Shooting A Potato At A Tennis Racket To Make French Fries

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wearing your goggles i'm not wearing my goggles safety is the enemy of progress you want me to wear these well i don't know you don't have to oh i just you handed them to me why don't you take everybody through what we're working on well naturally so just like in edd and eddie there's a episode where they were shooting potatoes into what i think was a tennis racket which was falling and making french fries so we thought why not take that to the real world so we're gonna be trying to make french fries by shooting them out of a potato cannon into tennis racket and other other potential ideas and get them to hit the basket which will fall into the deep fat fryer there and create some beautiful franchises oh yeah so glad that worked i think it's gonna work really well all right so now we're doing our first aiming setup so we can figure out how to do it i am going to wear my goggles showered because if this explodes in the pvc yeah i think you probably should charles i'm no [ __ ] all right charles your entire life is using your eyes does it i think it's more his mouth you'll never be able to game again oh all right are we doing a small test first nope no it's got it well it's gotta be the same every time are you counting how much hairspray you're putting in yeah i think that was about like 16 fluid ounces worth of hairspray okay let's go man they won't be very loud i just like how these look oh yeah you look good all right ready i'm ready test one do you want a fire fire oh i was close that was very close do we have an impact point yeah we went slightly to the right we almost ruined our gopro i think we need to move the table because our basket is a little turned so it kind of come at it like an angle yeah yeah so how far to the right would you say that was i'd say a good uh like three squirrel lengths maybe to the right you think three squirrel lengths to the right yeah all right let's go adjust if you can count the great bass stuff one and a half squirrel lengths okay to the left yeah oh that's exactly what i was thinking you thought that was good yep all right because you'll see with the distance one and a half squirrel lengths here is double by the time you get through all right let me open up the handy dandy ultimate potato sack this is not an ad oh that's a baby potato very good this might be a perfect fit oh yeah we did it i can't see anything in there all right you got to hold it really tight ready we'll just take take it out and ruin our perfect aim oh yes sorry i forgot you already measured the squirrel length yes god you've already done the calculations danny it's not making the same noise it normally does which makes me think there's some gap but we're going to try it anyways this should be good yeah we were we were going to cut the potatoes to be uniform but we didn't do that no these are perfect okay i bought uniform potato cake potatoes yeah yeah these are meant to be projectiles yeah they're louder now yeah we don't what no it was fun all right we don't need uniformity and precision shooting that'd be ridiculous am i the one shooting again uh yeah good good point sorry i'm blocking you i'll wear my gloves so that i don't miss yeah that should help by the end of this i'll be in the full ass match too yeah yeah put your face right next to it are you looking through the uh reticle i think this is a hit it's gonna be a little high but i think we're gonna hit all right let's get it ready i'm ready test two fire that one had much more velocity than the last one didn't yeah i put a little more hairspray in there [Laughter] i told you to count you taught me to count no him oh he put more hairspray in all right that one was much higher i do think we're a little high yeah i think how's it looking on your end i think we're just two monkeys fists too high all right so let me let me get the fist we do need it a little longer so left okay exchange the one that's under there for this like take that one out and put this one under it all right give it a little more height ah the elder stone very good call if we're in a world war you know there's like our mortar all right so too far left go move it 0.25 squirrel lengths to your left when you're facing it yeah yeah let me just look down here real quick oh i think i just hit it right on the money wow all right you ready did you already load it not yet so we'll have to re-adjust you have to re-aim it once you load it in and using the two-eye aiming method that xander gunderson taught us oh that was a good technique that should help all right let's hope we have potatoes left at the end i'm gonna hold it real tight so it won't move an inch you got it oh yeah here i'm actually gonna you got it i got it are you doing it the fat way yeah it wasn't oh that's still not big let's see why did you do it that way no the other way was too skinny i don't think this one's gonna fire what happens in that scenario i'm gonna have to find a way to push it through i'm not pushing it all the way down all right let me take a peek though i mean if it gets stuck in there you just push it through this way right yeah there's a gap oh boy there's a very apparent gap all right i'm gonna have to really go in on this hairspray no no no lighter hairspray on this one hey charlie we have to keep it the same or we'll never hit it with my calculations we'll hit it every time i think we might be off to the left a little bit also it's going so fast are we just gonna break it when we hit it no no because it's gonna move backwards so we're going to have the tennis racket right yeah yeah that nasa scientist to make sure that it cushions the blower yeah yeah all right ready ready ready test three fire oh yeah the hairspray just escapes because there's a gap ah so we're gonna need a lot of hairspray i don't think we're gonna get it just try a new try new potato all right oh yeah two potatoes no that's not what i [Laughter] said no you're fine it's not long enough but if you just push it hard enough this end that it comes into the chamber and just dump it out hold it charlie oh here's there she is it's a boy whoa get in there danny look at that action it's too dark i can't see anything in there i can kind of see it the surgeon oh try and throw it at the bass yeah yeah test three week it's looking good to me so what is this device charlie this is the fry creator this is pretty much what they use in most mainstream facilities when they're making their fries such as kellogg's and all the big boys in the fry industry so this is they think this is going to cut the potato into fry shapes you said pink it's been proven this should what will happen is it'll hit it right in the w and it'll shotgun fries towards the basket w stands for not waffle fries oh oh yes that's a good one i couldn't think of anything better on the spot cut that out cut that up i think this one won't work i think the apple cutter which we also have at the end of the barrel might work yes and then i think they will both work actually oh yes because i don't see why it wouldn't i agree tennis rackets are used for so many things in the culinary field how fast roger federer hits his serve does he make fries every time he hits the ball yes it's a big problem his community had to make a tennis ball that stopped french frying that's basically the name of our machine it's the roger federer french frying machine you think he'll come out here with us that'd be pretty cool if you're like 90 years old no yeah it was pretty close somewhere between 40 and 90. yeah one of the two he's too old to be a scientist we should have got one of his hats and like put it on the tennis racket or the fry or the grease thing or something all right check the lineup of course of course yeah you're too far this way you're too far that way no you're too far this way you've got the fry basket good oh my god we're gonna make french fries today all right let's [ __ ] cook it let me see let me look down the barrel take a take a look it's the last time you'll ever see that potato not as french fries i think it looks pretty good all right matt let's do we want to put like put grease in it to start or do we want to wait and see if it's going to work no let's wait okay let's wait i think we just no no let's avoid the dangerous part for as long as possible it's not dangerous we're fine we're fine we gotta at least get it in the basket once and then we can go to greece did you put a potato in already yep it's a good potato too oh we're locked and loaded yeah get ready i think this is the one perfect i did four seconds maybe it'll surprise us and the potato will cook its way on like on the way out because of the heat from the explosion oh yeah it just comes down yeah we don't even need the grease all right good very good i think we're good to shoot yes all right you want to do this one sure of course all right just make sure you give everybody a warning and say fire all right tennis racket test number one fire again try it again why is it not sparking let me see if it's airtight oh that's airtight baby so how'd the hair spread out all right did you just not get it deep enough you think oh yeah it's a ramrod problem yeah that's why it didn't explode [Laughter] all right maybe it just needs your tinder touch matt you can do this one now he's scared well i don't think that's nearly enough hairspray you're supposed to reach 1500 psi in the hair spread 1500 psi do we have a leak all right tennis racket test is this so one this is number two take two wait we didn't aim close enough take two run it quickly before the hairspray goes away fire did it work oh there's nothing in it but wait look at the splatter i told you it's just chunks that's fine that's fine what look at this you know what this is a tennis racket shaped potato that's a steak cut fry are you sure i didn't just hit this and explode what do you mean there's nothing in here danny oh look at that oh yeah look at that how could i listen down with the oil we can start cooking sure there's uh look there's already bugs in our grease they're already drinking our grease yeah all right let me dump this i'm first going to the max men i'll show you god this thing is a bottomless pit how many bugs are on this [ __ ] thing i just saw three ants all right there's max it's okay though let me show you what it looks like they'll get fried we need more look at that look yeah matt are you kidding me yeah good grief oh [Music] why do i always get bullied in these videos all right i think that's actually good i love that we're gonna have fried pollen yeah yeah and it's try dance all right dump yours man i'm not going higher than that all right did you read the instructions matt no also you need to it's not plugged in very good oil charlie move the oil can don't leave it there it should help with uh accuracy maybe this is lit up now okay i think we give it a little while to heat up yeah i'll keep putting my face next to it so yeah make sure especially because it's full to the max yeah nothing bad yeah now we got it oh yeah can you feel the heat it's ready to cook some fries baby yeah all right oils in somewhat warm absolutely cops over there by the way so what are they going to do maybe it's our friend kiel gunderson all right let's do it they can join us yeah you guys want french fries do you have an hour and a half it's gonna be a potato in warm oil with good seasoning yeah do we should we season them before we stuff them in you think we should yeah we will we have plenty of pollen all right charles you want to do it no you can do this one this is just matt making fries that's half of these videos no it's not ideas just accompanying charlie or he's just accompanying me ready i'm ready test with tennis racket move back one fire yeah [Music] again fire yeah ruin it i just need more hairspray yeah take off the back i was like please don't touch it you start smacking the buttons what's happening