TikTok Trended a Dangerous Conspiracy Theory...

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MyNameIsUrMom 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me moody and uh tick tock is terrible tick-tock conspiracies are ruining and business-destroying i guess is what we're gonna go off with okay it's sort of the opening statement i'm a little all over the place but one thing i want to start off with is i take a lot of serious topics uh incredibly seriously you know when you watch a barely sociable video an expo video a mama max video a night talks video my video whenever we talk about the horror side of the internet some crazy conspiracy we take everything incredibly seriously there's a lot of fact checking there's a lot of there there is there's a lot of time and hours that go into discovering these conspiracies and either trying to debunk them or trying to call out misinformation right now tick tock is a place where anybody can upload a 60-second video and it going viral like no tomorrow and for conspiracies this can either be really really great or it can be terrible and in today's case it's entirely terrible because we're gonna actually you know what am i saying i'm just gonna let the video do the talking for itself i might be involved in trafficking but it's evidence to back it up let me know what you think whoa whoa amazon might be involved in something like tra pound signed euro sign inc icking well my god there's a way to avoid the algorithm and demonetization i guess this might be it but you know what uh there might be evidence behind it well let's check it out so someone has sent me this glowing hat on amazon and i want you to guess how much this cost before i say it just take a quick guess puzzle i don't know one dollar five dollar ten dollars fifteen dollars twenty dollars five thousand rupees ten thousand dinar let's find out now if you did not say fifteen thousand eight hundred and seventy five dollars and fifty two cents then you are wrong i wasn't even close to fifteen thousand but if we're going to do something real quick objection that's a lie now while that is a big amount that this person showed us fifteen thousand even close to that i wanna actually call out that this is pure misinformation for the reason alone that if you look into the item that they were showing lumistic led flashing sequin fedora hat blah blah blah blah white 120 fedora now i'm going to show you the actual price where this person misinformed and told everyone that this was 15 000 real quick hold on now this was captured off of the ios platform okay so you can only really see this on mobile because on the desktop right here as you can imagine you can actually find this exact hat but for some reason i couldn't see the buying options so instead i decided to record it on my phone and just show you what it looked like from here now if you go into the actual phone application and you can actually look at the exact white hat here you can see that the further we go across the 120 hat that we just saw is actually 778 dollars that still seems like a lot of money but we'll get to that in a second release now you know that there has been misinformation captured so let's go on further through the original video but these ridiculous prices for these basic hats is exactly why some people believe that this is uh undercover illegal business is happening right on amazon all right i hate it when conspiracy theories go into the some people believe stuff it's true some people do believe it but you know what some people also believe that argonians run the world too doesn't mean we have to push these theories and having under and have them put into the trending section remember this this video actually made it to tick tock trending over two and a half million individuals actually viewed this video and i'll show you why it's dangerous too let's go forward these hats although they're the exact same hats have completely different prices seven thousand dollars fifteen thousand dollars and three thousand dollars and if you look at the ages tab even though all the hats are the same the ages are different it says ages three months and up and this one says ages five years and up and if you dig even now i'm gonna blur this section okay a fair bit because there's there's actually an address and a number that's not blurred out here and now i believe that these people have already received their fair share of harassment and i don't want to even remotely contribute one bit to that i want to i want to expect i want these people to have some sort of relaxation after they've basically been trended for committing a terrible crime now the different prices that we just saw uh obviously it seems weird and i'm gonna i'm gonna get to that in a second but when you look at the ages it has a lot to do with amazon's toys and game sections they do have to put an age rating on things um i believe in a lot of ways it's just an arbitrary age rating i almost don't even think that they put them on themselves i think it might just be an auto-generated thing anyways don't quote me on that i'm going to state that for the record because i'm not an amazon seller but again let's go further into it deeper it'll say that the industry that they are is wholesalers of toys and games and also instruments surgical and medical okay so wholesale sector okay wholesale remember that very clearly toys and games uh have you ever been to a dollar store they got a lot of wholesale toys and games sent over to them medical tools yeah that's pretty popular in wholesale it doesn't have to do with high-end medical equipment could literally be bandages