Is This YouTuber a Kidnapper? | "OO390"

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Well, as you know prostitutes don’t generally get reported as missing cases. Most of them “don’t” have families or people that give two shits. That’s why serial killers love the shit out of them lol. However, I’m gonna check it out as it is probably an ARG 🤷🏼‍♀️

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BlackSunKisses 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

There’s a channel connected to OO390 that I suggest checking into, too. I’ve been speaking with the account owner personally via a discord server he asked me to set up for our communication. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that it’s a huge ARG made up of a plethora of people. Account channel name is “0089O”.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/spaghaettae 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

If he didnt want these videos to shared then he could’ve kept them in his draft or something so that means he actually does want them to be shared??

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nawal2007 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hello guys and gals me mudahar the red lights are on it's dark outside and i am looking at a creepy youtube channel now today's video is all about looking into an arg we've done deep dives into arcs before looking into channels like deeper looking into websites like world corp industries but this time i'm showing you an arg that consists primarily of one youtube channel 00390 which has been the subject of plenty of other scary channels that exist out there plenty of channels that cover dark horror material but this channel is one that where i have done some due diligence i have checked as much as i can and that's why i'm willing to show you what i believe to be an arc but it's so good that there might be a chance honestly that this could actually end up being something real but ladies and gentlemen sit back relax let's look into oo390 now first things first this channel consists of a 16 000 subscriber count nothing to scoff at nothing small uh plenty of images of of what i believe to be human beings hiding their faces hell we've got two old-timey pictures right here going to the about section you can decipher that this channel is from good old italy but if you look even deeper it was joined november 3rd 2015. do not subscribe you bother me non escriwifti medate do not offer me money for affiliation or visualization or other i am not interested at best offer me some type typical food of your country uh now of course i i can butcher the italian as much as i want right but that's just gonna offend anybody out there rightfully so and of course he's translating from english to italian as time goes on in fact the location of the channel is in fact in italy so this comes out from the good old european side of the world now we're going to look at a few videos over here because this is where things get really really weird now first things to note there are definitely a uptick in views all right this is relatively uncommon for args that haven't been viewed as much typically they'll usually hover around the 500 to a thousand viewer range sometimes i've seen untouched args go up to like 10 000 viewer accounts just because they were recommended or run on autoplay for instance but this was actually the subject of again a couple other dark youtube channels out there for instance one of the biggest ones in this case was a uh indonesian youtuber kamar jerry all right who basically covered this this channel and of itself all right look through a bunch of the videos which is what we're going to be doing now so if you do notice going to this channel that there's a lot of indonesian comments that's pretty much from him the english comments are from nick crowley who's done a lot of investigations on the dark sides of youtube so let's go into this video of course you can look into the oldest section real quick and find out that they were first showcasing logos for their channel then the pet monster forgotten video extract now this is an interesting video one that we'll look through real quickly because right after it we've got exploring summer night streets hookers so let's go into it so i'm gonna have to take out the audio from this entire video section for this music because these do appear to be copyrighted tracks but one of the key things you have to notice amongst a shitty videography is the images of women who appear to have been kidnapped and to sort of quell everything this person obviously isn't behind any of these this is just really disturbing add-ins to an edit uh some of them i do have to censor because i think he's digging these out of [ __ ] live leak and the fact that he's not censored on the youtube platform for some of this stuff is i don't know it's really weird it just is really [ __ ] weird okay god damn do we get demonetized for everything but this guy can just show kidnappies and now this is the video exploring summer night street's hookers it's got about 1.8 million views and if you can look at the actual like a like to dislike ratio there's a lot of people are liking it i want to read the comment or sorry the description for this video a lot more than anything else imagine a supermarket there are departments for vegetables meats fishes and snack there is a department for potato chips and there are different kinds and form of chips classic spicy sour long thin thinly sea salt core corn cheese you can't taste you must choose looking the package there is a color transparent big little tube bag every time you can try a different potato chips kind only thing is you can't know if you are good until you eat it in the street is same potatoes or potato chips patata or patetina in italian slang means female reproductive organ i love go on supermarket and observe the goods choose quietly and buy so now that you've read that listen to the weird ominous music in the background that hopefully i don't have to take away but uh this person's