let's check from the back and see if we can see any light through the potato was it a ship potato i see no reason yeah it's got a little more hairspray in there yeah that was probably the problem yeah maybe maybe this is a charlie only shoe yeah maybe it only responds to charlie's touch that might be it luckily i put in a lot of hairspray [Laughter] it's a good it's a good thing there are cops nearby to take us to the hospital real quick all right ready no no no no no no no no move it move that away from the cannon what it's just combustible yeah what's wrong he's not the smacking engine or a grill lighter with a hairspray bottle nice three two one whoa did it work holy [ __ ] do we have fries there's a tiny little chunk in there how is it looking there's like one crumb in there that aim was great where'd the like how did the rest of it not go it in just be spreading once it hits yeah all right back to it's just not hot enough to fry anything yet it's getting more liquidy though that means we're in good shape all right we're bullied what's going on here well matt has a few concerns about the next apparatus we're using go ahead matt concerns all right i built the new fry cutter 3000. yeah taking all of our credits all right rebuilt the new fry charlie built the new fry cutter 3000 it's an apple cutter we're going to shoot the potato through it it's going to split into french fries which are going to stay perfectly in line of where we shot the potato straight into the basket that's right they won't split they're going to go right in drop into the bucket cook the fries the velocity will keep them together right because they reach terminal velocity yep checks out let me guess i'm shooting this one oh you did the last one yeah it's not lined up anymore matt you did something oh now we're lined up let's see don't look at it oh not anymore that's pretty good is there a potato in it that's a good question uh i can't tell it might be it might be all the way at the end let's find out no okay nevermind charlie's participation in this video it's great i shot the perfect french fries you i know you already did it but you could have just taken the gun out right i mean like you just moved the cinder block you could have just slid the ball oh yeah i just didn't want to move it off there here fine you got it good oh yeah [Music] this is our best potato we have so hold on to it i think it's good like that right yep and then we can just fire it straight up ready you got it yep oh wow all right yep what an image what what an image that was i got real dirty all right would you like to do the honors of lining it up yeah i think i'm the only one qualified i do have a degree in science it was nutrition right uh exercise physiology human science nutrition [ __ ] like that yeah i guess all right here i'll load you up you should be yeah you should be right on the money can i double check or no no no don't be ridiculous that should be really nice and in there how many fries do you think we're gonna land in the basket probably four or five really beautifully cut fries checkers quality now how many fries do you think we're gonna land what okay i didn't turn on the volume all right what i said how many fries do you think we're gonna land charlie's staring at me like if i say anything less than like 10 he's gonna kill me no give your honest opinion i think we're going to get one chunk okay charlie said four or five just for the record oh okay all right everybody ready ready apple cutter test one in three two one one yep that was a shotgun did it stay it stayed damn i i saw it spray like all the way over the entire thing yeah unfortunately none of them hit the basket this time yeah i think we have to move the cannon significantly closer yeah i figured happy i'm happy this can be i think we need to go more this way you just want to rotate it we'll just move it fully i'm coming that's probably good what do you think yeah and then just yeah that should be fine i think looking good i'm pretty confident now so your guest last time was a little off what do you think about this time i think that was just a little too confident i'll say two fries two fries two fries cut beautifully nice and thick maybe even waffle fries actually nice i kind of feel like i saw it explode into a fine mist so oh it's starting to boil nice i just saw a couple pieces good yeah look at that oh yeah the oil is coming along we're ready that means it has to work now we've got nothing left charlie's running on fumes thanks again for letting me run point on this one charles yeah of course i know how much you love the potato cannon so i figured this is this is for you all right potato [Applause] [Music] yeah be really good oh that's the sound of science oh yeah for one hit nice who's gonna get the wishbone [Music] [Applause] all right you want to aim it yep there it is it's perfect right there that's actually gonna be right on the money i think cool all right all right matt let's go i do smell that yeah [ __ ] yeah yeah that just add flavor looking good thanks man you gotta come spread it yeah sorry i forgot you don't know how to work this one that was a big one it should be good i think i want to make sure it's a big explosion they don't want to split apart oh okay yeah the the forest will hold them together all right let's get it done two one fire all right so what's happening here i think they're just exploding into a mist yeah that's what i'm thinking as well i saw a couple chunks flying but are we missing the basket are we not missing the basket i think i'm covered in potato yeah this is what it is looking like coming out which is actually pretty good if we could land one of these we'd be in great shape where is it like where is it going though they're like going off like a shotgun they're spreading and then here's what's happening to some of the other ones also great fry shape if we could land it yeah yeah do we move closer i think so i think that's our only chance all right let's put it