What Are They DOING To That Poor Dog? - Jacksepticeyes Funniest Home Videos

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I been looking almost everywhere and can’t find it. Can anyone help?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/UnknownRedditor22 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
jacksepticeye's Funniest Home Videos is filmed in front of a live studio audience now introducing your host jacksepticeye still on the air it's long days since the last episode we still here damn it I took a long time I took a long time away from the series because I had to talk to the censors I had to talk to people at the higher-ups to figure out what we were going to do because we couldn't keep jacksepticeye his Funniest Home Videos season 2 rolling the way we had before for not allowed Sarah not elsewhere then what's the point of living so I talked to them I struck a deal and ladies and gentlemen but before we go anywhere in this episode there's something missing on the board what do we normally have in the board what's here what's missing let me hear it lovers love [Music] I see [Music] why [Music] feels good to be back in the hot seat this feels like home [ __ ] hurt my hand oh nothing gets my nipples harder in the morning than some infomercials for really shitty products I'm so excited it's been so long gone let's see it yeah this'll way to upgrade the tiny painful piece of handle it comes on most buckets and installation is no problem Oh slide bucket up from the bottom covering this piece of discussion if your current bucket handle is bent or janky it may be difficult to slide it on don't give up or send hate mail though wait this can't be the actual like voiceover for the product can it if it is that's genius I love products that make fun of themselves now you don't have to wreck your hands and suffer through another task with that tiny able piece of handles yeah [ __ ] other buckets just go you should have called this the [ __ ] just [ __ ] use this thing in stay cuz buckets suck I've never had that much trouble with a bucket honestly but then again it's been years since I've lifted a bucket what is the last time you've lifted a good pocket don't [ __ ] it up [ __ ] it up that's great don't suck it up [ __ ] it up with a buck it up it was incredible I want one now I'm not even gonna use it than a bucket I don't have a bucket that I could use it I'll use it on everything I'll use it on like my cup of coffee and I'll just say buck it up every time I mean this is posted on the actual book it up handles YouTube channel I don't know I love that don't use that piece of [ __ ] garbage use our beautiful product instead could you imagine if Samsung came out against Apple or vice versa or just like don't use the [ __ ] god off a piece of [ __ ] iPhone use the Samsung Note twelve that would be so good okay so somebody posted this in the discord the best moments of electro boom I love this guy he's I think he's an ex electrician by trade but then he messes around in videos that's so funny it seems quite courageous oh it is this expert enough you see the LEDs is start to get red as the head heat even he laughs at himself he does this [ __ ] all the time he'll just like twitch some really high voltage and shock himself suddenly and it's amazing but perfect comedy I have a great and unique idea which is turning your wooden or plastic seat into a heated seats all your fragile Botox can rest in peace okay there we are [Laughter] [Laughter] make a C warmer that melted to his pants but I think he does this stuff as a job so he knows that like he's always like don't do this stuff at home he knows the limits of it himself in hindsight mounting a heating element with hot glue is a pretty dumb idea because the glue can melt and stick somewhere else yeah so connecting it to power it's hardly conductive so it's safe to touch every time it's so delightful maybe this is all about me watching other people in pain but you know what I'm all in so what it's compatible with LED lights because the new LED lights are designed to be dimmable and this takes the credit what the hell that's my type of comedy I always do it in like I didn't it like the turbo dismount in skate three videos where you just smack into things and then it cuts immediately afterwards I love that it's such perfect comedy if you look here carefully they have to cut that tiny bridge I shouldn't be laughing at someone potentially getting very injured but holy [ __ ] that's funny yeah so top comment the fact that he knows how to hurt himself without killing himself proves how smart he really is another classic infomercial this one's called the whoosh the whoosh ma fir the wolf washer 360 now I don't know what this is but somebody sent it to me and I immediately loved the first 5 seconds of it Rover loves to play but he ends up filthy from the day introducing woof washer 360 the amazing new dog washing system that washes your dog in less than one minute guarantee that dog does not look happy thank God [ __ ] damn it Karen I'm a predator of the jungle let me let me go let me run harsh spray scare your pet away but this ring of death will keep him at bay I want one for myself I I've been at hotels before where they've had multiple showerheads and it's the best experience ever if they go into a human car wash and I love the idea of I would love a shower that just says one on top and four on the sides and it just blasts you with water as hard as it can and it just comes down across your body and you just stand there takes about five seconds to do a shower and then you just get out and you know you're clean because you're missing skin cells so easy at like anyone could use it and so fun every dog will love it ok can we see this on an actual dog not that they're not actual dogs but they're trained dogs I want to see it on somebody's actual home pet dog because I do not think that a real dog would be that comfortable around this giant thing it's like no the whole Schism here's 360 degrees of hoses to wrap around your dog when you wash your dog this part you don't want to touch what would you have a dog and you don't wanna touch they're all Oh stinky no they're your pet treat them with care I pulled out my headphones now with the wolf washer I don't have to use my hands at all you're using both of your hands the woof washer has 360 degrees of jets which really gets the soap and water deep down into her her just in case you guys didn't know that just in case the guy at the beginning didn't tell you that there's 360 degrees of water jets to encompass your dog to wash everywhere she just said it for yourself and she's a real person not to pay that torque you get it off so call or click now that's a great bargain you know why here at shark tank your margins are really good so for that reason I'm out I want one did they have a cat washer well cats clean themselves mainly but I want to see if we could use on a BB and just rub it across his back and see if you like you would [ __ ] despise it but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to put oh yes there's a there's a recommended video called magic gate I seen on TV I love these one those times you want your dog with you but sometimes you need to keep a regular dog gates are awkward heavy and a real pain to