Which Smash Bro Is The Most Smashable? (Tier List)

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- Have you always wished you could date in a game? - [Audience] No! - Have you fantasized about smashing a bro? - [Audience] What? - Do you daydream about using science to determine which smash bro is the absolute hottest? - [Audience] You made it worse. Probably not but that's what this is. (bright upbeat music) Smash bros and Smosh games, The two brands founded upon having too many characters on screen at one time. I'm Tommy Bowe, certified video game dumbass and while Smash bros has their last-minute DLC add-ons, Smosh games has me. Today, I'm diving deep into the Smash bros roster to answer the question everyone has told me is inappropriate. Which bro is the best smash? I'll be running my qualified smashlers through a checklist of sexy criteria based on science. These are scientific studies that polled women to find out what they found most attractive in men. What women? When was this? All good questions for someone who actually read the studies. Luckily for me, the results were all listed out in an article I found online. So yeah, writing this was stupidly easy but the editing is gonna suck so sorry whoever's editing this. It's me. Using these findings, I've created a point system I call Smashability. Each character will get one point for each thing the ladies scientifically like. Men who don't smell like garlic, men who are wearing bread, who have facial symmetry, look older, have a beard and are muscular, have a pet and are confident. And for garlic free, everyone gets a point except for Wario 'cause literally fuck you Wario. But there's a second rating system that I'm throwing in. A thoroughly researched professional list of criteria that reflects the societal norms of human attraction in today's technological age. It's the (beep) science, you sexy? The rating system. Again, each character's getting one point per thing. Does he have money so he can pay for my post ironic trip to Olive Garden? Tall, dark, handsome aka Scorpio vibes? Dangerous. Will his lifestyle make my parents hate him because if so, I'm in. Daddy, hot man make crotch go yeehaw? And daddy issues because nothing makes a man more attractive than a strained relationship with his father. I like him sad. There's also a bonus point for whoever looks the most like 2019 sexiest man of the year. David Dobrik? Okay so he was an honorable mention but still that's, it's real dumb. David no, I didn't mean it. We love you and want you in our videos please, David. That means between science and personal preference, anyone can earn up to 14 points. So I have my rating system and I have this one chance to prove myself on Smosh games. Will I fail? I hope the (beep) not. First off everyone is not here. I'm taking all the women off the list. Why? Because it's 2020 and women have been objectified enough. Also women are not my type. - [Male] Gay! - To guarantee a certain ad selling video website won't demonetize my paycheck, I'm doing this legally. That means any character that would be weird to call attractive is off the list. So, just like my alcoholic aunt, this video should not have children. And then there's the teens who don't understand calling me discount Grant Gustin is not a compliment. Whoa, Little Mac is that buff at 17? Hold on. Yeah, hi? How do I get buff? Effort? That's too bad. And that includes Lank because according to every Google search result, he's 17. And if you're disappointed, you're going Nintendo directly to jail. That's a child. Then of course we have to put down the animals. I mean eliminate the animals and Bowser, so long gay Bowser. See it's in the law, kissing animal on forehead not the lippies. Pokemon may have really long phallic tummies but they're still animals. We're getting rid of Piranha plant because ouch and we're eliminating aliens and robots before they eliminate us. Look who it is? It's all the Fire Emblem characters Frankenstein together. Why? Well because they all look the same. Oh, okay. Bye. And so I don't waste my time ranking all of these finalists, I've put them into a dating app I made called Not Tinder. Not Tinder, the app you can't sue me for. Okay, he's kinda cute. Yeah, I don't like big this either. Too flat. So how we liking this tinder montage guys? You know I hope you're taking time to pause, look at the graphics I made. I spend a little too much time on the graphics if I do say so myself, probably you know eight, nine hours. Well, that's that. And that leaves us with our smashlers. Who will I choose to be my main? Who will 1v1 me three stock in the bedroom? Who will be by my side when I pass on to my final destination? Let's find out. He can spit fire but dies when he touches a turtle, the most boring icon of all time, it's a him, Mario. Mario looks both 40 and 12 years old but according to a Miyamoto interview from 2005, he's 25 years old. So he's garlic free 'cause he's not Wario. He is the red guy and of course he has facial symmetry. For looks older, I'd say he looks more baby. White beard? No. And mustaches alone are gross. Mario has the muscle definition of a hot dog. Confident? I mean yeah. He's got some cojones to call Bowser gay so I know you're all thinking his pet is Yoshi but if he really cared about Yoshi, he wouldn't be doing this. (bright upbeat music) You're wondering where Dr. Mario is? Here he is. I looped him into Mario because he's the only Eco