and band-aids which usually are sold in wholesale from what i recall now this is the hat in question where the debunking phase now that we've seen a viral tick-tock conspiracy go like crazy and people immediately try to believe it now let's go look into this is the hat lumastic led flashing sequin fedora hat now this is a 120 you know hat edition but to look into this okay why amazon would be involved or amazon would even allow a absolute heinous crime on their website when they're a multi-billion dollar company and absolutely have federal agencies internationally risk it i i don't know but if we look back to the prices that i dug out on my product on my on my actual device again you can actually see that they have multiple ranges so 320 fedora two fedora three fedora all of this and they keep advancing in price now of course ladies and gentlemen the fifteen thousand dollar fedora that was just mentioned is one that's assorted so it's not even the white color fedora that we saw it's basically them just tossing every single fedora they had to you now you may be wondering muta let's explain the prices now i'm i'm a pretty stupid guy okay i've been to college all right and if it's one course that i i guess excelled at to an extent was calculus okay mathematics and uh we're not even going to get close to that level of math i'm going to prove to you what it is now of course as you can see 10 fedoras are 94 they're selling it and bulk you idiots you dumb morons they're selling these in bulk that's what's going on wait wait wait hold on a second hold on a second let's go to the disproving section let's open up a goddamn calculator four divided by ten we've got nine dollars and four cents let's open up a text editor let's write that down with 10 fedoras okay audience with 10 fedoras okay we we have we get uh we get what nine dollars per fedora if we buy this option right okay so let's put that down somewhere let's go further let's go all the way to the end ah the 120 dollar for door the 778 i'm sure that let's see let's see how much that is okay let's take 778 divide that by 120 fedoras six dollars and 48 cents gee it's almost like buying products in bulks makes the per unit cost cheaper six dollars and four cents let's put that one down okay let's see the fifteen thousand dollar fedora set oh dude fifteen thousand eight hundred boy they're really committing crimes on there let's do let's let's let's do the math let's get the math involved here let's check if you can save fifteen percent on geico fifteen eight seven five okay is that true here let's add the 52 cents why not divide that by 2 80 fedoras you're buying a trailer five dollars and five cents five five dollars and fifty cents let's do that two thousand eight hundred and eighty fedoras why you would buy that many i don't know you must be running this pretty awesome party 5.50 so as you all can see ladies and gentlemen as you all can imagine this is the bulk per unit price see to understand basic bulk buying wholesale purchasing like this company would be doing 10 fedoras would give you nine dollars per unit right whereas somebody who spends on 120 fedoras at one time pays six dollars per unit and then somebody who's buying almost 3 000 fedoras is paying five dollars and fifty cents do you understand how bulk purchasing works okay you buy these fedoras for fifteen thousand eight hundred you run them in a party or you up charge them in some dollar store out there run a couple deals and make your money back that's how mafia works that's how bulk purchasing works you understand that you get that now there are not every tick tock user has a reading comprehension you know of dead essentially okay you know not every tick talker is [ __ ] brain dead there are some intelligent ones like this person who says no see you're buying hundreds of hats to which another person says they're in bulk congratulations you are not you you are not a complete [ __ ] you are you are actually the smartest person and you deserve a better platform to shitpost on i'm just gonna put that out there you are you people are absolute saints there are people who still actually believe in the wayfarer conspiracy that we talked about a long time ago that was so heavily debunked by me and plenty of other youtubers out there there are still individuals that believe it same thing was said about wayfair before it was confirmed all right you need to take a break from tick tock and start watching the actual news or reading news articles uh the news you mean the place that didn't report wayfair the news that owned and ran by the government all right calm down there chief all right we've you know we we uh we we we let's let let's let's keep the conspiracy nonsense down a little bit all right it's fun to laugh at here and there i know about the argonian conspiracy i get it i know about the lusty argonian let's keep it leveled bro this is just the way fair hoax all over thank you not everyone is a troglodyte faith in humanity slightly restored of course you might be wondering after that barrage of misinformation do we double down or do we agree that maybe i was wrong well no you double down anything is official it's j i'm not saying anything is official it's just suspect all right cover the ass legally i'd say right because tiktok has copyrighted music i have to paraphrase what's being said but effectively the idea is why are hats being sold this expensive in bulk during a pandemic for parties they're selling double end and dragon dildos too it doesn't mean that you know during a pandemic it doesn't mean that business is just going to stop people online shop some some dude