just driving through a night red light district or so it seems right pretty pretty pretty pretty night nothing to see over here but there are women who are walking the nights and i'm gonna censor their faces even though he hasn't out of pure respect and from what it appears to be he's trying to isolate that these people are red light district sex workers uh or hookers as he calls them and then he drives around and of course dude it looks derelict he's just like videotaping what seems to be hookers and that's pretty much what it is this this is it's just weird it's just [ __ ] weird now it goes on for more than like four minutes where he's just driving through this town you know and of course these have to see these have to look like real life sex workers because there's no way you're really faking this at this point so much where uh you know you're just getting like to fake this you would have to actually get like 10 20 30 women to dress up like this and hang out in an obvious derelict [ __ ] part of town i mean there's just too much dedication to the craft for it to really be [ __ ] possible it it literally feels like watching something on a manhunt like it just feels like watching it it feels like playing the game man and it's got that same vibe to it i don't even know how much of these like how much of these things i can show you just because like the the the amount of the amount of dresses are going shorter by the by the run time so it's a it's a it's a it's a little too [ __ ] wild for youtube let me tell you of course sometimes he memes like on june 30th 2020 he started releasing like just a windows movie maker slide shot of like the the self-defense family like if you don't know who this is this is effectively like a agree like this is like a husband and wife team of like lawyers like super lawyers and like i think it's like key west or like florida or something where they're literally defending their house with like [ __ ] firearms and everything against people that are looting this was during like the height of like i think it was the the blm protests around that area so these people are just like defending the [ __ ] home right now with like full-on farms this dude's got like an m4 ready to go it's kind of [ __ ] insane um but yeah he sometimes he just like takes sometimes he just takes like [ __ ] footage of this like he just puts it in a slideshow and calls it a day it's just [ __ ] weird it's like how do you go from hookers to this in like 0 to 60. i never understood it now this is one controversial like video that he was showing this is girl talk too much now it sounds like pt and from what people are gathering that is a tongue yes indeed is good too slow cooking make broth and eat the meat you add water celery carrots and other vegetables you want broth you can use foy soup or ravioli you can add some other different part of meat the meat is very delicious to eat after long and slow cooking the part in particular have a different concept consistency now this led to a lot of people wondering that this isn't just a kidnapper or serial killer or one hunting sex workers on the prowl this is an individual that could potentially also be a cannibal now i just want to tell you how [ __ ] stupid that is because uh if you don't know what this is this is actually a cow tongue all right this is coming from somebody that's seen a cow butchered you know i've seen the various entrails of parts you know i go shopping at an asian supermarket where like this stuff is pretty commonplace and you you can buy cow tongue all right they're not very expensive they go good in certain dishes all right it's kind of a pain to work with it's a really disgusting piece of meat but it is definitely something you can buy now he strung it up to make it look like this is just some crazy weird sex dungeon that he's in but uh yeah this is a [ __ ] cow tongue all right before people jump on the cannibalism bandwagon relax calm your nerves figure out the anatomy and that's pretty much where it is that's way too [ __ ] big to be a human tongue all right see that is that that's not a [ __ ] that's a way different size all right that's like a [ __ ] giant tongue let's get out of here how to transport a semi-unconscious girl be attention a person semi-unconscious is no simple to drag reality is different from imagination uh i love the comment sir this is illegal but okay okay now uh i this is a real difficult video to show you in fact let's let's just watch it real quick he's this is some like 2016 video shot on like an a ps2i toy with ominous music in the background of him dragging what appears to be a a an unconscious woman now to understand how [ __ ] brain damage this is like first of all he sucks he just sucks at it all right this is just terrible [ __ ] job that's not how you do it now to understand all right the way that this is shot there's one person with the camera who's moving it obviously tracking this person's shot then this is the person who's dragging this person around there's no confirmation i've looked around for numerous like missing persons like uh cases around in italy around the location which we'll get to and there's been no case of somebody missing that even matches this description right and i know it's hard to tell but just looking at the date of it and assuming that you've got to calculate within a week time frame back and forth that there would be a missing person case if this like if this is a real unconscious person this leads me to believe that what i'm looking at here is more often than not just like an actress involved in this like arg affair bro they're actually awake you can see the head and tilt a little bit i know it's hard to tell you could [ __ ] see that they're goddamn awake the fact that she is not fully unconscious makes it weirder no it makes it even [ __ ] faker okay all right god damn it's a it's an arg ladies and gentlemen jesus christ i'm gonna stick to that until i die so this is one weirder this is where he's like cooking in tin foil now if you look at the comment section of this