fighter, that's literally another character and look, if he's a doctor, he's got some student debt and I already have too much of that. Tall, dark, handsome? That's a no-no and a no. Dangerous? Yes because my mom would be pissed if my boyfriend crashed a moon wedding. Daddy? No. It's it's more baby and there is no mention of a dad in his lore or Dr. Mario's lore. Let's tally up those points and that leaves Mario smash ability at a five. Just like Trisha Peters, he's constantly getting screwed by an old man, it's Luigi. Every time I google it, I get a different answer but Luigi's basically the same age as Mario. All right. Since Luigi's basically long Mario, there's a few things we can blast through here. Obviously garlic free, he's not wearing red, he's got facial symmetry, he does not look older, ain't no beard on that face, he is not muscular and for confidence, I would say an anthropomorphic pimple in middle school has more confidence than he does, yeah. A pet? He does have a pet. It's the cutest and deadest one in gaming history. (bright upbeat music) You know the only thing Luigi has going for him is money so good for him. Yeah, Luigi is none of the above and he's actually quite short. Dangerous? This guy, dangerous? Last time I checked, sticking your ass out isn't daddy energy. There's no dad in his lore but he does have brother issues. Okay. Let's see how our tiny dancer does. And that leaves our poor little boy with four smashability points. He makes basketballs look square, he's the Danny DeVito of Nintendo, it's Wario. According to this Nintendo Power magazine comic from the 90s, Wario went to preschool with Mario which makes him 25, which is as shocking to me as it is to medical professionals. Wario's obvious points are facial symmetry and no beard but when it comes to garlic free, we all know Wario doesn't get the point. I know it's controversial but in this outfit, he has red. For looks older, I'm gonna give him a point because he kinda looks like if Mario became an alcoholic. Yeah, he is muscular and that really weirds me out. He apparently had a pet in "Warioland II", a chicken named Hen, stupid name but it hasn't been seen since and I think I know why. You know those people who are a little too confident for what's going on? Look, if you have money, you're not desperate for more. Now Wario's skeleton is not, not good. Dangerous? Yeah. He's a classic bad boy on that motorcycle. I hope everyone knows the difference between daddy and dad bod, all right? And following suit with everyone else so far, no dad. And how does Mr. Midriff hold up to the competition? That brings Wario smashability total to six out of 14. I showed him my moves and he said I was uncomfortable in my body, it's Captain Falcon, age 36 years old and have zero ex. Douglas Jay Falcon... I'm sorry, his name is Doug. His name is Doug? Anyway let's knock out all the obvious ones, yeah? I can't give him a point for facial symmetry 'cause he's wearing a helmet but let's just check under their. Oh, put it back. No beard. For all I know, he's completely hairless. Yeah, Doug is dummy thick. Dougie thick? He doesn't have a pet yet. He's a race car driver and a bounty hunter. That's too fat incomes. Maybe? No, it's not the same. Yeah, those cars go faster than me sprinting to the bathroom after a cold brew. Daddy, let's check. That's a yeehaw from downstairs and there's no dad in the lore. Too bad, he could have been so smashable. All right, let's tally up those points. Dougie Falcon is coming in at nine out of 14. He's a man bear pig but bear in the gay way, it's Ganondorf. Ganondorf is apparently ageless or whatever reincarnation means in Zelda games. He's garlic free, he's got facial symmetry and he certainly shaped like an adult. Light beard, I'm gonna give him the point because of his mutton chops that are also part of his eyebrows that are also part of his hair which is red. Yeah he's muscular. His abs could high rule my world. Oh my God! I wrote this script. Unless he's counting himself, no pet. He's balding and nosing but there's still some about him. I don't know if he has money, money but as evil ruler of whatever, he can get me a room full of breadsticks. Tall, dark, handsome? Yes. Dangerous? Uh, yeah and daddy of the (mumbles) aha and again no daddy issues. Oh don't worry, there'll be some. Let's see how he do and that's 11 points for Ganondorf. Ass so thick they had to nerf it, it's Snake>. In "Metal Gear Solid 1", sSake is 33 years old and has no eyes. We're just gonna scoot through all the obvious ones here but take note he is the first one with a real beard, muscular I mean, dead ass. Confident? I mean that ass. Sorry about that. Yes, he has a pet. It's a little pet wolf, oh toto. Yeah, I don't know if he has money because everything else that sits in a box can't pay rent. He is by far the handsomest and darkest because he works at night. Other Metal Gear Solid characters have said that Snake actually likes killing but it's just a job, right? Daddy more like dad, his arch-nemesis big boss is his actual dad. That's the ultimate daddy issue. Let's see how our handsome devil stacks up. That leaves Snake at 11 out of 14 points which means he is tied with Ganondorf. Pac Man, who we only know is a man because EA sports, it's in his name. No one knows his age but like none voiceover me just said, "He's not a boy, he's a man." Let's just walk up, walk up, walk our way through the obvious ones here. Looks older, I