People Share How Their Life Turned 180° in a Day

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what was the biggest plot twist that happened in your life i met a girl through puff and dated her for a year she lived six minutes up the street from me so we saw each other quite often both of us were quite introverted so we mainly only hung out with each other we both considered the relationship to be serious and exclusive anyway right from the start of the relationship i noticed that she would text this one guy pretty frequently i asked her about him and she told me that he was her tattoo artist just to be snoopy i checked out the website of the place she gets her tattoos done sure enough there was a tattoo artist there with the same first name as the guy in her phone but the last name was different i asked her about it and she quickly called me out on being paranoid and how it was ridiculous to think that she would lie to me i agreed it was pretty paranoid of me maybe five months later into the relationship i'm on facebook and i decide to search the name of the guy in her phone a profile comes up in the same small city we both live in but there is no profile picture or anything i decide to bring it up with her again because now there is two facebook profiles one who is actually a tattoo artist and one who has the same name that is in her phone she freaks out on me for bringing it up again and tells me that i'm crazy i agreed but just wanted a straight answer she told me that i had nothing to be worried about i apologized and we got over it about a year into the relationship i found her on path i would periodically go on there to see if she recreated her profile we both deleted our profiles i found a profile that i thought might be hers but obviously no pictures i catfished it and it turned out to be her she was back on puff and looking for guys i had all the evidence i needed and i was going to confront her with it the next day and break up with her however i thought that if i was going to break up with her i was going to message this facebook profile i had found that matched the name in her phone just out of curiosity plot twist i message the guy he gets back to me immediately we converse and it turns out that he is her boyfriend i had been her second boyfriend the entire time she met him two months before she met me she bounced back between me and him for an entire year neither me or him knew about each other he saw my name in her phone once and she said that i was her tattoo artist every time i ever called her out i was right every time she was gone mysteriously at night she was with him every time she said she was hanging out with a friend of hers she was with him she doesn't actually have any friends it was always him anyway we both broke up with her the next morning and met the next day to have a beer i haven't spoken with him since bill was a self-made millionaire by the time he was 18 years old that was in the mid-80s he has been one of my best and certainly most influential friends 25 years ago he married a girl that i did not like or trust i told him as much but he married her weird but anyways a few years ago she ran off with a guy she met at a roller skating rink he apparently wooed her with his zooming around or whatever and bill was single again he met the girl and insisted i meet her bill remembered that i had not approved of his ex we met for lunch at one of those awful buffets this girl was beautiful she used english like a scalpel working on phd she was awesome but i noticed little things about her she had obviously been to finishing school then why did she have fingernail polish on her cuticles and a dress from a 1985 resale rack there was just a lot of details that didn't add up and bill was getting ready to marry her i told bill that i thought she was hiding something but i didn't care this gal was high class and hybrid i told him she was great bill hadn't met her parents till the wedding it was at their beach house in destin it turns out that my friend hadn't told his new bride of his formidable wealth but she had been hiding the fact that her parents are legit billionaires bill deserves someone like her at 29 years old i was diagnosed with stage iv breast cancer terminal which had already spread to my lungs and some ribs certainly changed the course of my life funny thing is i went to the doctor to have my lungs checked bc i was having trouble breathing on my long runs for six years prior to that the lumps in my breast had been passed off for cysts and dense breast tissue nothing to worry about you're so young growing up i always dreamt about marrying the cute boy that lived down the street in two weeks i'm marrying the nerdy boy that lived across the street from him january 2011 wife pregnant good health mom alive march 2011 through january 2012 miscarriage misdiagnosis for the wife cousin hit by train mom passed away from pancreatic cancer wife has affair with guys she met at funeral february 2012 wife threw me out of the house on valentine's day i had a marriage of five years with two wonderful children a gorgeous house two cars in the driveway and money in the bank then plot twist the kids could belong to any of the other half dozen men going out with my wife i love the good drama this is the kind of crap that keeps me awake at night i found my adoption papers in the family strong box when i was 19 despite having been told my whole life that my parents were my biological parents quit my professional job with a two weeks notice letter quoting john muir comma the mountains are calling and i must go now i make peanuts at a ski resort i love peanuts i thought that was john muir not robert frost my grandfather left my grandmother for another man after 35 years of marriage and the raising of two kids a daughter mom and a slightly mentally