I Found A "Naughty" Guinea Pig Website on Deep Web 228...

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saw the lead off website and o was like this gonna be good boys and girls

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zbobick 📅︎︎ Jul 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me mudahar and welcome to another episode of deep web browsing the part of the week where we take a look at that danker side of the internet i know that i've done sort of a bi-weekly thing going on and that's mostly because i spaced it out with a bunch of other content and usually it's to space these websites out but rest assured deep web is in fact a very integral part of this channel with that said though it's also integral is the dude ripping past my house at almost five in the morning okay now ladies and gentlemen before i end up too angry in this whole scheme of things let's get into the very first website guinea pig adoption network all righty boys and girls we have hit the jackpot this this is what my life was centered around the guinea pig adoption network now to start off ladies and gentlemen a lot of the series can be ah what am i doing what am i doing it's a guinea pig website guinea pig adoption network you know a lot of this entire series everyone's like oh man the deep web scary oh i'm gonna get hunted by like crazy animals on the deep web bro most of the stuff i've ever seen on this website is legitimately harmless stuff here it is guinea pig adoption network i mean if you didn't if you needed a reason for this not to be like if you needed any reason for the deep web to not be scary or like dank web browsing not to be weird out it's a guinea pig adoption network okay so let's see supplies what do you need before your guinea pig arrives find out here so they've got a bunch of guinea pigs obviously and the site has a copyright date of 98 to 2013 but it's also been copy written in 2020 so it's probably just like an automated bot or something let's go to adoption listings and uh let me just zip what the f what the f what it's like there's amateur gum shots oh wait wait a minute wait just a gosh darn minute there's legit wait hold on a second click on that sex female spayed or neutered unknown age they've got like a [ __ ] email reason for adoption it's legitimately just like a video link to is this like a real video that's not a re what that's so messed up it's like the city of le mans in the state of connecticut what the [ __ ] wait a minute so you've got hair growth remedies then you've got [ __ ] shots the best anti-recaptcha solution i'm gonna have to look into that there's a city called moscow and like pennsylvania i didn't know that amateur tess what for best man okay what the [ __ ] do you mean for best man exhausted no desire all right then you contact this individual it's not even about the hamster or guinea pigs it's about getting your nut off what the hell wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute where to buy prozac um is there any more like nibbles what is that oh my god nipples is the only actual uh guinea pig you can find male age 2 or 2 year old health problems none reason for adoption would like to find a herd for him nibbles was originally adopted out of iowa with the intent of hurting prior to us relocating to texas with traveling this has become difficult to care for his needs he is a shy boy that loves his veggies please know that he has limited exposure to other pigs also boy ain't fixed meaning that uh you can you can breed with him i guess that's so wild hold on let's go next is there like even more about this amateur couple in vegas hotel room this isn't real this isn't real it's just some dudes spamming i guess anybody can post on the adoption listings i guess so there's like somebody just advertising they're like everyone's just advertising nudie stuff and where to buy like prozac or viagra what the hell profitable investment what is this sorry but everyone should know this the anti-crisis program as you spend ten dollars you earn five hundred dollars in one day oh yeah oh yeah i've seen my folks fall for that one let me tell you it's noun chance anyways though are we gonna back out of that nothing nothing really intriguing okay screw all these entries i think it's enough of it let's go to the guinea pigs this link contains valuable information you should know about getting a guinea pig okay i'm just gonna i'm gonna sip this first before i like spit back into it because who knows what kind of weird [ __ ] i'm gonna find living with guinea pigs so here it is learning the language like it's legitimately a site about teaching you about guinea pigs like i get if you wanted a website about guinea pigs here you go and if you also want to get your nut off again he goes well give your give your pick time to adjust to her new home when she feels confident enough to explore her cage groom herself and nap while you were with her you can try offering her a small piece of apple or carrot from your hand the best way to gain her trust and friendship is to sit or lie on the floor in a small pic proofed room or area i mean i mean i don't know a guinea pig all right i i get it i guess it's about as i i mean if you own a guinea pig let me know if you think this advice is solid i don't know i'm not going to cover it let's go to guinea pigs um guide to posting what's the guide uh following isn't they literally don't have a rule against posting pornography and then they don't even moderate it it's like they don't care the website isn't run by anyone okay let's go to the guinea pig supplies what is this uh kt supreme diet for the guinea pig oh it takes you to like amazon links and i guess it's like the referral link too so they get like a little kickback out of that's kind of cool