What Are Your Tales Of Idiotic Vigilantes?

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a woman tried to break into my car yesterday to rescue my dog from sixty degree weather anyone else have stories of idiotic vigilantes a lady got concerned about my dog in my car too it was funny because she didn't notice me in the car someone needs to take care of their D oh hello there my family had a Staffordshire Bull Terrier when I was young called Bert Bertie's to love dangling and tugging on tree branches and would spend up to 20 minutes just growling and dangling off a branch anyway one day the police arrived and accused us of hanging a dog my mum hadn't got a clue what was going on for a while until she realized Bert so she took the officer to the field where the dog was dangling and then shouted him he came bounding over and worm told to get the tree he sprinted back to attack the branch the policeman just laughed and apologised I still have no idea why someone would look at a dog which was supposedly being hanged and just ring the police instead of going and helping the dog very poor vigilantes in the UK well to start off I used to volunteer quite a bit at my local humane society while volunteering one day someone came in to drop off a large male boxer with a large tumor hanging from his groin several smaller tumors on his body giant paws filled abscesses between his toes and patches of fur missing due to what I later found out was a thyroid problem also he was severely overweight and looked like he hadn't seen the outside of a kennel in years the HS worker took one look at the dog after sign-in and decided he should be put down in a few days I've always had a soft spot for large galoot e dogs so I figured I'd foster him until I could find a rescue or vet charitable enough to help him so I took him home and that spurred three whole weeks of ridicule which is how long it took me to find a vet who would treat him from countless passerby who shouted profanity insults and even sectarian remarks hurled at me just for trying to walk him even though I was clearly wearing a Rach s volunteer badge now I understand why people would assume that this animal was being abused neglected but the amount of verbal abuse I endured was almost unbearable every time I put his leash on I had to mentally prepare myself for confrontation and hope that it didn't become physical because the sight of this dog made people seriously pee I heard take care of that dog you stupid be yelled at me from quite a few cars got honked at incessantly and my favorites why don't you people ever take your dogs to the vet and of course stupid n hope you go to jail there was only one time where one of the heckle has actually stopped telling me how terrible I was to listen to my side of the story and after I told it they questioned the validity of my volunteer badge and wouldn't take my story as truth until many of the people at the dog park confirmed it I took a lot of abuse just for helping the dog but it was worth it I eventually adopted him and he gave me five of the best years of my life miss you Brock I once loaded my groceries and my son who was about to into my car locked the car and walked 10 feet to put the cart up this woman ran out of nowhere screaming that I had abandoned my son in the car to go shopping and called the police on her cellphone I said am I am right here putting up the cart not even walking in the direction of the store she said she knew what I was up to I just calmly got in my car and drove off there was a fireman in our area that I didn't know about so when I fired up the grill my neighbor called the cops on me when I asked her why did you call the police instead of just warning me her response was quite literally because I didn't want you to get a ticket dumbest frickin thing I ever heard come out of someone's mouth luckily the police officer was cool and just made me put the fire out instead of giving me the ticket when I was 15 I was vacationing with my family near the Ocean City Boardwalk for those who don't know it's basically a mile or two off stores restaurants and arcades positioned on a wooden walkway near the beach anyway one day I'm on the boardwalk by myself going to arcades enjoying myself when I accidentally drop my driver's permit down the cracks of the boardwalk not wanting to lose it I head on down below the boardwalk it's about three feet above the beach and really easy to get under and retrieved my card as I exited there was this guy standing near where I came out and accused my off stealing someone's credit card I told him it was my driver's permit showed it to him and walked off kyouto about an hour later when I'm back at the rental house when the police knock on the door they told me they were called about someone stealing a credit card I explained the story show them my permit and they laughed and walked off apparently the guy followed me for another 30 minutes on the boardwalk a fifteen-year-old through arcades and then half a mile back to the house just so he could call the cops on me it both pay me off to no ends and creeped me out knowing someone could stalk me that long without me noticing TL DR guy thinks I stole a credit card when I was retrieving my driver's permit I show him the permit he apparently stalks me for a good while follows me back to my house and calls the cops on me I had a woman threatened to call Child Protective Services because my 13 month old daughter was left alone in the car I was filling the car with gas at the time our old horse died a few years ago obviously you can't just bury a 17 hand horse in the backyard so we called up the renderer he said he'd be around in about three days to pick her up it's only one guy who serves the