to replenish my till and take away some coins I had several times been replenished with cash notes the computer spat out its report and Dave looked a little confused quite simply the bags of coins in the number on the report didn't add up not even close turns out I had reset the calibration of the weighing machine I had been handing over fistfuls of cash due to the coin scales reporting the wrong amount I was never privy to the exact amount but Dave did tell me on the weight of the exit that it was over fifteen thousand dollars TL DR I accidentally reset a coin weighing machine and overpaid gambling clients to the tune of fifteen thousand dollars in one shift one time I was working on the soil rig and the golf boom a crabber I was living in a duplex in Lahaina Maui one day my next-door neighbor came over and told me to come look at something outside between our two units was a standpipe with a water spigot on the end it stood about two feet high and was only a couple inches from the house which was a cinder block structure on a concrete slab he took the stand pipe in his hand and pulled it to the side so it was about at a 45 degree angle water came gushing forth from under the house well cool we thought note that he did not turn the faucet he turned the stand pipe like a lever so for a few days whenever we had a visitor we'd show them our amazing water pipe reader you already know where this is going yes it happened on my watch I turned the stand pipe and the water came out then I turned it back and the water kept coming out then it fell over the pipe was broken and the water was coming out faster than ever fortunately the landlord lived next door unfortunately he wasn't home there weren't any cell phones in those days and nobody at either duplex had a phone and not that it would have done any good because I had no idea who to call or what to do we lived about four blocks from town which was a Street along the waterfront so I rode my bike down to use a phone I don't remember who I called been to everybody told me somebody else to call until I was calling a sugar refinery then I looked up our street and yes here it came the water a nice fat steady stream of water I watched it run into the guy down a drain and then I walked across the street to watch the water leave the drain pipe and on to the beach it formed a little channel and enter the Pacific Ocean and I didn't know what the frick to do so I just sat and tried to wake up from the nightmare that didn't work either so I figured I'd best go back to the duplex and start packing my goods the landlord was waiting for me with a shovel I'd been ratted the digging was pretty easy because of all the water washing the soil out but the break was a long way back if some plumber guy came a little later and when he arrived I made myself scarce in the cane field behind the house to check my plants cause I needed something as I sit here and recall his tragic memory it occurs to me that when I lived at that place they had been an earthquake I never thought of it before writing this that was what weakened the pipe maybe the thing that P me off about it was that everybody knew about that pipe but it had to break when I was demonstrating it and I was the one who took all the blame but at least the landlord didn't bill me for it I know this is kind of subtle but a few weeks ago I bled on a brand new $10 zero zero zero green screen if only you were a predator back in August of 88 I crashed 1,507 computers in one day you man this is zero cool I wrote off a piece off commercial grade machinery once for teh lulz I work in a mall and in the basement there are huge trash compactors kind of like the ones on the back of garbage trucks press a button and a big metal plate crushes the contents of the bin the manager told me to throw out a big piece of metal approximately a meter long six inches wide quarter inch thick because we couldn't use it in the store so I decided to stick it in the compactor to see what would happen the discarded piece of metal one the machine first made a whining sound then a bang I was too busy walking away nonchalantly to check on it further the next day the machine was taped off with caution tape and had to be replaced over the next week I can't imagine how much a commercial-grade trash compactor liked that course okay nothing hugely major that years ago 97 I was on tour with a small musical theater production I was the technical director we were in a chalet style hotel in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan they gave me a non-smoking room but at the time I was a pack-a-day smoker so I smoked in the room a few hours later I hear a high-pitched beeping the source is hard to discern because of the high pitched ceilings in the room I look up and see in the light a cloud of cigarette smoke floating near the peak of the angled ceiling and nearby the smoke detector which has a little red flashing light dang it seems I set off the smoke alarm I immediately jump up on the bed grab a pillow and begin fanning over my head it was a high ceiling and I'm 6 feet to beat beep beep the thing wouldn't stop but oddly enough the main alarms are not going off the hotel is not being cleared beep beep beep after minutes of fanning I cannot take it anymore I start throwing my shoes at the smoke alarm a few good dings in the drywall later I score a direct hit or two the alarm damaged now hanging by the wall by the attached wires a/c alarm not batteries beep beep beep Frick the dang thing won't shut up in a rage I grabbed the aluminum pipe framed suitcase stand the kind that folds by one leg and I start jumping on the bed swinging at the peak of each leap towards the infernal machine with each miss the black rubber feet leave a black streak across the off-white walls finally I score a direct hit the alarm flies off its wires across the room and I swear to FSM landed in the waste Kinnear the television I'm elated momentarily then I realize beep beep beep it's still there does it have a battery backup WTF I get down off the bed bend over the waste can only to realize that the 80s era hotel television which had a LED clock on the face had a built-in alarm clock which was going off I hit the faded off button and the beeping finally stopped I don't think I mentioned it at checkout I never heard another thing about it true story TLDR i thought the smoke alarm in my hotel room was going off trashed the walls trying to stop it only to realize it was the alarm clock ROFL my favorite comment there was this one time when I farted on some volcano in Iceland erupted you're the freakin butterfly 8d 10 plus 11 best comment here I reckon in my younger days a few friends and I caused a ton of damage with action figures and some bottle rockets we were having a sleepover and decided to take to the surrounding woods and fields around the house with our action figures and bottle rockets in hand while walking around we stumbled across a barn about a half-mile away from the house we entered the barn and decided we would stage our epic battle inside I shot a bottle rocket at one of the action figures it missed its target and instead lit some hay on fire that ignited into a blazing bull of fire but we ran for the hills the next morning our friend's mom was watching the local news one of the headlines spoke of a stampede of cattle that destroyed a local farmers living room apparently the cattle had been scared into stampeding due to the farmers barn that had burned down the night before we never spoke of that day till now I know what you did broke a kid's leg when I was younger around 14 during a game of soccer by panicked and left without helping or apologizing since then I've been trying to redeem myself by helping people wherever I can although I really haven't been given the chance to really help someone in immediate need I know one day I'm going to be thrown a major curveball and I hope I'll be ready for it had a co-worker drop a tube or compound worth about 10k dollars on the floor then tried to rescue it with a pipette at that point it was okay but she lost half of it then she tried to filter it with a filter syringe turns out the MSO causes those to turn into glue so anyways 10k worth of novel cancer drugs down the drain I broke a $250,000 laser go on my car broke down and I didn't have enough time to get all the way to the shoulder before it stopped I blocked the middle two lanes of the El Toro why on the 405 freeway at Russia I figure many man-hours at work were collectively lost after reading all of this it makes me wonder how the world still goes on when I was little I wanted to play the flight simulator on my cousin's family computer it was an early Macintosh I had no computer off my own back then so I had no idea how to open the harddrive I remembered my uncle showing me how he deleted things by dragging them to the trash can I tried that but he didn't work later that day there was a big ruckus and everybody took turns yelling at me I ended up hiding in the bathroom when I was in high school I stole some crap and did some other drunkenly stupid crap I don't really want to go into detail but it led to my dad getting fired it really sucked - that was the first job he'd had in several years at that point he basically threw himself on his sword so that his employer wouldn't call the cops on me I try not to think about this much but I felt guilty for 13 years if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: worst damage, worst damage caused, damage, past problem, problem, biggest problem, biggest damage, damage caused, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: UtibM4C2vaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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