i mean dude it's like a legitimate website for [ __ ] for guinea pigs okay there you go it's just a guinea pig website all right i'm sorry i'm sorry it's nothing like more substantial than what i just saw it's a guinea pig website that has bs investment offers okay dirty nudie videos or links to them at least not actual dirty nudie videos um and then it's got it's it's got it's got prozac i need prozac i need some pills i need some marijuana dude i need something i need to make this an irish coffee before i continue in the series holy crap this is wild weirdest [ __ ] okay let's go somewhere else get out of here oh man when you get linked to a site called working teams first of all that's that's not the right name you want to be using but hey you know i'll let you i'll let ya i'll let you skirt by the guideline real quick okay so working teens give a simple explanation to teenagers working it's a proven fact that teens who stay busy and productive stay away from the bad influences of gangs and drugs teens who learn self value while instilling a strong work ethic okay that's it's actually a really solid website i gotta say that that's that's a really good message you know i remember as a teenager i stayed away from from bad things no no i didn't most teenagers did not okay i lived a little but i also worked from an early age too so so i do know i do know the actual like uh benefit of this message that's a good message to have good for them all right now this site is for okay i mean if you can't spell the word sight right we're going to have some problems about 15 million children in the united states of all children live in families with income below the federal poverty threshold a measurement that has been shown to underestimate the needs of the family research what's like the what's like the poverty line in the united states isn't it like like isn't it in like the 15 16 000 or something where like i'm pretty sure you can't live at that level um but anyways anyways this is not an economic video this is not like a budgeting tutorial 101 let's go and do it so let's go where the money goes uh supervisors item soul oh wait a minute whoa whoa this seems a little uh what's that what's that word they say they teach you pyramid scheme yeah it seems a little pyramid schemish okay let's do that so who are the supervisors supervisors receive between 25 to 33 commission from each sale as they have a lot of overhead an average day of gas usually costs between 60 to 80 bucks driving most days up to 150 mile to a real estate agent what the [ __ ] it's like a real estate agent with terrible clients you know what i mean the ones that are like we gotta see at least seven houses sir before we pick on one and then after the seventh house to just like go somewhere else piss off dude anyways um usually between 25 bucks to 80 bucks per day are given in bonuses trips things are included in commission paid out to participants these are necessary to motivate and keep participants interested and involved most vehicles are leased for optimum reliability and dependability costing an hour between four to 700 a month most vehicles used are well maintained new and consistently being kept up with i guess it oh so it explains the cost of what's going on okay items sold usually items that are sold cost between 25 to 33 percent of each sale making sure the customer sees the best quality item and consistently this can be a hard task on its own most items have to be climate controlled and melt wait no no no are they selling candy oh dude dude it's like fundraisers back when we were in school dude they tried to convince me to like sell a big bucket of chocolate oh door-to-door i mean you weren't supposed to do it door-to-door but you did it door-to-door because how else were you going to get that chocolate fundraiser money yo they got a racket they got a racket the kids make jack i don't know how much they make but it can't it can't be much you're selling chocolate to the profit margin if you're looking at the profit margin for a candy bar at 25 33 what the what the [ __ ] profit margin is that sixth sense what the [ __ ] get out of here participate i mean i is it is it really for charity i gotta see this participants who sell usually the participants selling receive between 25 to 33 commission the money is for them to keep for their own personal needs like chocolate food or food or just plain personal items that might otherwise be things that parents might have a hard time buying well like books and stuff okay give a general breakdown of how the sales group stuff works we will attempt to give you a general breakdown i mean with the way this website is designed can some of that money be sent here uh parents permission is needed for any teenager under the age of 18 yes yes that is okay uh generally teens are picked up in a vehicle suitable for up to 12 people but usually not more than 10 in any vehicle at a given time so they come and pick kids up most who usually live in school near the same area during school days are picked between 3 30 to 5 p.m they usually start working at 4 30 and stop working at 7 30 p.m and working greater than three hours on school nights not working more than three hours and no more than three school days a week yeah because otherwise you know you got [ __ ] like child labor laws that are screwing you over in the states right okay so you get like nine hours of a work week these kids aren't making anything these i bet these kids are losing money in the grand scheme of things you got dude wait a minute wait if you do the math in your head wait a second these kids are earning like literal it's like the napoleon dynamite scene when he's at the farm remember where he's like how much do you get paid six dollars an hour like no he