tri-state area so three days is quick since she laid down in the pasture to die we simply covered her with a piece of tarp and used some stones to weigh it down a few hours later our neighbor came over yelling at us at our dead horse smelled atrocious and was going to give her children nightmares it was October she wasn't rotting in 100 plus degree weather and where she had died was in a place that you could only see from our side of the road the lady lived two houses away across the street how the heck will her kids going to see it unless they were on our property she called the police turns out it was the sheriff or whatever his title is that answered after confirming that she did not smell he asked if we had called the renderer we told him that he'd picked her up in three days he turned to the lady and said sometimes it takes three weeks go home when I was a kid I saw a woman walk up to a station wagon with the window cracked open at a shopping centre she cooed had the dog opened the unlocked door then let the dog out I thought she was the owner but she went one way and the dog ran the other yay I just saved this dog from the car better let it run through busy roads now I'm such a good person I worked at an ice cream parlor a while back and we made our own ice cream waffle cones chocolates fudge etc well one day I'm making the waffle cones and I wasn't being careful when I went to take a cone off the ayran the top of the are and fell on the top of my hand I got a pretty good waffle shaped burn from it no biggie I got had taken care of but I had a pretty good waffle pattern on my hand for a long time after that probably a month after it happened I had a couple come in who saw my burn while I was giving them their ice cream they were super concerned about it and I told them it was nothing just carelessness on my part they wouldn't let it go and were convinced that I was being abused in the workplace they wrote out all sorts of information for me an abuse hotline website etc and gave it to me before they left they came in a couple more times and checked up on me just strange that they wouldn't accept that the burn wasn't intentional I was on my way to the park with my border collie whipp'd cross when I ran into an older clearly slightly crazy woman who wanted to pet her I lived in a part of my city with quite a few crazy people and most of them were perfectly harmless so I didn't think anything of it at first she was friendly scratching my dog's head and cueing gibberish then she suddenly turned on me and said she's so skinny you must not be feeding her I explained that she was part with it and that that was just her natural build but she wouldn't hear it she felt my dog's side and started to shout I can feel her ribs I bet I can't feel your ribs why should you eat better than how she proceeded to stand up and poke me in the ribs and I walked away with her shouting down the streets after me I had a lady yell out the window of her car that roads are not for bikes she then proceeded to rear-end the vehicle in front of her roads are also not for people who don't pay attention when driving a car justice was served there I know bikes aren't illegal on the roads so you don't need to tell me again a friend's neighbor called the fire department on a bonfire we were having not only was the whole group decently quiet there was no alcohol involved and it was only about 9:00 p.m. he had warned us about an hour before about keeping the Farr controlled even though the flames were really low and in an enclosed pit surrounded by gravel with a hose very close at hand the fire department came in full gear with their lights on only to inspect the area and find out that everything was completely safe and legal I know it's better safe than sorry but this man was wasting emergency responders time over probably the safest bonfire I've ever been to interestingly the least safe bonfire I've ever been to was at a firefighters house I was house dog sitting one summer a couple of years ago it was an admittedly hot day but the dogs were anxious to go outside so I decided they could go outside and play in pee in the yard for about 30 minutes before they needed to come back in they were a pair of two poorly trained hound mixes and would bark at just about anything that offered interaction after about 15 minutes I hear them barking much more than usual and I come out and there is some lady shouting at the dogs from the side of the lawn getting them all kinds of riled up I asked her what the heck she's doing and she starts going off about how she's going to call the animal warden and how I'm torturing these dogs look at how they're barking and howling like they're in pain she says she's dancing around in front of the dogs taunting them and shouting of them and then she has the audacity to tell me that these dogs are barking because they want to come inside I also don't think my town had an animal warden and if we did I don't think if she would give two freaks we lived in Montana and it was freaking freezing I had my roughly three month-old daughter in a fleece sweater and Pat it's covered in a blanket in line at a dollar store she starts to cry the lady keeps telling me she's cold I told her she's in fleece in a store with heat she's not cold she kept insisting she was cold I told her she's hungry it's her feed me cry she's not cold as the lady starts getting louder about how she young mothers don't know anything people naturally started to look as she continued to scream at me I told her my child is hungry see and lift up my shirt pop out my tits and my daughter just went to town lady just left her things there and walked out when I was a toddler my mom who was pregnant at a time would tie me to the clothesline