Lying to Each Other for 27 Minutes Straight | Jackbox: Faking It

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♪ Everything's fine 'cause their is merch in the store ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Merch in the store ♪ ♪ We're all stuck inside and we miss the outdoors ♪ ♪ Wait don't think about that ♪ ♪ Stop thinking about that ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ There's merch in the store ♪ ♪ Comfy and cute and great in the shower ♪ ♪ I mean what ♪ ♪ I miss human touch ♪ ♪ Merch in the store ♪ ♪ New merch in the store ♪ (squirting) - Yep. (laughing). This game (beep) sucks. Why do I get chosen for this one only? (upbeat music) - Well, hello again and welcome back to some quarantine Jack-Box time. We're all together but alone in our own apartments and homes. And, hey, you're now with us too and we're all gonna have a great old time despite all of this. The game today is Fakin' It. - We've never played this one before, like on the channel. - Yeah, oh man. - It's something that I'm used to in the bedroom. (woman laughing) - What's up? - That's not a compliment to you at all. - What? - Shayne, one of us needs to change. - Courtney, I was wearing this and then you went to put on a denim jacket. - No I didn't. - Courtney's the faker. - Wow. - That means we're ready for this game. - So basically, that's basically the rules of this game. Every round there is one faker. One of us will not be getting prompts, the rest of us will be. We'll be answering them as best we can. The faker will just have to guess and just play along and blend in and lie and cheat and do whatever. And our goal, the rest of us have to all unanimously pick who that faker is. If we don't, we lose. If we do, we win. So for those of you at home, you'll be able to see probably more than we will playing the game right now. So, try to guess the faker before it gets to it. - [[Announcer] I see you are ready for some more Fakin' It. - Ah, Cool I'm a faker. - Let's go! (laughing) - Okay, Shayne, pick a category. - [Announcer] Number pressure. - Hell yes, got a different one, I don't know what this is. - Everyone's going to get a tab that involves holding up a number of fingers probably from one to 10. - Oh. - Okay, got it. - [Game] Go! (beeping) - No way. - Shayne! It's Shayne! It's so Shayne. One really? - This was the task. Hold up as many fingers as sports jerseys you own. - I only own one, it's a John Elway jersey. Courtney, what three do you own? - My track jersey, like a motorcycle racing jersey and the Clippers jersey. Damien, what do you own? - I own my twitch partner e-sports jersey. - I only have a Bronco's one jersey. - Ain't no way. - I only have one jersey. - But you love the Oakland athletics more than anyone I ever met. - I don't know who to vote for. - All right, I'm voting for Ian. I don't know why. - Why would people voting for me? - I vote for Ian too. - Yeah. - Yeah, let's all vote for Ian. - Damn. - No. (silly laughing) - Here we go. - Oh Jesus. I'm gonna guess, I'm gonna do a guess. - I don't, yeah, it's tough. This one sucks. - Oh (beep), sorry. - I think it's. - I think I have more, I think it could be more. - Guys, it's Damien. - It's Damien! - He put four. - No. - It might be Damien. - I have Facebook, I have Twitter, I have Insta and then I have Discord. - What about Snapchat? - What about TikTok? - LinkedIn! - Twitter? - Five then. - Keeping up with the business? - Yeah. - Twitter? - I'm thinking it's the Dams. - [Woman] It's not even on silly right now. - C'mon. - Snapchat lying around? - I do not have Snapchat on there. I don't have Vine. C'mon. (all laughing) - It's definitely not him but I'm just doing it just to be unanimous. - Just for funsies spite. - Let's see. - What if it's Sarah though? If it's Sarah, I'm gonna be-- - [All] Oh! - Yay, we did it! - So you have like eight social media platforms so you-- - I don't feel like Damien has that many social media platforms. - I know actually, that is the correct number. But I was lying. - If it was mobile games, it'd be like, oh. - Hey, I don't play those during the quarantine. I get too sad. - [Announcer] Let's start by picking a category. - It's like a never have I ever