got paid six bucks for the day he worked six hours in the day so he got paid a dollar an hour oh my god dude i'm sorry it's too much math for like five in the morning these kids aren't making anything this is a sad episode i feel genuinely bad these kids aren't making anything screwed you guys are getting screwed dude no so they work three hours for three days a week and they're not working towards bad influences well i guess they can't do bad influences because they don't have enough time to do bad influences they also don't make enough to buy things that are well how much could you be earning to do anything bad in this situation it's like it's like a weird deterrent i'm surprised i'm actually supplied i'm really so i'm you know what congratulations he's got i think maybe that might have been the intent that might have actually been the intent that might have been the intent that's crazy first job this the dude's creator was first job was selling redken hair products oh man oh man he even describes how terrible it was oh my god oh that's great that's actually the greatest thing i've ever seen there's a whole there's a whole website i got led to this i can't say it's a pyramid scheme by no means am i saying that i'm just saying like from what it sounds like there's jim definitely people are getting screwed over somehow man there's it's like it's like community service except you don't get totally screwed the entire time right i guess it's the best way to put it welcome to ps5 playstation 5. now of course there's some i might have to censor this whole thing because i just saw a dude's skull being split in half there i'm pretty sure um this this this seems to be there's a lot of guns a lot of firearms in the situation uh there's the royal canadian mounted police there's a dude getting a fist shoved up is yeah no there's a dude getting a fish shoved up somewhere there's some weird stuff police report oh that's a that's a that's a naughty word to be using these days anyways let's go look around so ps5 what is this let's go to the ps5 profile protecting citizens worldwide man none of these people can make a goddamn website worth a jack uh ps5 isn't um it really is a bad website ps5 is an internationally acclaimed specialist security consultancy and training provider to law enforcement defense and the security industries the company training wing react delivers highly specialized training protocols to both the private and public sectors with specific focus on weapons awareness and personal protection that's very very shady what are these guys like mercenaries and stuff there's like mercenaries for hire i hire me a merc that's wild dude however this is only one side of a double-sided coin the second side of the ps5 coin displays the company's unique in-house design and creative capability also so i hired somebody from deviantart right is that what i'm supposed to be learning can we develop an idea into a training program a product that has a potential to save lives if the answer to that question is yes then the ps5 philosophy is to stay with it and make it happen everything else starts somewhere and sometimes the most minuscule spark of an idea can turn into something very special there we go okay so we've got design and production now what dude dude dude stop just stopping what abortion of graphic design am i looking at here it's like like a bunch of it's like a bunch of pencils in a macintosh mac pro tower god damn i am legitimately getting too old so they've got a design production thing a blank piece of paper can bring the runway where a life-saving idea can take off and fly so in amongst i guess security consulting they also do graphic design multimedia production publishing editorial authoring product design i i don't know why i i really have no idea why they would do that okay cool so they've got some publications like teachers react junior react verbal react travel react and here they've got like p p c p c w review here they're teaching you how to protect at the airport protecting this is actually like a great website it's just kind of all over the place all right let's go to products okay let's see the product so we've got uh that like a what no way no way no way dude dude that kid dude that old man had a glock on that kid he's gonna come by again let's go come back again oh [ __ ] dude well timmy's like what's going to happen little timmy [ __ ] old man got the glock goddamn dude they also got like a bunch of products so they're selling you like the rescue hook is a certified uk medical device so it's like it's it's it's okay it's a rescue hook cool that's fine that's great awesome well they operate pretty much everywhere they operate in pakistan guernsey ghana malta trinidad and tobago russia and the united states of america do their spread brand they're a spread brand that's a 20 20 copyright date dude i could actually be putting myself up with some of them man that's kind of crazy ps5 strategic network it doesn't work for its client it works with them we contribute to their planning and often help shape their thinking with regards to marketing and improving their products so what are you like a security consulting group or like a marketing group like it's just like all is it like two offices i decided to like just work together like you have like you have like an advertising pr firm and then right next you have like armed mercenaries or something because i'm getting that vibe i'm actually legitimately getting a weird vibe this is this is actually legitimately [ __ ] interesting oh the five golden rules all right let's look at the guide for women self-defense all right women this is this is for you you know even if you hate me you still always learn something right okay let's do that so here's the five golden