Weird Things On The Deep Web #2...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and welcome to another episode of weird things from the deep web the part of the internet the part of the yeah honestly the successor to the deep web series where i used to do these every week eventually the website sort of became the same same ooh look higher the hitman higher the deep web assassin and now basically it's just a infrequent vol infrequent set of videos where i spend the weeks days months years browsing the side of the internet and finding all the weird stuff cataloging it and eventually showing it to you in video form like today now ladies and gentlemen i do have to warn you some of the stuff we're seeing may be a little risque so i'm just going to warn you double warnings you know before somebody comes up to me and says you you really scarred me today muda well you got the warnings okay now that you got the warnings let's go to the first website creating all boy oh boy is not in their best interest we're starting off strong today aren't we oh man children google time immortality search now okay so you can tell how old this is first off that it uses this is google's video platform they used before buying youtube so kind of insane now of course you can see god is a black woman i don't know god had a racial and sexual preference but you know you learned something new right your immortality all right i want to learn some immortality but to understand we're at surf to jesus okay now this is a rabbit hole of epic proportions all right but to understand they've got bumper stickers of the same jesus will come back all right when did jesus return now someone knows the date and time isn't it like a thing in the bible that like nobody's supposed to know when jesus comes back what am i saying okay this is like a jesus website okay they they break the rules of the bible all the time what do you want me to say man all right so you got the pyramids and then sedona psychic readings are the key words in the url my adsense office is an internet cafe in a small california town in the foothills i pay for my office space by buying food and beverages there which i would be buying anyways google is my employer and they have absence i am my own boss as long as i follow a few simple google guidelines all right so i have done some search engine optimization work on the internet google will work with us to get everything functioning properly they are a great company with a very motivated and youthful bunch of employees does it do like simping for google hard right now like what what i have not filled up a gas tank in over 20 years my lifestyle on the internet makes for a lot of clean air and guaranteed death by 40 for a sedentary lifestyle please download this better browser now thankfully you don't have the browser available [Laughter] indigo immortals look at look at look at the gift man it's so old they even got like two rss stickers oh god it's old what are you gonna make me download netscape this website's from the paleolithic era the viruses wouldn't even work the viruses were coded for windows 95 dog what are you doing uh click on the right amethyst pic to go to the children's internet right so i want to know what rights the children have okay and look at that there's a google error for sure there's a google error because you're literally trying to get me to get to a website from i cannot find it alright i cannot find it there are so many banger videos on the platform that are just gone forever taking over the human mind taking over indigo dude wait wait hold on that's like a call thing indigo i swear i've heard indigo people okay like that has to be like a call thing dude that has to be like a call thing i don't know what the heck indigo people i swear there's like some weird cult anyways taking over children's immortality rights and physical immortality education children's immortality rights well with such loaded questions like that i mean i want to say oh 404 not found okay so obviously we can't understand what the children are immortalized from right so an immortal immortality psychologist oh man i really want to see the credentials there ah nothing found source not cited is evolving conscious search wisdom for all internet searchers all the children of earth who have been created to die have physical immortality rights so i guess they're what doc it's a 404 not found how am i supposed to know my immortality rights god damn damn it mom help me out here i didn't come here just to die okay nothing is found the websites don't work taking over internet uh taking over intent taking over all international internet networks while teaching all children of earth how to be physically immortal creating children to die kills them well well okay let's listen all right sometimes i go to websites we're all gonna die one day all right i'm gonna die you're gonna die everyone's gonna die if you're watching this video a thousand years from now guess what you're gonna die as part of sedona psychic readings i am evolving this international deliverance a new paradigm of mandatory physical immortality dna based life forms can now come to understand and be clear about the role and responsibility with the acceleration of fulfilling and administering our unified international identity and attention standard will and is creating our increasing health and safety i swear to god this is some elaborate way to not pay your taxes 100 this is some elaborate way dude anybody can start a [ __ ] religion these days and just say yeah yeah stop it just imagine that the president decided that creating all children to die is a bad idea okay our order to our order one order to all military to post in all forums he could do congress too so you're telling