We Roast Damien's 5 Star Animal Crossing Island

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- This front one is from... is like the hub area in Dark Souls one. - And this is a fortress for my penis, so no pretty girls get close. (laughter) - Instead of a chastity belt, it's like a chastity house. (upbeat music) - What's up guys? If you're anything like the Smosh family, you're just as addicted to Animal Crossing as we are and it's taken over your life. But hey, it's quarantine, what else are you gonna do? So, today, we're gonna be doing something pretty fun that I've actually been doing pretty regularly on my streams. We're gonna be roasting each other's islands in Animal Crossing. That's right, full on roasting. We've got some Sarah Whittle, we got some Tomey Bo, we got some Tim to help film, and we got our boy, Shayne. What's up everybody? - Tomey and I are matching our little babies. - Why wouldn't you tell everybody to do it? I kinda feel left out. - You know, we all can't be creatively talented like us. - All right, you know what? Give me, give me like two seconds. Give me just like two seconds. - Really? You're gonna do an outfit change in the intro? - No, no I'm not. - Oh, in real life? - Oh no. It's worse. - Oh, my God. - This went from really cute to very embarrassing. (laughter) - All right, here we go. - Oh my god, Damien! - Wow. - You look so cool! (laughing) - Hey Sarah, we're on your island right now. - Yeah, I am. - Golly gosh, I sure hope there's some things to roast on the least experienced member of this game. - Hey Sarah, does your head hurt? - Stop hitting me! - Hey Sarah, does your head hurt? - Stop hitting me! - Anyway, welcome to Tropicats! Let's go. - Tropicats. - Man. - Awesome. - Tropicats. - We have a nice little, uh, welcome. - Yeah. Welcome, idiots. Boom, roasted. - You spelled it wrong. - No, I didn't. - I'm just kidding. (laughing) - All right, how about you guys, um, follow me. - Okay. - I'll show you the areas, how about that? - Sure. - Gross. (laughing) - I'm so sorry about the tsunami that ravaged your town. (laughing) Clearly, most of the buildings and infrastructure were washed away at said time. - No. - What's this little reject creature thing from Comic-Con over here? - Yeah, what's this Lisa Frank barnyard friend? - It's a unicorn ram, okay? And, uh, she's always crying. (laughing) I'm not a huge fan. I'm not a huge fan of her. - Neither am I. - Yeah, steal all of Sarah's fruit. - Stop stealing my fruit! - Yeah! - I'm saving those! I custom made all these tiles. - It's very easy to look at. - Bitch, what the- (laughing) Colby, what's it called? - Vietri. It's called Vietri. It's a type of tile. - You really matched it with the stand and the popcorn maker. - Yeah. - Anyways, I'm gonna take these fruit. - Bitch, you're stealing my fruit. - Yeah, I don't even need fruit, but I just want you to have less. (cat meowing) - TJ, shut the (beep). (laughing) All right, fine. You guys are running around the whole place. - I'm looking for anything, I'm looking for a thing. - All right, all right. Let me take you to an area that I did work on, okay? - Oh, good. - Oh, good. - For a second I thought you worked really hard on those dumb tiles. - I know. (laughing) - Oh, you made a sandbox. - Dig up your fossils, you frickin'- - I, bro, I've been working all day. I've been working all day. I haven't been able to play Animal Crossing today. Come up to the top level and this is my spa. - Wow, I have not had to use this ladder in so long. - Sarah, I'll tell you what your island does have and has inconvenience. (laughing) - Oh, wow. - Look at my spa. - Oh, my money tree, God damn it. Don't. Don't. - Take the money. - Shayne, you just stole money. (cross-talking) - Here, Sarah, come here. - Are you gonna give me money? - Take all the money I have on me. It's like nothing to me. - Oh, yay! - How much was it? How much was it? - It was just 33,000, I just had it. - I love a spa that has like nowhere to sit, and like nowhere to lay down, like nothing. - Because I don't have any cute- Because I don't have any cute DIYs for any cute chairs. - Mmm. (laughing) - At least your villagers are... They're there. - You got tons of stuff. You're like Linens 'n Things. But Linens 'n Things went out of business, so you're like an empty, you know, barren building. - And I made an influencer photo shoot area. - Um, I wanna point out that most of you villagers are staying inside and it's because they're clearly so ashamed. - I also like this person who has to like, make deals with God to not fall off a cliff every time they wanna get in their front door. (laughing) - This is where the influencers go to take a picture. Thanks, Tingie Bo. - Oh, it's the poppy field. - It's the poppy field. - Okay, so can we be real influencers and do this? - Mmm, you're gonna, I knew it, I knew it. Come on over to my house, boys. Why don't you guys come inside? - Okay. - I've worked very hard on this interior design. I would say interior design's one of my strong suits. - Interior design is definitely your strong suit, Sarah. Of the things I've seen on the island, this is the best. (laughing) - Mhm. - Oh. - Did you guys see? - I