rules your friend is not always a friend seventy percent of who attacks on women are perpetrated by someone they know that's actually true uh i think most of it's true for any like real assault of that variety on anybody um it's usually done by somebody you know there are always warning signs uh majority of attacks are preceded by some form of verbal assault yes yes it is they call that the interview have a silver tongue talking can sometimes do the trick reason diplomacy tact and a little psychology even compassion and sympathy can go a long way to subduing a potentially violent situation that in the cheat code that's called block a glock 17 right hit and run get away as quickly as you possibly can hit and run principle is nothing to do with fighting it means that you must do something that interrupts the attacker's thought pattern hit him with an assertive and confident yell no or ask a question that makes them stop and think for a second i mean just i mean i mean you say something like really [ __ ] up to them just say something really depraved and wrong you know to the point where like even the most depraved person like what like tell them about like you know squirrel diddling or something like you know spit roasting a squirrel you know how they how they do how they do it and then like if that confuses the dude my camera defocused cause it's like what the [ __ ] are you talking about muda but like if that's the case right like if you just told them about like squirrel spit roasting you could probably get away because their mind is like how messed up is this guy so that's precisely what they're saying right like you have to say something so messed up that it mentally incapacitates somebody for even it's like a mental flashbang you know that's the best way to put it fight like a man you have tried talking your way out but no avail you have no means to escape situations getting uglier street predators have no scruples and do not attack a woman any differently than they would attack a man attack with extreme prejudice using any means at your disposal think like a woman but fight like a man and focus like a predator that you know as much as i kind of agree as much as i do agree with that statement there's definitely people nowadays i would take that statement and be like you can't say that that's not that's not pc but it is true i mean if you're in that situation listen when it comes to self-defense follow daddy moody's instructions there are no rules to self-defense i mean if it if it's between you and and and [ __ ] dying defend yourself i mean anyway paul we're talking resident evil 7 defend yourself we're talking find the car keys put them in the mustang and start running into the zombie style defense you know what i mean anything you can to survive because your life matters and that's that's pretty much all i'm gonna say okay at the end of that that's that's a very simple way rules for dealing with an armed robbery who says who says you can't learn anything off the deep web god damn they got like a bunch of books dedicated to this retail crime surviving an armed attack you know this is a great website actually i'm i i really like this website there's actually legitimately good news for the world we live in nowadays and it's so messed up to say that but given the world we live in that's a pretty good idea that's a very very good set of rules wizard forums oh you ever you ever like joined the forum that's all about like [ __ ] becoming a wizard and [ __ ] well here you go if you haven't today's your day all right let's start this up okay so we've got uh we've got a bunch of threads now my general rule for this is to just basically um basically click on what the site's about so let's go to like general occult decision let's go to the tutorials uh let's go to like energy manipulation that's kind of cool and in their discussion let's go to gaming hell yeah let's open up some of that gaming discussion anarchists playground money making and financing uh let's just go to lounge all right let's go to the all-in-one so here in the uh here in the occult tutorial uh has anybody has anybody has bill duverndak's clippothic astrology so they need this book okay that's cool they're just sharing the book around summoning goose gussoin very useful spirit for all things good dignity honor favor getting a job is that is that actually a guide no [ __ ] way that's a guide no [ __ ] way that's a guide well too early for that the 11th spirit is a great and strong duke called goosoin he appears like a zenophilus he tells of all things past present and to come so let's see summoning demons not the smartest thing to do at five in the morning but it's not too long here real quick let's look at some of these like let's let's look at this gusoin gusoin gusoin i call to the in the name of the most high god io come forth from thy abode and appear at the edge of my circle by the angel lahavia i call and conjecture thee by the power of rahdets and sith i stir and summon there come forth and offer me aid in my time of need set thy allegiance to work for me and i shall glorify thy name and make your deeds known i was like wait is my window open i hope nobody walks by and hears me like summoning demons at like five in the morning it's kind of wild dude this whole series is mental okay so we so so we know how to like summon some of these like crazy uh crazy crazy like demons or whatever which is kind of cool thank to gauchos spirits hey for saying hi hey saying hi healing crystals what the [ __ ] healing crystals who else is into these and it isn't just about getting any old crystal the eve stones really do cure and make you feel perfection any nice people can drip in pleasurable feelings blessings that's like two months ago this is an active