Family Channels Are Kinda Disgusting...

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hello guys and yeah what's me mutahar ladies and gentlemen what if i talked about family channels today now i've always wanted to really cover this and maybe i already have but maybe i'm trying to also forget about it you know as time goes on but ladies and gentlemen family channels are some of the uh some of the some of the wildest things that i've always ever come across in my life uh family channels are the longest running type of content on youtube okay i don't know what it is a lot of people like to vicariously live through the lives of other people on the internet it's kind of a trend and hey instead of just living through one person how about live through an entire goddamn family instead now ladies and gents one of the oldest running examples of today's topic are the shaytards right if you ever if you've never heard of the shaytards i know there's some people who are like about to read the name this was this was a channel all the way back from good old 2008 okay you know during the whole economic crash during the whole you know free period on the internet okay back in the day back back in the day people didn't care okay but here it is you got the shaytards and believe it or not the shaytards are still an active goddamn channel as of three months ago alright they already hit a million goddamn views on a video that's not too bad at all okay i know some people might look at that as not a big deal some channels can hit it in a couple days but you know what that's a channel that's that's that's vintage okay this is the ch some of y'all weren't even alive when this channel you know what was a thing all right so that that should kind of set things into perspective for you the other family here you may have heard of is the ace family now i could sit here and talk about the ace family all i want but there's plenty of channels that have their entire living dedicated to this [ __ ] in fact all i really want to show is just just one thing youtube has this really awesome feature when you go to the home page of a channel and you can just like search any keyword all right it could be whatever it could be squirrels it could be you know cake farts it could be you know it could be butt play it could be whatever in life okay you could search it on anybody's youtube channel now just searching the word pregnant on the ace family's channel has shown you for a record that yes a pregnancy can in fact make seven [ __ ] figures like like this this is some wild goddamn [ __ ] surprising my husband with the gender of the baby 10 million [ __ ] views uh oh catherine's first pregnant workout oh boy oh boy rate my pregnancy outfits and then you're probably gonna find a bunch of videos where like we decided to have another baby you know whenever whenever the views are kind of low or whenever you need a new bit of you you need a whole new nine-month [ __ ] story arc just impregnate your wife dog that's how it [ __ ] goes now i'm sure we all heard of daddy 05 right remember that [ __ ] remember the third culprit of family channels daddy of five was like if you looked at all the channels we were on so far shaytards is probably on like the [ __ ] most innocent side ace family is on like that center i don't really know what to think about them daddy of fi was on like the holy [ __ ] extreme end where there was allegations of abuse there was nonsense in fact just looking up daddy 05 bro you don't even get a channel to look at anymore the channel has actually been terminated i believe the family has actually had some severe like police uh you know involvement going around but yeah family channels aren't exactly the greatest thing to be getting into and i think a lot of it really comes down with you know putting children in front of the [ __ ] camera for millions upon millions of people to see all right when you're running a family channel it starts out incredibly [ __ ] cutesy but if you don't run a family channel right it starts out becoming a very very lucrative business and when it comes to business sacrifices must be made what are those sacrifices maybe at some point the well-being of your goddamn [ __ ] children now ladies and gentlemen that doesn't necessarily always have to be the [ __ ] case okay that doesn't always have to be the goddamn case at all but in a grand majority of cases there's definitely some [ __ ] impact to the children involved here now we're going to go to something else and this is this is the first time that i'm probably not going to show you any video footage all right and if i do it's going to be very carefully selected okay so family channels have even devolved further okay as if like three months ago all right we started getting videos such as my eight-year-old daughter have her first period prank on dad cute reaction all right but if you thought that wasn't bad hey if you thought cuties wasn't [ __ ] bad all right well first off there's there's a nice police station you should go talk to but you've got videos like my five-year-old started the daughter started her period prank on mom hi hilarious yes it's a [ __ ] hilarious coming of age story yeah it's little on whittle the age on down to [ __ ] five i guarantee you in like 10 years on youtube we're gonna start seeing embryonic [ __ ] going around all right ladies and gentlemen but if you thought this wasn't like wild enough one of the reasons i want to make a video on this to begin with is is youtube's weird double like double standard you know you get demonetized for basically saying like a naughty word on youtube right like oh [ __ ] muda said the word [ __ ] better better god better throw him into the timeout pool what if i told you videos like