Weird Workout Videos - JonTron

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SegataSam 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

you know how if you fast for a long time or are just starving in general, and if you suddenly eat a lot of food, you get really sick and can die because your body isn't used to it? yeah, that, but with jontent lately

👍︎︎ 771 👤︎︎ u/invaderzz 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

Hopefully this will mix up the sub a bit. The Flex Tape stuff was funny at first, but we need some new material to shitpost with.

👍︎︎ 332 👤︎︎ u/Cappantwan 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

"Whoever actually used one of these?"

My mom, she funded the entire industry, used to have these things all over the house as a kid.

👍︎︎ 264 👤︎︎ u/evangelism2 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

That cameltoe in the first video tho...

👍︎︎ 460 👤︎︎ u/I_happen_to_disagree 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

That Zuiikin English sounds like real life Japanese porn. I'm scared the FBI will catch me.

👍︎︎ 201 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

Thanks, S W A G B U C K S

👍︎︎ 238 👤︎︎ u/Saltystrudel 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

"Did you notice, you're fucking deformed?"

Jesus christ Jon, please never change.

👍︎︎ 235 👤︎︎ u/Za_King 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 170 👤︎︎ u/ejei 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey guys now that you're done stuffing yourselves with thanksgiving leftovers why not earn some extra cash and gift cards to buy you know shoes and food and iphones with swagbucks earn rewards by taking research surveys watching videos playing games or even shopping online click the link right there at the top of my description box and start earning extra cash and gift cards right away and lastly i'd like to thank swagbucks for sponsoring this video and helping me bring you the content you love thanks swagbucks i know you've probably heard it before and you're still not happy hearing it again but this is what the ideal male body looks like this is peak performance i work hard i play harder it's because of the way that i work and play that affords me the kind of lifestyle you all could only dream of you're looking at the culmination of my optimal life choices friend no need to be jealous it's a long way down from here and i pity those i've known who've fallen by the wayside gotta make sure to keep my energy levels up at all time lest i spontaneously die one more of those sick frankie dogs please sir i don't give you any more hot dog you coming every 15 minutes it is very unhealthy the strange hot dog wizard was clearly sick of seeing me succeed how could he understand [Music] all right maybe he's got a bit of a point perhaps i'm not in the kind of shape i thought i was in so i've decided to watch some workout tapes to try and shed some of the weight speaking of workout videos i always thought these things were so weird who ever actually used one of these even the relatively normal ones seem like the work of lunatics you always see it in movies and stuff but i don't know a single person who's actually used one of these hey they must have sold at one point otherwise they wouldn't have made so many today we're going to be reviewing some of the weirdest workout videos i could find out there because hey go big or go home all right let's begin [Music] all right first up we got prancercise a fitness revolution okay this this ain't your average fitness it's about self-expression it's about non-violence it's about conservation it's about three things that i don't know how they're related to each other or related to exercise or horses so in their own words prancercise registered is defined as a springy rhythmic way of moving forward similar to a horse's gait this form of movement along with dietary and spiritual principles can create the most satisfying holistic and successful [ __ ] program one could hope to experience man you don't even have to be good in this world you just gotta put words together in a funny way here we go let's do prancercise registered hello i'm joanna rorbeck of prancercise llc hi joanna based on your website i bet you're totally not going to say something insane right now and i'm here today to show you the four modes of transfer size i've got my ankle weights in place and my music's ready so let's stop talking and do some walking let's stop talking joanna you've been talking to me for like three seconds you're like here's the four principles stand and let's go from the website you made it sound like there was a lot more to it than that joanna but let's see show me let's prance [Music] oh my god for real that's it what is playing is this the same few measures from sweet home alabama big wheels keep on turning she's channeling the horse guys she's it's clear look at that look at the way the feet move okay the arms tourists don't have arms spiritual holistic downright strange this is why you don't go to florida we're trying to saw that state off have it float into the atlantic okay we don't want you we don't want you joanna and you're weird dancing we don't want it so that was prancercise i'm already feeling a couple pounds lighter let's move on to number [Music] two okay next up we got something called zooey keem english okay zookeen english is a japanese television series originally aired in 1992 in an effort to market their traditionally unprofitable time spots and give opportunities to young creators to express their new ideas one such program tried to help viewers to fall asleep while another showed an actor reading out a well-known novel and nothing else zucchini english was born under these circumstances even the greatest have humble beginnings i too feel very lost in this negative space park [Music] shut up don't say a word [Music] i i i can't i can't find fault with that so who am i i'm just i'm just friendly john who am i now who am i now it could happen just like that you won't even see it coming it just had that's why you got to be careful you better have watched zero can't english so you can figure out how the [ __ ] to respond to this because even we don't know we speak the language [Music] spare me my life spare me my life zucchini in english [Music] i have a bad case of diarrhea i have a bad case of diarrhea thanks dude thanks for thanks for letting us know how much you think he got paid to say that he didn't sound he didn't sound like his heart was in it i have a bad case of diarrhea all right man i get it i have a bad case of diarrhea i have a bad case of diarrhea i have a bad case of diarrhea i have a bad case of so that's zooeykin english i don't think we need to see any more of that we we got that all right what's next next up we've got something called a young at heart body conditioning