like the cats - I like that it has four walls. (wind whooshing) - Why did you make Puppy look like, I don't wanna say disgusting, but like, terrifying? - No, Puppy looks cute. - The interior of your house looks like your characters' been in quarantine for months. (laughing) - Yeah, that's my whole house guys. - I like that you'll be like, "Aye, I'm gonna make a smoothie right here and I'm gonna walk over here and make, make a latte right here next to my butterfly." - On the floor. - You got upstairs, down stairs? - Uh, they're under construction right now. - Oh, so you still have Tom Nook's strap on inside of you? (laughing) - Guys, I'm poor. And I didn't want to, I didn't want to expand my house. All right, get the (beep) off my island. Let's go to someone else's island. - I would love to. Sarah, flying over your island made me feel like I needed to hear a Sarah Mclachlan song and someone was very somberly going to tell me how I can benefit your island. - This is how I play Switch. (air bubbles) (piano plays) - We're at island Pube. - It's Phub, Phub? - Phub? The Hell? - Oh, Sarah, look, I found your island. I'm just kidding it's a trash can. - Okay, let me get into my traditional Phub outfit. - Oh, Tomey, I love it. - Oh, I thought it was a pink beard. This is so pretty. - Tomey, you've done a great job, bud. - Thank you. - Did you know there's more than one color of flower, though? (laughing) - Whoa. - Oh look, someone's fossil hasn't been dug up yet. - I think he probably just buried something there. That's why he put this. - Oh, really? You're gonna be nice, Shayne? You're gonna be nice to Tomey? (cross talking) - Sarah, you can learn a little something. (laughing) - We roast Sarah's island for 25 minutes. All right, so yeah, this is my little, uh, little, uh... All the houses are over here, because I don't wanna deal with any of them. - Oh my God, how many houses do you have on this island? - I'm full, baby, I'm full. - You can make your island anything, so you made it a suburb. - Exactly. (laughing) - Sarah this is called a ramp. (laughing) - I have a few on my island. - Wait, why is that a penis shaped, uh, floor? - Yeah, it looks like a dick. - I knew you all would say that, so I don't care. - It's got a big ol' boober right at the top. It's very long and thin and has a gigantic little boober. - Over here is my ode to YouTube. - Oh, it's just filming. - Filming (beep). - Taking a squat crap. - Oh, is this where you do your virgin sacrifices? - Yes. Yes. - Oh, and people can play Go, I like that. - Thank you. - Tomey, your island is way better than Sarah's. Wow. - I know. - Shayne, let's play Go. I'm winning. - This is how you play it. - Turn, turn, turn, turn, turn. - Down over here is, unfortunately, where that dirtbag's boat comes, but it's my little private beach area. - I thought you would love Redd, Tomey. Stop. - This is boring. - Thank you. (laughing) - Freaking owned. - Tomey I like your garbage, um, beach here. - We all can sit around, you can cook, you know, the tire you're sitting on and eat some hot rubber. - I need to sit down because I'm tired. (laughing) - Oh, Sarah, interesting that you had a Zen area, but mine looks just a little different. - It looks better, Tomey. - It looks like a bird (beep) all over the floor. - Okay, well, those are petals. (laughing) Sit on that stool and then pivot the camera up and then up. - Oh, is it your five tier pagoda that's the special? - Yeah, it's hidden in the back. - Damn cool and I want one so bad. But yours isn't red and black, and therefore sucks, So, there's the roast. (laughing) - Welcome to my home over here. - Tomey, I love it. - Thank you. - Oh my God, this looks like Kim Kardashian's house. - Just a toilet on clouds. - Yeah. - Oh my God. Holy crap, literally. (laughing) - Reveal wise, I would love to first go into this room on the right. - Okay. (laughing) - Oh Tomey, this is great. - Another? Oh my God. - This is so weird. - Please pee in urinal. There's people just peeing everywhere. This is just the bathroom at the Phi. (laughing) - It is. Okay, okay. Other room, other room, other room. - Wow. - Yes, I cry in this room. - Can you sit on the bidet? You can! - Of course you can sit on the bidet. - Just (beep) in front of all of us. - It's beautiful. - This is my impression of me after Taco Bell. (laughing) I'm gonna do it again. - This is the room where I (beep) (laughing) - Are these, like, tarps? And then- - You know the Dexter room? The, like, murder room-- - Oh my God. - Yeah, that's where it's for. - I like that this was still somehow better than Firefest. - Ladies and gentlemen, we have just landed on Shayne's island. - Yeah, so this is Funky Town. I am king of this (beep). (laughing) Now, yeah, I made mine just like your typical beach town. I've got my row of all my, most of my villagers here. This is where the bands play. - I like your narrow roads, because your town was built before cars were a thing. - Exactly. (laughing) There are no cars that I know of in existence. Who wants to step up to see if they're willing, uh, if they'll die or not? - Oh! I wanna-- - I'll get the flower. Damnit. - Why do you have three gas station areas in a place