Deep Web 226 Is Completely Disgusting...

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hello guys and gals me muta har and welcome to another episode of deep web browsing dark web browsing dank web browsing the part of the week were take a look at that banker side of the internet I know last week I didn't do a deep web browsing and that's because I contracted the flu which made so that I couldn't record otherwise I actually really sounded like I was completely dead inside not that I normally am NOT but that in that in those cases I usually am deader than normal but with that said ladies and gentlemen now that I'm a healthy boy i'ma sit back relax and go to our very first web site anyways this is the stinky meat project and whoo all right this is gonna make me dry heave ladies and gentlemen because I'm already looking at meat that's turning a stinky I swear to God I thought oh oh god that's a [ __ ] maggot zoomed in to the clip and that's a [ __ ] maggot all right so this is yes this is I mail on a scientist all right scientist indeed let's go look at what the [ __ ] stinky meat is real quick this is what happened in the summer of 2000 when I took three kinds of meat 19 days and 1 million maggots and stuck them in the yard of my unwitting neighbor of course the neighbor eventually found the meat in his yard fortunately I wasn't arrested so I was free to do it all over again the following summer the site answers burning scientific questions such as where do maggots come from what's that smell how long can a plate of rotting meat sit in a neighbor's yard without him noticing and calling the police just leave it in your garage door yeah actually that would [ __ ] the smell of even harder I know I have too much time on my hands I always complain about not having enough time yet I continue to do dumb crap like this go figure send me mail Reeb you to full power tree bear witness to the testimonials and cover yourself in meat so I'm going to open up both of these and it one of them actually does take you two shirts and this is actually a stellar stellar cool looking guy and tasty show your support for Semite ridiculous experiments I definitely might I'm so glad that I vegetarian the stinky meat project gives me a lot of motivation I think I'll skip lunch today Oh God that's an amazing [ __ ] review of the website okay let's go look at let's go look at some of this project so project uno so he went to the store on a meat hunt what was I looking for it I hate going into this he's looking for freshness price and texture so freshness is how quickly dead the animalism to the store price texture you get that you get that yeah get the you get the app what is it you yeah get what he's looking for nab some ground beef expected to disintegrate within three to four days total cost 257 okay alright 257 well spent I can already see this people are like muda how can he waste food like that you know that is a question but at least when the food is wasted nobody can say when he throws it away it's a bad time anyway so here's got preservative heaven I think these dogs have a better chance of being carried off by a wild animal than a decompose in fact these could potentially extend this project to well over a few years I wish there was a half-life printed so these are $0.99 and they're full of preservatives if you don't know what a preservative is by any chance like there's like a documentary I think somewhere about like McDonald's burgers and like if you leave a McDonald's burger out for like [ __ ] months apparently it does not does not break down it's actually [ __ ] disgusting if you look into it I saw like something similar to that or maybe I saw the same thing it's been a while ago I don't exactly know this by name but when I saw that I never wanted to eat McDonald's for like a long time and I still [ __ ] don't you know what I mean like if chicken nuggets didn't taste decent after you were wasted I would not eat McDonald's at all like when I saw that and I saw how long they lasted like bro you you could literally eat McDonald's okay and if you die okay like inside your decomposing stomach would still be that burger intact you know if you don't chew or whatever anyways moving on then he got a middle ground decided a firm steak would do it steaks are not cheap so I opted for a lonely reduced for quick sale slab that still peared edible okay so you spent about seven dollars and 31 cents total let's go to the second day a little frozen but generally looked good I arranged the meat on the plate I think that's um I think that's that's been frozen a little bit cool I had enlisted a little help Chad the official stinky meat assistant kept a close watch on the surrounding areas I tiptoed around my neighbor's property and placed the meat on the ground I think we were undetected by the neighbor yo Ida would hate to be this [ __ ] his neighbor if he just left like a rotting meat on my house bro we'd have some problems so day three all right and this is like a high res deal okay so that's not like decomposing or anything but you know it kind of looks [ __ ] up it looks partially cooked coolest part bugs we got a couple of big flies and about 50 and some were swimming in the juice pool apparently they were enjoying themselves the steak appears to have taken on a rubberish appearance I didn't think to touch it to verify the ground beef looks evenly browned however the hotdogs don't seem to have changed in any fashion whatsoever day four okay