Exploring a Weird YouTube Channel...

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hello guys and gals me muta Hara and since I don't do creepypastas anymore I think the next best sort of thing that I really do is really look at that weird side of the internet that really creepy side of stuff that is more real than a simple fake campfire story we found on the Internet now this video is inspiration actually comes from Sunday's deep web video usually in the deep web videos I show you in video that I find on the Deep Web and all that kind of stuff now one of the big important things is I record the Deep Web through and through throughout the week so usually I find everything and you know as the days pass and everything gets recorded usually Friday or Saturday and it's all Reddit and set up in time for Sunday but this video that I actually ended up finding I found pretty early into my endeavors and I decided to look around shop around and I eventually came across this channel right here ladies and gentleman with about five thousand two hundred and sixty-six subscribers now I can't exactly give a link on it I can't pronounce any name over here but I can give the link for this channel in the description below so if you want to check it out you absolutely can for yourself but today we're doing sort of a deep dive into a creepy little Channel real quick maybe it's an art I don't know if it's real I really am just shocked and appalled well more so at the content that we're about to see but over here let's just do a quick little glance we've got about 5.2 K subscribers if you go to the About section on some of these channels you know you'll see that it's got a you know I believe that's Vietnamese written into it which if I can just quickly translate that and in do into English we might be able to get something the translation is if you are a spring boy you will now of course whatever that means I'm not exactly so sure whit but this channel is created June 12 to 2017 so it's not like it's hype or old or anything like that in fact it's aged or like a fine wine if you go to the videos over here you'll see that it's got about twelve videos and the oldest one was seven months ago and the latest one was two weeks ago which I actually will ended up finding now these videos aren't exactly too terribly long like you're looking at 30 seconds fourteen seconds one of them is three seconds the other one is like this weird letterbox six seconds only one that's long is a two minute and forty seven second video now of course we're not gonna view every single video this is kind of just a dive into it but enough for us to see what things are kind of about going to a community page you've got high friend it's like mangoes wrote this 749 votes hi friend hi friend hi friend I guess I'll vote for one and if you view all the comments you can actually load it up and see that it's got people from multiple different languages talking Ola pinche necesito so you've got multiple people you know of different languages talking I think most of these are definitely Spanish over here I love you so much you are a little child and your videos is so cute it says one YouTube user but let's see how cute this set child really is and going to the very first set of videos so this is a video that I ended up finding on the deep web mixture and put on the headphones real quick for this now one thing for sure there's some weird audio to it and we're actually gonna go back to it but let's actually listen to it first of all so it's that plain suit we've got it's like it's kind of like it's kind of like somebody who shines a flashlight and into somebody's eyes by the way for argument's sake over here um so it sounds like somebody's flashing like it looks like somebody's putting a flashlight into somebody's eyes at this point but if we actually go back by the way this is shot and like iPhone like portrait resolution there was words actually being spoken if we're real if we listen real closely for a second it's it's it's something in Vietnamese I'm pretty sure like everything in this channel screams Vietnamese but yeah that's some of the stuff you hear so let's go listen and just finish the video off real quick and it just links to another Vietnamese video that's on here all of the all of the recommended is just from that region in general you've got like mr. bean here and there and like some 500 million subscriber oh that's a mr. beast video ok well let's go down into the comment section real quick so it's got about a hundred likes 15 dislikes so clearly you know it's it's got a following to it if it continues like this it will not be alive for a long time or will it and then that's I mean that'sthat's pretty grim to hear but obviously you know this channel posts alongside the video so this is something you can join us talk to me and I'll tell you what you can do you have to be brave these were things that I held in my hands these were things that belong to me these were things that I held in my heart these were things that have meaning to me these things are not dead because they never carried life but I give these things life because they have carried me I gave these things my memories my fear my secrets my tears my blood my devotion my hate my forgiveness my pain my pleasure my love my disdain I'm the creator of life in these things for without me they would not be and people would seek to profit off what I give with no mutual heart given back to me we