create a box with cork wrapped only interior on tin foil and on the top use only metal like candy metal box additional material nails vanilla glue you need candle or tiny lamp all right this is i guess the the cooking the the flame that he would need to heat the meat now what the [ __ ] was the meat for me you need a girl all right now of course this again leads to the fact that this is a cannibal potentially even more so than a kidnapper which i mean if you're looking at people of that variety sometimes you get into that mutually inclusive territory and here he's frying what appears to be some meat i mean this might as well just be some [ __ ] like really shaved bacon or something like that or pork or something just like any meat that you could find in a store but that that's pretty much what he's showing and i mean jesus christ if this is a human being you would need like six million [ __ ] cooking trips mathematically to even get the human done that's just it is what it is this is a video called meat in the basement with a completely italian um description one that i'm gonna take the extra five seconds that it takes to completely grab this toss this into google and realize what the [ __ ] i'm actually reading but tonight i soaked the ratazuki so tomorrow i put them to co cook he's marinating the meat finally i add the sugar and let them boil again one part i leave them coarse onco subon subwan and the other full of fine making it a paste onco caution then of course it can be used for different sweet preparations i will make dorayaki which is a very simple to make a kind of japanese pancake except that instead of maple syrup or some italians put nutella they are filled with anko the azuki jam or paste and eaten like a sweet man i'm just going to chalk that [ __ ] up to google translate being [ __ ] google translate god damn but the video in question is meat in the basement and of course this is where like the filming is getting progressively more weird the lighting matches the strip club that i own and of course that is the meat in question now of course this is the meat that you're gonna find anywhere else you [ __ ] go okay uh this is not this is this is not out of the place i don't get the hole in the middle of it i think that's used for more uh depraved purposes but that's pretty much meet in the basement so yeah that's that's where the cannibalism comes from in this in this whole arg now this is where the location was discovered roughly for this individual right now this is a live stream that occurred and it was a two second live stream it's a shot of somebody you know looking into their side view mirrors and looking at you know police flashlights right now the actual address or the location the general course location that they use and you can do this with youtube videos you can add location tags this is milano all right so milan italy which is where they're sitting at all right this is just this is just shots this is just videos from that general area everyone over here to make their videos more pop in a certain section will oftentimes use that location tag to uh to put themselves in the trending section for that specific region it this isn't a dead giveaway that sometimes these location tags are accurate because they're quite easy to spoof i can actually spoof this video right now i can set it so that it plays from osaka japan it doesn't mean that i'm in osaka i just said that i'm there okay so it's kind of like a facebook location tag in a lot of ways but in this case because we're in italy because this person is in milan i'm gonna go with the fact that this wasn't spoofed they're actually in that area and this is why looking in the missing person's case there have been no missing persons that have been timed what this person has done is made it quite coincidental so that's what adds to the credence that this could be a real thing versus just a fake arc and again i'm hoping that it's a fake arc if you are a normal person vote biff tannen a message and i don't even know where the [ __ ] this is shot like he is he's just shooting it as his house or whatever and biff tannen is basically uh tom wilson uh the actor from from back to the future all right i don't know what the [ __ ] this has to do with anything but you can actually see that it responds to a lot of comments too like for instance one person asks where is that place to which he replies in the future what an [ __ ] oh god damn go [ __ ] yourself so i have to remove the audio because it's uh it's definitely copyrighted so he's got a photo of what appears to be a woman and someone else and there's just a lot of artifacting now i might censor this out of pure respect because i don't know who this woman is i don't know how these args are real out of privacy we're going to do the best we can but i'm going to show you a section of this that freaks me out now around over here if we play the footage if you look at the tracking right there's some horizontal tracking that happens these aren't real photos that he's showing you that he that he has these are actually just photos of like this is just off of a computer screen it's hard to tell but there's some horizontal syncing which is pretty indicative with monitors that are older all right so you you you could literally see that this this man just just has like [ __ ] that this person is just showing you popular photos and posing it off as if they actually are there another photo which better explains this phenomenon that i'm talking about is one called private photo right which is last photo of her now here he claims to have like a last photo i guess of some victim or something and you can see like really closely uh there there's just vertical syncing there's signs that he's like shooting an lcd panel at this point specifically towards the beginning of the video with like you see how these lines exist he's he's just shooting an lcd camera like a or sorry an lcd like a monitor at this point like there's nothing here that uh that indicates that he's got like a real photo and i guess that's the