website dude i kind of i kind of really like this is drawing a i'm drawing a sigil wrong okay is this place dead superpowers i like to know is there a spell or ritual to help me increase my reading and understanding speed yeah there is actually a spell it's called it's called read more you know practice makes perfect there's a spell practice here make perfectum never try to i'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] at five in the morning holy [ __ ] i feel bad this guy asked a genuine question and i'm here being a dick about it never try to bend the laws of physics to make the grass shorter when there's a lawnmower in the shed there's courses books videos on effective speed reading and memory retention uh techniques uh there are and there's also a a lovely part of my camera that just says hey i gotta hit the re-record button again god dude god hate it anyways let's go down around over here awakening your senses access consciousness sound fallen turning the churning the law wheel unlocking time zzz that's seven months ago three weeks nobody responded to this [ __ ] power pylons i'm an energy you must construct more pylons i'm an energy on demand type of caster uh okay uh uh uh a mixture of mage spells and psychic psychic abilities i built a type of astral connection construction permanent to provide energy for my use but i have left them unlocked so anyone may use them i call them power pylons they are artificial nodes where i guess energy just goes through the power pylons types one two three take up a ten foot square with a height of one hundred feet i have built them up force per square mile everywhere on the planet um i i don't know if i should even [ __ ] continue reading this to be honest with you but okay sure i have a type 4 which is 20 foot square and a thousand feet tall built only in the western hemisphere this is like the [ __ ] magical elon musk just built [ __ ] out of nowhere and like calls it a day okay no favorite video game and why okay let's see favorite video game uh skyrim vanilla and mod the [ __ ] out of it version because it has everything you need in an rp rpg can we just stop with the skyrim okay i'm sorry i know skyrim is nice but i swear if somebody that's played daggerfalls and all this stuff in the elder scrolls it [ __ ] pains me like right here you can see elder scrolls for oblivion oblivion is better than skyrim you know many people are like oh man but skyrim is just way better than oblivion moody were you on crack no i'm not on crack i'm not no no not not at the time of recording hell no well oblivion is better and that's that's goddamn fact somebody here drops ultima 3 exodus yes spoonie would love this website okay so anyways we just got the gaming two titles that be on my laptop hatred and agony uh from gameplay being weak in agony yo that game sucked a [ __ ] dick if you ever played agony it's the game where it's like it's kind of like uh playing outlast in hell except it's just a really really shitty version of the game the other one is hatred oh that's also really shitty dude this dude bought two crap games cool get out of here stop pool's closed pool's closed it has been closed occult research group on discord open to all oh [ __ ] really that's discord group for [ __ ] yo i might join that [ __ ] hell yeah looking for a friend uh oh this person trying to find somebody on this website oh oh that's [ __ ] cool dude hmm it's actually kind of cool they're trying to find like their old buddy again i hope that i hope they found their friend i mean i really do they they were they were trying to find their friend a year and six months ago oh [ __ ] dude i hope they found each other i really do alright hereditary hereditary was a complete mess oh the movie i thought hereditary was okay jump scares galore and annoying soundtrack that constantly reminded you hey look you're watching a horror movie only one shocking scene and even that made me laugh hysterical overreacting abounds okay hereditary was a good movie what's wrong with you people okay it was a decent movie stop it stop bullying that movie was fine home sweet home i missed this place me too the new screams maturity it's nice it's really nice really really nice i'm surprised i leave for a year and it restarts a week before i join there's no way to edit a profile and so forth it's way less personal and constant forbidden gateways but i'm glad it's it's back up man it's kind of great that they have like so okay so this forum actually went down and now they're back okay okay well i wonder if it's like still active i mean we've seen like the two weeks ago but obviously like it doesn't have like the biggest community imaginable but like it's dude these people seem really harmless and nice they've got cooking sections black magic brownies where's some marijuana in this though anyways no no that's enough this is actually kind of cool this is actually really great okay they've got gaming they've got they've got anarchist playground they've got the lounge they've got graphics and they've got money making it they've got they got a bit of everything they got a bit of everything they talk about bitcoin and forex anyways though that was the wizard playground all or you can learn how to summon demons and talk about how skyrim is somehow better than oblivion even though that's a factually incorrect statement but uh hey you know what that being said let's go somewhere else but look at how bright death is dead but dreaming there are those that live awake and screaming and those who lie dead but dreaming okay welcome to the official page for dead but dreaming we may be over but we're certainly not done progress continues on our final recording stay tuned to the news page that's someone on the news page a busy spring for everyone who