with a led think like a dog run I could run back and forth along the clothes line as far as the lead would allow me the neighbour lady always scolded my mother for doing this saying it was cruel to treat me like a dog I honestly don't even remember it so I doubt it was very traumatic my mom replied that she was nine months pregnant with my brother and having me kept within a certain radius made it much easier for her to keep an eye on me so my mom was keeping an eye on me playing in the backyard one day and the lady came over to yell at her about it again crazy neighbor lady ending up untying me I took off running straight into the middle of an extremely busy street my pregnant mother screaming and running after me to catch me I could have been killed because some stupid lady thought that having me tied to a clothesline was too cruel but didn't bother to consider that maybe a two-year-old near a busy street should be restrained somehow honestly crazy lady wherever you are you did me no favors that day I bet she also put you in a bed with bars on it to sleep at night like a baby cage I was in downtown Portland or with my wife and child to mow at the time on a summer day I had to get fitted for a suit so my wife and child went off to the park down the road 15 minutes into the fitting my wife comes into the store crying she goes on to explain that she was yelled at by some lady for bringing my kid outside the lady followed her the entire way back to the store screaming about child abuse and of course on lookers just stared at my wife apparently the lady threw a fit because it was too windy for her infant it was about 80 F 25 C outside and barely breezy apparently this moron of a woman forgot humans have lived with light breezes for many millennia TL DR some dumb lady thought a breeze would hurt kill my two mo old honoré TF 25 C day and made my wife cry for what it's worth I live in Portland and if I had seen that I would have told that lady to mind her own business and leave your wife alone that's ridiculous here's a story on the right way to do things concerning rescuing dogs at my restaurant we noticed a commotion on the other side of the street one of our hosts went to go check it out and apparently there was a dog in the car the meter had 18 minutes left on it so assuming they had the maximum time three hours the dog had been in there for a while I went to check it out and there was a lady who said we should smash the window and take the dog to be fair the dog looked miserable it was 97 degrees out and super humid this was right in the middle of the recent East Coast heatwave someone else said they had seen the couple who owned the car go into my restaurant I asked for a description and went and looked for them myself I found what table they were at and let them know that their dog didn't look like it was doing so well but the man at the table told me that I should mind my own business I went and checked the seating software and found that the table had been seated for two and a half hours the cops were called the dog was taken and the couple find haven't seen them since mind your own business okay get out of my restaurant my sister owns an older Arabian stallion horse at the time she was living on a dead-end road on a large property in an area of our city where there were there were several other horse owners and it was a nice private location with plenty of room to exercise the horse one day my sister and I arrived at her house after doing errands to find a woman she has never seen before standing over by the horse petting it my sister asks a woman if she can help with anything and the woman informs her she has called animal control and launches into a tirade about the horse being underfed and that my sister is a horrible person in the horse needs to be taken away right about then Animal Control arrives to assess the situation and the horses condition only to leave shortly thereafter because the complaint had been unwarranted the horse is fine the woman gets huffy and leaves we left the house again and come back to see that the woman has returned she has dumped literally bags of apples into the horse's corral and starts going on again about how the horse is underfed my sister tells her to leave and that if she comes back she is calling the cops feeding a horse a few apples is fine stuffing them them to the brim with apples cause cause colic which can be fatal to the horse in this case the horse did actually develop colic and had to be treated by a veterinarian the woman clearly knew nothing about horses and the only logical conclusion I could come up with is that are ignorant led her to believe that all horses look the same and did not take into account the smaller slighter frame of the breed or she was just crazy I was once yelled at by an old lady about how evil I am because my dog had a doc tail now I don't agree with docking but her tail had already been cut when I got her she was the runt of the litter from a farm she could have had a much worse fate than having no tail reminds me of the time when six-year-old me left my life-size live non-realistic obviously fabric with permanent stupid grin toy dog into the back of my dad's car in moderate heat some woman had been trying to get into the car for a good 10 minutes scratching the door in the process and stood screaming at us whilst my dad tried to tell her it was a toy she wouldn't even accept it when we got emotionless toy dog out of the car and showed her the care label in fact she only went away when the manager of the shop will be parked had came outside to see what the heck was going on TL DR similar situation that with obviously toy dog I was at a bar and watched an annoying girl slap a virgin Bloody Mary