whole intention of it but even this photo itself uh again looking at the missing person situation surrounding anything it just doesn't seem like it's an actual person it's just like edgy [ __ ] bait but you can see the comments are just out there right like you got one person i wonder who she is let's find out he is a serial killer all right i [ __ ] am highly doubting anything all right this is this this is this this is just a really well-crafted [ __ ] arc bucko and we're on reddit bureau of investigations which is my favorite websites one of my favorite reports to go to because this is where you find like the really wild [ __ ] this is where i went to like styrowing uh which was like the medical mystery video series if you remember which was just the most [ __ ] insane [ __ ] imaginable the actual creator came to that and uh actually commented on the video [ __ ] wild but this person writes fake or reel seven months ago where they talk about watching a video from nick crowley so what they gathered up until now he is currently in his mid to late 20s 22-29 he lives in either middle italy uh with milan or close to milan he's in the modeling scene perhaps works for a modeling company as a photographer he's posted a lot of modeling stuff in his video titled private seems like a backstage video from a photo shoot wrapping up he's about 180 to 190 centimeters tall now of course if you look at the private video he's this is just like four seconds of a backstage shot of what appears to be people striking from like a set or something and that's that that's that's pretty much what it is i gotta say like there's nothing much more to it uh what disturbs me is that this was an arc shouldn't it be over already okay it has started in 2016 and although his profile was created in 2015 all right and since then there is no real conclusion and he posts the same cryptic stuff i meant to brush it off as fake but then i read some of his conversations with the commenters that include him cannot killing himself as all eyes are on him that that he doesn't want any money from people because he then has to get a voice for himself and become a fake it's just concerned what i mean i get that i get that he responds to the comments or whatever but it just seems like for some people making these arcs there's no like real definitive ending so they kind of just keep it going or maybe it's supposed to keep going it's a four-year-old arc and a granted that's a pretty long time for an arc to run but it's a very interesting and very well-crafted argument this isn't some [ __ ] that somebody's made in like three months and then given up on no it can have the potential of going up to like local 58 territories if we let it ferment so that that's something where it's one of the reasons why something this popular and well done wouldn't seem to end now if we go back to his video all right over here one of the videos again is not just exploring summer night streets hookers but then exploring knight hooker's high iso test right and and again it's just insane because he's just going out to filming like all these women that are outside located you know these sex workers and this is where it goes from arg to like me saying in the beginning of the video potentially real because there's no reason like some of these women in these videos if you go back to watch them actually feel like they're really [ __ ] scared and it scares me because like i said in order to fake this you would need like 10 20 30 girls like a [ __ ] ton of girls that he shows because sometimes he's going in without long cuts or anything through like relatively longer intersections of driving and you got you gotta you gotta have this really well coerced and well placed in order for it to be and it just it just seems like way too much effort for an arg and again looking at some of the fear that shows up into these women it's like i i don't think i've seen actresses that [ __ ] good but i guess it's there ladies and gentlemen this is the 00390 channel it's an arg that has been running for since 2015 and one that shows no signs of stopping ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and this is all i really have to share so what the [ __ ] do you think is this is this all about in the comment section below do you think it's real do you think it's fake do you think like there's any credence behind this kidnapper cannibal angle me personally i don't believe it i don't see it there haven't been enough legitimate missing persons cases for it to be out there and you also have to understand if this is real and of anything this is such a serious topic especially in europe that you bet your ass if this had any ounce of legitimacy milano police or italian police would have looked into it and shut it down if it was believable so it just leads me to believe that in a majority of the conte content that we've seen it leads towards a fake arg but again the only thing that gives it the credence the reality the horror are these night hooker video tests where he's driving through town for four minutes at a time just filming the red light district and granted it's not illegal to do that it might be really [ __ ] creepy it could just be an individual driving i could literally drive through the red light districts of toronto and do the exact same thing again it's creepy not necessarily illegal and i would say it's quite easy to do all right it's not relatively difficult to perform but that being said i really don't know what to believe other than my personal like you know strong statement on this being just an arc so ladies and gentlemen this is the 00390 channel it's a weird one indeed but if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like it if you dislike it i am out [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,207,178
Rating: 4.9651766 out of 5
Keywords: oo390 explained, oo390 youtube channel, some ordinary gamers, oo390, ARG, exploration, youtube channel
Id: dsovQoWjmhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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