might just want to buy party hats for some reason hey you know there are some weird rich people out there i'm just going to put that out there law of averages so this point involves in asking if these are sold in bulk still why is it that the age ratings on these products are typically that of five years or older or three months or older or whatever so let's debunk this real quick again i didn't see that myself personally so i think that this individual has like a different app maybe they're on android i'm on ios maybe the app shows something differently the the reality of it is is that this is like this most likely classified as something in the toys and game section so of course they're just going to have age ratings these are relatively arbitrary you know if we're going to go with the idea of three months and up why the f why is it that this one is almost eight thousand dollars and its age rating is three months and up and somehow this is four thousand dollars and it also has the same age rating so literally the entire point just got debunked right there you put the debunk up on the screen too what is going on tik tok but you know what i am gonna do i'm gonna do some quick research on this entire thing so i'm gonna blur a bunch of this out because again they do tend to have addresses listed but give me a second i'm going to do what tick-tock users don't do research so i decided to do a bit of research and i actually found out the company that is basically responsible for the entire brand of not just the hats but all the other brands that they own so they do own a fair bit of brands again i'm not gonna give out the information over i'm just gonna blur it but of course as you can tell that there's a fair amount of brands and this operation exists all the way from america to to asia and what you can imagine it's a multi-national affair dealing with it okay so a little bit of it just to tell you what we're dealing with oh reviewed in the united states on april 4th so what the save the kids all right so apparently we're saving the kids every now interestingly enough there's no verified reviewer in fact i'll let this go on just for a minute and then and then i'll cut it off here's a positive review now here's why both these reviews are dog [ __ ] because none of them are verified for those of you who don't know amazon has verified reviews okay to understand what a verified review is i'm going to bring it up real quick okay this is shenmue 1 and 2 for the playstation 4 okay absolutely boring game but of course you can see it has reviews so let's go to the reviews real quick i love the customer questions is it gonna be on one disk or two it's gonna be on cassette do you know where the sailors hang out at the bar do you guys know who londy i'm done i'm done this game is good i love this website now of course you can see top reviews from canada somebody writes best game ever now of course it's a verified purchase meaning this person actually bought the item they didn't just write a review everyone that was seen on the other hat the reviews that we just saw there on the hats weren't verified nobody bought the product somebody just signed in they wrote a review whether it be scathing or not and this is amazon's way of telling you okay this person at least bought the product their review is a little bit more substantial this one isn't because i don't believe this is the best game ever of course nostalgia does not win out uh does it it does not stand the test of time thank you okay nobody wants to play forklift jobs the problem with these kind of conspiracies and what really pissed me off beyond the obvious fact that it absolutely muddies an absolute serious topic that i take near and dear to my heart because when i cover wayfair when i cover the trafficking hub rabbit hole dude that stuff still mentally screws with me all right the reason that pisses me off is when people pro you know propagate this [ __ ] instead of looking at the actual problems you know you're sort of muddying the waters in my opinion you know when it comes when i was doing trafficking hub i was reading literal court cases okay filled with the most heinous stuff and of course to this day it still mentally screws with me okay it's still some sleepless nights but i'm not i'm not again i don't even want to think about that right now let's go to the actual ratings now you can see that so many people come up and say why is this 1500 it's sold in bulk why is it so expensive 21 by okay why are the bulk amount answers the question so inconsistent this person literally cannot do [ __ ] math okay i literally did the math for you okay i showed you how bulk sales work absolute troglodytes why is this hat so pricey it's 551 for 2880 hats not egg bulk purchasing now here's the top review save the kids now of course you can see 818 people found this helpful meaning that this was just barraged with reviews okay so i don't know how they were dealing with it maybe like amazon stepped in or something who knows uh take this town no hats are worth fifteen thousand unless unless you're traffic trafficking suspect okay uh have you did you do the five seconds to read the title and realize it was a bulk sale god dude these people are insane child it just save our children so they got a whole hashtag trending all right this isn't [ __ ] twitter kids okay let's be real um why jesus will show you no mercy come on you can't be this stupid save the children save our children so again they've run this entire like trending gamut on this situation absolutely you know crapping on this business for no real proven reason now people on the website will say