like right up next to it yeah push and run yeah more like half an inch we're making some aiming adjustments it's going right in i think so too this is how we get hired by mcdonald's mcdonald's uh they said some yeah what did you think i said it doesn't matter [Laughter] like a defense contractor yeah this is how we get hired by raytheon the u.s navy that had to do with french fries that's why we use tools yeah nice work wow look at that that's the best one yet actually this is the one this is it yeah we're gonna get a lot of fries out of that one that's gonna be a good yield for the harvest yeah i can't wait to see our gopro just melted it's really cool that all the vans and the bat parking lot just have branding all over the side of them i'm probably gonna have to blur that out i can't wait for our privacy funds huh trying to decide if i want to oh we didn't move it closer yet yeah i mean yeah we can move it closer i just don't know how much of a difference that's going to make to be honest ready it's going to make all the difference in the world how about there yeah [Applause] now there's no way we can miss are we still perfectly lined up oh we've been perfectly lined up all day true it's not our fault potato technology just hasn't caught up with us yep i know it's a real shame that they're not putting enough research and innovation into the field that's what matt's for yeah the potato scientists this one actually feels really promising boom that's feeling good about it that means it's gonna work doggies is there a lot of oil that came this way or was it more of that it all went back there it didn't even really swap yeah it didn't really come out that it's also i think it's hot but i don't think it's boiling so you only burn a little bit it'll be fine cool cool yeah ready i heard about that about that yeah i have to account for matt letting some escape so no i got that one on ins oh oh god here we go number number five oh yeah come on matt charlie needs his fries [Applause] all right apple cutter take five yeah in three two one fire oh oh my god look at all the chunks yes it's like potato dust no look at the bottom oh my god we did it we have three fries three full fries three full and some scraps yeah that's all up for around deep fryer nothing ever has happened from that wow they're really what are we supposed to cook them for quick google it quick uh eight to ten minutes okay we'll go 10 just because it's a lot of oil yeah we could probably get away with 20 seconds too i think somewhere between 20 seconds and 10 minutes i feel good about yeah do you hear that they're cooking here i'm gonna put on my headphones so i can really hear him that's got a nice little sizzle i just hear traffic you excited are you excited well should charlie yeah charlie should go to melbourne yeah sure i'll get them out you can you can handle the hairs correctly thanks these are looking good yeah look at that oh baby nice and awful golden brown here how about a pan flip oh whoo get wild with it they smell good kind of look like the breakfast potatoes yeah potato chunks let me smack it down a little just cool them up get some of the oil yeah there you go those are going to be real tasty they look good they don't even need seasoning yeah no seasoning no problem we have hair spray whatever weed was wafting through the air too which is good whatever strain that'll be really good i think we know the oils on and working yeah all right so are we doing this one next yes all right we're going to give them a try yeah i'm gonna get this out of the way mm-hmm it's charlie first all right i called dibs on the big one that's still really hot so get in a second i was going to try to cut it in half no don't do that but let me cut one of them in half good enough look at that it's cooked through and everything it's actually thoroughly cooked all right maybe we'll let them sit for a minute no they're cooled off well let's walk them through our next step here so let's get the cannon out of the way yeah so we've got new tools so we have this which is an actual potato slicer and it fits in the cinder block so we put it in here and then it has this nice barrel like a silencer danny called it to continue to contain the potato blasting out yeah they're done oh they're ready for more fries and then we just flip the cinder block over so it's nice dual action yeah so you can decide if you want apple cut fries or fry cut fries i'm wondering if i can take this out and run tape through it and then pop it right back we don't need to do that would you like to fasten this one yes all right and we're done this is how you fry plastic that's not going anywhere so for the sake of safety i'm gonna secure it okay that's such a coward all right all right let's go cheers good that's actually really good well i mean it's we managed to get dry we got a potato and deep fat oil of course it's good that is good that is good all right it's actually good shall see oh wow shockingly not terrible it is good it just needs some salt we should put salt on the edge of this so it flies out into it yeah that's good yeah that is good we're on to something it only tastes a little hairspray yeah yeah very minimal we have salt if you want it if you want to like fill the bucket with salt some plastic are you supposed to just dump salt and grease no is there like anything that's going to happen with that that's true i guess you should salt them after yeah no but still it'd be cool to have a salt explosion yeah yeah i'll get the salt regardless okay all righty we're back all right so this is our new apparatus the french fry cutter oh i got you we're going to i guess just fire it right at the cutter yeah all right should be easy i already put a potato in right yeah yeah hang on let it turn on the gopro before you load it up are you sure okay all right i'm going quick yeah this is the one we're gonna get 15 french fries in this one all right i wouldn't be surprised if we got double digit fries i think this is going