with estelle this is actually estelle getty from uh golden girls so this should be pretty good hello i'm estelle getty between you and me i wasn't always the fitness goddess you see here today this positive attitude took work you're gonna have to go a little harder than that okay you you want to see self-deprecation just look at me in the morning in the mirror okay no one's there to see it what happens who wants to look like this still come on no need to be rude you think i chose this i'm just here to do some [ __ ] jumping jacks as people grow older they get smaller if i got any smaller you'd mistake me for a peanut absolutely unlikely well here's a peanut who's determined not to get any smaller you sure this is a workout video my exercise program was created by raphael piccol he's very successful he's also a full-time french hug still don't get weird don't get weird on me still come on in raphael here comes raphael you're inspirational oh please i could live inside one of your thighs estelle what does that mean people don't say that as stealth we don't talk about living inside someone's thigh raphael has trained a number of senior citizens and you know i don't like your hand i like i feel like you're really encroaching on estelle's everything this exercise program improve muscle strength flexibility bone density and post too go get them tiger i want to see you like that still don't want it you're like my grandma don't do that okay let's go for it all right exercise seems to improve everything can even improve your sex life i'd like to correct the rumor that senior citizens are not having sex we are we're just having it slower come to think of it that's pretty good thank you for being a friend travel down the road and back again i don't like this one bit please just go back to hanging out with me arthur [Music] [Applause] okay our next one is mariko takahashi's fitness video for being appraised as the next fat girl are you going to human appraisals and then just like ex fat girl i can see it a little bit extra skin i see it you can't hide it from me tape it back how do you get appraised as an ex fat girl what the hell does that even mean hi i'm mariko takaha it's like a tumor disorder i don't know if anyone just wants to come point blank point that out like did you notice you're [ __ ] deformed had you noticed that we'll be building muscular strength that's what this video is about beauty and strength this is connected to everything in life victory and happiness picturing happiness thing for everyone let's go feel like this is something from a [ __ ] jrpg it's a boss battle how do they even get the dogs to look that realistic it looks too good is it like cg or they've just been like grafted on to these midgets what is a bunch of children with dogs heads grafted on it's weird you see stuff like this all the time and you're like who had the time to think of this and then make it think it up it's too tighter now step aside outside right here no arms i'm surprised i haven't tried this earlier i'll give this a shot all right let's do this where you going huh we gotta work out come here how you enjoying that you feeling the fitness have you peed on me it's possible thank you for joining be well official worldwide olympic partner sponsored by panasonic so this is an actual olympic thing different strokes for different dogs huh okay we've had our fun all right we've had we've had our games but now it's time to get serious okay now we're going for the crowning jewel in the workout pantheon okay we got the marquee mark workout featuring mark actual wahlberg i don't i don't even know what to say but it's a mark wahlberg workout video so without further ado yo guys cause neil's downstairs he's making some shakes and stuff let's go [ __ ] pancakes the whole nine yards [ __ ] pancakes somebody comes up to you in the morning and says [ __ ] pancakes you just you get your ass out of bed okay i'm gonna give you one minute cuz look one minute this is really motivating me seeing a man reluctantly get out of bed to i don't eat a pancake really this i don't think there's been exercise mentioned yet unless his pecs being in shot counts as a mention yo what's up monkey what's good mark you mark lounging here with rich menden from gold's gym yes no handshakes in the video all around me are familiar faces worn out places you know the biggest question people ask me is why am i doing a fitness video oh god it's self-aware you know i'm a rapper you know but um i've been into fitness for a while i've learned a lot like the same person he's got to look back and be so proud of this really key in on the on the strong points which is form focus and determination mark i don't think you're keying in on anything you might be key in some cars with your hoodlum friends that's about it for keys with you four focus determination non-violence accomplished vietnamese man's eyes out it really happened by the way that's that was mark's first career i've accomplished a lot you know people always ask me you know about running around in my underwear and trying to sell my body do people ask you about that mark concerned ask a curious ask what kind of ask but i think i've accomplished a lot i have a lot to be proud of so you know why not share with people the important thing to remember is you're starting with that that is the face of a man trying to figure out how mark wahlberg got a workout video got my fly assistant she's gonna help me out you just check her out on three babies he's just staring straight down her tits mark i understand it's shameless but christ pow what's up it's the monk peacock d engine workout [Music] yo the video's over i'm done working out five g's i love you mark while i love you mark wahlberg i love you it's only love a little bit of hatred okay i can't judge all right i remember when i went through this phase in my career welcome to johnny john's game zone we got some of the best games out there some of the most mediocre workouts you ever seen yeah i like to look on that one y'all babe let me spot you while you get that come on get that right in oh yeah love level four on this swamps fortress great level and by the way i know of another two player game we could play super smash brothers pow all right moment of truth let's see if i lost any weight [Music] [Applause] looks like some things never change oh my god actually yes sir i don't give you a more any more health because you want no unhealthy [Music] you
Channel: JonTronShow
Views: 15,494,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jontron, weird workout videos, workout, marky mark, marky mark workout, prancercise, mariko takahashi, poodle, dogs, funny, comedy, zuiikin english, japanese workout, japanese, estelle getty
Id: qXivpclxftM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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