me that somehow if if president biden figured out yeah don't have kids because they'll eventually die one day right [ __ ] i was a kid once too now i'm gonna die i'm like 80 years old do you think he's going to be commander-in-chief ordering the u.s military to start posting on [ __ ] 8-chan all right don't have kids bro 90 of those people won't be having kids all right come on now i've been on there all right and i'm pretty much a perma virgin at this point what's wrong with you applied psychic amplification hypothetically if a first lady was tired of funerals in her family she could ask a president to make immortality legal if someone actually cared okay so they're just trolling all right they're just trolling yo bro the only thing stopping immortality is that the united states government hasn't made it illegal okay okay buddy i found a 4chan like archive of like from like 2010 by the way i hate to bring this up what happened right here on our little x rather it was the real deal or fake as [ __ ] it scared the [ __ ] out of a good few of us anyone remember the children immortality project ordeal i still get those bizarre unexplainable emails in my gmail account which i don't really uh [ __ ] with anymore ever since the incident and for the love of god don't google that name and click the links you've been warned dude of course everyone's gonna stop spamming with your stupid [ __ ] of course they're gonna say it all right dude who gets scared bro we're on x we're posting gore all day what's wrong with you is this scary i'm 27 and what is this try to sum it up there were all these links all over x about the children immortality project so it's kind of like you know a po it was it was sort of like an op performed against 4chan or whatever i guess is what they're saying they were all browsing their websites like idiot the websites contained pure nonsensical [ __ ] with weird ass space age techno 80s music massive bibles of text that would at least have you scrolling for 10 minutes apparently there were keywords and links that you were supposed to pick up on if you planned on being a member and if you were on the site for more than two minutes tops your email would be tracked and you'd get these weird ass emails in your gmail account because everyone uses google or whatever host you use to make a gmail account such as aol hotmail okay so basically i guess it was like some weird op performed against 4chan uh and it would lead you to websites like we just read that were full of nonsensical [ __ ] some of them even offered web browsers that could have just been malware and some like idiot like you got to understand 4chan x is it's filled with like it's filled with trolls and it's filled with absolute morons of course the absolute morons are going to download web browsing like we're going to go deep we're going to explore everything wait what happened my social security number got stolen yeah of course it did dumbass you gave it away we're going to stop we're going to back out and go somewhere else do you like reddit well what if i showed you rattle the deep web equivalent now there's been plenty of deep web reddit clones like dread if you will which basically led me to a bunch of marketplaces to buy uh deep web crack rocks from but uh this one is all about the real nitty-ditty questions like how important is your family history to you with 12 comments well you bet i want to read now how important is family history to me i don't know i mean uh i i'm my own person only in the sense that knowing that my parents various addictions are ingrained into my own neural pathways to some extent and using that as part of my navigation kit for the world around me i had parents never a family there is no history just share dna oh my god oh come on guys god damn can somebody just say come on honestly what's somewhat important i'm of a native siberian descent and my family tracks our ancestry to a mildly famous and important person of our people it's silly i know and i'm trying to distant myself from this but still it's there what are they like is it well i think that would be cool if you're related to royalty but you know it depends on the situation like imagine if he's talking about some crazy siberian serial killer uh yeah i probably want to distance myself from that too right like nobody wants to be like ted bundy's you know cousin or something right that would be that wouldn't exactly be great i just want to be held that is actually surprisingly so goddamn wholesome too it's been nearly a year and a half since i hugged anyone let alone had any sort of emotional intimacy damn dawg yeah i know what that's like it's called living in a yeah of course it's called living in in the lockdown dude i feel the exact same way trust me i'm actually losing my sanity all right like i can't i'm losing it i don't want to get into it okay it's going to be really dark if i do i hope you get some hugs soon that sounds incredibly unpleasant it is i apologize for being a very broken record that i write and complain about but oh dude don't do you know man you know what ju jewish i i want to give this person a hug like i know that it's i don't even know this person i just want to give them a hug like it's just kind of it's it's [ __ ] up look this is actually such a you know when people are like the deep web is filled with murder and drugs and darkness yeah of course it is but you gotta hold some [ __ ] like that i get you same dude people are giving internet hugs like morphe thick morpheus is giving internet hugs dude i want to give the internet hugs nothing is forever including the pain you feel now trust that you will eventually find the warm embrace you seek that's what keeps me going and then they got a hug it's wholesome okay i