don't know what he looks like. A smooth lemon? Risking your life for fruit? Takes balls. One ball, him. He doesn't have one but as the ghost guy, he should just take Luigi's. White pellets aren't worth anything Pac Man, wake up. Small brighten around. He eats ghosts. Yeah, I don't need to see Pac Man in a seductive pose. No, he's not daddy. I said I don't need to see it. Who is Pac Man's dad? Is it the void that created him, torments him, feeds him? That's hot. All right, let's see what he's got. That gives Pac Man six out of 14 points. The winner of smallest head, 10 years in a row, it's Terry Bogard. In the original "Fatal Fury", Terry is 35 years old which in gay world makes him elderly. Really though, imagine if I went through all of these each time. This is why we're skipping ahead. Muscular, yes he has every muscle except for a neck. Actually yeah. Terry has a pet monkey which is both niche and entirely illegal like I don't know stealing snow globes? He's gotta be confident to have a ponytail. He apparently has a part-time job, not sure which one but that's not gonna buy me mediocre pasta. I think what's throwing me off is the double scrunchie. My mom always told me, never to trust a martial artist with no neck. Okay but really, how long is this ponytail? When Terry was young, he watched his father get killed by a man named Geese. Let me say that again for you, Geese. Now that'll bruise the brain real good. Let's see how midlife crisis bodybuilder, Ash Ketchum holds up. And that gives Terry nine out of 14 points. Vadies and Ventlemen, it is time for the coveted David Dobrik point. The character that looks most like David Dobrik is. But I'm realizing now that I'm a hypocrite. Who am I to rank these sexy, sexy cartoon characters without subjecting myself to the same criticism? So I'm gonna rank myself. Facial symmetry? No. Looks older? I hope so. Red, red, red, red. There it is. Yes! Muscles? No and I am lonely because of it. Confidence? Well... Okay, it's not garlic but it's not good as long as this video goes well. Am I dangerous? No. That's a big no from many people. You know what, let's find out about this one. Hi dad. - [Man On Phone] Hi yeah. What do you want? - Yeah, I just wanted to say-- - [Man On Phone] Yeah. - I love you. - [Man On Phone] Okay, great. You know, you really just stop calling me during the day. - No, I mean, I love you. I'm just saying it. It's just a fun-- - [Man On Phone] That would've been good to hear on Father's Day or my birthday. - That gives me 6 points which means I'm attractive as Wario. Right back to the video, we have a tie between Ganondorf and Snake at 11 points. To decide between Snake and Ganon, I'm following in our scientific studies footsteps by pulling my coworkers. Basically I wanna know whether you think Snake or Ganondorf is more smashable? - That's what you do while I'm writing? Anyway, yeah. Let's go with snake. - Just to confirm, this is what you've been doing today, all day? This' what you've been doing all day today? Snake, I think Snake. - Well I definitely think Snake is the most smashable because I don't like that. - And so there was another tiebreaker that I'm gonna need an opinion on. Which out of these? Who do you turn off here? If you wanna... I mean he's kinda fun, right? - No, he is fun but this is about smashability? - Yeah. - It's gonna have to be Wario, yeah. - I'm right here, I'm right here in front of you-- - Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna say Wario. - You're gonna-- - I'm gonna say Wario. - I don't wanna hurt your feelings. - By choosing me over Wario and then I'm like, "Oh but Wario could be cooler." - No, no, no. I don't wanna hurt your feelings 'cause I'm definitely gonna go with Wario. I'm sorry. - Well Keith, this has been exciting for me. - I'll take both of this. (bright upbeat music) Hey. Thanks for coming to the emergency meeting that I called just now. I have a result from the video I've been doing. The winner of the most smashable smash bro is Snake. Is that cool? - That's what you brought us in here for? This has been a big waste of all of our time and your time. - This is company time. - This is company money that you're wasting. - I don't know what's under the parka of the ice climbers but I wanna see it. - Just also a side note, like I don't think a day goes by where I don't think Wario's hotter than Tommy. - What is Wario have that I don't have? Like-- - Confidence. (people talking simultaneously making them inaudible) - A good job, a secure job which you probably don't have right because of this-- (people talking in loud tones) - Why is Wario hotter than me? That doesn't, I'm not a basketball. (people talking simultaneously making them inaudible) Hey, thanks for watching my video. Hope you liked it. YouTube is gonna recommend one of these videos on screen and then the other one is something we recommend. Let's go ahead and keep watching Smosh games content. I'm so happy. Everything's great, everything is great. (people talking simultaneously making them inaudible) - Peach can get it, Zelda can get it.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 234,761
Rating: 4.9386015 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Which Smash Bro Is The Most Smashable? (according to science), smash bros, super smash bros, according to science, tommy bowe
Id: zFY4XyQjR_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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