kind of sitch. (game music) - [Announcer] Go! (beeping) - Hi. - No. - Okay. - I'm assuming-- - So, not that I know of. - [Announcer] If someone has blocked you on Twitter. - I'm just saying like with how much we're out there and people see us, someone has to have done it, right? - Like I'm answering if I know for sure. - I think Sarah would be really smart if she like pretended to be super confident and knowing what-- - No, I actually know, I know who has blocked me but kept their profile public. - Who, name 'em and shame 'em? - It was like some old co-workers of mine, but I think-- - Oh yeah. - I think it's Damien. - I'm raising my hand 'cause I'm assuming-- - I think it's Damien 'cause he's not really sure. - Oh, Damien assuming is him. - someone has to have at some point. - I had to have made some goofy joke and people were like-- - All right, keep an eye on Damien. - [Announcer] We got two more chances to catch that faker. - Okay. - Here we go. - Keep your hands up until the prompts revealed. (game music) Keep it up. - Huh. Interesting. Interesting. - Raise your hand if you've cried in a movie theater recently. - Exactly. - I don't think Shayne has cried in a movie, he's too powerful. - Recently, I saw "Little Women" this year. - "Little Women's" incredible and the book will make you cry. - I cried in the movie. - Yeah. - Damn it! - Just 'cause you saw Timothee Chalamet once? - I saw Paris-- - I always cry when I see Timothee Chalamet. - I think it's Shayne. - Sarah what's it with crying. - I cried in "Little Women". - "Parasite." - I didn't cry in "Parasite". - "Parasite". - Parasite's so long ago. - [Announcer] You didn't find the faker and you didn't really learn anything definitive. Last chance to catch the faker. - I tried to. - Keep slampy on. - Oh, okay, oh. - Oh. - There's a lot of stories that need to be told. - Yeah what? - Define public. Okay? - It has to be outside, outside at an area where other people could be. - What counts as sex in this situation? - I'm say it's Tommy. I think I saw Tommy read. Hold on, I saw Tommy read the prompt afterwards. - This is so Ian. - I think it's Tommy. - I don't know, Ian. - It's definitely Ian. Ian is throwing so much, so much shade this whole time. Ian has been like for everyone. He's been like, it looks like Sarah-- - Why do you always say that, I'm trying to play the goddamn game. - I think it's Courtney. - It's Tommy. - She started to say defined public before the prompts show. - What was the location? - Man, the faker won. - It's Tommy. It's Tommy. - It's Tommy. - I told you it's Tommy. - Me, having sex in public. No. - You're like Ian's always accusing me of like, yes, that's 'cause I'm right, all right? - Yeah, but you're, Ian, you are also the first one. You are the first one to be like, I bet it was Sarah because her face looked weird at that moment. And we're like, "Whoa". - Whenever I'm the liar, I usually get really quiet. (laughing) - Okay, okay. - Dude. - Oh no, Hands of Truth again. - I think it defaults to that like every time. - I feel like Ian's saying that so he can now prime us and then he's gonna do the opposite. (gaming music) - [Announcer] Go! (beeping) - Whoa, Shayne. I think its Tommy again. - [Announcer] Raise your hand if you've ever gone skinny dipping. - I used to have a pool in my backyard as a kid and I would swim nakie every once in a while. - Yeah. That's the same as me. It wasn't like exciting. - Tommy, what was your story? - The story is I'm from Florida, so like anything goes in Florida. - I believe that. - In like who's pool? - That's a good testimony, I think it's Shayne. - Thank you. - Shayne's defense was yeah, yeah. (laughing) - Well he grew up with a pool. He drowned in it, so he was probably naked then. - I definitely jumped in my pool naked, but I was just like home alone so it wasn't like that exciting. I've never liked skinny dipped with other people. It's definitely not me. - I wonder if it's Sarah. - You know, I think about it. I guess I have gone skinny dipping 'cause I've been nakies in a hot tub, but I didn't equate that to cold water. - Yeah, I don't think hot tub counts. - Is that a dip? (gaming music) - [Announcer] Go! - Oh! - [Announcer] And the