like this wholesomeness now it's interesting to say this this was actually made four years ago right so this is like an old old forum thread sometimes it kind of just shifts between everything but this is the f slash mental uh well-being section right where people discuss it so yeah it really is just just read it okay it's reddit with like slightly more seriousness and and more anonymity if you will right god damn no more parties mexico's pinata makers badly bruised by pandemic no not the not the pinata makers come on look at the edgy skaters oh i want to see the edgy skaters no bikes no scooters no gods no master skate fast eat ass i love skaters i got like a [ __ ] pentagram and golden shower format too stop it stop it people's phones are monitoring their social media activity their alexa is listening to every word and now their tv is gonna take a head count i gotta read this this is like some some twitter post uh the film industry is begging you on hands and needs to stop paying for their garbage and just steal it already there's got this frightening press email what is this uh so venue enables the ability to monitor a living room for people and sell individual on-demand tickets uh yeah you know what i hate technology in a lot of ways the amount of spying that happens on us through our tools is just so and you know i hate the people that are like the hood i don't care if everyone spars on me dude it's not about that it's about the weird invasiveness that you pay them to let them look into your life for what weird just stop it okay i agree with that if they have technology that's spying on you and the amount of people in the room watching get out of here it's weird okay i paid for the move i paid for the blu-ray people can watch it it's also weird how would they monitor like bars like how much music plays in bars do you think they're gonna charge them individual licenses to here dude get out of here no music would play anymore i just want to see is gaming part of it gaming let me see if video gaming is on here because i want to i want to see what these people talk about with video games gaming youtubers that use linux 2 game one year ago okay all right one year ago so they've got some they've got some linux a youtuber of course on a site like this they've obviously got gaming youtubers right and what if they came on linux all right of course the alt tech alt platform use of choice but yeah that's a rattle for those who are wondering if you ever wanted to have a deep web reddit alternative well you have it right here it's filled with serious posts and it's still a lot of [ __ ] posts as well so really it's it's how it's how you tackle the scenario boys and girls that being said i think i've spent enough time on rattle we're gonna back out and go somewhere else and i get sent to a youtube page if the youtube page wants to be credited uh please hit me up and i will put you up for a pinned uh comment and everything of that sort but this is a youtube page that's basically covering all sorts of spooky squabbies okay so i want to cover a couple pieces of this okay obviously you've got what appears to be a bunch of clowns which uh i'll be real if i look to these jpegs i'd be scared [ __ ] list for a second but it's a relatively unknown youtube channel with like 200 views 300 views 100 views 164 views like this is some old old youtube stuff man but if i look into a bunch of these videos they've got some sort of cool argus type deal you know like and they're all recorded in what seems like four by three but i'm gonna hit 19.99 okay because let's see that was a vintage year for me marie and of course as we're starting off you can see that it's got vhs upon vhs upon vhs footage and it's kind of weirdly edited obviously but i kind of like the vibe it's giving me like a local 58 vibes to it um i'm waiting for a screamer to pop up necessarily but you know it's it's a dif it's an interesting thing we're going into a forest and then we're cutting and maybe we cut to is that a cryptid dog that looks like a cryptid okay we're gonna get a screamer we're about to get one is that a cryptid no it's a house now okay okay all right shower room time all right i bet a clown's gonna show up just watch oh my i like the production quality in here like it's very simple but you know it's effective i don't know what i'm looking at there dude that's that's down right to ball diabolical all right so we found basically images from like 4chan x for sure we're def we definitely okay okay is this an alien thing it's got to be an alien thing i don't know what this has to do with 1999 but they predicted the future they are the future 2020. i'm getting deeper vibes from this oh man dude he passed away rest in peace brother we've also got a bit of tucker oh god no [Laughter] strawberry pop-tart blow torches okay last updated 2g august 1994. uh coincidentally same year that i was born vintage vintage here man right there um god i am old abstract strawberry pop tarts may be a cheap and inexpensive source of incendiary devices okay toasters which fail to eject pop tarts may cause pop-tarts to emit flames 10 to 18 inches in height there's no way strawberry pop-tarts create almost 18-inch an average of 16-inch flames if you leave them in the toaster is that for real last year an article by well-known newspaper columnist dave berry noted that kellogg's strawberry pop-tarts could be made to emit flames like a blowtorch if left in a toaster too long given previous work in the field of food entertainment it was obvious that this was a new frontier that requires further exploration okay so basic materials so what they have is a is they have an spt combustion okay to cause this spt combustion a hopefully inexpensive toaster and some strawberry pop