that is currently not conducive to vehicles? - Um, they're just to drink. Here's my museum. - Most people put those inside, but that's cool. - I mean, I already have one inside, so I just had more room. - Did you know you could do this? - Wait, what? I didn't know that. - Yeah, the T-Rex can move. - Yeah, everybody knows that, unless they suck. Oh, another sandbox on the beach. You and Sarah think alike, but you're definitely not great minds. (laughing) - Oh, look that all this money tree! - Um, yeah, I needed to explain why the Nooks could just keep buying endless amounts of crap, so I just, I explained that they just have money trees and that they have infinite money. - Oh, I'm so glad you're world building a very important game. - Yeah. (laughing) And, uh, you come over up here, you come to the farm. This is Wendy's farm. Sarah just taking flowers, very cool. - I take flowers. - Sarah, you're not allowed to come to my island. Like, I'm serious. - I take flowers. - You can come on down to the dump. To the junkyard. - How do I distinguish that from the rest of your town? (laughing) - This is very dirty over here. - Yeah, that's on purpose. Says the person with a cat's ass in their face. (laughing) All right, and then we can go into my house. I kinda decorated my house towards the beginning and then I haven't really paid much attention to it, so it's kinda just basic. - Kind of like you? - Yeah. (cheering) - You're white and nondescript. So Shayne, if you, like, if you did a crime and then someone had to describe you for the sketch artist and they be like, "I don't remember a damn thing, "but I think he was on the Goldburgs." (laughing) - This is not that guy. - Oh my God, this is such a basic Californian house. - All right, here you go. Which one do you shoot? Which one do you shoot? (laughing) - Oh my God. - And you can see my really basic ass office. (phone rings) - Shayne, you're a very interesting man. (laughing) - A game where I can do anything, I make something that looks... - Wow. - Whoa, this is... Makes me sad. (laughing) Even the fan, like, I know the fan has a weird tick in it, you know what I mean? (laughing) - Yeah. This is my room of awards, my hall of honors. - Beautiful. - For what? What'd you get? - Oh, there's actually stuff in here, wow! (laughing) - Anything that I have managed to accomplish, I got the-- - Yeah, what? Like what? - Terrifying Easter toy up there, I've got some, uh, home awards. - What'd you accomplish, Shayne, Anything? - Look, I can't say this rebuttal to anyone else except you, I've accomplished more than you in this game. (laughing) - Award for best supporting supporting actor in a TV show. (laughing) - Same show, same show, same show, this is all the same trophy. - Uh, up here is my treasure room. I'm working on getting more treasures. - Wow, what a basic treasure room. I mean, someone could have a way better one, but this is nice. - I mean, at least my, like-- - What, Sarah? (laughing) - Yeah, Sarah, you could just be quiet. - Technically, I'm your guy's boss. (laughing) - No, I'm kidding, sorry. (laughing) - You guys might actually like my upstairs. - I'm sorry. - This is so hard to look at. Sarah you're going to love this. (laughing) - What the hell, dude? - Oh, look at this room. - It's, all right. And yeah, that's, I mean I feel like I showed you guys pretty much everything. - You did a great job, man. - You know, my island might not be fancy, but at least it has more personality than yours. - Okay. - That's true, Shayne. - Okay. (laughing) Okay. - All right, y'all. Welcome to the island of Goose Cove. All right, so if you'll follow me, first thing I wanna show you on this tour is this robot. His name is Hippo Prime. - Son of a bitch. - Oh my God. All of these gold roses. - He can blast lasers at the haters. - Look at these gold flowers that I can pick up! - Wow, these gold flowers are such a monument to how little sex you're having. (laughing) - Thank you. Appreciate it, Tomey. - What are those flowers? I've never seen those. - Uh, you get one randomly when your island hits five stars. Sometimes it grows up in a higher mountain- - And if you look over here, I have these really awesome things that are really hard to get that I have a bunch of that you don't have. (laughing) - You asked what they are! I didn't mention them at all. Does anyone have some beefs they would like to settle in the arena? - Yes. - Oh, good. - I'm ready to fight, bitch. - So, you choose your weapon. - Oh my God! Axes, magic. - Holy crap, wow. Well, this is, um, pretty rough. (groans) - There's blood on the ground. - If you continue up this way, we've got a dance floor. Uh, our resident DJ, DJ Hams, is spinning all day, both in his wheel and the DJ booth. (laughing) So, this is where we dance and party. At night it's all lit up. We got two Godzillas as our bouncers. So here, also to the left, is, it's... Okay, I can't emphasize this enough, it's not a graveyard, I didn't kill or eat anyone. It's the monuments to all the villagers that left on their own accord. - Okay. - Holy (beep) - Static, um, we've got, who else? We've got, uh, Ed, Tipper. We've got Zucker, Rocket, Flip. - It really says something