out of the hand of a six month pregnant woman are you trying to kill your baby please tell me she didn't let her get away with it I used to live in a small hippie riddled town in northern CA one day an animal rights activist planned an action to be carried out so lo he was going to liberate the lobsters that were being held against their will waiting to be auctioned off for food to whomever was willing to pay basically he was going to set the lobsters free from the coop where they were being sold out of a huge clean tank mind you so he stole these lobsters somehow and he set them free in the Pacific Ocean where they all promptly died animal liberation at its best best crazy advice I ever got was from my neighbor while I was a Peace Corps volunteer I decided for my own sanity and possibly just a feel a little American at home to get a dog upon hearing about my plans to get a puppy she spent an hour lecturing me about how I had to let my dog out to eat trash so that when my dog got out to eat trash she would not get sick from eating trash I did my best to assure her that my dog would at no point be out eating trash she dismissed me as crazy and told me my dog would die from eating trash every time I walked my dog she would point a trash my dog is still alive and not eating trash this story confounds me one year on the fourth of July I parked my car in a dirt parking lot with a bunch of other cars when it was time to leave I saw one line of cars led to the street and another empty pathway to the road that no one else was taking it was dark and I stupidly took the empty pathway to find that there was a two-foot-wide trench that I got my tires stuck into my car has front-wheel drive but while calling a tow truck a lady came up to me screaming that I was blocking the way and that I needed to remove my vehicle at once otherwise she was going to get me arrested for getting my car stuck where any other car would have gotten stuck some kind men helped me get my car out and I cancelled the tow truck but one of them kept insisting I sue the city for getting myself stuck in a trench don't see you but you should report the trench in many places the state is not responsible for damages caused by potholes etc that were never reported reporting means they'll fix it or someone who's whose car is damaged will get compensated reverse situation my dad was a vigilante who got attacked by a complete idiot car owner there was a huge fire in an abandoned house and three huge 60 feet high eucalyptus trees in front caught fire as well we had alerted the fire brigade but they were still nowhere in sight and out of the five cars parked directly in front of the eucalyptus trees only four were moved by the owners by the time the fire was starting to look like it would start producing humongous falling fiery branches my dad decided enough was enough took initiative in the rock broke the driver's side window opened the door released the handbrake and we all rolled the car to safety five minutes after we rolled the young man car about 40 feet away from the raging fire out comes the owner from her nearby house a woman in her 40s in an even bigger rage she demanded to know why he broke the window and after some time passed and we were sure she wasn't joking we showed her the branches that had been falling continuously where she had parked the car the smallest one was the size of a baseball bat the largest one took two fully grown men to carry off the road after the fire was put out if we hadn't moved the car it would be ruined at the least and possibly exploded as the fire brigade later agreed she however failed to understand how that involved her car and how the falling branches would burn and/or explode it into oblivion we had to go to court to explain why she was an idiot and we shouldn't pay for the broken window we got justified but the trial took a workday off my dad's paycheck one would guess insurance would cover the costs but she didn't want to call them no good deed goes unpunished I guess TL DR dad saved car from exploding in flames got sued instead of thanked my guess is she wanted the car destroyed so she could claim it on insurance your dad freaked up her plans my daughter was playing outside in our fence front yard we live on a very quiet cul-de-sac I was in the kitchen doing some cooking and watching her when I notice a couples stop look at my kid and then come up my driveway to ring my doorbell a minute later I answer the door to have their mind cruelly accuse me of neglect and child endangerment I was unpleasant to them in other words to explain to you how you're putting your child in danger of intruders they trespassed on your property my first dog was actually abducted from my front yard by a vigilante so I live kind of out in the country and we have a big yard we never put our dog on a leash because she doesn't like them and we don't need to put her on one well one day we couldn't find our dog and she never wanders away after searching for a while we get a call from the local humane society saying someone has brought in our dog my dad goes down there and asks who brought our dog there apparently some guy saw our dog in the front lawn and decided she wasn't safe so he took her she was a friendly dog that loved car rides so of course she went with him when bringing her in the guy used his belt as a makeshift leash and my dog bit right through it as well as one of the leashes at the Humane Society the lady at the Human Society tells my dad that he needs to have a leash to take his dog home and that he will have to pay for the belt and the leash my dad informs her that the guy has stolen his dog and he is lucky he doesn't press charges the release our dog without a leash and she happily