tarts to work so these aren't like old these are like old-school like 1994 pop-tarts this probably is not possible with like current strawberry pop-tarts okay i really think now this is strawberry pop-tarts with real smucker's fruit okay i don't know how it's real smucker's fruit is but apparently it's using the smucker's food which may be the incendiary ingredient involved into it in addition to the basic materials the number of safety related items are needed to conduct the experiment okay it's expected that the kitchen was not the appropriate place okay so they had to go onto a driveway to do this fair enough so they are taking safety into account the toaster and spt both had to be uh properly prepared for the experiment in order to guarantee the spt would receive sufficient heat wait wait so sorry okay so they so what they're taping down the toaster so that the [ __ ] pop tart will stay okay okay okay all right i can i can [ __ ] with that i understand the experiment and observation so this is the experiment going on they're on the driveway they've got it plugged up and and the pop-tarts are in the toaster okay so they are ready to pop and then oh my god so it starts off with a whimper then it like rattles up then it goes here and dude it's actually real it's actually really rising i'm sorry that's a proper blow torch dude it's actually you could probably use that almost as like an outdoor sort of heater um not really because your clothes might catch on fire but i did not expect the strawberry pop-tart to be that debal like that diabolical that's insanity you can see like the plume of smoke kick up at the top that's what we're eating what is in that fruit jelly okay that's turning into like napalm bro what is in the fruit jelly as the flames are reaching their maximum height the toaster abruptly stopped making buzzing noises we speculate the flames at this point shorted the electronics within the toaster the toaster was quickly disconnected from the electrical source to prevent any damage to the author's house good idea actually really good idea although if you're gonna do this don't connect it to the mains like just have like a battery or something powered off come on like you can't you can't be this that was a little stupid so anyways so the thing was buzzing obviously the electronics shorted out and at this point there was some slight concern that the flames might take considerable time to diminish we then enlisted the help of a reluctant research assistant to sprinkle baking soda on the flames um y'all couldn't pay me enough to get near that it feels like i'm looking at like c3 explosive charges or something so anyways uh they they they doused it with baking soda and uh cute foot by the way and then and then they pissed on it so all right okay the whole flame seemed to be gone i could only imagine what the smell must be like all right hopefully to describe it the research noted an anticipated problem what to do with the now defunct toaster and the spent spt it became obvious it seems like somebody might have like tried to break into the house so sorry for that cut real quick um anyways self-defense is a is a virtue what to do with the defunct toaster and the spent spt just eat the strawberry pop-tarts bro now anyways uh it became obvious toaster could not be returned to the author's house due to both the continued potential fire hazard and the smelt of burnt strawberries in addition it was noted that this toaster was still too hot to handle oh i'm an idiot you know what it is it's the sugar is what's causing it you're right it's of course that's what it is so if it's like real uh fruit syrup it has to have like a [ __ ] ton of glucose or sugar in it the sugar is the explosive component so the the sap it must be so concentrated in sugar that like that's why it was that's why it was not only burning that high but it was also burning that long so of course it's the sugar and but couldn't you couldn't you technically do that with almost any pop-tart is it just because like they're using fruit jelly like strawberry that it might be a longer more prolonged burn couldn't it couldn't it have easily been possible in like chocolate or like nutella or something with an equal sugar quantity right like obviously come on now oh boy oh boy look what we came across the flasher the internet crime archive serial killers art damn age news flash and subculture oh boy oh boy this one's a this one's a vintage looking website god dang now of course you can see with the with the with the one by one pixel imagery going on this is certainly not a website designed for modern viewing right so anyways let's let's just dive into it i want to click on flasher to begin with but it tells me that i need shockwave plug-in all right do you know how old shockwave is all right shockwave is old there are people watching this video a majority of people watching this video right now are not old enough to know what shockwave is internet crime archives all right let's click on the internet crime archives we get sent to a submarine oh teenage rampage available everywhere buy the book now is the book even available actually i almost want to believe it's not and it is oh my god it's got a one-star rating i actually want to know about this the the worldwide youth crime explosion well with a title like that how do i not want to click on it okay now of course they're trying to sell me a book for some reason which is not really what i came to this for i think you should list some of the victims names so to bring it to the reality of the human loss clearly in the picture it is ironic and sad relating back to something ted bundy said what's one less human on the planet while some people consider ted bundy to be quite based i however consider