task was, raise your hand if you've ever lied about who you voted for. - This is clearly Courtney. - I think it's Courtney 'cause she was playing with her hair so that she'd be able to go like this very easily If other people-- - No no no. I generally think my hair is doing some weird (beep) right now. - I get the feeling it might be Sarah. She keeps accusing other people and it keeps coming out of nowhere. - True. - And then whenever I bring this up, she does this. - It's not me. - Switch to Sarah, switch to Sarah. - It's not me. - Sarah, Sarah, if it isn't you you should be trying to figure out who it is. - It's not me, dude. - Who put it on Courtney? - That would be Sarah. (laughing) - [Announcer] Everyone voted for-- (squirts) Collectively you all made the wrong-- - Oh, so it's gotta be Courtney then. - It's Ian. - One last chance to catch the faker. (game music) - [Announcer] Go! - Oh my (beep). - What? - What the (beep)? - [Man] How is it not Sarah now? - How is it not both of them? They both took forever. - We both have bras in our house. We have bras in our house. - All right, I think it's Sarah. - But we voted for Sarah. - We voted for Sarah. - We voted for Sarah a minute ago, it wasn't her. - It's not me. - Let's all go Courtney. - I don't think it's Courtney. I'm pretty sure-- - However, I will say if one of the guys is the faker, but I say all Courtney. - You know what? She did it. - Unanimous, someone vote. I think it's Tommy but I'm going for Courtney just in case. - And the votes were for-- (squirts) - No way, it's Courtney - Wow. - It's tough, dude. - Tommy. - Again? - Again. - In the same breath, you say, I'm really good at this game and then you don't believe me, you don't believe me. - All right, last round. - [Announcer] Okay it's time for the last round. Text You Up. - What's this? - [Announcer] Answer three questions to each of your devices. (beeping) - You are the faker, answer generally enough. - [Announcer] Now the faker has three questions to answer to. They just have slightly different questions than everyone else. So, good luck, faker. - All crazy here. - All right. - Let's tartufo, letting out some tarputs. - [Announcer] Answers to the first text task. The best month to take a vacation. - It's gotta be may. (coughing) - Any tirm? - Jan because cheap flights, I don't travel much. - I don't know why. - Any tirm? - I was tryna say any time during the summer. I don't know why that's (laughing). - See, Ian, I would have believed that until your excuse just now. (laughing) - No. That's honestly why. - Any tirm! - Hold on, hold on, hold on. Why July though? - July's great that's-- - 4th of July. - What, they're the summer. - I don't travel much. - I think May. - Everybody had a good reason, except for you. - [Announcer] And the prime suspect was-- (squirts) - Like, straight up, that's why I said it wrong. That's game (beep) sucks. (all laughing) Why do I get chosen for this one only? - This is the worst one. - Someone's gotta be the faker, dude. - Game (beep). - That's ridiculous. Come on. - I will say, I will say-- - Tommy wins. - This game is either my favorite game or my least favorite game of all time, depending on what side I am on it. (upbeat music) - [Announcer] Let's start by picking a category. - Dude, you better be good-- - I'm gonna do the pointing ones. - Yeah do that one. - Yeah. - [Announcer] You Gotta Point. - Get your name-- (murmuring). - We did crafts. - I made mine. - Smells like ink. - Party smell. - All right, look at the prompt. Pick a name. - [Announcer] Game of it all. - [Announcer] Go! (beeping) (all laughing) - Oh, (beep) no, that's so true. That's so good. - Okay. - [Announcer] The task was, point at the person with the worst memory. - I always like never remember people's names. - I think it's Courtney. - Shayne, I need some explanation from you, my guy. - Look, I think it's very specific. You remember specific things and then other things you forget. You're always very vigilant about what you think you remember. That doesn't always mean it's correct. - So I'm voting for Shayne. - Yep. - All right, fine. - I voted for Ian 'cause literally in the last round he was just like, I think I may have crapped