climbs in my dad's truck and they go home TL DR some butthole stole my dog and had his belt chewed through hey read it look at this cute dog that I saved so by memory I'm thinking it was around 1984 winter and my mother leaves me in the car one of the finest cherry Nova's to ever grace this earth if you must know to go into the dry cleaners I'm six years old at a time wearing an absurdly puffy coat and it's still pretty damn cold in the car the cleaners was maybe a good six or eight blocks from home and the heat in that Nova was asthmatic at best so there I am minding my own business and watching the snow when out of frickin nowhere comes an insane pounding on my window and six-year-old me looks to my right to see what appeared to be an absurd Banshee from Herrick with a rictus of sheer lunacy shouting about something I may have peed slightly the pounding and the yelling continues and I may have even had the hood of my ridiculous coat up because I couldn't make out a word as lady was saying I did the only thing that made sense in my first-grade mind reached out and pushed the door lock solidly down and retreated to the other side of the car a little more yelling happens then finally my mother comes flying out of the cleaners in her full 5 feet 1 inches of righteous fury evidently the screaming Banshee became somewhat lucid at that point because they eventually ended up having her rather tense conversation which culminated in my mother opening the door to the car and asking you know how to open the car door right yes and you could take your coat off if you wanted I look at her like she's crazy yes and if you wanted to you could have walked the eight feet to the door of the dry cleaners and come in and got me if you needed anything um yes I'm six but I'm not a moron a piercing glare a slamming car door and we are off to the next stop on our whirlwind errand tour with one very silent banshee standing in the parking lot in the snow watching us depart I'm glad this occurred well before mobile phones now that I think about it I'm a dude I was working at Victoria's Secret at the time and I was doing all the go backs restocking and generally straightening the store I had some pink paper bags filled with sensors and clips in one and uncensored items in others that day the store was messy we had a collection of items that were uncensored and I was running around organizing the store I was periodically taking uncensored items putting them in corresponding bags and when I came to the appropriate section my sense of the item and meticulously arranged the panties or bras or rack in an aesthetically pleasing fashion as per limited brands policy so an hour into this particularly drill activity on a slow day I noticed an older women following me I when I would look at her she would turn away I'll walk away I would have asked her if she needed help but with a combination of pretending I did not exist my workload and the other equally capable associates present I did not she would follow me until I was near the exit in the corner I was shuffling through the remaining items popping senses on the seam I had noticed that on a particular panty the seam was unraveling and I placed the item closer to my face I began inspecting it my two thumbs twiddling against the seam to get a tense I'll extend by the damage then I felt an arm grab hold of me the elder woman had a grip on my bicep she is now pulling me away from my work to my greater call your manager I've been following this pervert trying to steal and sniff panties double-quote the greeter was taken aback and was honestly confused she looks at me back at her and all the items in my hand she finally says Eman he's the stock manager double-quote oh man let me get another hit of that clean cotton smell sniff oh sweet Jesus yes can I just say that idiotic vigilante sounds like a great name for a History Channel show little backstory I work as a mechanic at a rental yard for construction equipment I had forgotten my phone in the shop and had to go in at about 11:00 p.m. and get it I go and unlock the front gate and drive in and shut the gate behind me after I grab the phone I leave I noticed parked across the street is the same car that saw me driving they've been sitting there watching me the whole time I leave and they drive behind me for a solid 15 minutes I would purposely run yellow lights and they'd still be on my tail I didn't want them following me home so about two block away I pulled over and got out they slowed down then drive away Frick vigilantes if you see something call the police not really vigilante because no justice is being served but I'm forever getting home remedies for my lung problems it's a genetic disease cystic fibrosis with no known cure and some pretty impressive science put into developing treatments despite this I still get people insisting all sorts of balls treatments to me everything from Oregon oil held under my tongue to doing see no really that's been suggested as an attempt to get rid of my sinus problems hello people if any of that crap worked I would be doing it I'm sorry to inform you Oregon oil won't cure genetic diseases that reminds me of a friend girl I used to play racquetball with when you play racquetball you get hit with racquetballs and they leave bruises that last a couple weeks sometimes well she's like the beat with her bf and as soon as her bf goes to the bathroom a couple women come over and tell her that they know he's beating her and to come away with them and they'll protect her she tries telling them the bruises are from our ball but they wouldn't believe her leave her alone yes we know he's beating you at racquetball my old boss lives in rural California and has two or three farm cats to keep