ted bundy to be a psycho but let's go down to internet cra oh we already saw internet crime archives we're trying to pitch the book i guess we'll go to serial killer so serial killer hit list part one again they're trying to sell me books okay i do not want to buy the book i want to see what the actual serial killers are the crime archives catalogs and serial killers by the number of proven hits some killers have been a much higher body con so others bragged about crimes they never committed checking the morgue for the latest entry so here they've got like the list 20 or more right 10 or 20 5 10 less five serial killers tend to be white hetero males in their 20s and 30s who are dysfunctional and have low self-esteem isn't it like isn't it like [ __ ] if you're brown or whatever like me they label you as a [ __ ] terror and minister society bro come on come on serial killers give me anybody tend to be i mean i guess this website's a little old i always usually qualify serial killers or like systemic killers you know what i mean people who like have no attachment they just kill move to another location kill again so on and so forth anyway so i guess after this slightly racist introduction you know i mean god damn oh god damn i think yeah their methodological meta methodical rampages are almost always sexual in nature their killings are unusually part of an elaborate fantasy that builds to a climax of the moment of their murderous outburst serial killers generally murder strangers with cooling off peers between each crimes many enjoy cannibalism necrophilia and keep trophy-like body parts as mementos of their work serial killers are sadistic in nature some return to crime scenes or grave sites of their victims to fantasize about their deeds many like to insert themselves in the investigation of their crimes and some enjoy taunting authorities with letters or carefully placed pieces of evidence so uh if you ever for those people who are outside north america you may or may not have heard of the zodiac killer it's an unsolved murder case that propagated around i think it was san francisco or was it los angeles i'm trying to remember which one anyways it was california the zodiac killer came in killed a bunch of people in the 60s 70s i think 60s and he gave literal letters like actual letters and they were like letters which were like uh i think he like put it was like zodiac uh crypt cryptography or whatever into it like he had like crypt cryptographic puzzles and they were they got like the fbi at one point to like figure them out or try understanding them and the letters that he would send i think they were like dipped in gasoline and all this kind of stuff so that you could never figure out who sent them or whatever it was like incredibly elaborate the dude basically got away with crime and uh after all of it there's still i think there's a slight possibility the zodiac still is out there but i think at this point he's like 85 90 years old so it's like you know the end of the day like the dude's gonna die anyways and uh trying to find him like the case has gone so cold that you can't find him i'm pretty sure serial killers tend to prey on women and children of the same race prostitutes drifters hitchhikers are their victim of choice some homosexual killers enjoy hunting young boys and gay men female serial killers tend to be black widows who kill a succession of husbands lovers and family members it's pretty hot you know they can also be nurses or other medical professionals become self-appointed angels of death murdering babies elderly or the desperately ill that's scary dude that is scary oh man god luckily i've never had to deal with a nurse like this in my life i think the most like weird nurse i've ever dealt with is one that was pulling blood out of me and i guess she couldn't pull blood out of me so she started like like [ __ ] smacking my arm like you will come out damn it i was like all right calm down there calm down there ma'am all right the blood don't want to come out it don't want to come out so here they've got somebody called pedro alonso lopez 300 300 okay i didn't even hear about pedro lopez but he's got like a 300 count murder this is the copy pasta you know like i'm a confirmed navy cereal serial killer i've killed i've had 300 confirmed kills that copy pasta turns out it was real i guess henry lee lucas like i've heard of him six to two hundred plus uh wait wait is henry lee luke i'm trying to remember what was that one in texas where like the guy literally agreed to killing everyone he had like 500 kills that he just confessed to i'm trying to remember it was in texas or something texas or oklahoma and he confirmed to him and then they found out later that like the prosecutors like the actual like deputy chief over in texas was just getting this guy to admit to murders he never did just so they could close cases but uh yeah apparently um this this one led here uh hh holmes 200 luis alfredo gavarrito for 140 yeah 140. dude that is si imagine the pit of hell they must be burning in for all that christ now of course we've got less than five so we've got wesley shermantine jr and lauren joseph herzog for six to 24 okay so they've my lord my lord nearly 20 people that's insanity is what it is all right god damn ricky league with four joe with four okay so you're getting like one is too many okay to get four i mean we literally looked at some with confirmed kill counts of 300. the only way you're doing that is like throwing in like cyanide gas bombs into like crowds of people which actually reminds me isn't that like kind of a thing that happened in japan like was it sarin gas that they used or whatever to attack in japanese subways uh shit's insanity shit's wild now of course