managed to delay mixing of the songs for our last what it also looks like phil is going to be moving to portland so we will be getting all the raw tracks from him before he leaves we hope to have these songs mixed as soon yo this is a 2005 date oh my lord this is a vintage website i was an innocent boy back in the days 2005 bro i didn't even that i swear like maybe like a year after 2005 i went on 4chan and then all innocence from my soul was lost that day what the hell dude this is great this is great it's like it's a banned website look at it look at that props to opening band echoes from portland it's like it's like a local band website oh [ __ ] damn son let's go to the bio here so you've got michael white phil chad and eric okay you got it's just like four dudes their current ep mockingbird is a well-rounded sampling of what the seasoned rock band is capable of accomplishing uh cool they've got it from their they've spawned music from their usual unusual diverse backgrounds dead but dreaming officially came to be in the spring of 98 after two years together and successfully gigging for over a year in the seattle area from 96 to 97 the band made the career decision to find a new singer in 97 finally finding the right man for the job in 98 mike white was brought on as a new singer frontman but dead by dreaming was born late in 01. uh so yes it's like their whole history moderate success in la with the band's anthem and rage and eden phil moved to seattle in 92. after years of stagnation phyllis finally found a home and dead but dreaming in today's hodgepodge of manufactured knockoff bands and tv produced i do's it's good to find someone who knows what music means yeah we're not we're not like that mainstream [ __ ] we're og we're the indie crowd we're the real band i like it though they got spunk is what matters even got like some photos dude dude this is great this is i found some dude's banned website look at them they're they're actually dude that's chad and mike well that's that's chad and mike dude that's so badass it's like some dude's still active like i doubt the band is still active wait can you can you still buy this no [ __ ] way oh yes [ __ ] way you can still buy their you can still buy their ep for five bucks i mean i i assume you can oh it's crazy all their shirts are only an extra large or large but only four oh dude the website hasn't been updated so yeah they're just like oh okay okay okay so it doesn't matter it does either the either they've never sold a shirt after that or whatever but like yeah they oh okay okay i get it i get it this just hasn't been updated so there's probably you're probably sending money to a phantom account that even that hasn't probably even been lined up or like logged into so you can see shows none of them scheduled it's kind of sad but you can see this is where they work dude oh my god i mean i've never run a band or anything but that's kind of cool look at that they've got from naf studios timeout bar rupert's color box there's probably some older dudes watching my channel who are like yo would that wouldn't that be wild if someone from like our community was like i remember these guys i went to one of their shows yo that would be insane that would that would be dude if somebody has watched their show let me know in the comments section below i would love to talk further about their stuff so here you can see like there are sample mp3s demos 19.99 i'm not gonna play them just because i don't want to get like copyrighted i don't know [ __ ] shit's wild these days on the internet well let me tell you they're probably like associated with like a big band or something i just want to see is that like is it is it is it real is the thing right dead by day no oh not dead by daylight dead but dreaming not dead by daylight dead but dreaming okay oh dude okay okay okay that's one of it's a movie for sure dead by dreaming uh band they're obviously a very smaller band i would say um let's uh see band bio so they've got like a band bio i guess oh that takes it right to their website oh okay so i got sent to their like reverb nation um but that's that's about that's kind of about it but this isn't the same band this is from waterloo ontario canada not from seattle so these guys don't even seem like the same group to me at all yeah they don't this is like a totally different band okay so this band over here this is just like these guys are missing is what they are they're missing they're gone if anybody from this band can come talk to me i would love that anyway so i do know something and it is we're going we have to go somewhere else we spend way too much time on this banned website let's go away from this website and ladies and gentlemen that's the end of deep web browsing dark web browsing dank web browsing the part of the week where we take a look at that danker side of the internet i think this week might have probably went on one of my favorite ones i was just hella active for whatever reason uh maybe maybe that's maybe that's this coffee i don't know maybe it's whatever maybe it's that 100 columbian coffee that i've got right now over here maybe maybe it's a bunch of things but ladies and gentlemen with all that said this was an amazing episode i thoroughly enjoyed it we learned a lot of different things we'll learn how to summon demons we learned how to protect yourself we learned about some bands and uh oblivion is is a million times better than skyrim anyways though with that said if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it i am out [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 429,158
Rating: 4.9592547 out of 5
Id: x9bokYAwdms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 49sec (2209 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.