try and climb over sorry I know I'm pausing it a lot and interjecting but I love those videos where the lake oh man regular things are just so hard to use have you ever tried to use a regular pen it's difficult it's reducing the wonder pen and it's like the exact same thing only the people are dumbasses for trying to use the regular one it's amazing but now there's magic 8 ingenious new mesh gate that keeps your dog where you want them but lets you pass through with no problem at all haha eat [ __ ] Rover but unlike traditional gates that you have to undo and move or risk climbing over to get where you want to go Magic eight uses for instant grip hooks is late the mesh gate securely in place on all four sides is sold we have we've won four baby on the windows that we put up that's just like a mesh that you like velcro to the sides so the air can come in because British house is no air conditioning you have to leave the windows open but he's gonna jump out and then I'm going to be like oh we have a mesh that we put up in front of it like a bug net and he's just like okay I'm happy now I can smell outside and you guys get air it's amazing I'm sold on this I want regular gates can be an eyesore but magic gates mesh is attractive and practically invisible magic gate is the sex new mesh that you want in your life but what about the dose that jump over them other duh gates are heavy and they cause cancer and they kill your dad's but the new magic gate is amazing and it actually cleans the air $95.00 hey what are you charge to get magic gate for just $14.99 what double the offer and give you a second magic gate is it $15 you two magic gates give your dogs in that's a great game man every time I look at these products this is why they have commercials like this cuz I really wanted I actually want to buy all of this [ __ ] I bought a Slap Chop I'll do that in a video at some point I bought it ages and ages ago and I never put it in a video but soon I want all of these things I don't need to go out any further there's a whole channel of this there's just a whole as seen on tv channel if you've ever had to clean out your clogged shower drink I have murder and tried to hide in the shower you'll never have to worry about a clogged drain again just pull it out and dispose of it you don't have to touch the glove [Laughter] gross it's part of the human anatomy it happens we're all hairy heaving beasts but I still don't want to look at it no more need for harmful chemicals that are dangerous and can ruin your pipes but I like that if I if part of me goes into the drain I want it to be burnt I wanted to be singed and melted so the rest of the world can't ever see it again I don't have to pick it up and then put it in the bin also if you did put a dead body in the [ __ ] drain then the bleach is gonna help the drain Wow way to call out your kids like that I have five beautiful daughters but man do they Harry again I want one I'm actually gonna go buy one Glo jamas oh yes glow the dark pajamas shirt on turn out the light and use the magic pen to draw play and write no Christmas is over but holy [ __ ] please like comment subscribe become a member of the channel buy my merch please I need all the money I can get to fund my pajamas addiction draw a picture when you're in bed then find out what it says when you put the covers over your head that could go water two ways there's a [ __ ] kill you [ __ ] oh my god these are the best oh I thought they were going to be like just a glow-in-the-dark shirt but the fact that you get a pen to draw on them ie oh my god I want them these are all the things I should buy all the things in these to put in the other series of weird products you got jokes and a great product oh my god take all my money wait Willy Willy I need a co Javas another thing that I'm gonna buy no Reserve results from collage Amoz Amazon you've let me down there's no shopping results for glow jammas the go jammers kill children or something man and I thought I was gonna have fun and bedtime disappointed they're gorgeous Jesus what I love the colors but if I told you I feel like I just got assaulted the spray on nail polish that gives you perfect polished salon looking nails without stressing the details what what are you do it on your nails but not in the rest of your hands I guess I should wash the rest of the video is that [ __ ] posing it shouldn't I the secret is spray perfect smart polish formula that only sticks to your nails but easily washes off your skin with water perfect am I going to become one of those channels that looks at a bunch of products is supposed to laugh at them doesn't buys them and I'm just end up reviewing products is this the demise of jacksepticeye or the rise of jacksepticeye this is were there this is were the big-time views if you're letting a [ __ ] shiatsu dog put it on shiatsu as a massage I think you never [ __ ] sue a distraction is it it looks like you were in Mad Max and you what a lovely day what a lovely day witness maybe and watch this spray perfect is great for toenails - yeah cover up those dirty [ __ ] the toes I mean I call my toes dirty [ __ ] all the time don't lie to get perfect and all these no time okay I will go online and get spray perfect cuz I feel like I need nails that look like that ooh Amazon's clock can you in it a mean two and a half stars though hmm everyone's saying that if you put it on and then you wash it off it just washes it off your nails as well okay it goes against the whole like only adheres to nails philosophy that you're going for okay well I feel like it went off in a complete tangent with this video I want to leave it here like if I had like a whole plan for different videos to do in this run and then I just went down the rabbit hole of infomercials again I remember being a kid and we had like multiple channels on TV and I would sit and I would watch infomercials all the time and I remember thinking there's no way that mop can soak up that man holy [ __ ] there's no way that that knife can cut a tomato after cutting that cat it did I got suckered in and every time I'm still getting suckered in I'm basically a 30 year old man at this point but that's gonna do it for this episode to jacksepticeye's Funniest Home Videos I hope you guys had some fun and I hope you guys had some laughs no your eyes are not bad you don't need glasses unless there's some super-secret infomercial glasses you can get to make your sight double cool it's just how to focus it still says laughs though I promise but as we always say eye jacksepticeye is Funniest Home Videos go [ __ ] yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 7,275,311
Rating: 4.9691668 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, try not to laugh, reaction, funny videos, try not to laugh impossible, funny videos 2019, jacksepticeye's funniest home videos, dr phil meme, season 2, funniest home videos jacksepticeye, funniest home videos, funny reactions, try not to laugh challenge, try not to laugh jacksepticeye, don't laugh, you laugh you lose, funniest, funny, funniest videos, funny video reaction jacksepticeye, funny videos jacksepticeye, dog, woof washer, glowjamas, spray perfect
Id: wsFdrDdTzZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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