they've got tabs aside for cannibals uh got my cannibal boys body counts all right guess who's coming to dinner here's the body counts over here killer cults okay so this is the cults r us hit list and of course the top one is the people's temple with reverend jim jones okay 300 sorry 900 kills my god that that's like that's like a social phenomenon people know about the whole jim jones thing man that's a social phenomenon at this point indonesian witch hunters so i want to read this one since september 1998 more than 153 people have been murdered in east java by groups of men clad in black wearing ninja style masks the victims have mostly been muslim clerics black magicians and other people accused of sorcery uh yeah actually if you go to some parts of the world they do believe in black magic people in my family because my family is relatively conservative they believe in black magic so uh some of them at least right and of course these people are out there find them the killers have struck against the sorcerers at night cutting their throats and sometimes hanging their mutilated bodies in trees or tossing them into the streets victims sometimes when cut into pieces and their body parts thrown into mosques shocked man i must have been a friday prayer of hell shocked by the mysterious murders indonesia's justice minister proposed outlawing black magic imagine throwing the bill for that in scenes reminiscent of the salem witch hunts mobs have also been attacked and killed people suspected of being black magicians police have arrested more than 100 suspects but acknowledge there is no clear motive for the grizzly slings justice mohammed justice minister mulatti blamed the mayhem on the sorcerers themselves and said that anyone who openly claims they can kill and hurt others with black magic should be punished that would be the one way to resolve the witchcraft issue so like even even the even the indonesian like justice minister was like who [ __ ] gives a [ __ ] right like that's that's really insane i mean clearly they don't like black mages in the area okay that's not a party member you want to have if you're in in java right like that's not happening indonesia's military the suspected of being involved in the killings has pledged to solve the murder mystery behind the wave of gruesome murders asap asap rocky analysts have pointed to the butchery as another sign of the lawlessness that hit indonesia after the economic and political crisis that led to the downfall of president suharto in may dude they hunted like all those god did do they hunted all those like they wore ninja style masks and were just out hunting witches and clerics that's insane dude that is insanity and then like the rest of them are just like heaven's gate which we obviously know heaven's gate uh uh we've got order of the solar temple which of course we already know order of the solar temple and we've got crocodile men for congo jambola cult okay the mystical jambola cult 30 people apparently this happened in sierra leone okay that's probably why i didn't really necessarily hear of it like crazy that is insane dude there's so many cults to look through it's in it's it's wild the ones in red are obviously the ones we know but like have you ever heard of like the the siberian satanist cult with at least five dead my lord the world the world's weird dude i'm telling you i'm telling you when it gets to cults and religions all right when you get to these super charismatic money when you get to the doomsday religion stuff you got to run as far as you can man that is like the honestly like 99 of the end games of all those doomsday religion cults is literally um you know taking their life which is why if you know somebody that is ever in the scenario you owe it to yourself and them and their family members to drag them out by any means necessary okay like i'm all for people believing what they want to believe but when it gets to a point where an individual's life is threatened it is your responsibility to stop that [ __ ] no matter what don't you ever let anybody on twitter cancel you for stopping someone from an obvious attempt like that you will you will do what's right and stop that [ __ ] be based don't be unbased i guess is that the is that's the that that's the teaching of today anyways let's go somewhere else we've learned enough about killer cults i might even throw up i don't know so this is a page we've seen before mother goddess earth matriarch church of the divine mother and non-profit corp okay so this is actually something that was female-led a little bit misandry a little misandry if i'm going to be honest with you but it's a matriarch organization that uh you know obviously you know the the the women in this case want to be taking over okay so to describe some good real quick i i actually like i actually support this group because i'm a huge person that believes in like animal rescue and [ __ ] and uh they actually have a lot of kittens up for adoption okay so like if you here's the thing these cats need a home all right so if you wanted a kitten that's probably one of the best places to go to look at all the cute cats they have that they've actually saved and everything dude you can't find me i hide meow all right the cats are cute the the weird cringy html subtexting not so much but look at how cute they are man do the eyes on that one the eyes on that one is cute that one is if i bought that cat that would be thickham's not pumpkin puss that's thickens right there i'm a lap warmer cuddle bug meow uh is your name my laptop because that was a real lap warmer right there let me tell you donate or adopt a kitten so obviously they they have uh they have like a bunch of so they're a non-profit and they also do some animal