my pants. Wait, did I, wait, who's not unanimous? Someone vote. - Someone vote. - Someone vote. - So vote. (laughing) - Oh. - In your own what? - That faker is still on the loose. You got two more chances to catch the faker. - You're off the hook this time, Shayne, but not for long. Sunny boy. (woman laughing) - [Announcer] Sending out your second You Gotta Point task to your devices now. - Got 'em sweet. They're so sweet. - Oh. - Oh, that's a good. - There's so many options. - Well, the problem is all of us can be used for almost every single question. (game music) - I think. (men laughing) - Me? - And the task-- - No way! - [Announcer] Point at the person who probably has the most speeding tickets. - I definitely think it's Sarah. - Ian goes driving like a madman every Sunday. - Wait! - I said Courtney too. - Yeah. - I don't have any speeding tickets. I have zero speeding tickets. - I just assume that Courtney is like a speedy, speedy little girl. - I am but I don't get caught. - I see Sarah as being irresponsible with her driving. If Matt Rob was in this game, then I would vote him. - Ian goes to like the mountains or whatever to drive around with his other fancy car friends. - I think vote. - And Courtney does speed. I will admit I've been in the car with her, but I think Sarah speeds the wrong times and has just also been unlucky and has gotten speeding tickets. - Nope, I've never gotten a speeding. - You couldn't agree. - Who else did not vote that round? - Have any of us ever gotten speeding-- - Who has got one? - I've never got one. - None of us gotten speeding tickets? - Probably me. No, 'cause I've never gotten one. - Worst memory. - Worst memory and speeding tickets. (game music) - Go! (cheering) - Shayne, that's Shayne. - That's so Shayne. - [Announcer] Point at the person with the smallest feet. - I don't know, Courtney's got big feet. (laughing) (Courtney yells) Courtney has like the same size feet as me. - No I don't, my shoe size is smaller than you. - I'll cut off all my toes so I do have the smallest feet. (Shayne laughing) - All the votes went to-- (squirtS) That is indeed the faker. - Good job. (chattering) I've realized though with this, whoever is the faker, it's either if you answer Ian or Courtney, that has been 80% of the answers throughout all of these. - Interesting. - Oh, thank you. - Ian and Courtney, Tommy if every time I picked Tommy I've gotten (beep). - Yup. - I would say Shayne, I'm proud of you for participating. - [Announcer] Everyone's going to get a task that involves making some kind of facial expression. - We haven't done this one. - You have to make a face. - You're gonna make a face but make it at the point that they tell you and then fold it until the prompt is revealed. (laughing) Everyone get up. (beeping) - Ian. - It's either Ian or Courtney, 'cause Courtney was just laughing through the whole thing. - What was Sarah doing? Sarah looked like she was laughing the whole time. - I'm doing the Robert de Niro. I'm doing the Robert DeNiro. - Robert DeNiro? - Yeah. - That's Robert Niro. - You know that? - No, it's Ian. - Tommy did the same (beep) face. - [Announcer] Everyone voted for-- (squirts) - Man. - The faker has been found. - Yeah. - My face was the same as Tommy's. Look, I just wanna put it out there. It was the same face. - Let's see. (Upbeat music) - Let's go back to the Hands of Truth. Classic. (game music) - Go! (beeping) (game music) - What's with the two half-assed raised hands from Tommy? - I had the biggest laugh lines but no dimples, bro. - I don't have-- - I don't know what, - Would they really make him a liar again? - Do you got that crease? Can you shove a sandwich in there and hold it for later? - It's a donk. It's almost like a poke. - Shayne, If you're not so sure, why would you raise your hand? - Yeah, it's like this. - That's what I want to know. - Then it would be equally questionable if I didn't or did regarding this. I thought I did. I don't know, I didn't have time to Google the definition of dimples. (game music) - It looks like you have dimples. - You were very quiet that round. - 'Cause I kept smiling to see if I had dimples. - Ah. - Ah. - I like hearing your guys' reaction 'cause