this were were actually [ __ ] uh were actually monetized right like like youtube was okay because you're just living [ __ ] proof right here i'm getting a godline goddamn [ __ ] remittley ad on this [ __ ] okay i haven't used the remitly app i probably will i don't even know what it's all about but all i know is youtube found it great to put their ad on top of a five-year-old [ __ ] period prank the thumbnail alone is really just [ __ ] cringy it's just a kid i'm not gonna even explain it okay you [ __ ] know by the title of the video what to expect all right okay i'm not gonna even tell you to imagine this [ __ ] but on another goddamn note real quick just another [ __ ] note okay uh i'm not the moral center of youtube i just want to state that for the record i don't care about being the moral center of it i just think like content like this is it's just it's just really hilarious and hypocritical to see it on youtube when uh when you've got creators who are basically getting [ __ ] sidelined striked for seemingly innocent content content that they shouldn't really be strike for but yet i guess this is just okay all right i mean there's no [ __ ] consistency anymore so who knows it should be a federal crime to have a near minute long intro hell yeah we're gonna get some fake stage blood and then we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna slap that down where it shouldn't be and we're gonna prank the family aren't we boys you know i don't wanna sit here and again keep you know assuming things right but i'm gonna just sit down and actually assume that a five-year-old child doesn't really understand the depths of you know their their their their pubic functions yet right like i don't think kids really understand i don't think a five-year-old knows what a [ __ ] period is and they probably shouldn't okay until they're of age right like i don't know anything about it it's not it kind of builds up naturally to have to have like your own family members who are basically [ __ ] making you go through a fake period just to prank the mom is kind of [ __ ] dystopian to me all right it's just weird i don't feel like these kids have any notion an idea of what's going on it's just they subconsciously they're they're [ __ ] content for them all right that's really what it is okay they're being treated like a content farm i'm sorry if it's not that case but as far as my perception goes that's all it [ __ ] looks like literally six minutes of the [ __ ] video the entire family comes on and it's like wait that can't be a [ __ ] period what the [ __ ] there's a period going on really [ __ ] i couldn't tell uh at some points there's some blurs that have to be added for obvious [ __ ] reasons but that's pretty much the entire video you don't have to watch it really it's it's not like you know they're going so hard into the [ __ ] subject it's just pointless okay there's there's no i don't get the prank on it okay they're not even treating it as a prank the mom literally walks in and it's not even hilarious she's like what the [ __ ] is this like it's it's literally an entire it's like a six it's like a nine minute video nearly of just people going ah what the [ __ ] is this like i don't get it it's not hilarious it's not funny i don't see the goddamn prank the kids don't even know what the [ __ ] going on it's just weird you know editing this video is going to be hard because there's going to be a lot of [ __ ] cuts and honestly i i can't blame myself for it i i don't have anything against the families that i showed here i don't care honestly i'm going to forget about this whole [ __ ] video and i'm going to worry i'm going to play minecraft after all this is said and done anyways and tomorrow i'm probably going to upload a video on something else it's just kind of how my channel [ __ ] works at this point but the reason i wanted to talk about this is that listen given the recent waves of strikes and and all the stuff that have been given to content given how youtube has basically stated that family oriented content or content necessarily involving children needs to be treated with a level of respect that i don't really see these channels match at all you know the reality is ladies and gentlemen when you make content like this and upload it okay the the thing is these are the same channels they get really [ __ ] mad they get really [ __ ] uppity about why are you peeking into our life why are you doing this why do you [ __ ] care listen the only reason anybody cares is that you decided to [ __ ] record the footage edit the footage upload the footage and you thought that it was [ __ ] okay listen i'm just gonna put it out like this family channels are really [ __ ] volatile powder kegs okay when you start taking a five-year-old child that you you know you have raised your nurturing and all that stuff and you start turning them into a [ __ ] content farm where now their periods are basically [ __ ] public spotlight and people are coming in to hear funny reactions and pranks that really aren't [ __ ] funny and reactive to begin with it's just really odd to me it's just [ __ ] wild don't forget the she's gone prank i don't know what's up with the blood on the hand and everything but what i do know is youtube [ __ ] youtube came in slapped down that age-restricted video on it holy [ __ ] dog it's the cyberpunk future that we live in ladies and gentlemen it's [ __ ] wild ladies and gentlemen this is me mudahar and uh yeah i i'm out goodbye take care cyberpunk releases in eight days
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 774,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PlWrXd7QHZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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