emancipate ourselves from this mental material slavery for without my heart these things would not be Ave Satanas we liberate ourselves from this endless cycle of voids filled with unnecessary greed I fill my void with love and compassion void with clarity I fill my void with the beauty that surrounds me I fill my voids with only that which propels me Ave Satanas together we raise our arms and our chakras have over us together we raise our hammers and daggers with them pierce the heart of that control a power driven by addiction attachment consumption and by a relentless hunger for excess Ave citta knows I do not belong to these things these things belong to me and it's repeated over and over again and if you read it all over here you know you've got again a different language completely talking it's like it's a Vietnamese channel and then you've got Spanish communication and stuff given in English it's it's it's weird what I'm reading over here this point in time as much as I scroll down there's almost nothing English that's tossed in here safe for whatever the comment safer out of the original author had created I live in Russia by dead play that's uh the horite Ben okay all right so here's Bell Z Beelzebub Santos thirteen seconds what's at play on this this is 7432 views and by the way a lot of these videos real quick if I can just show you guys I actually do have a fair chunk of views so it's not like it's not like nobody's watching this that's [ __ ] weird okay all right III would think that I watched something that was normal but like clearly this isn't real okay I don't know if it was real you know there's a especially what just happened recently to YouTube it would probably be taken down anyways but at the same time it's it's weird when you watch something that's so well filmed like it I don't know even though that I work in this field it's weird to me that sometimes somebody can film something so good that you know I'll just sit there and be like baby maybe it couldn't you know what I mean over here the description changes again to Vietnamese which we can obviously translate real quick let's do that real fast by the way so let's go see what they got over here and this actually translates to something really weird I may have a final vet wish alright okay she wants to make a last video call with her mother just now I was reminding me her channel if he had a new video I was laughing something with the laugh of the video it's like the story signifies a character that's like kidnapped or something and like we're reviewing a kidnapped individual by the way I am so glad that I can censor the side of it the side videos because some of these are genuinely freaky to watch I don't even know how that got through it's also worth noting if somebody doesn't know what beelzebub is it's actually identified in the new testament as the devil prince of the demons just just to let that go real quick so even if he hate me you learn something out of it so here's another video this is four seconds long she was she was she was she whoa okay and that translates to you by the way that's one of the most viewed videos on this on this page because it is sitting at around 24k view so let me actually translate that real fast and that translates to if I can just auto detect a language just the words she was she was she well there's no translation to that apparently this is me but it is that we are all afraid to die but I did not have it now I am better and of course the language changes in the description for whatever reason again 266 likes 140 dislikes so of course we can look around all we want into the in and in here over here into the into the comment section let's actually play on this video oh oh oh that was probably the most chilling video that I've seen like I'm sorry when you're like zooming in that fast to somebody like granite it's only four [ __ ] seconds long but the audio like completely startled me to begin with that that [ __ ] is without a doubt some weird stuff let me tell you okay I can see why this got the most viewed I mean a four second video people are gonna click on and that's what it comes down to I'm just kind of weirded out why a lot of the it almost actually I think I know why I think it may be a Spanish youtuber that might have covered this video already and these are just viewers that have been let to it I I think I understand why I mean there's no correlation why a Vietnamese video would have Spanish writing on it and unless that was a possible reason right but that was a weird video let's go to the other one so this one it's it's again you know like a woman just sitting there six seconds long and she's like moving her head towards us and she's pointing at us what the [ __ ] look at her hand it's like pointing right at us and then the video cuts down that's it that's it you know if the where are we and why is one of the things and these were posted on September 19 2018 so this isn't even that of a video you know and the actual stuff that's written over yours hello friends and again you'd have a fuckton replies to it you know hello hello hello hola de dum de SOS hello hey buddy what's up it almost feels like the comments that I'm viewing or likes so weirdly bought it to like there is nobody discussing the [ __ ] [ __ ] that we're watching like it's clearly a weird video it's clearly some argh and it's unsettling to watch despite you I mean right now it's like what two o'clock in the morning and it's like