rescue stuff which is ultimately you know no matter what it's a good thing and of course i've looked through their website none of it is a cult-related it's not a doomsday cult all right they're not gonna like off themselves or anything you know they're not trying to harbor you know young ones into their group no no it's just it's literally just superior female goddess okay all women are goddess-like they're the supreme being given the ability to bear offspring nature would find a way if men were not available in the process of new life what what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay all right listen i i'm not gonna tolerate this level of dysandry all right it takes two to make a baby okay trust me i know there's a lot of there's a lot of kids with deadbeat parents it takes two to make that okay it takes a man and a woman all right god damn all right what do you mean nature would find a way come on now come on that's so that's all biologically impossible it just so happens that men supply an important part in our current procreation chain yeah you know half the genetic pool right therefore they're a necessary component of life here at this time on this planet okay our future is dictated by what we are doing now tomorrow will change from today because of what we had done yesterday nothing will stay the same and things that change are not always for the better four thoughts need to be applied to every aspect of life how you live where you live and why you live today our children will follow our example in the future of their tomorrows today is passing quickly as time grows short to correct the mistakes of today okay women are the superior being of the human spectrum because they would never have allowed any of this to happen okay all right let's let's let's let let's cut down on the misandry a little bit all right jesus christ so that's a word for this section of the video god damn i'm all for equality but i hate it when one side takes it superior like you know when you go on the cringe reddit boards and it's like well look at all the things men are better at like it's like the [ __ ] and then and then you look at the profile picture of that person i don't want to make fun of them but like there's a reason you haven't been laid yet okay i'm just putting it out there okay and a lot of it has to do with the physical like look there but you know i don't like this from either side what happened to equality man what happened to just being chill about this dude people people are divided completely divided from a male counterpart and able to logically see order and solution in any given situation natural instinct to implement action to resolve a problem instinct to care and nurture yeah this guy skies are just violent [ __ ] up human beings right god damn anyways let's get through this farming in nature matriarch style okay so this is matriarch style farming in nature uh cool okay so obviously let's get down a little bit okay the mel gibson movie martial law mad max i do not see anyone in charge making any kind of strategic way whoa whoa whoa okay roll back a little bit our life as we know it at the hands of men has changed forever it will not be as you remembered it to be the general topic of conversations we'll be regarding impending financial ruin amongst friends associates and people you meet companies that you will companies you deal with will close many people will be arrested many more will be homeless it's sad when you think about it none of these results were ever thought of or cared about while the acts were being committed i read countless articles on people in the banking and mortgage industry who are being arrested and charged with fraud all over you know i mean don't both genders work in those [ __ ] fields anyways i think that has i think it has less to do with gender and just the economic system we're in where like the poor consistently get [ __ ] over if it's anything in life people who are people who are struggling paycheck to paycheck are the ones who are that nothing in life ever affects them okay no no political leaning ever affects them no ideology ever affects them those poor guys are working paycheck to paycheck no matter what man i mean it sucks economic flow is halted and it's been causing things written in law to be used and never have been used or implemented before i keep hearing the mentioning of mad max the mel gibson movie and martial law but i do not see anyone in charge making any kind of strategic logical sensible moves bro the world of mad max there were nukes that went off all right no society is normal anymore humanity has requests like 1500 years in the past okay all right that's how any time in those post-apocalyptic movies there's no hope going forward okay don't matter chief and ladies and gentlemen this marks the end of the deep web browsing right now the weird things from the deep web part dos now ladies and gentlemen we have seen the sites of all forms of cr all forms of craziness we have learned about weird cults we have learned about you know cults that we we've just learned about cults in general but i think what do we also what my personal favorite was the very beginning with the weirdest 4chan op that i have potentially ever witnessed regarding an immortality project but of course as you see browsing the deep web just leads you to weirder and weirder rabbit holes so i'm going to ask you in the comments section below what was your favorite part of this episode that being said this is me mudahar and if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am out [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 549,590
Rating: 4.9599586 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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