that's looking [ __ ] bad it looks like it's kind of burnt now there is something about this there it's like a time-lapse video you can find out there is a time-lapse video you can find on YouTube of like somebody who left our ground beef for like a month and let me tell you it is one of the most disgusting [ __ ] videos you will ever find on the internet like it actually physically hurt me to my [ __ ] core anyways let's go look at that this is day five it's looking [ __ ] bad there's maggots and then day six day seven okay I'm gonna stop all the way to day 16 that's actually [ __ ] disgusting what I'm witnessing right now hurts me to my [ __ ] core what what you're looking at a picture of is something that's so physically [ __ ] revolting I I'm gonna be honest with you looking at it is disgusting enough but imagining the smell [ __ ] hurts me now he's done this project twice I don't know why he did it the first time I don't know why the [ __ ] he do it the second time but he did it and that is the stinky meat project so yeah it's just it's just somebody documenting rotting meat it's it's a pretty fascinating website and I highly recommend you check it out at some point again if you want to it's [ __ ] disgusting let me put that out there but that being said there that was stinky meat I think I need a shower actually no I definitely do need a shower anyways let's go to the next [ __ ] website hell yeah the Essex Mountain sanatorium 200 images so it's like a whole like book going on click here to purchase the book on Amazon Barnes & Noble okay alright let's go to the mountain sanatorium and would you look at that dude I love coming across websites that are legitimately from like 1999 okay if you look at just the tiling the tiling tells you it's actually for like old school in and out like netscape era you know what i mean back when people had like 800 by 600 resolution monitors and we thought that was a big deal back in the day this is what it's for boys and girls is through this [ __ ] prologue this website chronicles the life and death of the sx mountain sanatorium which was established in Verona New Jersey in 1907 and abandoned in 1977 when it was in operation the sanatorium was a state-of-the-art facility considered to be one of the finest institutions in the nation despite its rich history it operated for 70 years in relative anonymity isolated on top of its mountain largely unnoticed by residents of the towns in the valley below and the [ __ ] do you get like unrecognized when you're that big of an institution right I discovered the sanatorium in 87 and it overwhelmed me as I stood in awe of its desolate grandeur I couldn't understand why such a magnificent place had been forgotten and left of the slowly destroyed although I was fascinated the sanatoriums hauntings atmosphere of strange noises slamming doors and howling wind through broken windows scared the hell out of me despite my fears I would find myself being drawn to the sanatorium wanting to learn its secrets and the events that led to its fall from grace okay so let's let's let's just go into it so it's like it's like a nice heartfelt like [ __ ] letter you can get into but if we open up the history artifacts and I guess like hauntings and sanatorium stories they have like a whole era of of like photos that you can kind of look through which I guess we will so this is a history it begins in a New York City home which was established in Verona New Jersey in 1873 on the property which is today the grounds of the Verona High School the purpose of the home was to both reform the children of New York who were treading the downward path and to serve as an orphanage on the evening of the on the evening of January ninth nineteen hundred yes is like before World War one [ __ ] the main building of the home was destroyed by fire as a locomotive passed in the vicinity the conductor sounded his whistle to warn the residents of the burning building there were no casualties after the fire the trustees had decided that the whole institution to be changed from the congregate massing of children in one building to the cottage system a system in which boys and girls are segregated and the children are grouped into families which each family consisting of not more than that's a big [ __ ] family fifty kids get the [ __ ] out of here so it's like a whole history of all this stuff it was a bunch of things orphanage drug and alcohol rehabilitation center elissa it was a lot of things here they felt like artifacts which were like blueprints cubicles flyers and then let's get to some of the interesting [ __ ] so this is the hauntings right although the suffering and death that occurred there ended long ago the sanatorium would always be haunted by the past and by the souls that suffered one night from the stairwell I was in I heard a noise coming from the hallway cowardly I held the camera towards the door into the darkness and snapped the following picture so that's like an actual like okay so you just got like a negative oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay so they're trying to tell me that that's like a lost soul you see how it gets like cloudy in that image bro they captured a lost soul in here that's kind of [ __ ] up I originally tend to post a picture but when I scan enlarge and there's a few more things about it look in the window of the door at the end of the hall what the [ __ ] dude that's like a face holy [ __ ] I gotta see this bro that's like a [ __ ] face just a negative what the [ __ ] dude a fight if I took a photo and like I am large dude and saw that oh no I'm getting out of here like I'm like two states away from here at this point the [ __ ] addy I originally intended to post a picture cool while in the Attic of the female employee home a ghostly fog was creeping through one of the windows almost as if it was reaching for me so this is like the fog you get and I've been in places where I've seen that kind of stuff not SuperDuper weird in this photo the infirmary building taken during the construction you can see the image of what appears to be the face of a little girl looking down into one of the work look at the top floor a second opening from the left so there's like I guess I'm supposed to be like a whoa wait a minute Oh from the left okay so that that's supposed to be like a girl looking down on these construction guys cool I guess uh here's a band mates and I went up to the sanatorium to take some band photos amongst a dilapidated ruins few a few shots let's see the first one mysterious mist has taken over an entire photograph right well it's more freaky when you take on the image the image of a face right near the top I can clearly see okay so image right near the top I can clear see the eyes no it appears to be a young female let's go look at that real quick where is this face is that is that the face right there eyes mouth huh doesn't really seem that like that I think what's kind of freakier is like that I like that at first I thought that that was like somebody that was kind of there to freak out someone like now it kind of looks like a mannequin almost I don't know then you've got like more which are like fog photos or whatever you want to call it so I don't know if they're like truly hauntings or whatever I mean quite honestly this one freaks me the [ __ ] out like that like you can clearly see to you that that [ __ ] that's not that's not kosher that's not [ __ ] cool actually I don't I don't quite appreciate looking at that one but yeah that is what it is this one maybe but I mean I'm really [ __ ] looking for I'm really grasping at straws on that and like they're supposed to be something here maybe it's kind of hard actually here they got some stories here about like a figure in black I don't live near the area to sanatoria but my friends and I had heard stories about it when we finally got up there was late in the afternoon we went to the water towers and took a few pictures later when we went into one of the buildings we started to hear footsteps running on the floor above us it got real scary when we almost heard the footsteps coming down the stairs almost as if someone something we knew were there we hauled our asses out of the building and ran like hell behind us we heard a scream then a loud deep voice get the hell out of there yeah I don't know man if I was in a situation like that bro I'm darton I'm getting the [ __ ] out of there I get it I understand you I get the hustle I understand what what it means to get the [ __ ] out of there but yeah dude that was the Essex Mountain sanatorium kind of an interesting website never really heard about it but like I'm into like abandoned location so if I'm ever in New Jersey maybe I might actually drive by there and just check it out real quick I'm sure like it's the older building still roughly exist that would be kind of interesting New Jersey's not too far from where I live so hey [ __ ] next time I gotta go down to like NYC maybe maybe that might be the case maybe I might bring my cousin with me I'm not sure that that's kind of its kind of wild actually but all I do know that's enough ghost for now well let me know what you think about that hunting photo for sure in the comment section below but what I am gonna do is go to the next website welcome to the s config domain as well of about the Deep Web you just find the most like weirdest [ __ ] websites s config is an artist musician and blogger in text form existing online within a remote bunker somewhere near Milwaukee Wisconsin States United States of America North American continent Tara in Seoul Universal region it's a pretty [ __ ] specific might I add and I'm I'm actually quite happy he went all that route Jesus Christ here s welcomes you to the little slice of the net hoping that you have a wonderful day wherever you are in this crazed yet delicious world we live in please check the FAQ if you crave more information about how our little world operates we'll definitely do brother why does s config as a blog even exist s config acts as a core dump of information in visual form without any malicious nature of spying on you with analytic cookies and software usually when sites tell me they don't like spying on me or they like spying on me I'm not gonna I'm not gonna act like that doesn't usually happen anyway so let's look at that staring Ground Zero which is the page that I'm viewing right now there's other stuff like cellar door FAQ alright let's go to the FAQ let's go to that gifts man and let's go to this cellar door now they've also got other things like art okay I guess we'll look at like texts actually tutorials on how to do random things and we'll call it a day closing statements we thank you for checking the self-hosted website cool May server protect you and then a bunch of stuff here is s config on Chinese xbox360 wireless receiver device setup there's actually a lot more of that I mean you go down over here [ __ ] they