disabled son grunkle it messed my grandmother up pretty bad fast forward 16 years my mom dies from liver failure me and my kids sister are young and broke grandmother is old and broke grandfather pays for everything nobody says anything to him no thanks no condolences nothing i want to go see him and talk to him thank him and see how he's doing i asked my grandmother where he lives on the ground that he told me he had something important he needed to tell me pulled out of my butt obviously but grandmother bursts into tears and confesses that grandfather is not my mom's real father she had a whirlwind romance with some travelling jackass con man who left her as soon as he could grandfather offered to marry grandmother and raise my mom as his own mom never knew i was stunned my grandmother was always really judgmental of other people and looked down on anyone else in this exact situation she was sobbing at this point and i snapped at her to stop because blood never really played all that heavily into what me and my sister considered family and that she shouldn't consider it either anyway that's how i found out one of my family's biggest secrets on accident and then promptly didn't give a crap neat plot twist though it actually just happened playing games with a good friend who attends another school studying something i'm passionate about i make an offhand joke that i'll transfer and make his life miserable he asks me why not not even a week later and i'm transferring to a school two states away where i know literally one person to study something i dreamed of studying but never actually thought could be a reality that's pretty cool good luck i struggled with my physical orientation a lot it took me years to admit that i was gay 10 years after coming out of the closet i fell for a girl and it caught me completely off guard they should make a name for when that happens i'll share my grandma's one of my favorites as a young woman she worked at a humble bakery in a small town in australia american soldiers were stationed in her town as they readied for deployment in the pacific war of world war ii one day a soldier from nyc came in and tried to order something not on the menu his accent was very thick and she being a scottish immigrant could not understand him she was very embarrassed but kept trying to assist him after a couple minutes like this the soldier got very impatient and started cussing and insulting my grandmother the bakery the town etc well my grandmother a proud woman of small stature but surprising strength came around the counter and punched that man hard in the chest i'm told she broke one of his ribs but that seems extreme she definitely knocked him over fellow soldiers lifted the stunned soldier off the ground and back to the base where they told their ceo the story the co panicked about ruining relations with the town and pointed to the nearest man he asked where he was from illinois and hearing no accent sent him back to the bakery to apologize on behalf of the army the man did a wonderful job and made a good impression and he went back to that town after the war and he married my grandma and they lived happily ever after they eventually moved back to the states but she refused to ever visit nyc tl dr big misunderstanding leads to big love had a mad crush on this girl in high school we spent a lot of time together in school but not outside because her mom was strict and girl had a boyfriend we part ways after graduation meet a couple years later find out she had a mad crush on me two we hook up i find out she is juggling several guys and i get pee i stop talking to her for a month she tells me she misses me i ignore her she dies in a car accident the next day messed me up for years i was pursuing this woman that i worked with and she was playing along and flirting back with me she would often just gaze at me and hold eye contact with me in a very seductive way i was totally hooked on her until this one day she confessed to me that she was married to a woman i moved from california to chicago after a year of doing nothing after finishing school lived with a friend for a bit then found an apartment in the city with some roommates got a perfect job in the field i went to school for almost two months to the day after i moved into the city i went on a date that ended in me getting meningococcal meningitis spent two weeks in a coma two months in a chicago hospital was sent back to california on a medical flight where i spent five one stroke two more months in a hospital lost eight of my fingers and both of my legs and now two one stroke two years later i'm still recovering with near-constant setbacks a tl dr thought i was starting a new life and i did but not the one i thought i would this is kind of mine and kind of my mom's when i was a kid i moved to a different state and eventually made friends with a girl at my new school we eventually ended up having a sleepover at my place one night in the morning her mom came over to pick her up and get to know my mom and me when our moms got to talking they discovered that not only were they from the same state that nobody involved had lived in for at least 10 years but that they had played together as kids at the same church 13 years ago i was a global manager for a major tech company when my wife suddenly passed away leaving me alone with three young children i retired from my job and spent the next decade focusing on my family i remarried had more kids and adopted still more we have eight in all i am now a manager at a volunteer clinic helping those who can't find or afford medical care i finished up college this spring and had a job lined up to be a software developer currently i am living in a tiny town in spain teaching english was planning to be a zoologist nope now i too want to be an english professor teaching