all dark right now I mean it's clearly unnerving to go sit down and watch but you know you've got the entire community or you're not really talking about it or I guess if they are you know it's clearly a different language and maybe that's what the method to the madness you can tell like how like unknown the channel is and like search rankings one like popular channels like movie clips Tonight Show and watch mojo like Christ man that's worse than the YouTube trending section so when we looked at the very first video the portrait mode one I wanted to go back to it and kind of assess it from a little bit of a little bit of an audition standpoint like the the audio spectra spectrogram at this moment in time I'm sorry this is this whole thing has been really weird like I don't know what it is the music the video quality the story behind the art but it's it's genuinely a little unnerving right now so if you guys take a look back to when I did some of the Deep Web video records one of the most important things on that was actually when we came across certain videos with weird audio messages like this one where you have like all these weird like just loud noises assaulting our ears like the beats we want to actually throw it into an editing software um and just just check it spectrographs like all that kind of stuff to begin with the spectral pitch and a spectral frequency because the one time we actually did that if you don't remember the Polish like dr. play doctor video it actually had like snuff footage like pictures of like death or whatever into the actual spectral pitch and all that stuff so we're gonna actually view this so this is a waveform okay this is what you see in a video and it's this is what you see an audio representation of what happened in the video now you've got your left you've got your right and these are clearly playing different audio tracks which is why it sounded really weird to begin with now if we go view the spectral frequency this is what contained weird footage last time so if I've used something like the spectral pitch for a second you can see all the times where the audio just hits unity goes really weird hits that one off note that it's just SuperDuper terrible to go listen to but let's go back to the spectral frequency and inside the spectral frequency let's actually go zoom in now one time we did this we actually got straight text let's zoom around there and kind of glide our hand across and see if we see anything to it so again this is hey this is a representation of just the audio we're getting is there a message hidden within it and like around there like if you guys look carefully over here like this in here it almost feels like something's encoded in that or you know I could just be it could just be late at night and I'm getting everything in my mind sort of crunched up but right over here you can see this is where it gets super loud like it's just that blistering terrible noise and the more and more you go it's like I feel like there's something embedded like you see the way that these are placed I mean you know clearly is just a frequency graph or it could be something a little bit deeper into it but let's go down a little bit more again high pitch right over here when it assaults our eardrums again happens again and right here is when it gets super real so like it looks like it looks like a streak of lava to begin with but I guess I guess I'm just losing it at this moment in time like there is there I was hoping there might be a message encoded somewhere in here again this is one video there's no doubt that maybe something else has had been another video too the channels been just really [ __ ] weird in that regard like this has been an interesting dive so far truth be told all right that was a little dive into a weird weird side of videos so normally I would share a deep web video but I decided to sort of take that out of the Deep Web video I mean I'll reference it when we get to that episode on Sunday but I decided to take that Deep Web video and put some research and find the original channel and while this wasn't a complete you know dive for every 12 video I'd be a little absurd if we went that far that's one for like a later analysis this one is a little dive into it and so far seems like we have a weird arg involving at least what I believe to be some weird kidnapping or some Vietnamese paranormal activities at this point some long videos one long video rather a hundred and fifty thousand views and videos that range in the two three four seconds that actually leave me more spooked then well a lot of stuff that I'll find on the Internet but ladies and gentlemen what is the ultimate answer to this what's behind all of it is this just for shits and giggles well we get anything I mean the last update we got was literally two weeks ago maybe something today tomorrow the week after month after year never we'll have to find out but ladies and gentlemen this was one dive that I had and I think I'm gonna cool off play some play some halo you know just just ease the mind and hit the bed so if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it I am [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 854,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exploring, weird, youtube, channel, sog, some, ordinary, gamers, some ordinary gamers, exploration
Id: euMXdjnvBLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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