but muda how can you prove that this isn't the case you know with that kind of logic i guess we can just say how can i prove lizard people don't [ __ ] exist either okay ladies and gentlemen this is a bulk sale if you look at the entire wholesaler category the best way to disprove this is if this is real then all of the wholesaler side on the internet is completely you know shady to begin with okay when you are buying 3 000 you know units of something it's going to cost 15 to 20 000 okay this is as shady as if you look up wholesale bubble gum and you're like wow why is it twenty thousand dollars that's because you're buying sixty thousand pieces of bubble gum to wrap and sell later okay sixty thousand sticks of gum may cost you fifteen to twenty thousand dollars it's not shady it takes five seconds of reading god these people are brain dead ladies and gentlemen i'm gonna be real with you this is just insulting to the actual crimes that are committed you know the actual problem that exists in trafficking this is just muddying the waters okay this just this is not this is irresponsible and it's bad okay it reflects poorly youtube did a pretty good job recently in releasing a video called the youtube creators like uh some it was a youtube creator like responsibility thing where youtube literally came out and said listen we demonetize channels and we deal with channels in a very like you know sort of we channels that may not explicitly break guidelines but are there to promote misinformation or make the platform look bad you know they they deal with them and i think that argument can stand up to almost any platform in in in extreme cases of course you know when you have tick tock one of the largest growing platforms and you have tick tock literally trending a [ __ ] video to three million views that is so filled with misinformation and hearsay that it causes a company to get so shitty like literally one star review bombed it's insane and and the reality of it is it takes 20 seconds okay 20 sec less than 30 seconds less than the average upload of a tick tock video to come to the conclusion that this is just a bulk sale and not some crazy exp crazy conspiracy on the level of wayfair even though that was also disproven this is insanity of course let me tell you the next tick tock here was promotion of the smart wallet where you can in fact apparently somewhat earn money while playing mobile games like for instance play three-minute games and win over a thousand dollars of cash every day totally not shady sounding at all but it is what it is and don't worry it was already vetted so there's nothing shady going on apparently right ah earn a lot of money on my phone what is that the smart wallet well i just checked up their website if this is the same thing all right i'm just gonna rule with you and this is what you should do if you're talking about conspiracies and you haven't done the research i haven't done the research on this website that was just promoted right now and i'm not gonna say that it's a scam i haven't looked into it of course a cursory glance over here we'll see that it's just some articles like apply get paid to try free games it's a it's a it's an app that introduces you to free mobile games you can redeem for ah paypal cash amazon cvs and walmart so gift cards i guess play for like three years and get 20 at walmart maybe i don't know but you know what i'm not going to do is i'm not going to outright say that these people are running a scam see that would require research and understanding of the situation ladies and gentlemen i'm going to end this video off which is telling you this is th this is irresponsible it's disgusting behavior and honestly looking at this kind of stuff you know when i cover when i cover the the this stuff on the internet when i cover very serious topics the amount of research that goes into it is insane there are days where i'm there there was a moment where i was working literally for three days straight on a video to trafficking hub one where i just sat in front of my computer meticulously read case after case and edited that video together and that video was completely demonetized it had to be throwing it up there we did it because the topic was important because i considered it an important topic when i see roughly the same topic being treated with so much disrespect of course i'm going to be angry of course i'm going to make a video like this ladies and gentlemen please do not chase after this do not go to the website and try to spam them with positive reviews don't even go to any creators mentioned at the end of the day i just wanted to cover this because quite honestly misinformation needs to be quelled down and we need to call this out when it happens and that's for any type of stuff that especially when it's this serious now ladies and gentlemen i also have to mention to any creators that think that they can dmca this video because any of their content played i'm just going to tell you right now straight up uh this is all under fair use you know i'll gladly take it to court if i have to i gotta mention it over and over again when you cover stuff like this because usually when i upload a video of this nature um anything goes i don't know ladies and gentlemen i'm a little aggravated i'm gonna cool cool down a little bit i'm gonna i'm gonna have a big boy you know drink calm down ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if it is like i am out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 992,006
Rating: 4.9594417 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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