in another country i have one that is straight out of a freaking soap opera and i am fully ready to accept people calling bulls on it but i'm gonna tell it anyway i was very good friends with a guy in high school named john who was dating a lovely guy named janey polish or something i can't recall but that's sort of irrelevant and was madly in love with him he carried janie's picture around in his wallet and every time they were together they were super sweet really adorable couple then one day janie starts acting really strange and distant doesn't answer john's phone calls doesn't spend time with us the whole works he flat out broke up with john and broke the poor guy's heart i brought a spare t-shirt for a few days because my shoulder would be soaked from him crying on it and then it got even worse john called me one afternoon after school and begged me to come over because he needed a friend when i got there he told me that janey had been killed in a car accident and he was absolutely devastated all over again i went with him to the funeral a few days later for moral support and he was just broken spent a couple of weeks just moping and being depressed and here comes the plot twist are you ready for this crap he gets a freaking call from janie he had a twin brother that we never knew about who was apparently a big troublemaker and had been sent off to boarding school when he'd been home to visit last they'd swapped places for some reason that i never found out either simply for a laugh or for some other reason i never knew but they did his twin was the one that had been avoiding jon and broke up with him and he had been drinking and doing drugs before he got into the accident that killed him janie had been off at boarding school so he wasn't able to make it back for the funeral and when he did get home he had to work up his nerve for a few days to tell his parents what they had done which led to them realizing that the child they thought was dead is actually alive and vice versa which led to some fun family complications not the least of which being obituary retractions headstone replacement and lots of screaming apparently meanwhile john and him had a whirlwind romance afterwards in a giddy fit of reunited place but it fizzled out after a month or so because jon was furious after the reality sank in at what jenny had done without telling him and letting him be so miserable all that time not to mention letting him think that he'd died i was the third party observer in all this but to this day it's probably the most unbelievable thing that's ever happened in my life was sure i'd never marry because no one wanted me met my now wife and realized that i'd been listening to old tapes my parents had planted in my head they did everything they could to strip me and my siblings of every last shred of self-respect 17 years later i've been married for 15 years i have two children by marriage and three grandchildren my life is awesome i went from gonna die alone to the patriarch of my family best plot twist ever okay should have made this clear in the op my wife is older than i am and had two grown children when we married they were 17 and 21 they're now turning 34 and 38. yes technically they are my step-children but bayern popped smoke and hit the eject button when i came into the picture and basically hasn't been seen since although he does live about 15-20 minutes away my son calls me dad and my daughter refers to my wife and i as her parents so i am dad i am certainly my granddaughter's papa i've held each one of them on the day they were born and have been a constant presence in all their lives i've changed diapers and wipe butts and read to them we all live about 10 minutes from each other and it's a rare two or three days that go by that i don't see at least one of my kids their spouses and my grandkids spend over a year planning and saving for the launch of a few businesses plot twist get drunk one day and make a joke website six figures within the month now i'm actually working on my businesses with launch dates coming soon hint it was telling people to eat a bag of dongs told this before and will again i was a little goth girl in hs and secretly had a mad crush on an upperclassman that was a wrestler and did cross country my cousin who was miss socialite also had a crush on him and hit on him constantly he and i were complete opposites we rode the same butt and i was pretty sure i was invisible to him so one day his friends start picking on me he gets up from the front of the bus moves to where his butt is and i are sits down next to me throws his arm around me and they stop this pisses off my cousin as he and i become friends and he constantly ignores her advances but she later on goes on to have me expelled by saying i had a bomb and was going to blow up the school because she didn't like this or that her bf and i were close friends this ruined every friendship i had except the one with my her crush he and i remained friends even after he moved away and then closer friends when he moved back today he and i are going on four years together we bought a house and car had a daughter and are working on plans to build our next and probably permanent home 10 years later the bee is still greener than a granny smith apple thought everyone had extreme mood swings and crazy periods of time then bam bipolar i with severe depression now happy on meds and feeling more normal and in control of my emotions i didn't know i had really bad anxiety until recently i seriously thought it was normal and just what nervousness or stress felt like because i've had it for as long as i can remember had a child with a woman i didn't love gave up my entire life to move states to try and give it a go became depressed and made the decision to move back home after realizing it just wasn't