it doesn't pop up fast online, so I just-- (man laughing) Our WiFi's hella phat. - Go! (game music) - Story time. - Story time, Courtney. - [Announcer] Raise your hand if you've spit in someone else's food. - Families be crazy sometimes, lots of siblings. - I think it's Courtney. - Courtney. - She waited way too long on that answer. - Ian used to work at a Chuck E. Cheese. You're telling me you never-- - Yeah, I've never worked in-- - I ain't never worked in a Chuck E. Cheese. I never have never spit in somebody's food. - It was one time. - Tommy tell us the story of when you didn't-- - Courtney was way too blank faced-- - You were making Mac and cheese with burger meat and I was pissed off at my brothers. - I think it's either Courtney-- - It's not. - What the hell! - It's not Courtney. - I think it's either Courtney or Damien. - It's not Courtney 'cause I saw her looking for people's dimples in the first one before the prompt. - Then I think it's Damien then, 'cause Damien's been extra accusatory. - I've been very quiet. Courtney said I was super quiet the first round. - I think it's going to be Courtney, but we'll see. (game music) - Go! - Okay, it's Courtney. - Courtney Miller. (all laughing) - I forgot, it's Courtney Ruth Wmiller. - Courtney. - I'm pushing, I'm pushing. - Me, Courtney said she has a w in her name, who voted for me? - Courtney. - [Announcer] All the votes went to-- (squirts) - Courtney Mwiller. - Courtney Wuth Miller. - Perfect. - Number pressure - That is a good one. (laughing) - Wait, am I going hetero or gay standards here? - Whatever you want. - Okay. (laughing) (game music) Go! (beeping) - Ah. - Keep them up. - Four, Damien. - Because the word should throws me off. It could be one, it could be two. - Four dates? - But should is a little weird. - I think it's like flower whatever you're feeling. If you have a first date. - Yeah. - Could be incredible. - Here's why it's definitely Ian. 'Cause Ian keeps going on date after date, after date after date, just getting to know people and I don't think he's boning all of them. - Yeah, Ian, you've specified that. - He's a slow dater. - You guys think that you can't see nudity unless you're boning. - It's not how many of dates should there be? It's before there should be nudity. It's like-- - There may be a little bit of nudity and not sexual things. - I guess that's fair, that is fair. I will-- - So you're just like let me see your butt. - That's a tough one, that's a tough one. - See you next time, - Sending out your second Number Pressure task to your device now. - Here we go. - Ah, ew. - More times than we can admit, right boys? (game music) Go! - Oh, oh, Shayne. Shayne, you started at four, then went to two? - I started at three-- - Times you've watched all of the Lord of the Rings. - 'Cause I've definitely watched fellowship. I've definitely watched fellowship a couple times. I think I've only watched Return of the King twice. - I don't think Shane's lying. I remember one time we both got invited to a "Lord of the Rings" all day marathon thing. I couldn't go, he could, that probably makes it definitely two. - I own them on Blu-Ray and-- - I wonder if Sarah has ever even seen "Lord of the Rings". - I have, my dad would take me to a-- - Damien has been complaining about his WiFi. I think he's using it as an advantage. - As an excuse? - Wow, Courtney, you're wrong. But wow. - That sold me. - I like that theory. - Good theory, Court. - You're wrong. - Been the fakery today. - What? - This game, last round. - I don't think everyone voted on that. (man chuckles) - It's a good one. - That's everybody. - This is the moment. - [Announcer] Go! (game music) - What? Five? - This was the task. - What's wrong with five? - [Announcer] Hold up as many fingers as time shaved your legs. - I don't know what's normal. - In quarantine? - Yeah, I'm still tryna get laid. - No, no, that's what I'm saying. I think Sarah might be three because she actually has somebody living with her. Courtney has nobody. - Wow. - You don't know my life. You don't know if I have a man in my closet. - Ah. - Wait, Sarah, you were her roommate in Australia and that was part of this month. Any leg shaving going down? - Yeah, tell