that, uh, the majority of the villagers on your island would rather die than continue living there. (laughing) - Sure. That's true. Shayne, I actually made one for you over here, then in that case. (laughing) - Do it. - What is this DIY beach (beep) man? (laughing) - Oh, I wanted to show you, guys. - What the frick? - Anything that you guys don't have, um, I want you to take. - Aww. - It's for free for you, for my friends. It's okay, it's gonna make it harder for you to roast me, that's the plan. - I'll still, I'll still... - Wait, I need lucky gold cat. I can drop garden wall. - Dang it. The golden cat? - Shayne, you want that golden cat? Interesting, wow. - Son of a... I didn't know there was one. - Take a golden cat from my island. - God dang it. - I'm not bitter. Got a tiny little Zen area. Um, I made it, like, one of the first things I made when I started the game. Still, like, a thousand times better than Sarah's. - Yeah, Damien, I would like your Zen area if there was a lot more nothing all around it with, like, nothing at all. Kind of blank, right? - I agree. - Oh, in that way, okay, then Sarah's is way better for sure. Leading to a little playground, little active area for the citizens. - Aww, dumb. (laughing) - So, this house is themed after Dark Souls, my favorite game in the world. This front one is from, is like the hub area in Dark Souls one. - And this is a fortress for my penis, so no pretty girls get close. (laughing) - It's like instead of a chastity belt, it's like a chastity house, you know? - I like how there's just about as many skeletons as there were, uh, gravestones. - Yeah. - Interesting, then. Since the demon ruins are a great place to level up, this is also my training room. Like a (boxing noises), and then I go (boxing noises). - Why is the bell on the ground? - Because that's nother Dark Souls reference. You gotta go down to the demon ruins and ring the bell after you beat Quelaag. Ding, ding. - Yeah, Sarah, you (beep) idiot. (laughing) - Wake up. - The last thing I'm gonna show you, my actual house to the left. - We have the same foreign farm and room. - We do, Tomey, you're the smartest man I've ever met. All right, so, uh, over to the left here, we have my international treasures room. I'm probably gonna move it to be either the basement or the attic, because I'm running out of space. Um, so there's actually very little. It's more like a hoard, really. - Your, uh, your character is gonna end up on TLC, for sure. (laughing) - Because I keep singing "Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls". Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is my, uh, ancient fish that generates all the power for my house. - This room probably smells fantastic. - Yeah. - Yeah, fish and-- - A hamster, two fish, a skull, cats. - These are my two cats. They're Zelda and Freya. They're in here. - It's pretty impressive for, because a villager definitely never has sex, but he still manages to have a room that smells like syphilis. (laughing) - Because of all the koalas. (laughing) All right, and then lets go upstairs. Let's go upstairs to my treasure room. - I accidentally left. - I left the house. - No, you missed the best part. - When a party's going great. - Just grabbing these things, so I can craft you all flower crowns before you leave. It's goodie bags. You can all have beautiful golden flower crowns as you go. - Shayne, what're you- What did you do, Shayne? - Nothing, man. - You're laughing. - Stop being weird. - Tomey! Fine, Tomey doesn't get a flower crown. - No, here. - Yeah, Tomey, you don't get one. - What did Tomey do? - You don't get one, Tomey. - No, Sarah, put it back. (cross talking) - No one gets any flower crowns. I'll just make more for myself. - Dang it. - Tim gets so many flower crowns. Thanks for coming over and not roasting my island very much. - Yeah, my Switch is burning up from all the hot (beep) I've been seeing. (laughing) - The best thing you came up with is that my villager has never had sex. In a game where the only other occupants of the town are animals. So, yeah, you guys. You really nailed me with that one. - I think that's enough. I mean, I didn't need to roast your island, I got two golden flowers. - That'll make a big difference on your island. - Yeah, I promise, Damien, I'm not gonna take any gold roses. Just gonna take one of these bad boys. There we go. - Actually, don't. Shayne, actually don't, I will kill you. - Well, we had a good time here. - Hey, this has been fun. If you liked all the fucking jokes that we did, I hope you click on, Over here where we did... (laughing) Okay, I'm canceling, fine, you bunch of babies. Give me back my roses. - Yeah, we're the babies. - Tim can give you your island. All right, Oh, I'm the baby? Let's talk about that. I'm gonna end the session.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 745,089
Rating: 4.9685421 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, animal crossing, 5 star animal crossing island, animal crossing new horizons, acnh, We Roast Damien's 5 Star Animal Crossing Island
Id: MCBL7o_Yx3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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