working she filed for child support and thus began the gauntlet of her parents reminding me of how i abandoned my son and family and that i was a piece of crap ex wouldn't let me talk to my son unless i paid child support and additional expenses which i did because what did i know about being a father at 23 still made monthly drives to see my son because i love him she became increasingly addicted to drugs and moved my son from state to state turning to family members she could leech from parents told me i would never see my son again because i don't deserve him i sued for sole custody one and i'm currently owed sixty thousand dollars in back child support and lawyer fees she's been held in contempt four times and we have a compliance hearing coming up on the 10th she doesn't attempt to speak to my son now 6. he wasn't yet for the last time they spoke and current girlfriend of five years is referred to as mom being dumped by my gf of two years on a cruise ship she dumped me midweek of a week-long cruise her family and grandparents were also on board it was beyond weird we had a king-size bed i came back to two twin beds the last 72 hours on that ship was really long but i still managed to find fun i get that she probably needed to get that of her chest but what a terrible place to break up although i topped my school when i was 15 my parents were not in financial condition to send me for further education i was supposed to do a technical course and work as a rac mechanic or something but then a social worker from our town heard that i top the school sponsored all my education until i complete engineering in electronics and communication now i work at one of the major i.t company which pays heck lot of salary which i never dreamt the man runs a charitable trust and sponsor many students who cannot afford higher education imparter the trust now and he is my silver line my family and i were driving home from dinner and were hit head-on by a older man having a diabetic episode my wife and seven-year-old stepson died but my 15 month old son and myself survived i was 27 at the time and figuring out the whole single dad thing is still a challenge i am 30 now my son will be four soon and we're both doing pretty good what happened gave me a whole new respect for life i started working out so far 75 pounds down just started dating recently dating is a freaking nightmare and made a career change that i really like it was a horrid situation but i feel i'm making the best of it i worked in morning radio and i was also an accomplished bowler one day i mentioned something about a high score i had and a listener called in a challenge me because he had just bowled a perfect game the week before we worked out the details and since we had the same first name i said loser has to legally change their name for one year to whatever the winner wanted we had an attorney ready to donate the time for the paperwork the guy refused to agree to those terms he was up for anything but wouldn't do the legal name change so we decided to do loser gets a tattoo of the winners choosing my idea was better but i digress so the challenge was set one game the next day for the tattoo our studio was next to a bowling alley so we were able to set it up so that we started in the studio in the first hour of the show bold in the second hour and got the tattoo in the third hour i designed my tattoo and got it to an artist she made a stencil so she could tattoo fast and make for better radio i threw the first nine strikes in a row he missed a spare in the first i didn't even finish the game i would have had somewhere between a 269 and a perfect game he couldn't score higher than 200 so we go and get the tattoo on this guy like 10 minutes after i embarrassed him on live radio the tattoo is me riding falca i green screened myself in the atreyu pose and photoshopped me into the actual movie poster the artist had a perfect stencil made the tattoo is finished and the detail is unbelievable we all have a great laugh and i only see this guy one other time in my life plot twist the last i heard he was in jail for violating a 13 year old his second debatery conviction he couldn't legally change his name because he was a registered diddler so there is a diddler in prison somewhere with a tattoo of me riding falca on his bicep i'm the only person in the world with that story last july i went in for stomach surgery i was overconfident and had not to worry in the world about it the doctor nicked a vein inside me and closed me up with a slow internal bleed they brought me out of slumber and i found myself with growing difficulty breathing while still being sure that i couldn't possibly die i felt myself die i woke up the next day in the aiku still with no real idea what happened i had died twice and been brought back with cpr i still have a hard time believing that i consciously experienced death i'm 31 years old and have always been very healthy i just spend two hours a day for the last three days getting a steroid infusion at the hospital because i apparently have me's no one in my family has ever had it my entire future suddenly has the potential to be very different than i ever imagined don't give up my dad has had miss for 23 years and he raised two children owns his own home and has a successful career as an engineer he was only 25 or so when he was diagnosed i know it's hard i've watched it all the experimental treatments the hope the disappointment frustration and anger just don't give up if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: plot twist, life changing books, life changing video, life changing, life changing stories, life changing habits, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: oSwBkGU8w5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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