us. - We had separate showers the whole time. - Yeah. - You didn't hold hands? - Spill the beans. - We didn't even shower together. - I shaved on tour and in Australia. - Gotta be unanimous, y'all. - We gotta vote. - I'm in on Courtney. - Who's on Courtney? - Who's on me? Who's on me right now? - [Announcer] Too bad, you couldn't get it together for that last vote. - Who could be the faker? - Sarah. - She was slow to that last question. - Yeah, I noticed that too. - I was watching Tommy, and then I had to go over to Courtney real quick. (laughing) - Last round. - Text You Up. - I love this. - I've sent three questions to each of your devices. - This has been-- (beeping) - I bet it's Ian. - I bet it's me. Is everyone locked in? - We need a Shayne. - Shayne's laughing. - Shayne's laughing. - I wonder if it's Shayne, 'cause he took so long. Trying to think of what to lie about. - What's everyone's plan? - I'ma be sleeping. - In bed visit family. (all laughing) - I'm planning to go to my dad's backyard. - Yeah. - I actually believe that. - Okay. - Yeah, I don't know. - These are all good. I don't know. - Eat. - In bed. - I'm going to literally be in bed. - Damien would say streaming. He would say streaming or something like that. - Oh yeah, you're right, Ian. - What are you saying Ian, that I stream at noon on Sundays @Twitch.TV. - It would be more like-- - Everyone's gotta vote. - It would have been-- - But I'll do that in bed. - That's tough, I felt like all the answers fit in that one. - I'll have a second answer, but I won't have a third answer. - [Announcer] The poster you had in your room as a kid. - Also, I want to say I may have with mine-- - Damien (laughing)-- - Pennywise the clown! (all laughing) - Disney. - Disney? - Posters of lions-- - I saw the original "IT" when I was five years old. - You know those like inspirational-- - Guys we got to vote, we got to vote. I think it's Damien. - I saw IT when I was five years old. And I love clowns. - Sarah's that says Disney. - I changed it. - It just says Disney. - I changed it to Little Mermaid and it didn't register. I changed it to Little Mermaid. - Disney, my eye, Disney. - All right. Who didn't vote? - Guys. - We keep wasting this if one of us doesn't vote. And then we have no idea-- - Yeah. - [Announcer] Some place you'd like to take a date to. - Fellows am I right? - I don't have an answer. - Fellas. (men laughing) - Get her. - Come on you wanna take the sex town? - Little Mermaid? (chattering) - Posters in my room. - No, no, no, no guys, that's a mess up. - That wouldn't be Sarah because she double answered. - Yeah, we did the same thing. - Both of ours glitched, so it's obviously Applesbee. - Well, then we don't know. - It's Applesbee. - But I'm literally saying guys it's not Sarah. - It's Applesbee. Vote Applesbee, there we go. Put it In - Sex town. - Sex town. - [Announcer] And everyone voted for-- - Y'all a bunch of haters. - [Announcer] Oh yes, you caught the faker. - Applesbee's the greatest. - Applesbee. (Shayne laughing) - Pennywise the Kawaiist clown? - It gave me some wiggle room. - How could you survive that? Damien is incredible - Shocking. - Damn look at that. Look at how many of us voted correctly for Damien every time - [Man] I know. - I knew it, Sarah wins. - Well done. - [Announcer] Well done, good job. - Thank you guys, thank you. I can lie and I can also find a liar. Guys, thank you so much for joining us for Fakin' It. While we're in quarantine, you guys did all great. I'm especially proud of Shayne and all his lying he's done today. Bravo, we've really pushed you to your limits. If you wanna watch more Smash Games videos, you can click over here and here. One of them YouTube chose and one of them we chose. Watch all our videos and stay safe. Bye bye. - Bye bye - Bye. - Bye. - It's a sable from Pokemon.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 898,654
Rating: 4.9691153 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Lying to Each Other for 27 Minutes Straight | Jackbox: Faking It, jackbox, jackbox games, faking it, jackbox faking it
Id: 0vg5NlyZho4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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