talk about this Chinese xbox360 receiver up the ass clearly there was there were there was uh there was a lot of stuff here for it here's the FAQ by the way we also noticed at EOS why does this site exist in the first place okay over the years if there's one lesson to be taken from the internet it is about control and the notion is that you do not control your data and your website and you are simply giving control over to another entity that's true and when that happens you're bitched although it is hosted on a web provider this can be moved and are taken down at any time which is more than what you can do on social media or Ark servers thankfully web code is something that has to be developed for the ground up anymore uh but CMS programs like word plas wordpress joomla etc made life a lot easier this site is harsh why don't you have any disclaimer language oh yeah language if you're 12 years old go watch Cartoon Network Disney or Nickelodeon [ __ ] yeah dude straight up tell it like it is daddy binary's cool knowledge that's fine that's fine don't be a troll rage also starting off an email by saying you are an idiot or [ __ ] us comments like this likely go to spam I really love this person actually they're like they're just they're just stray they're just write solid they're straight ready dog your game mots they have game mods no [ __ ] way we got to see these we got we got it we got to see some of these they've got game mods game mods full game mods they got character you can get all furry characters oh god damn this is [ __ ] brilliant and then they've got like a bunch of other applications like here's some tutorials here's black starlight wave whatever the [ __ ] were getting into then you've got some gifts okay these are gifts that are sent so they drew stuff for them like this I believe s this is some hot furry action I'll let you see some furry dong right God and it God and the internets while in these days let me tell you cellar-door AKA web links alright let's check out some of these web links furry stuff III see what kind of web site I walked into so float over bloah alright let's I wonder if the furry stuffs gonna take me to like some furry pornography it's gonna be kind of hot it almost [ __ ] does we have loaded up a furry strip club Jesus Christ this is brilliant actually this is this is like this is the best thing that I've ever seen so far is legitimately a web site for [ __ ] furry stuff just furry cane lists never mind studios this is just like a this is like an online like kind of like a community man this is actually [ __ ] badass I don't know why they need the deep web clearly like well I guess I guess I know because they want to maintain control but at the same time like it's like an online [ __ ] dark furry community this is actually surprisingly cute and I I want to be a [ __ ] part like I'm not a furry but like I kind of want to be a [ __ ] fart of a good part I kind of want to gif my way into their heart right now do this is kind of hot it's kind of getting me bothered right now dude just like early in the morning and I'm getting bothered by this oh yes support in the year 2020 mazie cuz we're really these guys are really picking topical things I suppose there's one truly cyberpunk thing about living in 2020 is a fascination of reviving decommissioned hardware from dead companies there's no [ __ ] way they're actually developing for the Ouya and - are they actually doing for the Ouya in 2020 oh my god they're linking me to like entire forums with the [ __ ] yeah man this Chinese xbox360 receiver really [ __ ] hurt them on a personal level should it be Windows 10 versus the world back in 2014 we purchased we made a little blog about this cheap Chinese receiver and how he managed to get it back online now back when we were completely aware there were YouTube videos but as an end user we found ourselves downloading from garbage share sites that only lead to an affecting your PC with spyware it was at this time we used our blogging capabilities in power to make an official tutorial along with all software sources in one place 190 K downloads later we call that [ __ ] a [ __ ] success suddenly we were getting rained upon by users as part of Microsoft Partner Program saying that Bill 2004 versus of version of Windows 10 disables our China receiver ok all right god damn god did so it was Windows 10 [ __ ] vs. the world now there is actually kind of an interesting thing if you oh my lord is this like is this gonna go to like a YouTube video this is actually gonna go to a wait are they hosting the video right here oh my god I think they're hosting the video on the dark web this is [ __ ] crazy they have a whole Xbox 360 video receiver tutorial and this is it the firt forgot what am i do what am i doing with my life what am i [ __ ] doing with my life that I'm watching an X I don't even use Xbox 360 controllers anymore I don't even [ __ ] use Windows 10 anymore unless I'm playing siege and now I'm here this is [ __ ] insane this is [ __ ] insanity boys and girls this is legitimate [ __ ] insanity it's an entire tutorial why why do we need the dark web I have no idea anymore dude I really don't I'm gonna back out of this and I'm gonna go somewhere else that that my friends was a furry website and one of the best [ __ ] furry web sites that I have ever got damn seen in my life let's go somewhere else a cat guide on how to behave in human company alright ladies and gentlemen as if as if the world wasn't [ __ ] mental enough here's a cat guide ok are you guys ready to learn how to be [ __ ] little [ __ ] in front of your in front of your human masters well let's let's figure that [ __ ] out dog number one doors do not allow closed doors in any room to get a door open stand on hind legs and Hammer it with four paws once door is open it is not necessary to use it after you have ordered an outside door open stand halfway in and out and think about several things that's totally what [ __ ] cats do man I'm sorry like I'm tell it like that that's why I like I think it's I think it's in it like a rule if you have like cats or something you just leave your entire like house open or something like that or you start off giving them like a little chunk of the house to live in and then you let them move around the entire house I'm pretty sure that's how it works I'm not I'm not entirely I'm not entirely holding an all-knowing on how cats work I don't own I don't I don't own a cat myself two guests all right number two guests quickly determine which guests hates the cat the most that's true sit on that lap four sitting on laps and rubbing against trouser legs against fabrics contrast well with your fur for example whiteford cats go to black wool clothing you know my buddy I'm pretty sure my buddy's cat hates me and he sits on me all the time and he expects me to like pet him if I don't pet him the little guy stares at me and it's just like dude okay so when I start petting his cat his cat [ __ ] wants to kill me I don't know dude I don't know the cat almost like burned me alive one time all right that's a long story maybe I'll discuss it maybe I'll tell you all about how a cat [ __ ] did me in but that's not for now hampering if one of your humans is engaged with some close activity and the other is idle stay with the busy one man this is like it's just like a nice guy Don telling you how to be an [ __ ] as a cat cats can be [ __ ] for book readers knitting projects when a human is holding a newspaper in front of them be sure to jump at the back of the paper they love surprises when a human is attempting to make the bed hop on it and curl up in the center or pounds on the sheet the human is trying to rearrange the human tries to ignore you by covering the sheets move around and try to mess things up protests loudly when you are evicted do that is such an [ __ ] thing to do and that's it is like the most passive-aggressive [ __ ] cat style documentary I mean document I've read and that is something that I'm actually kind of intrigued with play this is an important part of your life get enough sleep in the daytime so you're fresh for your nocturnal games below are listed are several cat games okay so number one is cat mouse all right so this is finding like mice to get which is great you know if you find mice these casters to eat them alive king of the hill tag and tube mouse these actual eye games your cat plays I'm not sure like I would love to play tag with the cats but I don't know dude cats are fast and they stick to you sometimes if they're really committed me here you got some toys little anal beats for your cat and [ __ ] bright shiny things like keys within paper bags like big mice dangling and or string like things such as shoelace cords gold chains and dental floss make excellent toys their favourites of humans like to drag them across the floor for us to pounce on that's true man I feel like a lot of these can pretty much be applied to individuals that have the attention span of like absolute nothing food eating however is only half the fun the other half is getting the food convincingly human you are starving to death and must be fed now in hunting it for oneself when the humans are eating make sure you leave the tip of your tail in their dishes when they are not looking man this dude's cat must be an [ __ ] the best time to inform humans of your dishes emptiness or when they are unable to ignore you should you catch something of your own outside it is it is only polite to attempt to get to know it be insistent your food is usually not so polite and try to leave scratching posts water okay drinking dripping taps are the best sources of fresh water toilets are in an odd dude don't [ __ ] drink from the toilet stop it vacuum cleaner sleeping humans it is known that sleeping humans are boring the direct approach is nearly always successful in rejuvenating a dormant human do one of the following trample / meow or headbutt if your human is being stirred if your human is being stubborn you may have to resort to more drastic tactics like ripping down posters rattling blinds or singing at the top of your voice cats get in the [ __ ] crate if he starts doing that [ __ ] in the morning let me tell you I don't take that lightly when daddy gets some sleep I'm gonna enjoy my sleep otherwise that cats getting the [ __ ] crate I'm just gonna be honest with you do that's actually where I probably don't have cats and you got medicine illness and conclusions humans need to be taught the basic rules if you if you they can be taught if you start early and are consistent then you will have a smooth running household have your entire life run by [ __ ] let me tell you it's almost almost poetic right like it's all it's almost pretty [ __ ] poetic I got to be honest with you it's actually beautiful I think somebody broke into my house and I'm gonna have to strap up and take care of it so give me a second I will be right back for the website