the rodent population in check the cats would come and go as they pleased and it wasn't uncommon to not see them for days at a time but during the housing boom in 2006 people started moving from the city to new developments a few miles down the roads from his farm one day a woman shows up at his door holding one of his cats the cat seems very agitated and she has scratches all over her arms she says she that this cat must have got him out and she is returning it she holds it out to him he says uh thanks and takes the cat and puts it on the ground and the cat runs off woman loses her crap yelling at him about how he's a horrible cat owner how it could be hit by a car he says something to the effect of I'm the only person who lives on this road if it gets hit by a car it's a pretty crappy cat city people have a hard time realizing the fact that cats on farms are just as much functional animals as cows are it's still sad when one takes a nap in the field during harvest season though not really a vigilante but something of the sort happened to me when I was younger and at an airport I was probably about 13 or so and I was waiting with my family in the waiting area before you board the plane there was a guy in the Army with his form on waiting near us and his elder lady who was listening to him intently I was close enough to hear him and her talk but wasn't really listening anyway as my dad called me over to him this lady grabbed my arm wouldn't let go and demanded that I stay and listen to this army guide talk and about how I should thank him for his service and how I should be respectful and listen if my dad saw this and came over and told her to let me go she did but then tried to argue with him about how I need to have respect for the military and all that he told her that as my dad he'll take care of my values and to leave me alone it freaked me out a bit if she seemed like she was kind of out of her mind I guess I should make clear that I wasn't like bashing the guy for being in the army or anything just minding my own business should have put her down sorry Lassie what would have been best see is if she somehow managed to get the car door open and then the dog ate her win-win intruder must protect the Masters I went to the grocery store with my dog in the car on a ridiculously hot day I brought two key so I could lock the car door with the engine still running and a/c on as I walked away from my car some woman actually jumped out of the passenger's side of a moving vehicle and starts screaming I say the engines running in the AC is on she doesn't miss a beat and keep screaming about how it's too hot to have my dog in the car I repeated myself she then turned and stormed off apparently I was in butthole for not letting her have her moment off do-gooder glory my wife was driving a couple weeks ago and saw an older couple in a small sedan next to her in traffic with a toddler sitting on the lap of the male front seat passenger without a car seat she followed them a couple miles all the way to a Walmart parking lot and jumped out to go give him them a talking-to because she approached their car she discovered that the male was extremely hairy and wearing shorts and what she thought to be a toddler's head was his hairy expose me TL DR wife thought tool man's hairy knee was a toddler sitting on his lap in traffic actually he was he reproduces vegetatively and his knee was splitting off into a separate organism two stories when I was a kid I was a very picky eater one day at daycare I bit my friend and she bit me on my face to make me feel better my mom took me out to an ice-cream shop but I hated ice cream so she just got a plain cone for me I tried to run off before she finished paying and she turned around and grabbed me to keep me close and I started throwing a fit this lady tried to take me from my mom and started screaming at her for abusing me and not getting the ice cream and asked me if I was okay and tried to make me go with her my mom had to sit there and let her ice cream melt so she could explain to this lady what was going on but second my great aunt had very well trained German shepherds and a pickup truck she was at a gas station once and went inside to pay and when she got back some man started to scream at her about how her dogs were probably not trained and that they were a danger to everyone she just looked at the man and snapped her fingers both dogs were on either side of her growling at the man within two seconds she glared at him for a couple more seconds and snapped again the dogs went back into the truck and she turned around and got in and drove off not saying a word she was the Beast when I was born I had something wrong with my eyelids that required surgery this was in the early 70s so the doctors thought it best to wait until I was a little elder to do the surgery they did the surgery at 9 Moss old it left me with two black eyes dug by surgery and then the doctors put a cast on each one of my arms to prevent me from touching my eyes other than looking like heck I was completely healthy here's my mum lugging around this baby with two black eyes and what looks to be like two broken arms some woman attacked my mom and grocery store to see how she liked being beaten up police were called my mom explained and the woman was extremely embarrassed at that point was arrested needless to say my mom ran errands without to me after that until the bandages came off it's been 35 plus years and I always wonder if that woman still feels stupid about beating up a woman whose baby just had surgery I would kill to be in a sixty F car it is so dang hot here I was walking home once with my girlfriend when this woman came out of nowhere and asked if we had seen her