to be our perfect one boys ready ready girls all right french fried cutter take one in three two one fire yeah baby i was too slow [ __ ] i think we're good we're good all right take two three two one fire oh yeah did you oh they must have uh it was stolen back here they were too high yeah too high but it actually worked oh yeah it did work look at that all right let's aim it lower we're good those are the fries that you cut into no i swear these are different ones oh my yeah oh and here's more these are all over there oh yep all right we're good we absolutely got this all right we're gonna re-aim it oh very nice is that better no oh yes charlie seems to like it i like it a lot until matt did that we can um yeah the further down you move it the lower the barrel will be yeah look at that that looks pretty good do you like that i do like the spray yeah i'm not yeah i think that's right in it i think i think that's good yeah oh an instant close oh good it's gonna blow up half a tampa yeah tampa's gonna know our fries one way or another all right potato cutter take three three two one fire i just got hit with a piece of fry i think that's a good sign no no where'd they all go they're all going back here yeah how is it still too high they're spreading too much there's only one thing to do at a time like this should we try reversing this so the cutters on the other side same thing [Music] all right we're going in see how that looks and get a little it honestly oh baby oh yep that's the one grab a potato pick the one that you want the fries from all right this is it this is the last one whoop this is the one i see all right that's charlie's chosen potatoes big enough no yes it is i that whole thing went in i don't care what you say that is an incredible there's going to be gaps what are you talking about all right let's see let's listen for it charlie hasn't been wrong yet matt about anything true that is correct my track record is flawless that is not not a good fit but that's what's going to make it special that it won't launch that it will launch against all odds oh okay it's the little potato that could that's the one let's see if we can do you see sunlight through it oh i don't see anything yeah that's that's dark in there yeah there's absolutely no sunlight let's get it loaded we know that's not gonna fire let me push it through no you couldn't be matt shut it down trust in the scientific process i do that's how i know it won't fire don't be ridiculous you think isaac newton said i know apples don't fall from trees wait what seems you don't know science very well at all but [Applause] i'm so confident i'll launch it while chelsea's down there because i know that's gonna feel really silly in just a second when we get perfect french fries from my potato choice yeah might i'll go fast three two one fire oh the front flew off and somehow not a single potato landed in there ah where did it all go well it knocked off the [ __ ] yeah the front came off oh that's why we did it the other way oh yeah forgot about that yeah ah all right literally did not think that would launch i'm so sorry charles i'll accept the apology with your tinnitus i already had it so maybe we fixed it it smells like a fair right now yeah yeah yeah let's launch funnel cake into it just dough let's just launch dough at the wall so where'd that one go i don't know i think the french fry gods took that one yeah it was the perfect little potato so god needed it in heaven um i think this was said successful i think so you guys get if i launch one more oh wait i wanted to turn that around so why do you think it's going to work now even though it didn't work last time we did this i'm taking charlie's scientific approach of just do it again okay was that my science i found a good potato and said i know this will work i was based off data no i think i think you literally said that like two clips ago yeah and then danny said ah yes that's what all good scientists do they just wait wait well a little high but i feel good about it you could hold it too scares me you held it last time yeah but not with blades on me true that is true all right we've got potato cutter final attempt temp number seven is it yeah all right sure sounds good in three two one fire no that's oil dripping out the back no there's nothing in it wait wait i saw a bunch fly out the back that time i think where's he going oh he's gonna go full bottom he's a madman what is he doing tired of this he's gone mad he's not even using the cannon man you do this holy [ __ ] we wanted fries so bad i invented a new way of doing it yeah i knew a new way nobody ever has done that i can't believe we just made fries without a cannon embarrassing in paris i know it's the easy way out to shoot a full potato see what happens i'm shocked the potato cutter didn't work to be honest i don't understand where it all went i don't either when we slow mo it in post we'll move yeah so i don't think the timer works anymore that's possible i don't know why let's also be really careful around the yeah the outlet yeah i will flip the switch back there first now we're just waiting for the beautiful golden french fries i think that was a successful uh invention do you have anything else no i'm just happy to see that it worked so well actually yeah we got we did get french fries out yeah we got a lot of good fries out of it i'd say just a little extra that wasn't important yeah once we made our first three we knew there was it was only downhill from there well they're already looking good and the good news is we now have five more gallons of canola oil yeah which we needed yeah of course just in case well you never know what we're gonna be frying up next time true all right
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,847,732
Rating: 4.9395452 out of 5
Id: ovG-1RFVy80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 41sec (2981 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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