God sent that dude straight to God upstairs but anyways concerned cocaine citizens mystery of the tainted cocaine boys who here's ever done coke probably shouldn't it's not okay alright ladies and gentlemen don't do drugs and all that stuff please don't turn the comment section in to the turf war but here they gotta they got a clear net version of this website so yeah a lot of the websites we go to have like clear net links out there but here we go let's look at some of this stuff so total number of cocaine samples seized by the DEA that's that'd be a lot percentage of cocaine samples found to be cut with cattle deworming drug level Mislav AMA soul so it's not a it's not a it's not a weird thing to know that cocaine has like [ __ ] cut like baby laxative they cut into it but uh bovine medication bovine [ __ ] drugs get outta here dude I'm not snorting no [ __ ] cow dewormer what the fight I pay premium for I shouldn't say that that's actually wrong but anybody that pays a premium amount for cocaine should actually not get that mixed in okay what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] happened to cartels do they used to be they used to be so wholesome and now they're all just actually they're always [ __ ] Violet let's move to the next point a granulocytes close up some people get diarrhea some get skin infections sores in their mouth or anus or just a fever some people have it and they don't know it and get better without seeing a doctor some people don't see a doc until it's too late basically a granola cytosis is a catastrophic crash in a person's immune system which can turn is it a scratch or even a bacteria that's normally around your body into a life-threatening infection okay well we started off pretty strong now it's rare and typically caused by medications antibiotics gold salt and some antipsychotic drugs can trigger but lately doctors have been seeing more and more cocaine users with mysterious cases linked to the mysterious drug cutting agent leva Missoula mama sole was discovered in 1966 and studied for its ability to rev up the effects of chemotherapy drugs in people's immune systems turned out to work one nerves for intestinal worms I hate the fact those as websites kind of busted Laveau Mitchell is an immunomodulator meaning it can either strengthen or weaken your immune system depending on your genes and other drugs you may be taken these days lemon the soul is mostly used by farmers to deworm cows and pigs and for some reason it's used by people in the cocaine trade first reported seeing significant amounts of living missile tainted cocaine in oh five then the number spiked and the DEA reports of payment spiking ever since which is not only sudden but odd live a missile is not like other uncommon cutting agent sugar baking powder laxatives in three important ways it's more expensive than other cuts so why the [ __ ] would you do it makes customers sick and it's being cut into the coke ade before it hits the United States is that that's not [ __ ] normal wouldn't they like normally like bring whole coke into the states and then just start chopping it up on the on the on the [ __ ] warehouse level before they distribute it amongst it I shouldn't I shouldn't know anything about this I don't know I'm a I'm a virgin when it comes to the drug trade let me tell you the last mystery is most puzzling typically smugglers like to move the most purest product absolutely you know you want to keep the volume of purity high as you're smuggling into the country for maximum yield right nobody knows including experts I spoke with on both coasts of the United States doctors scholars chemists think-tanks fellows scientists federal and state public health analyst law enforcement they have no idea it's a [ __ ] mystery it is a mystery so you got the most expensive cutting edge in the most dangerous cutting agent and it's getting cut before it hits the United States bro you got some you got some vigilante drug killers right there dawg some people are getting sick from Louisville that's all and if you have died it's important possible to pin down exact numbers in 2008 a lab in New York reported an unexplained cluster of eleven cases in cocaine users during early clinical trials for cancer immune or disorders around 10% of patients developed if the nation's cocaine supply is so thoroughly tainted why earn 10% of cocaine users going to hospitals with unexplained infections maybe 10% are experienced pressure on their neutrophils the problem might be larger than we know and because of budget crunches last month the CDC abandoned its surveillance in Washington states this is worrisome not only four people have gotten safe but likely to get sick again but because Laveau misil has a cumulative effect the more you're exposed to it the likely you are to get sick and even if you had the Laveau miss all tainted cocaine and not gotten sick doesn't mean you won't get sick in the future oh my god so the cocaine trade so here they talk about the cocaine trade all of that stuff they get into the whole like drug market and all that [ __ ] working theories in 2004 a controversy erupted in the horse racing world a string of trainers with long and distinguished reputations were accused of doping after mea mean Oryx an amphetamine like stimulant was detected in the animals urine so they were doping horses to make them [ __ ] run faster train for dats I mean I guess I shouldn't be surprised horse gambling is pretty like it's it's a