cat she said the cat was ever so naughty in a British accent over and over again we went about our business and went inside my place we came out five minutes later with my dog to take him for a walk just as we get outside this cat danced out of an alley and across the street my girlfriend looks at me and yells that's her cat the cat proceeded to run across the street and hide under a car my GF stayed near the car with the cat while I went to find this lady with my dog she was wandering about a block from where we last saw her I told her we thought we had found her cat her response what the cat was very naughty I led her back to the car and the cat tries to run away from her we kind off corner at under another car the woman keeps telling the cat how naughty it's being and eventually picks it up tells us she found the cat about two weeks ago in that it's been running away at least once every two days TL DR I helped a woman kidnap a very naughty cat there is a fast food ish restaurant near me that serves Japanese food your casabas teriyaki bowls etc takes about five minutes to get your food if you order it there or one minutes if you call in ahead and pay you get the picture it's in a little shopping complex next to a karate dojo etc so here I am in two son in February freaking beautiful outside seventy F a guy pulls up in his rover windows cracked one in or so and runs inside to get his food he had called in his baby is asleep in a child seat in the back seat it's not done cooking so he pays it's been about a minutes or so a crowd begins to gather around his car they start shaking his car at 1:30 minutes after he comes in and at the same time a woman comes in and yells like legit yells whoever the butthole is that owns the rose needs to get out here now your baby is dying whoa okay the father Sprint's out people out there are yelling at him one guys and I crap you not trying to punch his way through the back glass window to get into the guys Rover to the baby this guy is also wearing the uniform for the aforementioned karate dojo the guy runs out sees his baby crying at this point in the back seat in his baby seat my friends and I had walked out there too at this point so the driver flips tells everyone to get away from his car to stop yelling it's making the baby cry etc one lady then says the cops are on the way and he better not move he reaches inside gets his baby sees a baby is in no way lying just now very upset at all the commotion three minutes have now passed since he parked and walked inside so anyways we go inside expecting him to leave cause why the Frick well don't you but he waits I didn't think about it at the time but they had given his license plates of the cops the cops come the people outside five or six of them mobbed the cop tell him the dad had been inside for 40 minutes and hadn't checked on his baby so they came out to help the baby looked like he was in danger so they had to try to break the glass etc we my friends and I the owner of the restaurant the dad and two other groups of people in the resort go outside tell them cop what actually happened the father is issued a warning the cop leaves and then right before the father leaves the woman who had come inside yelling gives lip to the father the father puts his kid down calmly turns around and tells her if he ever sees her making his child cry again he will call the cops on her really he was calm I am NOT being biased here the karate guy then puffs up his chest and tells the dad to freak off before I kick your button that he doesn't deserve to be a father the father drives away and to very crappy people as well as about four other misguided people feel like they served justice today blew me away at the time one time when I was three years old my mother took me to a museum and a crazy mother there somehow - can increased interest in us and decided that since I don't look very much like my mother I'm half black half white water shocker that she must have kidnapped me and actually called the cops on us the police showed up the house as I'm sure they're required to do by procedure and it was quickly proven that I was in fact my mother's son and the crazy woman probably never got the mental health she so obviously needed not really an idiot but nonetheless it was hilarious I was smoking a pork shoulder on my BB Q I went inside to let it do its thing when a little while later a bearded man burst into my house he was wearing cutoff jean shorts a muscle tank top from the eighties and rain boots his head reminded me of a beach boy the bearded 50 year old look he shouts your house is on fire I of course jump up and run outside thinking something must be wrong I opened the barbecue and it's smoking away nothing wrong he followed me into the backyard and I told him everything was cool I was just smoking some meat there was like a small crowd outside the backyard gate must have been his family or something I thanked him for his concern and my stupid brain kept telling me ask him what he is wearing I never did though the guy just leaves without saying much and calls off the crowd I never saw him again but I still have laughing fists when my wife reminds me of the time the old man and Jean cut-offs and rain boots bust through the door to save us it was good on him to check he wasn't an idiot just dressed like one if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: AskReddit Is Fun
Views: 93,847
Rating: 4.8832941 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, idiotic vigilantes, idiotic, idiots, vigilante, crazy people, stupid people
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 39sec (2499 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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