pretty sizable market but like bandeau drug and horses like that and then not only Apple your cocaine has gone crazy so here they've got to test your own kit based on official research on human being stopped years ago apart from dr. Clark's pending experiments there has been no official research on its effects and with combined with cocaine there's still a lot we don't know it's possible that it's only one of its health hazards according to an Onan article in the Journal of analytic toxicology Laveau misil laced cocaine might also increase the risk of cardiac problems increases sympathetic activity by blocking the reuptake of norepinephrine in the post ganglionic synapse additive if not synergetic effects okay so they're talking about heart attack cardiac arrest Livan muscle might exacerbate those problems so it's [ __ ] crazy let's just start off with nowadays you know you hear about like the opioid crisis if you're in Canada like where I live we actually have a massive problems with things like fentanyl if you're just if you're if you're living where I live in Toronto like the drug of choice apparently nowadays is like fentanyl and [ __ ] right like and fentanyl is [ __ ] terrible like we're not talking like it's it's some jokey drug like to have fun with like it can [ __ ] you up and you like the slightest overdose of fenty can like just kill you like outright like just send you into like the death row like the shadow realm right there it's one of the most [ __ ] dangerous drugs you can get into and it's actually one of Canada's biggest things so to know like if you have something as dangerous as feminine imagine cutting something with the fentanyl to accessor bait it's [ __ ] potential deadly symptoms that's kind of what you got over here and it is a four part series into like the tainted cocaine it actually might be an interesting video on its own to cover next time so let me know in the comments below if you want me to look at this like just like cocaine like tainted [ __ ] actually I think I do want to make that a video I think I do want to make the video of the tainted cocaine that would be an intriguing video to look into and here they've got like their own test kit so if you have like cocaine in this case right you could build this kit yourself and figure out if the cocaine that you have has live in the salt into it this is not something that I'd ever do if I make the video because I'm pretty sure I get busted for actually having coke on camera you know what I mean but here's darknet links things like that that they have and they even have like celebrity endorsements if I can just open some of that [ __ ] up so they've got JK vasoya in California they've got Angelo Mariani okay Coco wine so here they're making like wine with cocaine in it so it's clearly like a cocaine website if you want to get into it like if you really want to and the thing is like I understand why this is on the Deep Web for sure you know when they talk about cocaine like they're also reviewing cocaine they're talking about it like for them oh there's another brownie [ __ ] going on that's great but uh it's interesting when you come across websites like this right like you see why they're on the Deep Web because they're so open talking about cocaine and all this [ __ ] and it is what it is right it is what it is these these people these people are obviously very passionate about it I'm not gonna back them on it cuz coke is pretty illegal and it's also dangerous but it's interesting to see communities built around an illegal drug utilizing the dark web to spread information about it and not only spread information about it but also spread helpful information like I mean if you're a coke user and you didn't know about your drug being cut with this kind of [ __ ] additive in it then I guess you learn now and if that doesn't scare you a little bit it probably should but they're not all about fear-mongering on this website they even have like a [ __ ] test kit again I don't know the effectiveness of it I've never done it but yeah interesting [ __ ] indeed but ladies and gentlemen that was the concerned cocaine citizens and if you would like me to cover the mystery of the tainted cocaine I'd actually like to do it in its own video that'd be [ __ ] that'd be kind of cool to look into I'm gonna be honest with you I might even do it this week but if you like what you saw ladies and gentlemen let's back off and go somewhere else and ladies and gentlemen that was another episode of deep web-browsing dark web browsing dank web browsing the part of the week where we took a look at that denker side of the Internet ladies and gentlemen that was an interesting interesting time indeed I'm gonna put it out where it is I probably think this is one of the more interesting episodes of deep web we found some interesting websites and we ended up coming across a pretty cool conspiracy truth be told we found some cool ghost stuff and honestly we found an actual experiment that left me completely [ __ ] disgusted still disgust it to an extent but I'm gonna back out of this if you liked what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like it if you dislike it this is me Muto and I am [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 698,277
Rating: 4.9425449 out of 5
Id: w1FRhsm_1dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 21sec (2241 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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